Posts Tagged ‘Obama’

You do NOT have a choice in the US Presidential election!

December 18, 2015

You do NOT have a choice in the US Presidential election!

By Dark Politricks

No Difference between the GOP and Democrat
There is no difference between the Republicans and Democrats

I know that Conservatives in the US call Obama a Marxist and the Democrats attack the GOP as money grabbers for the rich, but in reality there is very little difference between the GOP and the Democrats.

From my perspective across the pond I haven’t seen the US change for the better since all my years of being interested in US politics. This includes both Republican and Democratic Presidencies as well as times where the President was of the same party that controlled both houses of Congress yet still didn’t push through policies you would expect them to.

Both the GOP and Democratic parties are:

  • Pro war, even if it means possible world war with Russia/China.
  • Pro Israel and pro AIPAC / JDL plus anti Palestinian rights.
  • Pro regime change (Iraq, Libya, Ukraine & Syria to name a few).
  • Pro drone strikes even on US citizens without judicial review.
  • Pro Bankster & Wall St and anti Working Class & main street.
  • Pro Police arbitrary killings. It feels as if the streets of some US cities are full of uninformed paramilitary death squads at the moment.
  • Pro NSA/FBI/CIA/Homeland security spying on you through your cars GPS, phones microphone/cameras, websites visited from your ISPs and server log files and even now through your TV!

If you have a new “Smart TV”, have you actually read the privacy statement they make you sign in detail?

If not do so!

I read my new 4k TVs statement the other night and it mentioned built-in microphones and cameras installed into the TV to take photos of you for facial recognition and even to record your height, weight and vocal patterns.

Of course they claim that this is just to help deliver you tailored adverts and help with certain smart apps such as those that use voice commands or hand gestures but all this data goes off to a 3rd party company first to be analysed.

The legalese didn’t mention who got access to this data or how long it was stored just that it could be used by the appropriate authorities and that non compliance was covered by New York Law.

Therefore if you break your new Smart TV’s terms and conditions in any way you can have US policemen coming to arrest you wherever you are in the world. I have to wonder which 3 letter agencies get access to all this data, it really has become that Telescreen from George Orwell’s 1984, if not I don’t know how much closer they can become.

Just like phones which when switched off still have enough power to ping the phone masts and therefore record your whereabouts, I’d have a good bet that there is just enough power when your TV is in standby mode to record you through the microphone and camera.

Therefore don’t rely on turning off your camera/microphone in the settings, if you are that paranoid go back to basics and cover them with masking tape. The simplest methods are best. However when even your TV is a sophisticated computer that can spy on you and record your actions and speech then we really have entered George Orwell’s dystopian world.

Also people forget that our phones are those microchips everybody worried about having implanted in them to keep track of them by the Government in the 90s. It was the big thing, being chipped, a conspiracy theory that was just in the mind of tin foil hat wearing loons. However we happily take our phones with us everywhere we go. We constantly “Sign In”, and “log where we are”, “tag who we are with”, and write down everything we are doing. Leaving a nice long trail of our life on the Internet to be remembered for decades to come.

To the youngsters of today there is no concept of privacy and they seem happy to give that away for the ability to communicate and therefore be logged and recorded.

With our mobile and household tracking devices we can now be located and spied on 24/7 and if you are a terrorist, domestic extremist, protester or even a citizen journalist (under new US combatant rules), you could find yourself being the target of something nasty flying through the air.

Microsoft, Facebook and Google constantly hand over all your private chat data, search requests, emails, and history of websites that we’ve visited to the authorities. Both if asked and sometimes just as standard due to their close relationships with the alphabet agencies of the US surveillance state. Google took seed money from the CIA and helped them design some of the NSA’s searching algorithms for programs similar to those Snowden leaked such as PRISM and XKeyScore. Plus Microsoft was adding chips into their PC’s from the 90’s to help the NSA override any secure cryptography so that they could access your PC at will. Even the BBC reported on it in this 1999 article.

There is no difference between Democrats and Republicans on the issue of national security which means knowing as much as possible about as many people as possible.

ISIS which is a creation of US/UK Middle Eastern foreign policy, just as al-Qaeda was a database of CIA cut out agents/Jihadists, used to destabilise countries as ex UK Foreign Minister, Robin Cook wrote about, are used to scare us into just handing over all our civil liberties that the terrorists supposedly hate us for having. The US were bombing ISIS for a year as their Caliphate grew in size. Therefore they were either very bad at their bombing campaign compared to the Russians or they were allowing them to survive. Using the existence of these terrorists as an excuse to cut our civil liberties is basically doing their job for them.

If they truly “hate us for our freedoms”, as George W Bush famously said, we shouldn’t hand all our freedoms away never for them to return with laws like the Patriot ACT and the NDAA and in the UK the multitude of anti-terrorism bills that have been passed.

So it’s the same with all 3 states in the Axis of War, the UK, France and the USA who have all suspended certain rights and freedoms due to the “threat” of terrorism.

I’d really like to see both Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn be leaders of both the USA and UK at the same time JUST TO SEE if REAL CHANGE is even possible from the top down.

When Obama came into office on a wave of support due to his meaningless chant of “We Can Change”, it seemed to me that the slogan was purely about the colour of the White House occupants. Therefore I don’t even believe real change from the top is actually possible, never been tried, or just stopped by the main string pullers from behind the curtains. Having two characters like Bernie and Corbyn in power would at least show us if it was still possible to change the world for the better whether you like their policies or not.

If both these men did have full control and held true to the principles they currently state then in power we should see:

  • Less prison for drugs and minor offences.
  • Less Banksters running a mock with our tax payers money and no “too big to fail or jail” companies allowed to bank roll terrorists and drug cartels (e.g HSBC).
  • Less spending on the department of war and more on education, job creation, house building and investment in the people and country instead of wasting it on £800,000 missiles that are fired into rubble in pointless overseas wars.
  • Less stupid overtures that suggest our leaders want to start a new cold (or even hot) war with Russia. They seem to forget Russia helped solve the Iran nuclear deal, remove chemical weapons from Syria and are basically crushing DAESH in Syria despite Turkey and Saudi Arabian support for the Jihadists.
  • Less power to corporations who are NOT real people with feelings and emotions yet in the USA under law they are treated as such and so during elections pump millions into campaigns of people who will benefit them if they get into power.
  • Better and cheaper health care free at the point of use in the US, and less middle management and PPI hospitals in the UK that are bankrupting us into the future.
  • Free adult education and the ability to retrain and gain new skills throughout your life to keep you in a job. Having taxpaying workers is much better than people relying on state handouts.
  • Oh and all the stolen civil liberties we have had removed from us due to the “War on Terror” returned in the hundreds.

The Two Faced Janus Coin of American Politics

The two faced Janus coin of US politics
Both Main Parties in the USA Serve The Same Interests

These are all good reasons why we need strong 3rd parties in the USA and UK.

Many Europeans don’t even realise that 3rd parties exist in the USA. Parties such as the Greens, Libertarians, Justice Party and even (shock horror) socialists!

Major political reform is needed so that these parties get a fair shake of the whip during elections, can debate the other parties on the major networks, and get the air time they require to make a dent into the two-faced Janus coin called American Democratic elections. Of course the reason they don’t is that the debates are all staged collusion with the networks who are all filled with COINTELPRO government mouthpieces. They have no urge to see REAL change come to the USA and actually do something to shake up the status quo.

How many Americans know they are still living under “Emergency Laws” enacted after 9 11 giving the President ultimate power. When will this end?

How good would an alliance be between the UK and the USA that would get on with other nations better and stop real evil e.g Israeli illegal occupation of Palestinian lands and Chinese/Saudi treatment of their people instead of selling weapons and outsourcing all our jobs to them.

Money should not matter more than morals but to George Osborne, Obama and the US/UK arms companies who must carry on their trade it seemingly does.

Our allies are not dissimilar to our enemies e.g ISIS and Saudi Arabia, yet we allow the 7th century hypocritical scum that the Saudi’s are to continue with own Janus act of both funding and fighting terrorism.

However will this ever happen or will the establishment prevent the elections of such men as Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn  due to the threat of real change?

The realistic outcome is that some idiot like Donald Trump or a warmonger like Hillary Clinton will get into power in the USA to reign alongside an equally right-wing Tory party in the UK and the Axis of War will roll on…..

One can only wish…..

Remember, as George Orwell famously said:

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength

Oh, and you do have a real choice in your elections.


View the original article at the main site

By Dark Politricks


© 2015 Dark Politricks

Putin’s article in the New York Times was right

September 12, 2013

Putin’s article in the New York Times was right

By Dark Politricks

As the recent article in the New York Times shows, when it comes to getting an outside perspective on your own Government, even an ex KGB, dictator who suppresses his own people can be right sometimes.

He definitely has his faults and no-one can claim him to be a beacon of light for liberty but then can we really honestly claim that our western leaders are?

Is Obama really the shining light of American exceptionalism that Putin attacks for arrogance beyond belief? As he tells the US public:

“It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation,” Mr Putin wrote.

“There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too,” he wrote. “We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal.”

Putin also wrote in the NYT today that it was the Syrian rebels, and not the Syrian government, who were behind a recent alleged chemical attack. Evidence upon evidence seems to back this up. Yet for some reason the western press seems to ignore all the reports from Turkey, Russia and Syria when they find chemical weapons factories or stashes of weapons ready to be unleashed.

As he himself admits, no-one doubts chemical weapons were used in Syria, the only question is by who. As Putin says in the article:

“there was no doubt that chemical weapons had been used in the Syrian conflict but “there is every reason to believe it was used not by the Syrian Army, but by opposition forces, to provoke intervention by their powerful foreign patrons, who would be siding with the fundamentalists.”

This would fit with all the intelligence we have seen in the alternative media over the past months that seem to suggest plans to stage provocations using chemical weapons that could be blamed on Assad including:

Hacked emails from defense contractor Britam that revealed a plan apparently“approved by Washington” , to stage a chemical weapons attack in Syria and blame it on the Assad regime.

Raids by Turkish security forces who found a 2 kg cylinder filled with sarin gas after searching the homes of Al-Nusra Syrian militants in Adana.

Earlier independent UN investigations into the use of chemical weapons which found that previous chemical weapon attacks were carried out by Syrian rebels NOT the forces of President Assad.

The Syrian rebels have already claimed they are willing to unleash chemical weapons on Israel from Assad controlled areas of Syria. Will that be the ultimate false flag attack that starts the war, Putin warns that it might.

No one doubts that poison gas was used in Syria. But there is every reason to believe it was used not by the Syrian Army, but by opposition forces, to provoke intervention by their powerful foreign patrons, who would be siding with the fundamentalists. Reports that militants are preparing another attack — this time against Israel — cannot be ignored.

He wants to wait for the inspectors to report on their findings and not let the US just blatantly ignore the international law they helped set up after WWII to start another Iraq style mis-adventure in the Middle East. What is the point of having the UN if members can just bypass the rulings of the security council whenever they like?

The US/UK/France might not like it when Russia and China veto their proposals over starting wars in Libya or Syria but then the US blocks every measure at reigning in the excesses of Israel. It is the pot calling the kettle black. We either stick to the laws made after World War II that any country starting a war of aggression is an illegal act or we might as well throw the whole concept away.

As recent events in the ancient Christian village of Maaloula have shown the Sryian rebels are not “freedom fighters” but suppressors of liberty. Video’s have been released of even the “moderate” Free Syrian Army rebels eating the entrails of dead victims and video’s and stories abound of beheadings, stonings and summary executions.

Is it really sensible to swap one dictator who has allowed Christians and Muslims to live side by side for centuries for an al-Qaeda strong hold where people are forced at gun point to convert to Islam? Why are we so willing to stand side by side with the supposed enemy we have been fighting against for the last decade?

Does America really want another Iraq on their hands?

Putin thinks it’s foolish if they do and it seems that the majority of American citizens do as well.

Putin may not be John Kennedy or Martin Luther King but someone needs to talk some sense into the neo-con warmongers before they unleash hell in the Middle East. If that means Vladimir Putin, the strong-arm leader of Russia then so be it. It only adds to suspicions by many that this proposed war is another under the table proxy battle for reasons our leaders won’t readily admit.

You can read Putin’s whole article here: Putin Speaks to America.


View the original article Putin was right at

Prism means journalists should be wary – so should we!

June 16, 2013

Prism means journalists should be wary – so should we!

By Dark Politricks

With the explosion of information about the latest American spy scandal, and the revelation that the USA has been spying on us all for years, isn’t it all about time we all took our Internet security more seriously?

You might have read my earlier article Internet censorship and surfing anonymously but if you are not a “text” reader and felt over-loaded with information then the following links to some nice infographics will help show you just how Google and your browser track, log, identify and make money from your personal information as you surf the web.

They will also show you in a simple way which settings to turn off depending on the browser you use, plus which browser specific plugins to install, to increase your security, improve privacy and reduce your “Internet footprint“.

You may have seen Microsoft promoting their privacy options lately for Internet Explorer on the TV and there is a new setting which the browsers have introduced called DNT (Do Not Track).

Supposedly if you enable this setting in your browsers settings it will pass a special header called DNT (Do Not Track) along to all sites that you visit which is supposed to tell them to respect your privacy and not log or track you. You can actually see this header with tools like HttpFox or Firebug or even most browsers own inbuilt developer console (F12 usually brings it up). When you inspect your Request headers (all the information your browser passes to each site on each request for an HTML page, image or other resource required by websites to work) you will see the DNT header set to 1 if it’s enabled.

However like all these things even though Google’s own Chrome browser has a setting for this new option they themselves DON’T EVEN support it!

Just goes to show you that money is more important than a users security or privacy and that your online data is worth $£€ to the Internet companies.

Have a look at the following pages if you want a nice illustrated guide on how browsers and Internet sites track you online.

This explains how you can stop being tracked by your browser.

This explains how you are tracked online when you use Google.

This explains how your search results are tailored to previous searches and details obtained by your browser.

You should also look into using secure search engines such as or instead of Google (yes other search engines do exist and are just as good!) as well as researching secure browsers and tools such as TOR for secure Internet browsing.

As journalists are now targets of the American government and whistle-blowers seem to be top of the USA’s execution lists, far ahead it seems of real terrorists, then newspapers and anyone else wanting to bring truth to the masses by exposing government secrets should really be looking at creating secure ways to communicate so as to protect their sources. We long expected that our governments were basically spying on all our emails, phone calls, Internet traffic and now we have been proven right. It is up to you alone to help make it as hard as possible for them to track you if you respect your own privacy.

It may be hard but the easiest thing to do is stay away from any of the big Internet companies and their products e.g Google, Facebook, Skype, Hotmail etc (there are alternatives) and lock down and encrypt your PC and as much of your traffic as possible.

As Ron Paul says in this article he fears the most recent whistle-blower Edward Snowden might even be killed by a US drone strike!

What the fuck is going on USA?

If anyone was mistaken about the real reason for the war on terror and the loss of liberties at home that sprung from it this should come as a big fat punch on the nose warning!

This war is not going to end. Who does anyone think we are ever going to sign a peace treaty with to end it?

No this war was all about allowing the governments of supposed western democratic nations to go draconian on all of our asses and we only have to look at how Obama, a supposed liberal President, is:

  • attacking free speech,
  • spying on reporters who dare report on the Government,
  • going after whistle-blowers which are supposedly protected by the law,
  • spying on all Americans and International countries who use the Internet without warrant or probable cause,
  • executing American nationals without trial,
  • killing innocent people by the hundreds in remote drone strikes,
  • supporting al-Qaeda linked terrorists in Syria and Libya, and worse of all,
  • increasing the American police state that is still under emergency laws (since 9.11) – with bills like the NDAA to follow on from the constitution killing PATRIOT Act which was brought in by George W Bush.

Whether you like Obama or not a TRUE liberal would not be promoting such activities.

View the original article Prism means we should all be wary – journalists especially! at the main site

What makes Presidents break all their promises once they get elected?

March 24, 2013

What happens to new Presidents to make them break all their campaign pledges?

By Dark Politricks

I’ve always thought that when a new President was elected that on their inauguration day, after all the celebrations, they were then taken into a special room within the White House.

In this room they would be shown tape recordings, videos, signed affidavits from witnesses and other materials that could be used to blackmail them. If at any time during their Presidency they they decided not follow the plans these puppet masters had already planned out for them then these materials would be used to bring them down.

I cannot think of any other reason why so many drunks, drug users, sex addicts and other deviants have been elected as President of the United States in recent years.

The last few Presidents have all had rumours about drugs, gay sex and even murders or drug importation.

People have come out and said that they were involved in sex acts with them, or pilots have recalled seeing the Bush brothers at an airport when dropping off blow after shipping arms down to Central America (Barry Seal).

Even the President’s themselves have admitted to taking drugs (whether they inhaled or not).

Of the latest three Presidents we have the following acts being attibuted to them by various investigators and witnesses. These are all acts that could be used to blackmail them.

  • Obama (coke, weed, gay sex, birth certificate, links to Islam)
  • George Bush (coke, drink, pot, gay sex in the White House)
  • Bill Clinton (coke importer, pot smoker – although he claims he didn’t inhale! Plus a string of dead people behind him, many who committed suicide with two gun shots to the head! And of course all the sexual acts and infidelity)

Lest you think I am being hypocritical I have no problem with drug use, gays or people following Islam (as long as they are not limiting womens rights, chopping hands off or blowing people up due to Allah’s will.) Murder on the other hand or importing drugs is of course another level altogether.

Plus we all know what the members of the secret society Skull n Bones have to do when they get initiated. Members who include many ex Presidents and powerful officials.

Apparently they lie naked in an open coffin and masturbate whilst the other members all stand around them watching and the new inmate recalls every sexual partner they have had. Whether this is true or not (it is a secret society) it would add many more Presidents to this list.

I have said this many times before, especially when it becomes apparent that the new President is going to break every election pledge they had promised the public on the campaign trail.

What happened to all the “hope and change” Obama promised us?

The end to wars, restoring our civil liberties, closing Gitmo, punishing the previous criminal occupants of the White House for their illegal wars and breaches of international treaties on war crime.

The only thing that could explain it is that either Obama just blatantly lied on the campaign trail or he was blackmailed into following a certain neo-con, pro-war, pro-Israeli, anti-civil liberty line once he was elected.

Apparently 3 out of 10 men are homosexual yet there are hardly any openly gay members of Congress. Why is that? Is the Congress somehow different from the rest of society or is it full of people who have hidden lives and risk exposure at any moment by someone with enough power to expose their hypocrisy?

I just got sent this recording of Bill Hicks on Twitter and I think he sums it up perfectly. As I always say – satire and comedy is sometimes the only way reality can be conveyed to the public without getting a bullet in your head for doing so.

View the original article “Are new Presidents blackmailed to make them break all their campaign pledges?” at

My thoughts on the USA’s love of guns and the 2nd Amendment

January 25, 2013

My thoughts on the USA’s love of guns and the 2nd Amendment

By Dark Politricks

After all the furor of the last few weeks and the Sandy Hook shootings and the media debate afterwards what I want to know is what level of tyranny do Americans feel is enough to break the barrier and make their cherished 2nd Amendment useful.

As we are constantly told the 2nd Amendment is not so Americans can go hunting ducks with M16’s or use their AK47’s for shooting tin cans off the garden wall – no it’s for preventing an over reaching, tyrannical government from taking control of their country.

As Thomas Jefferson said in 1803:

“None but an armed nation can dispense with a standing army. To keep ours armed and disciplined is therefore at all times important.”

There are many levels to this debate and you can go on many tacks including:

1. American citizens have voted for the Congressmen and President that has then taken away their civil liberties. Therefore in a democracy the majority have spoken and it is their own fault for participating in their own loss of liberty and  freedom.

2. Obama is in no way like Hitler, Mao or Stalin. They just declared their laws and the deed was done. They didn’t have to battle for years in the Congress and Senate to get a health-care plan watered down and then passed after multiple compromises with political opponents. If Obama was truly a dictator he would have just clicked his fingers and used one of the “signing statements” to make “it so”, so to speak. A dictator doesn’t give in to an elected body he just says what he wants and it gets done.

3. For personal reasons I wouldn’t like to live in a country full of guns. For one I would probably be dead, in a wheelchair or in prison by now after my teenage tearaway years. The other is that I know in the UK, although more violent than the USA (as a recent study showed) at least when we fall out of the bars drunk we fight with our fists and not guns. With our love of alcohol and a plentiful supply of guns we would see every town high street full of dead bodies every weekend. That’s not even thinking about our bent dodgy police who I have seen on more than one occasion batter someone for no good reason. Bart Transport Police incidents would be occurring every day and I am thankful I have managed to fight our cops with my fists after they have attacked a young girl with batons just for walking out of a club with a beer, and didn’t end up with a bullet in my back. They knew they were in the wrong and 12 of us were let go without charge in the morning all gun shot free. Our criminals are even having to rent guns due to the short supply and most guns used in crimes have already been used in previous crimes and are only re-activated de-commisioned guns – likely to go off in your own hand as it is to fire properly anyway.

4. America has the most sophisticated and well equipped armed forces in the world. Despite the wishes of the founding fathers that there would be no standing army during peace time it seems the USA has got round this by engaging in a period of permanent war. The armed forces have replaced the militias and does any American think their handgun or automatic would take down an Apache helicopter if they turned on the citizens? What level of weapon should a citizen have anyway? Where does it say they can only have certain types of guns and not RPG’s or even anti-aircraft weapons? Where is the line drawn?

However ignore all that and just think that YOU ARE ALREADY LIVING UNDER TYRANNY!

Therefore why crow on about the real reason of the 2nd Amendment when you have done NOTHING to stop the rise of tryany over the last 10 years.

Ever since 9.11 you have:

Therefore if you don’t think that a few of these facts, out of many others I could have listed,  on their own reach the bar of tyranny that you are so fond of protecting then what level does the bar have to be raised for you to use to the 2nd Amendment as you see it designed?

Either stop voting for scoundrels and liars OR take people like Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Dennis KucinichGary Johnson, Jill Stein and many other politicians seriously.

These are just a few people from all ends of the political spectrum who believe the US has already entered this realm of tyranny in which the CIA/NSA, banksters and warmongers have already won over the common person and that serious reform is needed to roll back this Amerikan police state.

Either there is no level it can be raised to and you will accept all forms of tyranny and you just need to admit that you really really like your guns and just shooting shit. OR you honestly believe in the 2nd Amendment.

If it’s the latter then I really want to know – what will it take for you to do something?


View the original article “What level of tyranny will it take for Americans to make use of the 2nd Amendment” at the main site

Why is taking Russia to show the USA how to hold a fair and balanced election?

October 23, 2012

Why it taking Russia to show the USA how to hold a fair and balanced election?

By Dark Politricks

It comes to something when the USA, supposed home of liberty, freedom and refuge from tyranny, has to ask for external observers to their elections to stop them being stolen.

The USA is very good at labeling elections in countries such as Iran or Russia stolen or compromised but who are they to talk after the debacles of the Bush elections, the proven hacking of the Diebold electronic voting machines and all the voter suppression being carried out across America at the moment.

Not only do we have Republican Governors trying to introduce laws that would block a large percentage of people who would normally vote Democrat from voting by insisting on forms of ID that these people don’t have or don’t have time to get before the election.

We also have CEO’s of companies telling their staff who to vote for, that their jobs depend on voting for Mitt Romney and even asking their workers to contribute to the Romney campaign whilst they fly around on their private jets.

Then we have the spectacle of Mitt Romney’s son buying electronic voting machines that will be used in key swing states including Ohio – imagine the uproar by FOX News if Obama had done that!

Despite all the shenanigans going on to block or cajole people voting from one way or another we have the disappointing choice of two candidates who seem to differ very little on the important things as last nights debate shown.

Not only are both candidates in hock with Israel and sworn to protect it with the blood of American sons and daughters, but both are war mongers who will probably start a war with Iran in the next Presidency to distract people from the meltdown of the American economy and way of life.

Just as history shows us, first there is an economic collapse, then a massive wealth disparity between the top few percent of the country and the rest of us and then when things just don’t get any better a war comes along. We should not let either of these two candidates lead us down this road again.

And why is it that these debates are only between Obama and Romney when there are other candidates standing for election? Is it because the debates are organised by the establishment themselves – yes – it is all façade meant to show that there is a difference between the two parties when none really exists.

There are many other candidates standing for election including Green, Libertarian, Constitution and Justice party candidates but we don’t get to hear much from them.

Maybe if they had been allowed to debate the two establishment candidates in a real debate about important matters then it would have been much better to watch instead of just seeing the two candidates agree about important foreign policy issues.

Issues such as:

Why do both men support giving US tax payers money straight to the banks that stole from the nation instead of locking the banksters up in jail?

Or why do we always stand by Israel and talk about Iranian nukes when Israel has hundreds and uses the USA to fight her wars for it?

Or why are we fighting unbeatable wars on terror and drugs when we are stone cold broke?

Just imagine all that tax revenue that would be brought in if Marijuana was legalised.

If you do want to watch a proper debate, one in which both candidates don’t try to out warmonger each other, then is showing one tonight.

This is a debate which you can watch live between the Libertarian Party’s Gary Johnson, Green Party’s Jill Stein, Constitution Party candidate Virgil Goode, and Justice Party candidate Rocky Anders.

It comes to something when Russia has to show the USA how to conduct fair and balanced elections.

Not only did they install 15,000 cameras in polling booths so that every Russian citizen could watch and help prevent vote rigging they also had more than 2 candidates standing for election.

Also as they don’t use electronic voting machines there is a paper trail that can be analysed after the fact. Something the American population cannot do with their easily hackable voting machines.

Maybe there is a reason Ireland sold all their electronic voting machines as scrap metal.

Just a few of the things we have done wrong in the last ten years

September 22, 2012

By Dark Politicks

Things we have done wrong in the last ten years – a very short list but one I thought was important.

As I am from the UK I am going to criss cross between both countries as ours basically has it’s head halfway up the USA’s arse anyway.

1. Elected George Bush a 2nd time.

2. Elected Obama a first time.

3. Let both Presidents bankrupt the country through tax cuts for the rich, never ending wars, bailouts to the banks instead of prison sentences. Imagine all the money you would save by not having hundreds of military bases all around the world, the largest defence budget in history (one that has tripled in recent years), thousands of nuclear missiles that will probably never be used when a few would be enough for deterrent purposes (if you believe in that) and a massive army, navy and air force.

4. Letting billionaires con you into thinking that they have “your best interests at heart” by giving them MORE tax cuts and bailouts and giving you less working rights including less pay and more working hours, worse living conditions, worse health and safety, less benefits, more pollution and so on etc.

5. Letting the same people trick you into believing you are standing up to government by funding astro turf groups to promote Ayn Rand ideas – as Paul Ryan admitted at the GOP conference. Ideas that many economists say are linked to a laissez faire capitalism that has been blameed for derivatives, credit default swaps, banks lending too much and the global financial collapse of 2008 and the lack of punishment afterwards. Also Ideas that many say go against Christian beliefs. Are you really a Christian or do you just like those “I love Jesus” bumper stickers.

6. Letting the powers that be divide and conquer you through their own groups and infiltration of real grass root movements like the original Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street. If you could only see that many of the same ideas cross over between the protest groups and start electing intelligent people to congress instead of dumbo’s like Michele Bachmann. People who will actually stick up for your constituency rather than do the usual walk through the steps of Congress for the first time and become a Lobbyist target, donation collecting, champagne drinking, party goer who follows their colour of the political line and not champions of the consciences of the people who elected them.

7. Going to war with Iraq. What a pointless waste of time, life and money. It was a distraction from Afghanistan, led to Abu Ghraib and tortureWikiLeaks releasing massacres caught on tape, Blackwater/Xe killing people in public streets, daily car bombs, religious infighting and the breakup of a government structure just to rebuild it from scratch BADLY. George Bush said before becoming President he would go to war with Iraq to get enough political capital to introduce all the reforms he wanted, cuts to social security, tax cuts etc – instead he ended his Presidency with a bankrupt country on the edge of financial meltdown – not something an incomer like Obama would have wanted to come into power with.

8. Labour turning the UK into the most surveilled nation in the world and destroying civil liberties, removing the right of silence without prejudice, trying to introduce national ID cards, curtailing the rights of protesters, allowing 30+ agencies and councils to enter a person home through the RIPA act and introducing the most unfair and unbalanced UK/US extradition treaty – one which we are still fighting to repeal for people like Gary McKinnon.

9. Believing both the Tories and the Liberal Democrats who said they would repeal all these disgraceful acts, especially the Liberal Democrats with their “Freedom Bill” which I supported them in the recent election for but once they brought it to parliament as the Protection of Freedoms Bill it was watered down so much it was mostly irrelevant and pointless.

10. Labour leaving the new government with so much debt and such a big deficit the coalition had to introduce plans that many Tories probably secretly wished to have a chance to do for many years such as roll back public services, destroy our social safety net, try to privatise the NHS, and again give tax cuts to the rich. All in the failed idea that trickle down economics works rather than give money directly to consumers who would spend it and let it trickle up for once! Plus they could blame it on the Lib Dems! In fact they left us in such a mess the outgoing treasury minister Liam Byrne left a message on his successors desk saying “Dear chief secretary, I’m afraid to tell you there’s no money left”

11. Gordon Brown selling off 12.7 million ounces of gold at rock bottom prices and at the worst time possible. Guido Fawkes has worked out that this would have made 63.5 million gold medals for the recent London Olympics. At least we clawed a few ounces back with #TeamGB doing so well.

12. Labour introducing the Private Finance Initiatives scheme which meant private companies entered into contracts with the government over long time periods and built much needed schools and hospitals but then charged the government masses of money over time. We got our spanking new buildings quickly but pay through our noses for long periods of time in return. Maybe some of Gordon’s gold could have helped pay for these.

13. Governments across the globe thinking that huge computer systems are the solution to every problem. From the NSA’s TRAPWIRE that will track everyone everywhere to the massive waste of money that was Labour’s massive waste of money and quickly scraped £12 billion pound failure in the NHS that would have paid for 60,000 nurses for a decade.

14. Not punishing the people who got us into the financial mess of 2008. A recent report showed banks all across the world who received bail outs from their respective governments have continued to make more riskier loans when compared to those that were not bailed out. Is this because they expect (or know) that the government will step in again if they get into another mess, which many economists are expecting to happen soon? As Max Keiser often says we should have put the people who broke the law, then lobbied the government to have laws changed retrospectively or pay measly fines as recompense in jail as a lesson to others that our economic system is not a bookies shop.

15. Expecting that we can parachute democracy into the Middle East and not learning from history. History shows us that no-one from Alexander the Great to the British Empire and the USSR has ever won a war in Afghanistan. What makes the USA think they are any different. The Afghan army and police are full of Taliban infiltrators waiting for their chance to come out and cause havoc. We have basically been training them in our tactics for years and this year has seen the highest number of “Green on Blue deaths” so far at 51, it will only continue to rise.

16. Not being an honest broker in the Middle East. Especially Israel and supporting what seems like a blatantly apartheid nation with their US veto that allows it to get away with piracy on the high seas, assassinations of US citizens, illegal embargoes and the breaking of international law whenever they feel like it. This includes the building of illegal settlements on on Palestinian land, targeted assassinations or the ethnic cleansing of East Jerusalem through forced purchases of Arab houses.

17. Arming, funding and supporting ex-terrorists such as LIFG rebels in Libyathe Free Syrian Army who are filled with al-Qaeda terrorists and the Kosovan Liberation Army in Serbia who also had al-Qaeda links. Either we are trying to de-stabilise the region for a geo-political reason such as to cause an Islamic in-fight between the Shi’ites and the Sunnis so that we can take advantage or we are really really stupid.

18. Not holding a full and proper criminal inquiry into the events of 9.11 which included proper subpoena powers, independent witnesses statements that were not removed from the final report, allowing the White House to block it all the way and then using it to build a case for war in Iraq.

Always remember a third tower WTC-7 fell that day that wasn’t hit by any plane and had all the signs of a controlled demolition including:

  • No plane hitting it.
  • Small fires that had been almost extinguished by the time it fell in the afternoon.
  • Witnesses who heard bombs go off in the building, and admitted walking over dead bodies before the building was hit by falling debris who died before the NIST report was released.
  • Flash cutters seen by witnesses.
  • The owner of the building “admitting” it was pulled – a “misspoken” sentence that really meant “pulling out the fire-fighters” as Larry Silverstien later claimed.
  • A ten second countdown heard by people.
  • Sounds of explosives heard by people and taped.
  • All the signs of a controlled demolition, e.g free-fall for 2.4 seconds, a dip in the centre column before collapse, a symmetrical collapse meaning all corners of the building must have weakened at the same time.
  • A number of experts in demolition all publicly saying that it looked like one.
  • Pre-knowledge – later denied and covered up as an accident by the BBC.
  • A flawed NIST report that differed from it’s intermediary report by having missing building parts and relying on a computer model with loaded parameters such as only heating certain parts of the building to make it collapse. Anyone can make anything happen with a computer model if they set the parameters correctly and play with them until they get the desired result.


This list will be continued…..

Will Mitt Romney actually bring any change to the USA if elected?

July 14, 2012

By Dark Politricks

If you hate Obama – I agree with you.

He is a warmonger, a liar, a tool of the globalists and the banksters he continued to bailout after following in Bush‘s footsteps.

He has brought in laws that destroy Americans liberty like the NDAA, expanded the war on terror as well as numerous other things true Democrats, Conservatives, Liberals or just decent people with morals shouldn’t be happy with.

However if you are a Republican voter, a GOP supporting Mitt Romney lover then I have to ask – what do you think is going to change if he gets elected?

Are jobs suddenly going to come rushing back to the US shores?

He worked for a company that spent it’s time off-shoring American jobs to foreign countries so why would he change his spots now.

Are the wars going to stop in Afghanistan, Pakistan (a supposed ally), Yemen, Somalia and all the other places we probably don’t even know about?

No of course not – the GOP are strong on defence and that means lots of money wasted firing million dollar missiles into mud huts and killing thousands of innocent civilians in the hope of getting one jihadist from a drone. All the while creating future enemies for the military industrial complex to continue sucking money out of US taxpayers pockets in years to come.

Are the banksters who ruined the economy under Bush and previous administrations going to be punished and end up in jail?

No of course not – they haven’t done under Obama and Romney is probably more in the pocket of Wall St than his rival. I don’t hold up hope of seeing the heads of Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan in a court anytime soon.

Are the lost liberties destroyed under the PATRIOT ACT, the NDAA, the Executive Orders, the Signing Letters, the death squads and all the other laws rushed through after 9.11 and then carried on by Obama going to be repealed by Romney?

I don’t think so.

If he was a true lover of the constitution he would rip up those laws, return the USA to a non emergency powers state and return habeas corpus.

He would close Gitmo and try any terrorists they currently have that actually have evidence pointing their way. He would stop targeted killings by drones and try and restore some moral standing in the world for the country that was once a beacon of liberty and freedom.

There is a reason everyone laughs when US UN officials accuse the Syrian government of targeted killings. None of this will happen under Romney in fact even more tax payers money will be wasted creating the terrorists of the future.

So the wars won’t stop, liberty will continue to be destroyed getting the USA ready for it’s next stage as a Chinese labour shop with no worker rights, health care and lengthy prison sentences on the say so of any official with a grudge against you.

So then I ask again what will change if Mitt Romney is actually elected?

Please tell me what you think in this poll.

Who will be voting for “more of the same under a different name” this year?

February 12, 2012

By Dark Politricks

I have already written about the lack of choice in the forthcoming US Presidential election as it seems whether you are Democrat or Republican you are saddled with the certainty that whoever you vote for a continuation of post 9.11 politics of fear, war and loss liberty is on the cards.

Ron Paul seemed to be the only member of the GOP standing for election who breaks away from this mapped out future but as recent Republican votes have shown he is either unable or being prevented from capturing significant votes. Whilst the other contenders for the GOP nomination are taking it in turns to lead the pack it is clear that the Republican party cannot make up their mind about who they want to lose against Obama in the forthcoming Presidential election.

Unless Ron Paul manages to miraculously win the GOP nomination it looks like the Republicans will either go for a candidate who is only going to appeal to a narrow selection of the general population as a whole. They will either pick:

Mitt Romney, a liberal, flip flopping friend of the 1% who doesn’t worry about the poor and puts people to sleep whether speaking, debating or singing awfully to his crowds of unadoring fans.

Newt Gingrich, a Pillsbury doughboy of a man with the bankrupt morals of a philandering hypocrite who wants to spend billions putting a base on the moon whilst millions of Americans are still on food stamps.

Rick Santorum, a religious conservative who although Catholic appeals to the large evangelical set of voters who chose their President not with logic and reason but on the likelihood that he will promote more end time activity in the Middle East, support anything Israel does in the belief that it will speed up the return of Jesus and who see Barack Obama as nothing less than a Muslim in Christian clothing who is trying to turn America into a Marxist state.

Add these three uninspiring fellows to the likelihood of an independent Ron Paul and it is very unlikely that a majority of people will vote enough to force the incumbent from the White House and that’s a real shame because whether or not you call Obama a Muslim, a Christian, a Marxist or a Liberal he certainly isn’t any good for the world at whole or America in general.

The question should also be asked then – “why can’t a real liberal Democrat stand for the nomination and appose Barack Obama’s very illiberal reign over the USA.”

It should not be a given that an incumbent always gets to stand for his parties re-election and it would be nice for the American people to be given a real choice instead of the current choice of “more of the same” or “more of the same under a different party”.

Whether you call yourself a liberal, a conservatives or neither, would it not be better if the choice before the American people was a real choice rather than just a change of figurehead. Would it not be a more interesting election if it were Ron Paul standing versus Dennis Kucinich or Pat Buchanan versus Cynthia McKinney. Wouldn’t there be more of a real choice, more interesting debates and more of a reason to get out and vote if proper choices were presented to the American people.

The sad thing is that even though Ron Paul is a libertarian and Dennis Kucinich a liberal they probably have more in common than most people think when it comes to the constitution, foreign policy, domestic policing, liberty and the American empire.

Which are all reasons why the establishment would never let them get near the White House with a full head of brain matter and all reasons why Barack Obama is on course to lead a second term preparing America for their new role in the 21st century as a workhouse for Chinese overlords.

Lets just look at all the things which Barack Obama has done which make him NOT a liberal and definitely NOT someone who follows the constitution.

These are also things that make him the perfect candidate to win the election on the establishments behalf and continue the expansion of the Amerikan empire and the destruction of freedom and liberty at home.

1. He has shown the capacity to break most of his pre-election campaign promises showing skills only a true politician could sleep at night with.

2. He has kept the country in a permanent state of war whilst claiming the opposite. American drones are killing civilians at a rate never seen before and across the skies of more countries than his predecessor. Whilst he has brought some troops home from Iraq, thousands remain and the war in Afghanistan rages on with no victory in sight.

3. He has also shown contempt for the constitution by involving America in the war in Libya without allowing Congress to vote on his decision.

4. He has kept the emergency powers which were enacted after 9.11 and which have seemingly placed America under a semi dictatorship in which the rule of law has been abolished in favour of executive orders. This can be clearly seen in the recent National Defense Authorization Act which took America one step further towards tyranny with the White Houses insistence that the indefinite detention of battlefield combatants applied to American citizens

5. He has not kept his pre-election promises to restore America’s standing in the world by closing Gitmo, ending the extraordinary rendition of suspects and acting as a fair and unbiased facilitator of talks between Israel and Palestine.

6. He has failed to prosecute anyone in the previous administration for crimes against the American people and the countries they went to war against. He has not investigated the events of 9.11 which still remain the catalyst for the transformation of America into the militarised Police state it has become and he has chosen to continue the worst of the Bush era excesses even extending them or putting them into law such as the execution of American citizens on the Presidents command alone. Drones are now flying the skies of America and not a week goes by without another story of brutality by the hands of the Robocops who patrol US streets pepper spraying students and grannies and shooting unarmed people in the back on camera.

7. He has failed to reform health care in a way that satisfied Liberals or Conservatives. Instead of introducing a system that would have enabled free health care at the point of use for all Americans through a national insurance scheme he has instead pushed through an unconstitutional bill that forces people to buy insurance from private companies. The insurance companies are happy as they now have a market place full of people forced to buy their product and he hasn’t solved the problem that there still remains millions of Americans who are uninsured.

8. He has allowed Wall Street to carry on with their high frequency trading and front running and his reforms are weak at most and will do nothing to solve the underlying problems that caused the financial meltdown in the first place. Instead of putting the banksters in jail he has continued to bail them out and the Treasury, FED and bankster operations are still engaged in a revolving door process which ensures the American tax payer foots the bill for the excesses, crimes and mistakes of a few.

9. He has allowed the national debt to rise to stupendous levels whilst doing nothing but massaging the jobless figures to make it look like the US economy is getting better. As more people leave the workforce permanently due to jobs disappearing offshore and the FED’s continuation of quantitative easing the purchasing power of the dollar in your pocket weakens month by month. It can legitimately be claimed that Obama has engaged the American nation in yet another war, although this currency war is fought with Credit Default Swaps, the printing of money and a race to the bottom. The huge amounts of American debt owned by China is now being re-invested as China starts buying up companies across the world.

10.  Despite claims to the contrary by people just itching to bend over backwards to support Israel in every way possible, Obama has kept AIPAC and the pro-Israel lobby happy by:

  • promising to wield his UN veto over Palestinian statehood.
  • helping Israel in their covert war against Iran with the Stuxnet virus and support of Iranian terrorist groups.
  • sent large numbers of US Navy ships to the Straits of Hormuz.
  • promised to help Israel in any war with Iran as long as they agree on a plan first.
  • spent billions of US taxpayers money giving military hardware to Israel in return for a short delay in their illegal settlement building programme.
  • and of course he has had to bite his tongue more times than he can count whilst the Israeli PM belittled and lectured him in public and private.

And that is just a list from the top of my head. I’m sure my American readers can provide many more examples of all the illiberal laws and regulations that the Obama administration has brought in over the last three years.

So lets not quibble with semantics, Obama is not a liberal in any sense of the word especially when compared with true liberals who are pro-constitutional freedoms, against wars drummed up in the press through lies and special interests, against the government telling the people how to live their lives, who to sleep with, what to eat, drink and smoke and against special interests foreign and domestic dictating policy and law.

Therefore we are faced with the prospect of a non liberal democrat facing off against a liberal conservative like Romney, a hypocritical borderline lunatic like Gingrich or a religious conservative like Santorum.

If I had a choice like that I think I would be ticking the “none of the above” box.

Sarkozy and Obama hate the Israeli PM as much as most people

November 9, 2011

By Dark Politricks

In previously unpublished remarks, the French President Nicolas Sarkozy has called the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a liar and the US President Obama didn’t disagree with him at all. What does that say about the US / Israeli partnership?

Apparently Journalists covering last week’s G20 summit overheard French President Nicolas Sarkozy blasting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to U.S. President Barack Obama as a “liar” during a talk that the two leaders believed were not being listened to.

“I can’t stand him. He’s a liar,” Sarkozy said of Netanyahu.

President Obama replied: “You may be sick of him but I have to deal with him every day”.

The exchange was overheard by journalists who at first kept their word to to not embarrass the French President during the G20 conference but the details have now been made public and are being reported all around the world after Dan Israel of the French news website, Arret sur Images, broke the story.

We all know that the Israel First Lobby is very strong in the USA and western nations like France and the UK so it is no surprise that the leaders of those countries find themselves increasingly annoyed at the power that is constantly shoved in their faces.

This is shown whenever AIPAC demands Congress sign letters to the President demanding he back Israel despite world opinion, condem UN reports criticising Israels war crimes and repeated breaches of UN resolutions as well as Benjamin Netanyahu’s repeated demands for the West to fight another Middle Eastern war on Israel’s behalf.

He wants the USA and UK to attack Iran who “might” be thinking about developing nukes whilst they themselves refuse to admit they own a couple hundred nuclear weapons.

As well as not being members of the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty they prevent IAEA representatives from inspecting their nuclear stockpile we know they have due to the brave actions of Mordechai Vanunu.

He revealed in a Sunday Times expose in 1985 that Israel had been deceiving the world with their nuclear reactor at the Dimona site and for his troubles he was kidnapped by Israeli agents in a honey-trap from Rome and locked up in solitary confinement for the best part of 18 years.

So whilst Israel cries wolf again about the nuclear threat posed by Iran, demanding that the world community do something more than just talk or impose sanctions they are at the same time sticking two fingers up to the world by dishonestly ignoring their own elephant in the room – which is that they are the only country in the Middle East with enough nuclear bombs to wipe the whole continent out and much much more.

It’s mo wonder western leaders are getting pissed off with Netanyahu’s refusal to commit to peace talks, withdraw to the already agreed borders of the Israel / Palestine partition and at the same time lecture the world on the danger of terrorism whilst at the same time engaging in state terror that is amongst the worst in the world.

You only have to look at recent history to see how little Israels government cares about the world’s opinon:

-It attacked in international waters a flotilla destined to bring aid to the illegally blockaded Gaza strip killing 9 peace activists including the execution of an American citizen Furkan Dogan which was caught on camera. This act of piracy caused immense strain with ex ally Turkey as well as showing how toothless the US is when it comes to avenging it’s own citizens illegally executed by foreign powers – especially when that foreign power is called Israel.

-It sent a hit squad into Dubai to murder a top Hamas commander using faked UK, Irish and Australian passports that meant innocent people were accused of crimes they didn’t commit. This caused diplomatic rows between the countries involved but Israel kept quiet as allies accused it of actions not befitting a friend.

-It killed over 1,300 people mainly women and children in their onslaught on Gaza in 2008-2009 in Operation Cast Lead. The UN commissioned a report led by a Zzionist Richard Goldstone who found that Israel had indeed committed war crimes by targeting the civilian population as a whole and for his trouble he was labelled a self-hating Jew. The war in Gaza caused over $1.9 billion worth of material damage as well as injuring over 7,000 civilians and destroying over 4,000 houses as  well as most of Gaza’s infrastructure and buildings.

-It blocked recent peace talks initiated by Obama whilst Netanyahu belittled the US president on live TV by lecturing him on Middle Eastern Israeli centric politics and blocked his peace plans before they could even get started.

-It continues to hold US foreign policy up to ridicule by the world by ensuring that any Security Council vote criticising Israel is vetoed by the United States. This has happened 42 times since the UN was created and makes a mockery of International Law which first came to fruition in the Nuremberg trials that convicted Nazi war criminals for crimes against humanity. Israel has truly become the bullied school kid that grew up to bully others.

So it s no wonder that the leaders of the free world find it hard to trust Israel and it’s current leader when it ignores everything the world community asks of it and is pushing for yet another war with Iran.

A war that will be much more devastating than the Iraq or Afghan conflicts and one which Israeli troops will no doubt sit on the sidelines letting US and UK troops do the heavy fighting.

The conversation between Sarkozy and Obama maybe embarrassing for them but at least it shows the world that the think the same as the majority of people horrified at the current Apartheid administration in Israel.

How they will handle their next meeting with Netanyahu is anyone’s guess and I would love to be able to watch them squirm as they try to weasle their way out of it to appease their overseas Zionist neo-con master.