Posts Tagged ‘Internet’

Is George Orwell the 20th century Nostradamus

January 18, 2017

Is George Orwell the 20th century Nostradamus

Do young kids even care about Privacy anymore?
By Dark Politricks

The Snoopers Charter is now the most draconian Internet law in the world.

I bet at least half if not 70% of people today in the UK, don’t even realise what this draconian law is and that is now on the books. If you don’t you better start reading my friend before you are forced into intricate flag waving ceremonies and hand salutes for Theresa May.

Do you care or are you too busy playing candy crush and taking selfies of you on the toilet to worry about antiquated ideas like privacy.

Privacy was once something to be protected. Now it’s a commodity to be sold or to be used to track you down by private investigators, ex partners, the police, MI6/6 a

In the UK we are now living in George Orwell’s prophetic 1984.

This was the futuristic tale written by the author in 1949 by George Orwell  after the 2nd world war.

In the book, he imagined a world constantly at war, enemies to the North, South, East and West, millions of people working for the state apparatus, and a million people dying daily fighting on the front line.

The “Ministry of Truth” where old news stories were carefully amended to show an altered vision of history as alliances change and battles won. Oh and of course the thousands of spies and traitors who had to be weeded out by Big Brother and his double agents.

The book does remind me strongly of the present day.

Alliances swap and change so often, people you were told were eating babies yesterday and fighting tooth and nail against you are now your allies, standing shoulder to shoulder fighting alongside you on the front line against what are probably tomorrow’s allies.

Propaganda is news to be believed as it comes straight from the word of the Great Leader or the State in our case.

Of course any dissidents who try and provide actual facts or a non biased point of view on any conflict are labelled traitors, conspiracy theorists and jailed for long sentences if not silently killed.

A more subtle way in this age of information technology where a GPS chip in your arm, or more precisely your phone, tracks all your movements for the state our #altnews internet sites are taken down or dropped in the Google rankings after sitting at the top for years. Bureaucrats decide what is “fake news” and “real news” and then warn potential readers they may be entering a free thinking zone.

One day an ally in a war is to be against all forms of torture, killing of innocents and despises religious fundamentalism, child killers and suicide bombs. Just like the Syrian Free Army, who were a non jihadist, anti Assad force. The next thing you know they sold all the arms and equipment we had given them to ISIS , ransomed off American journalists to ISIS to be beheaded for cash and prayed to allah as they machine gunned down captors in the street or cut open their victims chests before eating their hearts and lungs.

Alliances change like snowflakes in the wind it seems and the globalist don’t give a shit who they are working with as long as it meets their objective.

We have even got to the stage where al-Qaeda our “mortal enemy” (2 men in a cave), are sometimes on our side. Using pseudo names like al-Nusra Front they are labelled as anti Assad fighters and not jihadists. I’d like to see the command and control structure in that office.

Of course who dies, which states crumble and how many millions of migrants enter Europe to carry out ISIS attacks on Paris night clubs doesn’t matter to the powers that be.

They get their kicks off on a Friday night lying naked in some open coffin wanking off to the names of their ex lovers (I wonder if that includes little boys and girls….) and have all their mates watch and cheer. Then they finish the night off with a nice “pizza” as they discuss the next destabilisation plan on the table.

Then as politics and the war changes, the idea to be at perpetual war to keep the citizens at home and frightened (sound familiar), the alliances change so that in the hall of records this previous alliance is airbrushed out of history and the strength of unity and purpose that our new alliance brings is fully documented.

George Orwell had an uncanny knack of seeing into the future or his tale was picked on as some sort of template to base our war economy on.

We already have the Telescreens in our rooms and the Snoopers Charter (and US Terms and Conditions) make it exactly that.

If you have a built in Web Cam for Skype or games just beware it’s two way. If you can use it, so can the police and MI5/6 use it to watch you, and with the new Snooper Charter Law they don’t even need a warrant. So when you send that next sex text to you baby mama just be on notice the local drug squad could all be having a giggle.

“They” are watching and listening to you through your digital accessories on TV’s, Phones, PC’s, laptops, tablets anything that can be hacked (most things) and profiling you just as in the book 1984.

You can get all techie about it as I write here about some of the ways to mitigate such surveillance or a quick list on journalists who were followed and harassed, some killed, but a quick list would be.

Encrypt your phone in the settings with a long upper and lower case passwords only you know.

Use patterns to access all your favourite apps. 4 digit pins are easily breakable in 5 mins but a pattern you have got wrong a hundred times before is a lot harder.

Turn your location off. Why do you need to see where you drove around for the last week or so or what time you stopped at the local McDonalds. Not very interesting but it just might be for people watching you.

Use Anti Virus tools on your phone. MalwareBytes is free and good for both PC and phone. Clean Master is also good and CM Security allows you to add patterns/pin codes/finger prints to open apps and files if you phone doesn’t have it built in.

Don’t use the default Text or Phone app you get on your phone. All these calls and messages will be saved at Vodafone HQ for a year or more in case the cops come calling. Just deleting them off your phone does nothing as they are still on your phone providers servers.

Install Telegram , Viber or if you must Wickr . A BT Sim only plan will get you on the internet in most place so you can video call Japan – encrypted – all without using up your minutes. Same goes for texts. Telegram / Wickr allow you to delete your texts after X days/weeks/months with a self destruct option that if you don’t use your app within X days or so it will delete the whole account.

So if your phone goes “missing” you can be safe knowing as they are dictionary cracking your passwordsock them out after 3 failed goes and attempting patterns that will l your texts will get deleted.

Also BT uses DCHP which means everytime I go on the web I get a new IP address this pisses me off no end as I need to add it into my firewall to SFTP or stop myself being blocked out my own site.

However it also means it makes it a lot harder over historical period to see what you were up to when they cannot trace the IP address to you especially when you went through a number of proxies.

That is of course unless you have already been hacked and all your history lies at GCHQ – the great hall of records, history, fake history and “we are all doing this for your own protection”.

So just use masking tape over your phones camera or webcam if you are not planning on using it and the same goes for your microphone.

Sometimes the best ways are the oldest. And if your really paranoid, which you should be as no-one, no matter what gibberish they spout has “nothing to hide, nothing to fear” – it’s about liberty and not living in a police state where anyone in a uniform can “demand your papers”. If you are really going off the grid then you should learn how to use pigeons to send messages up and down the country like the olden times of yore.

So what is it with all these shifting alliances, especially with the most barbaric country in the world, and biggest fund raiser of terrorism, Saudi Arabia.

Well we are doing it to keep one of the few UK industries that is actually not running offshore after BREXIT, the arms industry, booming.

By selling weapons to Saudi Arabia and Qatar who then use them to kill kids in Yemen and then allow them to pass on the equipment and supply them to ISIS to fight themselves – convoluted I know but apparently despite funding and arming ISIS like Turkey they are also in an alliance to destroy them.

This anti ISIS alliance means nothing of course and history like Orwell predicted will be rewritten, but the amount of US/UK arms being found in overrun ISIS positions just shows our duplicity and complicity in the whole nefarious debacle.

George Orwell’s 1984, a tale of fiction not a road map to future militarism and a police state

We are living in a surveillance state.
We are being watched.

George Orwells oath to Big Brother


Read the original article Was George Orwell the 20th century Internet Nostradamus on the main site


By Dark Politricks

© 2017 By Dark Politricks

After the shutting down of Silk Road who will pop up to take it’s place?

October 4, 2013

After the shutting down of Silk Road who will pop up to take it’s place?

By Dark Politricks

Recently we have had the shut down of the online darknet Silk Road website.

Apparently the man behind it, Ross Ulbricht, was found with bitcoins worth $3.6m (£2.2m) when the FBI raided him.

What we need is a proper “DarkNet search engine”.

The problem is once it was created everyone would be on it and it wouldn’t be dark anymore.

However a program, downloaded to the users computer like P2P software, that crawled behind the scenes to find “dark” sites from links on certain messageboards and other “known dark site” locations could be made instead.

Just like the NSA and their own super Google, we need a way to quickly make a local search engine on the users PC of encrypted files that when ran locally acted like a search engine.

No public domain, no WHOIS records, just a way to obtain the software and  download it to your PC and run it locally.

The website would be local to your PC so no log files and just return sites from a local search engine – your own personal naughty Google.

Obviously you would use TOR like software or proxies to make all HTTP requests – but then you would be doing that anyway if you had half a brain. Maybe you would need to prove yourself first before downloading it – maybe after a criminal record check to ensure you ARE a criminal!

Maybe I might just build my own one for a test and see how it goes. I did manage to make a similar piece of software called Proxy Hunter that goes off and finds proxies from any website, decodes the source using various methods, tests and then stores the Proxies on demand for use if required. Works a charm.

This could be a good programming challenge! Who will take it up!

Remember people.

Crawling the web is NOT illegal, sending drugs over state or country borders is!

Whether drugs should be legalised altogether is another question!

However what I cannot believe is why the doofus behind the site used an email address with his name in it?

Had he never heard of disposable email addresses?

All it seems to take is one mistake by an idiot criminal not thinking ahead far enough and then a few years later – bang – 6 o’clock knock by the old bill (or FBI in his case).

Lets see what pops up in it’s place.

Just like a drugs gang, when one gets shut down, ten new ones open in their place.

If any of you have any links, messaboards that point to such links, or known front ends to such dark sites, then please forward them (email or comment) on so I can help write this crawler.

It will be an interesting challenge but obviously I don’t want to crawl google but instead know hubs and maybe “submitted” links. Proxy front ends for Pirate Bay, new Silk Roads, alternative news sites that appear no-where in Google and other sites that would be of “interest” to certain people.


View the original article After the shutting down of Silk Road who will pop up to take it’s place? at

Using Pirate Bay and their new Pirate Bay Browser

August 14, 2013

Using Pirate Bay and their new Pirate Bay Browser

The Pirate Bay Introduce The PirateBrowser! Bypass Censorship

By Dark Politricks

To celebrate it’s 10th birthday the worlds most infamous censored site, The Pirate Bay, has introduced its own Internet browser to enable people to access its website even if it’s being blocked by your ISP.

Most big ISP’s have blocked the Pirate Bay for its users claiming it breaches copyright by allowing people to download Torrents of films and music. If you don’t know what a torrent it it’s a movie split into thousands of small pieces. Each piece is stored on various computers so that each user is not in theory holding a full version of a film that may be breaching copyright. When you download  the torrent the files are all put together and downloaded from their various locations.

However most ISP’s still see this as copyright violation and even though The Pirate Bay is just like Google in the fact they are just a search engine and don’t actually host the films or music they have been attacked from all quarters.

Is Your ISP Blocking You?

You can quickly test whether you are being blocked by your ISP by clicking these links which all point to the Pirate Bay Website.

Check More Pirate Bay Proxies

If you want a PHP script that will scan a number of known Pirate Bay Proxies then you can download this one I quickly knocked up from here: Pirate Bay Proxy Checker Script.

Just change the file extension to .php and either run it from your local computer or server. If you are running Windows I recommend downloading WAMP so that you can run an Apache server on your PC. I also recommend changing the port number the server runs on to 8080 or 8888 so it can run side by side with IIS. This article will explain how to set WAMP up.

The benefits of running your own local webserver on your PC are many. You can make scripts such as web proxies, scrapers, scanners, BOTS, proxy hunters and many more cool tools. Plus the great thing is that the only IP address that will show up on the remote hosts log files will be (unless you set up a different IP).

As this is the standard loopback localhost address there is no way for someone checking a logfile to know where in the world you are unless they have further information. Therefore running a local server, especially over another wifi network than your own is ideal for a wide range of HTTP activity.

Use Pirate Bay Tor Browser

If you are being blocked from the Pirate Bay by your ISP then you have a number of choices.

1. Find a working mirror to the site – e.g search for Pirate Bay Proxies on or try this page: to find some not blocked by your ISP. Many mirrors will first open up in something called with a JavaScript countdown. After a few seconds a link will appear saying “click here to continue”. On clicking the page will change (usually to an advert with a blue bar at the top) and in the top right corner will be another countdown saying “Please Wait”. Usually after 5 seconds it will say “SKIP AD” and on clicking it you will end up at the Pirate Bay mirror site.

2. Use a proxy to access the Pirate Bay. There are many free proxies out there and you can find a good list at Use a tool like FoxyProxy to manage your proxy lists and toggle between them. Or you can go into your browsers network / proxy settings and manually enter the IP address and port number you want to use.

3. Download the new Pirate Bay Browser or the Mozilla TOR Browser. Both of which access the TOR network to help disguise your internet footprint by bouncing your HTTP requests through a series of servers.  As the TOR website explains.

“Tor protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, and it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location. Tor works with many of your existing applications, including web browsers, instant messaging clients, remote login, and other applications based on the TCP protocol.”

With all the outrage surrounding the NSA spying on ALL American citizens and the recent revelations that they are using this information not only to catch terrorists but to catch petty criminals, drug dealers, tax avoiders and to spy on and blackmail politicians and judges it is in everyone’s best interests that they tighten up on their Internet security.

As this article I wrote explains there are a number of measures you can take to reduce your Internet footprint and whilst you might be totally invisible you can blend into the background.

So do yourself a favour and use the Pirate Bay browser or the TOR Mozilla Browser. Not only does making use of the TOR network help protect your privacy but the Pirate Bay Browser will let you access a number of Pirate Bay Mirror sites and bypass any censorship that your ISP or country may have introduced.

Download the TOR Browser

Download the TOR Browser

Once installed when you open the .EXE you will connect to the TOR network.

Joining the TOR network

Once connected you can use the Firefox browser to surf the web. All your Pirate Bay Mirror sites and other Torrent sites are linked at the top in the icon bar. Pick one and then carry out your search for movies, applications or other content.

As you can see it’s just a search engine like Google which makes it very unfair that the Pirate Bay is being blocked by ISP’s as Google also indexes illegal content such as porn and copyrighted material.

This is a search for the US TV show Dexter.

The Pirate Bay Browser

Like most search engines once you run a search you get your results.

The Pirate Bay Search Results

As you can see from the results on the right there are two columns, seeders and leachers. You want to choose an item with as many seeders (uploaders) and as few leachers (downloaders) as possible to get a quick download. You can also tell from the names of the file what sort they are e.g if the file has the word CAM in it then it’s a poor quality camera in a cinema job. If it’s HDTV quality it will be a bigger better quality file and BRRip is a BluRay copy.

Clicking on the file you want will open up the result page. Hopefully you will get comments telling you the quality of the file. Click on “Get This Torrent” to download your torrent file.

Downloading a Torrent from the Pirate Bay

When you want to download a torrent from the Pirate Bay you will first need to have a torrent client. There are many out there including:

Once you have one installed your application of choice you can just click on the torrent in your search results and it will open up in the client and start downloading. As you can see whilst you download the file you will also be uploading at the same time. This way you are not just taking without giving back the files you have already leached. You can control the bandwidth ratio between upload and download as well as set limits on the rate you upload.

Downloading a Torrent in UTorrent

However bewarned, ISP’s are also on the lookout for people downloading (leaching) or uploading (seeding) torrents so you need to protect yourself.

Some of the ways include:

-Using someone else’s WIFI or network.

-Using an anonymous proxy that doesn’t leak identifying information or even better a VPN. A paid for tool like BTGuard which is both a proxy and encryption tool which helps prevent your ISP throttle your traffic.

-Using a block list which will mean that all traffic is bounced around ISP routers so that they cannot scan the traffic.

-Setting your download port to a common port for other traffic such as 80 or 8080  (HTTP)

-Limiting your upload rate to a minimum. Although this violates the spirit of P2P (sharing) the people going after you for stealing copyrighted material are more interested in those spreading (uploading) the content rather than downloading it.

-Ensuring you force outgoing traffic to be encrypted. This will help prevent your ISP see that you are using BitTorrent traffic and may prevent them throttling your bandwidth.

-Set a download cap on your traffic. Even if you are encrypting your traffic some ISP’s may see the amount you are downloading and throttle it if they think you are up to no good.

-Using an application like PeerBlock which will block traffic from known bad IP addresses such as P2P blocklists, known bad IP addresses, spyware, FBI and copyright monitoring sites and so on. It is worth downloading and just sits in the background running as you do you’re downloading.

Hopefully this article will help you make use of Pirate Bay if you have been blocked so far.

View the original article The Pirate Bay Introduce “The PirateBrowser” at

Escaping from ECHELON

July 12, 2013

Escaping from ECHELON

By Dark Politricks

How funny is it that Edward Snowden has released information that shows the outcries of European nations to be false, hypocritical and superficial at the very least.

It has been known for over a decade that the main western nations including the US, UK, Canada, Australia and to a lesser extent Germany and other Euro nations were engaged in massive data collection through the ECHELON system.

I remember reading about it back when I had just left school. Trying all the online tests to “prove” that emails were being re-routed by keyword analysis.

I remember one such test involved sending two emails. The first with known flagged keywords such as bomb or AK47 and then another without. The first email was supposed to arrive in your other inbox after the second one due to it having been re-routed and checked by the ECHELON system. Checking timestamps on spoofed emails mentioning bombs and guns was a fun way to spend an afternoon at school.

Anyone who knows about ECHELON knows that the idea was that countries would spy on each other and then share the data to bypass laws preventing the countries snooping on their own citizens. However that all seems to have changed since 9.11. Now they just hoover up the data and our politicians claim it’s for our own safety and that “sufficient oversight” exists to prevent mis-use of the technology.

Yes and I believe everything our Home or Foreign Secretary says….

Apparently in this free for all, data grabbing world, real sim cities are being built by the NSA/GCHQ nexus. It seems they are trying to replicate a whole world on their super computers so that they can monitor our behaviour and spot when someone acts outside their “natural boundaries”. This could be shopping at a different store than usual, driving a new route to work or speaking to different people on or offline.

All our data is combined, merged and analysed. The lines between private and state data monitoring no longer exist.

Those Tesco points you have been earning are most likely filling up just one section of your own virtual profile at GCHQ – don’t dare to go on a diet suddenly, they might think you are acting “strangely” and upgrade your monitoring status a few grades!

As attested to by in a recent article they are literally creating computer models where each human being is a “node” to be measured and monitored.

By combining all the various pieces of private, public and stolen data from the cables that take all the telecom communications under the Atlantic from the UK to the USA, the NSA & GCHQ can literally virtualise our lives and then run models to predict what would happen in certain scenarios.

What would be the normal behaviour of society if the water or electricity was cut off for 3 days?

Who would be likely to riot or take to the Internet and demand changes?

What groups of people are more likely to complain about their situation when taxes are increased than others?

What quantity of benefits and state handouts does it take to produce a dumbed down nation of uninquisitive fools?

What about a terrorist attack or police shooting?

Will the neighbourhood you live in be compliant and lock the doors as they did in Boston or would a single shooting of a known drug dealer in LONDON cause massive riots around the country?

It is getting to the stage that your actions can be accurately predicted and any variation from the norm is automatically noticed, flagged and probably checked for signs of malcontent.

Just as they know I have time to write a couple of articles for this blog a week, drive a certain way to work, shop at local stores and like the odd flutter on the horses they would know the same about you without having to do too much data analysis. Give me enough data points and a big enough database and I could probably write a half decent programme to do the same.

I can only imagine the tools available to the GCHQ coders.

Plus it doesn’t really help our cause when we are so keen to hand over our data to known intelligence agency linked companies such as Microsoft or Google. Got a Facebook page? Comments and quotes all logged and flagged. Mentioned anything about the government lately? Maybe you are already halfway towards getting your name onto a watch-list. Visited anyone in Pakistan lately? Your probably on at least a few already!

When Google analyses your email contents and search terms to show “appropriate” advertising just think what the NSA and GCHQ are analysing with their super computers. They don’t want to show you adverts, that’s for sure.

So whilst some of us have known about ECHELON for decades, to some the revelations coming from Snowden are a shock. However what we actually know is guaranteed to be only the tip of a humongous iceberg, the tip of which is scary enough, but we probably can’t even comprehend what is below the water line!

I am just waiting for the first properly real virtual world computer games.

Ones which people will flock to, thinking they can escape the drudgery of work and the meaningless lives they have.

Terrorists will probably meet up in virtual worlds just to chat, thinking they will escape real world monitoring.

It is only a matter of time until a true “Second Life” is produced.

One in which people can touch, taste and pretend they are something when their real life is nothing.

It might sound like fun, even idealistic.

The problem is, that when that day comes, you can safely assume that the NSA/GCHQ nexus will already have virtual informants to monitor your virtual life.

Escape? I don’t think we ever will.


View the original article on my main site, its called Escape from ECHELON.

Send Dark examples of police brutality or ways to prevent the machine rolling over us this way!

March 5, 2013

Send Dark examples of police brutality or ways to prevent the machine rolling over us this way!

By Dark Politricks

This site is a “power to the people”, free speech, anti war on terror, anti Big Brother site that hates stupid laws and regulations and resents our subservience to supra national entities like the EU, the World Bank, the G20 and the move towards globalisation that means jobs are taken away from middle class people like ourselves and given over  to slave workers in China and India who will work for a pittance.

Our country is full of stupid laws that need repealing. There was a gleam of hope when the Liberal Democrats got into power with their much vaunted Freedom Bill but after Tory interference it was watered down to a charter against rouge car clampers.

There was no removal of the unfair extradition treaty to the US or the return to the right of silence without it being brought up in court. No repeal of anti privacy laws that allow countless agencies to enter your house without a warrant and nothing that let us protest when and how we want. Permit to Protest – you must be joking!

Our stupid drug laws fill prisons with people needing treatment not punishment before re-sending them back out to the community to rob and steal to fund their habit again.

Our NHS is a known beacon for anyone around the world wanting free and often expensive health care which we tax payers have to pay for.

And to top it off all the banksters who broke our country in half are carrying on using our pensions as casion chips for their gambling whilst we suffer with closed libraries, schools and other cuts in public services. Why are the people who had nothing to do with the economic collapse being asked to pay for it? Why are future generations being made to pay for the mistakes of the rich current generation?

Our cops are bent as a nine bob note and get away with crimes every day If it wasn’t for the rise of people carrying video cameras around with them and mobile phones many police abuses would not get noticed or recorded for us to see.

Therefore if anyone has any films of policeman acting against their mandate e.g beating people up unnecessarily or breaching their role to “protect and serve” then please send them this way so I can display them

If anyone has ideas on how we can help roll back the surveillance state being built around us then please let me know so I can share those ideas with my readers.

If people have knowledge on using computer systems without being tracked by the authorities then please let me know. Details such as using open Wi-Fi networks and proxies, removing your battery from your phone to stop being GPS/GPRS tracked, preventing iPhone and Google from storing and uploading your data to any policeman with the right tools and using block lists to bypass ISP’s that sniff P2P torrent packets to see what you are downloading. Plus using special software to super encrypt your messages without Microsofts’s back door accessing them all or just using disposable email addresses and proxy server chains to post your messages on Twitter or Facebook anonymously without being tracked. This is all valuable information.

If you have it then please let me know! I have already listed some ways to beat some tracking and logging by the authorities but much more can be done.


Also if people know of corrupt, inefficient or wasteful local government departments or councils, or members of such institutions, then please let me know who these people are and what they have done. These are people who live off our tax money.

They are there to serve us NOT themselves. I have personally written letters to MP’s and Government officials and got respones – many have been blatant lies or attempts to placate me so I will vote for them at the next election. Our government is full of crooks and career politicians.

Remember if we don’t stick together and pool our knowledge the machine will continue to roll over us until we are nothing but dust!

So send me any dirt you can find!


View the original article “Please send me examples of police brutality or ways to prevent the machine rolling over our liberty!” on

The 2012 End of Year Review by Dark Politricks

January 2, 2013

The 2012 End of Year Review by Dark Politricks

By Dark Politricks

Well the crazies who didn’t bother to read the Mayan prophecy before declaring 2012 the end of the world were proved wrong.

However 2012 was certainly no reprieve from looming disasters that we seem to lurch drunkenly from like a Glaswegian drunk on Hogmanay. It has been an unmitigated disaster from all corners of perspective and from my own view point it doesn’t seem to be getting better any time soon.

So if last year was Time magazines year of the protester what was 2012?

It was firstly the year that the Arab Spring turned into an Islamic winter.

From the dictator swap in Egypt from Mubarak to Mohamed Morsi to the Syrian civil war that see’s the western backed Islamic rebels murder and massacre Christians and Muslims alike it seems that “the Western axis of war” hasn’t learnt from their mistakes in Libya and are still trying to impose democracy (whatever that is) by the gun and the bomb.

It was not enough that Libya was an unmitigated failure with the country still caught up in under reported rebel gangs, armed with NATO weapons, fighting it out among each other, desecrating World War 2 British graveyards and murdering US ambassadors.

It seems that we have learnt nothing and are still backing the enemy of our enemy, even if that means supporting Islamic extremists linked to terrorists and our supposed mortal enemy al-Qaeda.

Syria is being torn apart by Western and Saudi backed rebel groups as extreme as any dictator we might be justified in other-throwing.

Even though Saddam Hussein, Col Qaddafi, Mubarak and Assad were or in the case of President Assad, still nasty dictators  The people of their countries were not worrying daily about car bombs or NATO planes blowing their houses to bits. Christians lived alongide Muslims and Sunnis lived alongside Shiites in peace.

They may have had to keep their mouth shut when it came to politics but in the case of Libya they had high standards of living and life expectancy in comparison to their neighbours plus they were doing well economically even if they were not “free” as they now supposedly are.

How free are the thousands of protesters in Tahrir square who are still hoping that their earlier revolution against the western backed Hosni Mubarak is not lost as they fight on against the new democratically elected “pharaoh” Mohamed Morsi.

The head of the Muslim Brotherhood, a Western intelligence linked group, that took power in an election before granting himself dictatorial like powers that liberal minded Egyptians are outraged about.

There has been no slowing down of the torture, imprisonment without trial and police brutality that occurs almost nightly as Tahrir square once again becomes the focus of change versus the establishment. The only difference is that this is now an Islamic establishment and one that I suspect the West has been wanting to be implanted for years.


Well the long predicted Culture War between Western Judo/Christianity and Islam has been on the cards for a long time. It is in these eyes that we can see that the West is not too bothered about the Middle East becoming an Islamic Caliphate as it will give them the perfect excuse to continue feeding the Military Industrial Complexes pockets before preparing for the next big war with Iran.

From Afghanistan to the United States we have seen tensions between the two religions of “the book”. Both offshoots of the first books of the Bible and both linked by history and commonly shared religious beliefs.

As western backed Syrian rebels ransack Christian Churches and Christian ministers burn Korans, the fires that are slowly burning away underneath a groundswell of anti-immigration furor in Europe are gently being stoked until the general population are ready for all out war. The next big war is coming – how bad it will be is up to us.

Apart from the upcoming battles that will thin the herd we have spent the year watching people hand over their privacy as if it was an antiquated concept in return for gadgets, applications and the latest phone or computer tablet.

Google, Amazon, Twitter and the rest of the big Internet companies have already been caught out avoiding paying their fair share of tax by using 1 man offices in tax havens. However the bigger news is their links to the new American Security State Apparatus and how the upcoming generation are being conditioned to accept a world of total surveillance.

We have people selling their private information to these corporations just so that they can watch their own house or car on Google maps or tell the world of Twitter users what they had for breakfast that morning.

In 50 years George Orwell’s 1984 nightmare of a state camera in every room of your house will be an old fashioned concept.

We already have surveillance states in the UK and USA where city walls are adorned with CCTV cameras linked to huge city sized databases and the TRAPWIRE system that uses facial recognition technology to link up with other super computers and store, analyse and log every “person of interests” move for the new 1 million strong – super spies that already have top level security clearance in the USA.

Amerika is no longer a fear but a reality.

The NDAA allows the President to lock up Americans for eternity without trial on his say so alone. If he wanted to he could even have you killed as he has already shown with the assassination of American born Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen by a done strike.

You know onne of those deadly accurate drone strikes that treat every male over the age of 8 as enemy combatants (unless proven otherwise) and kill 49 innocent civilians for every “terrorist”.

This is only an extension of the emergency act implemented after 9.11 and still exist to this day – something most American’s know nothing about and literally give the President the power to do what he wants to defend the country.

Whether that means grope or virtual strip machines at airports, bombing Afghan and Pakistani weddings or just starting wars without the consent of Congress as he did in Libya. He has more powers than previous Presidents and all because of the events of 9.11 and the endless war on terror we are still feeling the effects of 11 years on.

A case can be made that the right wing in America have it totally wrong when they call Obama a communist but in reality he is more of a dictator who has continued the George W Bush’s policy of  stripping American citizens of their liberties with laws like the PATRIOT ACT and he has taken them a whole mile further down the road to dictatorship with laws like the NDAA.

The only socialism on show at the moment is the one in which banksters take hard earned tax dollars from the public as state handouts to be used to make even more money in the rigged game that is Wall St through front running and high frequency trading.

As Europe teeters on the brink of self-collapse and America countries printing it’s way to self destruction the BRIC countries are growing in strength.

China is collecting gold bars at the same rate their slave workers throw themselves off the US corporation balconies that were offshored. Workers working for companies that make their goods overseas, pay hardly any tax and care not a jot for the quality of life that the makers of their products have to endure.

So when you next open your iPhone to send a Tweet about how your Facebook profile has been updated just remember that some poor soul in China has worked 18 hour days for a pittance just so that you can throw your privacy away to companies that are in cahoots with America’s new global surveillance society and that your email, contact info and other personal information is just another commodity to be sold and re-sold by these companies.

Just don’t scratch your head when your inbox fills up with spam or every web page you seem to visit seems to show adverts targeted especially for you.

What can we hope for 2013 then?

Well the end of the world isn’t being booked for this year as the Mayans don’t have anything planned so far.

Therefore if the world does end it will be of our own making. We are already being cajoled into believing Iran is on the brink of nuking us all despite any evidence from the IAEA and it is only Israeli pressure on the US congressmen they own and the blackmail they have probably collated on the President that will force any pointless war.

It might be all the assassinations and military base attacks by US/Israeli backed terrorist groups (or freedom fighters in this case) that has changed Iran’s mind.

Or it might be the first cyber warfare weapon STUXNET that changed it by almost destroying their nuclear program through multiple zero day exploits only a nation state would have the manpower and knowledge to use.

Or it might just be the fact that Iran wasn’t making a bomb in the first place – it is un-Islamic after all.

On the one hand Iran is called a fanatical Islamic state but when it comes to the part of Islam that says nuclear weaponry is against God’s will then that seems to get overlooked.

However what cannot be overlooked is the total hypocrisy of an apartheid state like Israela country that unlike Iran isn’t a member of the Nuclear Non Proliferation Agency but still has 200+ nuclear bombs calling Iran a threat for “maybe” thinking about building one without proof.

This is after all a country that only recently assassinated the Hamas military commander who had brokered a cease fire that stopped Hamas firing rockets into Israel and then sat back as Hamas fell into their trap firing hundreds of firecracker rockets into Israel.

Some of these were long range ones that got lucky almost reaching Tel Aviv, others were not so lucky and almost hit their fellow Palestinians in the West Bank.

However this battle was once again one sided and whilst the world waited for Israel to once again enter Gaza and massacre over  a thousand innocent people as they did in Operation Cast Lead they instead blew up children playing football and attacked journalists from the air in a short but powerful onslaught that stopped short before any Israeli troops entered Gaza city.

Therefore if we are to see the next year out without another middle eastern war it is only going to be if someone reigns in the Likud war party and brokers some kind of peace deal in the Middle East.

This bleeding sore on the face of the world has been leaking for too long and the longer it goes on the more chance there is of a catastrophe occurring.

The more Middle Eastern states that turn from their ex Western backed dictators  to new Islamic governments the more chance we have of the perfect trigger to start the culture war that ne-cons and ex cold war warriors have been planning for decades.

9.11 did the job of getting America fighting Muslims on Israels terms, and with their dumbed down public they don’t even realise that 92% of Afghans have never even heard of this event they are supposed to be fighting America for. Instead it’s sold to American’s that it’s all because they “hate our freedoms” of course!

Nothing to do with the army bases in their holy lands or their biased one sided support for Israel – no it was American freedom they hated.

The sad thing is a mud hut dwelling Afghan probably has more freedom than any American ever had.

They certainly don’t have to worry about CCTV or TSA gropers it’s only drones blowing up their weddings and soldiers going on killing sprees for fun that they have to deal with on a daily basis.

Add to that pertinent point that America has thrown away most of their freedoms anyway and the people the US are fighting in the Stan are just Taliban/civilians who see the US/UK soldiers as just another group of invaders they have been putting up with for centuries. It  seems that they don’t actually have much left to do to “win the war” by defeating all that American freedom they hate so much.

Plus seeing that there is hardly any “real” al-Qaeda in Afghanistan anymore.

The rest of them are being funded and backed by the US/UK axis of war in Syria doing their next de-stabilisation job after we already supported them in Libya. It looks like the world is on it’s head and needs a dose of reality shoved down it’s throat.

That doesn’t look like it’s going to happen anytime soon.

Therefore if we end 2013 without another war we will have done well indeed and I reckon that is the best we can hope for!


View the original 2012 End of Year Review by Dark Politricks at the main site

How we are being indoctrinated to believe privacy is an antiquated concept

December 16, 2012

How we are being indoctrinated to believe privacy is an antiquated concept

By Dark Politricks

It is amazing how much indoctrination we are submitted to throughout our lives and how little most people realise that they are being indoctrinated to accept a power system that subjugates and constricts our lives. It is through this indoctrination that our concept of privacy is slowly being eroded.

Indoctrination comes in many forms and has many purposes but the current major form of indoctrination is to condition the new generation of society that privacy is an ancient old fashioned concept.

Some of us old enough to remember the times before 9.11, and before that the growth of the Internet.

Both of these major events have affected the way democratic societies in the west have treated privacy and reduced limits on government and corporate snooping.

Here are just a few of the ways we are being conditioned to accept government spying and corporate control over our lives as nothing more than natural behaviour there to “protect us” from the all powerful evil terrorists that live under every rock and bush just waiting to pounce.

1. Schools

Our schools are nothing more than factories for producing uneducated youth ready for the corporate jungle that will eat them up for low wages and little benefits. Instead of actual education in which they would learn useful information such as morality and where it comes from, philosophy, debating techniques, logic and reasoning. They are instead taught a minimum amount of knowledge to become good and obeying citizens ready for the low wage jobs that our service economy is now built upon.

Instead of the junk they are forced to fill their brains with they should be learning useful life enhancing tools such as history that teaches events from multiple points of view so as not to re-enforce any one sided indoctrination they may be getting from home by parents who have been through the same factory system of education themselves.

2. Computer Games

The most popular past time for school boys and girls today is the use of computer games. Whereas once kids played outside, kicking balls against walls, riding bikes in the woods and making their own entertainment they are instead indoctrinated into becoming soldiers of the future by playing war based games like Call of Duty and other games that involve killing “the enemy” en mass. We can see the output of this indoctrination with the use of Playstation controllers used by drone controllers who sit in Las Vegas and kill dozens of people halfway across the world as if it were nothing but a game. These games are designed to de-sensitise boys at a young age and make it seem normal to kill people without thought or reason.

3. TV and Film

Television is the cancer of the brain that rots the unthinking from the inside. Whenever the rhetoric about war with Iran heats up there always seems to be films or TV programmes that are brought out at the same time to subtly influence the viewer into hating the enemy before any war starts.

From shows like NCIS, Person of Interest and 24 hours to films like The 300 and most recently the film Argo. They all influence the unwitting viewer into supporting domestic spying “for our own good” as well as US foreign policy. This might be about stirring up hatred for Iranians, justifying torture or supporting Israel and dismissing any freedom fighters as mere terrorists.

Whether this is just co-incidence or due to the strong links between the TV industry and pro-Israeli (and through them pro-war, neo-con) lobbyists, they all seem to be linked to current events. To the many dumb vessels that view these shows the underlying messages are taken in but not noticed consciously, to others who are aware of what is actually going on in the world they are signals of what is to come.

4. The Internet and Smart Phones

Whilst the Internet has undoubtedly been a force for good and allowed communication and the spread of information across the world it is now entering a stage where governments world wide are trying to limit these good aspects and instead use it as a tool to spy constantly on the public.

Whether it be CCTV cameras linked up to huge central databases through systems like TRAPWIRE or the ability for hackers (government or corporate) to remotely activate the microphone and webcam on your PC to listen and watch you, your laptop can be used as the ultimate spying tool for those who need it.

Not only has your PC and Phone become tracking devices that can pinpoint your location through inbuilt GPS devices or even just triangulation of phone masts as your phone constantly pings them to find the nearest and strongest signal. They are a means for the authorities to log and record your whereabouts and then store that information for a long period.

5. Privacy

Kids today are growing up with no concept of privacy. They post everything about themselves on the Internet on sites like Facebook and then live to regret them as they get older and go for job interviews. Nearly the first thing bosses do nowadays is search for your name online, using sites like to see what indiscretions their new employee might have got up to in earlier life.

Not only does the concept of having no privacy mean that people get used to being spied on constantly by CCTV cameras, satellites, phone companies, advertisers and the government. It also means that once our generation has gone the future children of the world will think nothing of RFID chips embedded everywhere to help them find information whilst logging their whereabouts at the same time or using their mobile phone instead of cash to pay for their shopping.

Anything that might seem helpful for the end-user also can be used for nefarious purposes and governments all over the western world are building huge data centres to hold all your banking transactions, the  locations of your travels, shopping habits and much more for time memorial “just in-case” something happens.

The nothing to hide, nothing to fear argument is often used at this point to justify this intrusive behaviour but do you really want your government looking back at you through your web camera as you read this article?


View the original article “I spy with my little eye” at

Internet giants Google, Facebook and Twitter stick up for privacy whilst selling our personal data for money!

October 15, 2012

Internet giants Google, Facebook and Twitter stick up for privacy whilst selling our personal data for money!

By Dark Politricks

A story in yesterday’s Daily Mail tells how the “big 3” Internet giants, Twitter, Google and Facebook are planning to block a bill being introduced in the UK parliament which requires them to store all data for a year so that security agencies, police and councils can request its disclosure at a later date.

The Internet giants were interviewed by a cross party committee of UK MP’s and they have all come out apparently fighting the draft Communications Data Bill.

From the article in the Daily Mail.

They reveal directors from Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, Microsoft and Twitter believe the Bill would breach users’ privacy and allow repressive regimes to spy on Britons.

“Facebook said it might go to court to resist the new law, while Google and Twitter executives said they could refuse to unlock encrypted data if the Government were to seek the information via third-party providers such as BT.”

“Facebook said it might go to court to resist the new law, while Google and Twitter said they could refuse to unlock encrypted data.

“Facebook director Simon Milner accused the Government of using a ‘sledgehammer to crack a nut’, and claimed the potential for nations with poor human-rights records to obtain data ‘should be a real concern’.”

Now I’d say that it doesn’t even matter if these companies, which are all spying on us for their own marketing purposes anyway, say they are sticking up for privacy. Especially when it has been shown time and time again that companies like Microsoft and Google help the NSA and other US secret service 3 letter acronyms anyway.

We now have the all invasive TRAPWIRE system that is linking up CCTV cameras and spying on US citizens constantly, along with the city sized computer base under UTAH to hold and analyse all the data that is being constantly collected on US citizens which is apparently now all perfectly legal.

There is no doubt in my mind after the EU caved in on banking data transactions that these systems will be linked up in future to the UK who is already the most surveillance country if you go by the number of CCTV cameras that follow us around day and night.

Is it another case of let the “plebs”‘ think they are pushing big brother back a bit whilst all the time lying to our faces as our personal data is stored by a multitude of electronic databases.

Systems as old as ECHELON which was created by the West to spy on the USSR and Eastern Bloc countries but after the cold war was turned on our own citizens.

To get round laws preventing the trawl method of spying that ECHELON does on their own citizens the countries involved decided to spy on each other and share the data. Australia would spy on the UK and the UK would spy on the USA and the USA on Australia. This way the national laws were bypassed and the data was shared among the countries anyway.

However with more and more spying methods and snooping laws being introduced in western nations there seems little need for these pleasantries and our own countries are freely admitting to spying on us all. For our own safety of course.

You never know when those 20-30 real remaining al-Qaeda members left over from the times of “the base” in the 80’s war against the USSR in Afghanistan might pop out under your bed.

Fighters who we helped train and fund and at that time we called them freedom fighters or more accurately the Mujahideen. Our proxy fighters who over time turned into our mortal enemy/de-stabalising friends.

Al-Qaeda terrorists who we obviously have some control over and are used whenever required to overthrow nations we suddenly dislike such as Libya and Syria.

So it might seem like a “win” when these Internet giants say to our government they will refuse to help them spy on us whilst at the same time collecting and keeping the same data for over a year, who knows for how long, by selling adverts, email lists, and details of our friend networks and who knows what else to advertisers to make money.

Obviously there is an easy solution – don’t use the Internet.

However it’s just too damn addictive isn’t it?

So if you don’t want to be spied on then you better go and buy a shack in the woods and wrap tin foil round your head but then it isn’t going to stop those thousands of satellites spinning round the globe spying on you is it?

We do truly live in a world of hypocrisy and George Orwell would be dismayed how we have just allowed ourselves to walk into a world of high tech police state style surveillance.

You can read the full Daily Mail article at

We need to say no to on-line identity cards and treasure anonymity

September 17, 2011

By Dark Politricks

After every case of cyber bulling that reaches the papers and is talked about in the media there is the inevitable conversation about making the web non-anonymous and forcing people to use their real identity whenever they access the Internet.

I have seen this for myself in UK papers as well as on UK TV Talk shows like The Wright Stuff after the recent case of Sean Duffy who was was sentenced to prison for 18 weeks for the crime of “sending malicious communications” after he targeted the Facebook tribute pages of various teenagers, including 15-year-old Natasha MacBryde who committed suicide after being hit by a train.

Duffy used an anonymous profile to post hurtful comments about her death as well as creating a YouTube animation titled “Tasha the Tank Engine” with the girl’s face pasted onto the front of the popular children’s character Thomas. He was caught after the Police traced his ISP account through the pages he accessed.

This has been followed by another famous case in the UK where the comedian Dom Jolly called in the Police after a fake Twitter account was set up by an Internet troll to abuse his two children by sending abusive tweets about their appearance and claiming they had serious illnesses.

As always the media is first in line to demand something must be done even if it means they are basically advocating anonline form of the Identity cards some of them fought so hard against when Labour was in power.

They are not alone in their demands for removing anonymity online as powerful figures in the Internet worldand Bilderberger attendees including the head of Google, Erich Schmidt and Facebook’s Randi Zuckerberg want to use “real identities” when people sign up to use their services.

Whilst this might seem like something China or North Korea would insist on the one country who already does implement a policy of real identities for web users is the supposed democracy of South Korea which implemented their Act on Limited Real-Name Verification in July 2007.

This requires all government web sites and any private sector web site which has 100,000 or more users to collect the real names and national ID numbers of each user. The web site keeps this data in confidence and only gives it up to government agencies when a crime has been committed such as libel, harassment, or presumably posting links to illegal content.

The law was deemed as having a chilling effect on free speech in the democratic country and it is planned to be scrapped after a major security breach in 2011. Furthermore, a famous invocation of the law was used to hunt down and arrest a semi-anonymous blogger named Minerva on Korea’s famous nationally-famous discussion site the web portalDaum Agora.

Minerva spoke about the impending world economic collapse and became nationally famous by predicting the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the sharp decline of the Korean Won against the US Dollar at specific time points. The Lee Myung-bak administration put a stop to his fame and his economic predictions by tracking down his account and arresting him with the charge of spreading false rumors on the Internet. He was obviously proven right in time as every “rumour” he spread came true.

The talk of stopping anonymity online should shock anyone who believes in liberty, freedom and free speech for a multitude of reasons.

Whilst there might be some merit in the argument when discussing cyber bulling, trolling and online harassment as always the bigger picture needs to be looked at and the real reasons behind the move discussed which is, as usual, money and advertising.

If you had to link your real identity up to every web request made, companies like Google, Microsoft andFacebook, who already have scarily close ties with the US Government and nefarious security agencies such as the NSA and CIA would be able to cross reference your details with numerous other online databases held by the government or other private companies.

What does this mean? Well a site like Facebook could block your access to teenage chat rooms if it knew you had a criminal record for sexual assault, a laudable aim you might agree but what if it used 20 year old data or even worse incorrect data held by other agencies to block your access.

What if it decided that because you had a criminal record for possession of Cannabis when you were 16 that when you were 40 you were still not able to search certain terms like “Cannabis, Weed, Bongs, Pipes” on Google or access certain online stores or websites.

There are many reasons to be against online identity cards and UK parties such as the Tories and Lib Dem’s who apposed Labours real life ID cards should be fighting just as hard to prevent any kind of implementation of an online version.

Of course now they are in power the shoe is on the other foot and they can see all the lobbyist money and lucrative business contracts available if they just followed the globalists ideas so I don’t expect to see Clegg or Camerondefending online freedom anytime soon.

However for those of you who are not convinced here are some reasons to be against online ID cards.

1. Anti Liberty

The whole concept is fundamentally anti-liberal and fascist. Real ID cards are no different from online ID cards, no argument. I don’t like real Nazi’s demanding my papers and I don’t want virtual ones to do the same.

2. People could be endangered by revealing their real identity

I’m sure there would be opt-out clauses for all the undercover cops that go online to trap nonces but in countries that have repressive regimes like Iran anyone who spoke out against the government during recent uprising using their real identity could face arrest, imprisonment and even worse. The Arab Spring was mainly co-ordinated online but how many people would have joined in if they knew that they were being tracked whenever they wrote a comment or Tweet about Gaddafi or Mubarak.

3. Distrust of government

The UK government is notoriously bad at keeping any kind of personal data safe. They cannot be trusted to keep online identities safe and previous cases of lost disks, memory sticks, laptops and so on show that any centralised database is best kept out of our own governments hands.

4. Distrust of Big business

Companies like Google and Facebook only want our real identities so that they can make more money from advertising which in all reality is the only way of making real money online. The more information they have about you and the more accurate that data is then the more targeted the advertising is that they force down your throat.Cyber bullying is a perfect emotional argument to use to get Mum’s and the “nothing to fear, nothing to hide ” crowd onside however law or regulation should never be based on emotion, the PATRIOT Act being a prime example.

5. Technical problems

If a centralised database of real identities is forced upon a population it makes it a very attractive target for hackers who would be able to use the data for many nefarious reasons.

Even South Korea has decided to abandon it’s own experiment in real online identities after a major security breach in which information about 35 million users was reportedly stolen from two popular websites. As a techie myself I know that people rarely change their passwords for the myriad of sites they use and having access to a centralised logon that would let me gain access to a users online bank, PayPal, ebay and various email accounts would be a hackers wet dream.

Those are just five solid reasons for ignoring the ranting and raving from the  Daily Mail crowd and we should remember that the Police and security forces already have the means to track down incompetent trollers who don’t even use basic protection measures to hide their real PC details from the sites they spam.

It is impossible to stay anonymous 100% online but there are ways of reducing the potential size of your footprint including:

  1. Using insecure wi-fi spots or computers that are not yours.
  2. Using proxy servers, TOR, web proxies and proxy chains.
  3. Using anonymous search engines that don’t log or keep your search requests, strip adverts and remove trackers.
  4. Disabling tracking measures in your browser such as JavasScript, Cookies, Flash, Images and making use of intermediate proxies to tamper with your Request headers which will at the very least confuse anyone reading the servers logfile and at the very best allow you to watch US TV in the UK and vice versa 😉

As with all emotional arguments there is a good sad story or two to tug on your heart strings but we should embrace the last remaining semi-free domain we have left in this world before it becomes just one big marketing tool to be used by Google and the rest to anoy, hassle and push advertising down your throat that you don’t want.

Remember you don’t have to use a false name to be a prick, and most people who troll for a living will bypass any security measures that are implemented anyway if they have a basic knowledge of PC’s, the web and HTTP.

The only people who will be affected by these measures are the non techies who don’t even realise that all their phone, email and Internet traffic is already scanned, sorted and logged by Big Brother in places like GCHQ and Echelon.

Therefore as with all bad ideas this should be left with the others in the comment section of the Daily Mail and forgotten totally before it is picked up by an anti-libertarian politician with a small workload and little knowledge of the web.

Amerika, A modern day East Germany

August 1, 2010

By Dark Politricks

The definition of a Police State is:

A state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic, and political life of the people, especially by means of a secret police force.

History shows that mankind has been plagued by authoritarian governments since the dawn of collective governance. We have many instances of governments that fit the defintion of a Police State from the East German Stasi, Soviet KGB to the current Chinese government who still utilise whole teams of agents to follow westerners of interest around when they visit the country.

However these countries have all been authoritarian one party states and it has always been presumed that within western democracies the idea of a police state only existed in the nightmares of those sections of society who mistrusted the government no matter what it did. However with the recent Washington post investigation into the size of the intelligence community within the United States of America it may be successfully argued that the time for nightmares has arrived.

The Washington Post expose looked into the huge expansion of the securtity services and other intelligence agencies since the attacks of 9/11 and revealed some stunning facts such as:

  • Some 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies work on programs related to counterterrorism, homeland security and intelligence in about 10,000 locations across the United States.
  • An estimated 854,000 people, nearly 1.5 times as many people as live in Washington, D.C., hold top-secret security clearances.
  • In Washington and the surrounding area, 33 building complexes for top-secret intelligence work are under construction or have been built since September 2001. Together they occupy the equivalent of almost three Pentagons or 22 U.S. Capitol buildings – about 17 million square feet of space.

In case that second point escapes due attention it means that roughly 1 in every 150 adults within the USA has top secret security clearance and if that many people have the top level clearance how many more have one of the many lower levels? It does seem from this study alone that the USA is awash with spooks and spies and as we know from the past ten years of abuse they are not all engaged in fighting the war on terror and looking for the supposed architect of 9/11 Osama Bin Laden.

Instead the government has directed this huge intelligence apparatus onto the people they are supposed to protect and one can only wonder whether this was the original aim in the first place. No democratic country would have ever accepted such a huge intrusion of privacy, destruction of civil liberties and total disregard to the rule of law had the threat of terrorism not existed and been used as the excuse of the century to implement such draconian measures.

Like many governments throughout the ages from Roman times with Julius Caesar, to Hitler and the Reichstag fire, the terrorist attacks of 9/11 were used by politicians to expand the power of the state at the expense of the citizenry using an outside enemy as the excuse. Whether you believe the attacks of 9/11 were staged or not is not the point as it is clear from succeeding events that they were used by the Bush government, and now the Obama administration to increase the power of the government to intrude into the lives of the public.

The main piece of legislation that started the ball rolling towards a Police State was the Patriot Act. This law was rushed through congress without proper consultation and debate and many senators later admitted that they didn’t even read the bill. The very suspiciously timed Anthrax attacks on likely opponents of the bill  ensured that the politicians passed through a truly anti-libertarian bill that had been sitting around for years just waiting for the right “event” to occur.

The law expanded the definition of terrorism to include many domestic activities and it enabled the federal government to increase it’s surveillance of the public through a systematic warrant-less wire-tapping campaign that trawled through every conceivable piece of electronic information from phone calls, emails, Internet traffic and credit card transactions whilst it built up a huge database of real time events in which it hoped to find signs of terrorist connections in a huge game of connect the dots.

The loosening of the terms that define what is and not terrorism should be a chilling warning to anyone concerned with the war on terror. We have seen here in the UK how the numerous anti terrorism laws have been misused by Police officers to prevent photographers from recording police assaults on the streets and in preventing legitimate protest. We have also seen our government abuse powers that were supposedly only there for exceptional purposes for non exceptional means such as when the UK froze the bank accounts of Iceland during the banking crisis.

The US government has now gone one step further in it’s expansion of the war of terror against it’s own citizens by enacting presidential powers that allow for the assassination of US born citizens throughout the world. The US government it seems is now perfectly willing to execute it’s own citizens if they believe them to be linked to terrorism. No trial is required to contest any evidence that may or may not exist and the defendant is not allowed to answer any charges to a jury of his peers. If the government deems you to be a terrorist with it’s newly relaxed definition of what constitutes terrorism then you may be assassinated.

Not only is the US government cranking up the war on terror by attacking those citizens it decides fall into the category of domestic or foreign terrorist it is also trying to crack down on the only forum in which free speech and dissent of government still exists e.g the internet.

In an age in which the dying print media is being deserted en mass and those that control it are scared of losing a major propaganda tool the attacks on the alternative media have increased tenfold. Claims that the old media is in the pocket of government and not doing it’s job properly have increased since the 9/11 attacks and the war in Iraq. This was a war which was miss-sold to the public with the help of national newspapers prepared to look the other way as the government used them to drip feed false stories to a public who knew no better.

The only real voices of opposition are to be found in the blogosphere and the powers that be hate that they cannot control the news in the same way as they could buy off newspaper owners, editors and journalists. Instead of only worrying about a dozen or so national newspapers the government has to contend with millions of blogs and alternative news sites and the only tactic that would work is one that limits ownership of such a site or makes the available content illegal in some way or other. This is why there are now calls to regulate Internet bloggers such as the bill being brought forward by Bruce Patterson.

Obama’s Information Czar, Cass Sunstein, has already wrote about his desire to crack down on blogs and sites that dare discuss topics that the government deems as conspiracy theory. This would include discussion of alternative theories surrounding the 9/11 attacks, or concluding that the JFK assassination involved more hit-men than Lee Harvey Oswald on his own. In fact it would cover anything that the government might deem beyond the limits of discussion by those who want to look beyond the official story immediately rolled out whenever a high crime is committed.

Then there are bills being introduced such as Senator Joe Lieberman’s 197-page Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act, which aims to mimic China’s firewall and which would give the President powers to control IT networks and the flow of information in times of emergency such as a cyber attack.

Disabling the internet may be an extreme option to consider but deleting content that is deemed unsuitable is already a daily occurrance. With the merger of leading internet companies such as Google and the CIA it has become very easy for media deemed anti government to be pulled from sites such as YouTube or for search results to be tweaked to hide popular anti government search terms.

We already know how Google and the NSA are working together since the attack on Google by China earlier this year and there have also been claims that the CIA helped fund Google when it was starting up. With all these links to the intelligence agencies it can safely be assumed that Google’s massive database of user traffic, search terms, blogs, emails, videos and much more is seen as a prized asset by the intelligence community and who knows at what level they already co-operate when it comes to sharing data.

Whereas old school Police States were very obvious in their survellience and monitoring techniques the modern day Amerika has no need to put half a dozen handlers onto someone they wish to monitor (not that they don’t have the staff) as through their close links with Google and Microsoft and their new plans to access private information without a warrant they can literally let the information come to them.

We live in a semi virtual world where an online persona is just as important as your real one and due to the amount of social time people spend on social networking sites and the dependence of key infrastructure on the Internet means that control of the network literally can mean control over society. We already know our governments monitor all our phone calls through the ECHELON system and there is no technical or it seems legal limitation preventing them from analysing every single packet of data transferred over the Internet if they so wished.

Therefore due to a political class that seems to be bought and paid for by those wanting to maintain the war on terror and the surveillance society it has sprung up at home there seems little hope of stopping the high tech police state we are now living in. The solutions are available to those with the means to implement them but in the end it comes down to a choice between a public uprising against the state or a change in the political class running it.

With elections in America due very soon it is a great opportunity to show the ruling elite that the public is not prepared to swap liberty and freedom for fear and the police state that enables it. Judge Napolitano always asks his guests the following queation:

“which is more threatening to our way of live, terrorism or an ever increasing secretive and authoritarian state?”

The answer is clearly the latter and we need to elect officials that believe so too. Only when the phony war on terror is seen for what it is can we start to rollback all the police state apparatus that has build up around us over the last decade. A large section of the population has fallen for the tricks played out by power hungry politicians throughout history and willingly handed over liberty in return for perceived security. The time has come to realise this was a false trade and that Thomas Jefferson was correct when he said:

“Those who would trade safety for freedom deserve neither.”