Archive for the ‘Investigations & Inquiries’ Category

CDC Article Admits Virus Is Computer Generated

October 24, 2020

CDC Article Admits COVID19 Is Computer Generated

By Dark Politricks

As YouTube and Google, Facebook, Twitter and the Silicon Valley Nexus crack down on free speech and views that they find “unpalatable” or describe as “hate speech” and block, ban, de-monetize or de-rank if not totally obliterate your site. 
New sites are springing up for people wanting to hear news about controversial topics on their own terms. Make your own mind up if you find the contents in the video are “fake news” or just news the authorities don’t want you to hear.
One of these new sites if you haven’t been on it yet is “Brand New Tube“, a YouTube like site that won’t de-rank or censor videos on topics that the Silicon Valley / Government nexus don’t want you to hear about and think about 
This video is from David Icke about the Coronavirus. I do like one statement made by the presenter who said that the news is scaring people with news that “Manchester Hospital is at COVID19 full capacity“, however that is only the number of beds they have assigned for the virus – 8. So if 8 people have COVID19 and take those 8 beds up the news will then scare you with talk about how the hospital is at “full capacity“.
Whatever you think of David Icke, COVID19 and theories surrounding the virus about how it is being used to destroy the economy you might as well listen to this video as it’s the first one I have embedded from
It looks at how computer models have been used to define what “COVID19” actually is, and how kids who are exempt from wearing masks are now being force fed “fashion masks” with “no medical benefits” to get them wearing masks.
Also before listening remember that UK Government Ministers and doctors have admitted that no-one can recover from COVID19.
A one Dr Loke said the way Public Health England collects data means “no-one with COVID in England is allowed to recover from their illness”.
A patient who has tested positive, but successfully treated and discharged from hospital, will still be counted as a COVID death even if they had a heart attack or were run over by a bus three months later” 
That means I can get COVID19, as defined by ? and then recover, before weeks later drunkenly stumble across the road and get run over by a car means I am not put under the death list for “stupid drunk people”, but another COVID19 death statistic instead. You can see some comparisons between Cancer Deaths, Heart Disease Deaths and COVID19 deaths on my earlier article.
These are all serious health conditions that are all being ignored due to Coronavirus. People that need treatment for serious health problems that all have higher death figures than COVID19. How many more people will die from missed operations, and treatments that have been put off due to the COVID19 panic and lock down.
That’s not even to mention the Track and Trace apps the Government is pushing on people which is basically being used by Police to track people of interest and see where they go and who they associate with.
Brand New Tube are new and sometimes have issues with embedding videos so just click the link underneath if the video is not shown.

Watch the video on Brand New Tube – Embedding Prevented!  

Let me know what you think of the views put out in the video and go and have a look at Brand New Tube and see if there are any topics you have been hidden from viewing on and Facebook.   

Read the original article on the main site

By Dark Politricks

©2020 Dark Politricks

There was NO Russian hacking of the US elections.

September 2, 2017

There was NO Russian hacking of the US elections – PROVEN BY EXPERTS

Proven by experts, there was NO Russian hacking of the US elections.

Redacted Tonight
By Dark Politricks

Computer experts, ex hackers, ex National Security advisers and other people from the intelligence community have all come together to write a document that explains how the Russians DID NOT HACK THE US ELECTIONS!

To hack an election machine requires a USB stick, and has to be done manually, by sticking the USB drive into the machine.

I cannot even imagine tons of Russian sleeper agents on Putin’s orders sitting in polling stations ready to insert these sticks into the provable hackable voting machines.

If you look on a map Russia is quite a long way away from the USA so remote hacking was impossible.

The other tell sign was the download speed that the DNC data was dumped onto a drive. It was too fast for long overseas connections but fast enough for a DNC employee to download it and then leak.

Maybe another look into the unexplained death of DNC worker Seth Rich again.

Maybe he didn’t like what he saw happening at the DNC headquarters and wanted to tell the world how corrupt they were.

Maybe he had nothing to do with it at all, however Julian Assange got pretty upset on the Bill Maher show when talking about him and the risks whistleblowers take giving WikiLeaks information, and offered a reward for details on his death.

There is a reason people call Hillary Clinton, Killary Clinton.

List of bodies associated with the Clintons - Click to read more
Click the image above to read more about Clinton related deaths

Also the CIA’s new secret program, Vault 7 which was just revealed has the power to make any document look like it came from any country in the world i.e Russia.

They could have easily used this system to hack the DNC and make the documents look like they came from Russia.

I would not put it past the CIA to do something like this especially when “they otherthrow governments before breakfast” as Jimmy Dore constantly says.

I will let Lee Camp from Redacted Tonight explain more in the first half of his show.

Do you expect apologies from people like Rachel Maddow who bleated on about Russia for months?

Why were the journalists more concerned with where the data came from and not what it said.

Everyone now knows that the DNC is just another corrupt organisation who rigged the game so that Hillary would get her chance at a run and not Bernie, the most popular politician in the country.

They revealed the fact that the super delegates are there to prevent such an occurrence from happening and that the Democrats are not Democratic at all.

They are just sore losers who wanted someone to blame i.e Russia, rather than look at their lack of policies that didn’t inspire people to vote for the most hated politician in the USA.

Isn’t that funny, the Democrats had both the most popular and unpopular politicians to chose from and they chose the latter. I wonder why they lost……

Well I just hope we can hear some apologies on the US nightly news shows about their coverage of Russia – LOL!

To read the article on the original Dark Politrick site which is constantly under attack (3 blogs from Google, 2 from here, 1 G+ community, 3 Facebook pages and multiple bans) all for speaking out about the empire > Read this.

By Dark Politricks

© 2017 Dark Politricks

Russia could overrun the Eastern NATO forces within an hour

October 15, 2016

Russia could overrun the Eastern NATO forces within an hour

By Dark Politricks

Hey everybody, don’t be scared but Russia could overrun the eastern European NATO forces within an hour and then be heading to Paris like Hitler on a tank within a day.

Even the US admit this.

So lets not start a nuclear war with them over Syria please?

View the original article on
By Dark Politricks

© 2016 Dark Politricks

Will anyone bring the War Criminal Tony Blair to justice?

July 6, 2016

Will anyone bring the War Criminal Tony Blair to justice?

By Dark Politricks

Now the Chilcot report is out, does this mean that the Tory Government have the balls to go and arrest Tony Blair for pushing the illegal Iraq war?

Here was someone who knew that the evidence was false yet still promised George W Bush to be with him whatever, despite the UN and his own legal advisers, saying that the war was illegal.

Just like the many EU referendums before BREXIT, it was “no that’s the wrong answer, go and find the right one”, until a dodgy legal basis was provided to give Blair cover for his actions by Lord Goldsmith. I wonder how and why he got given his title….

I doubt any Tories will do anything to put their establishment buddy Blair’s head in the block as it would mean putting their own heads in as well. Many of them eagerly went along with the falsehood that many in the world knew was a blatant lie.

It does however make sense why the Blairite push for power against their Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was planned just before this week’s revelations. They were hoping to take the sting out of the massive news story it will surely become, their own names off the front pages, and provide a different headline for the newspapers. However we must ensure that #Chilcot stays in the news and social media despite other political manoeuvrings.

If we have to wait for the Blairites to return to the Labour fold and for Corbyn to get elected before seeing Blair in the Hague then we could be waiting a long time. However hopefully a massive class action case by the families of dead UK soldiers, and maybe millions of Iraqi’s hurt by the war, could be formed to take him to civil court instead.

Hopefully they could win and sting Blair with a massive monetary punishment as OJ Simpson was, to take away all the millions he has made since leading the country into Iraq by selling speeches, and pretending to be a “Peace Envoy”. All whilst making money for himself in the Middle East advising dictators and lobbying the UN to vote against Palestinian statehood in 2011 – on the payroll of the Israelis no doubt.

The Palestinians had this to say about Tony Blair:

There is no one within the Palestinian leadership that supports or likes or trusts Tony Blair, particularly because of the very damaging role he played during our UN bid.

He is considered persona non grata in Palestine. Although we can’t prevent him from coming here, we can hopefully minimise the role he can play because he is not a mediator, he is totally biased on one side.

So what were the main findings of the Chilcot report which we have had to wait 7 years for?

  • There was no imminent threat from Saddam Hussein; The strategy of containment could have been adapted and continued for some time; The majority of the Security Council supported continuing UN inspections and monitoring.
  • The UK chose to join the invasion of Iraq before the peaceful options for disarmament had been exhausted. Military action at that time was not a last resort.
  • On 28 July 2002, the then Prime Minister Tony Blair assured US President George W Bush he would be with him “whatever”. But in the letter, he pointed out that a US coalition for military action would need: Progress on the Middle East peace process; UN authority; and a shift in public opinion in the UK, Europe, and among Arab leaders.
  • Judgements about the severity of threat posed by Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction – known as WMD – were presented with a certainty that was not justified.
  • Intelligence had “not established beyond doubt” that Saddam Hussein had continued to produce chemical and biological weapons.
  • Policy on Iraq was made on the basis of flawed intelligence assessments. It was not challenged, and should have been.
  • The circumstances in which it was decided that there was a legal basis for UK military action were “far from satisfactory”.
  • The invasion began on 20 March 2003 but not until 13 March did then Attorney General Lord Goldsmith advise there was on balance a secure legal basis for military action. Apart from No 10’s response to his letter on 14 March, no formal record was made of that decision and the precise grounds on which it was made remain unclear.
  • The UK’s actions undermined the authority of the United Nations Security Council: The UN’s Charter puts responsibility for the maintenance of peace and security in the Security Council. The UK government was claiming to act on behalf of the international community “to uphold the authority of the Security Council”. But it knew it did not have a majority supporting its actions.
  • In Cabinet, there was little questioning of Lord Goldsmith about his advice and no substantive discussion of the legal issues recorded
  • Between 2003 and 2009, UK forces in Iraq faced gaps in some key capability areas – including armoured vehicles, reconnaissance and intelligence assets and helicopter support.
  • Despite explicit warnings, the consequences of the invasion were underestimated. The planning and preparations for Iraq after Saddam Hussein were “wholly inadequate”.
  • The government failed to achieve the stated objectives it had set itself in Iraq. More than 200 British citizens died as a result of the conflict. Iraqi people suffered greatly. By July 2009, at least 150,000 Iraqis had died, probably many more. More than one million were displaced.
  • The report sets out lessons to be learned: It found Mr Blair overestimated his ability to influence US decisions on Iraq; and the UK’s relationship with the US does not require unconditional support.

So will anyone apart from Jeremy Corbyn whose whole party seems to have deserted him despite having overwhelming support from the Labour membership and Trade Unions do anything about the lies of Tony Blair that led us to war and the creation of ISIS which haunts us all now?

Despite the massacres, huge car bombs killing hundreds almost on a daily basis during the Iraq civil war, journalists getting their heads cut off by ISIS and al-Qaeda and the strengthening of Iran, Tony Blair still thinks he made the right decision. He said this in the report:

Whether people agree or disagree with my decision to take military action against Saddam Hussein; I took it in good faith and in what I believed to be the best interests of the country

So no remorse then for the many people killed and injured from 2003 to this very day, all coming from his decision to back George W Bush who had some narcissistic desire to achieve what his father didn’t in the earlier Gulf War, remove Saddam from power. This was despite any links to 9.11 or any evidence that he posed a threat to the region.

Saddam and RumsfeldThis was a dictator that was supported by the USA during the 80’s in it’s war with Iran, and many in George W Bushes cabinet were players from that era such as Donald Rumsfeld who is seen here having a good time with his favoured dictator of the region.

I have no doubt that the USA believed Saddam still had weapons of mass destruction because they used to sell him so many of them, including the nerve gas which he used against Iranian soldiers and Iraqi rebels. No complaint was made about it at the time of the event but when it came to the standard demonisation of the enemy before a war all this was put into the heads of the public to paint a horrible picture of their ex friend and enabled dictator.

Despite warnings by the CIA that Iraq was using chemical weapons almost daily Donald Rumsfeld who was at the time a successful executive in the pharmaceutical industry, continued to make it possible for Saddam to buy supplies from American firms.

This included biological weapons and viruses such as anthrax and bubonic plague. Also during the time the US was selling Iraq chemical and biological weapons the UK under Maggie Thatcher was selling up to 78 different types of military equipment including Land Rovers, tank recovery vehicles, terrain-following radar and spare tank parts according to released government reports.

Apparently this pleased Maggie very much. She said she was “very pleased” with the “Contracts worth over £150m [that] have been concluded [with Iraq] in the last six months including one for £34m (for armoured recovery vehicles through Jordan),” which was written by a junior minister, Thomas Trenchard, in 1981. This letter also stated that meetings with Saddam Hussein “represent a significant step forward in establishing a working relationship with Iraq which should produce both political and major commercial benefits”.

So not only did the UK and USA help stock up Saddam Hussein with all the WMD they then accused him of having, a very hypocritical move but to be expected by the two major powers in the axis of continual war, but we actually helped him use those weapons on Iranians.

Iran was finally brought to the negotiating table by providing Iraq the location of Iranian troops, as well as the locations of Iranian logistics facilities and details about Iranian air defences once they had learned that Iran was about to gain a major strategic advantage in the 8 year long war.

They were fully aware that Hussein’s military would attack with chemical weapons, including sarin and mustard gas prior to four major offensives in early 1988 that relied on U.S. satellite imagery, maps, and other intelligence.

These attacks helped to tilt the war in Iraq’s favour and bring Iran to the negotiating table, and they ensured that the Reagan administration’s long-standing policy of securing an Iraqi victory would succeed. But they were also the last in a series of chemical strikes stretching back several years that the Reagan administration knew about and didn’t disclose.

So not only were we totally hypocritical when dealing with Saddam helping him use WMD that we sold him in the first place, but we started a war of aggression against his country that was not thought out, had no plans for after the invasion, spilled over into sectarian violence and civil war and the formation of terrorist groups where there were none before.

So how many dead people does Blair and Bush have on their hands from their decision to go to war “on faulty intelligence” or as normal people say “illegally”?

How many dead and injured victims have their been over the last 12+ years and the years prior…

-The US/ UN sanctions on Iraq of the 1990s, which interdicted chlorine for much of that decade and so made water purification impossible were responsible for over half a million deaths, mainly children.
-The Illegal war which Blair promised Bush to support even though Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with it is thought to have killed at least half a million people.
-The depleted uranium weapons used in Fallujah that are still causing babies to be born without legs and arms and horrible birth defects.
-The long civil war came after the fall of Saddam between the Sunnis, Shia’s and Kurds.
-The forming of al-Qaeda in Iraq in 2004 when no al-Qaeda terrorists had existed before.
The forming of ISIS which is now fighting Iraqi, Kurdish, Syrian and Russian soldiers and inspiring terrorist attacks in the west. All whilst we do very little to stop them (and even support them) whilst allowing our ally Turkey to bomb the Kurds instead.
-And that’s not even counting all the dead US/UK soldiers.
-And those who came home with missing limbs from IEDS and PTSD now living in poverty on the streets or in jail.

I wonder what the total death count is, or will ever be……

I also wonder if the world has the strength to punish a war criminal that wasn’t on the losing side for once?

By Dark Politricks

View the original article on the main site


© 2016 By Dark Politricks

How The Cocaine Importing Agency – Just Say’s Yes to Drugs

February 8, 2016

How The Cocaine Importing Agency – Just Say’s Yes to Drugs
By Dark Politricks

Apparently this video is an attempt to warn kids off drugs. It’s a Romanian anti-drugs campaign that makes out that when you’re high, everyone, and everything, is a fit babe wanting to get it on with you. Only if you are not stoned do you get the brush off. In that case I reckon a lot of kids will be toking after watching this video.

Now whenever your government tries to warn you from taking drugs you have to realise how totally hypocritical this is.

Historical fact, real reporting, basic statistics and admissions from people involved in the drug game has shown that Western Governments from the US to UK and many others, have been deeply involved in drug dealing for many years. From the Opium wars between the British Empire and China, when China wanted to put an end to the epidemic of addicts related to Britain’s importation of the drug hundreds of years ago, something Chinese students are still taught about, to the history of the CIA and their drug dealing activities to fund covert operations. It still goes on to this day.

If you want to read a detailed 4 part report on how the CIA (Cocaine Importation Agency) have been dealing in coke, and Heroin for years now, this is part 1 of the article. It even has an interview with a Burmese man who used to be the biggest heroin dealer in the world. A reporter managed to get an interview with him and he apparently claimed that the CIA were his best customers!

The series covers everything from World War II and the creation of the agency to Air America, Barry Seal, Mena Airport, The Contra’s, Pablo Escobar and the CIA dumping LA into the midst of a crack epidemic.

The Los Angeles black community attempted to sue the US government once a journalist (now dead of course), broke the story about the CIA protecting Freeway Rick Ross from the LA cops so that he could sell their crack, only for it to be thrown out of court on the grounds of National Security. Yes CIA drug dealing is National Security it seems. You can watch an interview with him below.

The journalist who broke the story, Gary Webb, was found shot dead with 2 gun shots to his head. Guess what it was ruled a suicide. It seems a lot of people involved in uncovering devious exploits by the powers that be are found to commit suicide this way.

They have to get their money for their black ops from somewhere and we don’t want Congress or anyone sticking their nose into their dodgy dealings do we? Therefore the CIA seem to have found the perfect way to fund their “off book activities” with drug dealing it seems. Plus they seem to be very keen to protect their sources and bump them off when they become a risk to exposure.

If you think Barry Seal was shot for ratting out the head of the Medellin Cartel, Pablo Escobar, then think again. This is a video about the famous CIA pilot who used to bring guns down to the Nicaraguan rebels for Ronald Reagan and Col. Oliver North, and drugs back up to the states for the CIA to sell.

Not only was he shot on the same night as Pablo’s second in command but other cartel members were also killed on the same night. It doesn’t exactly seem like a revenge killing by the cartel when members are being killed all over the place. It seems more like some CIA “house cleaning”. I’ll let MadCowProd’s Daniel Hopsicker explain it to you along with the new cover up “Mena” movie, starring Tom Cruise, all about Barry Seal’s life.

The four part series on CIA drug smuggling should probably be updated to include the recent explosion of Mexican cartels.

Mexico used to be just a transit point from South America but is now a top level narco state where the Government, Police and Army are indistinguishable from the head chopping cartel members.

When the top bosses of certain cartels manage to escape from maximum security prisons like El Chapo, head of the Sinaloa Cartel, who has managed to break out of two maximum security prisons twice now. You have to ask how come he wasn’t extradited to the USA like so many drug importers of the past?

It does seem odd how some Mexican and Columbian cartel heads get extradited to the US to spend the rest of their lives in shackles in maximum security prisons whereas others get a chance to spend their time in their homeland where even maximum security jails can be broken out of easily. I am reminded of the Netflix series Narcos where even Pablo Escobar got to design and build his own prison until he got tired of the parties and prostitutes and went on the run.

So either El Chapo is protected by the CIA/DEA for informing on other cartels or he has far too much information to spill that would embarrass the USA and Mexican authorities. I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up in a Sicario film ending sometime soon.

We all know about the Fast and Furious debacle that the DEA allow certain cartels to keep control of areas in Mexico as long as they didn’t start a drugs war with other gangs.

A top Mexican newspaper, El Universal, concluded that the DEA entered into agreements going back to 2000 and continuing through to 2012 with Mexico’s largest drug trafficking gang, the Sinaloa Cartel. Yes the one that expert prison breaker El Chapo is head of. I wonder if the DEA helped him escape or just intervened to prevent his extradition to the US where escape would have been impossible?

According to Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla, a highly placed member of the Sinaloa cartel and the son of top Sinaloa leader Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, the deal involved the cartel providing information about rival Mexican drug gangs to the DEA in exchange for the U.S. government agreeing not to interfere with Sinaloa shipments into the United States and the dismissal of criminal charges against cartel participants. This seems to fit the hypothesis about letting El Chapo remain in Mexico where he could escape from any prison he wanted to. It seems very likely therefore that he is indeed involved with the DEA and other US agencies in some way or another.

So when your government tells you to “Just Say No”, just remember that they “Just Say Yes”, to all the money they can make from bringing in Heroin from Afghanistan on NATO planes and Cocaine from South America. When “ex” CIA planes are found in the jungle with tons of of coke on board then you have to wonder whether they were really decommissioned and sold to drug dealers or just kept on as black op planes all along.

CIA plane found crashed with 3.7 tons of Cocaine in Mexican jungle
CIA plane found crashed with millions of dollars of Cocaine on board within the Mexican jungle

This plane was a Florida based Gulfstream II jet aircraft that crash landed on September 24, 2007 after it ran out of fuel over Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. It had 3.7 tons of Cocaine on board and documents have revealed links between this Cocaine Smuggling Gulfstream II jet aircraft # N987SA and the CIA, who used it on at least 3 rendition flights from Europe and the USA, to bring inmates to Guantanamo’s torture chambers in the early 2000’s.

Strangely the planes drug cargo shrunk from a first reported 6 Tons of Cocaine as well as one ton of pure Heroin to a later reduced figure of only 3.3 tons of Cocaine. I wonder where all this missing Coke and Smack went?

Here is a video that goes into some detail about the plane crash and it’s links to the DEA and CIA.

And then there is the more recent narco state and war in Afghanistan. Don’t be fooled by claims from our ex PM, Tony Blair, that we went to war in Afghanistan to stop the opium production spiralling out of control.

If anything we went to war to keep it going as the Taliban had managed to reduce it to almost zero. Then we went into the country and BOOM, the harvest size increased year by year.

Not only do 92% of the countries population not even know what 9.11 was – surprising seeing it was the event that caused the devastation of their country – but since the CIA took the Taliban out of power the Opium crop has just grown and grown.

Opium production from 1994 to 2014

As you can see from the graph in 2001 when the Taliban ruled the country they actually banned the production of Opium as un-Islamic and its harvest dropped to hardly anything. Also after 9.11 and the invasion of the country the opium production spiked once again and has increased year after year thereon.

Remember this was the drug that the CIA had increased production of, during the 80’s, when Russian had invaded the country. The aim was to both demoralise the Soviet troops as well as pay for the training and arming of what was to become al-Qaeda, the then called Mujahideen.

Because the US wanted to supply the Mujahideen rebels in Afghanistan with stinger missiles and other military hardware it needed the full cooperation of Pakistan. By the mid-1980s, the CIA operation in Islamabad was one of the largest US intelligence stations in the World. `If BCCI is such an embarrassment to the US that forthright investigations are not being pursued it has a lot to do with the blind eye the US turned to the heroin trafficking in Pakistan’, said a US intelligence officer. (“The Dirtiest Bank of All,” Time, July 29, 1991, p. 22.)

The Pakistan-Afghanistan borderlands became the world’s top heroin producer, supplying 60 per cent of U.S. demand. In Pakistan, the heroin-addict population went from near zero in 1979 to 1.2 million by 1985, a much steeper rise than in any other nation.

CIA assets again controlled this heroin trade. As the Mujahideen guerrillas seized territory inside Afghanistan, they ordered peasants to plant opium as a revolutionary tax. Across the border in Pakistan, Afghan leaders and local syndicates under the protection of Pakistan Intelligence operated hundreds of heroin laboratories. During this decade of wide-open drug-dealing, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency in Islamabad failed to instigate major seizures or arrests.

Source – The Spoils of War

Another side effect of the CIA’s support of the Islamic Mujahideen to fight the USSR was that they created al-Qaeda. Here is ex UK foreign minister Robin Cook admitting that the USA and the CIA created al-Qaeda (or “the Database”) of jihadists that the Americans used to fight the Russians during that war, and then afterwards as many claim, were used to de-stabilise areas that the US wanted to control (e.g Gladio 2). Also lest anyone forget, the most gagged woman in US history, FBI agent, Sibel Edmonds, claimed after 9-11 that bin-Laden had maintained very close links with the CIA right up until the attacks in the US.

So not only does Afghanistan now produce over 92% of all opium in the world, but they no longer just export it to be turned into heroin in other countries, they now make the heroin inside their borders. It is then transported north to Russia, south to Pakistan and west to Iran, where it makes its way to Turkey and then Europe. That is if it isn’t fast tracked on a NATO plane for special delivery.

So kids when your government tells you to “Just Say No” to drugs, just be aware that they are in fact controlling multiple countries production of the very drugs you consume.

On top of that they are pulling the strings of the major cartels and king pins who bring these drugs into your country.

Hypocritical – yes, surprising not at all.

View the original article at

By Dark Politricks

© 2015 By Dark Politricks

End The War on Drugs – Russell Brand’s Documentary

January 8, 2015

Russell Brand End The Drugs War
By Dark Politricks

As someone who has been around drugs all my life in the UK it is interesting to see different people’s perspectives on drugs.

You can read my own thoughts on drugs and the war on it here: The Drug Laws Need Re-Thinking.

If you know my history and my current conitions then you will know I am on Fentanyl for my chrionic pain condition, a drug 100 * stronger than Morphine and many times more potent than heroin. It’s a drug that they cut heroin with and has caused many deaths in the USA.

I am not committing a crime by taking this strong opiate because I am being prescribed it by my GP for my pain.

It’s given to me in patches I stick on my body where the drug is slowly absorbed over 2 days . It’s supposed to be 3 days but I am on the highest dose and the GP has overruled NICE rules on medications due to the severity of my condition.

When I go to the chemist to collect my supply they have to get it from the Controled Drugs Supply where I then sign an extra part of the form. It is a strong drug, one that I was told by a girl I met who worked at a homeless centre when I was in iceland (where heroin wasn’t available) that if I threw one of my patches into the middle of a crowd of homeless addicts they would fight to the death over it. Apparently due to the lack of heroin any Icelandic addict would cook these patches up, extract the Fentanyl and then inject or smoke it.

Basically though it doesn’t touch the sides on me and I get no buzz at all from taking it through a patch. This is probably why I am prescribed the maximum amount and over 2 not 3 days plus other prescribed pain killers, and of course taking other strong drugs as well to ease the pain.

For me to be on a drug that is legal because a GP gave it to me and for another person to be a criminal for using it because they bought it off me in the streets is madness in my mind.

Why is it ok to take a mind and body altering drug when it is supplied by the “system” but not when you buy it to take it for recreational purposes.

Why is it okay to ease the pain of the body but not of the mind?

You can see how the Goverments involved in cracking down doors in the morning and locking up junkies are two faced by the way they keep the drugs flowing.

From Vietnam and the Golden Triangle, Columbia and Mexico and their own internal wars and to Afghanistan where opium and now Heroin production has increased hugely since the most recent war started.

Let’s not forget that it was US policy to let Opium be grown in Afghanistan when the Soviets were at war in the same country 30 years ago to get their soldiers addicted and demoralise them as well as use the funds from the sales to pay for weapons for what is now al-Qaeda.

You can read all about the CIA’s involvment in the production and selling of drugs in this 4 part article and the most amazing quote comes from the biggest heroin producer in the 1980’s from Burma, Khun Sa, who when interviewed claimed that the the CIA were one of his best customers.

“by 1986 he was refining 80 percent of the opium harvest in the Golden Triangle. The king of opium trade, Khun Sa had risen to become the world’s largest single heroin trafficker by controlling 60 percent of the world’s illicit opium supply.”

“In 1986, Bo Gritz went to Burma with White House approval to meet with Khun Sa who supposedly had information on American MIAs. Khun Sa said that he wanted to end the opium and heroin traffic in his territory and to expose American officials involved in the drug smuggling. Gritz claimed that he took this message to the United States government and was told by Tom Harvey of the National Security Council that “there is no interest here” in the Khun Sa overture. Gritz had in his possession 40 hours of video tape of Khun Sa who “charged American officials, both past and present, with being the chief buyers of drugs produced in that part of the world.” He also claimed that he wanted to stop drug trafficking, but that the United States government would not let him. Khun Sa said that the CIA were some of his best customers. He offered support to the DEA to alert them of drug movements, but this was rejected at the headquarters level.”

For more information about the CIA’s involvement in drug smuggling please read the following articles:

You might aready know that the rulers of our world have no interest in stopping the war on drugs just like they have no interest in stopping the war on terror.

They are benefiting from it.

They are earning good money from the misery of others and it just shows what kind of people we are being controlled by when they would rather make another billion to add to their existing hundreds than stop people living in squalour taking heroin to ease the pain of the existence these overlords have created for them.

What a world.

As I sit here and write this I am watching Russell Brand’s documentary on the war on drugs on BBC3.

He is an ex addict and I recommned reading his book Revolution at the same time.

It discusses the fact that we are all tring to escape reality because reality is so crap.

As some ex addict says “Drugs and Drink are the answer to reality” – It’s true. When reality is so crap that it doesn’t give you anything more than cheap consumerism, materialism, banksterism and a lack of jobs and free training for people who want it. Why wouldn’t you want to escape it by going up the pub, taking drugs, watching TV or other mind numbing activities.

I suggest you watch his documentary as he interviews politiicans, goes on drug raids, speaks to addicts and politiicans and visits drug clinics in Switzerland where people are allowed to bang up and smoke crack.

Russel Brand – End The Drugs War

This is the blurb above the video on

Russell Brand: End the Drugs War BBC Full Documentary 2014

The documentary Russell Brand made for BBC Three in 2012 concluded with him giving evidence to the Home Affairs Select Committee. Drawing on his own experience of drug taking and recovery, he advocated treating addiction as a health issue rather than a criminal problem and underlined his own belief that abstinence is the best way to help addicts.

Since then the Committee has reported its findings, concluding that the British drugs laws were failing and that it was a ‘now or never’ moment to reform them. But David Cameron didn’t agree, insisting that the drugs policy is working in Britain and that we should ‘stick at it’.

In this personal journey for BBC Three, Russell Brand sets out to challenge that point of view. He wants to find out how other countries are tackling their problems of drug abuse and to explore how the framework of criminalization implicit in the ‘war on drugs’ produces enormous harm in the treatment of addicts. Russell believes that ‘a shift’ is happening in the way that people view drug addiction. But to really change things he needs to persuade those who have power.

Russell starts on the frontline of the ‘war on drugs’ by joining the Met Police as they carry out dawn drug raids, and ends up sharing a police cell with a young addict who has been in and out of prison since she began taking drugs aged 12. He witnesses the dangers of street addiction in Birmingham, but is as shocked by what he sees in the legal ‘drug-consumption room’ he visits in Berne, capital of conservative Switzerland.

At a drug recovery conference, Russell is drawn into an argument about abstinence versus government methadone programmes, but also finds an unlikely ally for his campaign in a Tory lord. At a UN drugs conference in Vienna he meets the politician who in 2001 decriminalized drugs in Portugal. What Russell discovers from him informs his impassioned plea at the end of the conference that drugs should be decriminalized.

As he takes his argument public, Russell finds his views are challenged by those who say that the public fear that lifting criminalization will also lift drug use. But a second encounter with the young addict he met during the Met drug raid (who, since then, has been in prison, been released and is back on drugs) bolsters his belief.

Russell meets the deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg, who surprises him by agreeing in principle that the ‘war on drugs’ is futile and unsuccessful, but then frustrates him by explaining the lack of political will to move forward quickly to change things for the better.

Presenter Russell Brand
Executive Producer Liz Hartford
Producer Ross Wilson
Director Ross Wilson
Production Company Matchlight Ltd

View the original video at

View the original article on the main site Russell Brand End The Drugs War – By Dark Politricks

9/11 The Anatomy of a Great Deception – Please Watch This Is If You Want To Know The Basics About 9/1 Conspiracy Theories

October 27, 2014

An introuctrion into the 9/11 conspiracies – Watch This Is If You Want To Know The Basics About 9/1 And Pass It On

By Dark Politricks

Sorry I haven’t written munch lately but I am been seriously ill – almost dead to be exact , ina nd out of hospital for various things, but I am able to write today .

Today I want to introduce newcomers to the 9/11 conspiracies to a great introductory video that gets you up to speed on some of the key points 9/11.

It doesn’t go as far as naming real names lke the head of the Israeli Mossad Operation teams or how Mossad were following some of the hijackers around for up to a year before the attack, However it does open the door far enough for people to  be intrigued enough to want to investigate more.

Most people know all about the parts discussed in the video but for others this is a good starting place.

Why ?

Well it’s all about one man’s story from how he went from an average America husband and father who believed the Governments line on the 9/11 attacks. To someone who nearly lost his marriage, friends and had everyone thinking he was going loopy for speaking out about the glaring inconsistencies in the 9.11 story.

Lies being told to the American people to get them to fight wars in foreign lands.

He talks about the fast falling of buildings, the super fast clean up, the ejected steel poles embedded in other buildings, the samples of dust consisting of a substance called nano-termite a substance only produced in in top US military laboratories to the amount of people who had pre-knowledge of  the attacks and especially WTC-7.

Here was a building not hit by a place that collapsed looking like a perfect controlled demolition in almost free fall time, with no resistance from from all the floors to slow the collapse down.

He talks about how vans were turning up at 3am every morning after the janitors of WTC had left and then left again before they returned. What were these people doing? Has anyone asked and found an answer?

He also discusses how all the companies running the security of the WTC buildings, and even airports that the hijackers used were owned by Bush family members,.

Also why i it so many of the he families of the dead victims from the attack want a fresh investigation and so much more.

What makes this video different from the others you might have seen about 9./1 is how it’s about one mans journey from an air of nonchalance about 9.11 and belief in the official story until he saw one bit of video footage that changed his whole perspective. Just the single thought about why George W Bush carried on  reading to school kids when the country was under attack made him wonder why.

Any  other President who had just been told there were multiple hijacked planes in the sky would have been taken out from the building to a secure location ASAP.

Who would have known whether the hijackers knew the location  of the Presidents whereabouts that day?

Why did the Secret Service feel so safe remaining in the school and more worried about scaring the children than getting the Present to protective custody  in  time of “war”.

He then saw more videos, read more articles, and went down the “rabbit hole” until it almost broke his marriage apart by his obsession with the 9/11 conspiracy.

Therefore he first started making this video for his wife and family to explain to them WHY he was so obsessed with the 9.11 attacks.

It worked, they watched it and changed their minds. His marriage and family were saved. Therefore he recently put this up on YouTube for others to see and I suggest that you do spend the time to watch it, especially if you still believe the official report of what happened on 9.11.

So for someone new to 9/11 and the discussions about all the various topics, about who did it, why they did it, and who had something to gain from starting what is now becoming a 3rd World War between the West and Iskan ot os a great starter vodep to read. It goes at a nice pace, fills you with facts and quotes from the mainstream media around 9.11 and then shows how the same media turned on anyone attempting to claim it was an “inside job”.

One of the funnies pieces of the film is how a CNN team managed to drive into Afghanistan interview the worlds most wanted man, Osama bin-Laden and yet the worlds most sophisticated security apparatus couldn’t capture or taker him out.  Funny how people managed to interview bin-Lade before and after 9.11 but the CIA went to war for a decade and let him escape to Pakistan.

CNN Interview bin-Laden

The video is fast paced and has a human touch as the parts between the 9.11 attacks are interspersed with his personal tale of how it effected his marriage, family and friends.

A Starter Guide On 9.11

I would 100% suggest this video as a starter guide for anyone interested in the events, whether you believe in a conspiracy and especially if you don’t.

Afterwards there is enough people mentioned in the film, organisations, companies and other websites that you can go and visit to get more detailed knowledge of  the facts.

If you want one article on a theoretical debate between a conspiracy believer and non believer read this article of mine.

Then if you want a real debate just read the comments below the article.

Just before I show you the video I want to show you a some film of what happens when a plane flying at the same speeds the hijacked planes were going when they hit the WTC and Pentagon hit solid concrete.

Does the plane enter the wall or does it just crumble into dust on the outside?

Now watch the video and send it to your friends, family and other people who believe the official conspiracy story.


9/11 – Anatomy of a Great Deception – Complete Version


View the original srticle at 9/11 The Anatomy of a Great Deception – Please Watch This Is If You Want To Know The Basics About 9/1 Conspiracy Theories.

Is the MH17 Malaysian Plane Crash a big stitch up to get us into WWIII?

July 21, 2014

Is the MH17 Malaysian Plane Crash a big stitch up to get us into WWIII?

By Dark Politricks

Now believe it or not, I’m not a CIA stooge for writing about Putin’s involvement in the Ryazan apartment bombings that brought him to power in the corrupt days of post USSR. This was during a time where US economic hitmen were running the show, and the majority of KGB became the Russian Mafia.

This is what someone called me on my article about the bombings.

Neither am I a pro-Russian, FSB agent, who hates America and only believes anything Russia says as many others claim on my other postings just because I post videos from It’s a bit hard to have it both ways.

This is probably due to the fact that I like to get my news from multiple sources and then make up my own mind. The problem with US mainstream media is that is only shows the US perspective and never alternative views.

Both Democrats and Republicans fight over tiny inconsequential differences whilst both agreeing on:

  • War as a first resort
  • Using CIA stooges and agents to other throw “unfriendly” governments
  • The use of drones to kill terrorists AND US citizens.
  • The NDAA
  • The militarisation of US Police Forces
  • The 1% taking all the wealth and being paid to by US tax payers as they are thrown out their homes, and all the other major crimes that should be divisive topics across political lines.

So as much as I wish someone paid me a few bucks to write articles for this blog they don’t.

Why do I do it? Because I believe in always telling my own point of view whether others like it or not and not following the established line when it comes to events of immense proportions.

You read both sides of the story from mainstream to alternative news, from “left-wing” to “right” and pro war / anti-war sides before coming to your OWN conclusion. Therefore anyone who wants to get a fair and balanced view on the recent shooting down of Flight MH17 needs to watch both Russian media reports and Western media reports before deciding for themselves which seem the most logical, rational and less likely to lead us to World War III.

The Downing of Flight MH17

First here is a Russian news report in which Russia and their allies in the East are begging for an investigation into the crash.

And here is a US report in which John McCain is literally itching to start a new war with Russia. Psychopaths often end up in positions of power remember.

Despite both Kiev and anti Kiev troops denying shooting down the plane. In John McCain’s mind it doesn’t matter who shot it down as all roads lead to Putin drawing the blood from the victims by his own cold hands.

Even Barack Obama who claims the US has firm evidence that the plane was shot down by a missile which was fired from an area controlled by anti-Kiev fighters agrees with Putin’s calls to conduct transparent investigation and says it’s too early to say who and why shot down the plane.

Both Putin and Obama are agreeing that a ceasefire needs to be implemented so that a proper investigation can be held before responsibility can be laid at anyone’s door. This is a very sensible claim seeing that some questions need to be answered first by the Ukrainian Air Authorities such as:

Why did the plane fly over a war zone?

Why did the Ukrainian air traffic controllers asked the plane to fly lower over the war zone area?

This comes directly from the planes own company.

Was Flight MH 17 Diverted Over Restricted Airspace? MH%2017%20flight%20paths 0


Was it in the hope that the separatists would think it was a Ukrainian transport plane and shoot it down? It reminds me of that time when Blair and Bush talked about getting Saddam Hussein to “start” the Iraq war by luring him into downing a plane painted in UN colours.

Things like this do happen and it seems our leaders do talk about them. This includes Dick Cheney who had a crazy plan to stage a shoot up in the Straits of Hormuz between fake Republican Army boats and US ships, all so that they could blame Iran and start another war.

Here is investigative journalist Seymour Hersh talking about the plot.

And lets not forget that we have already heard claims that the new Kiev government is prepared to use false flag attacks to get its way as the leaked phone call between the Estonian Foreign Minister and EU Foreign Minister showed.

You can read more about it here or even on NSBC but you can listen to the two leaders discuss the false flag attacks below.

So with Kiev already using dirty tactics we have to ask ourselves “how far would they go” to get legitimacy to “cleanse” the East of Russian speakers as some Ukrainian Government ministers have even gone so far to say.

Even the Ukrainian Defense Minister has publicly voiced his plan to corral the citizens of Donbass into special “filtration” camps prior to forcibly resettling them in different parts of Ukraine. Even the Ukrainian Prime Minister Yatsenyuk declared the pro-federalists in the East to be “subhuman”.

And what about the massacre in the Trade Union building in Odessa that killed between 50 and 120 people.

39 Die in Odessa as Pro-regime Rioters Set Trade Union Building Ablaze

How mad did the west go about the Ukrainians killing innocent over a 100 men, children and women.

Not far it seems from their reporting.

  1. CNN: It is unclear how the fire began, but it comes amid ongoing clashes between pro-Kiev and pro-Russian protesters.
  2. Globe & Mail: … most caught in a building set on fire after pro-Russian activists and supporters of Ukrainian unity fought running battles across the southern port city.
  3. BBC: At least 31 people have been killed in a fire in an official building amid violence in Odessa in south-west Ukraine, the interior ministry says. The deaths came as pro-Russian protesters clashed with Ukrainian government supporters in the city.
  4. Global Post: At least 30 people died in the port city of Odessa on Friday, most of them from smoke inhalation after a building caught fire amid violent protests.
  5. USA Today:Police in the Black Sea port of Odessa said late Friday that 31 people died when a union hall was set ablaze as pro-Russia demonstrators battled in the streets with Ukrainian loyalists.

Not exactly the same sort of rhetoric used when pro Kiev fighters, bombing, shelling and killing Eastern Ukrainians are themselves killed in return is it?

Lets hear what they said when two fighter jets who were probably on a mission to unleash more bombs on defenceless Ukrainians were shot down by the separatists.

  1. NYTimes: The Ukrainian government said on Thursday that a Russian military plane had shot down a Ukrainian fighter jet in Ukrainian airspace the previous evening, a serious allegation of direct intervention by Russia’s armed forces.
  2. BBC: A Ukrainian security spokesman has accused Russia’s air force of shooting down one of its jets while it was on a mission over Ukrainian territory.
  3. TIME: A Russian plane shot down a Ukrainian jet as it was flying on military operations over east Ukraine, Reuters reports. Ukrainian military spokesperson Andriy Lysenko confirmed Thursday that a SU-25 war plane was shot down Wednesday evening by a Russian jet.
  4. Telegraph: Telegraph: A Ukrainian Su-25 war plane. . A war plane of the Russian armed forces carried out a rocket attack on an Su-25 of the Ukrainian armed forces, which was carrying out missions on Ukrainian territory… was downed by a rocket fired by a Russian fighter
  5. Huffington Post: A Ukrainian fighter jet was shot down Wednesday by an air-to-air missile from a Russian plane, Ukrainian authorities said.

Not exactly even and balanced reporting, taking quotes directly from the coup installed illegal Kiev government.

One which I might add due to the USA’s own laws shouldn’t even be supported. Not that the US would listen to its own laws of course.

“in accordance with the amendments introduced to the 1961 law (Foreign Assistance Act) a few years ago the provision of foreign assistance is prohibited to ‘the government of any country whose duly elected head of government is deposed by military coup or decree.’ The relevant provision is contained in 22 US Code § 8422,”

So in spite of Ukrainian provocation on a massive scale I believe that if it wasn’t for Putins current calm and rational behaviour in these tense times we could already be involved in World War III.

All because of the US neo-con and Ukrainian neo-nazi’s hatred for Russians.

It seems that even American pro-Israeli Zionists, people who would throw themselves on a bomb to protect the state of Israel, are willing to stand alongside neo-Nazi’s and anti-Semites to get their wish of a war.

In case you forgot here is John McCain with far right leader Oleh Tyahnybok in Independence Square in Kiev rousing the crowd to other-throw a legitimately elected government. One that was due to have an election in a years time anyway.

What right does an US politician have to enter another country and demand changes in leadership?

Can you imagine if Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro or President Putin stood in Washington rabble rousing and telling the masses to other-throw the US Government?

John McCain Oleh Tyahnybok
Here is John McCain in the Ukraine meeting (on his right) far right leader Oleh Tyahnybok in Independence Square in Kiev, Ukraine, Sunday, Dec. 15, 2013.

Now just because the self-defence forces shot down Kiev “fighter” planes with their rockets it does not mean they did shoot or would shoot down a passenger jet. Would the separatists be crazy enough to shoot down a civilian airliner knowing what kind of trouble it would cause?

From a military article on “What would it take to shoot down a passenger jet”

To shoot down a commercial airliner at cruising altitude would require advanced anti-air missile systems. Among the easiest systems to employ would be man-portable air-defense systems, known as MANPADS. But some experts ruled out that possibility.

“First off, a MANPAD did not shoot down that airliner,” a former Marine Special Operations member trained in air defense systems said. “A MANPADS original purpose is for low-flying aircraft with high-heat signatures.”

“Like helicopters,” he added.

MANPADS have been known to target commercial aircraft – but usually only during takeoff and landing, when the jets are moving the slowest and are the most vulnerable. A DHL transport plane was struck by an SA-14, a type of MANPAD, shortly after departing Baghdad international airport in 2003.

MANPADS don’t have the fuel to continue tracking a fast-moving target at high altitude,” said the special operations member, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly.

For further reading on Russian hardware that could have shot down the MH17 Plane read this.

pro-Russian separatists have denied allegations that they brought down the aircraft, saying they lack weapons systems that would be able to target an airliner at a cruising altitude near 30,000 feet. At the same time, rebels in eastern Ukraine claimed that they had shot down a Ukrainian transport plane earlier this week. That plane, an IL-76, was shot down at 21,000 ft, according to U.S. officials. Three crew members were killed.

So the Russian separatists deny they have the weapons to even shoot down the plane. However in my eyes they have a perfect right to shoot down any enemy planes that are bombing and killing their women and children in their towns.

“It is war after all” – as the Israeli’s say whilst blasting homes to pieces, but not before dropping leaflets on top first warning the occupants that their house is about to be destroyed. How kind of them.

Also why would they do something that they would know Kiev and the US would use as a pre-text to launch an even bloodier war on the East of Ukraine than they already have? Are they just stupid.

So then that leaves Russia and Kiev who have the capabilities of shooting down such an airliner.

Mistakes do happen. Remember when the US shot down the Iranian airliner Iran Air Flight 655 in 1988.

The attack took place in Iranian airspace over Iran’s territorial waters in the Persian Gulf. It was on the flight’s usual flight path and giving out the correct signal to identify that it was a commercial airliner and not military.

The aircraft, an Airbus A300 B2-203, was destroyed by SM-2MR surface-to-air missiles fired from the Vincennes who “mistook” the Iranian Airbus A300 as an attacking F-14A Tomcat fighter.

I don’t remember too much crying in the US media about that attack, but then again Iran are our enemies just like the Russians are.

We don’t or shouldn’t shed tears for “terrorists” or “separatists” who just want feel safe and secure from the neo-nazi influenced Kiev government that we shouldn’t forget was installed after a coup removed the legitimate leader of the country.

And as for Russia shooting down the plane? Well they are being the calmest most rational politicians on the world stage at the moment.

  1. They are calling for a ceasefire so a proper investigation can be held.
  2. They have not invaded (as claimed) the East of Ukraine – although in my eyes they have the right to if they believe the Russian speaking people who WANT to be part of Russia are under deadly attack.
  3. They have not retaliated for all the sanctions the US and Europe have placed on them. They could have switched off all gas to Europe, sold all US currency and got China to as well, and then banned every single American government worker from the country including all the CIA agents on the hunt for Edward Snowden.

Instead they have just put troops on the border – a logical action considering they feel very likely an attack might be coming. Don’t forget 20 million Russians were killed by Nazis who came through the Ukraine in World War II so having a neo-Nazi government next door is not exactly comforting.

Plus the USA NEEDS Russia at the moment.

– Who was it that prevented the US being drawn into another war in Syria when they brokered a deal to get rid of Assad’s chemical weapons? Russia!

– Who is it that the US needs to help solve the Iranian nuclear weapon crisis? Russia!

– Who is it that Europe needs to fuel them every freezing winter with their gas? Russia!

– Who would it be mad to start a war with considering they have some of the most sophisticated missile technology in the world plus thousands of nuclear weapons? Russia?

So as neo-con war mongers and their limp wristed bitches Lyndsey Graham literally beg for a first nuclear strike on Russia despite any evidence they shot the plane down Obama has to be strong.

Can he?

Can he stop the neo-cons from ending the world or can he and Putin put their differences aside and admit that the Ukrainian situation is a mess and one that the US shouldn’t be supporting.

So as another Gladio 2 operation unfolds in the Ukraine and Iraq and Syria are fighting a bastard child of the CIA’s al-Qaeda e.g ISIL/ISIS. Plus Israel is bombing the hell out of Palestine due to 3 dead teenagers compared to thousands of dead Palestinian teenagers it’s madness not to have some calm at this point and wait for the facts to come in.

Whoever shot the plane down was either doing it deliberately to cause war or it was done by mistake DUE to the war on the Eastern Ukrainian people who just want to vote to be free like the people of Crimea, Kosovo, Scotland and all the other countries we are supposed to support self-determination for.

Wasn’t that the reason we supported Syrian rebels, Libyan rebels and countless other rebels when it suited us?

Are we that much of a bunch of hypocrites? The answer seems an affirmative yes.

For more of my article on the Ukrainian situation:

Can You Imagine if the Ukraine was the USA?
Western hypocrisy over Ukrainian Protests

Cash buys world football as the Brazil World Cup kicks off!

June 12, 2014

Cash buys world football as the Brazil World Cup kicks off!

By Dark Politricks

As the World Cup gets on its way tonight with the first match between hosts Brazil and Croatia, we should remember that FIFA who run World Football, are mired in scandal, bribery and backhanders.

Investigations by the Sunday Times have shown that leading members of FIFA took bribes to vote for the outrageous bid by the Qatar to hold the World Cup in 2022. In fact important figures in world football are already voicing their support for a 2022 World Cup re-vote if FIFA finds that new allegations voters were bribed are true.

Forgetting that the whole concept of playing football in 50℃ heat is mad!

I can remember the 1994 USA World Cup with players almost fainting in the heat, water bottles being thrown onto the pitch, and lazy slow football being played due to tired out players.

How Qatar is supposed to hold an event without building air-conditioned football stadiums, and I am sure some people are already thinking along those lines, I don’t know.

It seems the only way players will be able to run for 90 minutes, let alone entertain a dry crowd due to the absence of alcohol and the seemingly necessity of supporters to consume large amounts of it before and after games. Will Qatar make an exception and open its arms to thousands of England and Dutch fans who want to drink beer from noon to night or will they make examples of supporters caught drunk and doing the usual antics found at any major football event?

The Sunday Times investigation found that Qatar’s top football official, Mohammed bin Hammam, used a slush fund of $5m to bribe FIFA officials with 25 FIFA delegates receiving $200,000 in cash after being flown out to Malaysia to discuss the bid.

The same disgraced and now banned official paid cash into the Presidents of 30 African football associations to get their votes and that even more cash was handed out just before the vote that was met with disbelief from other bidding nations. This included England who lost out to Russia in the same bidding process for the 2018 World Cup. They had even brought in Royalty with Prince William alongside David Beckham leading the bid.

Even the UK PM was angry at the decision and claimed they had been lied to.

He said: “Every person we met whether it was the head of the FA in this part of the world, or that part of the world, they all said, ‘Yes, of course we’re going to vote for England to host the World Cup’, and then they voted completely the other way. We ended up, I think, with one vote.

“I’ll always remember Beckham saying to me, ‘I can cope with being lied to, but I can’t cope with people lying to the Prime Minister and the future king’.

However allegations of bribery at FIFA are not new and they have followed FIFA President Sepp Blatter for years and he stuck two fingers up at the investigation and his critics when he announced recently his decision to run for a sixth terms as the top dog in World Football and said the attacks on FIFA were all down to racism by UK investigations by the Sunday Times.

The head of the English football association, Lord Triesman, stood up in Parliament on Wednesday and used his parliamentary privilege to attack FIFA as a “mafia” and call Blatter corrupt.

“FIFA, I’m afraid, behaves like a mafia family. It has a decades-long tradition of bribes, bungs and corruption,” he said during a debate in the House of Lords, according to Sky News. “Systematic corruption underpinned by non-existent investigations where most of the accused are exempt from the investigation make it impossible to proceed.”

However it is not just FIFA who puts money first when it comes to football.  As football fans around the world get ready for tonight’s first game between Brazil and Croatia in a country who has won the World Cup 5 times already, not every Brazilian will be cheering.

Brazil itself has been mired in scandal and protests for putting their World Cup bid in front of the needs of millions of poor Brazilians.

Protests and riots have been common place in a country where many believe the money lavished on holding the World Cup should have been spent on social programmes instead.

Protests in Brazil

From a recent USA today article:

The World Cup also is producing an outpouring of anger over the $11.3 billion the government plans to spend on the tournament when the once-booming economy has slowed, major cities are choked by traffic gridlock, public hospitals and schools remain underfunded and millions of Brazilians live in extreme poverty.

Last June, more than a million people in dozens of cities around the country took to the streets to protest an increase in ticket prices for public transportation. In recent months, teachers went on strike in Rio de Janeiro, bus drivers went on strike in São Paulo and police officers went on strike in 14 Brazilian states. This week, security forces used tear gas to break up a strike of subway workers in São Paulo.

So future World Cups have already been marked as being rigged and bought and paid for with cash and FIFA has done itself no favours with it’s corrupt bidding process and it’s attitude to the investigations into the scandals. Sepp Blatter obviously wants a job for life as the top man of World Football and who can blame him when he gets paid so well whenever a major tournament comes around.

So whilst the slums of São Paulo are cleared so that the city can look nice to tourists and immigrant workers die in Qatar to build the stadiums in slave like conditions, we should remember that not everyone will be happy when the first whistle is blown tonight in Brazil.


See the original article “It seems like money buys world football as the Brazil World Cup kicks off tonight” at the main site

New Video Compilation Of 9/11 Witness Testimony To Explosives Being Used At WTC-7

February 13, 2014

New Video Compilation Of 9/11 Witness Testimony To Explosives Being Used At WTC-7
By Dark Politricks

These are some very good videos which sceptics and believers of the official conspiracy story on 9/11 and what brought down the Twin Towers should watch.

Why? Well the videos contain numerous clips of TV footage from the day of the attacks which are hard to find nowadays.

This TV footage from mainstream channels shows numerous witnesses and TV commentators speaking of how they heard bombs and explosives go off. What is very illuminating is how on the day of the event even the mainstream media were willing to ask questions about explosives, controlled demolitions and drones / military planes being flown into the buildings. It’s such a shame that they are all now towing the party line and keeping quiet about what they know happened that day.

From Fireman to Policeman, reporters and office workers there are numerous witnesses who on the day claim to have been in all parts of the WTC when they either saw, heard or were injured by explosions that happened BEFORE the Towers fell.

This includes the smashed up lobby which is seen on camera in which people died which the official story explains by claiming fire from the planes shot down the elevator from the impact site.

This is despite the fact that the elevators were hermetically sealed which would have prevented this from occurring. Also whilst people are seen on camera in the holes near the plane impact zones perfectly unharmed people were being killed, burned and thrown all over the place hundreds of floors away at the bottom of the towers.

There is also enough live video footage to rubbish claims that no loud bangs, explosions or cutter charge like sounds were heard on the day. Numerous clips will show you how loud the explosions were and how similar they were to demolition explosives as well as dozens of witnesses who talk about leaving the scene as “bombs are still in the building”.

The videos also explain how easy it would be for a small team of people to plant enough explosives near the cores of the Twin Towers without:

  1. Being spotted by witnesses.
  2. Taking a long time as skeptics claim.
  3. And using only a dozen or so small inconspicuous boxes containing high-grade military explosives.

By planting these high explosives on every second floor and using programmed timers it would be easy to demolish the central core of the WTC and stage what looked like a pancake collapse.

The Maths is pretty simple and the power outs in the days leading up to 9/11 would have provided these conspirators with enough time and cover to carry out their job without being spotted.

Not only were the bomb sniffing dogs pulled out of the towers before the attacks but CIA 9.11 whistleblower Susan Lindaur, who was one of the first people arrested under the PATRIOT Attack for trying to tell her story, explains how in the run up to the attacks vans and men carrying tools and equipment would visit the towers every night for days in a row between 3-5 am in the morning when no other staff were present.

The blackouts gave the cover that engineers needed to do work as well as enabling CCTV to be off at the time needed to plant the explosives. A small team could plant enough bombs to demolish both towers within 24 hours.

How they could have easily rigged the WTC Towers for demolition

The videos also show some clips I personally haven’t seen until now including a shot of WTC-7 before it fell and what looks like cutter charges going off all across the building.

You can actually see small flashes of light dot from window to window from the right to left of the building and this would have been required for WTC-7 to fall into its own footprint the way it did.

No sporadic fires could have caused such an evenly and well-timed collapse including the 2+ seconds of freefall. Even the company NIST asked to carry out experiments to try and prove how the buildings fell could not replicate a collapse scenario which means NIST had to rely on computer models and unrealistic parameters to explain how a single point of failure caused what looks like a demolition sequence in WTC-7.

Just like the video of the collapse of WTC-7 which shows the Penthouse of the building dipping before the rest of the structure the same goes for the Twin Towers. You can see the highest points of the towers, the aerials and other equipment on top of the tower’s core dip before the rest of the building starts to collapse. This all indicates that the central columns had been removed first.

For people who haven’t seen the structure of WTC and think a plane and office fires could have demolished it’s huge central core think again.

The way the building was built meant that even if the trusses and other supporting columns and beams were weakened by fire or a plane the central core would remain intact. The sides of the building may have toppled or slowly fallen off bit by bit but there is no way a fire could have caused the huge central core to be crushed and pulverized into dust as it was.

The explosive nature of the collapse was so intense that steel and other materials were melded together and fires burnt underground for ages during the clean up process.

Pictures of the WTC Twin Towers Design and Central Core

The central core of the Twin Towers
The design of the Twin Towers WTC-2
Twin Towers Central CoreThe Reinforced core of the World Trade Center

The videos also show clips of other buildings that were hit by debris from WTC, including buildings where huge steel girders were embedded into their walls after being shot out sideways from the collapse.

How a fire could have caused enough pressure to do this I don’t know but these other buildings didn’t catch fire and then have a free fall like collapse as WTC-7 did. Therefore it is very odd how WTC-7 acted in the way it did when many other buildings were hit by the falling debris from WTC.

What explosives were used to destroy the Twin Towers

The numerous interviews with witnesses and bystanders from the day also talk about the military looking planes that hit the buildings.

There are multiple witnesses who saw the planes and detail how they were grey or very dark, and didn’t look anything like the red and blue American Airlines aircraft that supposedly hit the Twin Towers.

Remember that even back in the 60’s certain people in the Military and US government (Operation Northwoods) thought it was a good idea to stage a false flag attack and blame it on Cuba by automatically flying planes, sending out fake distress calls saying they had been hijacked by Cubans and then crash the planes. All this so that the US public would believe Cuba was at fault therefore legitimizing a war of aggression against the island. If the US could plan a false flag attack like that back in the 60’s then imagine what automated chaos they could instigate with modern technology.

Military Planes Used To Hit The Twin Towers

In the following video CIA whistle-blower, Susan Lindaur, gives a speech where she explains the war with Iraq wasn’t necessary and that before 9.11 Iraq was actually bending over backwards to help the USA. They even offered to provide the US Government with everything they wanted which negated any need for an armed conflict. She claims her back channel mission between the US and Iraq had provided a lucrative and unexpected bounty of gifts which has been kept secret from the US population.

This included:

  • Allowing the weapons inspectors into the country.
  • An FBI presence in the country to hunt down terrorists.
  • Llucrative oil and commercial contracts.
  • Even Saddam Hussein offering to stand down and hold free elections.

She also talks about her reasons for believing that both hijacked planes AND explosives were used to bring down the Twin Towers, the planes being a cover story for the demolition job. It is well worth listening to the story of a 9.11 whistleblower who tried to tell her story to the US government and the people but was instead jailed for a year under the nefariously named PATRIOT ACT.

As I say in my article 9.11 Sceptics versus logic and reasoning, what we need is a full criminal investigation with subpoena power into the events of 9.11.

Although much of the physical evidence has been destroyed a lot hasn’t and many witnesses and conspirators are still walking around freely.

Obama never brought the change the USA required after the criminal Bush administration therefore only a real concerted push by the people can bring around REAL change.

It’s either that or you continue to stick your heads in the sand.

Know your place. Do NOT ask questions. Keep quiet and suffer in silence as the war on terror is used to justify a massive crack down on civil liberties and the building of a new high-tech police state. Be monitored 24/7 and treated like criminals at airports. Be sheep on a slow walk to the slaughter house.

Or you can stand up for what you know is wrong. Fight the lies we are constantly being fed by our Government and their bought off media whores. Ask questions and don’t accept the official line. Do something worthwhile with your life whilst you still can.

Further reading on 9.11 from Dark Politricks:

9.11 Sceptics versus logic and reasoning

9.11 Remaining Questions and no answers

The 9/11 Passenger Paradox: What happened to Flight 93

The Pentagon Attack

Video shows a missile hitting the Pentagon

Is The Pentagon Attack Finally Solved

View the original article A Video Compilation Of 9/11 Witness Testimony To Explosives Being Used At WTC-7 at