Posts Tagged ‘Syria’

Russia could overrun the Eastern NATO forces within an hour

October 15, 2016

Russia could overrun the Eastern NATO forces within an hour

By Dark Politricks

Hey everybody, don’t be scared but Russia could overrun the eastern European NATO forces within an hour and then be heading to Paris like Hitler on a tank within a day.

Even the US admit this.

So lets not start a nuclear war with them over Syria please?

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By Dark Politricks

© 2016 Dark Politricks

The Islamic State and why Saudi Arabia should be attacked

March 17, 2015

The Islamic State and why Saudi Arabia should be attacked

By Dark Politricks

This is what I mean when I stated in my last article that we are hypocritical when it comes to our treatment of Saudi Arabia in relation to ISIS.

Saudi Arabia, has decided to lash a woman 200 times for being gang-raped by seven men. Her actual crime was leaving her house, thus making being gang-raped her own fault, – Gang Raped Saudi Woman Sentenced to 200 lashes, 6 months in jail.

Two “Islamic States”, one gets massive arms supplies, Royal visits and ignored when it comes to their human right abuses. Whilst the other gets bombed and denounced as terrorists for doing the same thing in a cruder manner.

Whilst I have no problem admitting these evil ISIS bastards are terrorists. We must remember that we helped create them with our divide and conquer strategy in the Middle East that seems to be for the Greater Israel project.

Keep the enemy fighting amongst themselves whilst Israel expands and Bibi gets standing ovations at Congress for denouncing Iranian bomb making that is based on flimsy evidence at best, on top of a whole lot of lies and ignored data from reputable Atomic inspectors and agencies.

It seems as if the Israeli PM is more concerned about a non factual threat from Iran, whilst sitting on a whole pile of nuclear weapons that could destroy the Middle East himself, than the threat of ISIS on his door. Why?

Why would the Israelis who were so concerned about al-Qaeda not feel the threat of ISIS on their borders and concentrate instead on Iranian bomb making.

Here we have 3 Islamic States all being treated differently because of what they CAN do for their allies, and who they are allied to, rather than their actual potential threat to the outside world.

If we had to order the three by the amount of death and evil they have done to the world then Saudi Arabia, Israel’s ally against Iran and funder of terrorism around the world including 9.11 would surely sit at the top and Iran at the bottom.

The Saudi’s practise a form of 18th century Wahhabist Islam that the European Parliament in 2013 labelled as the main source of global terrorism.

This brutal form of anti Shi’ite Islamic brutality has even led to attacks on American citizens on their homeland. In fact entire sections of the 9.11 commission report was blacked out keeping Saudi Arabia’s name from their findings.

Even this explains it clearly.

“The Saudis deny any role in 9/11, but the CIA in one memo reportedly found “incontrovertible evidence” that Saudi government officials — not just wealthy Saudi hardliners, but high-level diplomats and intelligence officers employed by the kingdom — helped the hijackers both financially and logistically. The intelligence files cited in the report directly implicate the Saudi embassy in Washington and consulate in Los Angeles in the attacks, making 9/11 not just an act of terrorism, but an act of war.”

“The findings, if confirmed, would back up open-source reporting showing the hijackers had, at a minimum, ties to several Saudi officials and agents while they were preparing for their attacks inside the United States. In fact, they got help from Saudi VIPs from coast to coast.“

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This can only be down to the close relationship between ex Saudi US ambassador, Prince Bandar and the Bush clan that prevented the natural course of a post 9.11 war on the real attackers, Saudi Arabia and their white washing from the attacks.

According to the official conspiracy theory, 15 of the hijackers were Saudi, with Saudi financing and Saudi help according to the leaked sections from the 28 full pages of the 800 page 9/11 commission report that were classified due to George W Bush’s say so.

Where 7,200 words once stood in the 9/11 commission report there are now just dots where a huge section related to the involvement of Saudi Arabia in the attacks were laid out.

“A pair of lawmakers who recently read the redacted portion say they are “absolutely shocked” at the level of foreign state involvement in the attacks.”

So why didn’t we see Saudi Arabia burned to a crisp rather than two unrelated countries that seemed to only further US and Israeli geopolitical goals?

Could it be the Bandar-Bush close ties or as some say “terrorist network”, that kept Saudi Arabia’s name from the report, despite their deep involvement in the killing of thousands of American citizens.

I keep being reminded of ex Mossad agent, Victor Ostrovsky in his book “By Way of Deception”, named after the Mossad Motto, when he repeats what he was told was the future of Saddam Hussein in the Middle East.

“After the bombing of Libya, our friend Qadhafi is sure to stay out of the picture for some time. Iraq and Saddam Hussein are the next target. We’re starting now to build him up as the big villain. It will take some time, but in the end, there’s no doubt it’ll work.”

“But isn’t Saddam regarded as moderate toward us, allied with Jordan, the big enemy of Iran and Syria?”

“Yes, that’s why I’m opposed to this action. But that’s the directive, and I must follow it. Hopefully, you and I will be done with our little operation before anything big happens. After all, we have already destroyed his nuclear facility, and we are making money by selling him technology and equipment through South Africa.”

In the following weeks, more and more discoveries were made regarding the big gun and other elements of the Saddam war machine. The Mossad had all but saturated the intelligence field with information regarding the evil intentions of Saddam the Terrible, banking on the fact that before long, he’d have enough rope to hang himself. It was very clear what the Mossad’s overall goal was. It wanted the West to do its bidding, just as the Americans had in Libya with the bombing of Qadhafi.

After all, Israel didn’t possess carriers and ample air power, and although it was capable of bombing a refugee camp in Tunis, that was not the same.

The Mossad leaders knew that if they could make Saddam appear bad enough and a threat to the Gulf oil supply, of which he’d been the protector up to that point, then the United States and its allies would not let him get away with anything, but would take measures that would all but eliminate his army and his weapons potential, especially if they were led to believe that this might just be their last chance before he went nuclear.

By Way Of Deception – Victor Ostrovsky

It seems as if the Israeli’s are up to their old tricks again regarding Syria and Iran using proxies such as ISIS to do their fighting for them plus of course the axis of war, the US/UK, who think they can win wars by bombing from planes.

In reality many people think this war from the air is an excuse to supply ISIS with weapons to keep the war going. Numerous papers have reported on this.

Iraqi army downs 2 UK planes carrying weapons to ISIL

Here is the Washington Post trying to excuse the dropping of weapons to ISIS by saying it was an accident.

We can’t have the war on terror ending too soon can we! Not when the militarisation of our police forces at home isn’t yet complete and we still have a few liberties left.

Remember this war on terror was because we had to fight these evil terrorists who hated our freedoms.

Doesn’t anyone think it strange we have lost more freedoms in the years since this war started than in any time before. Even when the IRA was at war with us for 30+ years we didn’t give up our liberties at home.

It was only with the installation of MI5 mole Tony Blair in the Labour party, who brought it so far into the centre ground that there was hardly any difference between it and the Tories, that we started handing our freedoms over on a plate and misusing them, such as Gordon Brown using anti-terrorism laws to freeze Icelandic money in UK banks after their financial crash.

I think the only left-wing party left with any MP’s in the UK parliament is the Green Party who has one! All the rest are pro-war, pro-austerity, pro-US foreign policy and pro-globalist.

So whilst Saudi Arabia is allied with Israel due their common hatred of Iran, the ISIS terrorists that Iran are actually doing the main fighting against along with the Kurds are being built up as the next big bogey man we should attack.

A repeat of Mossads built up of Saddam Hussein as the big bogey man so that their “big brother” could beat it up in the school playground years before.

If ISIS don’t attack Israel with all their weapons, money from oil sales to western companies, supplies from the US/UK and a supposedly rabid fundamentalist approach to Islam then something is very strange!

Either it’s due to factions within Saudi Arabia that are still financing them and commanding them not to disturb their Israeli ally or the Israeli’s have some kind of control over the group.

Even al-Qaeda made repeated calls to annex the evil Zionist state but I have been dearth of hearing anything of that kind from the head of Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Are Mossad following their motto “by way of deception” or is something else going on?

© 2015 Dark Politricks

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The War On ISIS – Killing The Islamic State

February 23, 2015

The War On ISIS – Killing The Islamic State

By Dark Politricks

ISIS or “Islamic State” as they call themselves, is as barbaric a group as they come. However the misnomer of the term Islamic State is being used to justify attacks on all Muslims whether they are fundamentalists or moderates. Not all Muslims are the same just as not all Christians or Jews are. The same goes for Atheists, Buddhists and any other group of people on this planet whether the Daily Mail tells you differently or not.

Whilst ISIS may believe they are an Islamic State or a new Caliphate for the 21st century. Other Islamic States such as Iran and Saudi Arabia are fighting or preparing to fight against them. Not all Islamic States are the same either whether they put that title in their countries name or not.

There have been many Islamic Caliphates ( Islamic Governments ) throughout history and as with most religions the concept itself is split on tribal lines with Sunnis believing that the leader of any Caliphate should be elected by the Muslim people themselves whilst the Shia’s believe that only a direct descendant from Muhammad’s family can call himself a leader.

History shows that Islamic Governments who ruled from the Middle East to Europe, North Africa and at one point encompassing half of Spain, had at times more welcoming views to other religions than even the Christian Empires of the time. They allowed Jews and Christians to live amongst them and society was pluralistic as it could be under the circumstances of the age. Not all empires were welcoming but during the “golden age” of Islam the leaders of their lands did nothing to harm people of different belief systems living amongst them.

At one point the Umayyad Caliphate covered 5.17 million square miles, making it the largest empire the world had yet seen, and the fifth-largest ever to exist in history. The Ottoman Empire was Islamic in nature and trade, science and culture flourished throughout Islamic States at various points.

It was never the home to such people as those now calling themselves the new Islamic Caliphate.

However ISIS, just like the Taliban with their fundamentalist nature,believe in a strict interpretation of the Koran, and therefore ban music, dancing, and many modern items which seems to contradict directly their love of social media as a tool to spread their message on YouTube and Facebook. Most importantly pictures of the prophet are banned 100%. We have all witnessed the attacks on journalists who print cartoons of him, and it seems to be the ultimate insult that one can take to many Muslims around the world.

It seems as if these people believe the 7th century was the end of all human advancement in Culture, Science and Ethics.

Most importantly this group of people believe that it is okay to kill any human, whether woman, child or OAP, Christian or Muslim, who doesn’t believe in their cruel barbaric form of governance.

You may have seen all the videos, accompanied by beautiful Islamic music, as people in cars film themselves doing drive by shootings on main roads in northern Iraq. Swerving back to ensure the occupants of any vehicle are killed fully and properly and any survivors of their attacks are filmed pleading for their lives before being shot in dug outs or cut to bits with knives and swords. They seem to think this indiscriminate slaughter is a propaganda tool for anyone witnessing it and they seem to be right as many young people flock to the Middle East to join their cause.

Even with all the numerous witnesses and dead victims appearing all over the place people, websites, news stations such as FOX and even forensic analysts are claiming that the recently heavily edited ISIS videos of Jihad John beheading captured journalists and aid workers, and even the burning alive of the captured Syrian pilot, are actually faked or staged.

Why ISIS would need to stage brutal killings when they have proven themselves to be sick murdering bastards by raping young girls and killing opponents by the truck load I don’t know. I have seen videos of whole convoys of trucks carrying captured Iraqi males being driven to a ditch where they are taken and shot. These are in no way heavily edited films and many are shot on phone cameras by the soldiers fighting for ISIS themselves.

However leaving aside any debate on fakery when it comes to beheadings, what I do know is that the rise of ISIS is a foreign policy error of the axis of war, and the US/UK’s training and funding of “moderate” anti Assad groups like the Free Syrian Army have not helped one bit. These groups have shown themselves to be just as barbaric as the rest of the groups fighting in Syria and any funding or training by Qatar, Saudi Arabia or the CIA have just helped to make ISIS into one of the most formidable terrorist groups in history.

We can all follow the trail of this conflict back to the “successful” overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya, a country which is now a mess and a huge training base for pro ISIS groups and then to Iraq and Afghanistan and 9.11.

From our intervention in Iraq, which was basically three countries held together by a Western backed dictator, to our war on the Taliban who only asked for some proof of Osama bin-Laden’s guilt in the 9.11 attacks, before being denied it and bombed into Halliburton’s pockets, the foreign policy decisions of our leaders have either been totally foolish or carefully planned to ensure we have a well equipped army to fight for the next few decades.

We can even go all the way back to the 1st World War and the Balfour Agreement which let Jews immigrate to Palestine in return for US help for Britain in the war, and then the carving up of captured Ottoman Empire holdings into countries that never existed such as Iraq.

Yes our foreign policy is immoral and imbalanced with support for dictators one moment when they serve our purposes and then their overthrow when they stop being useful. To be honest it did seem as if the Middle East was a whole lot calmer when Gaddafi and Hussein were in power.

To go back to the concept of a Caliphate, the whole area from Africa to Iraq and Afghanistan is tribal and localised in nature. These tribes have fought each other for centuries and it was only when their lands were controlled by Caliphate leaders, dictators, and leaders of Western Empire that they seemed to settle and stop their religious and tribal strife. Take that firm grip away and the old rivalries return unabated.

Personally I have no love for any organised religion and whether it’s the break up of the Roman Empire, Henry VIII leaving the Catholic Church and setting up the Church of England so he could get his leg over, or Protestants and Catholics fighting in Ireland, Christians cannot claim to be any less tribal when it comes to irrational belief systems.

One must also remember that Islam is the 3rd branch of the Abrahamic faith.

Please remember that the first books of the old Testament, which allow for the stoning to death of adulterers and other capital punishments for eating shellfish and other stupid laws were at one stage all carried out by Jews, Christians and Muslims.

The fact that Jews are now mostly atheists and Christians have followed their own testament based on the belief that Jesus was the Messiah doesn’t take anything away from the core beliefs that all 3 religions once held, and the laws and punishments dealt out for breaking them.

The fact we are not criticising Islamic States like Saudi Arabia for their beheadings whilst attacking the new Islamic State for theirs is total hypocrisy.

Iran’s stoning to death of people can be seen on websites along with Iraqi’s brutal slaying of rapists in which the whole male community take part in the killing.

Video proof of such “punishments” can all be found on certain “death sites” on the Internet if you want to look hard enough for them.

So whilst we are no way clean when it comes to the rise of ISIS, we should absolutely oppose it for its fundamentalist religious nature.

The fact that I would like Saudi Arabia, Iran and the Taliban to be classed in the same group takes nothing away from the brutality we are facing from this group of 7th century loving killers.

We may have helped stir the pot, and even funded the initial groups who became part of ISIS.

Most definitely the criminal Bandar-Bush enterprise needs it’s terrorist tentacles chopping off ASAP.

The close ties between oil rich Saudi Arabia, it’s ex ambassador and now terrorist group funding Prince Bandar and the Bush family, whose tarnished history goes way back to Prescott Bush and his Nazi funding days, is long over due some legal oversight.

We have funded Islamic groups to fight Communism and then used them to destabilise countries we wanted to encroach into. The history of our involvement is there for anyone who wants to see it.

One only need research Operation Gladio and Gladio 2 to see why we have allowed these groups to flourish and the benefits we got from allowing them to.

However once again blowback is going to bite the hand that fed it hard and fast.

To get down to basics I don’t want to see anymore UK working class men sign up for the Army or RAF to go and fight ISIS.

We have already fought and lost against similar terrorist groups in Afghanistan and Iraq so why keep the military industrial complexes wheels waxed with tax payers money?

Anyway the UK Armed Forces are no match to anyone’s anymore due to cuts from Tory and Labour governments. Faced with ISIS captured US anti-aircraft weapons from fleeing Iraqi forces I wouldn’t be surprised to see a lot more English people being beheaded by Jihad John or burned alive in cages if we were to return to the killing fields of Iraq and Syria.

The UK military cannot even face the threat from a resurgent Russia, no matter how many times our Eurofighter Typhoons have to be scrambled to fend off Russian Bombers from the coast of Cornwall.

We have cut our armed forces to the bare bones. We are certainly not fit for any war worth fighting unless Jersey tried invading Sussex.

Anyway, on a side note, I wonder why Cornwall is Russia’s target for “probing”?

It couldn’t be anything to do with the huge amount of under-water cables taking Internet and Phone messages across the Atlantic to the USA from Europe could it? Or is it just the western edge of NATO’s Europe?

Remember folks if the war in Ukraine actually gets hot between Russia and NATO then China’s recent demo of a laser fired into space to destroy a satellite it had “no use for” or in other words, a warning to the USA that they could take down any US satellites they wanted, making the techno dependent US military redundant, will become true. Russia will most certainly do the same.

Russia is well-known to have far superior missiles and rockets than the US and it would be no surprise to see Satellites falling from the skies during the first days of any war.

So whilst some ignorant people may feel that a hot war with Russia over Ukraine and broken promises post Berlin wall are worth going head into, some other fools think that re-sending defeated forces back into Iraq to bomb ISIS from afar will defeat them.

If we want to crush ISIS, and we should, then we should allow the countries most involved to do the fighting. We should also stop funding Nazi’s in Kiev and ask Russia to help by arming its proxies in Syria and Iran. With Russian military weapons these two countries could crush them fully without a Western jet being flown.

Jordan is already keen to bomb the hell out of ISIS because of their burned alive pilot, and Iran has been helping the Shia’s in Iraq fight ISIS for a long while now.

The Kurds are also well into a hot war at the other end of Iraq and if only we agreed that ISIS was worse for the world than President Assad of Syria then we could allow Syria a free hand to attack from the north.

Why we keep on insisting that President Assad is the real bad guy when there are clearly worse figures about in the area I don’t know. We could easily let Syria and Iran with Russian arms squash ISIS in the middle like a cockroach in the night with a heavy shoe.

Then if only we could get Israel who take US arms, de-construct them, and sell them on to Russia and other countries join the fight from the West it would be game over. I know that sounds like a dream but logically it makes sense. It’s just a shame logic pays no part in foreign affairs or Israel’s behaviour in the world.

Israel has one of the biggest and most sophisticated armies in the world yet they spend their time either setting up fake al-Qaeda groups to then “catch” or allowing the US to instead. Just like leading a blind and dumb rat to a piece of poisoned cheese.

If only Israel could stop using their military might to crush the cornered and starving people of Gaza and instead realised the threat to their east. Their weaponry would be no match to ISIS if they actually fought them.

However if they are not worried about ISIS then it can only be due to their infiltration of, or setting up of, ISIS networks. Nothing else makes sense.

For the Islamic State, who should in all theory from their previous and past behaviour, hate Jews and Zionists, not try to attack Israel it can only be down to the fact that they are bought and paid for terrorists – like so many al-Qaeda networks before them.

If ISIS do attack Israel then they will have a real enemy to fight for once instead of pretend Iranian nukes and Gazan fire cracker rockets.

They could then join the pincer movement by Assad from the north and the Kurds, and Iraq and Iran from the south to crush this disgusting beast as hard as it likes. They don’t even have to hold hands with Iran to do it, they are all neighbours with an unwelcome guest, so they should all want to resolve the problem.

It doesn’t matter who created ISIS.

It doesn’t matter which Saudi Royals still fund it as their government cries out for help between beheadings every Friday after prayers.

It doesn’t matter if ISIS are owned, created or stage-managed actors, they are still scum that need demolishing.

The only thing that matters is that the axis of war doesn’t go back into an area they have just left tails dangling between their legs.

If Islamic countries (and hopefully Jewish) can come together in their area of influence to destroy this beast on their own then it will do more for the social cohesion of the Middle East than anything the Western nations have done since World War One when the French and English carved up the lands that created Iraq in the first place.

Let’s leave the fighting to the people who have most to lose.

It will be clear to see if ISIS don’t attack Israel that something very, very wrong is occurring, and on any account Israel joining Iran to destroy this evil creation can only be a good thing, whether together or by separate means.

Lets just agree to not send anymore of our boys out to these deserts to fight.

We have already done enough damage.

It’s someone else’s turn to turn the tide.


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Western hypocrisy in Ukraine

April 14, 2014

Western hypocrisy in Ukraine

By Dark Politricks

The recent “riots” in Eastern Ukraine by people who want to federalize Ukraine or let their part of the country join Russia like Crimea is just another example of the hypocrisy of the west.

Remember when this was all going on in Kiev.

Peaceful “demonstrators” just exercising their democratic right to protest by pepper spraying and even shooting Ukrainian police officers in the streets?

Ukrainian protester sprays pepper spray at policeman

Protestors defy ban on protesting by the Ukraine government

At that time the western nations, the IMF, EU and the axis of war (US/UK/France) were all de-crying the crackdown on “peaceful” protesters who have now been found out to be shooting from the top of buildings at both protesters AND policemen causing the tension to increase to boiling point.

We now have evidence of this from a leaked phone call between the EU Foreign Minister and the Estonian Foreign Minister which suggests that the western nations KNEW that the snipers killing the innocent people in Kiev were actually from a sub-sect of the Maidan group of protesters.

The Estonian Foreign Minister also recalled a conversation with a doctor who treated those shot by snipers in Kiev. She said that both protesters and police were shot at by the same people. Paet stressed:

“And second, what was quite disturbing, this same Olga [Bogomolets] told as well that all the evidence shows that the people who were killed by snipers from both sides, among policemen and then people from the streets, that they were the same snipers killing people from both sides,

Ashton’s response was  “Well, yeah…that’s, that’s terrible.”, after which Paet continued:

“So that she then also showed me some photos she said that as a medical doctor, she can say that it is the same handwriting, the same type of bullets, and it’s really disturbing that now the new coalition, that they don’t want to investigate what exactly happened”.

At the end she seemed shocked by the claims but not exactly surprised.

“There is now a stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovich, but it was somebody from the new coalition”, said Foreign Minister Urmas Paet to Catherine Ashton, who replied:

“I think we do want to investigate. I mean, I didn’t pick that up, that’s interesting. Gosh”.

She even says “yeah”, when he mentions this, and it seems clear that some knowledge is foreknown about a false flag coup to overthrow out the legitimate President of the country.

You can listen to the two leaders discuss the false flag attacks below.

False Flag Shooting in Kiev

Or read more about it here.

As Michel Chossudovsky says in his article: The leaders of EuroMaidan ordered the shooting of their own supporters.

We are dealing with a diabolical agenda: the deaths of protesters in Maidan square triggered by Neo-Nazi elements (supported by the West) were used to break the legitimacy of a duly elected government.

Underlying US foreign policy and CIA intelligence ops, civilian deaths are often triggered deliberately with a view to accusing the enemy and demonizing a foreign head of State or head of government

The Maidan sniper killings are, in this regard reminiscent of what occurred in Syria in mid-March 2011 at the very outset of the insurgency: civilians were killed by rooftop snipers in the border city of Daraa. The resulting casualties –without further investigation– were blamed on the government of Bashar al Assad. It was subsequently confirmed by Israeli and Lebanese press reports, that the snipers were hired mercenaries.

People like Catherine Ashton and John McCain who stood in the middle of “Freedom Square” hand in hand with fascists and neo-nazis are hypocrites and liars.

John McCain Oleh Tyahnybok
Here is John McCain in the Ukraine meeting (on his right) far right leader Oleh Tyahnybok in Independence Square in Kiev, Ukraine, Sunday, Dec. 15, 2013.

The people they stood with are now in power after an illegal coup that was authorized by the west.

These are the same Senators who take money from AIPAC and other pro-Israeli groups with one hand, and shake the hands of anti-Semites with their other. All the while Jews are leaving Ukraine scared for their safety due to some of the lesser civilized members of the new power structure that was imposed by force.

This new government kicked out a legitimate leader, Viktor Yanukovych, and replaced the whole government with a number of people who are not even supposed to be allowed to work with EU countries, especially Germany under their strict anti-Nazi laws.

An example would be the ex Chechen fighter and nationalist leader Aleksandr Muzychko, who fought against Russian troops in Chechnya and recently branded his Kalashnikov gun in front of regional authorities begging them to “try to take it away from me”.

He is also on record for making openly anti-Semitic statements as are many of the far right of the “Maidan protestors” who have been caught out by leaked phone calls and evidence showing that they were the only people on top of a building one day in any position to fire into a hotel housing reporters as well as shooting policeman down below. What better way to get a populace angry with your government?

However now they have their coup, and thrown out a legitimate leader they seem to be no longer useful to the Wests milking machine e.g the IMF that wants to double gas prices, reduce benefits by half and increase taxes.

Some of these people who helped the ex President have even turned up dead like Olexander Muzychko.

Olexander Muzychko, an ultranationalist wanted for war atrocities, was recently killed by Ukrainian special forces in a sanctioned execution by Government officials.

Muzychko was put on an international wanted list on suspicion of torturing and murdering at least 20 Russian servicemen in Chechnya in the early 2000s. After surfacing in Ukraine, he was arrested in absentia by a court in southern Russia earlier this month.

The Right Sector, along with Muzychko, is a major ally of the neo-Nazi Svoboda party led by Oleh Tyahnybok, a member of the new Ukrainian government and an active promoter of the ideas of Stepan Bandera a Ukrainian who collaborated with Nazi Germany during World War II.

Good credentials! He was involved in mass atrocities in the wartime ethnic cleansing of Poles, Jews and Russians. Just the person you want to help you get into government but not stay inside too long I suspect.

Russia has described last month’s uprising in Kiev as an illegitimate fascist coup, which resulted in Moscow taking steps to protect ethnic Russians in Ukraine.

The people of Crimea held a legal and internationally verified referendum which showed over 96.8% of the people in the Russian Black Sea Port region wanted to become part of Russia.

Crimea’s regional parliament has declared independence and applied to become part of the Russian Federation, a day after people in the Black Sea peninsula voted overwhelmingly to leave Ukraine in a referendum that most of the world has condemned as illegal.

However why is it illegal for Kosovo to vote to leave Serbia, a part of the country for hundreds of years or Scotland to order a referendum to leave the United Kingdom.

Could it be because the result doesn’t fit with the Wests ideas of “who” should be ruling which part of the world?

You only have to look at the first democratic election in Palestine to see the reaction when Hamas won!

A split country, in-fighting between Sunnis and Shiites, and a big distraction as the opposition fight each other instead of their real enemy.

However this “illegal” and “unsanctioned” move by a group of pro-Russians was seen and reported by the west as Russia invading Ukraine!

Forget the fact that since Ukraine gained independence the Russian Black Sea Fleet and the Navy personnel who run it have been allowed to carry arms and wear military uniform in Crimea for years.

These Russian military men were not invaders but sanctioned and legitimate troops who have been based in this new region of Russia under an agreement signed by both countries years ago.

Now the shoe is on the other foot

Pro-Russian demonstrators in the east of Ukraine are demanding their rights and protection of freedom from the new Ukrainian government who has threatened to send in specialist “anti terrorist” squads to oust these domestic extremists!

These people have taken over police stations and other government facilities and Russia has warned Ukraine not to do something stupid like send in the army and kill their own people.

Most of the demonstrators want to stay Ukrainian BUT in a Federal Union where each area could decide their own fate. They do not want to be in sock to the EU and permanent debt to the IMF,

Pro Russian Demonstrators
Pro Russian demonstrators demand their rights be heard

Pro Russian Demonstrators take over a Police Station
Russian demonstrators take over a Ukrainian Police Station

If the pro-Russian protesters and armed militants do not leave the occupied buildings in some cities of Ukraine, the illegal government other-thrown by a pro EU mob has threatened a full-scale anti-terrorist operation.

So far the deadlines have passed and no Ukrainan forces have been deployed – thank God!

But what would happen if Ukraine DID send in their troops?

Well I guess the following:

  • Lots of unarmed pro-Russian demonstrators will be killed. They will be labelled by the Western media as terrorists and domestic extremists trying to remove any sympathy from them.
  • The western mouthpieces would spew out their propaganda about this being a fight for freedom and liberty and the rule of law – totally forgetting they supported an illegal coup just months ago,
  • Stories like the one from the New York Times describing how bad life in South Ossetia and Abkhazia in 2008 has been since Russia took control will fill the papers, true or not.
  • Russia would invade the Ukraine like they did in South Ossetia and Abkhazia in Georgia in 2008 to “protect” their “Russian speaking” people who consider themselves by all means “Russian”.
  • NATO would do Fuck All but make loud noises and try to pass resolutions in the UN which will be blocked by Russia and China (at least) in the Security Council.
  • If a sensible resolution was put down that let the people of the Ukraine decide for themselves whether they wanted to be run by an illegal government, a newly elected Federal government with a new constitution or split the country in two then that would make sense and let the people of the country decide their fate.
  • In the event that the latter option is taken the western part of Ukraine will  suffer the austerity policies the IMF and EU has already imposed on Greece, they would see unemployment soar, taxes rise and most importantly have their gas turned off due to unpaid bills to Russia.
  • What does Ukraine offer the west? Nothing really but land near the Russian border. Land that was called the “bread basket of the west” and if managed properly it could feed the world ten times over. Russia would have to invade the Eastern part of Ukraine to prevent a NATO county on its doorstep, something which was promised by Reagan to never happen if the Soviet Union fell.
  • We in Europe would probably impose sanctions on Russia which would in the end back fire on us. We would have our own gas pipelines that bypass Ukraine cut off and Russia would just sell it on to China, India and other countries with high demand and lots of cash.
  • If we did actually go to a “hot” war we would probably end up nuclear and say goodbye to the world. No one wants that but a war can start over any little misjudgment.  If you don’t know the story UK pop singe James Blunt, whilst a soldier in Kosovo, was ordered to “destroy” and “attack” the Russian forces that had entered the country and taken  over an airfield by General Wesley Clark. Thankfully British soldiers have some brains and think nuclear war is a bad idea and James Blunt refused the order. Luckily he was backed up British Gen Sir Mike Jackson, who said: “I’m not going to have my soldiers be responsible for starting World War III.”
  • After a hot war starts who knows what would happen but by guess is we would back down like pussies and rightly so, letting Russia take control over areas of Ukraine who have always wanted to be Russian and not Nazi collaborators.

So can you see the hypocrisy here?

We allow an elected President to be forced out of power by an armed fascist and nationalist filled group of people. Some of whom have already been knocked off as they are no longer useful to the cause.

We then declare this victory as some kind of sign that people power works. Yet when the Eastern Ukrainians do exactly the same thing in support of Russia we call them terrorists, domestic extremists and Russian soldiers in disguise trying to stir up trouble. As of yet I haven’t seen any photos of Putin or his deputies in Eastern Ukraine standing on boxes with arms in the air urging the people on like John McCain did in Kievb.

However none of that matters. Putin is the great baddie of this play and he will always be portrayed as such if you get your news from the BBC, FOX, MSNBC or CNN. I am not for one minute saying is unbiased in its reporting but it is worth getting an alternative view on events before making your mind up.

Just don’t believe talking twats like Bill O’Reilly or Sean Hannity for your own view-point. Have a read of and get some opposing views.

It might just stop a war.

View the original article at

My end of year Dark Politricks review 2013

January 1, 2014

My end of year Dark Politricks review 2013

By Dark Politricks

Once again I bring the year to a close with a review of what I think are the biggest stories of the last 365 days.

There are so many to choose from therefore I have just picked a few of the important points that managed to make it from the alternative news to the mainstream and back again.

There is a poll at the end and it would be great if you could take part and let me know your thoughts on the matter.

Syria – war averted for once.

For once the Axis of war didn’t get its way when it came to the war they desperately wanted in Syria. This war had been planned since 9.11 and it was part of the “Sweep it all up. Things related and not” comment made by Donald Rumsfeld in the aftermath of the 9.11 attacks.

Iraq was to fall first, then Syria and finally Iran. A splintered Middle East with no serious opposition to US / Israel power in the regime was the aim. A Greater Israel was the dream and a fractured opposition had to be created for the dream to become true.

However after the debacle of the Iraq war Iran became the main benefactor of the US/UK failure to suppress the uprising and they left with their tails between their legs. This scared the hell out of Israel and meant that the axis of evil had to ferment a Sunni uprising to get the Shiites and Sunnis fighting amongst themselves all over the region to prevent a united Iraq coming under the total influence of Iran.

The plan was to destroy Syria and block Syrian  help to their Hezbollah agents who were receiving arms from their benefactor to use against northern Israel. Not only would Syria be cracked into a hundred pieces as Alawites fought Sunni’s and Shiites, but the Christians who had lived there for thousands of years in peace would be caught in the middle as Church after Church was destroyed, ancient villages taken over and ruined, and kids were forced at gun point to convert to Islam.

However it was determined Russian Diplomacy that prevented this useless war in the Middle East over Syria from coming to fruition. Whilst the French, British and US were trying to gain public support for another war, the people just weren’t buying their lies anymore.

US soldiers put their jobs on the line and used social media to show their disdain for fighting yet another war alongside al-Qaeda terrorists with their #IdidntJoin and #NoSyriaWar Twitter campaigns.

They could see that their Government was duplicitous and had no problems using al-Qaeda as the bogeyman in one part of the world and then supply guns, training and support for them in another war zone if it helped their geo-political goals.

Here are just a few of the photos from the #IdidntJoin and #NoSyriaWar Twitter campaign.

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join1

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join1

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join1

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join1

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join1

Read about the #IdidntJoin #NoSyriaWar campaign here.

With videos of Free Syrian Army soldiers (supposedly moderates) eating hearts and lungs of dead soldiers and then putting them up on, the world quickly saw that this was no rebel army that shared their common culture, ideals and ethics that we did in the west. Why on earth would we want to fight alongside this lot of Islamic heart eaters.

Also why was it that our leaders were so keen to back the heart eating, beheading, child killing nutters in Syria when they are basically the same people who were killing our own soldiers on the streets of London such as the horrible case of Lee Rigby?

With fake claims of Chemical weapons attacks by Syrian forces, and huge stashes of Sarin gas found in rebel compounds it was clear the idea was to use a false flag attack to draw us into the war on the side of the Saudi and UAE backed Islamic extremists.

However with Russian diplomacy actually paying dividends, and the amazing display of UK bottle that showed the UK government wouldn’t just blindly follow the USA into any war they wanted us in, the plan to bomb Syria soon fell apart.

The Syrian regime said they would hand over all their chemical weapons and come to the peace table, something the Islamic terrorists didn’t want to do without first getting President Assad to resign. However the US accepted the plan and another war has been averted – so far.

The war was all about taking Syria off the chessboard so that Hezbollah was weakened and Iran would become Isolated.

However this hasn’t happened and it has shown the west up for its real reasons for starting another useless war in the Middle East. Geo-political reasons, protection of Israel, the splintering of any anti-western alliances and the building of more military bases in sensitive areas that control oil and major shipping lanes.

The Iraq War

The 10th birthday of the Iraq war was the bloodiest since 2008. with 1000’s of deaths everyday the bombings continue daily as Sunni extremists fight the Shiite government and the civilians are caught in the crossfire.

The plan may have been to get the Iraqi’s fighting amongst themselves but instead it has given the Iraqi’s a Shiite government focused towards Iran. This is probably the reason the number of roadside bombings assassinations and killings has been ramped up as Sunni’s try to re-gain power through force.

It does make me laugh now to see that picture of George Bush aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln claiming that the war in Iraq was now over back in 2003, on May 1st – just over a DECADE ago!

George W Bush stated at the time that this was the end to major combat operations in Iraq. However it was just the beginning of the Iraqi insurgency.

In fact the majority of casualties, both military and civilian, occurred after this foolish speech by the “Commander-in-Chief” of the allied forces.

Mission un-acomplished

Edward Snowden

He has been the receiver of many awards this year but he is still stuck in limbo with only temporary asylum in RussiaEdward  Snowden was  the NSA analyst that had to go on the run to reveal what he knew about the massive surveillance state the USA had built up over the past decade.

The start, of this huge monitoring of the masses began many years ago with programs like ECHELON, yet after 9.11 the rules were brushed aside about not spying on your own countrymen and the US Constitution was treated like the piece of old paper George W Bush once claimed it was.

With the help of Glenn Greenwald and a number of papers including The UK’s Guardian, Snowden and Greenwald revealed the massive computer servers that were literally sucking terabytes of data straight from major routers, under water pipes, and back doors in commonly used programs.

Programs and applications many of us use such as Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Skype, Twitter and many others who were secretly working in cahoots with the security state.

Programs such as PRSIM were revealed to the masses and it was quickly explained how just with an email address or telephone number an NSA analyst could enter it into a computer and then find out anything about that person that resided online.

From email boxes “in the cloud” such as Gmail (which was the downfall of CIA chief David Petraeus ) to TRAPWIRE a huge link up of CCTV cameras, traffic cameras, cinema and parking tickets and credit card purchases in shops the data “trapped” could be used to monitor your movements through a city 24/7.

In fact the amount of data was so large that the US Government had to build a city sized computer server warehouse in UTAH to hold it all.

As revealed by Wired this center is a:

“heavily fortified $2 billion center (and) should be up and running in September 2013. Flowing through its servers and routers and stored in near-bottomless databases will be all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails—parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital “pocket litter.”

As most of us are all walking around with monitoring devices on us 24/7 i.e phones we are basically asking to be tracked. Our modern phones contain a myriad of ways to monitor and track us from having the microphone remotely turned on to listen to us or the camera switched on to take photographs of our surroundings. That’s forgetting about the GPS positioning that pinpoints us at any time. Useful for when you have lost your phone but not so handy when you don’t want the security state to know where you are.

Even with GPS disabled, triangulation from phone masts can be used to pinpoint us less accurately, and have you noticed how all smart phones nowadays make it impossible to remove the battery?

That’s because even with your phone switched off there is enough electricity in the device to “ping” it and locate it or turn on the microphone or camera. The only way to be safe would be to leave it at home when your going somewhere you “shouldn’t” or buy an old “numpty” phone – one of those designed for OAP’s that let you text and make calls only.

Oh and don’t forget that Google and IPhone have been caught numerous times recording all our GPS co-ordinations on a hidden database in the phone that can be easily removed (even without wires) by Policemen to find out where we have been. Think you are living in George Orwell’s 1984 – well we are well past that by 30 years now!

You can read some of the ways to reduce your Internet footprint on this article of mine but unless you want to live without a phone, TV and computer you are basically hooked into the Matrix and available for monitoring at any time.

Edward Snowden is wanted by the US government for revealing state secrets but many see him as a hero for revealing the level of spying the NSA went to after the reigns were let off them after 9.11.

With the UK’s GCHQ basically acting as their “bitch” and doing lots of dirty work purely for cash. The “Special Relationship” is alive and well. Also without a written Constitution or Bill or Rights to rein them in the junior partners across the Atlantic are able to get away with a whole lot more than the NSA can. Even trawling the whole Internet for data to be analysed for “potential” threats.

These NSA analysts are even going even as far as playing games like World of Warcraft because they believed terrorists were using the inbuilt talking and messaging features within the VOIP games to send messages to each other about potential attacks – either that or it was some clever clogs idea at the NSA to let them play games all day whilst their superiors thought they were working.

Edward Snowden gave this years Channel 4 alternative Christmas speech. It is well worth listening to.

Chelsea Manning

An important story which was supposed to be about liberty and war crimes was turned into a MSM piece about sexuality and unimportant questions. This was due to Chelsea Manning’s decision to mitigate his “crimes” on a “confused sexual identity status” instead of the morality of what he was doing by revealing war crimes by the US Army in Iraq.

What should have been a massive debate in the public sphere about the legality of acts of war was turned into a farce.  The war crime such as the one he released to WikiLeaks which showed innocent Iraqi’s and TV reporters shot to death by US pilots who were almost climaxing during the event was totally ignored and just treated as “war as normal”.

Who should junior soldiers report these crimes against humanity to. Crimes which break numerous International laws and conventions?

What happens if they are ignored or punished. Would they even dare to bring the matter up to a superior and would that superior even listen or would they be disciplined for breaking the all important rule to “shut your mouth and do your job”.

With the number of US female soldiers who complain about sexual assault being jailed in containers in Iraq for just raising the issue it is clear the US military has no time for “complainers” whether the complaint is valid or not.

In July of 2005, Jamie Leigh Jones, then 20 and working in Iraq, alleged she was gang-raped and beaten by fellow KBR employees and locked in a shipping container by managers after she sought out law enforcement. Jones and her lawyers, who lost a federal civil suit against KBR in July, said nearly 40 other female KBR employees who worked in Afghanistan and Iraq told them stories of rape, beatings and sexual harassment.

The FED celebrated it’s 100th birthday in 2013.

Responsible for numerous bubbles, booms n busts, the US Federal Reserve act was passed in the dead of night in 1913.

This act enabled the big banks to control the money supply of the USA by printing it and  then lending it to their friends in the banking world. With the positions in the Treasury and the big banks like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan acting more like a revolving door it is no wonder the big banks always get their bailouts on the backs of the poor tax payers when they play roulette with our savings and pensions and then lose.

With a few lone voices like Ron Paul calling for an end to the FED the movement to end this printing of fiat currency and the Government paying it back with interest from tax payers has been brought to the mainstream and more and more people are asking why we have such a system in the first place.

With many founding US fathers claiming the war of Independence was about controlling their own money and not letting the English tax them without representation the FED would be the anti-Christ if they could see it in action now.

From a recent article by George Washington:

The Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913 in response to a wave of bank crises, which had hit on average every six years over a period of 80 years. The resulting economic depressions triggered a populist movement for monetary reform in the 1890s. Mary Ellen Lease, an early populist leader, said in a fiery speech that could have been written today:

Wall Street owns the country. It is no longer a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, but a government of Wall Street, by Wall Street, and for Wall Street. The great common people of this country are slaves, and monopoly is the master. .. . Money rules. .. .Our laws are the output of a system which clothes rascals in robes and honesty in rags. The parties lie to us and the political speakers mislead us. .. .

We want money, land and transportation. We want the abolition of the National Banks, and we want the power to make loans direct from the government. We want the foreclosure system wiped out.

That was what they wanted, but the Federal Reserve Act that they got was not what the populists had fought for, or what their leader William Jennings Bryan thought he was approving when he voted for it in 1913. In the stirring speech that won him the Democratic presidential nomination in 1896, Bryan insisted:

[We] believe that the right to coin money and issue money is a function of government. .. . Those who are opposed to this proposition tell us that the issue of paper money is a function of the bank and that the government ought to go out of the banking business.

I stand with Thomas Jefferson. .. and tell them, as he did, that the issue of money is a function of the government and that the banks should go out of the governing business.

With Wall Street banks that were called “Too big to fail” in 2008 now almost 3 times as big in 2013 Wall Street is a monster out of control. The Occupy moment may have opened some people eyes to how debt based money really works and how the US Government is occupied and owned by Wall Street banksters but it is not enough.

Without some banksters being jailed for their crimes as they were in Iceland the banksters will continue to steal and pillage money from the masses. Then when they are caught out when their  convoluted investment pyramid schemes fail as they always do they claim bailouts from the tax payers. The same game goes on as usual.

A few heads on poles outside the City of London and Wall Street including those of Jamie Dimon and Lloyd Blankfein would be a nice start but until the austerity measures implemented by our government starts to bite hard not enough people will get angry enough to demand blood for their poverty and the bankers crimes.

Hopefully 2014 will be a better year as more and more people are becoming awakened to the games played all around them by Governments and banks. If 2013 ha been a good year for you then great if not lets all plan to make 2014 a better one.

Please take the time to let me know what you think the most important act of 2013 was with this poll. You can add comments or extra options as I have only put in a few of many possible questions.

Use the comment box on the page at the bottom or the comment box on the Polldaddy page if you want.

View the original article My end of year Dark Politricks review 2013 at

Can the US Government go to war in Syria if they are officially “shut”

October 16, 2013

Can the US Government go to war in Syria if they are officially “shut”

By Dark Politricks

Not being an American I have no idea why you put up with your duopoly of parties controlling the stage. Over here in the UK we may have 3 main central parties but we also have Greens, Independents, Socialists, Nationalists, UKIP and so on.

These parties may never win the grand prize – the chance to kiss the feet of the US President and send our boys to die fighting wars that have nothing to do with us, but they are gaining traction in European and National polls. I only hope the same happens in the US.

What I want to know is this. If the Federal Government is officially “closed for business” and the Department of Defence is a Federal institution. How can any war with Syria happen now there is no Government and no $$$ in the kitty?

Is Israel be shitting it? Are they busy pulling strings and plopping secret million dollar bills into Congressmen purses. All to ensure they vote for a return to normal state of play: massive debt that can never be payed off, war, socialism for the rich all whilst fucking the poor?

Can the POTUS declare war on a nation when the Federal Government is official closed? Or can the POTUS under his national emergency acts, NDAA, PATRIOT CRAP ACT and all the other NAZI style acts enacted after 9.11 still have the power to overrule Congress and send your sons and daughters to die on another Middle Eastern battlefield for reasons they won’t actually reveal.

No mention of a Greater Israel. No mention of al-Qaeda being allies in at least 4 of the US wars in the last 30 years:

  • Afghanistan in the 80’s when bin-Laden was lauded as a hero freedom fighter.
  •  Serbia in the 90’s when we went to war on the wrong side and instead helped the terrorist organisation known as the KLA. Who were also helped and funded by al-Qaeda. Kosovan gangs if non Europeans don’t know are now one of the biggest criminal enterprises known in Europe. Specialising in drugs and people smuggling.
  • Libya, when we recently rejected our new found friendship with Gaddafi to let ex Gitmo detainees and known al-Qaeda / LIFG terrorists kill, rape and plunder what was once Africa’s most successful country in terms of birth survival rates, education, health and many more factors that indicate a life worth living. What did we replace that with? Gangs of terrorists ruling regions, kidnapping Presidents, killing US ambassadors and summarily executing people they consider Gaddafi loyalists.
  • And of course Syria. Where the Axis of War has secretly been helping the Free Syrian Army and their Islamic brothers chop off heads, eat hearts and lungs and execute people who refuse to convert to Islam.

We don’t exactly have a good record when it comes to picking sides in wars and this is the best reason why we should be staying out of them unless the threat of invasion is imminent.

Therefore to all those people who have constantly said “Get the Government out my life” I say, well your now lucky enough to be living in your dream land.

I just hope that due to the US Government officially being shut and broke now, means they won’t be propping up evil dictators like those in Saudi Arabia, or funding al-CIAduh terrorists in their battles with ex dinner party guests.

Secretery of State John Kerry sits down for a cosy dinner with the new Hitler President Assad

What are the chances this will happen?

Even US Intelligence Proves Syrian Rebels Commited Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria

September 18, 2013

Even US Intelligence Proves Syrian Rebels Commited Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria

By Dark Politricks

Please do not take the MSM bullshit you are being spoon fed over Syria as gospel.

As I laid out in my recent article, there is a LOT of evidence that shows that the Syrian Rebels carried out the recent (and previous) chemical weapons attacks in Syria, so that the Assad regime would be blamed and the US cavalry could ride in to rescue the Syrian rebels.

Rebels, which have been recently on the  back foot in their fight against Assad and his forces.

Rebels, which have been taken over by Islamic Jihadists including al-Qaeda and their offshoots including the al-Nusra Front.

Rebels, who we are supposed to believe are “moderates”, yet they fill the Internet with videos that show Free Syrian Army commanders eating the entrails of dead Syrian army bodies.

Or videos that show the black clad, Jihadists, swear allegiance to al-Qaeda and promise to attack the west.

Or rebels who execute their prisoners, or villagers who refuse to convert to Islam at gunpoint, or just anyone who isn’t one of “them” it seems.

Now we have actual evidence from Washington that prove that the USA KNOW the Syrian rebels are carrying out these atrocities. They also know the rebels are NOT moderates as some Senators like John Crash 3 planes McCain claim, and are instead full of Jihadists of the same ilk who supposedly flew planes into the the Twin Towers on 9.11.

This evidence comes from a number of sources including Pentagon veteran Michael Maloof who gave an interview laying out his evidence which came from a classified US intelligence report.

In this document, the U.S. military confirms that sarin gas WAS confiscated earlier this year from members of the Jabhat al-Nusra Front, the most influential of the rebel Islamists fighting in Syria and the most hardline al-Qaeda linked Jihadists fighting in Syria.

The document says sarin from al-Qaida in Iraq made its way into Turkey and that while some was seized during a raid by Turkish security forces, more could have been used in an attack last March on civilians and Syrian military soldiers in Aleppo.

Turkish special anti-terror forces arrested 12 suspected members of the Al-Nusra Front, the al-Qaeda affiliated group which has been dubbed “the most aggressive and successful arm” of the Syrian rebels, in the southern Turkish city of Adana.

This classified document, which was not for foreign distribution came from the U.S. intelligence community’s National Ground Intelligence Center. It revealed that al-Qaeda in Iraq had produced a bench-scale form of sarin in Iraq and then transferred it to Turkey.

A U.S. military source said there were a number of interrogations as well as some clan reports as part of what the document said were 50 general indicators to monitor progress and characterize the state of the ANF/AQI-associated Sarin chemical warfare agent developing effort.

The document depicted the US assessment of the status of their effort at the researching and procurement activities of the rebels when it came to their weapons.

The May 2013 seizure of chemical weapons in Syrian rebels hands occurred when Turkish security forces discovered a two-kilogram cylinder with sarin gas while searching homes of Syrian militants from the al-Nusra Front in Turkey.

The sarin gas was found in the homes of suspected Syrian Islamic radicals detained in the southern provinces of Adana and Mersia.

The gas was allegedly going to be used to carry out an attack in the southern Turkish city of Adana.

Also, according to the military and strategic analyst Brig. Ali Maqsoud, the chemical weapons attack was definitely carried out by Syrian rebels due to a massive defeat by the Syrian Army.

The so called “Chemical Weapons Front”, or the Liwaa al-Islam forces, led by Zahran Alloush, the supreme leader of Liwaa al-Islam chose to use chemical weapons for two reasons.

1. They believed that only a chemical strike could stop the advance of the Syrian army which was routing them from their positions, and,

2. They believed the chemical attack would provoke a revenge US military strike that would deliver a strategic victory for the jihadists. A classic false flag attack.

Apparently these weapons were smuggled from al-Qaida in Iraq to Jobar, Syria, The chemical weapons were then loaded onto what Russian intelligence define as “rockets [which] were manufactured domestically to carry chemicals.” They were then launched from an area controlled by Liwaa al-Islam.

Brig. Ali Maqsoud is convinced the chemical weapons strike was launched at the behest of Washington and on Washington’s orders.

“In the end, we can say that this post-strike US escalatory rhetoric aims to achieve two things. The first is strengthening the US position as leader of the opposition and imposing conditions in preparation for the negotiating table. The second is changing the power balance on the ground and stopping the Syrian army’s advance

You can read the full article about the Syrian rebels attack with chemical weapons here.

And of course Russia has slammed the Wests interpretation of this UN report .

They have also said that they are prepared to hand over “proof” that the chemical weapons attack was carried out by Syrian Rebels and not President Assad’s forces.

Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov said he will  will provide the UN Security Council with data proving that the chemical weapons near Damascus were used by the opposition. He has said:

We have plenty of reports on chemical weapons use, which indicate that the opposition regularly resorts to provocations in order to trigger strikes and intervention against Syria,” Lavrov said. “There’s a lot of data. It’s widely available on the Internet. This data is presented in the report, which our experts put together in association with the use of chemical weapons in Aleppo in March this year. There’s also plenty of data on the incidents that occurred in August in Ghouta, near Damascus.

All of this will be considered in the Security Council, together with a report, which was submitted by UN experts, confirming that chemical weapons were used,” he added.

Read the full article here.

So not only do we have independent UN investigators like Carla Del Ponte who was attacked for claiming that “investigators have been in neighboring countries interviewing victims, doctors and field hospitals and, according to their report of last week which I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated.” … “This was use on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities.

So on top of independent and UN investigations we have actual classified US docuemnts being leaked that also prove that our “freedom fighters” (or al-Qaeda Jihadists), are actually behind the recent chemical weapons attacks in Syria.

So whether you WANT to believe it or not. When it comes to the US/UK/French axis of war claiming that any evidence from the UN inspectors in Syria points ONLY to President Assad is WRONG. They are lying to you!

If you are not hearing this counter point of view on your favourite news channel, ask yourself – why not?


Why not view the original article plus a whole load more #altnews articles on my main site

Putin’s article in the New York Times was right

September 12, 2013

Putin’s article in the New York Times was right

By Dark Politricks

As the recent article in the New York Times shows, when it comes to getting an outside perspective on your own Government, even an ex KGB, dictator who suppresses his own people can be right sometimes.

He definitely has his faults and no-one can claim him to be a beacon of light for liberty but then can we really honestly claim that our western leaders are?

Is Obama really the shining light of American exceptionalism that Putin attacks for arrogance beyond belief? As he tells the US public:

“It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation,” Mr Putin wrote.

“There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too,” he wrote. “We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal.”

Putin also wrote in the NYT today that it was the Syrian rebels, and not the Syrian government, who were behind a recent alleged chemical attack. Evidence upon evidence seems to back this up. Yet for some reason the western press seems to ignore all the reports from Turkey, Russia and Syria when they find chemical weapons factories or stashes of weapons ready to be unleashed.

As he himself admits, no-one doubts chemical weapons were used in Syria, the only question is by who. As Putin says in the article:

“there was no doubt that chemical weapons had been used in the Syrian conflict but “there is every reason to believe it was used not by the Syrian Army, but by opposition forces, to provoke intervention by their powerful foreign patrons, who would be siding with the fundamentalists.”

This would fit with all the intelligence we have seen in the alternative media over the past months that seem to suggest plans to stage provocations using chemical weapons that could be blamed on Assad including:

Hacked emails from defense contractor Britam that revealed a plan apparently“approved by Washington” , to stage a chemical weapons attack in Syria and blame it on the Assad regime.

Raids by Turkish security forces who found a 2 kg cylinder filled with sarin gas after searching the homes of Al-Nusra Syrian militants in Adana.

Earlier independent UN investigations into the use of chemical weapons which found that previous chemical weapon attacks were carried out by Syrian rebels NOT the forces of President Assad.

The Syrian rebels have already claimed they are willing to unleash chemical weapons on Israel from Assad controlled areas of Syria. Will that be the ultimate false flag attack that starts the war, Putin warns that it might.

No one doubts that poison gas was used in Syria. But there is every reason to believe it was used not by the Syrian Army, but by opposition forces, to provoke intervention by their powerful foreign patrons, who would be siding with the fundamentalists. Reports that militants are preparing another attack — this time against Israel — cannot be ignored.

He wants to wait for the inspectors to report on their findings and not let the US just blatantly ignore the international law they helped set up after WWII to start another Iraq style mis-adventure in the Middle East. What is the point of having the UN if members can just bypass the rulings of the security council whenever they like?

The US/UK/France might not like it when Russia and China veto their proposals over starting wars in Libya or Syria but then the US blocks every measure at reigning in the excesses of Israel. It is the pot calling the kettle black. We either stick to the laws made after World War II that any country starting a war of aggression is an illegal act or we might as well throw the whole concept away.

As recent events in the ancient Christian village of Maaloula have shown the Sryian rebels are not “freedom fighters” but suppressors of liberty. Video’s have been released of even the “moderate” Free Syrian Army rebels eating the entrails of dead victims and video’s and stories abound of beheadings, stonings and summary executions.

Is it really sensible to swap one dictator who has allowed Christians and Muslims to live side by side for centuries for an al-Qaeda strong hold where people are forced at gun point to convert to Islam? Why are we so willing to stand side by side with the supposed enemy we have been fighting against for the last decade?

Does America really want another Iraq on their hands?

Putin thinks it’s foolish if they do and it seems that the majority of American citizens do as well.

Putin may not be John Kennedy or Martin Luther King but someone needs to talk some sense into the neo-con warmongers before they unleash hell in the Middle East. If that means Vladimir Putin, the strong-arm leader of Russia then so be it. It only adds to suspicions by many that this proposed war is another under the table proxy battle for reasons our leaders won’t readily admit.

You can read Putin’s whole article here: Putin Speaks to America.


View the original article Putin was right at

“I didn’t join the military to fight for al-Qaeda” #IdidntJoin #NoSyriaWar

September 2, 2013

Anti Syrian War Campaign – “I didn’t join the military to fight for al-Qaeda” #IdidntJoin #NoSyriaWar

By Dark Politricks

It looks like a new anti Syrian war campaign has been launched online and I urge every serving military member or veteran to support it if they don’t believe that their country should be fighting alongside al-Qaeda in Syria.

I have made article after article detailing how we are basically funding, supporting and fighting alongside al-Qaeda rebels from Libya to Syria. It now seems that many serving military feel the same. They don’t want to fight alongside the same people the US Government blame for terror attacks against the US people.

Not only is a proven fact that the USA created al-Qaeda to fight the USSR in Afghanistan in the 80’s but we have supported them in their terrorist activities in China, Chechnya, Kosovo and most recently gave al-Qaeda linked rebels NATO air support in their overthrow of Col Gaddafi in Libya. Read this for more information on our links with al-Qaeda.

Since the Arab Spring started which is basically a US backed plot to cause de-stabilisation around the Middle East we have witnessed Libya, Tunisia and now Egypt turned into failed states. Syria and then Iran are next on the list.

Al-Qaeda, The Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic extremists like al-Nusra Front aim to, and have succeeded in some cases to control their own areas of the countries they are causing havoc in and in the countries already wiped clean with our help such as Libya and Egypt there is no functioning government to speak of.

The Libyan rebel commanders we supported with tax payers money are even people our Government once claimed were terrorists and some were even locked up in Gitmo such as Abdelhakim Belhaj the founder of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. This is the al-Qaeda linked group that ex British MI6 agent, David Shayler and two French reporters with links to ex-president Jacques Chirac claimed the British paid to assassinate Col. Gaddafi in 1996.

Why is it our leaders are so keen to back the heart eating, beheading, child killing nutters that are basically the same people who kill our own soldiers such as the horrible case of Lee Rigby in London?

How strange it is that terrorist are friends one minute then enemies the next. Their status changes so fast it is hard to know whether we are supposed to hate them or support them. Obama would certainly like us to support them in another illegal adventure in Syria.

We know that the CIA and other intelligence agencies maintained close contact with al-Qaeda including Osama bin-Laden right up to 9.11. They even visited him in hospital, and according to Sibel Edmonds the CIA has been using the terrorist group to fight proxy wars around the world just as they did in the 80’s with the Soviets.

As I wrote in my recent article “Are we ready to go to war with Russia over Syria” there is plenty of evidence that recent chemical attacks weren’t even carried out by the Assad regime as the mainstream propaganda would like us to believe. In fact there is more than enough evidence and credible witnesses who claim it was Syrian rebels who deployed the weapons, either by mistake because they didn’t know how to use them, or on purpose to blame on the Syrian regime.

Experts like John Hart, head of the Chemical and Biological Security Project at Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Gwyn Winfield, editor of CBRNe World magazine, which specialises in chemical weapons issues and even the Israeli paper Haaretz have cast doubts on the claims that the chemical weapons attack was an Assad job.

The fact that the British parliament voted against joining the US in any attack, a first that I know of, and that Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for Obama to present his evidence at the UN is a sign that many outside the axis of war believe there isn’t enough evidence to go to war over this. The problem is our war mongering leaders just don’t want to listen.

Our politicians are busy holding war cabinets and declaring that there is no other possible explanation for the chemical weapons attack apart from the Assad regime carrying it out yet they know that Syrian rebels have been caught multiple times with Sarin gas in Syria and Turkey. 

The mainstream media seems to be very quiet when it comes to evidence that points away from President Assad but even if he did carry out the attack are we really prepared to send our sons and daughters to fight alongside these Islamic nutters?

The mainstream media has been strangely quiet on all the Christians who are being killed, their churches and graveyards destroyed and the peril they will be in if we allow Islamic extremists to take over these countries.

President Assad may be a dictator, but Christians and Muslims have lived side by side in Syria for hundreds of years. The problem is he is not “our dictator” and the chemical weapons he supposedly used were not authorised by us. Not like during the Iraq / Iran war in which we didn’t kick up too much of a fuss when Saddam Hussein gassed thousands of Iranians with our knowledge.

We are now considering backing these various groups of Islamic extremists in Syria.

Both the al-Nusra Front and al-Qaeda rebels are fighting President Assad in their civil war and they want to establish an Islamic al-Qaeda state if successful. Do you really think they will be grateful for our support or are they just using us for their own ends. Do you really see them handing over any weapons that fall into their hands from NATO supplies after any war is over? They sure didn’t in Libya.

So if there is a campaign starting online I am all behind it. I hope as many soldiers from countries planning on fighting join it as possible.

Why the fuck would any US or NATO soldier for that matter want to fight on the same side as al-Qaeda. Weren’t they the whole reason this war on terror was started in the first place?

Anyone who knows anything realises the CIA control these rebels and they are used as the perfect patsies to de-stabilise countries so that we can enter on white horses as saviours to humanity. The sad thing is that we are no such thing, we are moral relativists who have no ethical boundaries when it comes to war. If there is money to be made or oil to be drilled then that is all the excuse we need.

I just hope this campaign catches on. Hashtags #IdidntJoin and #NoSyriaWar seem to be the ones to use when posting your own “I didn’t join the military to fight alongside al-Qaeda” photos on Twitter.

Here are just a few of the photos from the #IdidntJoin campaign.

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join1

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join1

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join1

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join1

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join2

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join3

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join4

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join5

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Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join7

Are we sure we want to start World War III?

August 26, 2013

Are we sure we want to start World War III?

By Dark Politricks

This is the question we should be debating when we talk about Syria, especially after this latest chemical weapon attack.

So far the claims that the attack was carried out by President Assad’s forces have not been proved and seeing that the history of previous claims has actually led to the door of the rebels we should be wary about jumping in head first.

Why President Assad would attack defenceless woman and children with chemical weapons instead of the rebel forces I have no idea. He knows that the west has made “chemical weapons” their red line and even though we have backtracked from storming into Syria on previous occasions we have been funding and supporting the rebels covertly for some time.

However with politicians in the USA, UK and France all getting war crazy after the latest attack we should be very wary of attacking Syria without 100% proof that

a) Assad was behind the attacks and

b) We are prepared to see high-tech Russian made missiles flying all over the middle east.

Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., the top Democrat on the House Foreign Relations Committee, is telling TV stations that Obama should ignore the War Powers Act, as he did over Libya and go straight into Syria first and ask Congress for permission later.

And the UK’s foreign secretary, William Hague, is indicating that the axis of war, USA, UK and France could go it alone in Syria without consent from the UN. He told the BBC today that:

“Diplomacy has not worked in Syria” and that:

“We, the United States, many other countries including France, are clear that we can’t allow the idea in the 21st century that chemical weapons can be used with impunity,” as well as implying that military action could be taken “without complete unity on the UN Security Council” and stressed that such action would be “in accordance with international law”.

He also parroted the official line that has yet to be proven that the main suspect behind the attack is indeed the Syrian regime and there was “no other plausible explanation”.

Obviously this is biased and playing to one point of view, a western imperialist one that ignores past facts and uncomfortable truths about the nature of the rebels we are so eager to back in Syria.

An earlier independent UN investigation into the use of chemical weapons by the former Swiss attorney-general Ms Del Ponte suggested that previous chemical weapon attacks were carried out by Syrian rebels NOT the forces of President Assad.

She claimed that there was “strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof” that the rebels had used the nerve gas Sarin. However this point of view was obviously dismissed out of hand by the Axis of War as it didn’t fit their desired outcome.

I can only suspect that the “independent” investigators sent to examine recent claims of a chemical weapon attack have been picked more “thoroughly” this time.

This comes on top of a recent raid by Turkish security forces who found a 2 kg cylinder filled with sarin gas after searching the homes of Al-Nusra Syrian militants. The raid was carried out in the southern provinces of Adana and Mersia and the gas was allegedly going to be used to carry out a chemical attack in the southern Turkish city of Adana.

Russia Today, although not exactly fair and biased when it comes to their allies, as is the BBC, FOX or CNN, recently reported that the Syrian army had found a huge chemical weapons factory just outside Damascus. Obviously this news wasn’t reported much on western TV.

We also have proof that talk of a “false flag” attack to pin blame on Assad and make an attack on Syria possible is not so far-fetched after all. Hacked emails from defense contractor Britam revealed a plan which was apparently “approved by Washington” and funded by Qatar, to stage a chemical weapons attack in Syria.

This false flag attack is something many people have warned about and it would provide the war mongers the perfect excuse to start their next war of distraction. If you haven’t seen this point of view being espoused on mainstream media then you are getting your news from the wrong sources, alternative media sites have been talking about this possibility for years now.

I most recently talked about our hypocrisy in supporting al-Qaeda linked terrorists in Syria, which follows on from our support of them in Libya, Kosovo and back into time.  It seems we are fond of using al-Qaeda as the bogeyman to strip our liberties at home but support them in any way possible to destabilise our enemies abroad.

Washington’s Blog gave a great breakdown on the doubt cast about the recent chemical weapons attack recently and included quotes from experts in chemical weapons use.

John Hart, head of the Chemical and Biological Security Project at Stockholm International Peace Research Institute said he had not seen the telltale evidence in the eyes of the victims that would be compelling evidence of chemical weapons use.

“Of the videos that I’ve seen for the last few hours, none of them show pinpoint pupils… this would indicate exposure to organophosphorus nerve agents,” he said.

Gwyn Winfield, editor of CBRNe World magazine, which specialises in chemical weapons issues, said the evidence did not suggest that the chemicals used were of the weapons-grade that the Syrian army possesses in its stockpiles.

“We’re not seeing reports that doctors and nurses… are becoming fatalities, so that would suggest that the toxicity of it isn’t what we would consider military sarin. It may well be that it is a lower-grade,” Winfield told AFP.

Even the Israeli paper Haaretz casted doubts on the Syrian army being behind the attack.

Western experts on chemical warfare who have examined at least part of the footage are skeptical that weapons-grade chemical substances were used.

Dan Kaszeta, a former officer of the U.S. Army’s Chemical Corps and a leading private consultant, pointed out a number of details absent from the footage so far: “None of the people treating the casualties or photographing them are wearing any sort of chemical-warfare protective gear,” he says, “and despite that, none of them seem to be harmed.” This would seem to rule out most types of military-grade chemical weapons.

Additional questions also remain unanswered, especially regarding the timing of the attack, being that it occurred on the exact same day that a team of UN inspectors was in Damascus to investigate earlier claims of chemical weapons use.

It is also unclear what tactical goal the Syrian army would have been trying to achieve, when over the last few weeks it has managed to push back the rebels who were encroaching on central areas of the capital. But if this was not a chemical weapons attack, what then caused the deaths of so many people without any external signs of trauma?

So it seems that despite doubts by many, the axis of war are scheming and getting ready it seems to launch another war in breach of international law. We should be thinking twice about the consequences of such actions as it could be the “big war of distraction” that many have been waiting for.

Russia has already claimed it would supply advanced missile systems to Syria including missiles that “never miss their target”, and whilst Putin has claimed that Israel wouldn’t be attacked if they stayed out of the conflict it is obvious by their attacks into Syria so far that this would be unlikely.

Therefore a full-scale war with Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and maybe Russia on one side, with the axis of war, Israel, al-Nusra Front, al-Qaeda and the Free Syrian Army on the other seems likely.

Even I had to read that sentence a few times when I wrote it!

Are we really prepared to fight alongside al-Qaeda linked rebels? The same people we blame for 9.11 and the war on terror?

Are we prepared to go to war to support the same sort of people who beheaded a UK soldier, Lee Rigby, on the streets of London only months back? People like these?


And Russia isn’t going to play nice this time.

Putin has passed on diplomatic messages to the axis of war claiming that they will supply weapons that have never been seen in the Middle East before.

These will include top of the range, S 400 system has a range of over 400 miles and is considered more than a decade ahead of the most advanced US counterpart. Syria is already, along with Iran, likely to have the older S 300 missile system installed and ready for use.

Russian S-400 Missile System

Russian Barrel 24 Launchers

It seems that years ago the Soviets and then Russians, adopted a new tactic, instead of the cold war, gun for gun, tank for tank race with NATO. Instead of building and maintaining a huge expensive arsenal they instead looked for weaknesses in their opponents defences and then came up with ways to exploit them.

It seems that with their new range of missiles that they may have done that, although I’m sure with the amount of money the USA spends on its military it won’t have sat back and allowed the Russians to implement superior weapons that could one day defeat them. However from talk on various military and defence sites it does seem that the Russian’s do have some of the top anti-ship missile technology available on the planet at the moment.

Missiles such as the SS-N-22 “Sunburn” which has a speed of Mach 2.5 or 1500 miles an hour, uses stealth technology and has a range up to 130 miles. They also have the “Yakhonts”,  SSN-X-26 cruise missile which has a range of 185 miles and could make all US / NATO ships in the Persian Gulf or Mediterranean vulnerable to attack.

Whilst the US has been installing new anti-aircraft missile defence systems the missiles they are likely to face have never been tested in combat in real situations therefore until that time comes theoretical debates on defence system websites will be just that. However this being said the two armies have never actually “faced off”, so to speak, apart from by proxy and if the war in Syria heats up enough we might be crazy enough to see who’s missile system really is the best.

Are we really willing to risk a possible World War just to support a civil war we have no right being involved in?

Are we prepared to be called “hypocrites” again for breaching international law, ignoring the UN and choosing who can and can’t start wars in the world?

And do we really want to risk a major war all on unproven evidence of a chemical weapons attack that in all likelihood was a staged attack by the rebels?

It seems that whenever a big peace talk, convention or inspection in Syria is about to happen a new “major crime against humanity” occurs. Is this just luck or are the Syrian rebels trying to force our hand by using false flag attacks to pin the blame on Assad?

Before we are willing to risk the lives of millions shouldn’t we be sure first?

View the orginal article Are we ready to go to war with Russia over Syria? at