Posts Tagged ‘David Icke’

CDC Article Admits Virus Is Computer Generated

October 24, 2020

CDC Article Admits COVID19 Is Computer Generated

By Dark Politricks

As YouTube and Google, Facebook, Twitter and the Silicon Valley Nexus crack down on free speech and views that they find “unpalatable” or describe as “hate speech” and block, ban, de-monetize or de-rank if not totally obliterate your site. 
New sites are springing up for people wanting to hear news about controversial topics on their own terms. Make your own mind up if you find the contents in the video are “fake news” or just news the authorities don’t want you to hear.
One of these new sites if you haven’t been on it yet is “Brand New Tube“, a YouTube like site that won’t de-rank or censor videos on topics that the Silicon Valley / Government nexus don’t want you to hear about and think about 
This video is from David Icke about the Coronavirus. I do like one statement made by the presenter who said that the news is scaring people with news that “Manchester Hospital is at COVID19 full capacity“, however that is only the number of beds they have assigned for the virus – 8. So if 8 people have COVID19 and take those 8 beds up the news will then scare you with talk about how the hospital is at “full capacity“.
Whatever you think of David Icke, COVID19 and theories surrounding the virus about how it is being used to destroy the economy you might as well listen to this video as it’s the first one I have embedded from
It looks at how computer models have been used to define what “COVID19” actually is, and how kids who are exempt from wearing masks are now being force fed “fashion masks” with “no medical benefits” to get them wearing masks.
Also before listening remember that UK Government Ministers and doctors have admitted that no-one can recover from COVID19.
A one Dr Loke said the way Public Health England collects data means “no-one with COVID in England is allowed to recover from their illness”.
A patient who has tested positive, but successfully treated and discharged from hospital, will still be counted as a COVID death even if they had a heart attack or were run over by a bus three months later” 
That means I can get COVID19, as defined by ? and then recover, before weeks later drunkenly stumble across the road and get run over by a car means I am not put under the death list for “stupid drunk people”, but another COVID19 death statistic instead. You can see some comparisons between Cancer Deaths, Heart Disease Deaths and COVID19 deaths on my earlier article.
These are all serious health conditions that are all being ignored due to Coronavirus. People that need treatment for serious health problems that all have higher death figures than COVID19. How many more people will die from missed operations, and treatments that have been put off due to the COVID19 panic and lock down.
That’s not even to mention the Track and Trace apps the Government is pushing on people which is basically being used by Police to track people of interest and see where they go and who they associate with.
Brand New Tube are new and sometimes have issues with embedding videos so just click the link underneath if the video is not shown.

Watch the video on Brand New Tube – Embedding Prevented!  

Let me know what you think of the views put out in the video and go and have a look at Brand New Tube and see if there are any topics you have been hidden from viewing on and Facebook.   

Read the original article on the main site

By Dark Politricks

©2020 Dark Politricks

David Icke Tells The The Greatest Story Ever Told

May 11, 2014

David Icke And The The Greatest Story Ever Told

By Dark Politricks

If you have the time I suggest watching this talk given by David Icke.

It is almost 5 hours long and posted by Oblivion TV.

Anyway the talk goes from the ancient history of the earth all the way to our modern sheep like slave lives and how we can set ourselves free.

David talks about the ancient technology that existed thousands of years ago, the religious stories, the history of the ancient world and the hidden knowledge that has been kept from us to be held in the hands of the few that control us to this very day.

He even describes how our modern leaders already have the knowledge to cure Cancer, create vegetation in deserts, own technology to heat and power our houses without fossil fuels at a fraction of the price and much more besides. He also talks about how the CIA and other agencies keep this knowledge from us to control us.

He winds back all the way to the Annukai, our supposed “Gods“, which the Sumerian texts reveal in intricate detail.

If you haven’t heard it before then you should know that the Bible is just a re-hash of these older texts and that the original tablets were interpreted by Zecharia Sitchin who treated them as literal history rather than allegories and metaphors.

This was probably due to some of the very modern like images on these tablets. These included people in flying machines looking exactly like pilots in planes or airships as well as stories of genetic manipulation. The story goes that these ancient astronauts created test tube babies by mixing their own genes with those of our own primitive races to become their worker race. The purer bloodlines went on to become the royal families and rich banksters we all know and hate.

David Icke has some slightly different theories than Sitchin who first came up with the Ancient Astronaut story of our birth on this planet.

Sitchin believed that a “wandering planet” named Nibiru came into our solar system thousands of years ago and one of it’s moons collided with a planet causing the now current asteroid belt. It would make sense, those million pieces of tiny rocks didn’t come from nowhere.

However David has an alternative theory involving Venus which explains the “great flood” that occurred on Earth as well as the starting of agriculture on earth at great heights – which would make sense if a large part of the world is covered by water. This is the great flood talked about in the Sumerian texts as well as the Bible and other ancient stories which are re-hashes of older versions.

David believes that two advanced races came to earth, one from Mars, the white race, and the Annukai a reptilian race who interbred. It was these bloodlines that went on to become our kings and royalty, the keepers of hidden knowledge and therefore power over the common person.

This “white race” is the name for Caucasians, due to them coming from the Caucasus mountains, and they entered Europe becoming the European Caucasian white race. Included in this race were the interbred Annukai blood lines who controlled us through their knowledge and hidden power.

However I don’t want to leave it to me to speak for David and whilst some call him a crank for believing in reptilian blood lines his talks are compelling.

A large part even makes sense when you look around us and then compare our “peak of modern technology” to the ancient Pyramids, 80 ton rocks slotted together without a crack between them in Syria, and ancient pictures drawn into the grounds of Peru that could only be seen from the sky.

It is clear from watching talks given by Jim Marrs, David Icke and others that our ancient relatives were not so primitive at all.

How and why I will leave that up to you to decide but before writing off any of these historians and revisionists as cranks I suggest watching their talks and then reading up on their theories first.

Some things on this planet just do not add up, including our ancient history, previous civilisations, and how amazing and sophisticated cultures just sprang out of nowhere such as Egypt and Sumer.

There has to be an answer somewhere and at least some people are trying to find one that will set us free from our chains of bondage. These chains are due to occult knowledge held in the hands of the few.

If you really want to be free you need to know how you came to be in bondage in the first place. Listening to alternative views is a good place to start.

View the David Icke talk here.

Visit the original video on

View the original article at