Posts Tagged ‘President Obama’

Why do Americans still celebrate Independence Day on the 4th of July

July 7, 2014

Why do Americans still celebrate Independence Day on the 4th of July

By Dark Politricks

On the 4th of July there is only one question that needs to be asked by all Americans who are actually celebrating this holiday.

“What are you actually celebrating and why?”

You may not be ruled by King George any-more but the recent 2 Presidents have acted far more like Kings than the English monarch ever did.

It cannot be the freedom of speech you used to cherish. No you have to have permits and free speech zones for protests now. Plus your constant chatter on the phones, Internet and talk in public is constantly monitored by technology like NSA’s PRISM, TRAPWIRE and the much older ECHELON.

It cannot be the free movement around the country without fear of harassment, secure in your papers from unreasonable searches. Not when the Police, TSATransport Cops, Border Guards and other agencies can now forcibly take blood and DNA samples from you, scan your naked body and grope your genitals if you refuse to be scanned, stored and studied as you go about your way.

Add to that the fact that most people are carrying the equivalent of chips in their skin by having smart phones on their person 24/7.

Phones that record your every movement to local databases on your phone that can easily be extracted by the Police or if you turn off this feature (check once logged into Google to see if your history is currently being recorded) then it will still be logged at the phone company.

Turn your phones GPS off and your location can still be located down to a few square metres from pings to phone masts and a simple triangulation formula. Turn your battery off and there is still enough power to enable this to happen – maybe this is the reason most smart phones make it so hard to remove batteries nowadays.

It cannot be freedom from a tyrant, a King George like figure who thinks he has a God-given right to take your life. No the President now has the authority to take your life without even bothering with the charade that passes for a trial if he thinks you are a danger to your country. He just needs to consider you a danger to the country and sign a bit of paper and “boom” a drone is coming your way.

Freedom from drone strikes? Nope – not even if you’re a US citizen. Your just an enemy combatant who doesn’t have the right to argue your case in a court of law.

Freedom from assassination squads? Nope. Navy SEAL Teams and other commandos are scouring foreign countries to assassinate “terrorists” and the CIA are doing the same on the homeland for “malcontents”.

What about freedom to blow the whistle when you find that your government has broken the law, spied on people without warrants or committed massacres in war zones? No – if you write the wrong article in a paper or expose secrets that have been passed to you by a whistle-blower you are more likely to be considered a traitor than a hero in this new age.

It seems journalists who try to print the truth are considered nothing more than spies and the papers and journalists who dare to print your stories of government abuse will also be attacked, spied upon and harassed.

Even people who should know better will call for your execution on live TV. Who even knows whether these talking heads are even real TV personalities anymore rather than COINTELPRO agents stirring up hate against “enemies of the state” who dare speak truth to power.

What about the freedom to work long hours for little pay? Forced to hand over large amounts of your earnings for goods that your Government mandates you “must” purchase and then watch as the endless cycle of your Government buying its own printed money through the convoluted and corrupt Federal Reserve system means that the value of your wage decreases in real terms every month as your jobs are shipped overseas to people who are willing to work even longer and for much less?

It has now come to the stage that you are monitored so much in real life through linked up CCTV systems like TRAPWIRE, massive city sized computer systems that can log every purchase you make, every movement you make through your cars GPS tracking systems or even that useful bug you so happily carry around with you for others to track you with, your phone, that you cannot even escape into cyberspace any-more.

The virtual world is just as monitored as the real one.

I have to wonder whether the places you visit in virtual games  like Second Life are also bugged and monitored by virtual agents of the state? I’d guess the answer is most definitely especially after news that the NSA and GCHQ were using the chat services that online games employ to spy on the players.

Facebook, Google, Skype, Apple and all the other big techno giants we are being shepherded into using 24/7 are all just front ends to those 3 letter acronyms that litter the American landscape.

Acronyms like NSA, CIA, FBI and the  TSA are all hankering after those data packets that log every URL, website, file, instant message and email you have ever written.

These are the modern-day “papers” of the 21st century, and secure is not something you can expect to be, especially when you willingly hand over your data to the “cloud” for safe storage.

So if you celebrated “Independence Day” then I would be interested to know what is so special about your independence when compared to a dictatorship?

You have been living under emergency laws since 9.11.

Laws that give the President dictatorial like powers through Orwellian pieces of legalese like the PATRIOT ACT which was written years before the date and then eagerly dusted off when the events of 9.11 unfolded.

All to be enacted under a climate of fear and patriotism, where politicians didn’t even bother reading what they voted for and detractors were attacked with Anthrax or declared “unpatriotic”. All because they were not willing to hand over their basic rights such as habeas corpus, a fair trial, freedom from torture or the right to know what you have been accused of in an open court of law.

This was back when we had a far right government running the USA. Now we are supposedly living under a liberal, left wing, Democrat!

How I laugh when I hear Americans call Obama left wing or socialist! Society is not something he is promoting with Homeland Security asking neighbours to become de-facto spies and inform on each other or where over a million Americans have top secret security clearance.

There is nothing democratic or liberal about the NDAAdrone strikes at will or the President declaring that he can spy on anyone in the world without due process.

I have to wonder what President Obama see’s when he looks in the mirror.

Does he see the leader of a once great free nation that has succumb to fear, militarism, war mongering and the all-pervasive surveillance state.

If not, does he honestly believe he’s a liberal in charge of a “free nation”?

If so does he not feel the slightest bit of guilt when he looks at that Nobel Peace prize he was so, so prematurely given in the hope that pre-election rhetoric would be converted into real “hope and change” from the Bush/Cheney years?

Instead he has taken the ball from the GOP and kicked it out the stadium, far surpassing anything the Republicans did to kill liberty and freedom in America.

Wars have increased, with covert action and drone strikes occurring in more places across the world than ever before. All under the never-ending “war on terror” banner.

Liberty at home has decreased and a true liberal POTUS would have at least stood up for the freedoms he attacked Bush for removing when he was only a Senator. Does he honestly not believe he is the hypocrite is blatantly is.

It is funny how power corrupts.

It is not so funny to look at the state of Amerika on Independence day.


View the original article Why do Americans still celebrate the 4th of July? at my main site




Prism means journalists should be wary – so should we!

June 16, 2013

Prism means journalists should be wary – so should we!

By Dark Politricks

With the explosion of information about the latest American spy scandal, and the revelation that the USA has been spying on us all for years, isn’t it all about time we all took our Internet security more seriously?

You might have read my earlier article Internet censorship and surfing anonymously but if you are not a “text” reader and felt over-loaded with information then the following links to some nice infographics will help show you just how Google and your browser track, log, identify and make money from your personal information as you surf the web.

They will also show you in a simple way which settings to turn off depending on the browser you use, plus which browser specific plugins to install, to increase your security, improve privacy and reduce your “Internet footprint“.

You may have seen Microsoft promoting their privacy options lately for Internet Explorer on the TV and there is a new setting which the browsers have introduced called DNT (Do Not Track).

Supposedly if you enable this setting in your browsers settings it will pass a special header called DNT (Do Not Track) along to all sites that you visit which is supposed to tell them to respect your privacy and not log or track you. You can actually see this header with tools like HttpFox or Firebug or even most browsers own inbuilt developer console (F12 usually brings it up). When you inspect your Request headers (all the information your browser passes to each site on each request for an HTML page, image or other resource required by websites to work) you will see the DNT header set to 1 if it’s enabled.

However like all these things even though Google’s own Chrome browser has a setting for this new option they themselves DON’T EVEN support it!

Just goes to show you that money is more important than a users security or privacy and that your online data is worth $£€ to the Internet companies.

Have a look at the following pages if you want a nice illustrated guide on how browsers and Internet sites track you online.

This explains how you can stop being tracked by your browser.

This explains how you are tracked online when you use Google.

This explains how your search results are tailored to previous searches and details obtained by your browser.

You should also look into using secure search engines such as or instead of Google (yes other search engines do exist and are just as good!) as well as researching secure browsers and tools such as TOR for secure Internet browsing.

As journalists are now targets of the American government and whistle-blowers seem to be top of the USA’s execution lists, far ahead it seems of real terrorists, then newspapers and anyone else wanting to bring truth to the masses by exposing government secrets should really be looking at creating secure ways to communicate so as to protect their sources. We long expected that our governments were basically spying on all our emails, phone calls, Internet traffic and now we have been proven right. It is up to you alone to help make it as hard as possible for them to track you if you respect your own privacy.

It may be hard but the easiest thing to do is stay away from any of the big Internet companies and their products e.g Google, Facebook, Skype, Hotmail etc (there are alternatives) and lock down and encrypt your PC and as much of your traffic as possible.

As Ron Paul says in this article he fears the most recent whistle-blower Edward Snowden might even be killed by a US drone strike!

What the fuck is going on USA?

If anyone was mistaken about the real reason for the war on terror and the loss of liberties at home that sprung from it this should come as a big fat punch on the nose warning!

This war is not going to end. Who does anyone think we are ever going to sign a peace treaty with to end it?

No this war was all about allowing the governments of supposed western democratic nations to go draconian on all of our asses and we only have to look at how Obama, a supposed liberal President, is:

  • attacking free speech,
  • spying on reporters who dare report on the Government,
  • going after whistle-blowers which are supposedly protected by the law,
  • spying on all Americans and International countries who use the Internet without warrant or probable cause,
  • executing American nationals without trial,
  • killing innocent people by the hundreds in remote drone strikes,
  • supporting al-Qaeda linked terrorists in Syria and Libya, and worse of all,
  • increasing the American police state that is still under emergency laws (since 9.11) – with bills like the NDAA to follow on from the constitution killing PATRIOT Act which was brought in by George W Bush.

Whether you like Obama or not a TRUE liberal would not be promoting such activities.

View the original article Prism means we should all be wary – journalists especially! at the main site

Palestine had no choice but to seek UN membership

December 2, 2012

Palestine had no choice but to seek UN membership

By Dark Politricks

I am glad Palestine got their UN non member status despite threats and sanctions by the US and Israel but it my eyes it was the only thing they could do.

They had run out of options. The Intifada has obviously not worked and although worldwide public opinion had wildly swung behind their cause in recent years due to the Israeli’s blatant disregard of international law and actions that have disgusted people nothing had changed in the Palestinians favour whilst Israel continues it’s breaches of International law unabated.

Actions such as Operation Cast Leadthe ignored Goldstone Reportthe Mavi Marmara assassinations (including of US citizens), the killing of peace demonstrators like Rachel Corrie and the recent attack on the blockaded Gaza.

These are all actions that instead of dividing and conquering, which was the aim when the Mossad set up Hamas to split the Palestinian resistance between Fatah and Hamas, has instead brought them back together over recent conflicts.

Whilst many people after the 2nd World War had sympathy with the Jewish Religion and their persecution that enabled them to enact out a self-fulfilling prophecy that saw Zionism break God’s covenant with real Judaism by using politics, bribery, the Balfour Declaration and the Treaty of Versailles to realise their dream.  A minority were not. Over the years a new generation without first hand knowledge of the World War II has grown up. They see things very differently from their predecessors.

Whilst our parents and grand fathers suffered the horrors of the biggest world wide killing spree ever known, our generation has grown up in peace and we hold people of all countries to the same standard of behaviour including the USA and Israel. We cry out loud when we see hypocrisy at hand.

We were the generation that broke US/UK support for the Apartheid state of South Africa and held Free Nelson Mandela concerts that saw an “ex terrorist” released from a quarter of century in prison to lead his country and change the US/UK stance on the horrible anti black South Africa state. We are all hoping that international condemnation of Israeli actions will do the same for the Palestinian people.

We are the generation that sees the hypocrisy of an International Criminal Court which members like the USA can just “opt out of” because they don’t want their killing squads, torture prisons, extraordinary rendition and drone strikes that kill more civilians than terrorists excused from international sanction whilst demanding it from other countries.

We are the generation that sees the outright double standards of the USA calling out other countries on “human right” abuses whilst they commit the same abuses in the name of “spreading democracy”.

We also realise that the “War on Terror” con has been a way to allow politicians at home to gain dictatorial powers including the power to assassinate at will, spy on their citizens without warrants and use super computers the size of cities to trawl through personal data looking for “signs” of “terrorist activity”. It is clear to us that the war on terror has been a massive fraud that has allowed our leaders to enact draconian policies at home that would otherwise cause outrage as the US constitution is flushed down the toilet.

And when it comes to Israel we are the generation that knows that the country in the desert DID have people living there before the Jews came after the war.

We also know that the IDF was born out of terrorist gangs like the Stern Gang and Irgun. Gangs that killed British soldiers and massacred Palestinians, driving them out their homes and refusing their return. Terrorist gangs that spawned some of the first leaders of Israel as well as the Israeli Defence Forces.

We see the two faced US UN ambassador claim on one hand we must intervene in Syria, Libya and Iran whilst ignoring the blatant massacres and human rights abuses in their allied countries of Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and most importantly Israel. We know why they do it and we laugh when they accuse others of allowing crimes against humanity to continue whilst turning a blind eye to their own allies crimes.

Every time the US uses it’s veto in the Security council to prevent sanctions on Israel it dilutes any creditably they have when they attack Russia or China for doing the same with their own allies such as Syria. You cannot have it both ways Uncle Sam!

Now Palestine is a non member status we can expect sanctions, the expansion of illegal settlements and other acts illegal under international law but allowed because of the USA’s backing. Who is pulling the strings Israel or the USA and why does Obama not have the balls to stand up to Israeli behaviour now he doesn’t have to worry about election funding?

Anyone expecting Obama to stand up to AIPAC and the Israeli lobby and demand they move ahead with a proper peace process is likely to be disappointed.

Bibi and co probably have a book a foot wide of indiscretions Obama committed before gaining the highest office in the land and that is probably the reason America always seems to elect drug users, ex alcoholics and sexual deviants as President. They are all easily bribed.

We cannot expect the US to be a fair broker anymore in this age old conflict and despite what Zionists say the Palestinians had no other route to getting some form of resolution to their plight.

They are supposed to be agreeing final borders as defined in the Camp David and Oslo accords but Israel has delivered nothing to them but expanded illegal settlements and a giant wall blocking them from their neighbours as well as the illegal blockade of Gaza.

Likud, the ruling party of Israel is a right wing party that survives only on drumming up the thought of annihilation from non existent threats.

Without the existential threat of Iran being rammed down Israelis throats every day and the tit for tat skirmishes when Israel chose to kill the Hamas leader who brokered a cease fire just so that Hamas would retaliate and they could bomb the concentration camp of Gaza. This happened just before their next general elections and it is no surprise there but without this constant war footing there would be no need for these right wing nutters. Therefore it is in their interest to always exaggerate threats from abroad and claim the only way to defend themselves is by war not peace.

Israel has no-one to blame but themselves. It is their attitude and actions that has finally broken the straw and caused Palestine to go to the UN. If they truly wanted real peace and security they would have sat down and talk many years ago – however they were looking for any excuse not to go down this route.

If they want continual war, pariah status on the level of South Africa before the end of apartheid and even possible total destruction they are going about it the right way. The ball is in their court now if they really want peace they have every opportunity to show it to the world that is fastly turning against them.


You can view the original article about “Palestine had no choice but to seek UN membership” at the main Dark Politricks site here:

Imagine if it was the other way round and Hamas had killed the Israeli head of Defence

November 16, 2012

Imagine if it was the other way round and Hamas had killed the Israeli head of Defence

By Dark Politricks

I am guessing here, but as Israel launches another war on the blockaded Gaza I expect they thought they would have a different President in office.

Someone who Bibi got on a bit better with than Obama and someone who had probably already given him the green light to go ahead with Operation Pillar of Defense as soon as he won the Presidency.

This is the brilliant name they are calling their new onslaught on the cornered in population of Gaza. Cast Lead 2 – the Sequel could be another.

Maybe Obama gave him the same promise as well, I don’t know. The final televised debate was surely a blatant attempt by the two candidates to show Israel who loved them the most and history shows that it doesn’t matter who sits in the Oval Office they will always allow Israel to bomb, assassinate and kill their neighbours as they see fit whether they break international law or not, always backing them up in the UN with their veto if the rest of the world cries out in anger.

If anyone is holding any hope that Obama has any balls whatsoever to stand up to the Israeli lobby now that he doesn’t have to worry about their campaign financing for another election they will surely be disappointed. There is little difference in the Democratic or Republican party when it comes to areas of hypocrisy and warmongering.

However as I watched the news coverage last night something stuck in my mind that one of the presenters said.

As Israel killed 2 kids and called it “collateral damage” on the way to blowing up the chief military commander of Hamas, Ahmed Jabari, someone said – imagine if it was the other way round.

The USA wanted the Palestinians to have a democratic election and they did. They just didn’t like the outcome of it – democracy our way or none at all is their mantra.

However Hamas was democratically elected and is a political party. Therefore Ahmed Jabari, the head of Hamas military was killed yesterday, he was the direct equivalent of the Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak.

If Palestine is to become a proper nation, with borders then it is to have a police force as well as some form of defensive force. Whether we call Hamas freedom fighters or terrorists they are still the legitimate political rulers of Gaza and we all know that the IDF, the Israeli Defence Force was born out of terrorist gangs that killed British soldiers by assassinating soldiers and blowing up hotels. It seems as if it’s one rule for the Israeli’s and one for the Palestinians and they are not allowed to defend themselves in any shape or form.

We all know that it depends on your point of view whether a terrorist is a freedom fighter or vice versa as this article makes clear but just imagine if Hamas had killed Ehud Barak in the same way Israel had killed Ahmed Jabari.

How many Palestinians in Gaza would be left to tell the tale? Not many would be my guess.

View the original article that this is based on at

The Grand Bargain will prove Obama is no progressive and that it’s business as usual in Washington

November 14, 2012

The Grand Bargain will prove Obama is no progressive and that it’s business as usual in Washington

By Dark Politricks

There has been a lot of talk lately about the “Grand Bargain” that is going to be made between Obama and the GOP to try and balance the books and prevent the government’s having to deal with the “deficit cliff” that would massively reduce spending and raise taxes.

This is something Cenk Uygur talks about in this video. About how the real aim is to let the right of centre President Obama make a deal with the Republican party in the lame duck session so that business can continue as usual. The real aim being to once again lett the poor and the middle class suffer by giving away cuts to their services and benefits in exchange for tax cuts to the wealthy. Once again the poor get screwed so the rich can get richer.

This is something that Cenk’s math’s shows is totally unnecessary and can be avoided just by letting the George W Bush tax cuts expire by kicking the ball into the long grass and waiting for a Democratic controlled house.

Although Cenk is obviously a liberal he is someone who attacks both Obama for his non progressive views and his right of centre beliefs.

As I previously stated if Obama WAS a true liberal he would not be doing any of the following:

  • Allowing the Federal government to go after State legal pot dispensaries for medicinal marijuana.
  • Also threatening the new states Colorado and Washington who have recently legalised recreational marijuana with the DEA. Both wasting time, money and ignoring the wishes of the states population. See the Anti State Rights Pledge here.
  • Continuing the war on terror in a more forcible way than his predecessor George W Bush. Including drone strikes that kill 49 civilians to every 1 terrorist.
  • Letting soldiers based in America use Playstation controllers to kill people halfway across the world as if it was just another version of Call of Duty. Then already de-sensitised by not having these soldiers in the “kill zone”, seeing the carnage they have wrought first hand, they use a double tap method to kill anyone else who comes to the aid of the victims whether they are women, children or other non combatants.
  • Introducing blatantly anti-liberal laws such as the NDAA, continuing the State of Emergency enacted after 9.11 and letting the PATRIOT ACT continue on harassing and spying on citizens and journalists alike who are trying to bring some accountability to the government.
  • Allowing his much “celebrated” health care act to become a piece of legislation that both liberals and conservatives hate in that it forces people to pay for a product they may or may not want or use. He modelled it on a Republicans health care plan (Mitt Rommey) and is basically forcing people to become customers of the health insurance companies. A true liberal would have gone for a public option or none at all not giving an already rich sector of business a market that is compelled to buy their product.

Also if Obama was NOT an establishment stooge he would surely be doing all of the following:

  • Locking up the banksters that brought the USA and then the world to it’s knees financially.
  • Not allowing the FED to continue printing money and devaluing the dollar in a race to the bottom that is killing savers and de-meaning true capitalism.
  • Not appointing neo-con and right wing ministers to head up agencies in Homeland Security, the DEA, the CIA and the Department of Defence.
  • Cutting and not increasing the Department of Defences already bloated budget and using the money to fund projects that help middle class Americans NOT the military industrial complex.
  • Reeling back the intrusive surveillance state that has seen a million Americans become holders of top secret intelligence clearance and introduced huge city sized databases such as the one being built under UTAH. All to hold all the information gained by spying on American and Europeans bank records, phone calls, text messages, CCTV footage (see TRAPWIRE) and Internet usage.
  • Allowing big business and well funded lobbyists to dictate his policy instead of trying to take corporate money out of politics.
  • Following the right wing pro-Israeli line that all American Presidents seem to take. Forgetting all their breaches of international law, illegal wars, assassinations in foreign lands, illegal settlement buildings and illegal blockades that Israel constantly inflict on Palestinians and their neighbours.

However Obama is not a true liberal.

He is a centre right politician who is both an establishment stooge and someone beholden to big business and the banksters who robbed the country.

He is also someone all too willing to compromise what little beliefs he has to get bi-paritsan support in Congress whether or not that means sacrificing whatever little principles he may or may not hold.

As Cenk says:

“First of all, let’s establish that no one in Washington actually cares about balancing the budget. If they did, they would love this so-called Fiscal Cliff. It raises taxes and cuts spending, so it would massively reduce the deficit. Isn’t that what all of Washington has been pretending to care about all of this time?

Second, understand that this so-called compromise they are talking about in order to avoid this supposed calamity is a trick. In fact, it’ll be the greatest robbery in American history. Think about it — they say they are worried about all those tax increases and spending cuts. But that’s not true. The Grand Bargain would dramatically increase spending cuts, not alleviate them. So, in fact, the only thing they care about is paying less taxes, as always.

Watch Cenk explain his maths and the unfairness of the “Grand Bargain” below.

Watch uploaded videos from the The Young Turks here.

Follow me on Twitter at

View the original article on here.

The hypocrites anti-states pledge for non believers in the right of states to chose their own laws

November 11, 2012

The hypocrites anti-states pledge for non believers in the right of states to chose their own laws

By Dark Politricks

The other day Cenk Uygur from the Young Turks asked hypocritical states rights enthusiasts who don’t believe in the recent state ballots in Colorado and Washington to legalise marijuana to take the Anti States Pledge.

The pledge states:

“I have never actually believed in state’s rights. Every time I mentioned it I was lying. I promise to never, ever mention it again as long as I shall live.”

You can watch Cenk Uygur make his case in the following video.

You can read my latest article on the Anti States Right’s Pledge and the failed war on drugs on my main website in an article I have just written called “The Anti State Right’s Pledge – and why President Obama is not a true liberal”.

What do you feel about President Obama getting a second term?

November 8, 2012

What do you feel about President Obama getting a second term?

By Dark Politricks

Now President Obama has been re-elected as President of the USA does the thought fill you with joy or dread or is it more a case of choosing the least bad option of a bad bunch.

It seems that the 3rd party candidates from the Libertarian Party, the Green Party, the Justice and Constitution Party hardly made a dent in the political system that seems to be sewn up tightly by the duopoly of Democrats and Republicans who control the Presidential process.

If you voted for President Obama do you honestly believe he will finish off, or even start, the “Hope and Change” that he promised the first time round. Or will he just continue business as usual.

Allowing the banksters of Wall St to continue to steal money from the tax payers, devaluing any savings people may have by continuing to have incredibly low interest rates and allowing any reforms of Wall St such as the Dodd-Frank act to be watered down by the powerful lobbyists. People who seem to be able to control the levers of power to their advantage whoever sits behind the oval desk.

Will he continue building the high tech police surveillance state in which more than a million people have top secret clearance and the war on terror is expanding constantly filling the military industrial complexes pockets with more cash with every civil right crushing, constitution ignoring act he signs into power.

Acts such as the PATRIOT ACT and the NDAA that give him dictatorial powers to kill and indefinitely detain US citizens or start wars without having to pay attention to congress as he did in Libya.

Will he continue to back Jihadists and al-Qaeda linked rebels fighting in Syria as he did in Libya all because the enemy of his enemy is his friend or will he actually grow a pair of balls and decide that morals and ethics are something that America should be an example to the rest of the world who used to believe America was the “good guy”.

Will he continue to back Israel as they break international law, execute on tape American citizens, and subjugate the Palestinian people by blocking any bill in the UN with a veto and then attack countries such as Russia and China who do the same when they try to prevent another NATO war in Syria.

Will he even dare to cut the bloated and gigantic Defense budget that is bigger than most of the other countries in the world put together.

A budget that means huge military bases and missile shields that are more of a political statement than any proper aim to defend the US public and only again serve to fill the military industrial complexes coffers.

Just imagine all the things that could be bought with that money – you could even pay for a proper health care system instead of creating a mandatory purchase from insurance companies – a system hated by liberals and conservatives alike.

Does anyone think Obama is a true liberal or as many Republican message boards and blogs like to call him a Marxist or Communist – people who have never obviously read a dictionary. Or is he just a slightly less right wing version of the Republicans. Both are big government parties, the only thing that differs is how much they move the line and what the big government spends the money on.

Whoever won the election we can be sure that the continuation of the Amerika we have all grown to fear will continue and systems like the TSA’s porno scanners and TRAPWIRE that monitor US civilians wherever they go will continue to feed into the rising police state system that seems to be expanding forever. A true liberal would be curtailing these excesses not expanding them.

Let me know what you feel about the result of the election with this poll below and leave your comments in the comment section if possible.

View the original article at

Why is taking Russia to show the USA how to hold a fair and balanced election?

October 23, 2012

Why it taking Russia to show the USA how to hold a fair and balanced election?

By Dark Politricks

It comes to something when the USA, supposed home of liberty, freedom and refuge from tyranny, has to ask for external observers to their elections to stop them being stolen.

The USA is very good at labeling elections in countries such as Iran or Russia stolen or compromised but who are they to talk after the debacles of the Bush elections, the proven hacking of the Diebold electronic voting machines and all the voter suppression being carried out across America at the moment.

Not only do we have Republican Governors trying to introduce laws that would block a large percentage of people who would normally vote Democrat from voting by insisting on forms of ID that these people don’t have or don’t have time to get before the election.

We also have CEO’s of companies telling their staff who to vote for, that their jobs depend on voting for Mitt Romney and even asking their workers to contribute to the Romney campaign whilst they fly around on their private jets.

Then we have the spectacle of Mitt Romney’s son buying electronic voting machines that will be used in key swing states including Ohio – imagine the uproar by FOX News if Obama had done that!

Despite all the shenanigans going on to block or cajole people voting from one way or another we have the disappointing choice of two candidates who seem to differ very little on the important things as last nights debate shown.

Not only are both candidates in hock with Israel and sworn to protect it with the blood of American sons and daughters, but both are war mongers who will probably start a war with Iran in the next Presidency to distract people from the meltdown of the American economy and way of life.

Just as history shows us, first there is an economic collapse, then a massive wealth disparity between the top few percent of the country and the rest of us and then when things just don’t get any better a war comes along. We should not let either of these two candidates lead us down this road again.

And why is it that these debates are only between Obama and Romney when there are other candidates standing for election? Is it because the debates are organised by the establishment themselves – yes – it is all façade meant to show that there is a difference between the two parties when none really exists.

There are many other candidates standing for election including Green, Libertarian, Constitution and Justice party candidates but we don’t get to hear much from them.

Maybe if they had been allowed to debate the two establishment candidates in a real debate about important matters then it would have been much better to watch instead of just seeing the two candidates agree about important foreign policy issues.

Issues such as:

Why do both men support giving US tax payers money straight to the banks that stole from the nation instead of locking the banksters up in jail?

Or why do we always stand by Israel and talk about Iranian nukes when Israel has hundreds and uses the USA to fight her wars for it?

Or why are we fighting unbeatable wars on terror and drugs when we are stone cold broke?

Just imagine all that tax revenue that would be brought in if Marijuana was legalised.

If you do want to watch a proper debate, one in which both candidates don’t try to out warmonger each other, then is showing one tonight.

This is a debate which you can watch live between the Libertarian Party’s Gary Johnson, Green Party’s Jill Stein, Constitution Party candidate Virgil Goode, and Justice Party candidate Rocky Anders.

It comes to something when Russia has to show the USA how to conduct fair and balanced elections.

Not only did they install 15,000 cameras in polling booths so that every Russian citizen could watch and help prevent vote rigging they also had more than 2 candidates standing for election.

Also as they don’t use electronic voting machines there is a paper trail that can be analysed after the fact. Something the American population cannot do with their easily hackable voting machines.

Maybe there is a reason Ireland sold all their electronic voting machines as scrap metal.

How long after Bibi’s speech at the UN do we wait for a war with Iran?

September 29, 2012

How long after Bibi’s speech at the UN do we wait for a war with Iran?

By Dark Politricks

After Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s “performance” in the UN assembly the other day it is clear he is itching for a war with Iran.

Despite the facts of the matter e.g NO PROOF that Iran is building a bomb which comes from people such as top American and Israeli military and intelligence officials who have gone public to state that:

  • Iran has not decided to build a nuclear bomb.
  • Even if they did – they would be stupid to use it as America and Israel has thousands of nuclear bombs and they would be wiped out in seconds.
  • Plus even American intelligence operatives such as Director of National Intelligence James Clapper,  General Ron Burgess, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff agree that Iran is a “rational” state actor who wouldn’t suicidally kill their whole country for the sake of one (probably shot down) attempt at a nuclear strike on Israel.
If we want to see all of the following:
  • The Middle East in more flames as Syria and Iran go down fighting, with proxies such as Hezbollah and Hamas lobbing rockets into neighbouring countries, terrorists blowing themselves up on New York and London trains and more havoc than could be imagined at this point.
  • More US embassies being overrun and more US ambassadors being killed.
  • Yet more US and UK troops dying on foreign lands fighting wars for other countries.
  • The price of your petrol rise to stupendously high levels (they are already crazy in the UK £1.4+ for a litre of unleaded).
  • Another hypocritical breach of international law in which we let a member of the Nuclear non proliferation treaty (Iran) who has not been proved breaking it whilst a non signatory (Israel with their 200+ nukes) start another pre-emptive illegal war “just in case” they might have been right.
  • Then a war in Iran is just want we need.

We seem to forget that Iran has one of the largest populations of Jews outside Israel in the Middle East and they are not living in ghettos, forced into concentration camps, being exterminated or any of the other deeds carried out by the Nazi’s that led to Israels creation after World War 2. In fact they live quite comfortably.

Israel was a country created in the misguided belief that Palestine was a place with no inhabitants.

Just sat there waiting for thousands of Jews, many with no links to the land whatsoever, to come and kill British soldiers by the hundreds through terrorist organisations like Irgun and Stern gang. Then afterwards start a civil war – in which the seeds of a new “international law”, created by the USA and the Nuremberg trials to punish the Germans for their crimes against the Jews, were totally ignored by the same people who first benefited from them.

Laws that have still not been fulfilled. Such as the return of Palestinian refugees to their homes. Plus laws that are still breached to this day; such as the attacking of whole civilian populations as Israel did in Operation Cast Lead, targeted assassinations and illegal blockades of whole territories such as Gaza.

In fact it is no wonder that Israel along with the USA finds itself in a nice group of countries who haven’t signed up to the International Criminal Court alongside China, Iraq, Libya, Qatar, Yemen, India, Iran, Japan, North Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, and Turkey.

I suppose it’s because they would find their soldiers and leaders in the dock so often that they might as well set-up a camp alongside it.

I doubt acts such as these would be welcomed by bosses of the US Army as they would find themselves consuming whole years worth of dockets at the International Criminal Court.

Crimes such as:

I suppose it makes you understand why Israel and America were so keen NOT to join the International Criminal Court, even though Bill Clinton signed up to it before George W Bush withdrew the signature in 2002.

Maybe we just have to wait for Romney to steal the election with the help of the Koch brothers before we get this disastrous war with Iran which will undoubtedly worsen our global recession.

Or maybe Obama is just putting it all off until after the election so that he can use AIPAC dollars for his re-election campaign and then he will surprise us all by doing what US Presidents’s haven’t done previously in their last term – act like an honest broker between Israel and Palestine.

If he really, really tries to sort out that problem, the one all US Presidents weakly attempt to in their second term, then the anti-Zionist rage (not anti-semitic) will hopefully subside.

Maybe even Iran won’t consider the racist Israeli government a threat, which it is at the moment, with their hundreds of illegal nuclear weapons and their support for terrorist groups like the MEK who have just been removed from the US terrorist watchlist. A group who bombs, assassinates and terrorises Iranians all the time. But then they are “freedom  fighters” when they are fighting OUR enemies aren’t they!

Maybe once President Obama doesn’t have to think about another re-election then all that “change” he promised us he will actually try to deliver.

Maybe starting with actually letting Palestine become a real state in the eyes of the UN and remove the promise that the USA will always block votes aimed at curbing Israeli war crimes and breaches of international law in the UN Security Council.

Maybe when their crimes are re-examined in an international court (not that they subscribe to the concept of International law) such as the illegal blockade of Gaza, the occupation of Palestinian territory and their ethnic cleansing of East Jerusalem. He might actually grow a pair and try to prevent the submission and humiliation of the Palestinian people by the Zionist state.

Maybe if he doesn’t have to worry about AIPAC spies and blackmail (and just the possibility of assassination) he will actually stand up to Israel’s constant threats of external annihilation. A successful tactic they have used since their inception to excuse their wars and abuses and keep their population scared of all those “evil Muslims” that want to exterminate them.

Maybe he will even have enough of a pair to stand over Bibi and rip up his cartoon drawing of bomb telling him “no more”.

Maybe one day even Jews and Non Jews can live in a secular Israel/Palestine together as equals.

We can only dream.

Whatever is happening another war in the Middle East is not what we need right now!

So how long do after that comical performance by Bibi at the UN do you expect to see US and UK troops fighting for Israel against Iran once Bibi’s “red line” is crossed on his Road Runner like cartoon bomb?

The Teleprompter knows all votes in advance at the very undemocratic Democratic convention

September 8, 2012

The very undemocratic Democratic Convention

By Dark Politricks

A lot of people including myself have for years compared the US political system as a single-headed coin with two faces.

This duopoly is designed to appeal to both sides of the culture war. However both main political parties when in power continue the same  policies. Policies that are acted out whoever is voted in as President of America.

Whether it is a Democrat or Republican sitting in the most important position of the land. The policies that actually matter continue unabated.

Policies such as

  • Constant and ever expanding wars that only create enemies for future US generations of soldiers to fight.
  • The huge and all invasive police state that is being enlarged at home from the PATRIOT Act to the NDAA. From TRAPWIRE to ECHELON. From CCTV to the Police  secretly downloading whole mobile phones for GPS positions, call data and text messages.
  • The ever revolving door between Wall St and the Treasury that see’s big banks able to actually get the law changed retrospectively once they are caught breaking it.
  • The bailouts that use taxpayers money to pick winners and losers and allow the US government to pay back their biggest donors with handouts.
  • The lobbying and high spending during elections that prevent the breakthrough of any other party or independent unless they are a multi millionaire like Ross Perot was. Unless you have a few hundred million dollars to waste on elections and rich friends with their Super PACS. The spending on Presidential elections will only increase and increase maintaining the duopoly that strangles the political process and prevents new parties and new ideas from gaining traction in the political sphere.
  • The War on drugs that see a disproportionate amount of minorities locked up in prisons for long periods. The USA is supposed to be a country where the government stays of your back unless you’re hurting someone. Yet dare smoke a spliff, even in a state that has legalised medical marijuana, and the Federal government still feel the need to treat you as criminal scum and lock you up.
  • The power of the military industrial complex to keep on growing in size, eating up more and more of the total US GDP as Department of Defence/Attack money that is just to “important” to the country to cut. Whether it’s a Democrat or Republican in office the hundreds of US military bases and billion dollar embassies dotted around the world will remain whilst the poor have to put up with cuts to Medicaid, Social Security and other “entitlements” they have paid for through their taxes throughout their lives.
  • And something that will be discussed further along in the article is the decision to support Israel no matter how badly they act on the international stage. No matter how many targeted assassinations they do – something the US has now followed them with. No matter how many nukes they keep hidden and away from inspection whilst demanding Iran a member of the NPT put up with ever more inspections, special rules and threats of war if they decease from their perfectly legal activity. They also stay quiet as Israel kill American citizens whether caught on camera assassinating US citizens like Furkan Dogan and Rachel Corrie or covered up like the mass murder of US naval person-ell aboard the USS Liberty.

And they are just a few of the things that won’t change if Mitt Romney the least favourite of all the Republican runners gets voted in as President later this year.

However proof that both the GOP and Democratic conventions is just pure theater rather than groups of like-minded people getting together and voting together to form policy. Or even to choose what should be in their public statements has now come out in two embarrassing video clips from both parties conventions.

The following video clip shows how despite the audience at both parties conferences voting “nay” (in the negative) at least as equally as loud as the “yeighs” (positive), if no louder, they were overruled by the all-pervasive teleprompter which takes no consideration of party members feelings as the outcome had already been decided and then scripted for the speaker.

The fact that the delegates didn’t choose to go along with the pre-determined decision is a perfect sign of how little these mega parties really care about their members feelings.

For me the worst one of the two cases was the Democratic vote to restore a previous statement that Jerusalem was the capital of Israel – rather than under international law the supposed capital of both Israel and Palestine.

This came after FOX and other right-wing commentators made a fuss about the lack of mention of God in their speeches and how they had “removed” all mention of Israels divine right to claim Jerusalem, a piece of territory the Israeli’s are in the process of ethnically cleansing (through forced home purchasing for Jews), as their rightful capital.

GOP officials argued that not taking a position on Jerusalem’s status in the party platform showed the president was weak in his support of Israel. Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney said that by omitting God it:

“suggests a party that is increasingly out of touch with the mainstream of the American people.” and that “I think this party is veering further and further away into an extreme wing that American’s don’t recognize”  – Not that God and Politics should be mixed in anyway in my own eyes.

Anyway it caused such a fuss that it was obviously decided by the powers that be, with undoubtably a bit of pressure from AIPAC behind the scenes, to re-add in these statements of support for Israel.

By doing so the Democrats made themselves look so controlling and fake they were indistinguishable from North Korea by the manner they chose to do it.

Instead of just adding the statement back in they wanted to provide the illusion that the decision was based on a majority of the Democratic delegates wanting to change it – which they obviously didn’t (a good sign in itself).

The convention chairman Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa called a vote of the delegates on the matter which stated that:

Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel. The parties have agreed that Jerusalem is a matter for final status negotiations. It should remain an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths.

The crowd re-acted by shouting in the negative.

The number of yes’ were clearly outweighed by the shouts of no and the Mayor got so confused he attempted a re-vote in which exactly the same thing happened again.

Luckily a woman came up to him and helpfully told him to just ignore the actual feelings of the delegates and just carry on reading the ever knowing teleprompter.

However on this second vote in which large numbers of delegates shouted “NO” at the top of their lungs the mayor of Los Angeles ruled that the amendments had been approved by two-thirds majority even though it was blatantly obvious that it hadn’t at all.

Why – well it was on the teleprompter of course and he was just following the pre-determined line that had obviously been decided much earlier by powers above him.

Why the charade of asking members to vote on matters that could go both ways when the outcome had already been pre-decided I don’t know. However it was a small sign that the curtain hiding the Wizard of Oz was being peeled back to reveal an all-pervasive globalist and pro-Israeli agenda that will continue despite the wishes of Democratic members, delegates and most importantly voters.

In both cases (GOP and Democratic Party) If they had already decided on the outcome was what the point of asking the delegates to vote in the first place. Just to provide an unsuccessful illusion of democracy at a very undemocratic Democratic convention?

Both parties had this illusion of democracy destroyed and hopefully enough people saw these events to realise that whoever they vote for the next fours years have already been planned out – whoever takes the prize of POTUS.

For those people who have not witnessed these shameful events the following video should be mandatory watching.