Posts Tagged ‘War’

The “EVIL” terrorists called the Taliban, tried to surrender to the Americans 3 times but were denied each time!

September 2, 2017

The “EVIL” terrorists called the Taliban, tried to surrender to the Americans 3 times but on each occasion told no!

Jimmy Dore Show
By Dark Politricks

I didn’t even know this but a new book has come out from an Afghani point of view about the endless war in Afghanistan.

I will let the video from the Jimmy Dore show explain in more detail but basically as soon as the USA had entered Afghanistan the Taliban tried to surrender to them. The USA said NO!

In fact this happened on multiple occasions when the Taliban tried to surrender. All the while there were about a dozen Al-Qaeda in the country and the USA let their CIA asset bin-Laden escape on more than one occasion.

Then when the Americans started offering money for information on the Taliban, local scores were settled and innocent people were carted off to Bagram or Gitmo to be tortured into confessing they were Taliban.

Here is Jimmy Dore with his video clip about the story.

Sad isn’t it when the enemy tries to surrender and the other side says no.

The USA always needs a boogeyman to scare the people at home with and keep the military industrial complex in business.

If it isn’t Iran or North Korea who have both tried to come to the table to make peace with America, then the USA will just make up stories of bad guys and terrorists to keep the MIC dollars rolling in.

The USA economy really has become a war economy.

An enemy is required at all times to scare the homeland, take away the freedoms that the “terrorists are trying to”, and keep a reason for the huge military budget.

Surely people can see that the freedoms the terrorists were going to remove have already gone, long ago.

They went through acts like the PATRIOT ACT, the NDAA and the emergency laws still in effect after 9.11 that gave the President certain special powers without Congress approval and much more.

This happened all because the US people were scared and wanted protection from ghosts rather than civil rights and the constitution.

The founding fathers said all this, but I guess the Americans just didn’t want to listen.

By Dark Politricks


© 2017 Dark Politricks

Is George Orwell the 20th century Nostradamus

January 18, 2017

Is George Orwell the 20th century Nostradamus

Do young kids even care about Privacy anymore?
By Dark Politricks

The Snoopers Charter is now the most draconian Internet law in the world.

I bet at least half if not 70% of people today in the UK, don’t even realise what this draconian law is and that is now on the books. If you don’t you better start reading my friend before you are forced into intricate flag waving ceremonies and hand salutes for Theresa May.

Do you care or are you too busy playing candy crush and taking selfies of you on the toilet to worry about antiquated ideas like privacy.

Privacy was once something to be protected. Now it’s a commodity to be sold or to be used to track you down by private investigators, ex partners, the police, MI6/6 a

In the UK we are now living in George Orwell’s prophetic 1984.

This was the futuristic tale written by the author in 1949 by George Orwell  after the 2nd world war.

In the book, he imagined a world constantly at war, enemies to the North, South, East and West, millions of people working for the state apparatus, and a million people dying daily fighting on the front line.

The “Ministry of Truth” where old news stories were carefully amended to show an altered vision of history as alliances change and battles won. Oh and of course the thousands of spies and traitors who had to be weeded out by Big Brother and his double agents.

The book does remind me strongly of the present day.

Alliances swap and change so often, people you were told were eating babies yesterday and fighting tooth and nail against you are now your allies, standing shoulder to shoulder fighting alongside you on the front line against what are probably tomorrow’s allies.

Propaganda is news to be believed as it comes straight from the word of the Great Leader or the State in our case.

Of course any dissidents who try and provide actual facts or a non biased point of view on any conflict are labelled traitors, conspiracy theorists and jailed for long sentences if not silently killed.

A more subtle way in this age of information technology where a GPS chip in your arm, or more precisely your phone, tracks all your movements for the state our #altnews internet sites are taken down or dropped in the Google rankings after sitting at the top for years. Bureaucrats decide what is “fake news” and “real news” and then warn potential readers they may be entering a free thinking zone.

One day an ally in a war is to be against all forms of torture, killing of innocents and despises religious fundamentalism, child killers and suicide bombs. Just like the Syrian Free Army, who were a non jihadist, anti Assad force. The next thing you know they sold all the arms and equipment we had given them to ISIS , ransomed off American journalists to ISIS to be beheaded for cash and prayed to allah as they machine gunned down captors in the street or cut open their victims chests before eating their hearts and lungs.

Alliances change like snowflakes in the wind it seems and the globalist don’t give a shit who they are working with as long as it meets their objective.

We have even got to the stage where al-Qaeda our “mortal enemy” (2 men in a cave), are sometimes on our side. Using pseudo names like al-Nusra Front they are labelled as anti Assad fighters and not jihadists. I’d like to see the command and control structure in that office.

Of course who dies, which states crumble and how many millions of migrants enter Europe to carry out ISIS attacks on Paris night clubs doesn’t matter to the powers that be.

They get their kicks off on a Friday night lying naked in some open coffin wanking off to the names of their ex lovers (I wonder if that includes little boys and girls….) and have all their mates watch and cheer. Then they finish the night off with a nice “pizza” as they discuss the next destabilisation plan on the table.

Then as politics and the war changes, the idea to be at perpetual war to keep the citizens at home and frightened (sound familiar), the alliances change so that in the hall of records this previous alliance is airbrushed out of history and the strength of unity and purpose that our new alliance brings is fully documented.

George Orwell had an uncanny knack of seeing into the future or his tale was picked on as some sort of template to base our war economy on.

We already have the Telescreens in our rooms and the Snoopers Charter (and US Terms and Conditions) make it exactly that.

If you have a built in Web Cam for Skype or games just beware it’s two way. If you can use it, so can the police and MI5/6 use it to watch you, and with the new Snooper Charter Law they don’t even need a warrant. So when you send that next sex text to you baby mama just be on notice the local drug squad could all be having a giggle.

“They” are watching and listening to you through your digital accessories on TV’s, Phones, PC’s, laptops, tablets anything that can be hacked (most things) and profiling you just as in the book 1984.

You can get all techie about it as I write here about some of the ways to mitigate such surveillance or a quick list on journalists who were followed and harassed, some killed, but a quick list would be.

Encrypt your phone in the settings with a long upper and lower case passwords only you know.

Use patterns to access all your favourite apps. 4 digit pins are easily breakable in 5 mins but a pattern you have got wrong a hundred times before is a lot harder.

Turn your location off. Why do you need to see where you drove around for the last week or so or what time you stopped at the local McDonalds. Not very interesting but it just might be for people watching you.

Use Anti Virus tools on your phone. MalwareBytes is free and good for both PC and phone. Clean Master is also good and CM Security allows you to add patterns/pin codes/finger prints to open apps and files if you phone doesn’t have it built in.

Don’t use the default Text or Phone app you get on your phone. All these calls and messages will be saved at Vodafone HQ for a year or more in case the cops come calling. Just deleting them off your phone does nothing as they are still on your phone providers servers.

Install Telegram , Viber or if you must Wickr . A BT Sim only plan will get you on the internet in most place so you can video call Japan – encrypted – all without using up your minutes. Same goes for texts. Telegram / Wickr allow you to delete your texts after X days/weeks/months with a self destruct option that if you don’t use your app within X days or so it will delete the whole account.

So if your phone goes “missing” you can be safe knowing as they are dictionary cracking your passwordsock them out after 3 failed goes and attempting patterns that will l your texts will get deleted.

Also BT uses DCHP which means everytime I go on the web I get a new IP address this pisses me off no end as I need to add it into my firewall to SFTP or stop myself being blocked out my own site.

However it also means it makes it a lot harder over historical period to see what you were up to when they cannot trace the IP address to you especially when you went through a number of proxies.

That is of course unless you have already been hacked and all your history lies at GCHQ – the great hall of records, history, fake history and “we are all doing this for your own protection”.

So just use masking tape over your phones camera or webcam if you are not planning on using it and the same goes for your microphone.

Sometimes the best ways are the oldest. And if your really paranoid, which you should be as no-one, no matter what gibberish they spout has “nothing to hide, nothing to fear” – it’s about liberty and not living in a police state where anyone in a uniform can “demand your papers”. If you are really going off the grid then you should learn how to use pigeons to send messages up and down the country like the olden times of yore.

So what is it with all these shifting alliances, especially with the most barbaric country in the world, and biggest fund raiser of terrorism, Saudi Arabia.

Well we are doing it to keep one of the few UK industries that is actually not running offshore after BREXIT, the arms industry, booming.

By selling weapons to Saudi Arabia and Qatar who then use them to kill kids in Yemen and then allow them to pass on the equipment and supply them to ISIS to fight themselves – convoluted I know but apparently despite funding and arming ISIS like Turkey they are also in an alliance to destroy them.

This anti ISIS alliance means nothing of course and history like Orwell predicted will be rewritten, but the amount of US/UK arms being found in overrun ISIS positions just shows our duplicity and complicity in the whole nefarious debacle.

George Orwell’s 1984, a tale of fiction not a road map to future militarism and a police state

We are living in a surveillance state.
We are being watched.

George Orwells oath to Big Brother


Read the original article Was George Orwell the 20th century Internet Nostradamus on the main site


By Dark Politricks

© 2017 By Dark Politricks

Russia could overrun the Eastern NATO forces within an hour

October 15, 2016

Russia could overrun the Eastern NATO forces within an hour

By Dark Politricks

Hey everybody, don’t be scared but Russia could overrun the eastern European NATO forces within an hour and then be heading to Paris like Hitler on a tank within a day.

Even the US admit this.

So lets not start a nuclear war with them over Syria please?

View the original article on
By Dark Politricks

© 2016 Dark Politricks

You do NOT have a choice in the US Presidential election!

December 18, 2015

You do NOT have a choice in the US Presidential election!

By Dark Politricks

No Difference between the GOP and Democrat
There is no difference between the Republicans and Democrats

I know that Conservatives in the US call Obama a Marxist and the Democrats attack the GOP as money grabbers for the rich, but in reality there is very little difference between the GOP and the Democrats.

From my perspective across the pond I haven’t seen the US change for the better since all my years of being interested in US politics. This includes both Republican and Democratic Presidencies as well as times where the President was of the same party that controlled both houses of Congress yet still didn’t push through policies you would expect them to.

Both the GOP and Democratic parties are:

  • Pro war, even if it means possible world war with Russia/China.
  • Pro Israel and pro AIPAC / JDL plus anti Palestinian rights.
  • Pro regime change (Iraq, Libya, Ukraine & Syria to name a few).
  • Pro drone strikes even on US citizens without judicial review.
  • Pro Bankster & Wall St and anti Working Class & main street.
  • Pro Police arbitrary killings. It feels as if the streets of some US cities are full of uninformed paramilitary death squads at the moment.
  • Pro NSA/FBI/CIA/Homeland security spying on you through your cars GPS, phones microphone/cameras, websites visited from your ISPs and server log files and even now through your TV!

If you have a new “Smart TV”, have you actually read the privacy statement they make you sign in detail?

If not do so!

I read my new 4k TVs statement the other night and it mentioned built-in microphones and cameras installed into the TV to take photos of you for facial recognition and even to record your height, weight and vocal patterns.

Of course they claim that this is just to help deliver you tailored adverts and help with certain smart apps such as those that use voice commands or hand gestures but all this data goes off to a 3rd party company first to be analysed.

The legalese didn’t mention who got access to this data or how long it was stored just that it could be used by the appropriate authorities and that non compliance was covered by New York Law.

Therefore if you break your new Smart TV’s terms and conditions in any way you can have US policemen coming to arrest you wherever you are in the world. I have to wonder which 3 letter agencies get access to all this data, it really has become that Telescreen from George Orwell’s 1984, if not I don’t know how much closer they can become.

Just like phones which when switched off still have enough power to ping the phone masts and therefore record your whereabouts, I’d have a good bet that there is just enough power when your TV is in standby mode to record you through the microphone and camera.

Therefore don’t rely on turning off your camera/microphone in the settings, if you are that paranoid go back to basics and cover them with masking tape. The simplest methods are best. However when even your TV is a sophisticated computer that can spy on you and record your actions and speech then we really have entered George Orwell’s dystopian world.

Also people forget that our phones are those microchips everybody worried about having implanted in them to keep track of them by the Government in the 90s. It was the big thing, being chipped, a conspiracy theory that was just in the mind of tin foil hat wearing loons. However we happily take our phones with us everywhere we go. We constantly “Sign In”, and “log where we are”, “tag who we are with”, and write down everything we are doing. Leaving a nice long trail of our life on the Internet to be remembered for decades to come.

To the youngsters of today there is no concept of privacy and they seem happy to give that away for the ability to communicate and therefore be logged and recorded.

With our mobile and household tracking devices we can now be located and spied on 24/7 and if you are a terrorist, domestic extremist, protester or even a citizen journalist (under new US combatant rules), you could find yourself being the target of something nasty flying through the air.

Microsoft, Facebook and Google constantly hand over all your private chat data, search requests, emails, and history of websites that we’ve visited to the authorities. Both if asked and sometimes just as standard due to their close relationships with the alphabet agencies of the US surveillance state. Google took seed money from the CIA and helped them design some of the NSA’s searching algorithms for programs similar to those Snowden leaked such as PRISM and XKeyScore. Plus Microsoft was adding chips into their PC’s from the 90’s to help the NSA override any secure cryptography so that they could access your PC at will. Even the BBC reported on it in this 1999 article.

There is no difference between Democrats and Republicans on the issue of national security which means knowing as much as possible about as many people as possible.

ISIS which is a creation of US/UK Middle Eastern foreign policy, just as al-Qaeda was a database of CIA cut out agents/Jihadists, used to destabilise countries as ex UK Foreign Minister, Robin Cook wrote about, are used to scare us into just handing over all our civil liberties that the terrorists supposedly hate us for having. The US were bombing ISIS for a year as their Caliphate grew in size. Therefore they were either very bad at their bombing campaign compared to the Russians or they were allowing them to survive. Using the existence of these terrorists as an excuse to cut our civil liberties is basically doing their job for them.

If they truly “hate us for our freedoms”, as George W Bush famously said, we shouldn’t hand all our freedoms away never for them to return with laws like the Patriot ACT and the NDAA and in the UK the multitude of anti-terrorism bills that have been passed.

So it’s the same with all 3 states in the Axis of War, the UK, France and the USA who have all suspended certain rights and freedoms due to the “threat” of terrorism.

I’d really like to see both Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn be leaders of both the USA and UK at the same time JUST TO SEE if REAL CHANGE is even possible from the top down.

When Obama came into office on a wave of support due to his meaningless chant of “We Can Change”, it seemed to me that the slogan was purely about the colour of the White House occupants. Therefore I don’t even believe real change from the top is actually possible, never been tried, or just stopped by the main string pullers from behind the curtains. Having two characters like Bernie and Corbyn in power would at least show us if it was still possible to change the world for the better whether you like their policies or not.

If both these men did have full control and held true to the principles they currently state then in power we should see:

  • Less prison for drugs and minor offences.
  • Less Banksters running a mock with our tax payers money and no “too big to fail or jail” companies allowed to bank roll terrorists and drug cartels (e.g HSBC).
  • Less spending on the department of war and more on education, job creation, house building and investment in the people and country instead of wasting it on £800,000 missiles that are fired into rubble in pointless overseas wars.
  • Less stupid overtures that suggest our leaders want to start a new cold (or even hot) war with Russia. They seem to forget Russia helped solve the Iran nuclear deal, remove chemical weapons from Syria and are basically crushing DAESH in Syria despite Turkey and Saudi Arabian support for the Jihadists.
  • Less power to corporations who are NOT real people with feelings and emotions yet in the USA under law they are treated as such and so during elections pump millions into campaigns of people who will benefit them if they get into power.
  • Better and cheaper health care free at the point of use in the US, and less middle management and PPI hospitals in the UK that are bankrupting us into the future.
  • Free adult education and the ability to retrain and gain new skills throughout your life to keep you in a job. Having taxpaying workers is much better than people relying on state handouts.
  • Oh and all the stolen civil liberties we have had removed from us due to the “War on Terror” returned in the hundreds.

The Two Faced Janus Coin of American Politics

The two faced Janus coin of US politics
Both Main Parties in the USA Serve The Same Interests

These are all good reasons why we need strong 3rd parties in the USA and UK.

Many Europeans don’t even realise that 3rd parties exist in the USA. Parties such as the Greens, Libertarians, Justice Party and even (shock horror) socialists!

Major political reform is needed so that these parties get a fair shake of the whip during elections, can debate the other parties on the major networks, and get the air time they require to make a dent into the two-faced Janus coin called American Democratic elections. Of course the reason they don’t is that the debates are all staged collusion with the networks who are all filled with COINTELPRO government mouthpieces. They have no urge to see REAL change come to the USA and actually do something to shake up the status quo.

How many Americans know they are still living under “Emergency Laws” enacted after 9 11 giving the President ultimate power. When will this end?

How good would an alliance be between the UK and the USA that would get on with other nations better and stop real evil e.g Israeli illegal occupation of Palestinian lands and Chinese/Saudi treatment of their people instead of selling weapons and outsourcing all our jobs to them.

Money should not matter more than morals but to George Osborne, Obama and the US/UK arms companies who must carry on their trade it seemingly does.

Our allies are not dissimilar to our enemies e.g ISIS and Saudi Arabia, yet we allow the 7th century hypocritical scum that the Saudi’s are to continue with own Janus act of both funding and fighting terrorism.

However will this ever happen or will the establishment prevent the elections of such men as Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn  due to the threat of real change?

The realistic outcome is that some idiot like Donald Trump or a warmonger like Hillary Clinton will get into power in the USA to reign alongside an equally right-wing Tory party in the UK and the Axis of War will roll on…..

One can only wish…..

Remember, as George Orwell famously said:

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength

Oh, and you do have a real choice in your elections.


View the original article at the main site

By Dark Politricks


© 2015 Dark Politricks

Brother Nathanael’s Views on why Turkey shot down a Russian jet and his view on Mossad links to the French terrorist attacks

December 7, 2015

Brother Nathanael’s Views on why Turkey shot down a Russian jet and his view on Mossad links to the French terrorist attacks

Brother Nathanael
By Dark Politricks

I like Brother Nathanael, as a non Zionist, ex Jew converted to Christianity, he calls Israel and Mossad out for all the things that they are doing to stir the wars up around the world.

Therefore when he criticizes Israel and their foreign policy you should listen to him. He isn’t being forced to tell the “official line” or lies about what is going on. He tells it as it is, so believe him or not, you should still listen to him.

Brother Nathanael discusses why Turkey, the supporter of DAESH, shot down the Russian jet

Brother Nathanael discusses the real reasons why Turkey shot down the Russian jet that was bombing the snake of oil trucks sliding its way to Turkey for the Turks to buy, and therefore funding Daesh and other jihadists that they are supposed to be fighting.

Watch the original video on

Brother Nathanael discusses the Paris terrorist attacks and Mossad’s involvement in them

I have been saying for ages now on this site and social media how odd it is that DAESH or ISIL/ISIS has not been concerned with Israel but more with Christians and other Muslims.

Unlike other terrorist groups who blame their hatred on the west for our support of the Zionist and increasingly racist state of Israel, not much has come out of the mouths of DAESH.

This is the most well funded, best armed and manned terrorist army ever known to man and they are right on Israel’s border in Syria.

Yet Israel seems more concerned with kids throwing stones at Israeli tanks before killing them in Gaza and the West Bank than this well armed terrorist monster. Why?

Well watch this video by Brother Nathaniel and you might get some clues to Mossad’s involvement in the creation and existence of DAESH.

He claims Israel have even been taken injured al-Nusra terrorists (the al-Qaeda branch in Syria), into their hospitals to patch them up, before sending them back to the front line. Even Jewish papers have made simuilar claims so this is nothing out of the blue.

What is unsurprising to me but may shock others is that Mossad has apparently infiltrated DAESH at the highest places, even pretending to be Inmans and then ordering terrorist attacks that benefit the Jewish state.

If this is true then this surely another sign that they were probably doing the same with al-Qaeda and I have reported on Mossad creating fake al-Qaeda cells many times before. This also lends even more credence to the Mossad 9.11 false flag attack theory.

This is based around the fact that more Jews than Muslims (probably all known Mossad agents in the country), were arrested in the days after 9.11. They were kept for a long time and then deported. Why? What questions were they asked and why were they arrested in the first place? Who got them released and why were they held so long? All questions I would love to know the answers to.

A truck driven by a Mossad linked company with the same type of bolt cutters that the terrorists apparently used on the hijacked planes was found in New York by Police who thought they were about to carry out another terrorist attack and the Mossad agents who were arrested filming the attacks across the river and admitted on Israeli TV that they were sent to “document the event”.

Watch it here if you have not seen it before.

Oh and that doesn’t even mention half of the other links including the fact that Mossad were apparently following these 9.11 hijackers around the US for months before hand, even living doors away from some of them.

This story even appeared on the rabid pro-Israeli FOX News website until AIPAC managed to get it taken down. Luckily I have a full copy for you to read here.

So to hear that Mossad is once again fighting “By Way of Deception”, is no surprise, and it perfectly explains why ISIS is not even bothered about Israel.

Remember the ex Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky (another self hating Jew – there is quite a lot of them it seems) claimed that Israel’s plan was to get the US and their western allies to do all their dirty work for them.

They successfully tricked the Americans into bombing Libya in the 80’s, then planned to get the US to get rid of Saddam Hussein (then a US ally against Iran), and finally President Assad in Syria.

It seems all their plans have almost come to fruition until the appearance of Russia helping to defend the Assad regime.

You can read part of his book “By way of deception” here. 

Watch Brother Nathanael discuss why Israel is not scared by DAESH and is in fact helping them.

Watch the original video on

You can and definitely should subscribe to all Brother Nathanael’s videos on his YouTube channel here.

By Dark Politricks


View the original article on the main site at

© Dark Politricks 2015

Why Was Russell Brand attacked for linking British Foreign Policy to Terrorism?

July 7, 2015

Why Was Russell Brand attacked for linking British Foreign Policy to Terrorism?

By Dark Politricks

Whilst I have the utmost respect for all the British and other victims of the Terrorist attack in Tunisia last week, I think the attack on Russell Brands podcast on today’s minute of silence as “Total Bullshit”, was a “Total Smokescreen” when you really listen to what he said.

If you forget the maybe crass way he says it and actually listen to what he says later on, he makes many good points about British Foreign Policy and how it has contributed to the rise of ISIS in the first place.

As David Cameron discusses extending his bombing campaign on ISIS from just Iraq to targets over the border in Syria we must remember the simple fact that no war has ever been won by just bombing from the air.

If we want to create more terrorists then yes, the plan will work. Bombs are indiscriminate no matter how much the Government and Armed Forces tell you otherwise.

We didn’t win the war in Libya from our bombing campaign. It was the rebels on the ground that took advantage of our air support to defeat Gaddafi and turn Libya into the civil war mess it now is.

Libya is now  place where the “official government” has to meet on a ship at sea to protect it from attack.

Where thousands of people every day try to escape its shores by paying criminals to take them in dangerous boats to Europe, and where we wash our hands of them.

Risking death in the Mediterranean
Libyan refugees risk death to flee their war-torn country
Libya's people smugglers
People smugglers take advantage of desperate people in the Mediterranean

Doesn’t seem fair does it?

We destroy what once one of the most prosperous countries in Africa because we decided to support one side in a civil war after years of supporting al-Qaeda linked, anti Gaddafi terrorists, before making up with Gaddafi at Blairs famous meeting with the Colonel in the desert.

This was when normal relations resumed e.g arms sales in return for the Lockerbie suspects being handed over to face trial in Scotland and our oil companies being able to milk the countries reserves.

Then we decided to turn about-face, despite Gaddafi helping the CIA/MI6 with their black site torture prisons, and take him out of the picture.

Maybe he was just too much of a threat having talked about an African union, no central bank control and a shared Gold backed currency for the region.

Did you know that when Colonel Gaddafi took over Libya in 1967 it was one of the poorest nations in Africa but by the time he was killed by NATO and it’s goons on the ground, Gaddafi had turned Libya into Africa’s wealthiest nation.

It had the highest life expectancy and GDP per capita on the continent. I bet you didn’t even realise that fewer people lived below the poverty line in Libya than in the Netherlands!

People in pre NATO Libya could count on free education, free health care, a free home upon getting married, oil being shared out amongst the people and no central bank run by the same bankster cartel we all know and love.

Gaddafi even wanted to unite Africa under a single currency, a bit like the Euro, except it would be backed by Gold and therefore worth the paper it was written on.

We all know what happened to the last 3 US Presidents who tried going against the Banksters and their central banks, the same fate fell Gaddafi as did JFK. Was this a coincidence or just bad luck?

Whatever the reason was, Libya fell apart was due to NATO suddenly going from an ally in the fight against the war on terror – even sending Gitmo destined prisoners there to be tortured, to a terrorist backer. They provided the air cover and bombs that destroyed Libyan infrastructure before allowing their NATO armed terrorists on the ground to put a bullet in his head.

The country is now a mess and not a good advert for British intervention. The fact we are now trying to wash our hands of the mess we have caused by preventing refugees from Libya reaching Britain doesn’t exactly say much about our leaders humanitarian nature.

British victims arrive back in Britian
A victim of the Tunisian beach attack is flown home today to RAF Brize Norton

So what about the ISIS terrorist who killed British terrorists?

Seifeddine Rezgui
Seifeddine Rezgui posing with weapons for ISIS

Yes of course it was a horrible disgusting evil act when an ISIS inspired student gunman, Seifeddine Rezgui, took it upon himself to kill 38 people in Tunisia including 30 British tourists.

This was a student who received military training in the war-torn country we helped to destroy, Libya, before taking it upon himself to kill and maim dozens of British and other Europeans on the beach of a holiday resort during the supposedly peaceful Islamic holiday of Ramadan.

ISIS has taken over from al-Qaeda as the big bogey man we should all be looking under our beds each night.

Islamic State are the most well-funded, well-equipped terrorist force on the planet and as their name states, Islamic State, they DO actually have a constantly expanding border that ignores previous Middle Eastern lines that were drawn across the borders of Iraq and Syria.

So while David Cameron puts forward plans to bomb Syria, and the Tories line up legislation to remove more of our civil rights, I bet that a huge proportion of Daily Mail readers will support such “Thought Police” laws and be all too willing to denounce any opponents as domestic extremists.

So with all these new laws and previous military action carried out in the region w e should really ask the question that no Tory/Labour politician seems to want to answer – have we helped create this monster?

Whilst they may claim otherwise the answer is YES. 

Yes Islamic terrorist acts occurred before 9.11 but they were mainly all due to the never-ending issue of Israel / Palestine.

If only the USA could pull its finger out its ass, stop AIPAC owned Congressmen from railroading any attempt at a fair solution and put pressure on Israel to come to a negotiated settlement that doesn’t humiliate the Palestinians and adheres to International Law.

This form of law is supposed to be respected by all countries, and it was mainly created after World War II to punish the Germans for their treatment of the Jews, plus their illegal wars. Remember after Nuremberg it was decreed that the worst crime a state could commit was a war of aggression (a pre-emptive war you could say).

Yet how many pre-emptive wars have the Axis of War started since then?

Just in the last few decades (the Taliban did not commit 9.11 no matter how far you stretch the official story), and not to mention all the other underhand wars by proxy or through the use of false flag attacks to give cover such as Vietnam in earlier years.

Don’t you think it hypocritical that the Jewish People, who through their Nuremberg judges had many Nazis and Germans put to death for “following orders” but are now killing Palestinians en mass whenever they invade Gaza (as even the Zionist Judge Goldstone reported on).

Plus the US seems fine about opting out of the International Criminal Court and allowing its own soldiers to commit acts of torture on command, sometimes as MI5/MI6 officers stand around watching, as British citizens are beaten and tortured by their CIA counterparts for refusing to answer the British Security Forces questions.

To say our foreign policy has no part to play in the radicalization of a large number of disaffected Muslims is to ignore a major component in solving the problem. Does our government really just think these people kill us for no other reason than they “hate our dwindling freedoms” or that they just want to reach paradise?

If it’s our freedoms they hate then that argument will soon no longer exist as we seem to be very busy handing them over on a plate. In the not too distant future even this bogus reason drummed out by FOX and other mainstream media companies won’t be valid.

From our rights to protest, to our right to surf the Internet in peace without being monitored and logged to our right to free speech, our civil liberties are being demolished chunk by chunk.

If the Tories get their way we could all be labelled domestic extremists if you dare speak your mind and it doesn’t fit with the Government line on a subject. Want to talk to your girlfriend in peace without anyone spying in on your saucy chat by using an encrypted chat service, well you must have something to hide under new plans by the Conservative government. Only terrorists use encryption don’t you know?

As Russell Brand says in his podcast the minute silence held on Friday was a way for the Government to act as if it cared about the dead holiday makers whilst it continued to carry on selling arms to some of the most despotic regimes in the world.

Not only are we selling arms to Bahrain and Egypt, two countries who have recently cracked down on its own people, killing many and repealing the rights of millions, but we are selling billions of weapons to one of the cruelest countries on the face of the planet – Saudi Arabia.

This is a country who is engaged in a massive bombing campaign in Yemen, killing innocent civilians, using banned weapons and with hardly a whisper being mentioned about the slaughter in the mainstream news.

Why is it this Islamic State is being helped by the British whilst we are supposedly fighting another Islamic State in Iraq/Syria?

David Cameron was criticised the other day for not calling Islamic State just that, saying it was not truly Islamic and not a state. From where I am looking it seems to fit the bill perfectly. They adhere to strict Islamic law, just like Saudi Arabia and the Islamic courts in Iran and they seem to have their own state, one that issues its own gold based currency, sells oil to Syria and Turkey and is well-funded and armed.

As for fighting it, are really doing all we can or do we like the fact that a huge terrorist organisation is there to scare the masses and keep the military industrial complexes coffers full?

There have been many reports of British and US planes caught dropping Israeli and US/UK weapons to the very army we are supposed to be fighting. This is from a report in an Australian newspaper in February 2015.

Iraq’s army has shot down two British planes carrying weapons for ISIL terrorists in Iraq’s Al Anbar province.

Hakem al-Zameli, head of the Iraqi Parliament’s National Security and Defence Committee revealed that the committee “has access to the photos of both planes that are British and have crashed while they were carrying weapons for the ISIL,” FARS News reported. The senior lawmaker said that the Iraqi parliament has asked London for explanations and added it is receiving daily reports from security forces and people in the province on countless flights led by the U.S.-led coalition’s planes, which airdrop weapons and supplies for the group in terrorist-held areas.

The Iraqi lawmaker explained that the United States prefers the chaotic situation in the province because it reportedly does not want the ISIL crisis to come to an end. The al-Ahed news website quoted Khalaf Tarmouz, head of Al Anbar Provincial Council saying that they have “discovered weapons made in the United States, European countries and Israel from the areas liberated from ISIL’s control in Al-Baqdadi region.” Mr Tarmouz added that the weapons made by European nations and Israel was discovered from the terrorists in the Eastern parts of Ramadi.

Read more at:

Apart from our lacklustre or duplicitous fight against ISIS in one region we are also busy arming some of the most human right abusing nations on the face of the earth. In fact from our own list of 28 potential human rights abusing countries, we are currently selling arms to 23 of them!

How is that for hypocrisy?

Does this list of human rights abuses mean anything as it sure doesn’t look that way.

If we wanted to try to repeal the tide of Islamic extremism in the world and take our holiday makers faces out of the firing line then maybe we should be strictly adhering to lists such as these and banning companies such as BAE from selling weapons to countries who publicly whip and jail women who have been gang raped purely because they left the house by themselves. A medieval country that is no better in my eyes than the Islamic State to the North.

Maybe we should be a voice for reason and legality by not being scared of the USA or Israel and their lobby groups and say loudly that:

a) Israel is a war criminal when it slaughters children and women in the street when it attacks Gaza en mass after it feebly retaliated for the slaughter of its own citizens. It always seems to be the Palestinians fault but you only need look a few days ahead before finding some Israeli crime that was the instigator of any firecracker launched against Israel’s “Iron Dome”.

b) We should say that the USA is not the bastion of freedom and democracy that it pretends to be and that it’s new “laws of war” that have legitimised the killing of journalists as “unprivileged belligerents” is unacceptable along with the killing of retreating troops.

We should also try to revert the tide of war by using some logic for once and realise that our foreign policy IS a major contributor to many people’s radicalization that leads them into the hands of extremist groups.

  1. We need to do all we can to resolve the Israeli / Palestinian conflict. Recognise Palestine as a country in the UN and give it the ability to take Israel to court for crimes it has committed. Force Israel to define its borders, return the illegal settlers to within Israeli borders as defined by the UN decades ago, stop the blockade on Gaza and attack all (recent and previous), hijackings of aid flotillas as Piracy on the high seas. Tony Blair was a Zionist stooge who cared little about peace and more about making money as Official Middle Eastern Peace Envoy. We need to get Israel to play in the same legal framework as other countries that we are expecting to such as Iran who we are expecting to bend over backwards to prove they have no nuclear ambitions without a bomb in sight, whilst Israel is sitting on a stockpile of at least 200 war heads and is not even a member of the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty. Hypocrisy!
  2. We should realise that we have caused more extremism than if we had just left well alone in Iraq. Saddam Hussein may have been a horrible dictator but at least the 3 countries we cobbled together with the French after World War I stuck together without infighting. It seems cruel to say but if the Arab Spring has shown us something it is that if we remove the Western backed dictators that were ruling these countries that seem to fall apart into civil war and ethnic strife pretty quickly. We had no reason to go to war with Iraq our ex ally apart from the fact Tony Blair promised to George W (I speak to God) Bush that he would. What happened, Iran has taken control of the Shia’s in the South, the Kurds have basically created their own country to the north and the Sunnis have created the beast of ISIS in the rest of the country. Splitting the country into three parts on ethnic lines seems the logical way forward if we don’t want ISIS to take all before it.
  3. We should admit that supporting “moderate” groups fighting Assad in Syria, like the Free Syrian Army, was a mistake. These groups are now ISIS controlled and there even been instances of western air drops of supplies falling into ISIS held locations and UK planes being shot down by Iraqi defence forces for seemingly dropping supplies to Islamic State deliberately. The FSA has been found to have sold kidnapped journalists to ISIS who were then beheaded as well as committing despicable acts of its own such as the famous video of a FSA solider ripping the heart and lungs out of a dead Syrian solider and eating them on tape. There are NO moderates to support and if we want to defeat ISIS we should be willing to admit that the only real forces on the ground willing to do the fighting for us are the Syrian Army, The Kurds and the Iranians who have been the only forces along with Shia militias preventing the US trained Iraqi forces from turning tail and running away like they have done on numerous occasions even when outnumbering their enemy. We should forget past and current issues and support Iran and Syria in their fight against ISIS as surely they are the lesser of two evils?
  4. We should ask WHY is it that Israel feels no threat from ISIS on their doorstep. When every other Islamic terrorist group in history has labelled the Israeli conflict as the major point of grievance, ISIS has been very quiet on the matter. You would think Israel who is always going on about how they are fighting for their very existence in the region, would be scared shitless of such a well-funded and armed group on their borders. Instead they are more worried about firecrackers from Gaza than the tens of thousands of well equipped Islamic nutters on their flank. Could it be down to the fact they are arming them in a divide and conquer tactic? Iraq and Syria’s armies are no more and the Greater Israel project could be back on seeing they have no fixed borders. Do they see this as a chance to expand or are they not scared for some other reason. Why is it ISIS are not even considering attacking Israel when any Islamic terrorist group worth its name with as much weaponry and money as they have would have them as their number one target?

Watch Russell Brand talk about’ Foreign Policy Hypocrisy

Whatever you think about Russell Brand he makes some good points about UK foreign policy in this podcast.

View his reaction to the horrific events in Tunisia and the response of David Cameron.

If British foreign policy is truly a force for democracy then why does the UK sell arms to repressive states?

View Russell Brand and “Tunisia Minute Of Silence – Total Bullshit: Russell Brand The Trews (E350)” on

By Dark Politricks


View the original article on my main site at


© 2015 Copyright Dark Politricks

The War On ISIS – Killing The Islamic State

February 23, 2015

The War On ISIS – Killing The Islamic State

By Dark Politricks

ISIS or “Islamic State” as they call themselves, is as barbaric a group as they come. However the misnomer of the term Islamic State is being used to justify attacks on all Muslims whether they are fundamentalists or moderates. Not all Muslims are the same just as not all Christians or Jews are. The same goes for Atheists, Buddhists and any other group of people on this planet whether the Daily Mail tells you differently or not.

Whilst ISIS may believe they are an Islamic State or a new Caliphate for the 21st century. Other Islamic States such as Iran and Saudi Arabia are fighting or preparing to fight against them. Not all Islamic States are the same either whether they put that title in their countries name or not.

There have been many Islamic Caliphates ( Islamic Governments ) throughout history and as with most religions the concept itself is split on tribal lines with Sunnis believing that the leader of any Caliphate should be elected by the Muslim people themselves whilst the Shia’s believe that only a direct descendant from Muhammad’s family can call himself a leader.

History shows that Islamic Governments who ruled from the Middle East to Europe, North Africa and at one point encompassing half of Spain, had at times more welcoming views to other religions than even the Christian Empires of the time. They allowed Jews and Christians to live amongst them and society was pluralistic as it could be under the circumstances of the age. Not all empires were welcoming but during the “golden age” of Islam the leaders of their lands did nothing to harm people of different belief systems living amongst them.

At one point the Umayyad Caliphate covered 5.17 million square miles, making it the largest empire the world had yet seen, and the fifth-largest ever to exist in history. The Ottoman Empire was Islamic in nature and trade, science and culture flourished throughout Islamic States at various points.

It was never the home to such people as those now calling themselves the new Islamic Caliphate.

However ISIS, just like the Taliban with their fundamentalist nature,believe in a strict interpretation of the Koran, and therefore ban music, dancing, and many modern items which seems to contradict directly their love of social media as a tool to spread their message on YouTube and Facebook. Most importantly pictures of the prophet are banned 100%. We have all witnessed the attacks on journalists who print cartoons of him, and it seems to be the ultimate insult that one can take to many Muslims around the world.

It seems as if these people believe the 7th century was the end of all human advancement in Culture, Science and Ethics.

Most importantly this group of people believe that it is okay to kill any human, whether woman, child or OAP, Christian or Muslim, who doesn’t believe in their cruel barbaric form of governance.

You may have seen all the videos, accompanied by beautiful Islamic music, as people in cars film themselves doing drive by shootings on main roads in northern Iraq. Swerving back to ensure the occupants of any vehicle are killed fully and properly and any survivors of their attacks are filmed pleading for their lives before being shot in dug outs or cut to bits with knives and swords. They seem to think this indiscriminate slaughter is a propaganda tool for anyone witnessing it and they seem to be right as many young people flock to the Middle East to join their cause.

Even with all the numerous witnesses and dead victims appearing all over the place people, websites, news stations such as FOX and even forensic analysts are claiming that the recently heavily edited ISIS videos of Jihad John beheading captured journalists and aid workers, and even the burning alive of the captured Syrian pilot, are actually faked or staged.

Why ISIS would need to stage brutal killings when they have proven themselves to be sick murdering bastards by raping young girls and killing opponents by the truck load I don’t know. I have seen videos of whole convoys of trucks carrying captured Iraqi males being driven to a ditch where they are taken and shot. These are in no way heavily edited films and many are shot on phone cameras by the soldiers fighting for ISIS themselves.

However leaving aside any debate on fakery when it comes to beheadings, what I do know is that the rise of ISIS is a foreign policy error of the axis of war, and the US/UK’s training and funding of “moderate” anti Assad groups like the Free Syrian Army have not helped one bit. These groups have shown themselves to be just as barbaric as the rest of the groups fighting in Syria and any funding or training by Qatar, Saudi Arabia or the CIA have just helped to make ISIS into one of the most formidable terrorist groups in history.

We can all follow the trail of this conflict back to the “successful” overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya, a country which is now a mess and a huge training base for pro ISIS groups and then to Iraq and Afghanistan and 9.11.

From our intervention in Iraq, which was basically three countries held together by a Western backed dictator, to our war on the Taliban who only asked for some proof of Osama bin-Laden’s guilt in the 9.11 attacks, before being denied it and bombed into Halliburton’s pockets, the foreign policy decisions of our leaders have either been totally foolish or carefully planned to ensure we have a well equipped army to fight for the next few decades.

We can even go all the way back to the 1st World War and the Balfour Agreement which let Jews immigrate to Palestine in return for US help for Britain in the war, and then the carving up of captured Ottoman Empire holdings into countries that never existed such as Iraq.

Yes our foreign policy is immoral and imbalanced with support for dictators one moment when they serve our purposes and then their overthrow when they stop being useful. To be honest it did seem as if the Middle East was a whole lot calmer when Gaddafi and Hussein were in power.

To go back to the concept of a Caliphate, the whole area from Africa to Iraq and Afghanistan is tribal and localised in nature. These tribes have fought each other for centuries and it was only when their lands were controlled by Caliphate leaders, dictators, and leaders of Western Empire that they seemed to settle and stop their religious and tribal strife. Take that firm grip away and the old rivalries return unabated.

Personally I have no love for any organised religion and whether it’s the break up of the Roman Empire, Henry VIII leaving the Catholic Church and setting up the Church of England so he could get his leg over, or Protestants and Catholics fighting in Ireland, Christians cannot claim to be any less tribal when it comes to irrational belief systems.

One must also remember that Islam is the 3rd branch of the Abrahamic faith.

Please remember that the first books of the old Testament, which allow for the stoning to death of adulterers and other capital punishments for eating shellfish and other stupid laws were at one stage all carried out by Jews, Christians and Muslims.

The fact that Jews are now mostly atheists and Christians have followed their own testament based on the belief that Jesus was the Messiah doesn’t take anything away from the core beliefs that all 3 religions once held, and the laws and punishments dealt out for breaking them.

The fact we are not criticising Islamic States like Saudi Arabia for their beheadings whilst attacking the new Islamic State for theirs is total hypocrisy.

Iran’s stoning to death of people can be seen on websites along with Iraqi’s brutal slaying of rapists in which the whole male community take part in the killing.

Video proof of such “punishments” can all be found on certain “death sites” on the Internet if you want to look hard enough for them.

So whilst we are no way clean when it comes to the rise of ISIS, we should absolutely oppose it for its fundamentalist religious nature.

The fact that I would like Saudi Arabia, Iran and the Taliban to be classed in the same group takes nothing away from the brutality we are facing from this group of 7th century loving killers.

We may have helped stir the pot, and even funded the initial groups who became part of ISIS.

Most definitely the criminal Bandar-Bush enterprise needs it’s terrorist tentacles chopping off ASAP.

The close ties between oil rich Saudi Arabia, it’s ex ambassador and now terrorist group funding Prince Bandar and the Bush family, whose tarnished history goes way back to Prescott Bush and his Nazi funding days, is long over due some legal oversight.

We have funded Islamic groups to fight Communism and then used them to destabilise countries we wanted to encroach into. The history of our involvement is there for anyone who wants to see it.

One only need research Operation Gladio and Gladio 2 to see why we have allowed these groups to flourish and the benefits we got from allowing them to.

However once again blowback is going to bite the hand that fed it hard and fast.

To get down to basics I don’t want to see anymore UK working class men sign up for the Army or RAF to go and fight ISIS.

We have already fought and lost against similar terrorist groups in Afghanistan and Iraq so why keep the military industrial complexes wheels waxed with tax payers money?

Anyway the UK Armed Forces are no match to anyone’s anymore due to cuts from Tory and Labour governments. Faced with ISIS captured US anti-aircraft weapons from fleeing Iraqi forces I wouldn’t be surprised to see a lot more English people being beheaded by Jihad John or burned alive in cages if we were to return to the killing fields of Iraq and Syria.

The UK military cannot even face the threat from a resurgent Russia, no matter how many times our Eurofighter Typhoons have to be scrambled to fend off Russian Bombers from the coast of Cornwall.

We have cut our armed forces to the bare bones. We are certainly not fit for any war worth fighting unless Jersey tried invading Sussex.

Anyway, on a side note, I wonder why Cornwall is Russia’s target for “probing”?

It couldn’t be anything to do with the huge amount of under-water cables taking Internet and Phone messages across the Atlantic to the USA from Europe could it? Or is it just the western edge of NATO’s Europe?

Remember folks if the war in Ukraine actually gets hot between Russia and NATO then China’s recent demo of a laser fired into space to destroy a satellite it had “no use for” or in other words, a warning to the USA that they could take down any US satellites they wanted, making the techno dependent US military redundant, will become true. Russia will most certainly do the same.

Russia is well-known to have far superior missiles and rockets than the US and it would be no surprise to see Satellites falling from the skies during the first days of any war.

So whilst some ignorant people may feel that a hot war with Russia over Ukraine and broken promises post Berlin wall are worth going head into, some other fools think that re-sending defeated forces back into Iraq to bomb ISIS from afar will defeat them.

If we want to crush ISIS, and we should, then we should allow the countries most involved to do the fighting. We should also stop funding Nazi’s in Kiev and ask Russia to help by arming its proxies in Syria and Iran. With Russian military weapons these two countries could crush them fully without a Western jet being flown.

Jordan is already keen to bomb the hell out of ISIS because of their burned alive pilot, and Iran has been helping the Shia’s in Iraq fight ISIS for a long while now.

The Kurds are also well into a hot war at the other end of Iraq and if only we agreed that ISIS was worse for the world than President Assad of Syria then we could allow Syria a free hand to attack from the north.

Why we keep on insisting that President Assad is the real bad guy when there are clearly worse figures about in the area I don’t know. We could easily let Syria and Iran with Russian arms squash ISIS in the middle like a cockroach in the night with a heavy shoe.

Then if only we could get Israel who take US arms, de-construct them, and sell them on to Russia and other countries join the fight from the West it would be game over. I know that sounds like a dream but logically it makes sense. It’s just a shame logic pays no part in foreign affairs or Israel’s behaviour in the world.

Israel has one of the biggest and most sophisticated armies in the world yet they spend their time either setting up fake al-Qaeda groups to then “catch” or allowing the US to instead. Just like leading a blind and dumb rat to a piece of poisoned cheese.

If only Israel could stop using their military might to crush the cornered and starving people of Gaza and instead realised the threat to their east. Their weaponry would be no match to ISIS if they actually fought them.

However if they are not worried about ISIS then it can only be due to their infiltration of, or setting up of, ISIS networks. Nothing else makes sense.

For the Islamic State, who should in all theory from their previous and past behaviour, hate Jews and Zionists, not try to attack Israel it can only be down to the fact that they are bought and paid for terrorists – like so many al-Qaeda networks before them.

If ISIS do attack Israel then they will have a real enemy to fight for once instead of pretend Iranian nukes and Gazan fire cracker rockets.

They could then join the pincer movement by Assad from the north and the Kurds, and Iraq and Iran from the south to crush this disgusting beast as hard as it likes. They don’t even have to hold hands with Iran to do it, they are all neighbours with an unwelcome guest, so they should all want to resolve the problem.

It doesn’t matter who created ISIS.

It doesn’t matter which Saudi Royals still fund it as their government cries out for help between beheadings every Friday after prayers.

It doesn’t matter if ISIS are owned, created or stage-managed actors, they are still scum that need demolishing.

The only thing that matters is that the axis of war doesn’t go back into an area they have just left tails dangling between their legs.

If Islamic countries (and hopefully Jewish) can come together in their area of influence to destroy this beast on their own then it will do more for the social cohesion of the Middle East than anything the Western nations have done since World War One when the French and English carved up the lands that created Iraq in the first place.

Let’s leave the fighting to the people who have most to lose.

It will be clear to see if ISIS don’t attack Israel that something very, very wrong is occurring, and on any account Israel joining Iran to destroy this evil creation can only be a good thing, whether together or by separate means.

Lets just agree to not send anymore of our boys out to these deserts to fight.

We have already done enough damage.

It’s someone else’s turn to turn the tide.


View the original article on

Russell Brand on ISIS and my thoughts on why our leaders are hypocrites when it comes to Islamic State and Saudi Arabia

September 6, 2014

Russell Brand on ISIS and my thoughts on why our leaders are hypocrites when it comes to Islamic State and Saudi Arabia

By Dark Politricks

Whether you like Russell Brand or not I would urge you to subscribe to the Trews YouTube channel to hear his point of view. Whether you agree or disagree with him on various matters it is always good to get alternative points of views on important matters.

In the video at the bottom of the page Russell Brand dissects the recent upgrading of the terror threat in the UK. This was due to the beheading of a US journalist by a man with a UK accent.

As he rightly says, Saudi Arabia has beheaded numerous people since August the 4th yet we continue to sell weapons and do big business with that Islamic State. If the man had a Saudi accent it probably wouldn’t have made the news like the many beheadings that happen all the time in that terror state.

Why is it that we don’t stop our relationships with such counties as Saudi Arabia and Qatar and others that fund the these terrorist groups that David Cameron wants more working class English and American people to go and fight.

Remember just months ago our leaders were saying that the enemy was President Assad of Syria and our governments were supporting, funding and arming groups that were fighting his government.

Now that these groups have crossed the border into Iraq and become ISIS they suddenly become the enemy. People who were “bravely” fighting Assad are now “terrorists”. Groups we trained and armed are now in Iraq causing havoc under the banner of the Islamic State.

As Russell Brand rightly says. For people like millionaire David Cameron, and his fellow Etonion friends, who are directors and shareholders in arms companies and other businesses who benefit from wars, to tell us to fight another war is hypocritical.

For Cameron to lecture us that we must go over to Iraq and lose more freedoms and liberties at home due to another UK/US foreign policy that has gone awry, just like the arming of the Mujahideen in Afghanistan who then became the Taliban and al-Qaeda, is pure bullshit.

He isn’t going to go an fight for his belief that we must go to war with ISIS.

No it will be the poor, working classes, who join the army as the only way out of communities that have been decimated by Tory policies, that will be doing the fighting for him. When our leaders send their own sons and daughters to war zones and don’t skip military service like many US Presidents or politicians have, then we can look at them with more respect when it comes to war.

Chicken Hawks telling me that I must go and fight for their own foreign policy blowbacks can fuck off and fight themselves. I am tired of people who haven’t seen real violence telling people who have to go and fight. When you have heard a knife enter a body, the sound and memory stays with you forever. When you have killed another human being it stays with you.

This is why so many ex-generals and military leaders are against war whilst people who have never been in one are for them.

The millions of people who marched against the war in Iraq through London a decade ago knew that war wasn’t the answer. Some people, like Tony Blair and David Cameron, still claim that our interference in the region, in Iraq, Iran and Syria hasn’t led to this creation of the monster called ISIS or Islamic State, they are blatantly wrong.

The only solution to a regional crisis such as the formation of the Islamic State has to come from the region itself, without us sending more troops to the region. We can help by stopping our crusades on former leaders who were our friends only a few years ago and instead attacking the real enemies in the region such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar who are funding these terrorist groups.

Here are just a few ideas for how regional countries could help.

Israel could do itself a massive PR job favour and use it’s massive armed forces to attack ISIS instead of Palestinians for instance. The US has spent billions giving Israel tons of fighter planes, missile systems and other arms. Why can’t Israel see the real terror on it’s borders rather than the poor, malnourished, suffering people of Gaza, and do the world a favour by going after them instead?

Iran could be allowed to help Iraq, along with Assad, to form a pincer movement on ISIS for instance. We could help by stopping to claim Assad is a war criminal without facts and remember our leaders used to have dinner with the same people we are now trying to remove e.g Assad and former leaders Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein.

John Kerry having dinner with President Assad
President Assad having dinner with John Kerry

Donald Rumsfeld and Saddam Hussein
Donald Rumsfeld meeting Saddam Hussein

Tony Blair meeting Col Gaddadi
Tony Blair meeting Col Gaddafi

If we stopped labeling Iran and Syria as the enemy and realised that they could actually be the solution to a problem we caused then they could become rehabilitated members of the international community again.

And most of all we need to realise that countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar are funding and arming these groups whilst we make billions from arms sales to these countries.

Let’s remember that if the US Government’s story of what happened on 9.11 is correct. Then the people who attacked the country was Saudi Arabia not Afghanistan or Iraq.

Logically the US should have gone to war with this despot backward 7th century country, where people are beheaded or mutilated daily as punishment for crimes we don’t even send people to prison for.

A country where thousands of Princes and Royal members live a life of luxury, holiday in Dubai, send for models to have sex with or pay millions to have famous pop stars sing at their parties. All whilst the majority of the population live in absolute poverty.

This was the country the US should have attacked if the US conclusions on who the terrorists on 9.11 were was correct.

However that would have meant the Bush family falling out with their favourite despots, Bandar-Bush incorporated has been causing havoc for years. The Bushes and the leaders of Saudi Arabia were too closely linked and yet the US claimed 19 Saudi hijackers were behind the 9.11 attacks. Hypocrites and liars.


Lets listen to Russell Brand talk about ISIS and David Cameron’s support for more US/UK war as the solution to it.


View the original article Russell Brand and me on ISIS and why our leaders are hypocrites when it comes to the Islamic State and Saudi Arabia at

My end of year Dark Politricks review 2013

January 1, 2014

My end of year Dark Politricks review 2013

By Dark Politricks

Once again I bring the year to a close with a review of what I think are the biggest stories of the last 365 days.

There are so many to choose from therefore I have just picked a few of the important points that managed to make it from the alternative news to the mainstream and back again.

There is a poll at the end and it would be great if you could take part and let me know your thoughts on the matter.

Syria – war averted for once.

For once the Axis of war didn’t get its way when it came to the war they desperately wanted in Syria. This war had been planned since 9.11 and it was part of the “Sweep it all up. Things related and not” comment made by Donald Rumsfeld in the aftermath of the 9.11 attacks.

Iraq was to fall first, then Syria and finally Iran. A splintered Middle East with no serious opposition to US / Israel power in the regime was the aim. A Greater Israel was the dream and a fractured opposition had to be created for the dream to become true.

However after the debacle of the Iraq war Iran became the main benefactor of the US/UK failure to suppress the uprising and they left with their tails between their legs. This scared the hell out of Israel and meant that the axis of evil had to ferment a Sunni uprising to get the Shiites and Sunnis fighting amongst themselves all over the region to prevent a united Iraq coming under the total influence of Iran.

The plan was to destroy Syria and block Syrian  help to their Hezbollah agents who were receiving arms from their benefactor to use against northern Israel. Not only would Syria be cracked into a hundred pieces as Alawites fought Sunni’s and Shiites, but the Christians who had lived there for thousands of years in peace would be caught in the middle as Church after Church was destroyed, ancient villages taken over and ruined, and kids were forced at gun point to convert to Islam.

However it was determined Russian Diplomacy that prevented this useless war in the Middle East over Syria from coming to fruition. Whilst the French, British and US were trying to gain public support for another war, the people just weren’t buying their lies anymore.

US soldiers put their jobs on the line and used social media to show their disdain for fighting yet another war alongside al-Qaeda terrorists with their #IdidntJoin and #NoSyriaWar Twitter campaigns.

They could see that their Government was duplicitous and had no problems using al-Qaeda as the bogeyman in one part of the world and then supply guns, training and support for them in another war zone if it helped their geo-political goals.

Here are just a few of the photos from the #IdidntJoin and #NoSyriaWar Twitter campaign.

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join1

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join1

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join1

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join1

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join1

Read about the #IdidntJoin #NoSyriaWar campaign here.

With videos of Free Syrian Army soldiers (supposedly moderates) eating hearts and lungs of dead soldiers and then putting them up on, the world quickly saw that this was no rebel army that shared their common culture, ideals and ethics that we did in the west. Why on earth would we want to fight alongside this lot of Islamic heart eaters.

Also why was it that our leaders were so keen to back the heart eating, beheading, child killing nutters in Syria when they are basically the same people who were killing our own soldiers on the streets of London such as the horrible case of Lee Rigby?

With fake claims of Chemical weapons attacks by Syrian forces, and huge stashes of Sarin gas found in rebel compounds it was clear the idea was to use a false flag attack to draw us into the war on the side of the Saudi and UAE backed Islamic extremists.

However with Russian diplomacy actually paying dividends, and the amazing display of UK bottle that showed the UK government wouldn’t just blindly follow the USA into any war they wanted us in, the plan to bomb Syria soon fell apart.

The Syrian regime said they would hand over all their chemical weapons and come to the peace table, something the Islamic terrorists didn’t want to do without first getting President Assad to resign. However the US accepted the plan and another war has been averted – so far.

The war was all about taking Syria off the chessboard so that Hezbollah was weakened and Iran would become Isolated.

However this hasn’t happened and it has shown the west up for its real reasons for starting another useless war in the Middle East. Geo-political reasons, protection of Israel, the splintering of any anti-western alliances and the building of more military bases in sensitive areas that control oil and major shipping lanes.

The Iraq War

The 10th birthday of the Iraq war was the bloodiest since 2008. with 1000’s of deaths everyday the bombings continue daily as Sunni extremists fight the Shiite government and the civilians are caught in the crossfire.

The plan may have been to get the Iraqi’s fighting amongst themselves but instead it has given the Iraqi’s a Shiite government focused towards Iran. This is probably the reason the number of roadside bombings assassinations and killings has been ramped up as Sunni’s try to re-gain power through force.

It does make me laugh now to see that picture of George Bush aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln claiming that the war in Iraq was now over back in 2003, on May 1st – just over a DECADE ago!

George W Bush stated at the time that this was the end to major combat operations in Iraq. However it was just the beginning of the Iraqi insurgency.

In fact the majority of casualties, both military and civilian, occurred after this foolish speech by the “Commander-in-Chief” of the allied forces.

Mission un-acomplished

Edward Snowden

He has been the receiver of many awards this year but he is still stuck in limbo with only temporary asylum in RussiaEdward  Snowden was  the NSA analyst that had to go on the run to reveal what he knew about the massive surveillance state the USA had built up over the past decade.

The start, of this huge monitoring of the masses began many years ago with programs like ECHELON, yet after 9.11 the rules were brushed aside about not spying on your own countrymen and the US Constitution was treated like the piece of old paper George W Bush once claimed it was.

With the help of Glenn Greenwald and a number of papers including The UK’s Guardian, Snowden and Greenwald revealed the massive computer servers that were literally sucking terabytes of data straight from major routers, under water pipes, and back doors in commonly used programs.

Programs and applications many of us use such as Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Skype, Twitter and many others who were secretly working in cahoots with the security state.

Programs such as PRSIM were revealed to the masses and it was quickly explained how just with an email address or telephone number an NSA analyst could enter it into a computer and then find out anything about that person that resided online.

From email boxes “in the cloud” such as Gmail (which was the downfall of CIA chief David Petraeus ) to TRAPWIRE a huge link up of CCTV cameras, traffic cameras, cinema and parking tickets and credit card purchases in shops the data “trapped” could be used to monitor your movements through a city 24/7.

In fact the amount of data was so large that the US Government had to build a city sized computer server warehouse in UTAH to hold it all.

As revealed by Wired this center is a:

“heavily fortified $2 billion center (and) should be up and running in September 2013. Flowing through its servers and routers and stored in near-bottomless databases will be all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails—parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital “pocket litter.”

As most of us are all walking around with monitoring devices on us 24/7 i.e phones we are basically asking to be tracked. Our modern phones contain a myriad of ways to monitor and track us from having the microphone remotely turned on to listen to us or the camera switched on to take photographs of our surroundings. That’s forgetting about the GPS positioning that pinpoints us at any time. Useful for when you have lost your phone but not so handy when you don’t want the security state to know where you are.

Even with GPS disabled, triangulation from phone masts can be used to pinpoint us less accurately, and have you noticed how all smart phones nowadays make it impossible to remove the battery?

That’s because even with your phone switched off there is enough electricity in the device to “ping” it and locate it or turn on the microphone or camera. The only way to be safe would be to leave it at home when your going somewhere you “shouldn’t” or buy an old “numpty” phone – one of those designed for OAP’s that let you text and make calls only.

Oh and don’t forget that Google and IPhone have been caught numerous times recording all our GPS co-ordinations on a hidden database in the phone that can be easily removed (even without wires) by Policemen to find out where we have been. Think you are living in George Orwell’s 1984 – well we are well past that by 30 years now!

You can read some of the ways to reduce your Internet footprint on this article of mine but unless you want to live without a phone, TV and computer you are basically hooked into the Matrix and available for monitoring at any time.

Edward Snowden is wanted by the US government for revealing state secrets but many see him as a hero for revealing the level of spying the NSA went to after the reigns were let off them after 9.11.

With the UK’s GCHQ basically acting as their “bitch” and doing lots of dirty work purely for cash. The “Special Relationship” is alive and well. Also without a written Constitution or Bill or Rights to rein them in the junior partners across the Atlantic are able to get away with a whole lot more than the NSA can. Even trawling the whole Internet for data to be analysed for “potential” threats.

These NSA analysts are even going even as far as playing games like World of Warcraft because they believed terrorists were using the inbuilt talking and messaging features within the VOIP games to send messages to each other about potential attacks – either that or it was some clever clogs idea at the NSA to let them play games all day whilst their superiors thought they were working.

Edward Snowden gave this years Channel 4 alternative Christmas speech. It is well worth listening to.

Chelsea Manning

An important story which was supposed to be about liberty and war crimes was turned into a MSM piece about sexuality and unimportant questions. This was due to Chelsea Manning’s decision to mitigate his “crimes” on a “confused sexual identity status” instead of the morality of what he was doing by revealing war crimes by the US Army in Iraq.

What should have been a massive debate in the public sphere about the legality of acts of war was turned into a farce.  The war crime such as the one he released to WikiLeaks which showed innocent Iraqi’s and TV reporters shot to death by US pilots who were almost climaxing during the event was totally ignored and just treated as “war as normal”.

Who should junior soldiers report these crimes against humanity to. Crimes which break numerous International laws and conventions?

What happens if they are ignored or punished. Would they even dare to bring the matter up to a superior and would that superior even listen or would they be disciplined for breaking the all important rule to “shut your mouth and do your job”.

With the number of US female soldiers who complain about sexual assault being jailed in containers in Iraq for just raising the issue it is clear the US military has no time for “complainers” whether the complaint is valid or not.

In July of 2005, Jamie Leigh Jones, then 20 and working in Iraq, alleged she was gang-raped and beaten by fellow KBR employees and locked in a shipping container by managers after she sought out law enforcement. Jones and her lawyers, who lost a federal civil suit against KBR in July, said nearly 40 other female KBR employees who worked in Afghanistan and Iraq told them stories of rape, beatings and sexual harassment.

The FED celebrated it’s 100th birthday in 2013.

Responsible for numerous bubbles, booms n busts, the US Federal Reserve act was passed in the dead of night in 1913.

This act enabled the big banks to control the money supply of the USA by printing it and  then lending it to their friends in the banking world. With the positions in the Treasury and the big banks like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan acting more like a revolving door it is no wonder the big banks always get their bailouts on the backs of the poor tax payers when they play roulette with our savings and pensions and then lose.

With a few lone voices like Ron Paul calling for an end to the FED the movement to end this printing of fiat currency and the Government paying it back with interest from tax payers has been brought to the mainstream and more and more people are asking why we have such a system in the first place.

With many founding US fathers claiming the war of Independence was about controlling their own money and not letting the English tax them without representation the FED would be the anti-Christ if they could see it in action now.

From a recent article by George Washington:

The Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913 in response to a wave of bank crises, which had hit on average every six years over a period of 80 years. The resulting economic depressions triggered a populist movement for monetary reform in the 1890s. Mary Ellen Lease, an early populist leader, said in a fiery speech that could have been written today:

Wall Street owns the country. It is no longer a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, but a government of Wall Street, by Wall Street, and for Wall Street. The great common people of this country are slaves, and monopoly is the master. .. . Money rules. .. .Our laws are the output of a system which clothes rascals in robes and honesty in rags. The parties lie to us and the political speakers mislead us. .. .

We want money, land and transportation. We want the abolition of the National Banks, and we want the power to make loans direct from the government. We want the foreclosure system wiped out.

That was what they wanted, but the Federal Reserve Act that they got was not what the populists had fought for, or what their leader William Jennings Bryan thought he was approving when he voted for it in 1913. In the stirring speech that won him the Democratic presidential nomination in 1896, Bryan insisted:

[We] believe that the right to coin money and issue money is a function of government. .. . Those who are opposed to this proposition tell us that the issue of paper money is a function of the bank and that the government ought to go out of the banking business.

I stand with Thomas Jefferson. .. and tell them, as he did, that the issue of money is a function of the government and that the banks should go out of the governing business.

With Wall Street banks that were called “Too big to fail” in 2008 now almost 3 times as big in 2013 Wall Street is a monster out of control. The Occupy moment may have opened some people eyes to how debt based money really works and how the US Government is occupied and owned by Wall Street banksters but it is not enough.

Without some banksters being jailed for their crimes as they were in Iceland the banksters will continue to steal and pillage money from the masses. Then when they are caught out when their  convoluted investment pyramid schemes fail as they always do they claim bailouts from the tax payers. The same game goes on as usual.

A few heads on poles outside the City of London and Wall Street including those of Jamie Dimon and Lloyd Blankfein would be a nice start but until the austerity measures implemented by our government starts to bite hard not enough people will get angry enough to demand blood for their poverty and the bankers crimes.

Hopefully 2014 will be a better year as more and more people are becoming awakened to the games played all around them by Governments and banks. If 2013 ha been a good year for you then great if not lets all plan to make 2014 a better one.

Please take the time to let me know what you think the most important act of 2013 was with this poll. You can add comments or extra options as I have only put in a few of many possible questions.

Use the comment box on the page at the bottom or the comment box on the Polldaddy page if you want.

View the original article My end of year Dark Politricks review 2013 at

Can the US Government go to war in Syria if they are officially “shut”

October 16, 2013

Can the US Government go to war in Syria if they are officially “shut”

By Dark Politricks

Not being an American I have no idea why you put up with your duopoly of parties controlling the stage. Over here in the UK we may have 3 main central parties but we also have Greens, Independents, Socialists, Nationalists, UKIP and so on.

These parties may never win the grand prize – the chance to kiss the feet of the US President and send our boys to die fighting wars that have nothing to do with us, but they are gaining traction in European and National polls. I only hope the same happens in the US.

What I want to know is this. If the Federal Government is officially “closed for business” and the Department of Defence is a Federal institution. How can any war with Syria happen now there is no Government and no $$$ in the kitty?

Is Israel be shitting it? Are they busy pulling strings and plopping secret million dollar bills into Congressmen purses. All to ensure they vote for a return to normal state of play: massive debt that can never be payed off, war, socialism for the rich all whilst fucking the poor?

Can the POTUS declare war on a nation when the Federal Government is official closed? Or can the POTUS under his national emergency acts, NDAA, PATRIOT CRAP ACT and all the other NAZI style acts enacted after 9.11 still have the power to overrule Congress and send your sons and daughters to die on another Middle Eastern battlefield for reasons they won’t actually reveal.

No mention of a Greater Israel. No mention of al-Qaeda being allies in at least 4 of the US wars in the last 30 years:

  • Afghanistan in the 80’s when bin-Laden was lauded as a hero freedom fighter.
  •  Serbia in the 90’s when we went to war on the wrong side and instead helped the terrorist organisation known as the KLA. Who were also helped and funded by al-Qaeda. Kosovan gangs if non Europeans don’t know are now one of the biggest criminal enterprises known in Europe. Specialising in drugs and people smuggling.
  • Libya, when we recently rejected our new found friendship with Gaddafi to let ex Gitmo detainees and known al-Qaeda / LIFG terrorists kill, rape and plunder what was once Africa’s most successful country in terms of birth survival rates, education, health and many more factors that indicate a life worth living. What did we replace that with? Gangs of terrorists ruling regions, kidnapping Presidents, killing US ambassadors and summarily executing people they consider Gaddafi loyalists.
  • And of course Syria. Where the Axis of War has secretly been helping the Free Syrian Army and their Islamic brothers chop off heads, eat hearts and lungs and execute people who refuse to convert to Islam.

We don’t exactly have a good record when it comes to picking sides in wars and this is the best reason why we should be staying out of them unless the threat of invasion is imminent.

Therefore to all those people who have constantly said “Get the Government out my life” I say, well your now lucky enough to be living in your dream land.

I just hope that due to the US Government officially being shut and broke now, means they won’t be propping up evil dictators like those in Saudi Arabia, or funding al-CIAduh terrorists in their battles with ex dinner party guests.

Secretery of State John Kerry sits down for a cosy dinner with the new Hitler President Assad

What are the chances this will happen?