Posts Tagged ‘Google’

You must not read articles! You are too weak to decide for yourself what to think!

February 27, 2020

Facebook Plugin Might Stop You Reading My Articles

BS Detector List: Facebook Fake News Filters
Tonight I did what I used to do when my own server was up and running quite a lot, and that was search on Google for sites that were linking to me.
You can just put site: [sitename] into Google or many other search engines search box and it will return a list of sites that mention the site you have listed.
So I did a search for site: and had a peruse at my leisure to see what BS had been written about me.
Of course I am a Russian Agent that pushes evil ex-commie propaganda on you all, that seems like a given from some of the sites I looked at. It must be due to me not pushing the “lets have a war with Russia” neo-con/neo-liberal line that seems to wash over much of the US governing elite at the moment.
Hey I admit it. I don’t want to burn to a crisp in a nuclear holocaust. I do apologise to any blogger out there that thinks I have a pro-Russian bias. I just don’t believe Russia wants a nuclear war, and think your very stupid if you do want one.

Then I came across this site that talks about a Facebook Plugin designed to warn users if they click on a link taking them to one of 559 websites. It is a 3 year old article but then again my Facebook page for this site has been removed and I have had social media sites and communities removed in the blink of an eye without any consultation before so who knows what the kind Samaritan who apparently complied the list thinks of me.It seems that this good egg who compiled the list is one, Melissa Zimdars, an assistant professor of Communication and Media at Merrimack College. It is none other than she, that and I quote “compiled a list of the most egregious offenders”.

Well I feel honoured to be considered Melissa. It seems I am worthy enough to be upon this list along with such evil doers as the Drudge Report, Russia Today, and of course the rabid, evil views from

It does say my site has a “(classification pending)” next to it, so maybe in the eyes of this author I am still to be labelled and put in a nice box for the authorities. However I also found this list of raw site URLs which had me labelled down for “bias” and “conspiracy”. Well I don’t know what my bias is, but if it’s that I am against a 3rd nuclear war, hate fake current and historical narratives and I’m not a “co-incidence theorist” then yes those labels are correct.

It seems this core list has been copied, and amended in some cases across numerous blogs claiming to have a list of “fake news sites”, or “sites to be careful reading”, whatever that means. If it’s that you might find an alternative and possibly more correct view of an event than those spouted by the mainstream media outlets then yes.

I did find it amusing on the site to find under the category “State Run” just the two sites from the countries the US is currently pushing its propaganda for war with, Russia Today and Iran’s Press TV.What I want to know is where was the BBC?
You cannot get a more state run organisation than the BBC, a news broadcaster that has the backing of the government in forcing all live TV viewers to fork out over £150 per year to pay for a licence fee that funds the BBC’s reporting.
Therefore it is something I expect, to be labelled a conspiracy theorist just because I don’t believe in physics that says an aluminium plane cannot fly at 550mph just inches above the ground and punch it’s way through 3 rings of re-enforced concrete as supposedly happened at the Pentagon on 9.11.
Oh and you must call me anti-Semitic for daring report what many US news stations did on the day of 9.11 about the “dancing Israelis”, flicking lighters and positioned where no-one else would know to be, filming the first plane hit the Twin Towers. Known Mossad agents who were released by the FBI without charge and went onto an Israeli TV show to claim that they were, “just documenting the event”.
And I must be a “hate speech” site for daring to talk about how Israel is assassinating hundreds of Palestinians at the fence that divides them from their old stolen homes.Or how the Mossad stole British passports to use in their assassination of a Hamas leader in Dubai, or show the YouTube video recording of two IDF soldiers shooting 9 bullets into the back of an injured US citizen, Furkan Dogan, on their high seas attack on the Mavi Marmara.
Then of course I must fall into the most evil category at all as well. No-one can point out that Auschwitz itself has decreased the number of people that died within it’s rebuilt walls from 6 million down to under a million without being a blatant liar and holocaust denier. I guess the people running the camp, and the historians who have lowered the number from a round perfect 6 million, a number that is stated in the Torah as the number of Jews who must die before they can return to Israel, must fall into the same category as me?
So what do to if these blogs and sites are correct, and my site is on these lists to be considered so dangerous as to warn anyone visiting that it’s not a reliable source? 

Well what we need is a real “Alternative News” search engine. I did attempt creating one on my old site, I basically just returned Google’s results as does through a proxy server to remove all the trackers, and then I had a list of sites such as the BBC, MSBC, CNN and other “authoritative news sources” that I removed from the results.However that server is not running anymore and I doubt anyone out there is going to create a real #altnews search engine. Therefore I am going to do the next best thing.

You might have noticed at the top of the site a new search box. It’s not finished yet as I haven’t had enough time to add all the sites I want. However seeing that these people are so desperate to not allow others to see content from this and other sites, and they have been so considerate to compile a list of sites so dangerous to visit. I think I will try to add this list, or as much of it as I can, to this search box and create a way for people to search purely alternative news sites.

They made me a nice list so it would be very rude not to make use of it. I just need some time to play around with the various search engine filters out there and hopefully you can bypass the BBC, CNN and all the pro-war establishment and conformative historical sites the compilers of this list don’t want you to view. It might just help people get to the points of view that big brother and the establishment don’t want you to hear.

I can only try, seeing that I might soon wash down Google and Facebook’s, dirty sink plug, to the dark web not accessible by most search engines. Have a go, search for some of your favourite topics and see what the results are like.

Also if you have an ideas of sites or blogs not on this “blacklist” please let me know in the comments section and I will have a look and maybe add them to the search engine.

Check the search engine out on the main site.

By Dark Politricks
© 2020 Dark Politricks

“Do Evil” – Google’s new motto

September 2, 2017

“Do Evil” – Google’s new motto

By Dark Politricks

If you watch Redacted Tonight or many other shows or read ant-war or progressive websites you will know that many sites are being de-monetised by Google, YouTube and labelled “Fake News” by Facebook.

You can see a graph of sites that have lost money due to Google’s pro war anti progressive new algorithm here.

Progressive anti war sites knocked down by Google

I am probably on a list of sites being demoted as we speak, Redacted Tonight showed a graph showing some top sites that were anti-war, anti-Empire, anti training terrorists abroad to scare us at home were being demoted by Google and de-monetized by YouTube (also owned by Google).

I have already had 3 blogs shut down with no reasontwo Facebook pages, a YouTube channel I spent ages making for my business and threats from the US (Navy, Army, USAF and a myriad of others) sent to my hosting company which kicked me off as the bloke was scared about black helicopters coming to get us.

I’ve also had a Google+ community taken out of my hands already and yesterday I got a 30 day ban from Facebook for some ancient 2 year post about horse racing, when there are thousands of similar posts up.

So I guess I am on some kind of list designed to fuck people over and take any money they can away from them.

Therefore any help or donations to keep this site running while I type with a broken arm would be much appreciated.

Anyway what I wanted to speak about was how comedy and satire usually is the best way of getting over political messages to the masses easily and sometimes without the audience even knowing about it.

Jimmy Dore, and Lee Camp who are other progressive comedians, are both under attack from the Washington Post and other “news outlets”.

They dare to speak what MSNBC, NBC, CNN and FOX don’t dare to, and everyone who has spoken out against the Iraq war or the bail outs have been sacked and most of them including Larry King now work on Russia Today.

You cannot call Larry King a stooge for Putin.

Lee has a show and speaks about the Democrats being just another shade of the Republican party. They don’t implement health care because their donors are big pharma and health insurance companies, they didn’t crack down on he banks after the 2008 crisis due to Wall St being their biggest donors and the White House full of Goldman Sachs people telling Obama not to.

So he was left like Trump looking like a liar who had tricked all these voters into voting for him and then ignoring his promises.

I can tell you over in Europe we may play up to Trump but everyone thinks the USA has made a big mistake and he is an embarrassment to all Americans, and the free world in general with his mad tweets and policy turns that must have his supporters fuming.

What has he actually done for his supporters that he promised on the campaign trail?

Well like Obama he did a 180 as soon as he hit the White House.

I swear as soon as the new President enters the White House, he is taken into a room full of men in dark suits he doesn’t recognise and they show the new POTUS kill shots of JFK from multiple angles just to remind them to keep towing the constant war policy and who really is in charge.

Do you remember when he was going on about getting the 28/29 redacted pages released from the 9.11 commission?

Well they have been released and what did Trump do, go and sell Saudi Arabia, the country who paid to be taken out of the report a multi billion arms deal instead. I bet half of that military the US just sold is on it’s way to ISIS right now.

Here is a Telegraph article all about the Wahhabism they export around the world to terrorist groups. That is as the Royal family of 20,000+ spend their time in Dubai with hookers, drugs and drink. Not exactly very good Muslims are they.

They are not on the list of countries banned from entering the USA despite the supposed hijackers all being from that country. The Petrodollar at work…

Mexico won’t pay for any wall, and there won’t be one built. If there is the Mexicans will just dig tunnels under it like in the Gaza Strip where they can get cars through. Or use hooked rope ladders to climb over it.

Trump didn’t even realise that the Republican health care bill was including tax cuts for the rich.

He said that was going to be done later. He has no idea how politics work with pork added for dissenting Senators to get bills passed.

Also it seems he has sacked a different person each week. It’s so comical.

What has he done for all those Trump voters who believed in him that he would bring back jobs from China and stop immigrants coming in?

If he was going to stop any countries immigrants it should have been from Saudi Arabia, the country in the 28/29 pages, not bowing down to be waved with a sword over his head, something he attacked Obama for doing.

And what about the golfing holiday?

Didn’t he say he would be too busy in the White House to have holiday’s. I distinctly remember him saying that in a speech or 10 seeing he attacked Obama for his holidays so much.

Google’s motto used to be “Don’t do evil” now it seems that their close links with US security agencies has switched that on its head.

“Do Evil” seems to be Google’s motto nowadays the way they are shutting down blogs, taking away their money, and demonetizing YouTube video’s. So any help would be much appreciated even a monthly donation of a few quid each month through PayPal. The button is on the main sites home page

As Jimmy Dore says “No wonder people are getting their news from YouTube

Anyway support me if you can before I get shut down totally and here is the Redacted Tonight show that might put some ideas in your head about how Google and Facebook are censoring progressive or anti government websites.


By Dark Politricks

© 2017 Dark Politricks

Why do Americans still celebrate Independence Day on the 4th of July

July 7, 2014

Why do Americans still celebrate Independence Day on the 4th of July

By Dark Politricks

On the 4th of July there is only one question that needs to be asked by all Americans who are actually celebrating this holiday.

“What are you actually celebrating and why?”

You may not be ruled by King George any-more but the recent 2 Presidents have acted far more like Kings than the English monarch ever did.

It cannot be the freedom of speech you used to cherish. No you have to have permits and free speech zones for protests now. Plus your constant chatter on the phones, Internet and talk in public is constantly monitored by technology like NSA’s PRISM, TRAPWIRE and the much older ECHELON.

It cannot be the free movement around the country without fear of harassment, secure in your papers from unreasonable searches. Not when the Police, TSATransport Cops, Border Guards and other agencies can now forcibly take blood and DNA samples from you, scan your naked body and grope your genitals if you refuse to be scanned, stored and studied as you go about your way.

Add to that the fact that most people are carrying the equivalent of chips in their skin by having smart phones on their person 24/7.

Phones that record your every movement to local databases on your phone that can easily be extracted by the Police or if you turn off this feature (check once logged into Google to see if your history is currently being recorded) then it will still be logged at the phone company.

Turn your phones GPS off and your location can still be located down to a few square metres from pings to phone masts and a simple triangulation formula. Turn your battery off and there is still enough power to enable this to happen – maybe this is the reason most smart phones make it so hard to remove batteries nowadays.

It cannot be freedom from a tyrant, a King George like figure who thinks he has a God-given right to take your life. No the President now has the authority to take your life without even bothering with the charade that passes for a trial if he thinks you are a danger to your country. He just needs to consider you a danger to the country and sign a bit of paper and “boom” a drone is coming your way.

Freedom from drone strikes? Nope – not even if you’re a US citizen. Your just an enemy combatant who doesn’t have the right to argue your case in a court of law.

Freedom from assassination squads? Nope. Navy SEAL Teams and other commandos are scouring foreign countries to assassinate “terrorists” and the CIA are doing the same on the homeland for “malcontents”.

What about freedom to blow the whistle when you find that your government has broken the law, spied on people without warrants or committed massacres in war zones? No – if you write the wrong article in a paper or expose secrets that have been passed to you by a whistle-blower you are more likely to be considered a traitor than a hero in this new age.

It seems journalists who try to print the truth are considered nothing more than spies and the papers and journalists who dare to print your stories of government abuse will also be attacked, spied upon and harassed.

Even people who should know better will call for your execution on live TV. Who even knows whether these talking heads are even real TV personalities anymore rather than COINTELPRO agents stirring up hate against “enemies of the state” who dare speak truth to power.

What about the freedom to work long hours for little pay? Forced to hand over large amounts of your earnings for goods that your Government mandates you “must” purchase and then watch as the endless cycle of your Government buying its own printed money through the convoluted and corrupt Federal Reserve system means that the value of your wage decreases in real terms every month as your jobs are shipped overseas to people who are willing to work even longer and for much less?

It has now come to the stage that you are monitored so much in real life through linked up CCTV systems like TRAPWIRE, massive city sized computer systems that can log every purchase you make, every movement you make through your cars GPS tracking systems or even that useful bug you so happily carry around with you for others to track you with, your phone, that you cannot even escape into cyberspace any-more.

The virtual world is just as monitored as the real one.

I have to wonder whether the places you visit in virtual games  like Second Life are also bugged and monitored by virtual agents of the state? I’d guess the answer is most definitely especially after news that the NSA and GCHQ were using the chat services that online games employ to spy on the players.

Facebook, Google, Skype, Apple and all the other big techno giants we are being shepherded into using 24/7 are all just front ends to those 3 letter acronyms that litter the American landscape.

Acronyms like NSA, CIA, FBI and the  TSA are all hankering after those data packets that log every URL, website, file, instant message and email you have ever written.

These are the modern-day “papers” of the 21st century, and secure is not something you can expect to be, especially when you willingly hand over your data to the “cloud” for safe storage.

So if you celebrated “Independence Day” then I would be interested to know what is so special about your independence when compared to a dictatorship?

You have been living under emergency laws since 9.11.

Laws that give the President dictatorial like powers through Orwellian pieces of legalese like the PATRIOT ACT which was written years before the date and then eagerly dusted off when the events of 9.11 unfolded.

All to be enacted under a climate of fear and patriotism, where politicians didn’t even bother reading what they voted for and detractors were attacked with Anthrax or declared “unpatriotic”. All because they were not willing to hand over their basic rights such as habeas corpus, a fair trial, freedom from torture or the right to know what you have been accused of in an open court of law.

This was back when we had a far right government running the USA. Now we are supposedly living under a liberal, left wing, Democrat!

How I laugh when I hear Americans call Obama left wing or socialist! Society is not something he is promoting with Homeland Security asking neighbours to become de-facto spies and inform on each other or where over a million Americans have top secret security clearance.

There is nothing democratic or liberal about the NDAAdrone strikes at will or the President declaring that he can spy on anyone in the world without due process.

I have to wonder what President Obama see’s when he looks in the mirror.

Does he see the leader of a once great free nation that has succumb to fear, militarism, war mongering and the all-pervasive surveillance state.

If not, does he honestly believe he’s a liberal in charge of a “free nation”?

If so does he not feel the slightest bit of guilt when he looks at that Nobel Peace prize he was so, so prematurely given in the hope that pre-election rhetoric would be converted into real “hope and change” from the Bush/Cheney years?

Instead he has taken the ball from the GOP and kicked it out the stadium, far surpassing anything the Republicans did to kill liberty and freedom in America.

Wars have increased, with covert action and drone strikes occurring in more places across the world than ever before. All under the never-ending “war on terror” banner.

Liberty at home has decreased and a true liberal POTUS would have at least stood up for the freedoms he attacked Bush for removing when he was only a Senator. Does he honestly not believe he is the hypocrite is blatantly is.

It is funny how power corrupts.

It is not so funny to look at the state of Amerika on Independence day.


View the original article Why do Americans still celebrate the 4th of July? at my main site




Escaping from ECHELON

July 12, 2013

Escaping from ECHELON

By Dark Politricks

How funny is it that Edward Snowden has released information that shows the outcries of European nations to be false, hypocritical and superficial at the very least.

It has been known for over a decade that the main western nations including the US, UK, Canada, Australia and to a lesser extent Germany and other Euro nations were engaged in massive data collection through the ECHELON system.

I remember reading about it back when I had just left school. Trying all the online tests to “prove” that emails were being re-routed by keyword analysis.

I remember one such test involved sending two emails. The first with known flagged keywords such as bomb or AK47 and then another without. The first email was supposed to arrive in your other inbox after the second one due to it having been re-routed and checked by the ECHELON system. Checking timestamps on spoofed emails mentioning bombs and guns was a fun way to spend an afternoon at school.

Anyone who knows about ECHELON knows that the idea was that countries would spy on each other and then share the data to bypass laws preventing the countries snooping on their own citizens. However that all seems to have changed since 9.11. Now they just hoover up the data and our politicians claim it’s for our own safety and that “sufficient oversight” exists to prevent mis-use of the technology.

Yes and I believe everything our Home or Foreign Secretary says….

Apparently in this free for all, data grabbing world, real sim cities are being built by the NSA/GCHQ nexus. It seems they are trying to replicate a whole world on their super computers so that they can monitor our behaviour and spot when someone acts outside their “natural boundaries”. This could be shopping at a different store than usual, driving a new route to work or speaking to different people on or offline.

All our data is combined, merged and analysed. The lines between private and state data monitoring no longer exist.

Those Tesco points you have been earning are most likely filling up just one section of your own virtual profile at GCHQ – don’t dare to go on a diet suddenly, they might think you are acting “strangely” and upgrade your monitoring status a few grades!

As attested to by in a recent article they are literally creating computer models where each human being is a “node” to be measured and monitored.

By combining all the various pieces of private, public and stolen data from the cables that take all the telecom communications under the Atlantic from the UK to the USA, the NSA & GCHQ can literally virtualise our lives and then run models to predict what would happen in certain scenarios.

What would be the normal behaviour of society if the water or electricity was cut off for 3 days?

Who would be likely to riot or take to the Internet and demand changes?

What groups of people are more likely to complain about their situation when taxes are increased than others?

What quantity of benefits and state handouts does it take to produce a dumbed down nation of uninquisitive fools?

What about a terrorist attack or police shooting?

Will the neighbourhood you live in be compliant and lock the doors as they did in Boston or would a single shooting of a known drug dealer in LONDON cause massive riots around the country?

It is getting to the stage that your actions can be accurately predicted and any variation from the norm is automatically noticed, flagged and probably checked for signs of malcontent.

Just as they know I have time to write a couple of articles for this blog a week, drive a certain way to work, shop at local stores and like the odd flutter on the horses they would know the same about you without having to do too much data analysis. Give me enough data points and a big enough database and I could probably write a half decent programme to do the same.

I can only imagine the tools available to the GCHQ coders.

Plus it doesn’t really help our cause when we are so keen to hand over our data to known intelligence agency linked companies such as Microsoft or Google. Got a Facebook page? Comments and quotes all logged and flagged. Mentioned anything about the government lately? Maybe you are already halfway towards getting your name onto a watch-list. Visited anyone in Pakistan lately? Your probably on at least a few already!

When Google analyses your email contents and search terms to show “appropriate” advertising just think what the NSA and GCHQ are analysing with their super computers. They don’t want to show you adverts, that’s for sure.

So whilst some of us have known about ECHELON for decades, to some the revelations coming from Snowden are a shock. However what we actually know is guaranteed to be only the tip of a humongous iceberg, the tip of which is scary enough, but we probably can’t even comprehend what is below the water line!

I am just waiting for the first properly real virtual world computer games.

Ones which people will flock to, thinking they can escape the drudgery of work and the meaningless lives they have.

Terrorists will probably meet up in virtual worlds just to chat, thinking they will escape real world monitoring.

It is only a matter of time until a true “Second Life” is produced.

One in which people can touch, taste and pretend they are something when their real life is nothing.

It might sound like fun, even idealistic.

The problem is, that when that day comes, you can safely assume that the NSA/GCHQ nexus will already have virtual informants to monitor your virtual life.

Escape? I don’t think we ever will.


View the original article on my main site, its called Escape from ECHELON.

What happened to America?

July 4, 2013

What happened to America?

By Dark Politricks

On the 4th of July, 2013 there is only one question that needs to be asked to all Americans who are actually celebrating 4th of July, Independence Day.

“What are you actually celebrating?”

It cannot be the freedom of speech you used to cherish. No you have to have permits and free speech zones for protests now. Plus your constant chatter on the phones, Internet and in public is constantly monitored by technological mammoth like NSA’s PRISM and the much older ECHELON.

It cannot be the free movement around the country without fear of harassment, secure in your papers from unreasonable searches. Not when the Police, TSA, Transport Cops, Border Guards and other agencies can now forcibly take blood and DNA samples from you, scan your naked body and grope your genitals if you refuse to be scanned, stored and studied as you go about your way.

It cannot be freedom from a tyrant, a King George like figure who thinks he has a God given right to take your life. No the President now has the authority to take your life without even bothering with the charade that passes for a trial if he thinks you are a danger to your country.

Freedom from drone strikes? Nope.

Freedom from assassination squads? Nope.

Freedom to blow the whistle when you find that your government has broken the law, spied on people without warrants or committed massacres in war zones?

Nope, you will be hunted down like a dog and tried for being a spy. The papers and journalists who dare print your stories of government abuse will also be attacked, spied upon and harassed. Even people who should know better will call for your execution on live TV. Who knows who is even a real TV presenter anymore and who is really a COINTELPRO agent stirring up hate against “enemies of the state” who dare speak truth to power?

Is it the freedom to work long hours for little pay? Forced to hand over large amounts of your earnings for goods that your Government mandates you “must” purchase and then watch as the endless cycle of your Government buying it’s own printed money through the convoluted and corrupt Federal Reserve system means that the value of your wage decreases in real terms every month?Well you don’t have any choice in that now do you?

It has now come to the stage that you are monitored so much in real life through linked up CCTV systems such as TRAPWIRE, massive city sized computer systems that can log every purchase you make, every movement you make through your cars GPS tracking systems or even that useful bug you so happily carry around with you for others to track you with, your phone, that you cannot even escape into cyberspace anymore. A virtual world is just as monitored as the real one. Are even the virtual homes you visit in virtual worlds like Second Life bugged and monitored by virtual agents of the state? Probably.

Facebook, Google, Skype, Apple and all the other big techno giants we are being shepherded into using 24/7 are all just front ends to those 3 letter acronyms that litter the American landscape. Acronyms like NSA, CIA, FBI and the  TSA are all hankering after those data packets that log every URL, website, file, instant message and email you have ever written.

These are the modern day “papers” of the 21st century, and secure is not something you can expect to be, especially when you willingly hand over your data to the “cloud” for safe storage.

So if you are celebrating “Independence Day” today then I would be interested to know what is so special about your independence when compared to a dictatorship?

You have been living under emergency laws since 9.11.

Laws that give the President dictatorial like powers through Orwellian pieces of legalese like the PATRIOT ACT which was written years before the date and then eagerly dusted off when the events of 9.11 unfolded.

All to be enacted under a climate of fear and patriotism, where politicians didn’t even bother reading what they voted for and detractors were attacked with Anthrax or declared “unpatriotic”. All because they were not willing to hand over their basic rights such as habeas corpus, a fair trial, freedom from torture or the right to know what you have been accused of in an open court of law.

This was back when we had a far right government running the USA. Now we are supposedly living under a liberal, left wing, Democrat!

How I laugh when I hear Americans call Obama left wing or socialist! Society is not something he is promoting with Homeland Security asking neighbours to become de-facto spies and inform on each other or where over a million Americans have top secret security clearance.

There is nothing democratic or liberal about the NDAA, drone strikes at will or the President declaring that he can spy on anyone in the world without due process.

I have to wonder on this day what President Obama see’s when he looks in the mirror.

Does he see the leader of a once great free nation that has succumb to fear, militarism, war mongering and the all pervasive surveillance state.

If not, does he honestly believe he’s a liberal in charge of a “free nation”?

If so does he not feel the slightest bit of guilt when he looks at that Nobel Peace prize he was so, so prematurely given in the hope that pre-election rhetoric would be converted into real “hope and change” from the Bush/Cheney years?

Instead he has taken the ball from the GOP and kicked it out the stadium, far surpassing anything the Republicans did to kill liberty and freedom in America.

Wars have increased, with covert action and drone strikes occurring in more places across the world than ever before. All under the never ending “war on terror” banner.

Liberty at home has decreased and a true liberal POTUS would have at least stood up for the freedoms he attacked Bush for removing when he was only a Senator. Does he honestly not believe he is the hypocrite is blatantly is.

It is funny how power corrupts.

It is not so funny to look at the state of Amerika on this once special day.


View the original article What happened America? at the main site


Prism means journalists should be wary – so should we!

June 16, 2013

Prism means journalists should be wary – so should we!

By Dark Politricks

With the explosion of information about the latest American spy scandal, and the revelation that the USA has been spying on us all for years, isn’t it all about time we all took our Internet security more seriously?

You might have read my earlier article Internet censorship and surfing anonymously but if you are not a “text” reader and felt over-loaded with information then the following links to some nice infographics will help show you just how Google and your browser track, log, identify and make money from your personal information as you surf the web.

They will also show you in a simple way which settings to turn off depending on the browser you use, plus which browser specific plugins to install, to increase your security, improve privacy and reduce your “Internet footprint“.

You may have seen Microsoft promoting their privacy options lately for Internet Explorer on the TV and there is a new setting which the browsers have introduced called DNT (Do Not Track).

Supposedly if you enable this setting in your browsers settings it will pass a special header called DNT (Do Not Track) along to all sites that you visit which is supposed to tell them to respect your privacy and not log or track you. You can actually see this header with tools like HttpFox or Firebug or even most browsers own inbuilt developer console (F12 usually brings it up). When you inspect your Request headers (all the information your browser passes to each site on each request for an HTML page, image or other resource required by websites to work) you will see the DNT header set to 1 if it’s enabled.

However like all these things even though Google’s own Chrome browser has a setting for this new option they themselves DON’T EVEN support it!

Just goes to show you that money is more important than a users security or privacy and that your online data is worth $£€ to the Internet companies.

Have a look at the following pages if you want a nice illustrated guide on how browsers and Internet sites track you online.

This explains how you can stop being tracked by your browser.

This explains how you are tracked online when you use Google.

This explains how your search results are tailored to previous searches and details obtained by your browser.

You should also look into using secure search engines such as or instead of Google (yes other search engines do exist and are just as good!) as well as researching secure browsers and tools such as TOR for secure Internet browsing.

As journalists are now targets of the American government and whistle-blowers seem to be top of the USA’s execution lists, far ahead it seems of real terrorists, then newspapers and anyone else wanting to bring truth to the masses by exposing government secrets should really be looking at creating secure ways to communicate so as to protect their sources. We long expected that our governments were basically spying on all our emails, phone calls, Internet traffic and now we have been proven right. It is up to you alone to help make it as hard as possible for them to track you if you respect your own privacy.

It may be hard but the easiest thing to do is stay away from any of the big Internet companies and their products e.g Google, Facebook, Skype, Hotmail etc (there are alternatives) and lock down and encrypt your PC and as much of your traffic as possible.

As Ron Paul says in this article he fears the most recent whistle-blower Edward Snowden might even be killed by a US drone strike!

What the fuck is going on USA?

If anyone was mistaken about the real reason for the war on terror and the loss of liberties at home that sprung from it this should come as a big fat punch on the nose warning!

This war is not going to end. Who does anyone think we are ever going to sign a peace treaty with to end it?

No this war was all about allowing the governments of supposed western democratic nations to go draconian on all of our asses and we only have to look at how Obama, a supposed liberal President, is:

  • attacking free speech,
  • spying on reporters who dare report on the Government,
  • going after whistle-blowers which are supposedly protected by the law,
  • spying on all Americans and International countries who use the Internet without warrant or probable cause,
  • executing American nationals without trial,
  • killing innocent people by the hundreds in remote drone strikes,
  • supporting al-Qaeda linked terrorists in Syria and Libya, and worse of all,
  • increasing the American police state that is still under emergency laws (since 9.11) – with bills like the NDAA to follow on from the constitution killing PATRIOT Act which was brought in by George W Bush.

Whether you like Obama or not a TRUE liberal would not be promoting such activities.

View the original article Prism means we should all be wary – journalists especially! at the main site

The 2012 End of Year Review by Dark Politricks

January 2, 2013

The 2012 End of Year Review by Dark Politricks

By Dark Politricks

Well the crazies who didn’t bother to read the Mayan prophecy before declaring 2012 the end of the world were proved wrong.

However 2012 was certainly no reprieve from looming disasters that we seem to lurch drunkenly from like a Glaswegian drunk on Hogmanay. It has been an unmitigated disaster from all corners of perspective and from my own view point it doesn’t seem to be getting better any time soon.

So if last year was Time magazines year of the protester what was 2012?

It was firstly the year that the Arab Spring turned into an Islamic winter.

From the dictator swap in Egypt from Mubarak to Mohamed Morsi to the Syrian civil war that see’s the western backed Islamic rebels murder and massacre Christians and Muslims alike it seems that “the Western axis of war” hasn’t learnt from their mistakes in Libya and are still trying to impose democracy (whatever that is) by the gun and the bomb.

It was not enough that Libya was an unmitigated failure with the country still caught up in under reported rebel gangs, armed with NATO weapons, fighting it out among each other, desecrating World War 2 British graveyards and murdering US ambassadors.

It seems that we have learnt nothing and are still backing the enemy of our enemy, even if that means supporting Islamic extremists linked to terrorists and our supposed mortal enemy al-Qaeda.

Syria is being torn apart by Western and Saudi backed rebel groups as extreme as any dictator we might be justified in other-throwing.

Even though Saddam Hussein, Col Qaddafi, Mubarak and Assad were or in the case of President Assad, still nasty dictators  The people of their countries were not worrying daily about car bombs or NATO planes blowing their houses to bits. Christians lived alongide Muslims and Sunnis lived alongside Shiites in peace.

They may have had to keep their mouth shut when it came to politics but in the case of Libya they had high standards of living and life expectancy in comparison to their neighbours plus they were doing well economically even if they were not “free” as they now supposedly are.

How free are the thousands of protesters in Tahrir square who are still hoping that their earlier revolution against the western backed Hosni Mubarak is not lost as they fight on against the new democratically elected “pharaoh” Mohamed Morsi.

The head of the Muslim Brotherhood, a Western intelligence linked group, that took power in an election before granting himself dictatorial like powers that liberal minded Egyptians are outraged about.

There has been no slowing down of the torture, imprisonment without trial and police brutality that occurs almost nightly as Tahrir square once again becomes the focus of change versus the establishment. The only difference is that this is now an Islamic establishment and one that I suspect the West has been wanting to be implanted for years.


Well the long predicted Culture War between Western Judo/Christianity and Islam has been on the cards for a long time. It is in these eyes that we can see that the West is not too bothered about the Middle East becoming an Islamic Caliphate as it will give them the perfect excuse to continue feeding the Military Industrial Complexes pockets before preparing for the next big war with Iran.

From Afghanistan to the United States we have seen tensions between the two religions of “the book”. Both offshoots of the first books of the Bible and both linked by history and commonly shared religious beliefs.

As western backed Syrian rebels ransack Christian Churches and Christian ministers burn Korans, the fires that are slowly burning away underneath a groundswell of anti-immigration furor in Europe are gently being stoked until the general population are ready for all out war. The next big war is coming – how bad it will be is up to us.

Apart from the upcoming battles that will thin the herd we have spent the year watching people hand over their privacy as if it was an antiquated concept in return for gadgets, applications and the latest phone or computer tablet.

Google, Amazon, Twitter and the rest of the big Internet companies have already been caught out avoiding paying their fair share of tax by using 1 man offices in tax havens. However the bigger news is their links to the new American Security State Apparatus and how the upcoming generation are being conditioned to accept a world of total surveillance.

We have people selling their private information to these corporations just so that they can watch their own house or car on Google maps or tell the world of Twitter users what they had for breakfast that morning.

In 50 years George Orwell’s 1984 nightmare of a state camera in every room of your house will be an old fashioned concept.

We already have surveillance states in the UK and USA where city walls are adorned with CCTV cameras linked to huge city sized databases and the TRAPWIRE system that uses facial recognition technology to link up with other super computers and store, analyse and log every “person of interests” move for the new 1 million strong – super spies that already have top level security clearance in the USA.

Amerika is no longer a fear but a reality.

The NDAA allows the President to lock up Americans for eternity without trial on his say so alone. If he wanted to he could even have you killed as he has already shown with the assassination of American born Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen by a done strike.

You know onne of those deadly accurate drone strikes that treat every male over the age of 8 as enemy combatants (unless proven otherwise) and kill 49 innocent civilians for every “terrorist”.

This is only an extension of the emergency act implemented after 9.11 and still exist to this day – something most American’s know nothing about and literally give the President the power to do what he wants to defend the country.

Whether that means grope or virtual strip machines at airports, bombing Afghan and Pakistani weddings or just starting wars without the consent of Congress as he did in Libya. He has more powers than previous Presidents and all because of the events of 9.11 and the endless war on terror we are still feeling the effects of 11 years on.

A case can be made that the right wing in America have it totally wrong when they call Obama a communist but in reality he is more of a dictator who has continued the George W Bush’s policy of  stripping American citizens of their liberties with laws like the PATRIOT ACT and he has taken them a whole mile further down the road to dictatorship with laws like the NDAA.

The only socialism on show at the moment is the one in which banksters take hard earned tax dollars from the public as state handouts to be used to make even more money in the rigged game that is Wall St through front running and high frequency trading.

As Europe teeters on the brink of self-collapse and America countries printing it’s way to self destruction the BRIC countries are growing in strength.

China is collecting gold bars at the same rate their slave workers throw themselves off the US corporation balconies that were offshored. Workers working for companies that make their goods overseas, pay hardly any tax and care not a jot for the quality of life that the makers of their products have to endure.

So when you next open your iPhone to send a Tweet about how your Facebook profile has been updated just remember that some poor soul in China has worked 18 hour days for a pittance just so that you can throw your privacy away to companies that are in cahoots with America’s new global surveillance society and that your email, contact info and other personal information is just another commodity to be sold and re-sold by these companies.

Just don’t scratch your head when your inbox fills up with spam or every web page you seem to visit seems to show adverts targeted especially for you.

What can we hope for 2013 then?

Well the end of the world isn’t being booked for this year as the Mayans don’t have anything planned so far.

Therefore if the world does end it will be of our own making. We are already being cajoled into believing Iran is on the brink of nuking us all despite any evidence from the IAEA and it is only Israeli pressure on the US congressmen they own and the blackmail they have probably collated on the President that will force any pointless war.

It might be all the assassinations and military base attacks by US/Israeli backed terrorist groups (or freedom fighters in this case) that has changed Iran’s mind.

Or it might be the first cyber warfare weapon STUXNET that changed it by almost destroying their nuclear program through multiple zero day exploits only a nation state would have the manpower and knowledge to use.

Or it might just be the fact that Iran wasn’t making a bomb in the first place – it is un-Islamic after all.

On the one hand Iran is called a fanatical Islamic state but when it comes to the part of Islam that says nuclear weaponry is against God’s will then that seems to get overlooked.

However what cannot be overlooked is the total hypocrisy of an apartheid state like Israela country that unlike Iran isn’t a member of the Nuclear Non Proliferation Agency but still has 200+ nuclear bombs calling Iran a threat for “maybe” thinking about building one without proof.

This is after all a country that only recently assassinated the Hamas military commander who had brokered a cease fire that stopped Hamas firing rockets into Israel and then sat back as Hamas fell into their trap firing hundreds of firecracker rockets into Israel.

Some of these were long range ones that got lucky almost reaching Tel Aviv, others were not so lucky and almost hit their fellow Palestinians in the West Bank.

However this battle was once again one sided and whilst the world waited for Israel to once again enter Gaza and massacre over  a thousand innocent people as they did in Operation Cast Lead they instead blew up children playing football and attacked journalists from the air in a short but powerful onslaught that stopped short before any Israeli troops entered Gaza city.

Therefore if we are to see the next year out without another middle eastern war it is only going to be if someone reigns in the Likud war party and brokers some kind of peace deal in the Middle East.

This bleeding sore on the face of the world has been leaking for too long and the longer it goes on the more chance there is of a catastrophe occurring.

The more Middle Eastern states that turn from their ex Western backed dictators  to new Islamic governments the more chance we have of the perfect trigger to start the culture war that ne-cons and ex cold war warriors have been planning for decades.

9.11 did the job of getting America fighting Muslims on Israels terms, and with their dumbed down public they don’t even realise that 92% of Afghans have never even heard of this event they are supposed to be fighting America for. Instead it’s sold to American’s that it’s all because they “hate our freedoms” of course!

Nothing to do with the army bases in their holy lands or their biased one sided support for Israel – no it was American freedom they hated.

The sad thing is a mud hut dwelling Afghan probably has more freedom than any American ever had.

They certainly don’t have to worry about CCTV or TSA gropers it’s only drones blowing up their weddings and soldiers going on killing sprees for fun that they have to deal with on a daily basis.

Add to that pertinent point that America has thrown away most of their freedoms anyway and the people the US are fighting in the Stan are just Taliban/civilians who see the US/UK soldiers as just another group of invaders they have been putting up with for centuries. It  seems that they don’t actually have much left to do to “win the war” by defeating all that American freedom they hate so much.

Plus seeing that there is hardly any “real” al-Qaeda in Afghanistan anymore.

The rest of them are being funded and backed by the US/UK axis of war in Syria doing their next de-stabilisation job after we already supported them in Libya. It looks like the world is on it’s head and needs a dose of reality shoved down it’s throat.

That doesn’t look like it’s going to happen anytime soon.

Therefore if we end 2013 without another war we will have done well indeed and I reckon that is the best we can hope for!


View the original 2012 End of Year Review by Dark Politricks at the main site

Internet giants Google, Facebook and Twitter stick up for privacy whilst selling our personal data for money!

October 15, 2012

Internet giants Google, Facebook and Twitter stick up for privacy whilst selling our personal data for money!

By Dark Politricks

A story in yesterday’s Daily Mail tells how the “big 3” Internet giants, Twitter, Google and Facebook are planning to block a bill being introduced in the UK parliament which requires them to store all data for a year so that security agencies, police and councils can request its disclosure at a later date.

The Internet giants were interviewed by a cross party committee of UK MP’s and they have all come out apparently fighting the draft Communications Data Bill.

From the article in the Daily Mail.

They reveal directors from Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, Microsoft and Twitter believe the Bill would breach users’ privacy and allow repressive regimes to spy on Britons.

“Facebook said it might go to court to resist the new law, while Google and Twitter executives said they could refuse to unlock encrypted data if the Government were to seek the information via third-party providers such as BT.”

“Facebook said it might go to court to resist the new law, while Google and Twitter said they could refuse to unlock encrypted data.

“Facebook director Simon Milner accused the Government of using a ‘sledgehammer to crack a nut’, and claimed the potential for nations with poor human-rights records to obtain data ‘should be a real concern’.”

Now I’d say that it doesn’t even matter if these companies, which are all spying on us for their own marketing purposes anyway, say they are sticking up for privacy. Especially when it has been shown time and time again that companies like Microsoft and Google help the NSA and other US secret service 3 letter acronyms anyway.

We now have the all invasive TRAPWIRE system that is linking up CCTV cameras and spying on US citizens constantly, along with the city sized computer base under UTAH to hold and analyse all the data that is being constantly collected on US citizens which is apparently now all perfectly legal.

There is no doubt in my mind after the EU caved in on banking data transactions that these systems will be linked up in future to the UK who is already the most surveillance country if you go by the number of CCTV cameras that follow us around day and night.

Is it another case of let the “plebs”‘ think they are pushing big brother back a bit whilst all the time lying to our faces as our personal data is stored by a multitude of electronic databases.

Systems as old as ECHELON which was created by the West to spy on the USSR and Eastern Bloc countries but after the cold war was turned on our own citizens.

To get round laws preventing the trawl method of spying that ECHELON does on their own citizens the countries involved decided to spy on each other and share the data. Australia would spy on the UK and the UK would spy on the USA and the USA on Australia. This way the national laws were bypassed and the data was shared among the countries anyway.

However with more and more spying methods and snooping laws being introduced in western nations there seems little need for these pleasantries and our own countries are freely admitting to spying on us all. For our own safety of course.

You never know when those 20-30 real remaining al-Qaeda members left over from the times of “the base” in the 80’s war against the USSR in Afghanistan might pop out under your bed.

Fighters who we helped train and fund and at that time we called them freedom fighters or more accurately the Mujahideen. Our proxy fighters who over time turned into our mortal enemy/de-stabalising friends.

Al-Qaeda terrorists who we obviously have some control over and are used whenever required to overthrow nations we suddenly dislike such as Libya and Syria.

So it might seem like a “win” when these Internet giants say to our government they will refuse to help them spy on us whilst at the same time collecting and keeping the same data for over a year, who knows for how long, by selling adverts, email lists, and details of our friend networks and who knows what else to advertisers to make money.

Obviously there is an easy solution – don’t use the Internet.

However it’s just too damn addictive isn’t it?

So if you don’t want to be spied on then you better go and buy a shack in the woods and wrap tin foil round your head but then it isn’t going to stop those thousands of satellites spinning round the globe spying on you is it?

We do truly live in a world of hypocrisy and George Orwell would be dismayed how we have just allowed ourselves to walk into a world of high tech police state style surveillance.

You can read the full Daily Mail article at

Brain Hacking is a reality – now what if they mixed that with TRAPWIRE?

August 27, 2012

By Dark Politricks

For those of you who haven’t heard about TRAPWIRE it is a system that has the ability to grab video from far-flung CCTV and surveillance cameras located in stores, casinos and other businesses around the country and then uses sophisticated facial recognition software to identify people of interest.

Every few seconds, data picked up at surveillance points by CCTV cameras in major cities and landmarks across the United States are recorded digitally on the spot, then encrypted and instantaneously delivered to a fortified central database center at an undisclosed location to be aggregated with other intelligence.

Mixed with huge NSA and CIA super computers this information allows the powers that be to identify people who are on the run, have illegally entered the country, are possible terrorists or “domestic extremists” or maybe they just want to track a person of interests movements as they move around their town.

This system makes no distinction between good people and bad – it scans us all.

If you have ever seen the TV programme “Person of Interest” in which a computer programmer developed a system after 9.11 that does exactly what TRAPWIRE does then it doesn’t seem so far fetched as some TV commentators have stated.

Now add the ability to track “people of interest” all around the country as they move from car, on to the road and then back home with CCTV, GPS in your phone (and triangulation from phone masts if GPS is turned off), constant tracking on the Internet, XRays at airports and now train stations and you have a surveillance state that people like George Orwell could only dream of.

Now add that to the story that scientists can now “hack your brain” and steal information such as PIN numbers and Bank details and you can see how this already scary brave new world could turn into a nightmare for the common man.

In a few years time these scientists will probably be able to integrate parts of their new “brain hacking system” into systems like TRAPWIRE and you can imagine the possibilities. As a TRAPWIRE linked camera spots you having an argument it can detect your levels of stress and adrenaline, score you for possible signs of malcontent and then send in the boys in blue to taser and pepper spray you until you submit to their will.

It might seem far fetched but then I would never think our countries would implement a global surveillance system that tracked everybody, stored our details on huge super computers and logged our every move.

Although scientists are at the beginning of their “brain hacking” mission I am sure the NSA and other state agencies would be very interested in their work and who knows how much further they have really gone – all redacted due to “National Security” of course. Who knows this technology could already be in use without our knowledge.

When our leaders tell us they have prevented terrorist attacks and we find out that really they were dupes and patsies led on by the FBI to commit crimes they wouldn’t have done on their own, we really have no idea if we are really under threat at home at all.

Do we need all this high tech and very expensive computer technology monitoring our every move or is it just because “they can” that they are doing it?

What I do know is that there hasn’t been a major terrorist attack by al-Qaeda in the USA or Europe for quite a few years and bin-Laden is dead as well as numerous number 2’s who seem to get killed every other week by a drone strike.

Drone strikes by the way that seem to kill more civillians that terrorists and only create more and more people who will want to hurt us in the future. Also drones that have somehow made their way back home to fly the skies of the USA – do they think they will be fighting terrorists in the streets of America in the near future?

When you next laugh at “conspiracy theorists” who think that they are being watched, monitored and that the state is trying to make the domestic population the enemy just remember that all of the following are TRUE:

The NSA is building a spy center the size of a city in UTAH that will have bottomless databases storing all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails—parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital “pocket litter.” It is, in some measure, the realization of the “total information awareness” program created during the first term of the Bush administration—an effort that was killed by Congress in 2003 after it caused an outcry over its potential for invading Americans’ privacy.

ECHELON has been a reality for many decades, listening into our phone calls and electronic communications for trigger words and signs of malcontent.

The USA has turned from the home of the free to a semi-dictatorship in which American citizens can be locked up indefinitely without charge, killed abroad (or at home) without any judicial process on the say so of the President. Also since 9.11 America is still living under “emergency laws” which give the President almost dictatorial powers including 500 dormant legal provisions, including those allowing him to impose censorship and martial law.

-NSA employee William Binney revealed this year that the NSA has a dossier on virtually every American – very Stasi like of America to do this don’t you think?

-The Internet is constantly monitored and new laws mean that server log files are kept for years in case they need to be reviewed at a later date. This is on top of repeated attempts by governments to introduce laws to implement “kill switches”, and ways to shut down websites they don’t like.

Almost 900,000 Americans have hold top-secret security clearances. How many others hold lower security level clearances?

All European banking details are handed over to the USA after the EU found out the American intelligence services, including the CIA and other agencies, had been accessing European banking data illegally via SWIFT anyway – so they just made it legal so that it could continue – that’s how much they care about your privacy people!

-All the technological tools we use such as Facebook, iPhones, Google and Microsoft have been found to breach our privacy by illegally storing our data or selling it to advertisers and even uploading it to police tools so they can know where we have been.

-This comes on top of our knowledge that all the major tech companies have links with US intelligence agencies including Microsoft implementing back-doors into their PC’s so that the NSA can access your computer whenever they want and Google helping the CIA develop their search algorithms to help them monitor the web in real time.

We are walking into a surveillance state by consent as kids growing up today have no concept of privacy and constantly put pictures and data online that years ago would have been kept personal. Now it is sold to advertisers and to government agencies for tracking social groups and networks and their possible intent.

-The UK government has reneged on promises to roll back Labour’s surveillance society by committing themselves to rolling out a super computer system to track UK citizens online in real time. As the Sunday Times revealed: “Internet companies will be told to install thousands of pieces of hardware to allow GCHQ, the government’s eavesdropping centre, to scrutinise “on demand” every phone call made, text message and email sent and website accessed in real time.

-Within the next couple of years, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will instantly know everything about your body, clothes, and luggage with a new laser-based molecular scanner fired from 164 feet (50 meters) away. From traces of drugs or gun powder on your clothes to what you had for breakfast to the adrenaline level in your body agents will be able to get any information they want without even touching you or you knowing about it.

Now imagine if these super computers all had the ability to read your mind as well from a distance. How scary would that be? a new #Altnews Search Engine

October 3, 2011

By Dark Politricks

I have been busy working on a new part of the site which I hope you will like.

It can be found at and is an alternative news search engine that allows you to view the best #ALTNews sites around without the mainstream guff, bull shit and noise that Google, BING and all the others try to force down your throat.

Although not perfect yet it should give you the best alternative news sites and articles from the blogosphere and non mainstream web and like my other search engine it keeps your anonymity by never logging your searches and using proxy servers to run the searches.

For this reason it might be a bit slower than other search engines but if you like alternative news you will hopefully put up with the delay because I will sift out the lame-stream to provide proper alternative perspectives on the events we all feel are important.

I am still working on it so if you have any suggestions or problems then just comment on this article but whilst I am testing it you can view it by clicking the main menu link, the sidebar link or bookmarking

Also please remember that I am basically having to pay out my own pocket each month to keep this and my other sites running.

No-one pays me to do this work and the only money I get is from Google adverts and donations.

Therefore if you want to help me build a faster, better search engine then please do the obvious otherwise please donate me some money. Even if it’s only a few pounds or dollars it will all go towards server costs.

Hopefully you will like the search engine and remember you can still use the old search system by using the box in the header.