Posts Tagged ‘History’

You must not read articles! You are too weak to decide for yourself what to think!

February 27, 2020

Facebook Plugin Might Stop You Reading My Articles

BS Detector List: Facebook Fake News Filters
Tonight I did what I used to do when my own server was up and running quite a lot, and that was search on Google for sites that were linking to me.
You can just put site: [sitename] into Google or many other search engines search box and it will return a list of sites that mention the site you have listed.
So I did a search for site: and had a peruse at my leisure to see what BS had been written about me.
Of course I am a Russian Agent that pushes evil ex-commie propaganda on you all, that seems like a given from some of the sites I looked at. It must be due to me not pushing the “lets have a war with Russia” neo-con/neo-liberal line that seems to wash over much of the US governing elite at the moment.
Hey I admit it. I don’t want to burn to a crisp in a nuclear holocaust. I do apologise to any blogger out there that thinks I have a pro-Russian bias. I just don’t believe Russia wants a nuclear war, and think your very stupid if you do want one.

Then I came across this site that talks about a Facebook Plugin designed to warn users if they click on a link taking them to one of 559 websites. It is a 3 year old article but then again my Facebook page for this site has been removed and I have had social media sites and communities removed in the blink of an eye without any consultation before so who knows what the kind Samaritan who apparently complied the list thinks of me.It seems that this good egg who compiled the list is one, Melissa Zimdars, an assistant professor of Communication and Media at Merrimack College. It is none other than she, that and I quote “compiled a list of the most egregious offenders”.

Well I feel honoured to be considered Melissa. It seems I am worthy enough to be upon this list along with such evil doers as the Drudge Report, Russia Today, and of course the rabid, evil views from

It does say my site has a “(classification pending)” next to it, so maybe in the eyes of this author I am still to be labelled and put in a nice box for the authorities. However I also found this list of raw site URLs which had me labelled down for “bias” and “conspiracy”. Well I don’t know what my bias is, but if it’s that I am against a 3rd nuclear war, hate fake current and historical narratives and I’m not a “co-incidence theorist” then yes those labels are correct.

It seems this core list has been copied, and amended in some cases across numerous blogs claiming to have a list of “fake news sites”, or “sites to be careful reading”, whatever that means. If it’s that you might find an alternative and possibly more correct view of an event than those spouted by the mainstream media outlets then yes.

I did find it amusing on the site to find under the category “State Run” just the two sites from the countries the US is currently pushing its propaganda for war with, Russia Today and Iran’s Press TV.What I want to know is where was the BBC?
You cannot get a more state run organisation than the BBC, a news broadcaster that has the backing of the government in forcing all live TV viewers to fork out over £150 per year to pay for a licence fee that funds the BBC’s reporting.
Therefore it is something I expect, to be labelled a conspiracy theorist just because I don’t believe in physics that says an aluminium plane cannot fly at 550mph just inches above the ground and punch it’s way through 3 rings of re-enforced concrete as supposedly happened at the Pentagon on 9.11.
Oh and you must call me anti-Semitic for daring report what many US news stations did on the day of 9.11 about the “dancing Israelis”, flicking lighters and positioned where no-one else would know to be, filming the first plane hit the Twin Towers. Known Mossad agents who were released by the FBI without charge and went onto an Israeli TV show to claim that they were, “just documenting the event”.
And I must be a “hate speech” site for daring to talk about how Israel is assassinating hundreds of Palestinians at the fence that divides them from their old stolen homes.Or how the Mossad stole British passports to use in their assassination of a Hamas leader in Dubai, or show the YouTube video recording of two IDF soldiers shooting 9 bullets into the back of an injured US citizen, Furkan Dogan, on their high seas attack on the Mavi Marmara.
Then of course I must fall into the most evil category at all as well. No-one can point out that Auschwitz itself has decreased the number of people that died within it’s rebuilt walls from 6 million down to under a million without being a blatant liar and holocaust denier. I guess the people running the camp, and the historians who have lowered the number from a round perfect 6 million, a number that is stated in the Torah as the number of Jews who must die before they can return to Israel, must fall into the same category as me?
So what do to if these blogs and sites are correct, and my site is on these lists to be considered so dangerous as to warn anyone visiting that it’s not a reliable source? 

Well what we need is a real “Alternative News” search engine. I did attempt creating one on my old site, I basically just returned Google’s results as does through a proxy server to remove all the trackers, and then I had a list of sites such as the BBC, MSBC, CNN and other “authoritative news sources” that I removed from the results.However that server is not running anymore and I doubt anyone out there is going to create a real #altnews search engine. Therefore I am going to do the next best thing.

You might have noticed at the top of the site a new search box. It’s not finished yet as I haven’t had enough time to add all the sites I want. However seeing that these people are so desperate to not allow others to see content from this and other sites, and they have been so considerate to compile a list of sites so dangerous to visit. I think I will try to add this list, or as much of it as I can, to this search box and create a way for people to search purely alternative news sites.

They made me a nice list so it would be very rude not to make use of it. I just need some time to play around with the various search engine filters out there and hopefully you can bypass the BBC, CNN and all the pro-war establishment and conformative historical sites the compilers of this list don’t want you to view. It might just help people get to the points of view that big brother and the establishment don’t want you to hear.

I can only try, seeing that I might soon wash down Google and Facebook’s, dirty sink plug, to the dark web not accessible by most search engines. Have a go, search for some of your favourite topics and see what the results are like.

Also if you have an ideas of sites or blogs not on this “blacklist” please let me know in the comments section and I will have a look and maybe add them to the search engine.

Check the search engine out on the main site.

By Dark Politricks
© 2020 Dark Politricks

David Icke Tells The The Greatest Story Ever Told

May 11, 2014

David Icke And The The Greatest Story Ever Told

By Dark Politricks

If you have the time I suggest watching this talk given by David Icke.

It is almost 5 hours long and posted by Oblivion TV.

Anyway the talk goes from the ancient history of the earth all the way to our modern sheep like slave lives and how we can set ourselves free.

David talks about the ancient technology that existed thousands of years ago, the religious stories, the history of the ancient world and the hidden knowledge that has been kept from us to be held in the hands of the few that control us to this very day.

He even describes how our modern leaders already have the knowledge to cure Cancer, create vegetation in deserts, own technology to heat and power our houses without fossil fuels at a fraction of the price and much more besides. He also talks about how the CIA and other agencies keep this knowledge from us to control us.

He winds back all the way to the Annukai, our supposed “Gods“, which the Sumerian texts reveal in intricate detail.

If you haven’t heard it before then you should know that the Bible is just a re-hash of these older texts and that the original tablets were interpreted by Zecharia Sitchin who treated them as literal history rather than allegories and metaphors.

This was probably due to some of the very modern like images on these tablets. These included people in flying machines looking exactly like pilots in planes or airships as well as stories of genetic manipulation. The story goes that these ancient astronauts created test tube babies by mixing their own genes with those of our own primitive races to become their worker race. The purer bloodlines went on to become the royal families and rich banksters we all know and hate.

David Icke has some slightly different theories than Sitchin who first came up with the Ancient Astronaut story of our birth on this planet.

Sitchin believed that a “wandering planet” named Nibiru came into our solar system thousands of years ago and one of it’s moons collided with a planet causing the now current asteroid belt. It would make sense, those million pieces of tiny rocks didn’t come from nowhere.

However David has an alternative theory involving Venus which explains the “great flood” that occurred on Earth as well as the starting of agriculture on earth at great heights – which would make sense if a large part of the world is covered by water. This is the great flood talked about in the Sumerian texts as well as the Bible and other ancient stories which are re-hashes of older versions.

David believes that two advanced races came to earth, one from Mars, the white race, and the Annukai a reptilian race who interbred. It was these bloodlines that went on to become our kings and royalty, the keepers of hidden knowledge and therefore power over the common person.

This “white race” is the name for Caucasians, due to them coming from the Caucasus mountains, and they entered Europe becoming the European Caucasian white race. Included in this race were the interbred Annukai blood lines who controlled us through their knowledge and hidden power.

However I don’t want to leave it to me to speak for David and whilst some call him a crank for believing in reptilian blood lines his talks are compelling.

A large part even makes sense when you look around us and then compare our “peak of modern technology” to the ancient Pyramids, 80 ton rocks slotted together without a crack between them in Syria, and ancient pictures drawn into the grounds of Peru that could only be seen from the sky.

It is clear from watching talks given by Jim Marrs, David Icke and others that our ancient relatives were not so primitive at all.

How and why I will leave that up to you to decide but before writing off any of these historians and revisionists as cranks I suggest watching their talks and then reading up on their theories first.

Some things on this planet just do not add up, including our ancient history, previous civilisations, and how amazing and sophisticated cultures just sprang out of nowhere such as Egypt and Sumer.

There has to be an answer somewhere and at least some people are trying to find one that will set us free from our chains of bondage. These chains are due to occult knowledge held in the hands of the few.

If you really want to be free you need to know how you came to be in bondage in the first place. Listening to alternative views is a good place to start.

View the David Icke talk here.

Visit the original video on

View the original article at

A look at Israel and Zionism and how it effects Palestinians

June 4, 2013

A look at Israel and Zionism and how it effects Palestinians

By Dark Politricks

This documentary shows you the history of the plight of the Palestinian people since the Zionists took over Judaism and led it down a road of self fulfilling prophecy – e.g the return to the holy land.

This video is a must watch for anyone who considers themselves a “Christian” supporter of Israel.

Remember you don’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist and you don’t have to be Jewish to be Israeli.

Many Christians support Israel because they foolishly believe that the Jews returning to Israel is a sign that Jesus is about to return. All the while forgetting that this was prophecy not fulfilled by God but through the acts of man and acts that were not ours to commit.

Remember, and you will see many real Jews in this video talking about this. Many real Jews do not believe in the state of Israel as it exists now.

They see it as an affront to God as they were not given the land by God but through the Zionist movement who manipulated world consensus after the 2nd World War, holding the holocaust over the Wests head so that we gave them the right to another people’s land.

Remember this was not a land without people for a people without a land. This was a land full of people that were kicked out, massacred and murdered by the Zionists in their quest for a homeland.

We had no right to give the land of Palestine to the Jews after World War II.

As the film says how would you like it if I turned up at your home with my own holy book and said:

“my holy book says that your home belongs to me – hand it over”?

In fact as the Jewish people were maltreated, discriminated against and even killed throughout western Europe throughout the years the Middle East was one of the few places the Jews had no problem living in.

There used to be very large Jewish communities all over the Middle East from Iran to Iraq to North Africa. There are still large numbers of Jews even in Iran and when the Muslim empire receded in the Middle Ages from Spain the Jewish people left alongside the Muslims as they feared the actions of the Christians a lot more than those the Muslims may commit.

Therefore the Palestinian people are paying for Western guilt over the holocaust and the Zionists have no problem playing the holocaust card whenever possible to use that guilt to their advantage.

No other country since South Africa has lived under such apartheid yet we are not blockading Israel instead we are allowing it to get away with massacres on international waters, the use of chemical weapons in civilian areas, the killing of children and many more crimes that we wouldn’t put up with for a minute if that country didn’t have such strong lobby groups pulling the strings of our politicians.

Anti-Semite, anti-Semite!

They shout as you attack Israel’s foreign policy, forgetting that most Israeli’s are not even Semites and instead immigrants with no link to the land.

It has been admitted by many Israeli politicians and peace activists that this tactic of denouncing anyone who attacks Israel as an anti-Semite is a tool that has been successfully used over the years to squash dissent.

However we are now getting wise to this and can see through their hollow shouts as Palestinians kids throw stones at tanks and Israeli fighter planes paid for by American tax dollars fire missiles into chicken farms, Mosques and homes.

Under international law refugees are supposed to be able to return to their homeland however the Palestinians are stuck in squalid refugee camps as well as open air prisons such as Gaza with no right of return. All the while a convert to Judaism who has no links to the land can go and live in Israel as if they were 1st class citizens and the Palestinians 2nd class.

Just remember, the Zionists don’t respect Christians, they allow themselves to be supported by Christians who don’t realise how their “saviour” Jesus is denigrated and mocked by both religious texts and television shows.

They want our support for their “Greater Israel” and have no qualms about using false flag attacks such as the Lavron Affair or the attack on the USS Liberty to get us to fight for them. Don’t believe me – just check those two historical events out.

Watch the video below or on

View the original video Israel – Occult Zionism – Hell on Earth – Documentary – WW3 – NWO on

You can read the original article “Israel and Zionism – the true face of hell for Palestinians” at my main website

When is a cult a religion and when is a religion a cult?

May 20, 2012

By Dark Politricks

Watching The Big Questions this morning (2 articles this show has now spawmed) there was only one question which was “What’s the difference between a Cult and Organised Religion”

On one side were the standard old age religionis, Christians, Catholics, Rabbis and Muslims and on the other side we had members of existing “new” religions such as Raelians, Moonies – or as they are called now members of the “Unification Church”, an ex member of the Branch Davidians which if you remember was the target of the ATF and FBI ended up in a state sanctioned massacre of 82 religious people.

The audience was also filled with ex members of cults, physchologists who have studied the “brainwashing” techinques used by such called groups and other affected by these groups in one way of another.

In my mind it is quite simple but lets look at a definition of a Cult

  • a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
  • an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers: the physical fitness cult.
  • the object of such devotion.
  • a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.
  • Sociology . a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols.

Lets look at the definition of a Religion

  • a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
  • a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
  • the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.
  • the life or state of a monk, nun, etc. to enter religion.
  • the practice of religious beliefs – ritual observance of faith.

In mine and many in the audiences (apart from those belonging to organised religions) not much differece.

Jesus was supposedly a characteristic person who had followers – apparantly a key sign of a cult. The same could be said about Mohammed, Buddha, Hari Krishna and many other “old religions”.

The disagreement seems to be as one person said one of size. The Catholic Chuch is a huge and rich organisation whereas some of the orgainisations called cults such as the Raelians who believe we were created (just as scientisits on this planet are now starting to do with DNA) by human beings from another planet in the universe.

A case of aliens geo-engineering the earth and it’s inhabitants. When compared to some of the stories that the “official” religions believe in such as virgin births, coming back to life after dying and performing miracles not too bizare a belief.

What got my interest though was that one of the audience members said to an ex member of the Branch Davidians asked whether the leader David Koresh sexually abused children at the branch. The member denied this but others of the “scientific” community said that one of the signs of a cult as compared to a religion was the sexual abuse that was endemic within cults which had such charesmatic leaders that the followers did whatever he said due to brain washing techniques as well as the cult of personality. This seemed to be a big difference between living your life by a set of defined values (as Christians, Jews and Muslims supposedly do) whilst cult members didn’t.

There wasn’t any mention of the numerous cases of sexual abuses, pedophilia, cover ups and criminal cases over the years that have been engrained in “old religons” since their conception.

We have just experience a major Catholic cover up over its treatment of pedophile priests which led all the way up to the ex Nazi Youth Pope. Court case after case in Ireland has shown the Catholic Church to be one of the biggest organised pedophole rings in the world – and one of the most well funded and protected.

The same sort of sexual abuse has been endemic in Christian history for a long time. Why a man of breeding age would willingly chose abstinence and the company of little boys over a normal life seems obvious to me but in these times where psychology would give more than one answer it seems like an old excuse to hide ones sexual pedidocs from the community at large.

Islam has always had its critics from those who called the original “cult leader” Mohammed certain terms for the age of some of his wives. However in some states of America where the age in some states it’s 18 you might call the Spannish strange for having an age of consent of only 13 and other European countries from 13, 14 up to 18. Even in some places in Africa and Asia is not uncommon for child weddings where an old man takes a 12 year old as a wife.

From Wikipedia:

Traditionally, across the world, the age of consent for a sexual union was a matter for the family to decide, or a tribal custom. In most cases, this coincided with signs of puberty, menstruation for a woman and pubic hair for a man.

In Ancient Rome, it was very common for girls to marry and have children shortly after the onset of puberty.
The first recorded age-of-consent law dates back 800 years: In 1275, in England, as part of the rape law, a statute, Westminster 1, made it a misdemeanor to “ravish” a “maiden within age,” whether with or without her consent. The phrase “within age” was interpreted by jurist Sir Edward Coke as meaning the age of marriage, which at the time was 12 years of age.

In the 12th century Gratian, the influential founder of Canon law in medieval Europe, accepted age of puberty for marriage to be between 12 and 14 but acknowledged consent to be meaningful if the children were older than 7. There were authorities that said that consent could take place earlier. Marriage would then be valid as long as neither of the two parties annulled the marital agreement before reaching puberty, or if they had already consummated the marriage. It should be noted that Judges honored marriages based on mutual consent at ages younger than 7, in spite of what Gratian had said; there are recorded marriages of 2 and 3 year olds.

And then there is the Jewish Talmud, the book of laws made by Rabbis that is full of teachings that allow Rabbis to have sex with girls of extremley young ages or not consider rape illegal if the man was a rabbi. These Talmudic laws have been known for a long time but are not unique for an age in which rape wasn’t even considered a crime.

Even in England raping your wife wasn’t considered a crime until back in 1990.

So sexual behaviour cannot be considered a sign of cultish behaviour. However when a science fiction writer claims that “the best way to make a million dollars is to start a religion” and then goes on to do exactly that.

Charging people thousands of dollars for learning it’s many steps up to the big reveal, the “ultimate secret” one that wouldn’t be out of place in any science fiction book:

Scientologists believe that 75 million years ago an evil galactic ruler, named Xenu, solved overpopulation by bringing trillions of people to Earth in DC-8 space planes, stacking them around volcanoes and nuking them. Then the souls of these dead space aliens were captured and boxed up and taken to cinemas where they were shown films of what life should be like, false ideas containing God, the devil and Christ and told to get ill.

After that they supposedly clustered together and now inhabit our bodies. Scientologists believe that if they rid themselves of these body Thetans then they will be healthier and will gain special powers like mind-over-matter.

People who try to leave are harassed, treated as traitors and have even had to face legal cases over their revelations of the “big secret” that people like Tom Cruise and John Travolata pay up to $500,000 for this top secret information. No wonder the Church of Scientology wants to keeps it’s big secret secret!

So there seems to be clear cases of made up religions that can be called cults, in which the aim of the organisation is to extract money from the member instead of a pay if you want to bag of donations passed around a Church on a Sunday morning. However it seems that if one were to go back to the start of each off shoot of the Abrahamic faith with today’s knowledge and science each new religion could easily fail into the class of a cult.

In my mind it is up to you what you want to believe but mocking anothers belief using claims that could easily fit your own brand of spiritual belief is stretching rationality at least a little.

When the definition of what is a religion and a cult are so indistinguishable from each other then maybe members of either grouping should stop to consider their beliefs before slagging off their opponents.

I’m right because my religious book says so therefore you must all be wrong is not a logical argument that stands up too long at all.

"Lincoln on Liberty: Friend or Foe?"

January 31, 2010

By Matt Hawes

I don’t think that question is too hard to answer, and it is also the name of one of our C4L-sponsored events at CPAC 2010 – taking place Feb. 18-20 in Washington, D.C. – that I am really looking forward to.

Featuring Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo, our Thursday, February 18 “Lincoln on Liberty: Friend or Foe?” event will directly confront the myths surrounding one of the establishment’s favorites.

Here’s our promotional information for the lecture:

In modern times, President Abraham Lincoln is viewed as a secular saint, a figure of legend who receives almost universal reverence.

But does a close examination of the historical record support conventional wisdom? Or do the facts paint a different picture of our sixteenth president?

Was Lincoln the Great Emancipator? Or was he a dictator in all but name who destroyed the Founders’ vision of our Republic?

Author and Loyola College economics professor Thomas DiLorenzo explores the Lincoln legacy in this FREE one hour lecture.

The speech will take place in the Delaware Room on Thursday, February 18 at 1:00pm. A Q&A will follow the presentation.

Volunteers are coming in from all across the country to help us make an impact at CPAC, and discounted tickets and lodging are going fast.  “Lincoln on Liberty” is just one of many great activities we have planned(including the nonintervention forum mentioned earlier by Jesse, a live taping of Judge Napolitano’s Freedom Watch at the C4L booth, a Tom Woods event on nullification, and much, much more.)  Find further CPAC details here and reserve your spot today.

View the original article at Campaign for Liberty

The American Empire: Before the Fall

January 30, 2010

By Jesse Benton

Big News! Last year, Campaign for Liberty commissioned Bruce Fein, president of the American Freedom Agenda and former Deputy Attorney General, to write a foreign policy book. We needed a hard core educational tool that we can circulate to show the absurdity of the warfare state from someone with rock-ribbed intellectual credentials.

The book is complete and is now in its final editing process! Campaign for Liberty will publish, print, and promote this book through our contacts and social networks and mount a major media campaign to make sure this work gets serious attention at a critical time.

For the first time, pasted below is an exclusive sneak peak for our members. I cannot wait to get this published!


by Bruce Fein

Chapter 1

The American Empire At Its Meridian

It is the best of times for the American Empire.

It is the worst of times for the American Republic.

President Barack Obama has embraced if not bettered the national security instruction of the Bush-Cheney duumvirate, confounding messianic expectations.

His Nobel Peace Prize address boasted of the American Empire’s six decades of policing the world, and of his unchecked power reminiscent of British Kings to commence war in ostensible defense of the United States or for professed humanitarian purposes on his say-so alone. The President spoke while he expanded United States wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan against adversaries unthreatening to United States sovereignty.

More than 100,000 American troops are fighting in Iraq while civil war or partition looms.

The post-9/11 perpetual and global war against international terrorism continues unabated. The United States claims unique legal power to violate the sovereignty of every foreign country in seeking to capture or kill an Al Qaeda suspect.

Now United States weapons, money, troops, military advisors, and professed nation-building bureaucrats are poised to intervene in Yemen in response to a foiled Christmas day attempt to blow up a commercial aircraft by a Nigerian Muslim youth who may have been radicalized there. The Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, Joe Lieberman (Ind. Conn.), declares the incident an act of war that requires a military, not a law enforcement response. He advocates for the would-be bomber, 23-year-old Umar Farouk Abdulmutullab, to be regarded as a prisoner of war and prosecuted before a military commission. Somalia is next in the queue to be invaded by the American Empire because of the presence there of the Somali terrorist organization Al Shabab, which collaborates with Al Qaeda in Yemen.

Tiny Denmark, whose defense budget is a decimal point of the Pentagon’s, is less easily frightened. On January 1, 2010, a Somali Muslim attempted to assassinate artist Kurt Westergaard in revenge for a 2005 cartoon depicting the Prophet Mohammad as a terrorist. The cartoon had earlier provoked Muslim firebombing attacks on Danish diplomatic missions and three other radical Islamic plots to kill the Danish cartoonist. Denmark’s intelligence chief asserted the assassination incident was “terrorist related,” with a possible connection to Al Shabab. The Danish Prime Minister descried the terrorism as “an attack on our open society and our democracy.” Yet Denmark did not declare war on terrorism or against Al Shabab. It did not declare the would-be assassin a prisoner of war. It charged him with attempted murder subject to prosecution in civilian courts with customary due process protections. The American Empire would have characterized the crime as war, and the perpetrator as a warrior.

Stories featured in leading newspapers and broadcasts corroborate General Douglas MacArthur’s post-World War II observation: “Our economy is now geared to an arms economy bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and an incessant propaganda of fear.” Never has United States sovereignty been so invulnerable. Never has the United States been so frightened of foreign danger.

The Empire is electrified by a feeling of self-righteousness. President Dwight D. Eisenhower sermonized: “America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.”

The Founding Fathers would be shocked. They had constructed an American Republic that vehemently opposed crusades, constant warfare and virtual deification of the President. They had pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to defeat the British Empire, and to renounce entangling alliances as the bane of peace, checks and balances, limited government, and individual liberty. President Thomas Jefferson’s First Inaugural Address proclaimed: “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none.” President Grover Cleveland elaborated on the foreign policy of the United States inherited from the Constitution’s makers:

It is the policy of peace suitable to our interests. It is the policy of neutrality; rejecting any share in foreign brawls and ambitions on other continents, and repelling their intrusion here. It is the policy of Monroe and of Washington and Jefferson: Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.

But the Founding Fathers’ handiwork has turned to ashes. The American Empire’s annual military budget exceeds $690 billion, greater than the yearly military expenditures of the next 25 countries combined. United States military spending climbs despite the disappearance of all foreign dangers to United States sovereignty.

I’m also proud to announce that Bruce Fein will be joining us at CPAC 2010 for a C4L-sponsored panel on why we need to oppose the War on Terror.  It’s sure to be an exciting event!

View the original article at Campaign for Liberty

Given Everything That's Happened, Shouldn't We At Least ASK?

January 5, 2010

Given that Cheney is apparently at least partly responsible for creating the terror problem in Yemen

And that one of the most highly decorated soldiers of all time says that “war is a racket” …

Given that FBI agents and CIA intelligence officials, constitutional law expert professor Jonathan Turley, Time Magazine, Keith Olbermann and the Washington Post have all said that U.S. government officials “were trying to create an atmosphere of fear in which the American people would give them more power” …

And that “truth is the first casualty of war” …

And that fear of terrorism makes people stupid

Isn’t it worth at least ASKING whether we can rule out false flag terrorism?

False WHAT?

“False flag terrorism” is defined as a government attacking its own people, then blaming others in order to justify going to war against the people it blames. Or as Wikipedia defines it:

False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one’s own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time; for example, during Italy’s strategy of tension.

The term comes from the old days of wooden ships, when one ship would hang the flag of its enemy before attacking another ship in its own navy. Because the enemy’s flag, instead of the flag of the real country of the attacking ship, was hung, it was called a “false flag” attack.

There are many examples of false flag attacks through history. For example, it is widely known that the Nazis, in Operation Himmler, faked attacks on their own people and resources which they blamed on the Poles, to justify the invasion of Poland. And it has now been persuasively argued — as shown, for example, in this History Channel video — that Nazis set fire to their own government building and blamed that fire on others (if you have trouble playing the clip, it is because the website hosting the clip requires you to download the clip before playing it). The fire was the event which justified Hitler’s seizure of power and suspension of liberties.

And the Russian KGB apparently conducted a wave of bombings in Russia in order to justify war against Chechnya and put Vladimir Putin into power (see also this short essay and this report).

And the Turkish government has been caught bombing its own and blaming it on a rebel group in order to justify a crackdown on that group.

Indeed, even Muslim governments appear to play this game. For example, the well-respected former Indonesian president said that the government had a role in the Bali bombings.

This sounds nuts, right? You’ve never heard of this “false flag terrorism”, where a government attacks its own people then blames others in order to justify its goals, right? And you are cynical of the statements discussed above?

Please take a look at these historical quotes:

“This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector.” – Plato

“If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.” – U.S. President James Madison

“Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death”. – Adolph Hitler

“Why of course the people don’t want war … But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship … Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” – Hermann Goering, Nazi leader. “The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened”. – Josef Stalin

But NOT the U.S.

It is logical to assume that, even if other countries have carried out false flag operations (especially horrible regimes such as, say, the Nazis or Stalin), the U.S. has never done so.

Well, as documented by the New York Times, Iranians working for the C.I.A. in the 1950’s posed as Communists and staged bombings in Iran in order to turn the country against its democratically-elected president (see also this essay).

And, as confirmed by a former Italian Prime Minister, an Italian judge, and the former head of Italian counterintelligence, NATO, with the help of the Pentagon and CIA, carried out terror bombings in Italy and blamed the communists, in order to rally people’s support for their governments in Europe in their fight against communism. As one participant in this formerly-secret program stated: “You had to attack civilians, people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security.”

Moreover, recently declassified documents show that in the 1960’s, the American Joint Chiefs of Staff signed off on a plan to blow up AMERICAN airplanes (using an elaborate plan involving the switching of airplanes), and also to commit terrorist acts on American soil, and then to blame it on the Cubans in order to justify an invasion of Cuba. If you view no other links in this article, please read the following ABC news report; the official documents; and watch this interview with the former Washington Investigative Producer for ABC’s World News Tonight with Peter Jennings.

But Al-Qaeda is Different

You might say “But Al-Qaeda is different — powerful, organized, and out to get us”, right? Maybe, but take a look at this Los Angeles Times Article, reviewing a BBC documentary entitled “The Power of Nightmares”, which shows that the threat from Al Qaeda has been vastly overblown (and see this article on who is behind the hype). And a former National Security Adviser told the Senate that the war on terror is “a mythical historical narrative”.

And did you know that the FBI had penetrated the cell which carried out the 1993 world trade center bombing, but had — at the last minute — canceled the plan to have its FBI infiltrator substitute fake powder for real explosives, against the infiltrator’s strong wishes (summary version is free; full version is pay-per-view)? See also this TV news report.

And have you heard that the anthrax attacks — which were sent along with notes purportedly written by Islamic terrorists — used a weaponized anthrax strain from the top U.S. bioweapons facility, the Fort Detrick military base? Indeed, top bioweapons experts have stated that the anthrax attack may have been a CIA test “gone wrong”; and see this article by a former NSA and naval intelligence officer; and this statement by a distinguished law professor and bioterror expert (and this one). It is also interesting that the only congress people mailed anthrax-containing letters were key democrats, and that the attacks occurred one week before passage of the freedom-curtailing Patriot Act, which seems to have scared them and the rest of congress into passing that act without even reading it. And it might be coincidence, but White House staff began taking the anti-anthrax medicine before the Anthrax attacks occurred.

Even the former director of the National Security Agency said By any measure the US has long used terrorism. In ‘78-79 the Senate was trying to pass a law against international terrorism – in every version they produced, the lawyers said the US would be in violation”(the audio is here)

Why Does This Matter?

A former National Security Adviser told the Senate that a terrorist act might be carried out in the U.S. and falsely blamed on Iran to justify war against that nation.

A retired 27-year CIA analyst who prepared and presented Presidential Daily Briefs and served as a high-level analyst for several presidents stated that if there was another major attack in the U.S., it would lead to martial law. He went on to say:

“We have to be careful, if somebody does this kind of provocation, big violent explosions of some kind, we have to not take the word of the masters there in Washington that this was some terrorist event because it could well be a provocation allowing them, or seemingly to allow them to get what they want.”

The former CIA analyst would not put it past the government to “play fast and loose” with terror alerts and warnings and even events themselves in order to rally people behind the flag.

Daniel Ellsberg, the famous Pentagon Papers whistleblower, said “if there is another terror attack, “I believe the president will get what he wants”, which will include a dictatorship.

Scott Ritter, the former UN Weapons Inspector (an American) – who stated before the Iraq war started that there were no weapons of mass destruction – is now saying that he would not rule out staged government terror by the U.S. government.

And a member of the British Parliament stated that “there is a very real danger” that the American government will stage a false flag terror attack in order to justify war against Iran and to gain complete control domestically.

Given the swarm of terrorism-related scares happening now, shouldn’t we at least ask whether history is repeating?

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