Posts Tagged ‘Ron Paul’

Prism means journalists should be wary – so should we!

June 16, 2013

Prism means journalists should be wary – so should we!

By Dark Politricks

With the explosion of information about the latest American spy scandal, and the revelation that the USA has been spying on us all for years, isn’t it all about time we all took our Internet security more seriously?

You might have read my earlier article Internet censorship and surfing anonymously but if you are not a “text” reader and felt over-loaded with information then the following links to some nice infographics will help show you just how Google and your browser track, log, identify and make money from your personal information as you surf the web.

They will also show you in a simple way which settings to turn off depending on the browser you use, plus which browser specific plugins to install, to increase your security, improve privacy and reduce your “Internet footprint“.

You may have seen Microsoft promoting their privacy options lately for Internet Explorer on the TV and there is a new setting which the browsers have introduced called DNT (Do Not Track).

Supposedly if you enable this setting in your browsers settings it will pass a special header called DNT (Do Not Track) along to all sites that you visit which is supposed to tell them to respect your privacy and not log or track you. You can actually see this header with tools like HttpFox or Firebug or even most browsers own inbuilt developer console (F12 usually brings it up). When you inspect your Request headers (all the information your browser passes to each site on each request for an HTML page, image or other resource required by websites to work) you will see the DNT header set to 1 if it’s enabled.

However like all these things even though Google’s own Chrome browser has a setting for this new option they themselves DON’T EVEN support it!

Just goes to show you that money is more important than a users security or privacy and that your online data is worth $£€ to the Internet companies.

Have a look at the following pages if you want a nice illustrated guide on how browsers and Internet sites track you online.

This explains how you can stop being tracked by your browser.

This explains how you are tracked online when you use Google.

This explains how your search results are tailored to previous searches and details obtained by your browser.

You should also look into using secure search engines such as or instead of Google (yes other search engines do exist and are just as good!) as well as researching secure browsers and tools such as TOR for secure Internet browsing.

As journalists are now targets of the American government and whistle-blowers seem to be top of the USA’s execution lists, far ahead it seems of real terrorists, then newspapers and anyone else wanting to bring truth to the masses by exposing government secrets should really be looking at creating secure ways to communicate so as to protect their sources. We long expected that our governments were basically spying on all our emails, phone calls, Internet traffic and now we have been proven right. It is up to you alone to help make it as hard as possible for them to track you if you respect your own privacy.

It may be hard but the easiest thing to do is stay away from any of the big Internet companies and their products e.g Google, Facebook, Skype, Hotmail etc (there are alternatives) and lock down and encrypt your PC and as much of your traffic as possible.

As Ron Paul says in this article he fears the most recent whistle-blower Edward Snowden might even be killed by a US drone strike!

What the fuck is going on USA?

If anyone was mistaken about the real reason for the war on terror and the loss of liberties at home that sprung from it this should come as a big fat punch on the nose warning!

This war is not going to end. Who does anyone think we are ever going to sign a peace treaty with to end it?

No this war was all about allowing the governments of supposed western democratic nations to go draconian on all of our asses and we only have to look at how Obama, a supposed liberal President, is:

  • attacking free speech,
  • spying on reporters who dare report on the Government,
  • going after whistle-blowers which are supposedly protected by the law,
  • spying on all Americans and International countries who use the Internet without warrant or probable cause,
  • executing American nationals without trial,
  • killing innocent people by the hundreds in remote drone strikes,
  • supporting al-Qaeda linked terrorists in Syria and Libya, and worse of all,
  • increasing the American police state that is still under emergency laws (since 9.11) – with bills like the NDAA to follow on from the constitution killing PATRIOT Act which was brought in by George W Bush.

Whether you like Obama or not a TRUE liberal would not be promoting such activities.

View the original article Prism means we should all be wary – journalists especially! at the main site

My thoughts on the USA’s love of guns and the 2nd Amendment

January 25, 2013

My thoughts on the USA’s love of guns and the 2nd Amendment

By Dark Politricks

After all the furor of the last few weeks and the Sandy Hook shootings and the media debate afterwards what I want to know is what level of tyranny do Americans feel is enough to break the barrier and make their cherished 2nd Amendment useful.

As we are constantly told the 2nd Amendment is not so Americans can go hunting ducks with M16’s or use their AK47’s for shooting tin cans off the garden wall – no it’s for preventing an over reaching, tyrannical government from taking control of their country.

As Thomas Jefferson said in 1803:

“None but an armed nation can dispense with a standing army. To keep ours armed and disciplined is therefore at all times important.”

There are many levels to this debate and you can go on many tacks including:

1. American citizens have voted for the Congressmen and President that has then taken away their civil liberties. Therefore in a democracy the majority have spoken and it is their own fault for participating in their own loss of liberty and  freedom.

2. Obama is in no way like Hitler, Mao or Stalin. They just declared their laws and the deed was done. They didn’t have to battle for years in the Congress and Senate to get a health-care plan watered down and then passed after multiple compromises with political opponents. If Obama was truly a dictator he would have just clicked his fingers and used one of the “signing statements” to make “it so”, so to speak. A dictator doesn’t give in to an elected body he just says what he wants and it gets done.

3. For personal reasons I wouldn’t like to live in a country full of guns. For one I would probably be dead, in a wheelchair or in prison by now after my teenage tearaway years. The other is that I know in the UK, although more violent than the USA (as a recent study showed) at least when we fall out of the bars drunk we fight with our fists and not guns. With our love of alcohol and a plentiful supply of guns we would see every town high street full of dead bodies every weekend. That’s not even thinking about our bent dodgy police who I have seen on more than one occasion batter someone for no good reason. Bart Transport Police incidents would be occurring every day and I am thankful I have managed to fight our cops with my fists after they have attacked a young girl with batons just for walking out of a club with a beer, and didn’t end up with a bullet in my back. They knew they were in the wrong and 12 of us were let go without charge in the morning all gun shot free. Our criminals are even having to rent guns due to the short supply and most guns used in crimes have already been used in previous crimes and are only re-activated de-commisioned guns – likely to go off in your own hand as it is to fire properly anyway.

4. America has the most sophisticated and well equipped armed forces in the world. Despite the wishes of the founding fathers that there would be no standing army during peace time it seems the USA has got round this by engaging in a period of permanent war. The armed forces have replaced the militias and does any American think their handgun or automatic would take down an Apache helicopter if they turned on the citizens? What level of weapon should a citizen have anyway? Where does it say they can only have certain types of guns and not RPG’s or even anti-aircraft weapons? Where is the line drawn?

However ignore all that and just think that YOU ARE ALREADY LIVING UNDER TYRANNY!

Therefore why crow on about the real reason of the 2nd Amendment when you have done NOTHING to stop the rise of tryany over the last 10 years.

Ever since 9.11 you have:

Therefore if you don’t think that a few of these facts, out of many others I could have listed,  on their own reach the bar of tyranny that you are so fond of protecting then what level does the bar have to be raised for you to use to the 2nd Amendment as you see it designed?

Either stop voting for scoundrels and liars OR take people like Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Dennis KucinichGary Johnson, Jill Stein and many other politicians seriously.

These are just a few people from all ends of the political spectrum who believe the US has already entered this realm of tyranny in which the CIA/NSA, banksters and warmongers have already won over the common person and that serious reform is needed to roll back this Amerikan police state.

Either there is no level it can be raised to and you will accept all forms of tyranny and you just need to admit that you really really like your guns and just shooting shit. OR you honestly believe in the 2nd Amendment.

If it’s the latter then I really want to know – what will it take for you to do something?


View the original article “What level of tyranny will it take for Americans to make use of the 2nd Amendment” at the main site

f President Obama is a bad President then what will Mitt Romney be like?

September 6, 2012

If President Obama is bad then what is Mitt Romney?

By Dark Politricks

Last week was the GOP conference in which they inaugurated Mitt Romney as their choice for Republican presidential candidate. This was the man that during primaries no Republican commentator really wanted and in the end he was the least bad choice out of a very bad lot. As soon as he was anointed though they all changed their tune pretty fast as all they care about is getting President Obama out of office and handing over the country to corporations and banksters.

Despite Ron Paul sticking it out to the end of the GOP debates he has been overlooked and out of the nominees he was the only one who offered some real choice for the public if nominated.

I’m not saying that I agree with everything Ron Paul stands for but personally I think America needs some form of “America United” ticket that would bring the massively obvious culture war to an end and hopefully restore civil liberties, end the wars, end the FED, end the unauthorised spying and now authorised detention without charge or even execution on Presidential demand.

A ticket of Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich would have brought Libertarians, Republicans, Democrats, Liberals and independents together to vote for a return to an America which wasn’t constantly at war and didn’t go around the world invading countries because it thought it was “exceptional”.

Hopefully he will stand as an independent or if possible on the libertarian ticket although I think it’s too late for that. Apart from that you have Roseanne Barr and Cindy Sheehan on the Peace and Freedom Party ballot which won’t be on enough ballot papers to even make a dent in the billions of dollars thrown behind Mitt Romney and his attempt to hand the USA over to the Corporations. It looks like the American public are going to get more of the same – just under a different name.

Therefore apart from little differences there is not much choice between Romney and Obama as both are globalists, beholden to the banksters, warmongers and debt drivers and voting Republican really won’t make much difference to your life apart from if your poor as you will probably find yourself in a Middle Eastern desert somewhere fighting another war the country doesn’t want or even need.

From the seemingly non-educated, racist, totally dumb and sometimes loony ideas or comments mentioned by some of the other delegates during the debates and interviews it was clear that Romney was going to be the least worst option from the selection of Republican nominees.

It is also clear to me as an atheist that American Christians will forgive even the most despicable actions as long as the person involved “repents” or pretends to. I know Christians are supposed to forgive so how about forgiving some of the thousands of locked up victims of the war on drugs and ending capital punishment? That would be true forgiveness.

Now I am no Obama fan, I was glad he was voted in purely for the fact that it showed that America could and would now vote for a black President but on the policy side of things I think he has let the country down badly by breaking all the promises he made on the campaign trail.

Some of these promises he could have just enacted when he had control of the Congress and Senate but he chose instead to form bi-partisan support and was rebuffed on many of them. Then after the landslide victory that saw his control of the house fall away to dimwits like Michele Bachmann and co he has had to fight twice as hard to get any policy through. Maybe that was the plan.

It was clear from day one that many Republicans didn’t want to even give Obama a chance despite their passing over to him the worst economy since the great depression and a huge amount of debt as well as two wars, a rendition and torture program that has blackened the USA’s name around the world and a massive TARP balout scheme that enraged many from Tea Partiers to Occupy Wall Street protesters.

Seemingly Clint Eastwood and many other Americans forget that it wasn’t Obama but George Bush that started the longest war in America‘s history in Afghanistan, a war that is now plagued by constant attacks by Afghan troops on NATO soldiers.

They also seem to forget that it was George W Bush that turned Clinton’s legacy into a huge mountain of debt due to his tax cuts to the rich, TARP and his war on terror. It’s truly amazing that only 34% of Americans realise that it was Bush not Obama that passed TARP!

US Debt over the years

If you read up on the history of US national debt you will find that it is Republicans that usually ramp up the debt to fight wars.

World War II saw the US entering new debt territory never seen before starting at 4% of GDP in 1941 it increased to as much as 122% of GDP in 1946 at the end of the war. The next 35 years saw successive governments try to bring down the debt, but then came the Republican God President Reagan. He increased the federal debt by over 50%of GDP to win the Cold War – a money war of attrition the USSR just couldn’t win.

President George W Bush was the next Republican to increase the debt to fight his war on terror, give tax cuts to the rich and bail out the banks.

President Obama was then handed a bad hand that no incumbent would chose to take on willingly and his increasing of the the debt has mainly to be fund economy revival plans after the crash of 2008 – plus the funding and expansion of Bush’s wars.

Whilst it is true Obama has increased the debt ceiling to amounts not seen since the World War he was passed a huge burden from the previous administration and with low growth, a credit crunch and a stalled economy he attempted Keynesian economic policies of borrowing to grow GDP to get out of the hole he was in. Some say Keynes is wrong, others like Paul Krugman say that President Obama just didn’t spend enough on the stimulus in the first place. Whatever the answer the debt mountain may have increased under him but it was definitely not created by Obama.

However President Obama has failed on a number of promises he gave when he was campaigning for his first election and the “change” we expected didn’t turn out as we hoped it would.

He has failed to bring Wall St into line after they recked the economy and instead passed ineffective and bloated laws like the Dodd-Frank act. Many believe he should have re-enacted the Glass Steagall Act and split the banks back up into gambling banks and banks for us “little people” who want to save, borrow and be safe in the knowledge our money won’t be gambled away by an automated front running high frequency trading bots using our money as bets on that biggest of gambling dens known as the US Stock Exchange.

He has failed to repeal the Emergency laws Americans are still living under since 9.11, dictatorial powers that allow him to assassinate Americans abroad without a trial and seemingly label protesters as terrorists just so they that cannot protest against him as we just saw with the arrest of James Tyson 0n his way to protest outside the Democratic National Convention.

Drones now fly the skies of America and the TRAPWIRE system has every American under surveillance at all times.

America is not the place it was before Obama OR George Bush took over the Presidency.

So I don’t think Obama is a good President and I have wrote such in many articles including (but not limited to) who is worse Obama or BushThe very non liberal Democratic partyAmerika a modern day East Germany, Does the American public want more of the same, or more of the same under a different name, and Is President Obama really a Communist or is he more of a dictator?

So please don’t call me an Obama fan because I’m not!

However when it comes to a choice (a non choice really) between Obama and Mitt Romney you should ask yourself the following when casting your vote in the US Presidential Election 2012.

1. Who is more likely to get your country into a war with Iran in the next 4 years Obama or Romney? The British Royal family send their sons into war zones to fight, Prince Harry into Afghanistan and Prince Andrew in the Falklands. However I cannot seem to recall an active US President who  ever had their children in the military and active war zones during their Presidency. If you can think of one please let me know.

2. If the market was let free to run as it (and the Koch brothers) want it to, and a company like Bain capital came along to the place you worked and sacked you because they were going to offshore your job to India or China – who would you trust more to look after your jobs and keep them in America. Would you just put your hands in the air and go “well that’s the free market for you” or would you protest the off-shoring of US jobs that Bain Capital has been so good at during the years and is still doing.

3. Are you worse or better off now than 4 years ago? Are you worse off or better off than you were before Ronald Reagen took office? Before he started his supply side economic experiment and his economic war of attrition with the USSR which saw the countries debt rise, the country turn from an exporting nation to an importer, a country in debt to China and now one mired in constant war.

4. What is more important? Letting already very rich people (billionaires and millionaires) have more money through tax cuts or asking them to pay a little more to help get the country out of the mess it is in. The tax rates during Republican Presidencies in the past were in the 70-90%. Why should they be so low now. Just look at the following graph to see how low the top rate of tax is compared to historical rates during both Republican and Democratic presidencies.

The top bracket of income tax (35%) sits is very low compared to historical rates
A history of the top rate of US income tax over the years.

5 Should the boss of a company be able to pay less tax than his secretary? Only the rich can afford fancy lawyers and accountants to ensure they can use offshore accounts and only pay capital gains tax instead of the normal rates of income tax everyone else has to pay.

6. If you were born a poor child to a single mother in a poor part of town with no money logic dictates that you wouldn’t have the same life chances as a rich child born into privilege. Life just isn’t fair as people say. The poorer child is more likely to end up in prison, die young from poor health, get a worse education and have less opportunity to meet the “right people” and succeed in life.

If you believe in a meritocracy where everyone has the same chance to succeed in life with hard work and a fair even playing field where law breakers (e.g banksters) go to jail and companies don’t get the law retrospectively changed once it’s been found out they have broken it then how does this happen without some kind of intervention by government. Do you think that the governments job is just to let these people live in squalor and probably commit crimes against you just to survive? Or should they try and even out the playing field a little and give everyone the opportunity to succeed in life whether they were born rich or poor?

7. If you think Obama has told lies – what about Romney. He basically invented Obamacare which his state is happily using but rails against it on a national platform. He has flip flopped on more issues than people can count. Could you trust a man,  a “multiple choice” President, who’s answer on a question changes depending on the time of day, his age and the questioner?

8. Do you think a super rich business man who has paid hardly any tax to the country he hopes to run. A man who aims to be the front man for the Koch brothers and give even more money to the top 1% is a man who can be trusted to keep your job safe? Do you think you are more or less likely to have your job off-shored to China or India under Obama or an expert in off-shoring jobs – Romney?

9. Were you born into money or had to earn every penny you own? Have you ever had nothing, I mean zilch. Slept on park benches and friends floors because you had no-one to help you.

What if you lost your job, then your house and family due to your job being off-shored or your company going under. Who do you think is more likely to help you out a Democratic or Republican government. Or do you think the government should not give a flying fxxk about you and just leave you to rot away until you commit a crime that hurts another American citizen and puts you in prison at the expense of the tax paying population?

10. Do you really think life will change a lot if Romney is elected. What things will actually change in your day to day life. Do you trust him to keep any of the few promises he has made so far on policy such as abolishing Obamacare whilst keeping it in his own state?

Let me know the answers in the comment section to the question: If President Obama is bad then what is Mitt Romney?

Ron Paul attacks the beat of war drums to Iran

August 6, 2012

By Dark Politricks

Ron Paul attacks the beat of war drums to Iran an Syria in a speech to Congress.

The Democrat politician Dennis Kucinich gives way to his friend and comrade on many issues regarding civil liberties, war, foreign policy, the FED and many other things, Ron Paul, in the debate on the Iran Sanctions Bill. Or as Ron Paul likes to call it “The Obsession with Iran Act 2012.” A Bill that was passed anyway 421-6.

You can view the full video here: Ron Paul attacks the beat of war drums to Iran

All reasons these two lonely voices are on my Good Guy List.

He says the following:

“A vote for this … will show that it’s just one more step to another war that we don’t need,” the congressman said in an Aug. 1 speech against the bill. “We have not been provoked, [Iran] is not a threat to our national security and we should not be doing this. For the past 10 to 15 years we’ve been obsessed with this idea that we go to war and try to solve all the problems of the world. At the same time, it is bankrupting us.”

“What we continue to be doing is obsess with Iran and the idea that Iran is a threat to our national security,” the congressman said. “Iran happens to be a Third World nation. They have no significant navy, air force, or intercontinental ballistic missiles.”

Do you think we’re protecting civil liberties by arbitrarily dropping drones or threatening to drop drones any place in the world, with innocent people dying?” the congressman said.

“If we want to really care about civil liberties in Syria, why don’t we really care about the secret prisons we have and the history of torture we have in this country?

While the US is making kill lists, it is preaching for civil liberties abroad and “poking our nose in other people’s affairs, just looking for the chance to start another war,” this time in Iran, Ron Paul said.

As Ron Paul says in his speech the Iranian sanctions bill is an act of war and as I have said before we are already at war with Iran and our support of terrorist groups like the MEK and Jundalah who blow up innocent civilians in mosques and scientists in their cars for their Mossad/CIA paymasters is only the scratch of the surface of the covert proxy war already being fought out by US freedom fighters (really) terrorists and the Iranian regime.

As I said months ago America has lost any moral authority it once had in the world by it’s recent foreign policy actions.  It’s hypocritical support of Bahrain and Saudi Arabia as they crush dissent and attack human rights every day whilst bleating on about the abuses in other nations who are not their friends or sell them large quantities of oil whilst holding US military bases in their territories only makes their hypocrisy more visible to the rest of the world.

When the US/UK/French axis of war attacks countries like Iran and Syria for “targeted killings” all the while holding their own “kill lists” ( death by executive order ). They are being more than a little choosy in who they accuse of human rights violations especially as they let one one of the worlds biggest, China, lend them billions of dollars so they can go to war on tick.

All the while they continue to bankrupt America by fighting wars they cannot afford and keep Gitmo open with many innocent detainees still locked up denied the right of habeas corpus.

Plus they still have the massive blemish of torture at prisons from Afghanistan, Iraq and Cuba on their sheet which they need to remove before any moral authority can be restored to their words and actions.

They use drones to kill innocent people all across the world in their “shadow wars” and claim that no civilians have died purely because they count dead males of certain ages as enemy combatants whether they are or not.

Plus who can be bothered to count the dead when a drone drops a bomb in Pakistan that is controlled from Langley. Drones that now fly the skies over the US in a prequel to a Dark Angel world of instant scanning and automated minority report style pre-crime detection.

With a police that is looking more like an armed forces brigade every day. Driving tanks and using special military grade armour and weaponry to break up small protests or break into citizens houses and shoot dead people or dogs who dare bark too loud all the while looking for small amounts of pot.

Or who can forget the recent Occupy Protests in which cops beat up Grannies and held open students noses so that they can shoot pepper spray down their throats  just because they dared to sit down in a peaceful line to protest.

It is no wonder people are wondering why the home of the free has become the home of Orwell’s worst dreams.

Even the upcoming US Presidential election looks like a choice between two useless contestants.

Whoever wins nothing will change unless the American public wake up and vote in someone with morals, a sense of America’s true actions in the world and at least a modicum of knowledge about why half the world wants to kill them.

If only there was some way of the American people showing their displeasure at the road it’s taking that doesn’t involve voting in a GOP version of Obama or keeping a very non-liberal Democrat as President both of which who will do nothing to change the direction America is going in….

Who will be voting for “more of the same under a different name” this year?

February 12, 2012

By Dark Politricks

I have already written about the lack of choice in the forthcoming US Presidential election as it seems whether you are Democrat or Republican you are saddled with the certainty that whoever you vote for a continuation of post 9.11 politics of fear, war and loss liberty is on the cards.

Ron Paul seemed to be the only member of the GOP standing for election who breaks away from this mapped out future but as recent Republican votes have shown he is either unable or being prevented from capturing significant votes. Whilst the other contenders for the GOP nomination are taking it in turns to lead the pack it is clear that the Republican party cannot make up their mind about who they want to lose against Obama in the forthcoming Presidential election.

Unless Ron Paul manages to miraculously win the GOP nomination it looks like the Republicans will either go for a candidate who is only going to appeal to a narrow selection of the general population as a whole. They will either pick:

Mitt Romney, a liberal, flip flopping friend of the 1% who doesn’t worry about the poor and puts people to sleep whether speaking, debating or singing awfully to his crowds of unadoring fans.

Newt Gingrich, a Pillsbury doughboy of a man with the bankrupt morals of a philandering hypocrite who wants to spend billions putting a base on the moon whilst millions of Americans are still on food stamps.

Rick Santorum, a religious conservative who although Catholic appeals to the large evangelical set of voters who chose their President not with logic and reason but on the likelihood that he will promote more end time activity in the Middle East, support anything Israel does in the belief that it will speed up the return of Jesus and who see Barack Obama as nothing less than a Muslim in Christian clothing who is trying to turn America into a Marxist state.

Add these three uninspiring fellows to the likelihood of an independent Ron Paul and it is very unlikely that a majority of people will vote enough to force the incumbent from the White House and that’s a real shame because whether or not you call Obama a Muslim, a Christian, a Marxist or a Liberal he certainly isn’t any good for the world at whole or America in general.

The question should also be asked then – “why can’t a real liberal Democrat stand for the nomination and appose Barack Obama’s very illiberal reign over the USA.”

It should not be a given that an incumbent always gets to stand for his parties re-election and it would be nice for the American people to be given a real choice instead of the current choice of “more of the same” or “more of the same under a different party”.

Whether you call yourself a liberal, a conservatives or neither, would it not be better if the choice before the American people was a real choice rather than just a change of figurehead. Would it not be a more interesting election if it were Ron Paul standing versus Dennis Kucinich or Pat Buchanan versus Cynthia McKinney. Wouldn’t there be more of a real choice, more interesting debates and more of a reason to get out and vote if proper choices were presented to the American people.

The sad thing is that even though Ron Paul is a libertarian and Dennis Kucinich a liberal they probably have more in common than most people think when it comes to the constitution, foreign policy, domestic policing, liberty and the American empire.

Which are all reasons why the establishment would never let them get near the White House with a full head of brain matter and all reasons why Barack Obama is on course to lead a second term preparing America for their new role in the 21st century as a workhouse for Chinese overlords.

Lets just look at all the things which Barack Obama has done which make him NOT a liberal and definitely NOT someone who follows the constitution.

These are also things that make him the perfect candidate to win the election on the establishments behalf and continue the expansion of the Amerikan empire and the destruction of freedom and liberty at home.

1. He has shown the capacity to break most of his pre-election campaign promises showing skills only a true politician could sleep at night with.

2. He has kept the country in a permanent state of war whilst claiming the opposite. American drones are killing civilians at a rate never seen before and across the skies of more countries than his predecessor. Whilst he has brought some troops home from Iraq, thousands remain and the war in Afghanistan rages on with no victory in sight.

3. He has also shown contempt for the constitution by involving America in the war in Libya without allowing Congress to vote on his decision.

4. He has kept the emergency powers which were enacted after 9.11 and which have seemingly placed America under a semi dictatorship in which the rule of law has been abolished in favour of executive orders. This can be clearly seen in the recent National Defense Authorization Act which took America one step further towards tyranny with the White Houses insistence that the indefinite detention of battlefield combatants applied to American citizens

5. He has not kept his pre-election promises to restore America’s standing in the world by closing Gitmo, ending the extraordinary rendition of suspects and acting as a fair and unbiased facilitator of talks between Israel and Palestine.

6. He has failed to prosecute anyone in the previous administration for crimes against the American people and the countries they went to war against. He has not investigated the events of 9.11 which still remain the catalyst for the transformation of America into the militarised Police state it has become and he has chosen to continue the worst of the Bush era excesses even extending them or putting them into law such as the execution of American citizens on the Presidents command alone. Drones are now flying the skies of America and not a week goes by without another story of brutality by the hands of the Robocops who patrol US streets pepper spraying students and grannies and shooting unarmed people in the back on camera.

7. He has failed to reform health care in a way that satisfied Liberals or Conservatives. Instead of introducing a system that would have enabled free health care at the point of use for all Americans through a national insurance scheme he has instead pushed through an unconstitutional bill that forces people to buy insurance from private companies. The insurance companies are happy as they now have a market place full of people forced to buy their product and he hasn’t solved the problem that there still remains millions of Americans who are uninsured.

8. He has allowed Wall Street to carry on with their high frequency trading and front running and his reforms are weak at most and will do nothing to solve the underlying problems that caused the financial meltdown in the first place. Instead of putting the banksters in jail he has continued to bail them out and the Treasury, FED and bankster operations are still engaged in a revolving door process which ensures the American tax payer foots the bill for the excesses, crimes and mistakes of a few.

9. He has allowed the national debt to rise to stupendous levels whilst doing nothing but massaging the jobless figures to make it look like the US economy is getting better. As more people leave the workforce permanently due to jobs disappearing offshore and the FED’s continuation of quantitative easing the purchasing power of the dollar in your pocket weakens month by month. It can legitimately be claimed that Obama has engaged the American nation in yet another war, although this currency war is fought with Credit Default Swaps, the printing of money and a race to the bottom. The huge amounts of American debt owned by China is now being re-invested as China starts buying up companies across the world.

10.  Despite claims to the contrary by people just itching to bend over backwards to support Israel in every way possible, Obama has kept AIPAC and the pro-Israel lobby happy by:

  • promising to wield his UN veto over Palestinian statehood.
  • helping Israel in their covert war against Iran with the Stuxnet virus and support of Iranian terrorist groups.
  • sent large numbers of US Navy ships to the Straits of Hormuz.
  • promised to help Israel in any war with Iran as long as they agree on a plan first.
  • spent billions of US taxpayers money giving military hardware to Israel in return for a short delay in their illegal settlement building programme.
  • and of course he has had to bite his tongue more times than he can count whilst the Israeli PM belittled and lectured him in public and private.

And that is just a list from the top of my head. I’m sure my American readers can provide many more examples of all the illiberal laws and regulations that the Obama administration has brought in over the last three years.

So lets not quibble with semantics, Obama is not a liberal in any sense of the word especially when compared with true liberals who are pro-constitutional freedoms, against wars drummed up in the press through lies and special interests, against the government telling the people how to live their lives, who to sleep with, what to eat, drink and smoke and against special interests foreign and domestic dictating policy and law.

Therefore we are faced with the prospect of a non liberal democrat facing off against a liberal conservative like Romney, a hypocritical borderline lunatic like Gingrich or a religious conservative like Santorum.

If I had a choice like that I think I would be ticking the “none of the above” box.

Where is the real choice in the upcoming US Presidential Election?

January 31, 2012

By Dark Politricks

It makes me laugh when I go onto US websites that are either left leaning like the Daily Kos or right leaning like any FOX News linked message-board or Christian website and I see the types of comments each side throw at each other.

The Democrats are called Communists and socialists and Barack Obama is called anything from a Muslim who wants to destroy America and hand it over on a plate to Iran so they can destroy Israel to a secret communist who’s great grandfather probably was a co-writer of the Protocols of Zion.

Then the Right wing are called everything from idiots to zombies and people who don’t believe in anything apart from God, Banning Gay’s and Gun’s.

What makes me laugh is that from this side of the Atlantic there is not much difference between your two parties at all. As it is often said the Democratic Party is the second most Conservative party in the Western world, it’s a shame more American’s can’t see that.

Both parties are pro war, pro bailouts, pro Wall St versus Main St, anti liberty, anti Internet freedom, pro-Israel, pro-police state and both have contributed massively to the huge amount of debt the USA is now in.

Whether it was spent on tax cuts, trillion dollar wars or huge bailouts to potential future employees at the Treasury from Wall St the only thing keeping the US afloat is their ability to print money and it’s use as the reserve currency of the world. Wars have been fought to keep it that way.

That is not to say my country is any better either. All three main parties fight for scraps over the centre ground and whilst all 3 parties, Labour, Tory and Lib Dem have MP’s that speak their mind and are to the left or right of their party the machine as a whole follows the path left by the previous government. Albeit with minor changes to tax rates, benefit cuts and how much they “speak out” against the EU and the failed Euro project.

Obviously behind the scenes all 3 are now the same faces of a triple sided coin much to the dismay of people who voted Lib Dem at the last election hoping for a restoration of the crush on civil liberties only to be met with a watered down Freedom Bill missing many of the original components that people voted for.

No matter whether Tory or Labour are in power one thing is for sure and that’s our governments slavish devotion to US foreign policy objectives which also include pro Israeli, pro war anti Russian and Iranian sentiment and actions.

What is shameful is that the majority of people in this country don’t like our brown nosing of American politicians and there was nothing in my life as cringe worthy as watching Gordon Brown’s speech to Congress where he was licking arse so much he was almost touching Tony Blairs feet.

The term special relationship on it’s own is enough to make most Brits throw up in their mouths and the disconnect between politicians, and what they promise and then what they do once in power is as much as it is on this side of the Atlantic as it is on the USA‘s.

So many people now realise that nothing changes with a vote for a major party but there is a lack of choice at the ballot box when it comes to alternatives.

As I said to someone the other day on Twitter the choice is either between standing yourself and getting nowhere in an electoral world of lobbyists, million dollar campaigns and expensive advertising or going for the least worst option and getting something out of it even if the candidate isn’t your ideal fit.

That might be a vote for Ron Paul hoping he really would stick to his word by ending the US policy of indefinite war and detention, ending the FED and restoring some lost liberties without dismantling everything that people without a dime to their name rely on in these increasing hard times.

Or it might be a vote for Obama hoping that freed from worrying about a 2nd election he would really deliver all that hope and change we never really believed in during the first election. So far all he has done is further Bush’s war of terror, crushed more liberties than most other Presidents put together and signed more cheques than can be cashed until eternity.

Having to dance for your dinner is probably a big distraction for any first term President and like most of recent times it is only within their second term that they start worrying about their “legacy”. Freed from the shackles of having to find future bucks for favours they can attempt to deliver at least some of what they promised the electorate rather than their paymasters.

However Obama’s track record leaves little to be desired and if he couldn’t get any of his “hope and change” passed in a Democratic House and Senate then it was down to a lack of will not votes. He is unlikely to change in my opinion.

So what can be done when there is no-one to vote for who can be believed in?

I don’t know how the electoral system works in the US but here in the UK we only get to vote for our local MP whilst our glorious (cough) Queen reigns over us forever as the untouchable Crown that is limited by no law at all.

I suspect there must be a lack of millionaire good guys in the USA otherwise at least a few would throw their hat in the ring and spend some of their money on an election or two?

It cannot only be total doofuses like Donald Trump who have the dollars to waste on expensive elections and I cannot believe that there isn’t a few billionaires over the seas who don’t like the state the USA is in at the moment.

Maybe it is just pie in the sky dreaming to expect that people with more money than they can spend want to take it all to the grave with them and don’t already belong to “the club” that gets invited to Davos, Bilderberg and all the other meetings of high fliers each year.

So if no good guys with full pockets have the balls or morals to stand for President then it only leaves a good citizen with some savvy marketing skills and some online clout or a leader from an existing protest group like the original Tea Party (not the GOP flavour) or Occupy Wall St to stand up and be counted.

Whether any of them will or not I have no idea but unless an independent is available to say no no no to more war, more debt, more bailout and more police brutality then the only other course of action is a general public willing to make their protest felt at the ballot box by spoiling their paper in some fashion.

Some possibilities would include:

  • Writing “None of the above” – and list the reasons why.
  • A write in for someone not even standing but with enough spoiled ballots would be mentioned in the electoral count.
  • Just a big cross over the whole ballot slip.

I don’t know what the answer is but I do know that a vote for the incumbent or for Romney or Gingrich will mean a change for the worse, a probable war with Iran and huge cuts to your public services like we are currently experiencing in the UK.

Let me know who you would vote for if you could have anyone you wanted – use the comment section.

Who do you think should rule the world next? Obama, Romney, Ron Paul or someone else?

January 7, 2012

By Dark Politricks

The race is on for the next President of the United States of America. Even though I am not from the USA I feel that due to the power wielded by the dictator like powers that your leader has every person in the world has a stake in this important matter as it could effect us all.

Vote in someone in bed with AIPAC and the Israeli Lobby and get prepared for World War III, rocketing oil prices, huge queues at the petrol pump and a possible nuclear conflict if their desire for a war with Iran is followed through by sanctions and probable conflict in the straits of Hormuz.

Want to vote in someone who actually believes in freedom, liberty and the right to live your life in peace without threat from your own government? Well you have little chance if either the incumbent is re-elected or another globalist, pro big business, Wall St paid for, pro-Israeli, pro-war Republican is elected.

So who should be elected as President to the most powerful country in the world for the next few years at least?

The next presidential term could see the rise of China as well as other BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India and China) and if the POTUS is another stooge as we have seen so far they will just be taking orders from above and play out the face of the power to the people.

Have you ever noticed that the Presidents of the most powerful country when compared to leaders of other nations all seem to have such more severe histories of past misdemeanors in their shady pasts than the others?

No-one is “allowed to become President” of the most powerful country.

They are selected and chosen for their pliability and probable chance of changing any and all electioneering chants of “hope and change” to “more of the same please”.

Just look at Obama and how the masses were fooled by his speeches and promises of change even as all the #altnews sites were declaring him an establishment stooge. What has happened – more war, less liberty, more debt, less freedom, more Wall St money and less jobs. Nothing has changed under Obama.

The last 3 Presidents have all had blatant drug, sex and other issues that could easily allow them to be blackmailed into towing the line and it doesn’t stop their.

Gay sex, crack and weed smoking, girlfriend dope dealing, sex with interns and sexual harassment charges, extra-marital sex, gay rentboys in the White house, and so so many “suicides” to account for where the victim decided to kill himself by shooting himself twice in the head – just to “confuse” the coroner I expect.

Even one of the last “good” Presidents who wanted to stop Israel’s nuclear ambitions and abolish the FED and the CIA, John Kennedy, had enough personal shenanigans going on in his personal life to allow for blackmail. Maybe he actually was prepared to defy the blackmailers and that was his downfall.

No-one since has been prepared to stand up for what’s right and good and if anyone thinks the big business, flip flopping, liberal conservative, Mitt Romney is going to change anything they are surely mistaken. The reason the power brokers want him elected is that he won’t change much from the current agenda, just as Obama furthered the earlier Bush agenda.

If he loses then fine Barack goes on for another 4 years destroying more liberties, implementing more Stasi like policies such as the NDAA and preparing the US for their last stand against the rising Red Dragon.

No change will occur until the two faces of the same coin are dismantled and a proper democratic system is created in the USA.

“The choice between Democrats and Republicans has become one between Pepsi and Coca Cola. They both taste sweet at first but they are both full of shit and in the end both will rot your teeth.” – Dark Politricks

So who should be elected as President of the most powerful nation in the world?

Another establishment stooge prepared to carry on dismantling the American state and turning it into Amerika, the new East Germany or someone totally new who won’t sucumb to the pressures from lobbyists and other paymasters.

Someone prepared to do what’s right for the country without worrying about paying back the people who paid for their mulit million dollar electioneering.

Let me know in this poll and please leave a comment if you choose other in the comment section.

<a href=””>Who should be the next President</a><br /><br /> <span style=”font:9px;”>(<a href=””>polls</a>)</span><br />

The hypocrisy of politicians wanting to drug test welfare recipients

November 30, 2011

By Dark Politricks

So Newt Gingrich is following in the footsteps of state governors and other GOP politicians in calling out for recipients of welfare benefits to be drug tested before they can get any help from the government.

From a recent interview with Yahoo’s Chris Moody:

[MOODY:] Speaking of Ron Paul, at the last debate, he said that the war on drugs has been an utter failure. We’ve spent billions of dollars since President Nixon and we still have rising levels of drug use. Should we continue down the same path given the amount of money we’ve spent? How can we reform our approach?

[GINGRICH:] I think that we need to consider taking more explicit steps to make it expensive to be a drug user. It could be through testing before you get any kind of federal aid. Unemployment compensation, food stamps, you name it.


It has always struck me that if you’re serious about trying to stop drug use, then you need to find a way to have a fairly easy approach to it and you need to find a way to be pretty aggressive about insisting–I don’t think actually locking up users is a very good thing. I think finding ways to sanction them and to give them medical help and to get them to detox is a more logical long-term policy.

I have many issues with this tact and the first is that just like junkies, governments always look for short term fixes.

If any government really wanted to get people off drug habits it would cost more money as proper detox and rehabilitation doesn’t come cheap. I have no problem with criminals who offend being offered treatment at proper centers instead of being locked up in prisons as they currently are but once again this will cost money, and as we keep getting told – there just aint any of that around at the moment.

My second point is what happens to any of the millions of kids born each year to people receiving benefits and who is on drugs?

It is not their fault if they are unfortunate enough to be born to parents who have a drug problem so why should they forgo food, money, clothes and any kind of state help?

Yes the parents might already be spending most of their welfare cheques on drugs but removing food from the mouths of children by stopping food stamps? I think that’s totally unfair but then I suppose these people might have other plans for the kids. Maybe we might see the return of Victorian workhouses full of kids stolen from drug users working for nothing. Well it might stimulate the economy if we can reduce worker pay and conditions….

If the government wants to stop drug taking welfare recipients then they are looking in the wrong direction.

I reckon if they piled up the amounts of coke snorted by banksters in the City, Wall Street and every other major financial institution that has recently received bailouts (welfare from us tax payers) and compared it to the amounts of various home made crystal meth, pub coke and other shit quality gear taken by the poorest of society then I think I know which pile would be worth getting stuck into.

The City of London used to run on coke and it got so bad that many firms had to start drug testing many of the workers. I reckon profits probably fell the year they did that but that’s another debate. This is from a Daily Mail article in 2006.

A study by The Rowntree Foundation which found “anecdotal evidence for an increase of drug testing in some high-profile firms, particularly in the financial sector where there are no obvious health or safety justifications.”

One corporate lawyer quoted in the Rowntree Foundation study which reveals growing drug use said: “I have known one company that had a ‘snorting room’ in the City.

“People turn a blind eye with regard to drugs and alcohol – but also with a range of other behaviour – because they don’t want to lose a key employee…someone who can make a lot of money.”

So it’s okay if the person can make the firm a lot of money but if your on your ass living in a squat or some other kind of shit hole literally living hand to mouth having to rely on food stamps to feed yourself. Where a dole cheque would last less than an hour or two if you had a proper banksters coke habit then fuck you. Go and jump off a bridge, and take your kids with you?

Why not, they are just more mouths to feed and in these times of austerity we need to be looking after our “wealth creating” drug takers rather than those useless eaters consuming up tax dollars.

Ron Paul made more than a valid point when he said the war on drugs has failed. Just like the war on terror it was always doomed to fail as you cannot beat something as intangible as the innate desire for a sizable chunk of the world population to want to change their living conditions for a temporary period by taking various substances.

Unless we can make our world a viable utopia in which the need to escape poverty, memories of abuse, lack of hope and the myriad of other reasons that cause people to drink, take drugs, gamble, have sex and any other form of escapist behaviour – we will always have drugs.

Mankind has been getting high for thousands of years and it is not going to stop by “just one more push” and a harder crack down on drug users – especially when if they actually drug tested the whole population and sacked everyone with even a hint of an illegal (or legal) stimulant or downer in their system we would probably have less than half a workforce left.

And not let forget all the politicians. They are welfare recipients as well. We pay their salaries so we deserve to know if they are taking us for a ride by snorting, jacking or nibbling a bean at the weekend.

We have all read the stories about politicians being caught with their pants down stuck in a glory hole after spending their careers denouncing gay people as “ungodly”.

And just as many have been caught with dope after spending far too much time attacking drug users. Just do a search on Google for politicians caught with drugs or with their pants down and find out for yourself the size of the hypocrisy on display.

What is good for the goose is good for the gander and in this case welfare recipients fall in the same category as politicians and many big banks as well as any other company that has been bailed out by taxpayers across the world.

Therefore if we are going to start drug testing we should start at the top and work our way down.

I think if we did that we wouldn’t be hearing so much from certain corners about drugs and sex.

God damn those Republican candidates are scary!

November 24, 2011

By Dark Politricks

Watching any of the many, many, Republican debates lately has been a very scary thing to behold.

Not only has Ron Paul appeared the most sane, logical and most knowledgeable compared to the rest of the candidates. He appears to be one of the few
who we can be guaranteed as a world not to have more wars if elected.

That is if he isn’t brought into a side room on inauguration day and shown some old compromising pictures or told that certain people have “information” about him likely to hugely embarrass him. This is what I suspect has happened with many recent presidents who have all had drug, drink, womanising and gay sex scandals to hide from the public. However for some reason when I look at Ron Paul I doubt he has the same history as either the incumbent or the last drug and drink addled President.

It seems the other candidates all are just itching to please their paymasters (I wonder who they could be) and just get stuck into Iran, Russia even China.

Can you even imagine what a war with China or Russia would be like? It would be nuclear Armageddon.

And a war with Iran would be no better, possibly drawing in other countries and embedding the US in the Middle East until their empire crumbles into dust and the Chinese rise to centre stage.

The Russians are already saying that if the USA does not give them legally binding commitments about their proposed missile defense system which basically is going
to be set up in positions that are obviously circling their country, that they will have no option but to come up with defense mechanisms to target and destroy any US system that is installed.

Any logical and historically knowledgeable person would know that the Russians have every right to be suspicious of western intention having had their country invaded numerous times in the last couple of centuries from Napoleon to Hitler.

They can only see themselves being encircled again by this US proposal and any Russian would be worried. This is why they have tried so hard to come up with a joint missile defense plan instead. Something which has been rejected time and again which can only add to any Russian suspicion.

If the USA really has no desire to attack Russia then a joint plan would be advisable anyway seeing that Russian missile technology seems to be *cough* quite good – from their super sonic Sunburn anti-aircraft carrier missiles to their modern versions that are apparently able to beat any anti missile system around.

Even their half century old Soyuz rockets are now the only option available to take US astronauts into space after they ended their shuttle operation and even their 70’s designed anti-aircraft missile system the S-300 has a range far superior to that of the much more modern US Patriot system.

Whether any of this technology will be used against the USA is anyone’s guess as the Russian’s have refused to sell their most sophisticated systems to western nations preferring to sell them to China and reportedly Iran.

Therefore to hear GOP candidates sabre rattling against these countries only make those of us who have even the slightest awareness of the possible dangers very scared indeed.

I am only thankful that Sarah Palin hasn’t put her hat in the race as I can only imagine what kind of things she would have said during the GOP foreign policy debates.

The only candidate that makes any sense at all is Ron Paul.

For the media establishment to cut his air time, mask and even hide his multiple winning straw poll numbers and try to discredit him at every opportunity as a “no hoper” only does the world at large a disservice.

I only hope that if he doesn’t get the GOP candidacy he stands as an independent, on a libertarian ticket or even with his friend Dennis Kucinich as a left/right constitutionalist combo ticket.

This combination of left and right would draw the very politically divided USA together by joining both liberals and conservatives who don’t want endless war, attacks on their liberty at home, an end to the FED and restore respect for the constitution together for once. I can only dream….

Occupy Wall Street versus the Tea Party

November 7, 2011

By Dark Politricks

One of the things that keeps cropping up in online discussions is how divided the current anti-government protest movements are.

Conservatives and Tea Party followers attack the Occupy Wall St protesters as left wing hippies, socialists, communists, anit-capitalists and they are backed up by their right wing media shows like the FOX Channel which derides the OWS protesters at every opportunity.

Don’t the Tea Party protestors remember how the left wing media in the US attacked them in the same way as they are now doing to the Occupy Wall St protest?

How the nightly MSNBC talking heads or Daily Show clips laughed at their Tea Bagging quips and showed Tea Partiers turning up to Town Hall meeting with guns, the odd protester with a racist sign or old grannies equating Obama with Hitler and Stalin? We all know that a few bad apples don’t define a movement and the same should be said for OWS.

This is a classic example of divide and conquer and if only the two groups could see that they are both coming at the same issues albeit from different political perspectives then surely there is massive scope for getting a huge movement going that could make some lasting changes.

Obviously for many Tea Partiers it is too late as the original Tea Party movement started by people like Ron Paul and Karl Denniger has now been co-opted by the Republican party and as Karl Denniger himself says:

“Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Bob Barr, and douchebag groups such as the Tea Party Patriots” are to blame for the bastardization of a movement that now seems focused on “Guns, gays, God,” instead of the Tea Party’s original mission: to castigate the federal government for supporting the “rampant theft” of taxpayer dollars that went toward “propping up FAILED private businesses.”

“In short, The Tea Party was and is about the the corruption of American Politics and the blatant and outrageous theft from all Americans that has resulted. It is about personal responsibility and enforcement of the law against those who have robbed, financially ****d and pillaged the nation.”

Ron Paul and Karl want to End the FED, one of the main groups responsible for the massive financial bubbles that have caused the recent crisis and the rampant inflation that is increasing day by day through their excessive use of the printing press. There is a reason Chinese financiers are already declaring that the US has defaulted on their debts.

They want to see the Banksters who caused this huge mess that threatens to engulf the world tried and put in jail NOT bailed out with tax payers money and given cushy jobs in the government or the FED for their troubles.

They want to see a return to capitalism and abolish the crony corporatism that is the financial modus operandi of the current America financial system.

Ron Paul wants to end the wars and bring the troops home. Not only would this save billions if not trillions of dollars that could be used for the people of the USA it would help bring the dubious war on terror to an end.

That stupid war on a word that means the TSA gets to either see you naked or grope you every time you fly somewhere. You never know if your unlucky like ex Governor Jesse Ventura you might be considered an enemy of the state for wanting to uphold your rights as a free citizen and not be treated as a criminal without probable cause. Oh the land of the free…

If the terrorists did 9.11 because they hated our freedoms then we have done their job for them rather well. Bin Laden must be rolling in his watery grave.

Not only has the US been run under a form of martial law since 9.11, the Homeland Security department has risen to become a modern day Gestapo.

Security letters that prevent your from even discussing whatever you are supposed to have done and midnight kidnaps and free trips to overseas prisons where torture has been legitimised awaits those who may disagree with US foreign policy and attempt to do something about it and the rise of the Police State does not rest there.

In supportive countries like the UK we have restricted our own liberties, enabled everyone from the council to the environment agency to spy on us and we have no problem misusing terrorist laws to implement financial terrorism on countries threatening to default or on people daring to protest at Labour party meetings.

The MIAC report that means you are probably on some list just for visiting this site or owning a gun, supporting Ron Paul or Bob Barr or even for just displaying certain signs on your car or home schooling your kids – basically anything that draws you to Big Sis’s attention ensures a big black mark is put against your name for later use as a potential trouble maker.

If the original Tea Party was about liberty, bailouts and high deficits then surely there is a lot to be compared with current Occupy Wall Street protests who also want to end the crony capitalism that has made thousands of people homeless whilst bankers feast on their huge bonuses paid for by you and me as well as ending the wars and the loss of liberty that has occurred since 9.11.

Someone said to me the other day that the “enemy of my enemy is not my friend” but in this case I believe the people of the USA have a lot more to gain by forgetting the divisive two party system that is basically two sides of the same corrupt coin and come together to form a critical mass of protest that cannot be ignored.

The right supposedly respects the troops and wants a strong national defence. How do they feel about the wasted trillions in dollars building multi-billion dollar embassies in Kabul and Baghdad in their name and the wars that bypass the constitution that can be started at a stoke of the Presidents pen? Does the constitution mean nothing to them?

How do they feel when they see the service men they admire so much being beaten, shot at and arrested for standing up for all the liberty and freedom to protest that those terrorists supposedly hate us for?

Didn’t we fight the 2nd world war and many others so that we could enjoy freedom at home ?

Doesn’t that freedom include the right to protest? Or do we only support protest in countries across the ocean with massive oil reserves or geo-political goals to be gained.

Just because many groups those on the right might detest groups such as Communists and Unions who claim to support the Occupy Wall Street protests should not put them off joining in. The whole point of the protest is that we are the 99% being controlled by the 1% and the 99% is obviously going to include groups of people that not everyone agrees with or even likes.

Take 99% of your town, your street, your work place. Do you agree with everything all that those people say or do? Of course not.

Therefore don’t expect the whole of the Occupy Wall St protesters to meet your own standards of who and what you agree with as if they did then they wouldn’t be the 99% in the first place.

Times are a changing and the whole idea behind Occupy Wall Street was to camp out in major towns and cities in a similar way to those Eygptians in Tahrir square who managed to repel attacks by government goons and changed the status quo and hopefully their future.

You only have to watch a few videos on YouTube to see examples of our own goons in blue attacking the protesters and trampling over their constitutional rights.

Tea Party supporters, please just see past Sarah Palin and the other GOP stars who just want your money and votes at the next election and join in the Occupy Wall Street protests.

If you don’t agree with some of their demands then challenge them on their beliefs and debate with them to find common ground. Just don’t write them off by believing the MSM bull shit that FOX and Fools spoon feed their audiences.

You obviously wanted change when you supported the Tea Party, the Occupy Wall St protesters want change as well, lets come together to make that happen.