Posts Tagged ‘Politics’

Make sure you vote tomorrow in the UK Elections

June 7, 2017

The UK Election 2017

By Dark Politricks

It’s the UK’s snap general election tomorrow.

No-one really expected our great leader and Donny Trump fan Theresa May, called it after pulling out of the EU by implementing article 21 (The Lisbon Treaty).

Many are predicting a landslide victory for the Tories who have not jailed a single bankster from the 2008 crisis and trebled the national debt. The deficit may have shrunk a little but that is of no importance when the debt we owe in total has trebled clearly showing that austerity measures don’t work.

Putting the “payback” on the poor instead of the rich has been decried by many as unethical and even evil.

Why should a disabled granny lose a chunk of her benefits to pay for gambling by coke snorting banksters who took grannies pension and played roulette with it.

I don’t know and neither do the millions of poor and kids hoping to go to go to university only to realise they cannot afford it without incurring thousands in debts.

Following the USA around the world in the Axis of War has cost us trillions of pounds over the last decade, and even more since 9.11.

Wars in Libya, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan and undeclared wars or incursions following the USA who is using drones or planes in 7 countries at the moment that we know of. This just wasting money we desperately need at home and stirring up the UK Muslim community who have attacked us successfully 3 times in the last 3 months.

More war!

More drone strikes!

More death is what you vote for when you vote for the Tories, and when you are next on the Tube nervously looking at a man with a back pack on then don’t cry when more of your civil rights and liberties are removed from you.

Currently I am probably being watched by a very bored GCHQ member of staff through my web cam at the moment and if you vote Tory you vote for more terror and more spying on the citizens of this country through your TV, Computer, Phone, Tablet and now even cars they could hack into and control.

Wasn’t it George W Bush that said after 9.11 that they attacked us because “they hate us for our freedoms”. It seems the terrorists are winning if we just hand our freedoms over. I guess that’s what false flag attacks and drumming up fear of whole communities of people is about.

Then we have opposing the hot favourites to carry on ruining the country, a real “Feel the Bern” revolution for Jeremy Corbyn. Hundreds of thousands of new Labour supporters have joined since Corbyn took over. Even more joined when their failed coup went ahead. It seems every time the Blairites try to get rid of Corbyn he gains another 100,000 Labour members at least.

At least if Tony Blair does succeed in creating his own get out of jail party in the aftermath of a Labour slaughtering at the polls he can be shouted down and abused in the house  as the war criminal he should be treated as.

Can we really blame Blair for his 4 wars, bringing the party into the centre from the left leaving progressives with no alternative, considering the Lib Dems were wiped out last time.

The Lib Dems lied about abolishing University fees in their last manifesto and got a lot of young people’s votes only to renege on the promise for a chance to spend 5 years in the back of ministerial cars.

Nick Clegg got his chance to sit at the top table and then to hell with the Lib Dems. He got 5 years of the high life, that’s what type of politicians we are voting in.

The Lib Dems may have some good ideas but they have lost the people’s’ trust and it’s not as is if we can exactly trust any other party anyway. At least with Jeremy Corbyn you get the feeling he will try and implement his policies. Whether his party back him or not is another matter. He and Bernie Sanders would get on well over a pint I think.

So the young have looked at the fixes in US politics and how the candidates were chosen before hand in the Democratic party. Anything to get Hillary as their candidate and Bernie blanked out.

Just think of all those wasted hours standing in line to vote for Bernie when the fix was already in.

BREXIT is going ahead due to a referendum, true peoples democracy.

You may not like it but I doubt voting for a progressive alliance between Labour and the SNP will reverse the process. Once article 21 is implemented I doubt the rest of Europe will allow us to change our minds, we may try, and Germany may want us to stay,  but France is French and to an Englishman that says it all.

So compared to Bernie Sanders, Jeremy Corbyn is far more to the left showing you just how centrist US politics really is. They fix their primaries so Bernie cannot run despite having the votes and the support and if he dare mentions the word socialist they think he is Mao Zedong.

At least Corbyn can mention socialism and not get bananas and other vegetables thrown at him from FOX News, and as they say any news is good news.

Bernie was hardly mentioned in the US news media, a 6 company monopoly that all spew COINTELPRO propaganda whether supposedly left-wing like MSBC or right-wing like FOX. Here we have multiple political programmes where people ask a range of politicians and public people what they think about political decisions and issues of the day.

Bernie got about 10 minutes coverage in all the primary campaigning whilst Clinton and Trump owned the airwaves for free. They shouldn’t have really spent all those billions on election adverts when they had the news channels to let them spew their hatred instead.

That’s one good thing about UK elections we don’t have to suck off lobbyists to get the money to campaign only to pay them back once in power.

In the US they usually have to have multi millions of dollars to even consider running for Congress or the President. Then they leave the House to go and work for a lobbyist firm or a company they had a hand in helping by voting for  in government.

So whether you like Corbyn’s charity shop suits or not, or you are hoping to see Labour wiped out so that you can rush to join Tony Blair’s threat of a new neo-con, neo-liberal, war mongering, Banksters fun time party, you have to vote tomorrow and vote with your conscience.

If you don’t want more war, to see Blair in cuffs, more money spent on schools and hospitals and less US ass licking then Labour are the only real choice for progressives. If you want the opposite, more war, bigger bombs dropped on schools and hospitals and blowback that turns UK born kids into murdering Jihadists then vote Tory.

If you want your vote to count for nothing then there is always the Green party and UKIP despite whether their ideas are good or not but as they say you should vote with your conscience whether it makes a difference or not.

Just make sure you vote.

By Dark Politricks

© 2017 Dark Politricks

Jeremy Corbyn wins two Labour leadership election victories but will be enough for the Blairites?<

September 26, 2016

Jeremy Corbyn wins two Labour leadership election victories but will be enough for the Blairites?

By Dark Politricks
Dark Politricks

 Jeremy Corbyn wins yet another Labour election victory
Jeremy Corbyn wins yet another Labour election victory but will it stop the Blairites attempting another coup?

Guess what…

Jeremy Corbyn has won his Labour Leadership election battle against the unknown (to me at least until this content), Owen Smith.

I don’t find it a surprise, I don’t find it a shock I find it a waste of time and a stupid exercise by Blairites and their followers who they co-erced into joining their coup as a massive custard pie in the face. They have really wasted some important months when they should have been attacking the Tories on

  • BREXIT and what’s happening with it (I have no clue).
  • Our new PM Theresa May and how she has gone back on many of David Cameron’s policies – which should really trigger a general election but as the Labour party were in no fit state to fight one they got away with it/
    The re-introduction of Grammar Schools.
  • The possibility of Scotland holding another referendum to leave the UK.
  • China building our nuclear power station and security issues around this.
  • So many other items to mention.

This is what satirist Jonathan Pie thinks about the re-election of Jermey Corbyn.

This year he won with 61.8% of the vote to Smith’s 38.2%.
Last year he won with 59.5% of the vote against the other 3 candidates.

This must tell you something. Maybe that the people and the Labour members want him as their leader no matter how much the press attack him all the time and try and portray him as unelectable?

Are the Blairites mad, do they not realise that the Labour party and the part of the country who are left wing actually WANT Jeremy Corbyn as the leader. Not some air brushed, PR managed, speaker phone in a suit, controlled by HQ who says what he is told to, and has no real opinions or beliefs of his own?

We don’t want constant US led war, like a puppy on a lead.

“Lets go bomb this country now UK our Special Friend”, and then afterwards whilst the people are all still fighting in a civil war, or forming new terrorist groups we can later control for our own ends, we can let all the US corporations get the oil rights such as Halliburton.

Plus all the contracts to rebuild the roads and hospitals that we bombed for no reason in the first place can go to US companies formed for exactly this reason.

Special Friend? The only thing special about our relationship with the USA is that we get to sleep in the wet patch afterwards and have little say when the “special” part is about to start.

We don’t want to to give banks money at 0% interest rates whilst we all have to suffer with 10%+ or if your stuck then WONGA or 1 of the hundreds of pay day loans that have sprung up much more.

Is that not a sign something is wrong?

When the public have to pay 1000s of % APR for their money? Do you know the pay day loans interest rates at the moment.

  • WONGA – 1,177% APR
  • Satsuma Loans – 1575% APR
  • Sunny – 1,299% APR
  • Square Today Short Term Loan – 1265% APR

I could go on, but that seems wrong to me, especially when all these payday banks are owned by the same main banks at the top anyway. It seems to be one of our only growth industries in the UK at the moment along with online Bingo, Poker and Gambling sites. That doesn’t say much for our economy does it?

If your a normal person, I consider myself normal believe it or not, then we don’t want our economy to built on services that milk the common person so that big banks get even richer and the poor poorer. No, we want to re-focus it so that we have a skilled manufacturing base, a decent job for university and apprentices to enter into after work not fill the shelves at Lidl.

We want high tech, high skilled people and a way for those who have fallen off the track due to ill health or long term joblessness to get back into those jobs through free training. Not punishment by taking away benefits because they have an extra room in their flat, or they don’t have a computer so that have to spend their meager benefits on bus fares into town to use the library to search for jobs as they currently have to do.

Call me stupid but we don’t want to privatize everything from education to the NHS. Privatising the National Railways when you think about it can’t be competitive anyway due to not having the ability to have 2 trains running on the same line at the same time to the same place. Isn’t that what competitiveness should all be about?

Unless you are going to allow each railyway company to build their own tracks through the country (which would take decades due to planning permission and all the rest) then you should make our railways a decent public transport option for the nation by making them fast, on time, reliable and cheap. If you did all that more people would leave their cars at home, help the environment and use the trains like they do in Spain and France.

Why is it in Spain I could travel overnight and back to a place the same distance as London for a couple of pounds on a clean railway when here it costs me the best part of twenty pounds, and more if it’s overnight?

No it has to be all about money and putting it into the pockets of companies after we have sold the rights for a few billion. It’s a stupid mentality only dreamt up by the Tories and Blairites.

The same goes for education. Education should be for life. People should be able to re-skill throughout their lives without forking out thousands in loan repayments. You should be able to go to University for free, another Blairite scheme that has just expanded the cost of education to those that can afford it again and again.

Cut the amount of money we spend on a useless Trident scheme that relies on US GPS (so they could turn it off if we went rogue), and the trillions we have spent on wars over the last decade and we could easily afford free education for all for life.

If you are unemployed you should be able to get onto any workplace training scheme or educational course you want for free.

It costs a lot more to have a jobless person claiming benefits for their home, pocket and council tax for years on end than it would for a year or two at a college.

We also have to admit that some of the things Blair and his cronies and followers did that were very bad for the country and it’s future as well as the world’s e.g Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and voting in the Tories time again won’t sort that out.

PFI was a nightmare for a start, one that will cost over £200 billion in the next 35 years. This will lead to hospitals and schools going broke if not already due to these huge debts they are with debts for the next 20+ years. Yes we may have build a lot of new schools and hospitals due to PFI, but the one thing we didn’t build was houses – why not?

Was that because we couldn’t find a way to allow the private sector to milk the taxpayer as they do with the others. Currently schools and hospitals have to pay contractors up to £100 or more to change a single light bulb if it breaks in a classroom instead of just calling out their handy man to do the job for them.

I remember being at school with a handy man who did all the odd jobs around the place and we all loved him more than the teachers.

He did everything that needed to be done and he cost a hell of a lot less than what schools are currently paying for fixing anything broken at the moment.

Just think of the waiting time for the private contractors to arrive for one, and then the inflated costs all to fill their pockets. What is the point apart from a one off payment from the private company to fill whatever gaping hole the treasury currently has and then face decades of debt?

Of course it doesn’t worry the MP’s who put it into action as they will be long gone by then. They are probably working for the same companies who are running the PFI schemes they helped push through parliament with their votes no doubt.

Also I don’t want to bail out the banks without jailing the directors as Iceland did. The people who led us into the 2008 crisis in the first place should be punished like any other criminal. I want some justice for all this mess and austerity everyone is facing.

Why are we giving banks money at 0% when we could be making National Bonds for investments in house building that will return a nice profit for investors, much needed jobs flooding in and most of all provide the housing people need?

These are all things Jeremy Corbyn wants to do. I can’t find a fault in it so please leave your comments to what is so stupid about these policies please.

From the Guardian

Jeremy Corbyn has pledged to “wipe the slate clean” after winning a convincing victory in Labour’s bitter leadership battle, securing 62% of the vote.

Speaking after the result was declared in Liverpool, Corbyn thanked his rival, Owen Smith, and urged the “Labour family” to unite after the summer-long contest.

“We have much more in common than that which divides us,” he said. “Let’s wipe that slate clean from today and get on with the work we’ve got to do as a party together.”

Corbyn secured 61.8% of the vote to Smith’s 38.2%. The victory strengthens his hold on a party that has expanded dramatically since the 2015 general election and now has more than 500,000 members. In last year’s contest, he won 59.5% of the vote.

Corbyn won a majority over Smith in every category – members (59%), registered supporters (70%) and trades union affiliates (60%).


View the original article at the main Dark Poltricks web site at Dark Politricks where you can get even more #altnews and daily politics away from the lamestream media

By Dark Poltircks

© 2016 By Dark Poltircks

Which way will you vote in the EU Referendum?

March 28, 2016

Which way will you vote in the EU Referendum?

As the debate rages around the UK on whether we should leave or stay in the EU. The question is are people really thinking for themselves or are they just believing all the crap that the daily rags tell them to?

We have owners of multiple papers who live offshore most of the year just to get out of paying their fair share of UK tax, telling us tax payers what to do. Is this really fair? It’s just the rich elite who are always going to go from strength to strength as long as no-one stands up to them enforcing their will on the people as they always do.

Will people who vote actually make a real decision or will they be swayed like the US electorate always is to vote for the person with the biggest smile, angriest most bullish comments and plans to “restore America to greatness” as if it had suddenly become a third world country without the biggest economy and military in the world?

So the BREXIT referendum all rests on whether people believe the “deal” Cameron brought back was worth the paper it was written on or not.

To me Cameron’s “Deal”, is just a tinkering around the edges that prevents migrants from claiming benefits for years, and allows Britain to cap the number of people entering the country. It really doesn’t make much of a difference at all.

We will still will be bound by the European Court of Human Rights, pay our monthly millions to be part of the EU, and whilst the Euro zone members make important financial decisions we will now be left out of them and probably still be asked to pay towards any bailouts such as those for Greece and Ireland etc.

I never got to vote to join the EC in the 70’s.

That was the Economic Community, a joining together of countries for free trade without tariffs between members and a supposed opening up of the many countries nationalised utilities and businesses.

It was not a vote on whether we should join a European Super State, with its own Defence Force, a 3 tier decision-making system where the most democratic body, the European Parliament, has the least power.

People complain about the number of EU migrants that enter Southern Europe and are then just waved through multiple  counties until they reach Germany or Calais hoping to get to England. However we must remember that about 1.8m Britons live in Europe, with Spain boasting an expat population of just over 1m UK citizens.

Of the Britons living in Europe, 400,000 are claiming a state pension from the UK.

The question is, if free movement is good for us, what will happen when it is shut down. We may be able to control the number of migrants from the EU entering the country but what will happen to the retired wrinkled leather tanned grannies of the Costa Del Sol?

leather tanned grannies
An ex Pat, enjoying the Sun and beach

Will these ex pats all have to go through some sort of immigration test as if they were trying to get green cards in the US?

I cannot even imagine many Brits passing any part of a test that expected them to know the hosts language and culture.

It could be that we manage to make arrangements that doesn’t affect Brits with jobs OR money from going out to live in the EU however I am guessing a lot of EU members are really pissed off with us at the moment for getting a “special membership deal”.

Whilst Germany and France wanted to keep us in the EU for the risk that it might fall apart, I can well imagine many newer members are thinking, why does the UK always try to get it’s own way?

From my perspective it would have been good if Cameron had reached a consensus with other members that would have reformed the EU properly.

You know basic things like make it truly democratic, removed any moves to keep pushing for a super state, restored it back to a trading block that was good for business without all the imported laws and of course stopped all the massive fraud which has prevented a real audit for many years now.

There are lots of things wrong with the EU and the constant push towards a superstate is one of them. One of the original ideas was to try and make a block of states that was an equal balance to the power of the US but instead we have just turned into the USA’s cross pond bitch.

So I believe Cameron’s almost Chamberlain like “Peace in our time”, excitement at having got his deal, is going to bite him in the butt just as Chamberlain found out when the NAZI’s ignored his magic bit of paper and rolled across Europe.

This is small fry being pumped with steroids to make it seem like a massive change in our relationship with the EU. In reality it is some small changes around the edges.

If ever someone had made a worthless deal and wanted to sell it to the public as if it was a magic exemption from all the EU’s meddling in our lives, like the EU Human Rights Law that protects us from this Police State country over reaching in its step, then this is it.

When I was younger I liked being able to hop on a plane and just go to Spain to live. I had no job but that didn’t matter, free movement of people and workers meant we could all go where we wanted when we wanted without border checks, citizenship tests and green cards.

For those who have never lived abroad and have only gone to Ibiza on your holiday or maybe a trip to Paris on Valentines day then you won’t really think about the difference between a holiday and actually being able to pick up your bags and literally run off to any part of Europe with no questions asked.

However whilst Spain has always been the old stereotyped destination for our UK retirees it seems over recent year the US, Australia and the rest of the world have overtaken Europe for the primary destination for those with one foot in the grave.

The top 10 destinations for Britons to retire to are now:

  • Channel Islands: 73,030
  • Germany: 96,938
  • France: 172,806
  • Ireland: 253,605
  • South Africa: 305,660
  • New Zealand: 313,850
  • Spain: 381,025
  • Canada: 674,371
  • United States of America: 758,919
  • Australia: 1,277,474

So maybe the modern “cultured” Brit is changing their retirement plans and thinking a bit more further than the Costa Del Crime nowadays.

Spain has always been our number one destination for holidays and retirees. A place where you can enjoy the 40° heat and drink British beer in pubs frequented by famous English gangsters on the run.

So many famous British gangsters have been out to the Costa Del Sol no wonder we call it the Costa Del Crime.

However it seems we are looking wider than Med for our retirement plans – that’s if we get any pension money. I doubt I will ever see any from the thousands I have put into the system over my working career. It seems the Tories want us to work until our 80’s and the age is constantly being pushed upwards.

There have been rumblings from Tory think tanks for years now from people already on hundreds of thousands of pounds a month pensions who believe we should do voluntary work in our retirement to collect our hard earned pension.

Leaving the EU won’t stop any evil Tory plans from coming to fruition and if we want a REAL CHANGE in our democracy and the way we act in the world we should be thinking about NATO. What would we do if Turkey start a war with Russia over Syria, we would be forced to fight on their side whether they started the war by deception or not. I am more worried about World War III happening due to duplicitous NATO allies at the moment than the amount of money we pay in and get back in rebates from the EU.

We should also be thinking about how the Tories have tripled our national debt in the years they were supposedly “fixing the roof whilst the sun was shining”, and supposedly cutting the ever so important deficit. The deficit may have dropped but the total amount of debt has increased hugely due to the Tories thinking that the poorer we all are, the more money we will spend.

They have failed us. In Europe, on the world stage and most importantly at home.

Austerity hasn’t worked at all and the national debt has ballooned because of the Tories core voters (the grey brigade), will vote against anyone who dares to cut their pensions.

These take up a vast proportion of the social security budget and will undoubtedly be ignored whist the disabled and poor are forced to suffer through the bedroom tax, universal credit, and the severe lack of social housing we have in this country.

Europe has no control over these areas of our lives and if we want to sort out our country we really need to get rid of the failed Tories and try their method of printing money, not at 0% interest rates so the Banksters can lend it to us through companies like WONGA at 5,853% APR, but to invest in infrastructure, building new homes and putting people through education. If we can do it for the banks why can’t we do it for the people?

Remember we were in a much worse off state in the years after WWII. We only just finished off paying our debt to the US a few years ago under Gordon Brown. Despite that we still created the NHS, cleared the slums of London and built thousands of new houses and multiple new towns for the people moved out of London. Plus we ushered in an age of economic prosperity that latest decades.

It is only short-sighted Tory thinking that keeps us in the current trap we are in. One where bankers must be bailed out even though they should be in jail, and the poor are paying off the national debt, despite having no money.

If only we would just wipe any national debt on citizens like Iceland did to many mortgage holders that were linked to inflation. It sounds crazy but would put money in the pockets of those most likely to spend it, plus create a huge demand for goods and a rise in GDP. Having a “National Bank” that can print money as long as it’s for investment in houses and jobs could give us full employment, cheaper rent and accommodation costs and more money in the pocket to spend to increase GDP.

At the moment our whole economy, just like it was during Labours time in office, is built on the house of cards made from debt. People remortgaging houses or taking out loans to spend on goods. An unsustainable recovery. Screw the bankers who say it cannot be done. We did it for you, why can’t we do it to actually help rebuild our country?

So the question is, are people going to think with their heads or their hearts about this exit from the EU.

A lot has changed with the European project to stop a further European war after WWII, with France and Germany the two main actors in this union coming together to ensure that the rest of Europe sticks together and shows “solidarity”.

From stopping a war to free trade agreements and a central bank. Then a EU flag, courts and parliament. Then laws enforced on us which we don’t want. All whilst we pay billions to be part of a club that’s money could be better spent on hospitals and schools. That is one argument for leaving.

The problem is that war fades in people’s minds, especially those who never fought in WWII or who had family who did.

“What does the EU have to do with WWII” many people will ask.

Now that the EU project is more about creating a super state, it spies on us and hands over all bank transactions to the US as well as traces of our Internet history and anything else the NSA overlords demand. However even if we leave the EU I guess due to our “special relationship”, with the US, we would still carry on letting our GCHQ be the NSA’s bitch, so nothing would change on the police state front.

Also whilst we may collaborate as a big trading block to face China, the BRICS and North American trading blocks, can the BREXIT crew really convince us that on an economic scale we would really be better outside this trading block.

Selling tea to India, ornaments to Russia and other small manufactured products across the world is the BREXIT plan. We don’t build big things anymore. Our ship building industry is almost gone and we have offshored so many jobs that actually make things, you know jobs good for all those skilled manual workers we are trying to find jobs for, that we are just a service economy. Selling ideas, concepts and of course bank trickery.

If we leave the EU will we survive without the cheap gas and electricity we import from the EU, or will we get extra tariffs put on them putting us even further into debt. The French/Chinese nuclear power stations that were supposed to be on their way have only just been signed off.

It will take another 20 years at least until we see these new power stations so we will be relying on our dwindling North Sea Oil stocks and imports seeing that we never really bothered investing in green energy. This is despite being an island surrounded by multiple ways of making energy from natural sources such as the sea, wind and sun. We have loads of places to put under sea turbines that use wave power and windmills off shore to take in their blustery winds. We really never tried as we suffered from a  “not in my back garden” mentality, whenever a wind farm was proposed to be build anyway near a house.

So will people even consider the financial terms of leaving or will they think what the Sun, Daily Mail and other trash papers tell them to think?

The EU is a debt ridden collection of states that turned the thumb screws on Greece, Italy and Spain all so that they could enforce austerity, increase taxes and pay back Goldman Sachs and that other evil trio, the European Bank, IMF and World Bank.

Do we want to live in a place that see’s solidarity between nations as one that involves throwing the poor to the dogs so that their rich Banksters who caused the mess can be fully compensated. Plus solidarity is not where Germany gets to bend the rules but smaller states can’t lest they risk German austerity plans as the cost of remaining in the Euro.

This financial crisis that has still not been solved since 2008 is just waiting for another explosion. When it comes it will make 2008 look like a picnic.

Will the UK, the hub of banksters from the terrorist supporting, Mexican drug dealing, al-Qaeda funding HSBC to the corrupt Barclay’s brothers, really be better inside or out when the next economic explosion occurs.

As the City of London is basically it’s own country within a country, where the leaders of the companies and banks get to sit on their special council and can “command” the Chancellor to appear before them, they will probably see no difference in their money making schemes whether we leave or stay.

To me it all depends on who is in charge.

The Tories seem to want to put the strain of any recovery on the backs of the working class whilst rewarding their rich friends. Their recent budget removed £30 from the disabled people of our country that gave them support to get dressed and move about and instead they have given the richest more tax breaks. It is clear where their priorities lie. Voting Tory is like voting for a gang rape on yourself. Why people do it I have no idea.

On the other hand Labour, SNP, the Greens and Lib Dems feel that a more even policy that involves banksters going to jail and splitting up the banks between Casinos and Savings is called for. On top of that more measures that don’t punish the poor but instead help them climb up the ladder whilst the rich who have become more wealthy in the last 5+ years are made to contribute their fair share.

Whether they will actually stick to their words is a totally different matter. We just have to look at the Lib Dems when they got their taste of power to see how power corrupts and good promises become faded memories.

So what will make you vote yes or no when the time comes?

EU Democracy or the lack of it?

The prospect of war?

Finance and austerity?


Not being held to account to the European Convention of Human Rights (an act the Tories wrote after WWII to show how civilised we are)

Or something else?

Let me know.

View the original article at

By Dark Politricks



© 2016 By Dark Politricks

A Game Of Ping Pong Politics over Free Speech in the UK

January 27, 2014

A Game Of Ping Pong Politics over Free Speech in the UK

By Dark Politricks

Following my latest article on the ping-pong politics being played in the House of Commons v the House of Lords at the moment over a bill that will potentially gag campaign groups from speaking out for up to a year before general elections, there will be another vote in the House of Lords tomorrow.

Which way will they go and can you help?

Dear Dark Politricks Readers,

Here’s the plan. Tomorrow, Lords have to decide. Will they vote to put their improvements to the gagging law back in? Or do they give up and let MPs have their way? [1]

A growing coalition of organisations threatened by the gagging law – from Oxfam to Christian Aidthe Countryside Alliance to the Salvation Army – are planning full-page ads in major newspapers for tomorrow morning. They would carry a clear message: the public wants the Lords to hold firm and protect our democratic freedoms.

If we can raise enough money to run the ads, we can be confident they’ll get noticed. The House of Lords is the kind of place where newspapers get read. They’d be the talk of parliament’s tearooms as Lords weigh up how to vote.

The other groups involved will also chip in. But donations from 38 Degrees members will mean more adverts and bigger adverts. Please can you donate now to help make it happen?

Sometimes the Lords hesitate to challenge elected MPs. But on this occasion we can remind Lords that none of us ever voted for this attack on citizens speaking up. Neither the Lib Dems nor the Conservatives had this in their last election manifesto.

Our MPs need reining in, and the reality is that the Lords are the people in a position to do it.

So, an ad like this will remind Lords that groups representing thousands and thousands of people – charities, campaigners, voluntary groups – all support their attempt to make the gagging law less bad.

Will you chip in right now to make it happen?

It’s perhaps ironic that in a campaign that is all about protecting democracy, we end up relying on the unelected House of Lords. But the reality is that unless the House of Lords holds firm, the gagging law goes through. That would mean huge new restrictions on everyone’s freedom to speak up on the issues that matter.

And whatever you think about the House of Lords, these adverts would also tell a story that has been true throughout this campaign. The threat of the gagging law has brought all kinds of different people and organisations together. [2] We don’t all agree about everything. But we do all agree that everyone has the right to get organised and speak up for what they believe in. Let’s remind the House of Lords of that.

If enough 38 Degrees members chip in £10 each, we can get prominent space in newspapers like the Telegraph, the Times and the Guardian. Click here to donate:

Thanks for everything you do,

David, Susannah, Ian, Belinda and the entire 38 Degrees team

[1] 38 Degrees Blog: Gagging law: we’re in ping pong!:
Parliament website: House of Lords business schedule for the week:!/calendar/Lords/MainChamber/2014/1/27/week.html

38 Degrees Blog: Gagging law: we won the argument but lost the vote:

[2] Commission on Civil Society and Democratic Engagement: Petition to Lords with logos:

View the original article Ping-Pong Free Speech – Help Keep it alive in the UK! at


We need a political revolution

December 15, 2013

We need a political revolution

By Dark Politricks

It has been a good 5 years since the financial meltdown and what have we got done apart from a widening awakening in the people who “something just aint right”?

  • We have had both the Tea Party and Occupy protest movements.
  • Protests across Europe from Spain to Greece and the UK over “austerity” measures forced on them by the rich.
  • Huge tax breaks for the rich and welfare cuts for the poor.
  • Bailouts from tax payer money for the banks that were too big too fail and too big to jail. In fact the six of the largest institutions that we said were too big to fail are now actually 37%bigger than they were in 2008!
  • Small fines or “Get out of jail free cards” by our bankster owned governments for any bank engaged in criminal activities such as HSBC with their special banking facilities for drug dealers and terrorists. Or Goldman Sachs who were fined for selling dodgy mortgage investments.
  • A world leader, President Obama, who was elected by liberals wanting the Police State being formed and lamented by them at the time in the aftermath of 9.11 who went back on all his promises. In fact he went on and continued the Bush policies making the USA a defacto Police State. When a leader of a country (and one who is supposed to be a constitutional lawyer) can declare himself above the Constitution and order the assassination of anyone at anytime, American or not, without judicial oversight, then we have a major problem and the US is no longer a constitutional republic.

So the question is: what are we doing about all this apart from bitching and moaning and just putting up with all the cuts in our public services as money is siphoned off from the lower classes and sucked up to the top few percent of the nation?

Not a lot it seems otherwise we would have a few rich people’s heads on sticks by now outside the Tower of London and along the bridge like we used to do. If only.

It seem’s the only nation who has the balls to actually jail some of  the banksters who caused some of this mess are the people of Iceland. A nation of less than half a million people have jailed more bankers than the UK and the USA together it seems. They have jailed:

  • Baldur Guðlaugsson, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, who was sentenced to two years probation by the District Court of Reykjavík for insider trading.
  • Aron Karlsson was sentenced to 2 years in prison by the District Court of Reykjavík for defrauding Arion Bank in real estate dealings.
  • Lárus Welding, CEO of Glitnir, and Guðmundur Hjaltason, Managing Director of Corporate Banking of Glitnir, were sentenced to 9 months in prison by the District Courtof Reykjavík for a major breach of trust.
  • Friðfinnur Ragnar Sigurðsson, Glitnir employee, was sentenced to 1 year in prison by the District Court of Reykjanes for insider trading.
  • Styrmi Þór Bragason, President of MP Bank, was sentenced to 1 year in prison by the Supreme Court for breach of trust.

So what is it going to take for the people, who are admittedly awaken and pissed, to actually remove the existing leading elites that are right of center (despite their names).

These are people who see nothing wrong with loading up future generations with so much debt that it won’t be long until we see real Brazilian or South African shanty towns on the edge of cities like London and New York because it is just too expensive to rent let alone buy a house.

It looks like only people who already have money will survive in this new brave world and it’s a lot easier to make money from money than the 50+ hour weeks of manual labour most of us have to put up with.

It certainly helps that when you are rich you can walk into a bank and get a huge loan to invest in shares or a new business staffed by zero hour contracted workers at a few percent.

The rest of  the masses are left with loan sharks such as Wonga who charge anything up to 5853% APR for a loan of £150 for 18 days (taken from the front page of their website).

Not only are we being priced out of getting money from the “normal banking system” (if normal is a word that can be applied to it then that’s debatable) – but we are being denied any sense of equal distribution of wealth to help balance out the luck of the few who are born into money and the hardships of the many who only succeed through hard work and a huge dose of luck being applied to their lives.

One of the ways the elite are trying to keep their wealth and systems of control to themselves is by loading people up with debt at such an early age that it is considered normal to be in tens or hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of debt throughout your life with little hope of ever being debt free.

In the olden days – by that I mean the 50’s – people didn’t buy something unless they had the money to afford it. They saved up the relevant money and only when they could walk into the shop and buy it outright would they even consider making a purchase such as a TV or Car.

Nowadays credit cards and student loans are normalizing debt and making young people believe it to be standard to live with multiple Credit Companies octopus tentacles all over their backs.

Not only are they normalizing debt enslavement from an early age they are making it so expensive to go to University that only rich people will be properly educated in the future. If you are expected to leave University with a £50k debt and little chance of a job apart from a menial non skilled job in the local pound store then why would you even bother to go to College?

It is only the wealthy and connected who know that “father knows someone in the City” that will be able to leave Oxbridge and walk into high paid jobs in the city that enable them to pay off any debt in no time at all.

Oh and don’t forget the new plans by the Tories to make the unemployed work for their benefits. £70 a week a pitiful and humiliating amount of money to live on per week if you have just been made redundant from a £60,000 a year job because your boss realised it was much cheaper to outsource your position to India or China. Yet to make it even worse, if you can’t get a job sharpish you are now going to be expected to work a full week for your £70.

Oh thank you Government for taking care of me in these hard times. Times you have made worse by letting banksters ruin our economy and strip, privatise and literally burgle the family jewels for themselves while you sat back and did nothing because you were promised a job in their company once you left Government.

How the Lib Dem’s can let this happen I have no idea. Fuck the Lib Dem’s you are never getting my vote again for what you have let the Tories do to this country. I doubt I will vote again until a party is formed that is actually FOR THE PEOPLE and RUN FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE MANY NOT THE FEW.

The young are the most Internet savvy and this is why the elite are so busy trying to crack down on Internet sites that disseminate knowledge that used to be only known by the elites and occult groups (occult = hidden knowledge).

Therefore the last 20 years of websites spreading information about fiat currency and how our money is debt based, or how wars are used to further geo-political purposes and even corporations balance sheets whilst being mis-sold to the public on “human rights” and “ethical grounds”, are all reasons why the elite want to limit this knowledge to their own kind only.

Without the Internet many of us, including myself would never have found out how certain groups of people have always held power and the ways they use to keep it in their hands.

We would all still be little patriotic soldiers from the first World War thinking we were going to fight for freedom and justice if it weren’t for the web spreading the ways the establishment do all they can to paint people who oppose their plans as “unpatriotic” or “domestic extremists”.

So those are our problems but what do we do.

Well we know the NSA is monitoring anything we type and send to each other so a proper full-armed revolution will probably be cracked down on within a few days just by taking out the leaders and making certain agitators go “missing” as they used to do so well in South America.

Our phones we carry around everywhere are permanent monitoring devices that can be used to track our movements and if they wanted to even remotely turn on the camera and microphone and take photos or listen to us. Paranoid? Only if they aren’t watching you and by the looks of things it seems the NSA and GCHQ are watching EVERYBODY.

Therefore if we are to overthrow this corrupt elite we need a de-centralised and compartmentalized movement – a bit like how terrorist organisations work. Basic technology, pencils n paper and low tech with whispers in the park and baseball caps pulled down low whenever a CCTV camera is approached.

However this would rely on people having the balls to risk jail for acts of civil disobedience as well as being able to afford to take time off from their jobs at McDonalds and Starbucks to protest. And if they can’t afford the time off work to form a revolution it will be left to the millions of unemployed to actually get cold and hungry enough to storm the barricades not giving a fuck about the consequences because their current existence is already worse than anything the POWER can do to them.

So a logical option would be to actually form a new political party and use social media, existing protest groups, trade unions and other community groups to spread the word of it’s existance. We already have 3rd parties like the Green’s, the Justice Party, Libertarians or UKIP but for a younger and more tech savvy populace we need a Pirate Party that is concerned with more than just digital rights management and P2P downloading.

The Trade Unions are already pissed off with Labours abandonment of them, a political party they created. In reality Labour have moved so far to the right that they are no longer relevant or even related in any conceptual way with the unions that created them.

Ed is trying to split the link even further by making each union member chose whether their fees are used for party donations and now would be the perfect time to get them to break the link completley and use their funds to help a new party that REALLY is for the benefit of the people.

We need a party that isn’t formed of political apparatchiks who have only worked in the depths of party HQ since leaving University with a degree in politics. People such as Ed Milliband, David “call me Dave” Cameron and many of the others.

We need real people who have real knowledge of what it’s like to live in modern UK or the USA. We elect, jail and then re-elect crack smoking mayors for God’s sake so let’s have no hypocrisy over past deeds and criminal histories.

We need people who have lived REAL lives, and in this day and age that means you have probably used drugs and maybe have a criminal record. As long as you don’t claim to be a saint who preaches moralistic bullshit about God and Family only to be caught in an Airport bathroom stall trying to get some “strange” off the occupant in the next cubicle then I have no care about your sexual bias or history.

We need laws that prevent corruption of our politicians and stop lobbyists from highly funded arms companies, AIPAC and banks from getting their claws into the law makers. In fact it should be illegal and punishable by a stretch in prison for any potential politician to sign letters promising to “always put country X first” in every vote they take. The people of OUR countries should come first and these lobby groups should never forget that fact.

Any politician should be prevented from ever working for a company he or she has voted in favour for. Seeing politicians walk out of Congress and straight into the offices of JP Morgan after serving on certain finance committees should be seen as a sign of duplicitous self-interest and not whatever BS excuse that said politician comes out with. Breaking the link between the power of powerful interests and the politicians that SHOULD BE controlling them should be key on any agenda of a new political consensus.

Health Care, Education and Jobs should be seen as necessities and not rights for the preserve of those with enough money to afford them. We can do without the huge war machines we have funded for centuries and the half million pound missiles that we waste by firing them into Somalian and Yemen mud huts for no gain but massive backlash by the local population.

A non militaristic foreign policy would not only bring benefits in terms of the world reversing their view of us as imperialists out to grab natural resources and geo-political control, but it would also save money that could be used to ensure we can all get quality health care and education throughout our lives.

Only constant education to keep our skill sets up to date and our ability to be employable is the answer to the growing skill gap between East and West. When education becomes too expensive and only available to the rich it divides society and causes social unrest. We don’t want to end up living in South African style cities where the rich whites live in high walled mini towns with private armed security guards and the poor blacks spend their time robbing and burgling them due to lack of opportunity and fair life chances.

Yes life isn’t fair and no-one said it was.

However as a civilised race we should be in the position to do our best to equal out random life opportunities as much as possible.

Just because I was lucky enough to be born in a rich western nation shouldn’t mean that those people born in Bangladesh should have to go to work before the age of 8 pulling apart dangerous batteries or breaking up huge ships covered in dangerous chemicals. We should have enough moral fibre to realise that sending our shit to poor countries to sift through isn’t ethical or humane.

Bangladesh Ship Yards

So yes the web is monitoring everything we do but we can still use it to our own means. Maybe we need an open source website where we can all get together and help formulate policies and ideas for a new party. If we cannot beat them from the outside then the only other way will be from within their own walls.

The only problem will be the agent provocateurs and plants the establishment will install in any new movement such as Tony Blair whose role was to move Labour away from the people and into establishment hands. 4 wars Tony was and never was a socialist. If he claimed to be then he was lying through his teeth. We should be on the watch for smiling liars like Blair and a healthy stock of truth serum and lie detector machines might be a good first purchase.

To conclude, the problem is that however much we sit and moan about our plight nothing is really getting done and our supposed political parties that should represent us don’t. Therefore we need a new political party that really does represent the people. The People’s Party would be a good name.

It is only my own idea but I hope someone with more power than little ole me can get a few balls moving.


View the original article What is the plan people? at

The Hated Ex UK Prime Minister Maggie Thatcher is now dead

April 8, 2013

The Hated Ex UK Prime Minister Maggie Thatcher is now dead

By Dark Politricks

It has just been reported by the BBC that the hated ex Tory Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has died at the age of 87.

A hero to the right and a hated enemy of the left the ex Tory Prime Minister was a divisive figure in UK politics.

Baroness Thatcher was the only female PM in UK history and she was responsible for the devastating privatisation policies of the 80’s.

Although her policies opened up many nationalised markets such as energy and telecommunications to private investment it also destroyed many working class communities all over the country, especially whole towns of people who relied on work at local mines or ship yards which were shut down.

She was responsible for the massive destruction of union power and her war with Arthur Scargill led to the closure of many mines, high unemployment figures and battles between soldiers dressed up as policemen and striking miners which were the highlight of news programmes although the early 80’s.

For the striking miners there were no other jobs for them to go to and after the mines were shut down and whole communities in the North of England, and Wales were put on the dole.

The cost analysis benefit of subsiding the mines versus the cost of putting whole towns on unemployment benefit, the crime from drugs and drink and other social ills that led from the hopelessness she created were undoubtedly pro-subsidy.

However the Tory right were only thinking short term and the destruction of the unions and the move to privatisation was more important than the high unemployment and social ills it cost the country.

Please don’t forget as the current Tory government is busy demonising people in receipt of benefits and busy moving people off disability allowance and back onto the much lower benefit “jobseekers allowance”. That it was in-fact the Tory government of Thatcher that was responsible for “massaging” the unemployment figures in the first place, by switching people from “the dole” to “the sick”, so that they could claim that unemployment was failing when in reality it wasn’t.

3 million unemployed was a regular figure heard on the news during Thatchers time as Prime Minister.

She was responsible for privatising the national railways which has been a massive failure as well as numerous other neo-liberal economic policies which the right claimed “modernised” the UK in comparison to the rest of Europe. In reality it has led to the current situation we have now in which all 3 major political parties are centre based leaving no real choice for the electorate.

There is no major party that can call itself left or right any-more. We just have a mob of centrist politicians all debating over how much austerity we should be suffering to pay for the banks mistakes.

It was the long years out of power during Thatchers reign that made Tony Blair decide to “modernise” the Trade Unionist Labour party all but destroying it’s links with the unions and making it another pro-war, neo-con leaning, bankster loving party of the centre right.

Some even say Tony Blair’s Labour government was to the right of Thatcher with his over bearing policies of police surveillance, anti-terrorism acts that removed peoples liberties and his alliance with the Americans in their multiple wars.

Today will be a day of sadness for many on the right of politics and I wouldn’t be surprised to see even supposed “left” wing leaders pay their respects to the ex Tory leader who helped destroy all meaning in voting Labour at the polling booths.

For others it will be seen as a day of celebration.

Baroness Thatcher was the hated figure that caused massive unemployment, high interest rates, Black Wednesday and our removal from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. She was also responsible for the Poll Tax riots, the Falklands war and the creation of vast wastelands in the north of England.

To people affected by her economic policies in a negative way I cannot see them visiting her funeral to see her off unless it’s to make sure she has really died!

From the BBC News report

BBC News

Former Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher has died “peacefully” at the age of 87 after suffering a stroke while staying at the Ritz hotel in central London.

David Cameron called her a “great Briton” and the Queen spoke of her sadness at the death.

Lady Thatcher was Conservative prime minister from 1979 to 1990. She was the first woman to hold the role.

She will not have a state funeral but will be accorded the same status as Princess Diana and the Queen Mother.

The ceremony, with full military honours, will take place at London’s St Paul’s Cathedral.

The union jack above Number 10 Downing Street has been lowered to half-mast while Parliament will be recalled from its Easter recess on Wednesday to enable MPs to pay tributes to the former prime minister.

Obama tribute

After cancelling planned talks in Paris with French President Francois Hollande and returning to the UK, Mr Cameron made a statement outside No 10 in which he described Lady Thatcher as “the patriot prime minister” and said she had “taken a country that was on its knees and made it stand tall again”.

“Margaret Thatcher loved this country and served it with all she had. For that she has her well-earned place in history – and the enduring respect and gratitude of the British people,” he said.

BBC political editor Nick Robinson said Lady Thatcher had been a controversial politician who inspired “passion” among both her critics and supporters.

Her government privatised several state-owned industries and was involved in a year-long stand-off with unions during the Miners’ Strike of 1984-5. She was also in power when the UK fought a war following Argentina’s invasion of the Falkland Islands in 1982.

Lady Thatcher survived an assassination attempt in 1984, when the IRA bombed the Brighton Grand Hotel, where she was staying for the Conservative Party’s annual conference.

During her later years in office she became increasingly associated with Euroscepticism. She is also seen as one of the key movers behind the fall of communism in eastern Europe.

She stood down in 1990 after she failed to beat Michael Heseltine by enough votes to prevent his leadership challenge going into a second round.

The Life of Margaret Thatcher

  • 13 October 1925 – Born Margaret Hilda Roberts in Grantham, Lincolnshire
  • 1951 – Married businessman Denis Thatcher
  • 1959 – Becomes MP for Finchley
  • 1970 – Made minister for education
  • 1975 – Elected Conservative leader
  • 1979 – Becomes UK’s first female prime minister
  • 1982 – Falklands War
  • 1983 – Elected prime minister for second time
  • 1984 – Survives Grand Hotel bombing
  • 1984-5 – Takes on unions in Miners’ Strike
  • 1987 – Wins third term in Downing Street
  • 1990 – Resigns as prime minister
  • 1992 – Stands down as MP and accepts peerage
  • 2002 – Retires from public speaking
  • 8 April 2013 – Dies after suffering a stroke

World leaders and senior UK figures have been paying tribute to Lady Thatcher.

US President Barack Obama said the world had “lost one of the great champions of freedom and liberty” and that “America has lost a true friend”.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she would “never forget her part in surmounting the division of Europe and at the end of the Cold War”.

Ahead of his return to the UK, Mr Cameron told the BBC: “Margaret Thatcher succeeded against all the odds. The real thing is she didn’t just lead our country; she saved our country.

“I believe she will go down as the greatest British peacetime prime minister.”

A Buckingham Palace spokesman said: “The Queen was sad to hear the news of the death of Baroness Thatcher. Her Majesty will be sending a private message of sympathy to the family.”

Lady Thatcher was born Margaret Roberts, the daughter of a shopkeeper and Conservative councillor in Grantham, Lincolnshire, in 1925.

She studied chemistry at Oxford University and worked for a plastics company before marrying businessman Denis Thatcher in 1951.

She gave birth to twins Mark and Carol in 1953, the year she also qualified as a barrister, and served as MP for Finchley, north London, from 1959 to 1992.

Having been education secretary, she successfully challenged former prime minister Edward Heath for her party’s leadership in 1975 and won general elections in 1979, 1983 and 1987.

Sir John Major, who replaced Lady Thatcher as prime minister in 1990, called her a “true force of nature”.

He added: “Her outstanding characteristics will always be remembered by those who worked closely with her: courage and determination in politics, and humanity and generosity of spirit in private.”


Former Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair called her a “towering figure”, while his successor Gordon Brown praised her “determination and resilience”.

Baroness Thatcher’s funeral route

Funeral route for Margaret Thatcher
  • Baroness Thatcher is to have a ceremonial funerala step short of a state funeral – with military honours to be held at St Paul’s Cathedral in London
  • The funeral parade will begin at Chapel of St Mary Undercroft at the Palace of Westminster
  • A hearse will take the body to the RAF Chapel at the church of St Clement Danes on the Strand
  • Baroness Thatcher’s coffin will be transferred to a gun carriage and drawn by the Kings Troop Royal Artillery to St Paul’s Cathedral
  • The route is to be lined by all three armed forces

Labour leader Ed Miliband said Lady Thatcher had been a “unique figure” who “reshaped the politics of a whole generation”.

He added: “The Labour Party disagreed with much of what she did and she will always remain a controversial figure. But we can disagree and also greatly respect her political achievements and her personal strength.”

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg described Lady Thatcher as one of the “defining figures in modern British politics”, adding: “She may have divided opinion during her time in politics but everyone will be united today in acknowledging the strength of her personality and the radicalism of her politics.”

London Mayor Boris Johnson tweeted: “Very sad to hear of death of Baroness Thatcher. Her memory will live long after the world has forgotten the grey suits of today’s politics.”

UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage called Lady Thatcher a “great inspiration”, adding: “Whether you loved her or hated her nobody could deny that she was a great patriot, who believed passionately in this country and her people. A towering figure in recent British and political history has passed from the stage. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family.”

Lady Thatcher, who retired from public speaking in 2002, had suffered poor health for several years. Her husband Denis died in 2003. She had been staying at the Ritz hotel since being discharged from hospital at the end of last year.

View the BBC news story as it unfolds on the BBC news site.

View the original article Hated Ex Prime Minister Maggie Thatcher dies at the main website

Remove Corruption From Politics – 75% of Americans all agree!

November 25, 2012

Remove Corruption From Politics – 75% of Americans all agree!

By Dark Politricks

This is a YoungTurks video about getting corruption out of politics and is a leader to my article and a subsequent video.

This second video shows how people from any political persuasion whether it be from the left or right of politics, green, libertarian, conservative or liberal can actually get corruption out of politics and gives us a road map to doing so.

75% of people across the country agree that big money = votes and there are some very surprising stats in the next video which show how very few people actually control Congress and the Presidential Elections through their use of their money.

These “influencers” are literally in the hundreds!

Whilst everyone may have a vote to chose their President or Congressman, the power of money influences the choices brought before the electorate in the first place.

The Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court was a decision that was hated by Conservatives and Liberals alike.

Crony Capitalism and Corporate Interests overriding the public interest has been firmly cemented into the US political arena and with most ex-politicians becoming K-Street Lobbyists there is a series of revolving doors that prevents change from occurring within the establishment.

It’s akin to asking to a builder to stop laying bricks and not get paid. Nearly all politicians act in their OWN interest and not the PUBLIC INTEREST.

My own essays have repeatedly called for getting money out of politics so that politicians don’t have to sell their soul to the devil to get elected and then re-elected. Personally I would also append term limits and a way to reduce the influence of lobbyists from politics from any grass up anti-corruption movement.

Politicians should take the wishes of the people who voted for them into consideration over any rich benefactor or paymaster and in this day and age we should not find it too hard with modern technology to give more power to interested people to influence decision making.

People who don’t care about politics or know nothing about complex issues are likely to vote on gut feeling alone, the latest anti-immigrant leaflet that comes through their door or not bother voting at all.

People who are interested in the issues of the day do vote but are constantly dismayed over the lack of progress or gridlock in their own government that prevents real change from ever occurring.

We currently have an over reaching US government that has broken free from the constraints of the constitution.

Starting wars without consent, constant spying of their citizens, and ignoring the “piece of paper” that is there to limit NOT expand the Presidents executive power. It is actions like these that make the ignorant or carefree politically active.

In my own country the UK it is the same, the 3 main parties are all fighting over centre ground and there is no real choice.

For a new party or a small one like UKIP or the Greens to have any influence at home only a fairer system in which televised political debates involve more parties and new parties can get on the ladder. We need every party to be able to fight on an even footing if it is to be fair for the future.

In this regard I can only see publicly funded elections as a means to bringing more political parties to the forefront.

To prevent a two man band of crazies getting the same amount of money as a major party the amount of public purse given to any political party should be decided on the number of votes they can muster. The better they do the more money they get.

Further money should only come from small donations and not big business looking to block the next big issue on the horizon.

There are a lot of choices out there for anyone looking to change the current way our governments work. However the most important aim is to reduce the influence of a tiny few super rich people and give more “real” choice to the people when they go to vote.

The next video shows how corrupt the current system is and gives the people a route to changing it.

View the original article about removing corruption from politics – 75% of Americans all agree at

Online warfare is now the norm as Anonymous and the Al-Quds Brigade attack Israeli computer systems

November 21, 2012

Online warfare is now the norm as Anonymous and the Al-Quds Brigade attack Israeli computer systems

By Dark Politricks

Recently we have had Anonymous claim to have used the “Great Oz Firewall” to prevent Karl Rove and co steal the American election.

This was by blocking his own hack attempts into key computers in swing states such as Iowa and Florida to switch votes over from Obama to Romney as apparently happened in 2000 and 2004.

Apparently a “power cut” occurred at exactly the same time this year as it did in 2004 and allowed the company connected to the Republicans to hook into electronic voting machines and toggle votes over to from the Democratic candidate to his opponent i.e. George W Bush.

If these claims by Anonymous are true then it truly is a shocking indictment of US politics and elections and just shows that even in democracies elections can be stolen.

It would certainly explain Karl Roves outburst on FOX News when he couldn’t believe that Iowa had been declared so prematurely.

Was he expecting something to happen, a power cut maybe, one that maybe occurred but didn’t have the desired effect due to the Great OZ Firewall Anonymous claims to have introduced to prevent this from occurring?

This is what Anonymous said before the election and indicated that they were watching Karl Roves attempts to influence the outcome by vote switching.

Then the other day when Israel started Operation Pillar of Defense, their latest attack on Gaza, Anonymous claimed to have infiltrated Israeli computer systems.

This included stealing thousands of email addresses and passwords, hacking hundreds of Israeli Web sites including government-owned ones as well as privately owned pages. They also hacked Israeli databases belonging to the Bank of Jerusalem and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

A quote from their report on their attack which can be read in full here says:

Let us once again be perfectly clear: Anonymous does not in any way support the use of violence. Anonymous is a world wide collective of individuals whose means pursue human rights, justice, and universal equality for the citizens of every nation.

Pro-Israeli groups throughout the world have grown from a foundation of Israeli/US propaganda and lies. They arbitrarily dismiss the apartheid system of racial segregation and oppression imposed by the Israeli government on the Palestinian people. The fact of the matter is, in the eyes of the media, only the United States and it’s allies are capable of labelling another state or organization as a terrorists.

Throughout our campaign, we’ve been inundated with one response in particular; references to Hamas hiding in school buildings or using women and children as human shields. Selective memory seems to have given pro-Israeli organizations the ability to forget that in 2005 Israeli Defence Minister Shaul Mofaz appeared in court to defend the practice of using Palestinians as human shields in combat after a supreme court outlawed the practice, noting it violated International Law.

The reasons for Anonymous intervention through #OpIsrael should be abundantly clear: What is happening in Palestine is oppression. They have no navy, no army, or air force. There is no war in Gaza. There is only the continuous application of military force by Israel in an attempt to push every last person out of the Palestinian state, despite international laws that make these efforts illegal.

Then we also learn that the Al-Quds Brigades’ intelligence apparatus was able on Saturday to penetrate 5000 mobile phones that belong to Zionist soldiers who are taking part in the offensive against Gaza, and send them warning messages in Hebrew that said:

We will turn Gaza into a graveyard for your soldiers, and will turn Tel Aviv into flames (Al-Quds Brigades)“.

This faction further published files that belong to Zionist soldiers and that included important information (personal papers, names, birthdays, duties, private and work phone numbers, emails, jobs, positions, ID numbers, ages, and addresses). A scare tactic that is one of the few open to them at the moment as thousands of IDF troops amass on the border of Gaza ready to attack the population as they did in Operation Cast Lead.

It seems that whilst Israel and the USA can create the Stuxnet and Flame viruses to take out nuclear installations. The availability of easily downloadable hacking software gives even the smallest army or protest group the chance of fighting back, and anyone can help hack the “enemy” whoever they may be.

Warfare of every kind has truly been changed by the Internet.


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What do you feel about President Obama getting a second term?

November 8, 2012

What do you feel about President Obama getting a second term?

By Dark Politricks

Now President Obama has been re-elected as President of the USA does the thought fill you with joy or dread or is it more a case of choosing the least bad option of a bad bunch.

It seems that the 3rd party candidates from the Libertarian Party, the Green Party, the Justice and Constitution Party hardly made a dent in the political system that seems to be sewn up tightly by the duopoly of Democrats and Republicans who control the Presidential process.

If you voted for President Obama do you honestly believe he will finish off, or even start, the “Hope and Change” that he promised the first time round. Or will he just continue business as usual.

Allowing the banksters of Wall St to continue to steal money from the tax payers, devaluing any savings people may have by continuing to have incredibly low interest rates and allowing any reforms of Wall St such as the Dodd-Frank act to be watered down by the powerful lobbyists. People who seem to be able to control the levers of power to their advantage whoever sits behind the oval desk.

Will he continue building the high tech police surveillance state in which more than a million people have top secret clearance and the war on terror is expanding constantly filling the military industrial complexes pockets with more cash with every civil right crushing, constitution ignoring act he signs into power.

Acts such as the PATRIOT ACT and the NDAA that give him dictatorial powers to kill and indefinitely detain US citizens or start wars without having to pay attention to congress as he did in Libya.

Will he continue to back Jihadists and al-Qaeda linked rebels fighting in Syria as he did in Libya all because the enemy of his enemy is his friend or will he actually grow a pair of balls and decide that morals and ethics are something that America should be an example to the rest of the world who used to believe America was the “good guy”.

Will he continue to back Israel as they break international law, execute on tape American citizens, and subjugate the Palestinian people by blocking any bill in the UN with a veto and then attack countries such as Russia and China who do the same when they try to prevent another NATO war in Syria.

Will he even dare to cut the bloated and gigantic Defense budget that is bigger than most of the other countries in the world put together.

A budget that means huge military bases and missile shields that are more of a political statement than any proper aim to defend the US public and only again serve to fill the military industrial complexes coffers.

Just imagine all the things that could be bought with that money – you could even pay for a proper health care system instead of creating a mandatory purchase from insurance companies – a system hated by liberals and conservatives alike.

Does anyone think Obama is a true liberal or as many Republican message boards and blogs like to call him a Marxist or Communist – people who have never obviously read a dictionary. Or is he just a slightly less right wing version of the Republicans. Both are big government parties, the only thing that differs is how much they move the line and what the big government spends the money on.

Whoever won the election we can be sure that the continuation of the Amerika we have all grown to fear will continue and systems like the TSA’s porno scanners and TRAPWIRE that monitor US civilians wherever they go will continue to feed into the rising police state system that seems to be expanding forever. A true liberal would be curtailing these excesses not expanding them.

Let me know what you feel about the result of the election with this poll below and leave your comments in the comment section if possible.

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The Campaign & comparisons to real US politics

October 7, 2012

The Campaign & comparisons to real US politics

By Dark Politricks

I watched the new Will Ferrel film, “The Campaign” the other day at the cinema.

I would class it as a comedy that wasn’t far off from pure satire and if you took the jokes out you would be left with 90% political reality when it comes to US politics.

Here are just a few examples from the film that can easily be related to actual political events or people in US elections.

1. You have a real dumb stupid candidate running for office that know even less about life and reality than Christine O’Donnel – hard I know but a long debate could be had about it for sure.

2. Politicians that mention the word “Jesus” along with “Support the troops” at any opportunity just because the “crowd loves it” and it makes them look patriotic.

3. Politicians who are in that large majority of people “following” the Christian faith but don’t chose to walk in Jesus’s footsteps. Basically people who believe they can do what they want as long as when they are caught out they repent their sins and ask for forgiveness from the lord and savior  People who drink, take drugs, have sex with prostitutes or affairs and then are forgiven by a public with a very short memory. I can think of more than a few politicians that meet this criteria on both sides of the aisle.

4. The “evil” billionaire brothers (mmm wonder who they could be satirising who believe they can just “buy” a district by supporting a candidate with huge amounts of money through Super PACS and donations. A candidate who is “in their pocket” and will do whatever they want including vote how they are told if elected. I wonder how many US politicians are enslaved by their election funders wishes?

5. The brothers belief that American wages are too high whilst Chinese workers, slaving away for only 50¢’s an hour (it might have even been a day) are just about right. They want to abolish all health and safety regulations, any form of workers rights or unions, age limits and basically turn a whole US district into a Chinese sweatshop colony inside the USA. Funny in the film but when you realise that American’s don’t make anything anymore and the USA’s biggest export is rubbish to China you don’t have to stretch your mind too far to believe it could happen seeing the US is indebted to China by a huge amount of money.

There are plenty of financial commentators who believe the USA is in the process of getting the country ready for Chinese style working and living conditions and they might not be so far fetched. The police state is already implemented and any recovery in the economy is going to be service based just like Thatchers transformation of the UK in the 80’s and we now all live in an economy that can always be bettered by a country willing to work for less. A country dependent on crooks and banksters to pay the bills is in an even worse position i.e City of London & the UK.

6. Sexual shenanigans by the politician that is instantly spun into a “positive” and then forgiven by the public due to the politician being a “real gun weilding man“. There was even a poster of Will Ferrell with his arm around a picture of Jesus on a massive billboard holding a gun.

7. The threats by the billionaire brothers to drop millions of dollars of negative advertising into the distinct labeling the opponent as a Marxist and Commie just because he owned a couple of Chinese dogs! It reminded me of that attack advert on Mitt Romney where he was criticised for speaking French!

8. The smile-less, Karl Rove like character that managed the campaign from the background. Spinning bad news into good and pulling strings in the background. Don’t all political campaigns have shadowy figures or people that “make things happen” and “clean up” after their candidates nowadays?

9. The Dick Cheney like incident in which one politician shot the other after he slept with his wife on a hunt and actually received a bump in the polls for doing so.

10. The electronic voting machines that were owned by the brothers company and insinuated that the vote had been fixed “their way” because of hacking. Computer hacking that has been proven again and again by the hacking of Diebold voting machines used in swing states like Ohio in recent elections.

Oh there were so many satirical comparisons that could be made you could go on forever but I would suggest to anyone that it is a good excuse to watch a funny film and just count those comparisons for yourself.

As they say Satire is often the truest way of seeing the idiocy of politics and politicians.