Posts Tagged ‘9.11’

Brother Nathanael’s Views on why Turkey shot down a Russian jet and his view on Mossad links to the French terrorist attacks

December 7, 2015

Brother Nathanael’s Views on why Turkey shot down a Russian jet and his view on Mossad links to the French terrorist attacks

Brother Nathanael
By Dark Politricks

I like Brother Nathanael, as a non Zionist, ex Jew converted to Christianity, he calls Israel and Mossad out for all the things that they are doing to stir the wars up around the world.

Therefore when he criticizes Israel and their foreign policy you should listen to him. He isn’t being forced to tell the “official line” or lies about what is going on. He tells it as it is, so believe him or not, you should still listen to him.

Brother Nathanael discusses why Turkey, the supporter of DAESH, shot down the Russian jet

Brother Nathanael discusses the real reasons why Turkey shot down the Russian jet that was bombing the snake of oil trucks sliding its way to Turkey for the Turks to buy, and therefore funding Daesh and other jihadists that they are supposed to be fighting.

Watch the original video on

Brother Nathanael discusses the Paris terrorist attacks and Mossad’s involvement in them

I have been saying for ages now on this site and social media how odd it is that DAESH or ISIL/ISIS has not been concerned with Israel but more with Christians and other Muslims.

Unlike other terrorist groups who blame their hatred on the west for our support of the Zionist and increasingly racist state of Israel, not much has come out of the mouths of DAESH.

This is the most well funded, best armed and manned terrorist army ever known to man and they are right on Israel’s border in Syria.

Yet Israel seems more concerned with kids throwing stones at Israeli tanks before killing them in Gaza and the West Bank than this well armed terrorist monster. Why?

Well watch this video by Brother Nathaniel and you might get some clues to Mossad’s involvement in the creation and existence of DAESH.

He claims Israel have even been taken injured al-Nusra terrorists (the al-Qaeda branch in Syria), into their hospitals to patch them up, before sending them back to the front line. Even Jewish papers have made simuilar claims so this is nothing out of the blue.

What is unsurprising to me but may shock others is that Mossad has apparently infiltrated DAESH at the highest places, even pretending to be Inmans and then ordering terrorist attacks that benefit the Jewish state.

If this is true then this surely another sign that they were probably doing the same with al-Qaeda and I have reported on Mossad creating fake al-Qaeda cells many times before. This also lends even more credence to the Mossad 9.11 false flag attack theory.

This is based around the fact that more Jews than Muslims (probably all known Mossad agents in the country), were arrested in the days after 9.11. They were kept for a long time and then deported. Why? What questions were they asked and why were they arrested in the first place? Who got them released and why were they held so long? All questions I would love to know the answers to.

A truck driven by a Mossad linked company with the same type of bolt cutters that the terrorists apparently used on the hijacked planes was found in New York by Police who thought they were about to carry out another terrorist attack and the Mossad agents who were arrested filming the attacks across the river and admitted on Israeli TV that they were sent to “document the event”.

Watch it here if you have not seen it before.

Oh and that doesn’t even mention half of the other links including the fact that Mossad were apparently following these 9.11 hijackers around the US for months before hand, even living doors away from some of them.

This story even appeared on the rabid pro-Israeli FOX News website until AIPAC managed to get it taken down. Luckily I have a full copy for you to read here.

So to hear that Mossad is once again fighting “By Way of Deception”, is no surprise, and it perfectly explains why ISIS is not even bothered about Israel.

Remember the ex Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky (another self hating Jew – there is quite a lot of them it seems) claimed that Israel’s plan was to get the US and their western allies to do all their dirty work for them.

They successfully tricked the Americans into bombing Libya in the 80’s, then planned to get the US to get rid of Saddam Hussein (then a US ally against Iran), and finally President Assad in Syria.

It seems all their plans have almost come to fruition until the appearance of Russia helping to defend the Assad regime.

You can read part of his book “By way of deception” here. 

Watch Brother Nathanael discuss why Israel is not scared by DAESH and is in fact helping them.

Watch the original video on

You can and definitely should subscribe to all Brother Nathanael’s videos on his YouTube channel here.

By Dark Politricks


View the original article on the main site at

© Dark Politricks 2015

New Video Compilation Of 9/11 Witness Testimony To Explosives Being Used At WTC-7

February 13, 2014

New Video Compilation Of 9/11 Witness Testimony To Explosives Being Used At WTC-7
By Dark Politricks

These are some very good videos which sceptics and believers of the official conspiracy story on 9/11 and what brought down the Twin Towers should watch.

Why? Well the videos contain numerous clips of TV footage from the day of the attacks which are hard to find nowadays.

This TV footage from mainstream channels shows numerous witnesses and TV commentators speaking of how they heard bombs and explosives go off. What is very illuminating is how on the day of the event even the mainstream media were willing to ask questions about explosives, controlled demolitions and drones / military planes being flown into the buildings. It’s such a shame that they are all now towing the party line and keeping quiet about what they know happened that day.

From Fireman to Policeman, reporters and office workers there are numerous witnesses who on the day claim to have been in all parts of the WTC when they either saw, heard or were injured by explosions that happened BEFORE the Towers fell.

This includes the smashed up lobby which is seen on camera in which people died which the official story explains by claiming fire from the planes shot down the elevator from the impact site.

This is despite the fact that the elevators were hermetically sealed which would have prevented this from occurring. Also whilst people are seen on camera in the holes near the plane impact zones perfectly unharmed people were being killed, burned and thrown all over the place hundreds of floors away at the bottom of the towers.

There is also enough live video footage to rubbish claims that no loud bangs, explosions or cutter charge like sounds were heard on the day. Numerous clips will show you how loud the explosions were and how similar they were to demolition explosives as well as dozens of witnesses who talk about leaving the scene as “bombs are still in the building”.

The videos also explain how easy it would be for a small team of people to plant enough explosives near the cores of the Twin Towers without:

  1. Being spotted by witnesses.
  2. Taking a long time as skeptics claim.
  3. And using only a dozen or so small inconspicuous boxes containing high-grade military explosives.

By planting these high explosives on every second floor and using programmed timers it would be easy to demolish the central core of the WTC and stage what looked like a pancake collapse.

The Maths is pretty simple and the power outs in the days leading up to 9/11 would have provided these conspirators with enough time and cover to carry out their job without being spotted.

Not only were the bomb sniffing dogs pulled out of the towers before the attacks but CIA 9.11 whistleblower Susan Lindaur, who was one of the first people arrested under the PATRIOT Attack for trying to tell her story, explains how in the run up to the attacks vans and men carrying tools and equipment would visit the towers every night for days in a row between 3-5 am in the morning when no other staff were present.

The blackouts gave the cover that engineers needed to do work as well as enabling CCTV to be off at the time needed to plant the explosives. A small team could plant enough bombs to demolish both towers within 24 hours.

How they could have easily rigged the WTC Towers for demolition

The videos also show some clips I personally haven’t seen until now including a shot of WTC-7 before it fell and what looks like cutter charges going off all across the building.

You can actually see small flashes of light dot from window to window from the right to left of the building and this would have been required for WTC-7 to fall into its own footprint the way it did.

No sporadic fires could have caused such an evenly and well-timed collapse including the 2+ seconds of freefall. Even the company NIST asked to carry out experiments to try and prove how the buildings fell could not replicate a collapse scenario which means NIST had to rely on computer models and unrealistic parameters to explain how a single point of failure caused what looks like a demolition sequence in WTC-7.

Just like the video of the collapse of WTC-7 which shows the Penthouse of the building dipping before the rest of the structure the same goes for the Twin Towers. You can see the highest points of the towers, the aerials and other equipment on top of the tower’s core dip before the rest of the building starts to collapse. This all indicates that the central columns had been removed first.

For people who haven’t seen the structure of WTC and think a plane and office fires could have demolished it’s huge central core think again.

The way the building was built meant that even if the trusses and other supporting columns and beams were weakened by fire or a plane the central core would remain intact. The sides of the building may have toppled or slowly fallen off bit by bit but there is no way a fire could have caused the huge central core to be crushed and pulverized into dust as it was.

The explosive nature of the collapse was so intense that steel and other materials were melded together and fires burnt underground for ages during the clean up process.

Pictures of the WTC Twin Towers Design and Central Core

The central core of the Twin Towers
The design of the Twin Towers WTC-2
Twin Towers Central CoreThe Reinforced core of the World Trade Center

The videos also show clips of other buildings that were hit by debris from WTC, including buildings where huge steel girders were embedded into their walls after being shot out sideways from the collapse.

How a fire could have caused enough pressure to do this I don’t know but these other buildings didn’t catch fire and then have a free fall like collapse as WTC-7 did. Therefore it is very odd how WTC-7 acted in the way it did when many other buildings were hit by the falling debris from WTC.

What explosives were used to destroy the Twin Towers

The numerous interviews with witnesses and bystanders from the day also talk about the military looking planes that hit the buildings.

There are multiple witnesses who saw the planes and detail how they were grey or very dark, and didn’t look anything like the red and blue American Airlines aircraft that supposedly hit the Twin Towers.

Remember that even back in the 60’s certain people in the Military and US government (Operation Northwoods) thought it was a good idea to stage a false flag attack and blame it on Cuba by automatically flying planes, sending out fake distress calls saying they had been hijacked by Cubans and then crash the planes. All this so that the US public would believe Cuba was at fault therefore legitimizing a war of aggression against the island. If the US could plan a false flag attack like that back in the 60’s then imagine what automated chaos they could instigate with modern technology.

Military Planes Used To Hit The Twin Towers

In the following video CIA whistle-blower, Susan Lindaur, gives a speech where she explains the war with Iraq wasn’t necessary and that before 9.11 Iraq was actually bending over backwards to help the USA. They even offered to provide the US Government with everything they wanted which negated any need for an armed conflict. She claims her back channel mission between the US and Iraq had provided a lucrative and unexpected bounty of gifts which has been kept secret from the US population.

This included:

  • Allowing the weapons inspectors into the country.
  • An FBI presence in the country to hunt down terrorists.
  • Llucrative oil and commercial contracts.
  • Even Saddam Hussein offering to stand down and hold free elections.

She also talks about her reasons for believing that both hijacked planes AND explosives were used to bring down the Twin Towers, the planes being a cover story for the demolition job. It is well worth listening to the story of a 9.11 whistleblower who tried to tell her story to the US government and the people but was instead jailed for a year under the nefariously named PATRIOT ACT.

As I say in my article 9.11 Sceptics versus logic and reasoning, what we need is a full criminal investigation with subpoena power into the events of 9.11.

Although much of the physical evidence has been destroyed a lot hasn’t and many witnesses and conspirators are still walking around freely.

Obama never brought the change the USA required after the criminal Bush administration therefore only a real concerted push by the people can bring around REAL change.

It’s either that or you continue to stick your heads in the sand.

Know your place. Do NOT ask questions. Keep quiet and suffer in silence as the war on terror is used to justify a massive crack down on civil liberties and the building of a new high-tech police state. Be monitored 24/7 and treated like criminals at airports. Be sheep on a slow walk to the slaughter house.

Or you can stand up for what you know is wrong. Fight the lies we are constantly being fed by our Government and their bought off media whores. Ask questions and don’t accept the official line. Do something worthwhile with your life whilst you still can.

Further reading on 9.11 from Dark Politricks:

9.11 Sceptics versus logic and reasoning

9.11 Remaining Questions and no answers

The 9/11 Passenger Paradox: What happened to Flight 93

The Pentagon Attack

Video shows a missile hitting the Pentagon

Is The Pentagon Attack Finally Solved

View the original article A Video Compilation Of 9/11 Witness Testimony To Explosives Being Used At WTC-7 at

Is the Pentagon Attack finally solved?

August 11, 2013

The Pentagon Attack Finally Solved?

By Dark Politricks

I recently wrote a piece called the Pentagon Attack which contained a number of videos. However it also contained a number of questions related to the 9.11 event as a whole. This article is a summary containing the events regarding the Pentagon attack itself.

If you have the time I suggest you watch all these videos, as together they can be used to make a reasonable conclusion about what really happened at the Pentagon.

There are a number of reasons including:

1. The conflicting witness accounts. Some witnesses claim to have seen a plane fly over the building, some into it. Others claim to have heard the explosion first and then seen a plane in the sky.

2. The physical evidence. Some witnesses and photos show a clean front lawn outside the official impact zone. Other photos show plane debris. Witnesses claim to have walked through the holes in the wall and to have not seen any evidence of a plane at all.

3. Pilots and aircraft experts claim that the manoeuvre made by Nawaf Hazmi, the alleged terrorist, was too complicated and fast for even expert pilots to have made let alone an amateur with poor piloting skills. Other people claim the flight path could have been made even if it would have meant a huge plane flying at high speeds just metres above the Pentagon lawn, something engineers suggest is impossible.

Due to the US government refusing to release all CCTV and camera footage which may have caught the planes impact and put conspiracy theories to bed the Pentagon attack has been used by believers of the official story to beat many 911 Truthers over the head with. Many people see the Pentagon attack as a way to discredit the whole 911 Truth movement by claiming that they are ignoring physical evidence and witness accounts. If you can be dismissed at the Pentagon then your theories over the WTC and the whole event can be dismissed as well.

Any talk of missiles, no planes, holograms, lasers from space or mini nukes are all used to label anyone who looks into the events of 9.11 as crazy. To the uninitiated it doesn’t matter if any of these theories have merits or not because just hearing these theories can make the whole movement look like tinfoil hat wearing loons. Due to that, people unwilling to question their government can easily dismiss any uncomfortable facts.

Therefore questions about the evidence regarding the Pentagon needs to be looked at and answered if possible. Hopefully these two videos which look at the witness evidence in detail and then a talk by an ex Government official who slots all the pieces together will help.


The facts do not fit the evidence.

The impact zone that is supposedly where Flight 77 hit the Pentagon does not fit the evidence for a number of reasons.

1. The supposed impact zone is the first two floors of a wedge of the building that would have been impossible for a huge Boeing 757 to hit at 400 mph. Not only could a plane not fly that fast and low to the ground without crashing first. The dimensions of the plane do not allow it to create such a small hole.

Many pilots, aircraft specialists, engine designers have all gone on record to state that the downforce of a huge plane flying that fast and that low to the ground would have meant it crashing into the ground way before hitting the walls of the Pentagon. If that had happened the grass outside the impact zone would have been scorched and covered with debris.

The whole plane would NOT have entered the walls of the building.

2. There is a lack of evidence outside this impact zone. No big parts of nose cones, no huge multi-ton engines and no damage to the lawn in front of the damaged building. In fact the debris which was found was further along the building in front of a totally different wedge. This is explained later.

pentagon picture september 11
The “official” impact zone of Flight 77 at the Pentagon

3. A plane is made from lightweight materials. It cannot punch its way through 3 rings of re-inforced concrete as it supposedly did at the Pentagon. The following video shows what happens when a plane going at the speed of 475 mph hits just one re-enforced concrete wall.

Notice how the wall remains solid and the plane disappears into small pieces. This speed is basically the same speed as Flight 77 hit the Pentagon.

Witnesses Dispute Official Story

This video is from an independent report by Citizen Investigation Team which uses data from the Pilots For 911Truth.

A number of witnesses who claim to have the seen the plane fly in towards the Pentagon provide contradictory evidence to the official story.

These are all people who have worked in the area of the Pentagon for years. Either Policemen, Arlington Cemetery workers or aircraft specialists from the Pentagon itself.

The official story relies on a Southern approach to the hole in the wall that is the supposed entry point for Flight 77. However all these witnesses claim to have witnessed:

-A north bound approach with the plane flying to the right (or over) the Navy Annex in a totally different manner to the official report which requires it to fly to the left of that building.

-A slower speed of the plane.

-A plane that was wobbling, “banking” and correcting its angle – not a direct, fast trajectory.

-All of these witnesses whilst in positions to see the plane come in admit they couldn’t see the impact. Most were running away from the direction of the planes impact, covered their heads or were not in a position to see the impact.

-All have refused to change their testimony since it has been revealed to them that it directly contradicts the official story and whilst many now refuse to give further interviews they claim their story is correct.

-The one piece of evidence which corroborates the official story is the testimony of a taxi driver, Lloyd England, who claims to have been hit by the tall light pole that was supposedly bent by the plane as it flew the official trajectory.

However leaving aside the fact that a  450 mph plane hitting a goose or bird can cause a crash, let alone a large metal pole, the witness when confronted with his evidence and how it contradicts all other witness accounts tries to change his story to make it fit with the witnesses who saw the plane fly a different trajectory to the official story. He is also caught off tape many times making contradictory statements to the location of his taxi in direct conflict with the physical evidence and photographs which prove his location on the day.

He refuses to admit his car was where it was photographed and off camera alludes to the fact that:

“It has nothing to do with the truth it’s his story”

“This is too big for me man this is a big thing”

“Man you know this is a world thing happening. I’m a small man.”

“I’m not supposed to be involved in this.”….”This is for other people, people who have money and all this kind of stuff.”

“I’m not supposed to be involved in this, I have nothing.”

“It was planned.”

He seems to be alluding to be part of a story he has no control over, “a small man in a rich mans story” and he seems to admit to being part of a “story” to make the official story fit the facts.His wife also works for the FBI, although whether that has a

Lloyd England Taxi Hit by light pole

The conclusion of the documentary is that the plane the witnesses saw didn’t hit the Pentagon.

The witnesses who saw the incoming plane should be believed in that the planes trajectory was wildly different to the official story and that because they couldn’t see the planes impact that it flew over the Pentagon.

This conclusion would fit with the official analysis of the flight data recorder from Flight 77 which shows a discrepancy between the altitude of the plane and the official story. For this plane to have to have hit the lamp-post which Lloyd England claims happened the plane would have had to have been 440 feet high! This is obviously an impossibility.

What is clear from this documentary and the witness statements is that the official story doesn’t even fit with the witness statements who are on record seeing a plane fly towards the Pentagon.

Ex Government Official Put Pieces Together

This talk from an ex Reagan administration official, Barbara Honegger, puts the pieces together meticulously in this talk to explain how the witnesses are right, the hole without debris is also correct and that a plane DID hit the Pentagon.

An overview is this:

1. A plane, probably a drone painted in American Airlines colours, did fly into the Pentagon but it flew in the trajectory that the witnesses in the Citizen Investigation Team documentary claimed.

2. The drone was either destroyed before impact or hit the Pentagon causing all the debris that was found near the Heliport terminal. Remember this is NOT the official impact zone which is many yards around the building.

3. The official impact zone was caused by explosives inside the building. This explains why there is no debris outside on the grass. No debris found inside and why witnesses who walked through the hole to safety claimed to see no evidence of a plane.

4. This second explosion WAS reported on TV, by witnesses and Pentagon employees. The official story had to make this second explosion the plane impact even though the timings were out and the flight path didn’t match with the witnesses. However there is no logical or physical way the damage from this second explosion could have been caused by huge Boeing 757 flying 400+ mph into the first floor of the Pentagon.

5. Therefore the cover-up involved making this 2nd impact zone the official entry point for the plane even though a plane could never punch its way through 3 huge concrete walls as the video above shows.

6. This also explains perfectly how witnesses saw a plane hit the building, how other witnesses could claim to see no evidence of a plane at the impact zone and why people claim to have seen debris and others NO debris. There were TWO impact zones. One from a plane (drone) and one from an explosion.

Watch the video below to see how she puts all the pieces together and provides the reason for the attack. Without it, no declaration of war could be made which meant that the Pentagon attack WAS the main attack on 9.11.  As she points out, it was George W Bush himself that said that it wasn’t until he saw the Pentagon attack that he realised the country was really at war.

America caught funding al-Qaeda, from day 1 to now, the history of deceit

August 6, 2013

America caught funding al-Qaeda, from day 1 to now, the history of deceit

By Dark Politricks

Most people who haven’t had their heads up their asses for the last decade have realised that something wasn’t quite right concerning our supposed “mortal enemy” al-Qaeda.

For those citizens soaked in mainstream propaganda and believers of everything the government says, al-Qaeda is the new Soviet Union.

They are North Korea and Iran combined with the possibility of a dirty nuke or two thrown into the mix.

They were the architects of 9.11 and the reason we have been at war for the past decade.

They are the reason some people are willing to give their lives fighting for “freedom” in Afghanistan or Iraq.

However for those people who know some history they have never been too far away from our intelligence agencies control. As Robin Cook the ex UK Home Secretary informed us after the London bombings in an article he wrote for the Guardian. Al-Qaeda are nothing more than a creation of the CIA.

“Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies. Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. al-Qaeda, literally “the database”, was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians. ” – Robin Cook, The Guardian, 2005

Created as a pawn by Zbigniew Brzezinski to play on his Grand Chessboard. Al-Qaeda, or as they were known back then, the Mujahideen, were a group of CIA funded Islamic “freedom fighters” who were fighting the USA’s proxy war against the USSR during the 80’s. Designed to draw the Soviet Union into their very own Vietnam and sap the strength and morale from the conscript army, the clash of civilisations was never meant to be the west versus Islam but the atheist communists fighting the huge swathes of Islamic people contained within their old borders.

The Afghan war certainly did as the USA wanted and a decade was spent funding what we know now as al-Qaeda. Osama bin-Laden and other Islamic fighters were trained, funded and even praised by the USA back then as heroes and revolutionaries as they took out Soviet helicopters with American ground to air missiles and used the opium harvests to get the Soviet conscripts addicted and de-moralised whilst spending the profits on their war.

Ronald Reagan meets the al-Qaeda / Mujahideen
Ronald Reagan meets the Mujahideen / al-Qaeda rebels at the White House

The “Islamic Jihad” (or holy war against the Soviets) became an integral part of the CIA’s intelligence ploy. It was supported by the United States and Saudi Arabia, with a significant part of the funding generated from the Golden Crescent drug trade:

“In March 1985, President Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive 166 … [which] authorize[d] stepped-up covert military aid to the Mujahideen, and it made clear that the secret Afghan war had a new goal: to defeat Soviet troops in Afghanistan through covert action and encourage a Soviet withdrawal. The new covert U.S. assistance began with a dramatic increase in arms supplies — a steady rise to 65,000 tons annually by 1987 … as well as a “ceaseless stream” of CIA and Pentagon specialists who travelled to the secret headquarters of Pakistan’s ISI on the main road near Rawalpindi, Pakistan. There, the CIA specialists met with Pakistani intelligence officers to help plan operations for the Afghan rebels.” – Steve Coll, The Washington Post, July 19, 1992.

What is less known by many is that these close links between al-Qaeda and the west continued far after the end of the Afghan / Soviet war. The Mujahideen were recruited by the CIA from a large number of Muslim countries including jihadists from the Soviet Muslim republics.

Among these recruits was the leader of the Chechnya rebellion Shamil Basayev who in the immediate fall of the USSR led Chechnya’s first secessionist war against Russia. Shamil Basayev had links to US intelligence from the late 1980s. He was involved in the 1991 coup d’Etat which led to the break-up of the Soviet Union and was subsequently involved in Chechnya’s unilateral declaration of independence from the Russian Federation in November 1991.

During his training in Afghanistan, Shamil Basayev linked up with Saudi born veteran Mujahideen Commander “Al Khattab” who had fought as a volunteer in Afghanistan. Barely a few months after Basayev’s return to Grozny, Khattab was invited (early 1995) to set up an army base in Chechnya for the training of Mujahideen fighters. According to the BBC, Khattab’s posting to Chechnya had been “arranged through the Saudi-Arabian based [International] Islamic Relief Organisation, a militant religious organisation, funded by mosques and rich individuals which channeled funds into Chechnya”. – BBC, 29 September 1999.

Therefore it is no lie to suggest that the CIA and the west created and supported what was later known as al-Qaeda. In fact bin-Laden and his group were actually a very small organisation and when the time came to paint them as a bogey man it was apt that the CIA’s own book of jihadists would be the name for the new bogeyman under the bed.

The UK, as attested to by ex MI5 agent David Shayler, funded an al-Qaeda offshoot called the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) to assassinate Col. Gaddafi during the 90’s. His whistleblowing led to his imprisonment for breaking the official secrets act and the case rocked the front pages of the UK press for quite a time.

As reported by major UK papers the plot involved:

“..contacts between MI6 and a group of Middle Eastern plotters who tried unsuccessfully to blow up Gadaffi’s motorcade. The report, coded CX95/ 53452, was passed to senior Foreign Office officials. It revealed when and where the assassination attempt was due and said that at least 250 British-made weapons were distributed among the plotters. The four-page CX document was published on the California-based Yahoo! website. The Sunday Times has complied with a request by Rear-Admiral Nick Wilkinson, secretary of the government’s defence, press and broadcasting advisory committee, not to print the address of the website on which the CX report is published.” – Sunday Times, 13 February 2000

In fact we were so concerned about the dangers of the LIFG, al-Qaeda and bin-Laden that we even ignored an Interpol arrest warrant that was issued by Libya for bin-Laden and even helped linked terrorists evade capture by granting them political asylum.

“British intelligence paid large sums of money to an al-Qaeda cell in Libya in a doomed attempt to assassinate Colonel Gadaffi in 1996 and thwarted early attempts to bring Osama bin Laden to justice…. two French intelligence experts ……reveal that the first Interpol arrest warrant for bin Laden was issued by Libya in March 1998. According to journalist Guillaume Dasquié and Jean-Charles Brisard, an adviser to French President Jacques Chirac, British and US intelligence agencies buried the fact that the arrest warrant had come from Libya ……. Five months after the warrant was issued, al-Qaeda killed more than 200 people in the truck bombings of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania…. The Libyan al-Qaeda cell included Anas al-Liby, who remains on the US government’s most wanted list with a reward of $25 million for his capture. He is wanted for his involvement in the African embassy bombings. Al-Liby was with bin Laden in Sudan before the al-Qaeda leader returned to Afghanistan in 1996. Astonishingly, despite suspicions that he was a high-level al-Qaeda operative, al-Liby was given political asylum in Britain and lived in Manchester until May of 2000” – The Observer, 2002.

Then there was the Kosovan war in the Balkans in which we decided to support the Islamic separatists against their Serbian government and fought alongside the al-Qaeda linked KLA. The Washington Times reported on reports from Janes Defence Review that:

“..the town of Tropoje, Albania was a”common staging area” for Bin Laden’s and the KLA’s forces, and thus “a center for Islamic terrorists.” US intelligence also acknowledged that Bin Ladin’s al-Qaeda had “both trained and financially supported” the Albanians, and that the Kosovo border had been infiltrated by Bosnian, Chechen and Afghan mujahedeen, in “…crossings (which) originated in neighboring Albania and, according to the reports, included parties of up to 50 men.” – Washington Times, 4th May 1999.

Lenard Cohen a professor of political science at Simon Fraser University stated that:

“The arrival in the Balkans of the so-called Afghan Arabs, who are from various Middle Eastern states and linked to al-Qaeda, began in 1992 soon after the war in Bosnia.”

Mujahedeen Fighters, who had fought in Afghanistan against the Soviet occupation in the 1980s later “migrated to Bosnia hoping to assist their Islamic brethren in a struggle against Serbian [and for a time] Croatian forces.”

Slobodan Milosevic actually tried to present this evidence at his trial in the Hague for war crimes and logically it seems strange that the western NATO forces were fighting alongside known terrorists against a Christian country. commenting on Milosevic’s evidence, James Bissett, an expert on Balkans affairs and a former Canadian ambassador to Yugoslavia stated that:

“Milosevic is right. There is no question of their participation in conflicts in the Balkans. It is very well documented.”

“Many members of the Kosovo Liberation Army were sent for training in terrorist camps in Afghanistan,”

So it was well-known that during the 90’s when al-Qaeda was starting to be pushed by the media as a worldwide terrorist organisation that we still had close links to this dangerous force. Were our western intelligence agencies actually in control of this terrorist group or were we only in control of key assets within al-Qaeda like bin-Laden who enabled us to pull their strings?

I don’t know but even after 9.11 when the world was up in arms at the group for supposedly attacking the USA in the most sophisticated terrorist attack known in history evidence emerged to show that we were still closely linked to the group.

Even worse it suggested we were even linked to the terrorists who had carried out the attacks! Were we funding them? Were they double-crossing us or did we allow them to carry out the attack to fulfil the aims prophesied in the Project for the New American Century document – Rebuilding America’s Defences.

Sibel Edmonds, an ex FBI translator, was gagged and prevented from telling the world what she knew. She has offered to break her silence on US mainstream news but oddly no news channel has taken her up on this offer. However we do know from her comments that she claims:

“With those groups, we had operations in Central Asia,” said former Turkish language translator Sibel Edmonds on Friday speaking on the radio program, the Mike Malloy Show. Sibel said the US maintained ‘intimate relations’ with bin Laden, and the Taliban, “all the way until that day of September 11.”

These ‘intimate relations’ included using bin Laden for ‘operations’ in Central Asia, including Xinjiang, China. These ‘operations’ involved using al-Qaida and the Taliban in the same manner “as we did during the Afghan and Soviet conflict,” that is, fighting ‘enemies’ via proxies. – Sibel Edmonds, Times of India, Aug 3rd 2009.

So the American government doesn’t want the close ties between the US government and al-Qaeda to be known otherwise they wouldn’t have gagged Sibel Edmonds. Also we know from investigations carried out after 9.11 that the Israeli government was closely following the 9.11 terrorists around the USA, even living doors away from them at times. If this is true then why didn’t they tell the USA, and if they did then did someone ignore their warning? Was this deliberate?

Even the staunch right wing, nationalistic and pro-war FOX News carried out a 4 part investigation into these Israeli spy rings. An investigation which was soon taken down from their website due to pressure by pro-Israeli pressure groups. You can read the full investigation on my site but key parts include:

“Since Sept. 11, more than 60 Israelis have been arrested or detained, either under the new patriot anti-terrorism law, or for immigration violations. A handful of active Israeli military were among those detained, according to investigators, who say some of the detainees also failed polygraph questions when asked about alleged surveillance activities against and in the United States.”

“Fox News has learned that one group of Israelis, spotted in North Carolina recently, is suspected of keeping an apartment in California to spy on a group of Arabs who the United States is also investigating for links to terrorism. Numerous classified documents obtained by Fox News indicate that even prior to Sept. 11, as many as 140 other Israelis had been detained or arrested in a secretive and sprawling investigation into suspected espionage by Israelis in the United States.” – Carl Cameron investigated Israeli Spy Rings in the USA.

A German newspaper Die Zeit also reported on the Israeli spy ring that was following a number of the 9.11 hijackers around the USA. They also claim that the Mossad spy ring informed the USA about the terrorists and the planned attacks but that the warnings were ignored.

“According to a report of the French intelligence agency that Die Zeit examined, “according to the FBI, Arab terrorists and suspected terror cells lived in Phoenix, Arizona, as well as in Miami and Hollywood, Florida from December 2000 to April 2001 in direct proximity to the Israeli spy cells.”

“According to the report, the Mossad agents were interested in the leader of the terrorists, Mohammed Atta and his key accomplice, Marwan al-Shehi. Both lived in Hamburg before they settled in Hollywood, Florida in order to plan the attacks. A Mossad team was also operating in the same town. The leader, Hanan Serfati, had rented several dwellings. “One of Serfati’s apartments was located on the corner of 701st St. and 21st Ave. [sic] in Hollywood, right near the apartment of Atta and al-Shehi.”, French intelligence reported later. Everything indicates that the terrorists were constantly observed by the Israelis. The chief Israeli agent was staying right near the post office where the terrorists had a mailbox. The Mossad also had its sights on Atta’s accomplice Khalid al-Midhar, with whom the CIA was also familiar, but allowed to run free. The Mossad apparently warned their American counterparts several times about the terrorists, especially about al-Midhar. The American government later admitted that they had received such warnings prior to September 11.” – Die Zeit, October 14th 2002

So not only did the Americans and Israeli’s know about the 9.11 hijackers whereabouts but they were being closely monitored. One only has to read up on the ABLE Danger program to realise how much foreknowledge the US government had about the terror plot which makes one wonder with all this information why it wasn’t stopped before hand.

The 9.11 attacks relied on so much co-incidence and luck that I call it the biggest co-incidence theory in world history.

Not only were the hijackers lucky to take over four planes with rudimentary weapons but they managed to get on the flights even though many were known to the authorities. They also managed to expertly fly these huge planes perfectly into their targets, even supposedly managing to break known laws of physics by getting a Boeing 757 to fly 400mph a few feet from the ground without crashing first into the first floor of the Pentagon.

They also were so lucky that previously whenever a weak nose of a plane has hit a re-inforced concrete wall the plane has crumbled into dust and the wall remained. However on this day not only did they manage to make a plane punch through 3 re-enforced concrete walls at the Pentagon but they managed to carry out expert manoeuvres that even expert pilots claim couldn’t be made.

That’s not even mentioning the fact that they were lucky enough to carry out their attacks on a day that NORAD was carrying out pretend hijacking exercises which confused air traffic control and prevented planes being flown to stop the hijacked planes. Not only that but they were lucky enough to cause 3 high towered sky scrapers to explode into dust by only hitting two of their targets.

Therefore the hijackers were very, very lucky that they managed to have everything go their way on 9.11!

So it seems the west has been in close links with al-Qaeda all the way up to 9.11, but what about after? Haven’t we been fighting them in Afghanistan and Iraq for the past 10 years?

Well supposedly, but a news story by Tony Capaccio from Bloomberg News refers to a report to Congress by the Special Inspector for Afghan Reconstruction John Sopko. This report revealed that Sopko asked the US Army Suspension and Disbarment office to cancel 43 contracts to known Al Qaeda and Taliban supporters. They refused. The reason? The Suspension and Disbarment Office claims it would violate Al Qaeda and Taliban “due process rights.”

So not only are we funding our enemy through backhanded methods in Afghanistan but the recent revelations from Libya reveal that the Benghazi attack on the US embassy was really an attack on a CIA front for weapons running to al-Qaeda linked rebels in Syria.

It seems President Obama is ignoring the law – again – and has decided to fund al-Qaeda linked rebels such as the al-Nusra Front who are busy cutting people’s heads off, stoning woman and massacring whole villages.

(Reuters) – President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing U.S. support for rebels seeking to depose Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government, sources familiar with the matter said.

Obama’s order, approved earlier this year and known as an intelligence “finding,” broadly permits the CIA and other U.S. agencies to provide support that could help the rebels oust Assad. – Reuters 2012

These rebels are of a similar ilk to those we supported in the other throw of Col. Gaddafi. These rebels are still in control of large quantities of NATO supplied weapons paid for by western tax payers. The leaders of the mish mash of rebel groups in control of Libya now are busy fighting each other, locking up and executing people with dark skin and implementing Sharia law where they can. We really helped to modernise Libya with that bold move and it’s not as if they are even that grateful.

We have had British World War cemeteries destroyed by Islamic fundamentalists and the US ambassador Chris Stevens was murdered in an attack by jihadists not long back.

Senseless: A man kicks down headstones of soldiers
Senseless: A man kicks down headstones of 150 British servicemen killed in North Africa 70 years ago

Even the rebels at the time admitted they were being supported by al-Qaeda and had no problem with their brand of extremism

The Daily Telegraph ran a recent story in which an interview with the leader of the rebel army we are supporting in Libya‘s civil war admitted that he had recruited al-Qaeda fighters and called them not terrorists but good Muslims.

Mr al-Hasidi insisted his fighters “are patriots and good Muslims, not terrorists,” but added that the “members of al-Qaeda are also good Muslims and are fighting against the invader”.

Al-Qaeda’s own leaders even released statements in support of the rebels and also called for the other throw of Gaddafi who they felt was an obstacle to their ideal Islamic Caliphate.

It seems after Libya the rebels have flocked to Syria and whilst we debate arming these jihadists they are busy killing Christians, eating lungs and hearts on film and beheading everyone they can get their hands on.

Just one of the recent massacres involved over 120 children and 330 men and women who were massacred by the al-Nusra Front in the town of Tal Abyad.

Al Nusra Mercenaries in Syria Slaughter Kurdish Women and Children kurdkids

And this isn’t the only massacre carried out by the anti-Assad forces we are so keen to back at any cost.

Earlier this year another massacre was filmed and showed Rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters capture a policeman who the FSA allege is a “Shabiha” or pro-regime militiaman, on July 31, 2012, as the rebels overran a police station in Aleppo.

The footage shows several bloodied men stripped down to their underwear being forced to kneel by a wall amidst a throng of excited, machine gun-touting men.

Once their captors open fire, the camera jerks away as the crowd momentarily disperses, seemingly unprepared for the nearly 40 seconds of uninterrupted shooting that follows. As the gunfire dies down, shouts of “Allahu Akbar!” resound as the once skittish onlookers victoriously raise their guns in the air, approaching what appears to be a pile of stripped-down corpses.

One of the victims has been identified as Ali Zein Al-Abidin Al-barri; the rebels accused him and his family of killing 15 FSA soldiers during a truce in Aleppo.

The rebels are certainly not afraid of using terrorism as a tactic in Syria. Not only have they massacred whole villages but they are not afraid of using huge Iraqi style car bombs to kill as many innocent people as possible.

Earlier this year the Free Syrian Army (supposedly moderate when compared to al-Nusra Front) admitted carrying out a car bombing attack in Damascus which killed the president’s defence minister, brother-in-law and the head of his crisis team whilst meeting at the national security headquarters.

From the BBC News Site:

“The president’s defence minister, brother-in-law and head of his crisis team were at a meeting at national security headquarters in Damascus…”

“The rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA) and a jihadist group calling itself Lord of the Martyrs Brigade both said they were behind the security headquarters bombing.”

“Security sources say the suspected bomber worked as a bodyguard for members of President Bashar al-Assad’s inner circle.”

As I have written on many occasions since we started our latest round of wars in the Middle East it seems very strange that we declare al-Qaeda to be our mortal enemy and spill our own soldiers blood and guts fighting them in certain parts of the world yet fund and arm them in countries we want to other throw such as Libya and Syria.

Not only are we basically supporting our own enemy because of “realpolitik” but it seems we have no moral line in the sand at all.

How can we declare al-Qaeda to be such an evil, all-powerful terrorist group, one in which we must lay down our civil liberties by the bucket load to defeat on one hand and yet support them and their offshoots on the other because they are fighting another one of our enemies?

It really does seem that the saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend in this case and history shows that al-Qaeda is a lot more than just our enemy. In fact from the very beginning it seems they were created as our own group of Jihadists to be let off the leash whenever we want to de-stabilise an area or cause panic at home.

Want to implement a new liberty destroying law such as the PATRIOT ACT or the NDAA, then let’s get one of our patsies to get on a plane with a bomb in his pants. Oh he’s on a no-fly list, don’t worry we will just usher him through passport control and give him entry to the USA so that we can arrest him in a blaze of glory and scare everyone witless during Christmas.

It is very clear our political leaders have the moral backbone of jellyfish and their duplicity is beyond comprehension.

Therefore when we hear stories about huge chemical weapon stashes found in rebels homes in Turkey, or our very own UN inspector claims that the only signs of chemical Weapon use are by the rebels we should pay notice.

It should also be noted that the use of Chemical weapons was the “red line” Obama was willing to engage in the Syrian conflict if crossed. The problem seems to be that the line was crossed by our own side not President Assad.

A recent independent UN investigation into the use of chemical weapons suggests that the attack was carried out by Syrian rebels NOT the forces of President Assad.

Also hacked emails from defense contractor Britam reveal a plan apparently “approved byWashington” and funded by Qatar to stage a chemical weapons attack in Syria and blame it on the Assad regime.

And recently the Turkish security forces found a 2 kg cylinder filled with sarin gas after searching the homes of Al-Nusra Syrian militants who are linked to Al-Qaeda.

So lets all be clear here as I summarise the points.

  1. al-Qaeda was created by the CIA to fight the USSR in Afghanistan.
  2. After the war we used al-Qaeda to fight the Russians in Chechnya and the Serbs in Kosovo.
  3. British intelligence not only harboured al-Qaeda linked terrorists but funded them to carry out illegal assasination plots in Libya.
  4. The first Interpol warrant issued for bin-Laden was ignored by western intelligence and bin-Laden was allowed to escape.
  5. A well placed whistleblower, ex FBI agent Sibel Edmonds, claims the USA had intimate ties with al-Qaeda and bin-Laden right up to 9.11. Apparently they were used to fight proxy wars and to destabilise areas which the US had an interest in.
  6. Even the 9.11 hijackers were monitored by Mossad spies, the US was warned about their plans, ABLE Danger had identified them but for some reason no action was taken.
  7. 9.11 was then used to justify the war on terror which has led to over a decade of war, the massive loss of liberties at home and the rise of the surveillance state. All under the auspices of protecting us from terrorism.
  8. The risk of death from terrorism is minimal. You are 11,000 times more likely to die from a plane crash than you are from a terrorist attack.
  9. Even though we are supposedly fighting al-Qaeda in Afghanistan we are at the same time funding the Taliban through re-construction programs.
  10. We have recently armed and fought alongside al-Qaeda linked rebels to other throw Col. Gaddafi in Libya. Libya is now in a mess and run by Sharia law imposing rebels. Before our intervention Libya was one of the richest, healthiest and educated populations in Africa.
  11. We are now funding and arming Syrian rebels that are linked to al-Qaeda. These rebels have been taped on numerous occasions beheading people, eating the lungs and hearts of victims, executing captured soldiers and massacring whole villages.
  12. Even though President Assad is a dictator during his reign he has modernised the country and Christians and Muslims lived side by side in peace. Now the Islamic fundamentalists are killing Christians, using chemical weapons and imposing Sharia law.
  13. Just like in Libya these terrorists are not likely to hand back any guns, rocket launchers and other weapons we provide them. It is more likely they will be used against Europeans and Americans in terrorist attacks.
  14. It is also likely that any further terrorist attacks will be used to impose more draconian police state laws and Internet surveillance.

Here are some video’s which show the type of people we are supporting in our “war of terror”.

View the original article Oh look, America is funding al-Qaeda after all at

9.11 – Remaining Questions

July 22, 2013

9.11 – Remaining Questions

By Dark Politricks

I looked at some remaining questions in an article on the Pentagon attack the other day and after watching the final cut of Loose Change I have complied a fuller list.

These questions include, but are not limited to:

  • We know that the CIA basically created “the database” which is the translation of al-Qaeda. As ex Foreign Secretary Robin Cook attested to this database was a list of CIA assets used in by the USA during their covert fight with the USSR in Afghanistan. Were the CIA still using al-Qaeda assets at the time of 9.11?
  • We also know that Mossad has controlled al-Qaeda rings before (even setting up fake rings) – was this a controlled ring or a co-opted ring “allowed” to commit the attack. Both FOX News and German newspapers reported on the Israeli spy rings that were following some of the hijackers about the USA. Did they tell anyone?
  • What about the Mossad agents who claimed to have been sent to “document the event”? What event and how did they know to set up camera’s across the river to film the attack?
  • If the war in Afghanistan is a direct result of the 9/11 attacks then why did the USA have detailed plans for an invasion planned for October of 2001 before the attacks had even happened.
  • Why did the Pakistani ISI general order the wiring of $100,000 to lead hijacker Mohammed Atta in the months preceding the attacks?
  • The CIA apparently knew about Atta and the other hijackers and that they posed a threat to the country through their secret Able Danger operation. Why was this important pre-attack evidence not used to stop it OR was it just ignored?
  • Why won’t any mainstream US media station interview the most gagged woman in history, Sibel Edmonds, an FBI translator who has promised to blow the lid of 9.11 with facts and revelations which she believes would lead to high level indictments.
  • What about Norman Mineta’s testimony to the 9.11 commission that Dick Cheney ordered a stand down by not ordering the shoot down of the fast approaching blip that was entering supposedly the most highly restricted air space in the world?
  • Why did the Bush administration refuse to hold an enquiry until the families of the 9.11 victims demanded one and then why did they only give the commission minimal funds, far less than the non-consequential event that was the Monica Lewinsky scandal?
  • Why have so many 9.11 commissioners come out and publicly said that the full truth has not been given to the public. Also that the White House deliberately blocked access to witnesses and hid evidence. They also claimed that the CIA and FBI basically lied about certain events and that indictments should be handed out, something which didn’t happen.
  • Why did the CIA allow 15 of 19 suspected hijackers into the country on the fast track VISA scheme out of Jeddah.
  • Why doesn’t the US government release all the CCTV and other camera footage from the Pentagon to show us what hit the building?
  • Who chose 9.11 to run the Vigilant Guardian NORAD training exercises involving hijacked planes. When was this date chosen and why?
  •  Why did the US secret service not interview the bin-Laden family before being spirited out of the USA straight after 9.11, especially when their family member was the prime culprit?
  • Why was the 9.11 commission used to push for a war with Iraq?
  • Why were the victims and families of the worst terrorist attack in recent years afforded minimal funds to investigate, poorly, the biggest attack on the USA since Pearl Harbour.

  • Were any of the hijackers involved in drug smuggling out of the infamous Venice airport and who knew about this? The airport is a known smuggling route that has apparently been given the “green light” by the CIA and has some very dodgy links with mobsters, cocaine cartels, intelligence agencies and terrorists all of which Daniel Hopsicker has documented in his videos and on his site Madcow Morning News.
  •  Multiple intelligence agencies from around the world knew an attack was planned and told the US. There is also evidence that suggests multiple US agencies knew of plans to attack the states from Al Qaeda infiltrators and intercepted communications. How far up the US government did this knowledge go and what action was taken or deliberately NOT taken?
  • Many of the victims families, survivors and first responders want a new enquiry. In fact over 80,000 people from New York signed a petition demanding a new enquiry which the city prevented from occurring. Why did New York block the people from having their own inquiry into the events of that day?

Those are just a fraction of the many questions that can be asked but the final cut of Loose Change is well worth watching even if you have seen the first two.

Remember that whether you believe the official conspiracy theory or an alternative theory there still remains questions and when even the commissioners from the single, poorly funded 9.11 commission are making statements such as:

“I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described …. The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years.. This is not spin. This is not true.” – John Farmer

“One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up”. – Max Cleland

“We were extremely frustrated with the false statements we were getting” – Timothy Roemer

And we have ex FBI whistleblowers such as Sibel Edmonds willing to tell their story with no-one in the US mainstream media willing to tell it. The question is why?

Lets have an independent 9.11 commission with subpoena powers and lets put to bed all remaining questions about that day once and for all.

The following link is to a 2 hour radio show from James Whale on Talk Sport ( a UK talk radio station ).

It is a detailed show which includes a debate between David Ray Griffin and George Monbiot. George is a believer of the official conspiracy theory however he himself admits there was probably a conspiracy to cover up the Bush administrations incompetence after the event.

The talk then moves on to a debate with the co-director of the final cut, Tim Sparke as well as Jason Bermas. It is well worth the listen if you have the time.

Listen to the Talk Sport 9.11 talk show


View the original article 9.11 remaining questions and no answers at my main site

What happened to America?

July 4, 2013

What happened to America?

By Dark Politricks

On the 4th of July, 2013 there is only one question that needs to be asked to all Americans who are actually celebrating 4th of July, Independence Day.

“What are you actually celebrating?”

It cannot be the freedom of speech you used to cherish. No you have to have permits and free speech zones for protests now. Plus your constant chatter on the phones, Internet and in public is constantly monitored by technological mammoth like NSA’s PRISM and the much older ECHELON.

It cannot be the free movement around the country without fear of harassment, secure in your papers from unreasonable searches. Not when the Police, TSA, Transport Cops, Border Guards and other agencies can now forcibly take blood and DNA samples from you, scan your naked body and grope your genitals if you refuse to be scanned, stored and studied as you go about your way.

It cannot be freedom from a tyrant, a King George like figure who thinks he has a God given right to take your life. No the President now has the authority to take your life without even bothering with the charade that passes for a trial if he thinks you are a danger to your country.

Freedom from drone strikes? Nope.

Freedom from assassination squads? Nope.

Freedom to blow the whistle when you find that your government has broken the law, spied on people without warrants or committed massacres in war zones?

Nope, you will be hunted down like a dog and tried for being a spy. The papers and journalists who dare print your stories of government abuse will also be attacked, spied upon and harassed. Even people who should know better will call for your execution on live TV. Who knows who is even a real TV presenter anymore and who is really a COINTELPRO agent stirring up hate against “enemies of the state” who dare speak truth to power?

Is it the freedom to work long hours for little pay? Forced to hand over large amounts of your earnings for goods that your Government mandates you “must” purchase and then watch as the endless cycle of your Government buying it’s own printed money through the convoluted and corrupt Federal Reserve system means that the value of your wage decreases in real terms every month?Well you don’t have any choice in that now do you?

It has now come to the stage that you are monitored so much in real life through linked up CCTV systems such as TRAPWIRE, massive city sized computer systems that can log every purchase you make, every movement you make through your cars GPS tracking systems or even that useful bug you so happily carry around with you for others to track you with, your phone, that you cannot even escape into cyberspace anymore. A virtual world is just as monitored as the real one. Are even the virtual homes you visit in virtual worlds like Second Life bugged and monitored by virtual agents of the state? Probably.

Facebook, Google, Skype, Apple and all the other big techno giants we are being shepherded into using 24/7 are all just front ends to those 3 letter acronyms that litter the American landscape. Acronyms like NSA, CIA, FBI and the  TSA are all hankering after those data packets that log every URL, website, file, instant message and email you have ever written.

These are the modern day “papers” of the 21st century, and secure is not something you can expect to be, especially when you willingly hand over your data to the “cloud” for safe storage.

So if you are celebrating “Independence Day” today then I would be interested to know what is so special about your independence when compared to a dictatorship?

You have been living under emergency laws since 9.11.

Laws that give the President dictatorial like powers through Orwellian pieces of legalese like the PATRIOT ACT which was written years before the date and then eagerly dusted off when the events of 9.11 unfolded.

All to be enacted under a climate of fear and patriotism, where politicians didn’t even bother reading what they voted for and detractors were attacked with Anthrax or declared “unpatriotic”. All because they were not willing to hand over their basic rights such as habeas corpus, a fair trial, freedom from torture or the right to know what you have been accused of in an open court of law.

This was back when we had a far right government running the USA. Now we are supposedly living under a liberal, left wing, Democrat!

How I laugh when I hear Americans call Obama left wing or socialist! Society is not something he is promoting with Homeland Security asking neighbours to become de-facto spies and inform on each other or where over a million Americans have top secret security clearance.

There is nothing democratic or liberal about the NDAA, drone strikes at will or the President declaring that he can spy on anyone in the world without due process.

I have to wonder on this day what President Obama see’s when he looks in the mirror.

Does he see the leader of a once great free nation that has succumb to fear, militarism, war mongering and the all pervasive surveillance state.

If not, does he honestly believe he’s a liberal in charge of a “free nation”?

If so does he not feel the slightest bit of guilt when he looks at that Nobel Peace prize he was so, so prematurely given in the hope that pre-election rhetoric would be converted into real “hope and change” from the Bush/Cheney years?

Instead he has taken the ball from the GOP and kicked it out the stadium, far surpassing anything the Republicans did to kill liberty and freedom in America.

Wars have increased, with covert action and drone strikes occurring in more places across the world than ever before. All under the never ending “war on terror” banner.

Liberty at home has decreased and a true liberal POTUS would have at least stood up for the freedoms he attacked Bush for removing when he was only a Senator. Does he honestly not believe he is the hypocrite is blatantly is.

It is funny how power corrupts.

It is not so funny to look at the state of Amerika on this once special day.


View the original article What happened America? at the main site


The 9/11 Pentagon Attack

June 29, 2013

The Pentagon Attack – 9.11

By Dark Politricks

If you know my thoughts on 9.11 then you know I have gone back and forth on the events many times.

Initially when the 9.11 attacks happened, like many people I started off believing the official conspiracy theory.

Then after a lot of reading up on the subject, discovering the questions over WTC-7, the Israeli spy rings following the terrorists around the USA, the repeated warnings about the attacks, The ABLE Danger Program and evidence of the stand down order provided by Norman Mineta I went the other way.

Recently I have been reading a lot more about building 7 and have been swaying back again due to the multiple computer program simulations they used to “prove” the collapse (by fire). However I am still not convinced and it still leaves a massive co-incidence theory instead of a conspiracy theory stuck right in my throat. One I am still not prepared to fully give up.

What I have always wanted is a proper, subpoena powered, proper investigation into the events of the day. Also proper logical answers to all the questions that remain, or haven’t been asked. Until that happens I am going to be raising questions and asking for answers.

When people put reputations on the line to raise questions then they should be listened to and numerous ex Government officials, intelligence officers, military men, first responders and families of the victims all have raised these questions.

Remember, this is not to say that these questions don’t have perfectly reasonable and logical answers to them, it’s just that many people including myself haven’t heard the answers, or that the provided answers don’t fit together to explain the events.

So until the point a new investigation is held I will always have a lingering doubt about the events of 9/11. This is especially due to the fact that you only have to look at the state of America now to see how the war on terror has been used to attack all our liberties and freedoms.

Whether the attack was a false flag attack or not, it certainly was taken advantage of, and used to implement what looks like a high tech police state in the once free America.

The PATRIOT ACT, NDAA, Prism, TRAPWIRE, Assassination Squads, Drones, Constant War, should I go on….

Some Questions

Just some of the “coincidences” and unanswered questions I still have are below – and God knows this is only a small subset of them!

  • 3 Steel framed buildings, the first to collapse from fire alone, all owned by the same person collapse in the same day, just after being taken over by a new owner and having massive insurance for terrorism put on them.
  • This is along with the hijackers all successfully taking over 4 planes with only rudimentary weapons. Not one of their planes being challenged in the sky, even after the first attack on New York was known about.
  • The Israeli spy rings that were following some of the hijackers about the USA. Did they tell anyone? We know Mossad has controlled al-Qaeda rings before (even setting up fake rings) – was this a controlled ring or a co-opted ring “allowed” to commit the attack. Both FOX News and German newspapers reported on this.
  • Why did so many Israeli agents get arrested in the aftermath of the attacks, held for months, then let go?
  • What did the Israeli’s caught filming the attacks across the river know about the attacks and why did they say they were sent to “document the event”? What foreknowledge did they have and why were they so happy to see the WTC burning?
  • Even if the attack was “allowed to happen” this is still a state crime as it means someone in the US Government had to order a stand down to NORAD.
  • We know the CIA / Mossad have had close links to al-Qaeda and bin-Laden, even the CIA visited him in hospital soon before the attacks. What was his real role apart from patsy in the attacks?
  • We also know the US consulate in Yemen was providing passports for jihadists to come to the US to be trained and then sent off to fight elsewhere. Why were the CIA engaged in such behaviour and what were the links to the Miami airports that were CIA “green zones”, areas that CIA planes were allowed to bring in drugs and arms. The links between the US intelligence community and our supposed enemy al-Qaeda are always murky and unclear. Who knows whether certain factions in the Government or the intelligence community knew the attacks were about to happen.
  • We know false flag attacks are a reality. We also know the PNAC document was written by the same people who were in government at the time. People who co-incidentally were involved in a massive financial scam involving the ex-USSR (see video below).
  • Dick Cheney is not exactly an angel, having talked about using false flag attacks in the Staits of Hormuz to go to war with Iran, plus his own assassination squads. If a stand down order was put out to NORAD then it was probably him who ordered it. The testimony of Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta seems to corroborate this and it is strange that this was left out of the 9.11 commission report.
  • What about the ABLE Danger program that had identified the 9.11 hijackers months before the attack occurred and the many other warnings given by foreign intelligence as well as domestic agencies about the attacks. What about the warnings given to key politicians not to fly that day?

  • What about the ISI chief who wired money to the lead hijacker who was coincidentally meeting with top US military figures on the day of the attacks.
  • What about the planes which looked unlike commercial airliners, who were expertly piloted into the WTC by non-expert pilots. Were these planes remote controlled?
  • What about the white planes who were seen in the air over the White House when all planes were supposed to be grounded, who was flying these planes?

The Israeli Connection

We know that dozens if not hundreds of people arrested after the 9.11 attacks were from Israeli origin. After many weeks in detention they were all let go without charge.

Why were they held in the first place?

Who forced their release?

As for the Israeli’s caught across the river filming the attacks, caught hi-fiving each other, before being arrested. Why were they so happy to see the carnage unfold?

This is a clip from an interview they did on Israeli TV.

How did these Israeli’s, with links to Mossad, know to “document the event”? If they didn’t have pre-knowledge of the attacks then what event were they sent to document?

The 9.11 Commission

The 9.11 commission was a farce. Not only did they leave out the reasons that the terrorists themselves claimed that they attacked the USA, which is the USA’s foreign policy and their support for Israel, but they ignored evidence and questions such as the one posed above about the Israeli connection.

They also ignored key evidence which suggested a stand down order by Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta and instead used the commission to push for war with Iraq.

Even 6 of the 10 commissioners have made statements that seem to suggest they were not happy with the outcome. Some even going as far as to suggest the White House lied, the CIA covered up evidence and even blocked access to key witnesses.

Some of these statements included:

9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey said that “There are ample reasons to suspect that there may be some alternative to what we outlined in our version . . . We didn’t have access . . . .”

9/11 Commissioner Timothy Roemer said “We were extremely frustrated with the false statements we were getting”

Former 9/11 Commissioner Max Cleland resigned from the Commission, stating: “It is a national scandal”“This investigation is now compromised”; and “One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up”.

9/11 Commissioner John Lehman said that “We purposely put together a staff that had – in a way – conflicts of interest”.

The Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission (John Farmer) who led the 9/11 staff’s inquiry, said “I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described …. The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years.. This is not spin. This is not true.”

When no-one was even sacked or demoted due to the failings of intelligence which were supposedly the cause of the attacks and instead promoted then you must ask whether these people were doing their jobs correctly or not.

If doing your job badly, leading to the worst terrorist attack on mainland USA, leads to your promotion, then logically you have to consider that their job was to allow the event to occur.

Promoted people such as:

  • Richard Myers, in charge of the Pentagon on 9/11.
  • Ralph Eberhart, in charge of NORAD on 9/11.
  • Captain Charles J. Leidig, acting NMCC Director.
  • Brigadier General Montague Winfield.
  • Ben Sliney, in charge of FAA on 9/11.
  • Steven Abbot, coordinator of Dick Cheney’s task force on problems of national preparedness.
  • Michael Maltbie, the supervisor handling the case at the FBI’s Radical Fundamentalist Unit.
  • Pasquale D’Amuro, in charge of counter-terrorism in New York.

So yes I still have massive amounts of reservation before I can conclude that the official story is correct and until a proper investigation is held we will never know.

Project Hammer

This video is one I watched the other day and it gives some new context to the events of 9.11 as it infers that the attacks were co-ordinated to cover up a massive financial fraud involving the fire-sale of post USSR Russia in the 90’s.

Whether this is true or not only detailed investigation would prove but it is does a worthwhile job putting the pieces together and includes detailed links to names, aircraft bases and companies all possibly involved in the attacks.

Project Hammerview on

The Pentagon Attack

When it comes to the attack on the Pentagon I also still have doubts about that attack even though at first I thought it was one of the least suspicous parts of the story.

Even though I know many witnesses claim to have seen the plane hit the re-inforced walls of the Pentagon there are many questions that remain unanswered. This is mainly due to there not being any photographic or video evidence of a plane actually hitting the Pentagon and the refusal of the Government to release all the CCTV and other camera footage that would have caught the planes impact and lay these questions to rest.

Whilst I used to be on the side of those who believed the Pentagon “missile” attack was a diversion from the real conspiracy in New York I still want to know what exactly happened and how.

How did a plane that big, flying so low and fast by an inexperienced pilot, making expertly executed turns at speeds far above the planes supposed fastest speed manage to punch through 3 rings of the most secure building in the world – without being caught on a single camera?

I used to believe that witness statements should be given their due. If witnesses claimed to hear bombs go off in the WTC, or hear a countdown at WTC-7, or see cutter charges go off then they shouldn’t be dismissed at the Pentagon for claiming to see Flight 77 hit the building. It was just unfair to admit some witness testimony because it backed your argument then dismiss others that went against it.

However we all know that after big events, especially traumatic ones, witness statements often don’t match and even conflict with each other.

Therefore a plane could have easily flown low across the Pentagon giving the impression that it was about to hit it before a missile or bomb went off. The plane then could have rose up through the explosions and fire. It probably wouldn’t be seen or even if it was it would soon be forgotten about due to everyone concentrating on the flames and smoke rising from the Pentagon.

The only CCTV camera evidence from one of the most photographed and surveyed areas in the world has only revealed 5 frames of nothing but a flash from one camera. It doesn’t prove that Flight 77 hit the building at all.

If the Government wanted to kill conspiracy theories around the Pentagon once and for all they would release all confiscated camera and CCTV footage that was collected by investigators in the aftermath of the attack.

By not doing so they only lend credibility to conspiracy theories. This then assumes that they either want these theories to go on or don’t care about them as they offer some form of cover.

Evidence That A Plane Didn’t Hit The Pentagon

Not only do many pilots claim that the manoeuvre that was carried out by Flight 77 was impossible. Both being too fast for the type of plane to accomplish without falling apart but also too hard for even seasoned pilots to manage, let alone an amateur, but evidence exists that suggests the plane did in fact fly over the building.

Analysis of the flight data recorder from Flight 77 which supposedly hit the Pentagon shows a so far unexplained discrepancy between the altitude of the plane and what supposedly happened. Basically it means that the lamp posts which the plane supposedly hit would have had to have been 440 feet high for the plane to have brought them down – an impossibility!

It also suggests that the plane flew over the Pentagon NOT into it.

This is data which has been released by the National Transportation Safety Board and it means that the planes altitude is in direct conflict with the only CCTV footage that has been released of the impact.

Either the data from the black box is wrong somehow (e.g it was edited before being released) or the plane didn’t actually hit the lamp posts and then crash into the Pentagon. Which data-set is correct? I don’t know but it is a question that needs answering.

Then there is the size of the impact hole which was very small. To the sides of the hole there were no signs of wing marks or the huge engines that should have hit it. Even if the wings had folded back and crumpled into the body the huge engines should have been visible on the unscratched grass of the Pentagon.

The dimensions of the hole do not seem to fit those of a Boeing 757 and there is no sign of plane parts either in the hole, as attested to by witnesses at the scene, or on the grass outside which is evident from the first film footage shot of the aftermath. This footage was not requested by the 9.11 commission as the Jesse Ventura video at the bottom attests.

What Happens When A Plane Hits Concrete?

Here is a video which shows a test to prove whether a Japanese nuclear power station could withstand an airplane hitting it.

In the test they used a rocket-propelled, 27-ton F-4 Phantom jet, attached to a sled, aimed to hit a 3.7 meter thick slab of concrete at a speed of about 475 miles per hour which is the same speed that Flight 77 reportedly hit the Pentagon.

Notice how the plane does NOT go through the wall but disintegrates into chunks on the outside of the wall.

This is unlike the Pentagon attack where we are asked to believe that not only were the huge engines of a Boeing 757 not found imprinted on the wall of the Pentagon, they were seemingly not found at all.

In fact only small parts of a plane (or missile) were found and even Boeing employees when asked claimed that these parts did not belong to the suggested plane.

Also there is the question of how a plane made out of very lightweight materials could have a nose so strong that it punched through three rings of concrete as it supposedly did at the Pentagon.

Whereas the plane in the video above crumples up on impact with the concrete wall we are asked to believe that Flight 77 managed to punch it’s way through 3 rings of concrete at the Pentagon. Something a missile would do very well but a Boeing 757 isn’t capable of due to the weakness of the planes nose.

To go with this we are expected to believe that no passenger bodies were found at the scene. Instead only bodies of people from the Pentagon were recovered. It was only later at another location that the passengers were supposedly identified. These could have easily been faked.

We also have witnesses from within the building who claim not to have seen any signs of a plane at all, even being threatened (or “corrected”) in their assertion that a bomb had gone off (as the later video shows).

At other plane crash sites, bodies are found still in their plane chairs, however none were at the Pentagon. Multiple witnesses and journalists made statements that no evidence of a plane hitting the Pentagon could be seen on the grass or even within the hole that many witnesses walked through on their way to safety.

Then there is the question of how a plane of that size reportedly flew 400 mph at only 30ft above the ground to hit the first floor of the building without hitting the ground first.

If experienced pilots claim this feat would have been impossible for them to accomplish, then how could an inexperienced pilot such as Hani Hanjour, someone who had been denied the usage of a small Cessna 172 because he was such a bad pilot, make such a manoeuvre.

Others believe that the the immense down-force from the plane would have prevented it from flying so close to the ground at such speeds and that it would have crashed into the ground leaving marks on the untouched Pentagon lawn way before the walls that it reportedly hit.

I have personal contact with someone who worked with aircraft all their professional life, working with Rolls Royce aircraft engines.

When asked how a plane that size could fly so fast and so low to the ground without toppling over due to the huge down-force he replied – “with difficulty and a great deal of skill”. Something which we know the pilot reportedly had none of.

Whether you think it’s a distraction or not lots of questions remain about the Pentagon.  In fact lots of questions remain around 9.11 as a whole. With the recent Prism scandal we should always remember that it was the events of 9.11 that has led to our current high tech surveillance state.

This is Jesse Ventura’s look into the Pentagon attacks.

View the original article “The Pentagon Attack – 9.11” at the main site

TerrorStorm – Full 2nd edition documentary on False Flag Attacks

May 16, 2013

TerrorStorm – Full 2nd edition documentary on False Flag Attacks

By Dark Politricks

This is the 2nd edition of the popular Alex Jones documentary TerrorStorm that looks in detail at the proven history of false flag events and state sponsored terrorism including modern false flag attacks such as the 7/7 London bombings and 9/11.

For anyone who doesn’t believe these two recent terror events were false flag attacks carried out by government intelligence agencies. Either deliberately “or allowed to happen” to further the case for our current decade of war, the loss of liberties at home, an increase in state surveillance and the rise of a modern high-tech police state, you just need to read up on the following proven events.

  • The Lavon Affair – an Israeli false flag attack in the 50’s that aimed to attack US and British targets in Egypt so that they could be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood and keep British troops in control of the Suez canal. This is a proven false flag operation that led to the resignation of Israeli defence minister Pinhas Lavon and is admitted as such by Israel.
  • The Gulf of Tonkin attack – the “non event” that was used as a pretext by the US government under President Lyndon B. Johnson to start the Vietnam war. This attack has now been admitted to have never occurred however it was reported as a North Vietnamese attack on US ships and used to justify the war.
  • Operation AJAX – the reason the Iranians still call us the “Great Satan“. The democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh was other thrown by a combination of US and British intelligence operations that were used to keep control of the oil fields that had been nationalised by Mosaddegh.

After the coup the western powers installed a puppet Shah which ruled over the country ruthlessly until the Islamic revolution in 1979.

And for more recent events one must only look at the revelations from Seymour Hersh that Dick Cheney planned to stage a false flag attack in the Strait of Hormuz by staging a shoot up between US ships and more US boats painted as Iranian boats.

We also have the Iraq war and the numerous propaganda stunts (both real and planned) that drove us into this unpopular and unnecessary war.

Not only was the 9.11 commission used to justify the war with witnesses such as Laurie Mylroie claiming Saddam Hussien was behind every major terrorist attack in recent years but we had the “dodgy dossier” that was full of exaggerated claims that the Iraqi army could attack British forces with Weapons of Mass Destruction within 45 minutes and the sad spectacle of the once respected US Secretary of State Colin Powell lying to the UN about the certainty of the existence of Iraqi WMD.

The propaganda was used to scare people into a war they didn’t want and as we know now couldn’t afford. Yet even though millions of people marched against going to battle for oil the axis of war pushed on. Even Tony Blair and George Bush discussed staging a false flag attack to get their desired war in Iraq by tempting Saddam Hussein to shoot down a UN plane flying over his country.

So not only have false flag attacks been used many times in the past they have been discussed very recently even if you don’t believe 9.11 or 7/7 were such events.

Whatever you think of Alex Jones the documentary is well worth watching and I have no reason to believe someone could “act” 24/7 as a government stooge by letting people have “controlled government information” as many claim Alex and other alternative news personalities do. Sometimes you have to realise that if you go too far down the rabbit hole everyone starts looking like a rabbit!

To those that claim he blatantly ignores Israel and the Jewish angle during his conspiracy theorising I would say his wife maybe Jewish but then so what? During the film he talks about the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty during the 1967 war and how Israel deliberately attacked and murdered US Navy troops during a false flag attack designed to draw the USA into the conflict.

As witnesses from the ship were ordered on pain of death or imprisonment to stay silent, and twice aircraft sent to help the USS Liberty were called back by Lyndon Johnson who apparently claimed “I want that boat to sink!”, it is left to those survivors brave enough to speak out years later to tell the truth about this false flag attack from a supposed ally.

Not only was the US flag flying high and visible to the Israeli pilots that flew over the ship in the hours before the attack. It still flew during the torpedoing and the strafing of the survivors in the water by Israeli boats sent to ensure that no witnesses were left to tell their side of the story. Radio’s were jammed to prevent calls for help and everything was done to ensure that the boat sank as the US President wished.

However an Israeli pilot has gone on record to claim he told his superiors that the ship was clearly American but was threatened with court martial for not attacking it. He refused and was arrested when he returned to base.

Also US radio monitors in the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon heard the pilots protests and they have been confirmed by then U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Dwight Porter. As well as this an Israeli Major claimed that everyone in the war room at the time knew they were attacking a US ship. He had heard the pilots statement about the ship being American but he re-canted this statement after being threatened.

This false flag attack was obviously an attempt to bring the US into the war by blaming the attack on Egypt and it was only stopped due to the appearance of a Russian boat that halted the Israeli attack and prevented the plan from succeeding.

This is not exactly sticking up for Israel as many claim Alex Jones does and he could have easily skipped this event from his list of historical attacks. There have been so many false flag attacks throughout history he didn’t need to mention Israel and the USS Liberty at all. However he didn’t ignore it and even if he had it doesn’t matter.

What does matter is that people are made aware of the use of false flag attacks throughout history and how they are still taught at military schools and used to this day by those needing an excuse to go to war.

We just need to think about this when the next bombing or chemical weapon attack is blamed on Iran or Syria and used as a pretext to get us into another war. Watch the film if you haven’t seen it already and pass it on. If you want to download a copy from then read this article on how to go about it.


You can view the original article False Flag Attacks – TerrorStorm on the main site

The 2012 End of Year Review by Dark Politricks

January 2, 2013

The 2012 End of Year Review by Dark Politricks

By Dark Politricks

Well the crazies who didn’t bother to read the Mayan prophecy before declaring 2012 the end of the world were proved wrong.

However 2012 was certainly no reprieve from looming disasters that we seem to lurch drunkenly from like a Glaswegian drunk on Hogmanay. It has been an unmitigated disaster from all corners of perspective and from my own view point it doesn’t seem to be getting better any time soon.

So if last year was Time magazines year of the protester what was 2012?

It was firstly the year that the Arab Spring turned into an Islamic winter.

From the dictator swap in Egypt from Mubarak to Mohamed Morsi to the Syrian civil war that see’s the western backed Islamic rebels murder and massacre Christians and Muslims alike it seems that “the Western axis of war” hasn’t learnt from their mistakes in Libya and are still trying to impose democracy (whatever that is) by the gun and the bomb.

It was not enough that Libya was an unmitigated failure with the country still caught up in under reported rebel gangs, armed with NATO weapons, fighting it out among each other, desecrating World War 2 British graveyards and murdering US ambassadors.

It seems that we have learnt nothing and are still backing the enemy of our enemy, even if that means supporting Islamic extremists linked to terrorists and our supposed mortal enemy al-Qaeda.

Syria is being torn apart by Western and Saudi backed rebel groups as extreme as any dictator we might be justified in other-throwing.

Even though Saddam Hussein, Col Qaddafi, Mubarak and Assad were or in the case of President Assad, still nasty dictators  The people of their countries were not worrying daily about car bombs or NATO planes blowing their houses to bits. Christians lived alongide Muslims and Sunnis lived alongside Shiites in peace.

They may have had to keep their mouth shut when it came to politics but in the case of Libya they had high standards of living and life expectancy in comparison to their neighbours plus they were doing well economically even if they were not “free” as they now supposedly are.

How free are the thousands of protesters in Tahrir square who are still hoping that their earlier revolution against the western backed Hosni Mubarak is not lost as they fight on against the new democratically elected “pharaoh” Mohamed Morsi.

The head of the Muslim Brotherhood, a Western intelligence linked group, that took power in an election before granting himself dictatorial like powers that liberal minded Egyptians are outraged about.

There has been no slowing down of the torture, imprisonment without trial and police brutality that occurs almost nightly as Tahrir square once again becomes the focus of change versus the establishment. The only difference is that this is now an Islamic establishment and one that I suspect the West has been wanting to be implanted for years.


Well the long predicted Culture War between Western Judo/Christianity and Islam has been on the cards for a long time. It is in these eyes that we can see that the West is not too bothered about the Middle East becoming an Islamic Caliphate as it will give them the perfect excuse to continue feeding the Military Industrial Complexes pockets before preparing for the next big war with Iran.

From Afghanistan to the United States we have seen tensions between the two religions of “the book”. Both offshoots of the first books of the Bible and both linked by history and commonly shared religious beliefs.

As western backed Syrian rebels ransack Christian Churches and Christian ministers burn Korans, the fires that are slowly burning away underneath a groundswell of anti-immigration furor in Europe are gently being stoked until the general population are ready for all out war. The next big war is coming – how bad it will be is up to us.

Apart from the upcoming battles that will thin the herd we have spent the year watching people hand over their privacy as if it was an antiquated concept in return for gadgets, applications and the latest phone or computer tablet.

Google, Amazon, Twitter and the rest of the big Internet companies have already been caught out avoiding paying their fair share of tax by using 1 man offices in tax havens. However the bigger news is their links to the new American Security State Apparatus and how the upcoming generation are being conditioned to accept a world of total surveillance.

We have people selling their private information to these corporations just so that they can watch their own house or car on Google maps or tell the world of Twitter users what they had for breakfast that morning.

In 50 years George Orwell’s 1984 nightmare of a state camera in every room of your house will be an old fashioned concept.

We already have surveillance states in the UK and USA where city walls are adorned with CCTV cameras linked to huge city sized databases and the TRAPWIRE system that uses facial recognition technology to link up with other super computers and store, analyse and log every “person of interests” move for the new 1 million strong – super spies that already have top level security clearance in the USA.

Amerika is no longer a fear but a reality.

The NDAA allows the President to lock up Americans for eternity without trial on his say so alone. If he wanted to he could even have you killed as he has already shown with the assassination of American born Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen by a done strike.

You know onne of those deadly accurate drone strikes that treat every male over the age of 8 as enemy combatants (unless proven otherwise) and kill 49 innocent civilians for every “terrorist”.

This is only an extension of the emergency act implemented after 9.11 and still exist to this day – something most American’s know nothing about and literally give the President the power to do what he wants to defend the country.

Whether that means grope or virtual strip machines at airports, bombing Afghan and Pakistani weddings or just starting wars without the consent of Congress as he did in Libya. He has more powers than previous Presidents and all because of the events of 9.11 and the endless war on terror we are still feeling the effects of 11 years on.

A case can be made that the right wing in America have it totally wrong when they call Obama a communist but in reality he is more of a dictator who has continued the George W Bush’s policy of  stripping American citizens of their liberties with laws like the PATRIOT ACT and he has taken them a whole mile further down the road to dictatorship with laws like the NDAA.

The only socialism on show at the moment is the one in which banksters take hard earned tax dollars from the public as state handouts to be used to make even more money in the rigged game that is Wall St through front running and high frequency trading.

As Europe teeters on the brink of self-collapse and America countries printing it’s way to self destruction the BRIC countries are growing in strength.

China is collecting gold bars at the same rate their slave workers throw themselves off the US corporation balconies that were offshored. Workers working for companies that make their goods overseas, pay hardly any tax and care not a jot for the quality of life that the makers of their products have to endure.

So when you next open your iPhone to send a Tweet about how your Facebook profile has been updated just remember that some poor soul in China has worked 18 hour days for a pittance just so that you can throw your privacy away to companies that are in cahoots with America’s new global surveillance society and that your email, contact info and other personal information is just another commodity to be sold and re-sold by these companies.

Just don’t scratch your head when your inbox fills up with spam or every web page you seem to visit seems to show adverts targeted especially for you.

What can we hope for 2013 then?

Well the end of the world isn’t being booked for this year as the Mayans don’t have anything planned so far.

Therefore if the world does end it will be of our own making. We are already being cajoled into believing Iran is on the brink of nuking us all despite any evidence from the IAEA and it is only Israeli pressure on the US congressmen they own and the blackmail they have probably collated on the President that will force any pointless war.

It might be all the assassinations and military base attacks by US/Israeli backed terrorist groups (or freedom fighters in this case) that has changed Iran’s mind.

Or it might be the first cyber warfare weapon STUXNET that changed it by almost destroying their nuclear program through multiple zero day exploits only a nation state would have the manpower and knowledge to use.

Or it might just be the fact that Iran wasn’t making a bomb in the first place – it is un-Islamic after all.

On the one hand Iran is called a fanatical Islamic state but when it comes to the part of Islam that says nuclear weaponry is against God’s will then that seems to get overlooked.

However what cannot be overlooked is the total hypocrisy of an apartheid state like Israela country that unlike Iran isn’t a member of the Nuclear Non Proliferation Agency but still has 200+ nuclear bombs calling Iran a threat for “maybe” thinking about building one without proof.

This is after all a country that only recently assassinated the Hamas military commander who had brokered a cease fire that stopped Hamas firing rockets into Israel and then sat back as Hamas fell into their trap firing hundreds of firecracker rockets into Israel.

Some of these were long range ones that got lucky almost reaching Tel Aviv, others were not so lucky and almost hit their fellow Palestinians in the West Bank.

However this battle was once again one sided and whilst the world waited for Israel to once again enter Gaza and massacre over  a thousand innocent people as they did in Operation Cast Lead they instead blew up children playing football and attacked journalists from the air in a short but powerful onslaught that stopped short before any Israeli troops entered Gaza city.

Therefore if we are to see the next year out without another middle eastern war it is only going to be if someone reigns in the Likud war party and brokers some kind of peace deal in the Middle East.

This bleeding sore on the face of the world has been leaking for too long and the longer it goes on the more chance there is of a catastrophe occurring.

The more Middle Eastern states that turn from their ex Western backed dictators  to new Islamic governments the more chance we have of the perfect trigger to start the culture war that ne-cons and ex cold war warriors have been planning for decades.

9.11 did the job of getting America fighting Muslims on Israels terms, and with their dumbed down public they don’t even realise that 92% of Afghans have never even heard of this event they are supposed to be fighting America for. Instead it’s sold to American’s that it’s all because they “hate our freedoms” of course!

Nothing to do with the army bases in their holy lands or their biased one sided support for Israel – no it was American freedom they hated.

The sad thing is a mud hut dwelling Afghan probably has more freedom than any American ever had.

They certainly don’t have to worry about CCTV or TSA gropers it’s only drones blowing up their weddings and soldiers going on killing sprees for fun that they have to deal with on a daily basis.

Add to that pertinent point that America has thrown away most of their freedoms anyway and the people the US are fighting in the Stan are just Taliban/civilians who see the US/UK soldiers as just another group of invaders they have been putting up with for centuries. It  seems that they don’t actually have much left to do to “win the war” by defeating all that American freedom they hate so much.

Plus seeing that there is hardly any “real” al-Qaeda in Afghanistan anymore.

The rest of them are being funded and backed by the US/UK axis of war in Syria doing their next de-stabilisation job after we already supported them in Libya. It looks like the world is on it’s head and needs a dose of reality shoved down it’s throat.

That doesn’t look like it’s going to happen anytime soon.

Therefore if we end 2013 without another war we will have done well indeed and I reckon that is the best we can hope for!


View the original 2012 End of Year Review by Dark Politricks at the main site

How we are being indoctrinated to believe privacy is an antiquated concept

December 16, 2012

How we are being indoctrinated to believe privacy is an antiquated concept

By Dark Politricks

It is amazing how much indoctrination we are submitted to throughout our lives and how little most people realise that they are being indoctrinated to accept a power system that subjugates and constricts our lives. It is through this indoctrination that our concept of privacy is slowly being eroded.

Indoctrination comes in many forms and has many purposes but the current major form of indoctrination is to condition the new generation of society that privacy is an ancient old fashioned concept.

Some of us old enough to remember the times before 9.11, and before that the growth of the Internet.

Both of these major events have affected the way democratic societies in the west have treated privacy and reduced limits on government and corporate snooping.

Here are just a few of the ways we are being conditioned to accept government spying and corporate control over our lives as nothing more than natural behaviour there to “protect us” from the all powerful evil terrorists that live under every rock and bush just waiting to pounce.

1. Schools

Our schools are nothing more than factories for producing uneducated youth ready for the corporate jungle that will eat them up for low wages and little benefits. Instead of actual education in which they would learn useful information such as morality and where it comes from, philosophy, debating techniques, logic and reasoning. They are instead taught a minimum amount of knowledge to become good and obeying citizens ready for the low wage jobs that our service economy is now built upon.

Instead of the junk they are forced to fill their brains with they should be learning useful life enhancing tools such as history that teaches events from multiple points of view so as not to re-enforce any one sided indoctrination they may be getting from home by parents who have been through the same factory system of education themselves.

2. Computer Games

The most popular past time for school boys and girls today is the use of computer games. Whereas once kids played outside, kicking balls against walls, riding bikes in the woods and making their own entertainment they are instead indoctrinated into becoming soldiers of the future by playing war based games like Call of Duty and other games that involve killing “the enemy” en mass. We can see the output of this indoctrination with the use of Playstation controllers used by drone controllers who sit in Las Vegas and kill dozens of people halfway across the world as if it were nothing but a game. These games are designed to de-sensitise boys at a young age and make it seem normal to kill people without thought or reason.

3. TV and Film

Television is the cancer of the brain that rots the unthinking from the inside. Whenever the rhetoric about war with Iran heats up there always seems to be films or TV programmes that are brought out at the same time to subtly influence the viewer into hating the enemy before any war starts.

From shows like NCIS, Person of Interest and 24 hours to films like The 300 and most recently the film Argo. They all influence the unwitting viewer into supporting domestic spying “for our own good” as well as US foreign policy. This might be about stirring up hatred for Iranians, justifying torture or supporting Israel and dismissing any freedom fighters as mere terrorists.

Whether this is just co-incidence or due to the strong links between the TV industry and pro-Israeli (and through them pro-war, neo-con) lobbyists, they all seem to be linked to current events. To the many dumb vessels that view these shows the underlying messages are taken in but not noticed consciously, to others who are aware of what is actually going on in the world they are signals of what is to come.

4. The Internet and Smart Phones

Whilst the Internet has undoubtedly been a force for good and allowed communication and the spread of information across the world it is now entering a stage where governments world wide are trying to limit these good aspects and instead use it as a tool to spy constantly on the public.

Whether it be CCTV cameras linked up to huge central databases through systems like TRAPWIRE or the ability for hackers (government or corporate) to remotely activate the microphone and webcam on your PC to listen and watch you, your laptop can be used as the ultimate spying tool for those who need it.

Not only has your PC and Phone become tracking devices that can pinpoint your location through inbuilt GPS devices or even just triangulation of phone masts as your phone constantly pings them to find the nearest and strongest signal. They are a means for the authorities to log and record your whereabouts and then store that information for a long period.

5. Privacy

Kids today are growing up with no concept of privacy. They post everything about themselves on the Internet on sites like Facebook and then live to regret them as they get older and go for job interviews. Nearly the first thing bosses do nowadays is search for your name online, using sites like to see what indiscretions their new employee might have got up to in earlier life.

Not only does the concept of having no privacy mean that people get used to being spied on constantly by CCTV cameras, satellites, phone companies, advertisers and the government. It also means that once our generation has gone the future children of the world will think nothing of RFID chips embedded everywhere to help them find information whilst logging their whereabouts at the same time or using their mobile phone instead of cash to pay for their shopping.

Anything that might seem helpful for the end-user also can be used for nefarious purposes and governments all over the western world are building huge data centres to hold all your banking transactions, the  locations of your travels, shopping habits and much more for time memorial “just in-case” something happens.

The nothing to hide, nothing to fear argument is often used at this point to justify this intrusive behaviour but do you really want your government looking back at you through your web camera as you read this article?


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