Posts Tagged ‘Government’

The 4th Generation of Humanity

January 9, 2021

How Life Before COVID19 Will Never Return To Normal…

By Dark Politricks

This is an interesting video from Richard Dolan. Since the pandemic started I have been saying that we won’t be going back to a life anywhere near normal, even the mutated versions of the virus are all squashed somehow.

Not everyone WILL or WILL BE ALLOWED to get the vaccine, so don’t expect that to stop the spread of the virus. I saw a doctor swab a piece of fruit with the COVID19 test the other day and it turn positive so I have little faith in rushed out medical solutions.

I have thought for a long time that when AI became so good that it could create it’s own simulated realities, that virtual reality would be the place that most of us “useless eaters” would survive and live. Only being able to socialise and meet partners of the opposite sex in a VR world because the globalists had turned the real world into China, using super AI computers to control our movements, our cash flow and our ability to meet up and travel anywhere.

You only have to look at China’s social credit system to see how well they have been at creating a system to control over a billion people. It truly is a modern marvel if you think that having your life controlled by computers is a marvel.

However they manage to keep most of their population in line with their social credit system and the rest, well they are working in slave labour camps, being “re-educated”, or having their organs removed for rich elitists to purchase.

This is a video by Richard Dolan, whose own mother has just died due to COVID19 related problems. Therefore he is no “denier” of the disease but he does see how society has changed for the worse because of it and worries about our future life on this planet.

In it he talks about the 4th Industrial Revolution, the Great Reset, and how AI computers are so sophisticated nowadays that with only a few hours of being given the rules to the most complicated game on earth, GO, where there are more positions on the board than the known number of atoms in the observable universe, approximately 2.1 × 10170. The computer can easily beat the best human players of the game in the world, and even the best AI computer built to beat the best human Chess players on the planet.

With AI computers as sophisticated as this, who can learn, and then teach themselves with calculations of millions of processes per second, can you really believe the authorities would not want to use such creations in their control of humanity? 

Just remember if you believe the Government is there to help you then you don’t know history.

Have a watch and think to yourself if you can honestly say that at the end of this year you will all be celebrating Christmas with your families, and drinking down the pubs with your mates as you did in 2019.

Let me know what you think of the video.

Please remember you can use my #altnews search engine at this location

Remember you can read about the 550+ sites and why they are on the search engine from my article on the main site Am I Going Down The Google Plughole?. There you will find that I am designated as too dangerous for you to read LOL.

You can read the original article on my main site here:

By Dark Politricks

© 2021 Dark Politricks

“Do Evil” – Google’s new motto

September 2, 2017

“Do Evil” – Google’s new motto

By Dark Politricks

If you watch Redacted Tonight or many other shows or read ant-war or progressive websites you will know that many sites are being de-monetised by Google, YouTube and labelled “Fake News” by Facebook.

You can see a graph of sites that have lost money due to Google’s pro war anti progressive new algorithm here.

Progressive anti war sites knocked down by Google

I am probably on a list of sites being demoted as we speak, Redacted Tonight showed a graph showing some top sites that were anti-war, anti-Empire, anti training terrorists abroad to scare us at home were being demoted by Google and de-monetized by YouTube (also owned by Google).

I have already had 3 blogs shut down with no reasontwo Facebook pages, a YouTube channel I spent ages making for my business and threats from the US (Navy, Army, USAF and a myriad of others) sent to my hosting company which kicked me off as the bloke was scared about black helicopters coming to get us.

I’ve also had a Google+ community taken out of my hands already and yesterday I got a 30 day ban from Facebook for some ancient 2 year post about horse racing, when there are thousands of similar posts up.

So I guess I am on some kind of list designed to fuck people over and take any money they can away from them.

Therefore any help or donations to keep this site running while I type with a broken arm would be much appreciated.

Anyway what I wanted to speak about was how comedy and satire usually is the best way of getting over political messages to the masses easily and sometimes without the audience even knowing about it.

Jimmy Dore, and Lee Camp who are other progressive comedians, are both under attack from the Washington Post and other “news outlets”.

They dare to speak what MSNBC, NBC, CNN and FOX don’t dare to, and everyone who has spoken out against the Iraq war or the bail outs have been sacked and most of them including Larry King now work on Russia Today.

You cannot call Larry King a stooge for Putin.

Lee has a show and speaks about the Democrats being just another shade of the Republican party. They don’t implement health care because their donors are big pharma and health insurance companies, they didn’t crack down on he banks after the 2008 crisis due to Wall St being their biggest donors and the White House full of Goldman Sachs people telling Obama not to.

So he was left like Trump looking like a liar who had tricked all these voters into voting for him and then ignoring his promises.

I can tell you over in Europe we may play up to Trump but everyone thinks the USA has made a big mistake and he is an embarrassment to all Americans, and the free world in general with his mad tweets and policy turns that must have his supporters fuming.

What has he actually done for his supporters that he promised on the campaign trail?

Well like Obama he did a 180 as soon as he hit the White House.

I swear as soon as the new President enters the White House, he is taken into a room full of men in dark suits he doesn’t recognise and they show the new POTUS kill shots of JFK from multiple angles just to remind them to keep towing the constant war policy and who really is in charge.

Do you remember when he was going on about getting the 28/29 redacted pages released from the 9.11 commission?

Well they have been released and what did Trump do, go and sell Saudi Arabia, the country who paid to be taken out of the report a multi billion arms deal instead. I bet half of that military the US just sold is on it’s way to ISIS right now.

Here is a Telegraph article all about the Wahhabism they export around the world to terrorist groups. That is as the Royal family of 20,000+ spend their time in Dubai with hookers, drugs and drink. Not exactly very good Muslims are they.

They are not on the list of countries banned from entering the USA despite the supposed hijackers all being from that country. The Petrodollar at work…

Mexico won’t pay for any wall, and there won’t be one built. If there is the Mexicans will just dig tunnels under it like in the Gaza Strip where they can get cars through. Or use hooked rope ladders to climb over it.

Trump didn’t even realise that the Republican health care bill was including tax cuts for the rich.

He said that was going to be done later. He has no idea how politics work with pork added for dissenting Senators to get bills passed.

Also it seems he has sacked a different person each week. It’s so comical.

What has he done for all those Trump voters who believed in him that he would bring back jobs from China and stop immigrants coming in?

If he was going to stop any countries immigrants it should have been from Saudi Arabia, the country in the 28/29 pages, not bowing down to be waved with a sword over his head, something he attacked Obama for doing.

And what about the golfing holiday?

Didn’t he say he would be too busy in the White House to have holiday’s. I distinctly remember him saying that in a speech or 10 seeing he attacked Obama for his holidays so much.

Google’s motto used to be “Don’t do evil” now it seems that their close links with US security agencies has switched that on its head.

“Do Evil” seems to be Google’s motto nowadays the way they are shutting down blogs, taking away their money, and demonetizing YouTube video’s. So any help would be much appreciated even a monthly donation of a few quid each month through PayPal. The button is on the main sites home page

As Jimmy Dore says “No wonder people are getting their news from YouTube

Anyway support me if you can before I get shut down totally and here is the Redacted Tonight show that might put some ideas in your head about how Google and Facebook are censoring progressive or anti government websites.


By Dark Politricks

© 2017 Dark Politricks

Tory plans to make us all Terrorists!

June 10, 2015

Tory plans to make us all Terrorists!

By Dark Politricks

This is a recent video from Russell Brand about the new UK Tory governments plans for a new anti terror bill that will crack down on free speech and other civil liberties.

It seems that with every new government we get a new “anti terrorism” law passed, Tony Blair passed at least 2 that I can remember. They were mostly used for memorable things such as:

  • Freezing all Icelandic money in UK banks after the Iceland Banking crisis – something which the Icelandic people have never forgiven us for. From my recent trip to Iceland I would not be surprised to see a statue of Gordon Brown put up in Reykjavik just so that people could throw tomatoes at it.
  • Throwing out and then arresting OAP protestors from Labour conferences who dared shout out “liar” as the warmongers on stage defended their illegal war on Iraq.
  • Allowing M16 / MI5 Agents to pass questions to CIA torturers at “black site” prisons and Gitmo, who then proceeded to abuse, humiliate and injure the prisoners many of which were innocent. The ones that are not, including leaders of the now destabilised mess of a country we “liberated” called Libya, are even now trying to sue the government for their complicity in torture e.g Abdul Hakim Belhaj. This included one incident in which one British jihadi’s fingernails were ripped out after MI6 suggested that a notorious Pakistani intelligence agency detain him, and MI5 and Greater Manchester police drew up questions to be put to him.
  • Cracking down on tourists and other photographers within London taking photos of buildings as they could be “planning terrorist” attacks.

We should always be careful when “new” terrorism laws are proposed. Especially as with the current one it is to be “fast tracked” through government.

This means no proper debate over the merits of the bill and no proper time to propose amendments and changes to the bill.

Hopefully enough libertarian/liberal-minded Labour, Lib Dem, SNP and hopefully Tory back benchers will stand up against this act of tyranny.

As I said in my last piece, the UK Tory Government, freed of the shackles of coalition with liberals, are planning on repealing the Human Rights Act. A piece of legislation brought in by Tony Blair in the 90’s but created from the European Convention on Human Rights which was drawn up by the Tory post war government to show to the world how civilised we should all be in future.

It is sad that a future Tory government is now going to remove this legislation due to a minority of cases where they have not been able to deport criminal immigrants due to their “right to a family life”.

It seems that the Tories wish that if you are born in this country and your parents are not, that if they commit a crime they can now be ripped away from you leaving you with the choice to follow them to whatever horrible war-torn country they escaped from (Libya, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Sudan…).

The question is what level of criminality requires this response. I can understand the Government wishing to get rid of terrorists, murderers and rapists but what about non-payment of Council Tax, a crime punishable by prison, which many British born OAPs have found themselves facing? What crimes would exact this level of response, does a list even exist?

It seems we English are sticklers for the rule of law even when we don’t agree with small parts of it.

Instead of just ignoring section 8 of the Human Rights Act like France does whenever it wants to do something the EU prohibits we decide to throw the whole law away.

Instead of just declaring that the house of Commons is the supreme will of the people, and that if it votes to decide to remove someone from these shores because of a REAL terrorist crime then so be it, family or not. The problem comes with all the guff these bills include that label you and me “domestic terrorists” for speaking out against the Government, war, its foreign policy, support of Israel, or other civil rights that are being chipped away bit by bit never to return.

I have no problem if a REAL terrorist who is not a British citizen is deported at the end of his or her sentence. The problem is that the Government is proposing to throw the whole Human Rights Act away to achieve this instead of coming up with another solution.

If the House of Commons IS supposed to be the supreme will of the people because we have voted for it – try to forget the UKIP member who got 0 votes despite voting for himself for a moment, we don’t have voter fraud in Western Democracies, it’s just nasty evil countries like Russia that do things like that. Then a vote in the house should be enough to override any appeal on Human Rights grounds due to section 8. This is as long as the case has been proved beyond doubt, the convict has had his chance at appeal, and the criminal does in fact pose a threat to the country.

I am perfectly happy to see a UK Bill of Rights on TOP of, not INSTEAD of, the Human Rights Act, to achieve such aims if needed. I just don’t want to see families ripped apart over nonsensical crimes or crimes that shouldn’t even exist e.g drugs, protest, freedom of speech that goes against popular view etc.

David Cameron has gone on record to say that the belief that if you as a citizen “just followed the law you would be left alone”, is now going to be turned on its head.

That in itself is worrying Hilter-esque language that could be taken to mean anything.

Wasn’t an Englishman’s home his castle?

Were we not the creators of law as it exists in many countries through the Magna Carta, Due Process, the idea that we are all innocent until proven guilty.

What about the social contract between citizen and state that meant we plebs had our rights and the government protected them and the country as long as we paid our taxes?

As Russell Brand says in the piece below, a similar piece of legislation which the Tories are basing their own law on, was recently brought into Canada and the people were appalled by it.

It meant that:

  • Innocent words can be interpreted as terrorism – make of that what you will.
  • Speaking “recklessly” which could lead to a terrorist act being committed is a crime. So speaking out about the increasing authoritarian nature of our world on this blog could lead to a mentally disturbed reader to go and fly a plane into a skyscraper and I would spend 5 years in jail – fair?
  • Protesting could lead to government surveillance. So any kind of protest by Unions, Students, Occupy, or anybody against the increasing Police State be warned.
  • Meddling with ANY CORPORTATE INTERESTS could be interpreted as terrorism under the new UK act. So protests that prevent Vodafone from opening their doors (UKUncut beware!) or the use of Bitcoin or other electronic currencies that stopped the banks from monitoring your money could now be considered a crime.

Watch the video to see more and spread it.

Our rights are being eroded and we could all soon be considered terrorists for speaking our minds, protesting corruption and the corporate take over of our life.

Is that really terrorism or just the rights we should expect to enjoy as a member of a supposedly free country?

View the original article at Dark Politricks.

© 2015 By Dark Politricks

Five more years of hell as the Tories win the UK election

May 19, 2015

Five more years of hell as the Tories win the UK election

By Dark Politricks

Did any of you foresee the result of the recent UK general election in which the Tories won an overall majority despite every poll leading up to the election calling it too close to call.

There was a general expectation across the media that there would be another hung parliament and probable coalition government with the Lib Dems as King Makers.

The multitude of polls preceding the election were very wrong, whilst the exit poll was spot on.

This led to ex Lib Dem leader Paddy Ashdown to embarrassingly have to “eat his cake” on the subsequent BBC’s Question Time due to his comments on election night TV that:

“If these exit polls are right I will eat my hat” – Paddy Ashdown

His party, the Lib Dems were almost wiped out and went down to single figures losing 49 seats and leaving just 8 MP’s in parliament.

Major party figures including Danny Alexander the ex chief secretary to the Treasury, lost their seats in the decimation of the party.

Along with 2 other party leaders, one of which changed his mind after a day (Mr Farage), the Lib Dems leader Nick Clegg immediately resigned leaving the future of the party in doubt along with Labours.

The Labour party also had a bad night, almost being wiped out in Scotland, and losing 26 seats. However Labour still managed a 30% share of the popular vote despite pundits calling the election “too close to call” right up until the votes came rolling in for the Tories across England.

The Lib Dems were never going to be forgiven by their core voters for joining the right-wing Tories instead of their natural cohorts, the left leaning Labour party, in a coalition. Many Tory back benchers were very unhappy at the unequal number of Lib Dem ministerial posts that were given out to their junior partners in the collation that was, as we were kept reminded, in “national interest”.

Whilst they may have helped prevent some Tory excesses and helped push the amount you can earn before paying income tax up above £10k, they showed their lack of respect for the voters, mostly young and left leaning, when they broke a much publicised pre-election promise never to raise University tuition fees. This promise was broken almost as soon as Nick Clegg got made Deputy PM and access to ministerial chauffeurs and apartments.

Lib Dems sign pledge with top students
The Lib Dems sign pledge with top students never to raise tuition fees

Tax breaks for the rich, a raise in VAT which is a tax raise that affects the poorest the most, a massive failure to reverse the huge police state Labour had built up and a decimation of the benefit system to save money instead of taxing the banksters who had caused the financial crisis were all unforgivable as well.

We were kept being told that the deficit was shrinking whilst in fact it grew along with the national debt. The last Government was not a success story at all.

Maybe Nick Clegg saw joining the Tories as his only chance to get some modicum of power whilst he could. He must have known the writing was on the wall when he basically stuck two fingers up at his constituents and joined the Tories. Letting the banksters get off scot-free, supporting the Tories war on Libya and speaking out for Israel instead of condeming it when it attacked Gaza which was quite common to hear when they were the third-party with no expectation of favours for power. However the change in stance and policy to fit in with the Tories were just some of the things that annoyed grass root Lib Dem voters.

He thought the electorate were willing to vote for constant coalition with a referendum on a change in voting but the country wasn’t ready for the watered down choice they had to make. Maybe if they had made their point after the recent election more people would have been willing to vote for a change.

You just need to look at how the popular vote in the recent election matched seats to see how many people would be pissed about the current voting system.

The Green party and UKIP together won around 16% of the popular vote (5,038,712 votes) yet only returned one MP each to Westminster.

Yet on the other hand the SNP won far less when it came to the popular vote, Scotland has a population of 5.2 million and only 1,454,436 people voted for the SNP, yet they took all but 3 Scottish seats, 56, a massive gain of 50!

They almost managed to take every single seat in Scotland but instead chose to leave one each for the major 3 parties taking the remaining 50 seats. The SNP are sending a nationalist mob down South who want to see an end to the union and more Scottish powers devolved. This includes the articulate and always enjoyable to watch debate, former leader of the party, Alex Salmond as an MP.

People who had never thought about electoral reform are now calling for it.

Those people who say we only just had a referendum on changing our first past the post system seem to forget that the choice on the cards for voters was not a proper proportional system but instead a form of alternative voting. This is where you would mark an alternative candidate who would take your vote if no-one managed an overall majority.

It does seem odd that Scotland’s 1.5 million voters can send 56 MPS to Westminster yet England can vote over 5 million to achieve just 2 MP’s.

From the BBC News site.

UK vote share after 650 of 650 seats

Political Party % of Popular Vote
Conservative Party 36.9%
Labour Party 30.4%
United Kingdom Independence Party 12.6%
Liberal Democrats 7.9%
Scottish Nationalist Party 4.7%
Green Party 3.8%

So now without the Lib Dem’s “Steadying Hand“, as one of their election adverts put it. There to prevent Labour spending all the cash again and there to prevent the Tories from being too mean, we are now left with an overall Conservative majority.

That means that there is no-one to stop them hammering away at the poor whilst letting their rich benefactors and friends all off with tax cuts and a far too complicated tax system that provides enough loop holes for most of the Tory front bench to keep multi million pound trust funds overseas and away from the UK tax man.

Did you know that the UK has the longest tax code in the world?

Surely this is a money bomb for accountants and the rich looking for loop holes.

The Hong Kong tax code, widely held by tax lawyers to be the most efficient in the world, is a mere 276 pages long.

The British tax code which has tripled in size since Blair got into government in 1997 is currently in excess of 17,000 pages!

If our government really wanted to claw back some money from waste they would surely shorten this gargantuan piece of legislature.

As anyone knows the longer and more complicated a piece of legislation the more loopholes and get out of jail cards are to be found within its pages.

Instead they will carry on using their right-wing supporter rags of papers, the Sun and The Daily Mail, to attack benefits claimants and the poor. Obviously forgetting the fact that benefit claimants had nothing to do with the banking crash or the dramatic rise in the national debt and deficit under the previous two administrations.

Why is it we have still not seen any bankers jailed from the illegal behaviour from banks like HSBC who laundered drug cartel money, terrorist funds and more?

Instead they get $1.9 billion fines in-case the banking system is “destabilised“.

I don’t understand why their banking licence could have been kept whilst still jailing the bankers in control of the slush funds and drug cartel accounts as an example. London must continue to be the bankster capital of the world it seems. This won’t change under any Tory administration.

What will change under the new Government?

Well let’s watch embarrassingly as our country, who actually came up with the European Convention on Human Rights, pulls out of the Human Rights Act. This is despite the fact that it was written by Conservatives after World War II to show the newly freed countries that some things related to a countries ethics and morals should be set in stone and not relative to a countries current situation.

This will be something that will not only be a massive blow to civil rights in this country unless replaced by an English Bill of Rights that actually means something and is kept to, not invalidated bit by bit over the years as the US Bill of Rights has  been.

People don’t seem to realise that the Human Rights Act although abused by a small minority of terror suspects in jail or on control orders trying to prevent extradition to countries where they will be tortured – including the USA – is there to protect them as well.

You may read the odd cherry picked Daily Mail horror story about the new Abu Hamza we can’t extradite to a country X or Y where they maybe tortured or executed. Why, because we have morals and see ourselves as a civilised country not a 7th century Islamic State where heads roll as often as the weapons we sell them are unboxed.

The national debt will continue to grow due to the lack of GDP, plus the interest rate apartheid which sees banks loan money from the Bank of England at half a percent whilst the average man now has to rely on WONGA loans with an APR of 1,500%.

The current national debt stands at £1.36 trillion, almost triple the £0.53 trillion it stood at in 2008, the time of the economic collapse and grows at £5,170 per second.

As stated on the National Debt Clock website:

“Mainstream media headlines today are focused on Britain’s record national debt, which just surpassed £1 trillion, a figure that can only exponentially increase unless the entire mechanism of Government finance is overhauled. The truth however is much worse, factoring in all liabilities including state and public sector pensions, the real national debt is closer to £4.8 trillion, some £78,000 for every person in the UK.

Our National Debt Problem

UK National Debt
UK National Debt Over Recent Years

During 2007, the Labour government borrowed £37.7bn, of which £28.3bn was invested in big projects (the balance of £9.4bn represents the current budget deficit). However during the last government during 2013, the Conservative-led coalition borrowed £91.5bn, with just £23.7bn invested.

So when you hear George Osborne talk about fixing the hole in the roof or reducing the deficit / national debt, take it with a big pinch of salt.

Read this article by the BBC on the different terminology and numbers related to national debt and the deficit.

Instead of recouping and saving billions by doing just some of the following ideas they are mostly going to attack the poorest in society, both here and abroad.

Saving some money…

Save £34 billion by not replacing Trident, the non independent nuclear deterrent.

It really pisses me off when I hear MP’s call our rotating Trident submarines at sea an “independent” nuclear deterrent. This is because they all rely on US GPS satellite systems. Unless we put our own GPS system up into space we would always have to ask the permission of our US allies to fire any nuclear missiles anyway. Therefore it makes the whole system redundant. What if we had to go to war with the USA? Why not save the £34bn and spend it on the NHS instead. Nukes are not going to help in the war against terror and when China and the USA finally duke it out our piddly number of missiles is going to be inconsequential when it comes down to it. Satellites will be one of the first victims of any war between the US and China. Falling from the skies like rain drops in any major conflict as China and the USA race to become the superior technological and information power house before any real bullets or nukes are fired. As China showed the world in 2007 when it downed one of it’s own Satellites with weapons from earth, it is willing and able to take the modern battlefield that one step further and into space by making the US armies massive reliance on information and technology redundant.

Not blindly following US Foreign Policy and going to war

We seem to blindly follow US policy as if it’s our own. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost the UK £20bn by 2010 and the final cost when you add in extras such as the cost to society due to the fact that a large proportion of homeless people, those with mental health problems and prisoners are ex service men will increase that by the end of 2015. Add to that the £1.75bn cost of David Cameron’s war in Libya and the cost we are now dealing with due to the failed states we have created across North Africa, people smuggling into Europe, and increased security checks on immigrants due to fears ISIS is using people trafficking to implant sleeper cells in the country and the cost of recent wars reaches £12bn. This does not even include secret wars such as our involvement training fighters in Syria, Ukraine and Yemen.

Cracking down on Companies avoiding tax

During 2010-11, the HMRC estimated that companies were avoiding tax worth £4.1bn however some campaigners such as Richard Murphy of Tax Research UK, think that the real figure could be £12bn or more. This is not even including the amounts of money “legally” avoided by our huge tax code that gives corporations such as Vodafone the means to avoid £6bn in tax during 2010, an act which spawned the anti-austerity protest group UK Uncut.

Added together legal and illegal tax avoidance could easily be in the £20bn+ figure per fiscal year.

These are just 3 things that could be done to prevent more austerity whilst increasing spending, generating growth by creating jobs and not wasting money on pointless exercises in hubris by going to war to destroy a country only to spend more money trying to re-construct it and deal with the aftermath of failed states such as Libya and the recent people smuggling epidemic.

Has David Cameron even admitted that the hundreds of people dying in the Mediterranean are related to the failed states of Libya and it’s neighbours which we helped create. From Tony Blairs 2004 kiss with Gaddafi in the desert to blockades to prevent immigrants reaching Europe in two easy steps.

Blair meets Gaddafi
Tony Blair makes up with Col Gaddafi in 2004

The problem with people smuggling from Libya to Europe
A cramped boat full of desperate people trying to flee the failed state caused by David Cameron and the Axis of Wars destruction

Will the Tory government do any of these 3 easy ways to save dozens of billions of pounds?

The answer is obviously no.

The divide between the rich and poor will get wider.

The people who keep the lights on in London won’t even be able to afford to live in the city they work in due to the average house costing £350,000. Even in certain rich areas of London like Kensington, up to 70% of houses are classified as “Second Homes”. Even the local paper shops for the rich people of Chelsea are shutting down due to the influx of rich Chinese and Russians buying up our capital city.

Instead the Tories will attack immigrants, benefit claimants, people who cannot get good jobs and rely on job seekers allowance and more diversionary tactics as they continue Maggie Thatcher’s dream of a total privatised country.

We only have 5 more years until we get another chance to vote for a party to represent us. The problem is there doesn’t seem to be a party on the horizon I can see myself putting a cross against anytime soon.

Labour is Tory Lite, and with the resignation of Ed Milliband, a person many could never imagine seeing as PM, much in the same way I can never imagine Boris Johnson as PM, let alone Mayor of London, we have no real party that represents the people anymore.

The Greens did well to get 1 million votes but with our current system of voting, one MP per million votes in England is not going to get us far and they still have an environmental edge that puts many off them despite the fact that if you read their manifesto there would be many aspects to it that you could find yourself agreeing with. Maybe it is just the fact that they are led by a woman and their only MP, Caroline Lucas from Brighton is a woman who puts many working class men off from voting for them.

Personally this election, I did as I said I would and spoilt my ballot paper. This was because there was no-one on it that represented my views. I live in an area where Tories have always ruled and there is no chance of Labour or Lib Dems getting in instead. In one election in my ward Labour and the Lib Dems didn’t even try to contest the seat which allowed the racist BNP to come 2nd!

I hoped enough people would do the same so that even this amount of spoiled papers would have to be recorded along with party numbers and shown in graphs such as the one from the BBC website I put on this page.

From anecdotal evidence from people I spoke to at various events and groups I know quite a few people also spoilt their papers.

The news even carried a story about someone who spent the time and effort to draw a tiny little penis inside the square of an incumbent Tory in Wales. However because the drawing was within the confines of the box it was actually counted as a vote rather than a spoilt ballot!

I would still love to know how many people did write “None of the above” or spoilt their ballot in some way or another.

If you took the effort and time out of your day to go and vote there should be a “None of the above” option by default to measure peoples dissatisfaction with local politicians or political parties. However because there isn’t we should create our own.

Hopefully by the time of the next election a party which doesn’t represent the Axis of War, Austerity, Tax cuts for the rich and attacks on the poor will emerge, a bit like how the Unions created Labour. The only exception is that we don’t want to see our new party being taken away from us slowly and infiltrated by MI5 to ensure when it becomes electable it’s going to be “establishment ready” like MI5 asset Tony Blairs successful attempt to turn Labour from a real Left wing socialist party to Tories with northern accents.

We have plenty of protest groups about but no political consensus or a political body that we can use as an umbrella for them to rest under.

Students, the young unemployed, the people who cannot afford to live anywhere due to the lack of cheap housing, the anti-war brigade, the pro privacy, anti GCHQ/NSA Pirate groups. UK Uncut, Occupy, anti-austerity groups, religious organisations and charities that manage food banks and support the poor. These are just a few of the protest groups around at the moment.

Groups helping wounded soldiers and soldiers disillusioned with the wars they have been forced to fight. People working 50 hour weeks on minimum wage or not being able to take loans out at decent interest rates due to interest rate apartheid. These are more people who might be looking for a new political home.

Basically anybody who doesn’t want to see the gap between the rich and poor get wider would be a perfect member or voter for such a Peoples Party.

In the meantime let’s just hope we still have a public NHS, a decent benefit system and proper jobs with decent pay in 5 years time rather than another tripling of the National Debt and more lies about reducing our debt that the current Chancellor likes to spiel.

View the original article Did you foresee the Tories winning the UK election at the main site

© 2015 Dark Politricks

Why do Americans still celebrate Independence Day on the 4th of July

July 7, 2014

Why do Americans still celebrate Independence Day on the 4th of July

By Dark Politricks

On the 4th of July there is only one question that needs to be asked by all Americans who are actually celebrating this holiday.

“What are you actually celebrating and why?”

You may not be ruled by King George any-more but the recent 2 Presidents have acted far more like Kings than the English monarch ever did.

It cannot be the freedom of speech you used to cherish. No you have to have permits and free speech zones for protests now. Plus your constant chatter on the phones, Internet and talk in public is constantly monitored by technology like NSA’s PRISM, TRAPWIRE and the much older ECHELON.

It cannot be the free movement around the country without fear of harassment, secure in your papers from unreasonable searches. Not when the Police, TSATransport Cops, Border Guards and other agencies can now forcibly take blood and DNA samples from you, scan your naked body and grope your genitals if you refuse to be scanned, stored and studied as you go about your way.

Add to that the fact that most people are carrying the equivalent of chips in their skin by having smart phones on their person 24/7.

Phones that record your every movement to local databases on your phone that can easily be extracted by the Police or if you turn off this feature (check once logged into Google to see if your history is currently being recorded) then it will still be logged at the phone company.

Turn your phones GPS off and your location can still be located down to a few square metres from pings to phone masts and a simple triangulation formula. Turn your battery off and there is still enough power to enable this to happen – maybe this is the reason most smart phones make it so hard to remove batteries nowadays.

It cannot be freedom from a tyrant, a King George like figure who thinks he has a God-given right to take your life. No the President now has the authority to take your life without even bothering with the charade that passes for a trial if he thinks you are a danger to your country. He just needs to consider you a danger to the country and sign a bit of paper and “boom” a drone is coming your way.

Freedom from drone strikes? Nope – not even if you’re a US citizen. Your just an enemy combatant who doesn’t have the right to argue your case in a court of law.

Freedom from assassination squads? Nope. Navy SEAL Teams and other commandos are scouring foreign countries to assassinate “terrorists” and the CIA are doing the same on the homeland for “malcontents”.

What about freedom to blow the whistle when you find that your government has broken the law, spied on people without warrants or committed massacres in war zones? No – if you write the wrong article in a paper or expose secrets that have been passed to you by a whistle-blower you are more likely to be considered a traitor than a hero in this new age.

It seems journalists who try to print the truth are considered nothing more than spies and the papers and journalists who dare to print your stories of government abuse will also be attacked, spied upon and harassed.

Even people who should know better will call for your execution on live TV. Who even knows whether these talking heads are even real TV personalities anymore rather than COINTELPRO agents stirring up hate against “enemies of the state” who dare speak truth to power.

What about the freedom to work long hours for little pay? Forced to hand over large amounts of your earnings for goods that your Government mandates you “must” purchase and then watch as the endless cycle of your Government buying its own printed money through the convoluted and corrupt Federal Reserve system means that the value of your wage decreases in real terms every month as your jobs are shipped overseas to people who are willing to work even longer and for much less?

It has now come to the stage that you are monitored so much in real life through linked up CCTV systems like TRAPWIRE, massive city sized computer systems that can log every purchase you make, every movement you make through your cars GPS tracking systems or even that useful bug you so happily carry around with you for others to track you with, your phone, that you cannot even escape into cyberspace any-more.

The virtual world is just as monitored as the real one.

I have to wonder whether the places you visit in virtual games  like Second Life are also bugged and monitored by virtual agents of the state? I’d guess the answer is most definitely especially after news that the NSA and GCHQ were using the chat services that online games employ to spy on the players.

Facebook, Google, Skype, Apple and all the other big techno giants we are being shepherded into using 24/7 are all just front ends to those 3 letter acronyms that litter the American landscape.

Acronyms like NSA, CIA, FBI and the  TSA are all hankering after those data packets that log every URL, website, file, instant message and email you have ever written.

These are the modern-day “papers” of the 21st century, and secure is not something you can expect to be, especially when you willingly hand over your data to the “cloud” for safe storage.

So if you celebrated “Independence Day” then I would be interested to know what is so special about your independence when compared to a dictatorship?

You have been living under emergency laws since 9.11.

Laws that give the President dictatorial like powers through Orwellian pieces of legalese like the PATRIOT ACT which was written years before the date and then eagerly dusted off when the events of 9.11 unfolded.

All to be enacted under a climate of fear and patriotism, where politicians didn’t even bother reading what they voted for and detractors were attacked with Anthrax or declared “unpatriotic”. All because they were not willing to hand over their basic rights such as habeas corpus, a fair trial, freedom from torture or the right to know what you have been accused of in an open court of law.

This was back when we had a far right government running the USA. Now we are supposedly living under a liberal, left wing, Democrat!

How I laugh when I hear Americans call Obama left wing or socialist! Society is not something he is promoting with Homeland Security asking neighbours to become de-facto spies and inform on each other or where over a million Americans have top secret security clearance.

There is nothing democratic or liberal about the NDAAdrone strikes at will or the President declaring that he can spy on anyone in the world without due process.

I have to wonder what President Obama see’s when he looks in the mirror.

Does he see the leader of a once great free nation that has succumb to fear, militarism, war mongering and the all-pervasive surveillance state.

If not, does he honestly believe he’s a liberal in charge of a “free nation”?

If so does he not feel the slightest bit of guilt when he looks at that Nobel Peace prize he was so, so prematurely given in the hope that pre-election rhetoric would be converted into real “hope and change” from the Bush/Cheney years?

Instead he has taken the ball from the GOP and kicked it out the stadium, far surpassing anything the Republicans did to kill liberty and freedom in America.

Wars have increased, with covert action and drone strikes occurring in more places across the world than ever before. All under the never-ending “war on terror” banner.

Liberty at home has decreased and a true liberal POTUS would have at least stood up for the freedoms he attacked Bush for removing when he was only a Senator. Does he honestly not believe he is the hypocrite is blatantly is.

It is funny how power corrupts.

It is not so funny to look at the state of Amerika on Independence day.


View the original article Why do Americans still celebrate the 4th of July? at my main site




Please write to your MP about the unfair Clare’s Law which splits our justice system into two!

December 3, 2013

Please write to your MP about the unfair Clare’s Law which splits our justice system into two!

By Dark Politricks

If you read my latest article you will know I was a bit annoyed about the new Clare’s Law which was being brought into the UK nationwide.

This law would let women ask the local Police for any criminal history about their new partner. The new law would not apply to men who make up 40% of all domestic abuse victims.

The disturbing thing about this law is that it divides our judicial system into a sexist one where one law exists for men and another for women.

Also the police are able to give out “suspicions” and “allegations” to the inquisitive woman which might not be truthful or correct.

How many vindictive women are out there which would claim that their ex partner beat or abused them because they are upset or jealous that they split up?

I don’t know, but I do know that we have had recent court cases where a women has been prosecuted and jailed for making false claims of rape against men. The most recent one being the case of Natasha Foster who was jailed for 3 years for making up a claim of rape against an ex boyfriend.

Therefore if you think this new law couldn’t in any way affect you then think again.

Not only could your current partner lie and make a false claim of abuse but just by alleging an offence took place, even if it didn’t result in a court case, it could still be treated as an “allegation” serious enough to be given out to future partners.

Also old crimes that should be “spent” after a period of time under the 1974 Rehabilitation of Offenders Act will still be eligible for the Police to give out to future partners even if the crime happened many years ago. This goes against the whole point of the 1974 law as the crime is not even supposed to be on your record any more.

This turns the whole concept of our criminal justice act on its head. Supposedly, under this law, once you have spent your crime you are “rehabilitated” and therefore allowed to not mention it on job application forms of other legal documents that ask about criminal convictions. This new Clare’s Law, like the Criminal Records Bureau checks before it, have totally negated the nature of the 1974 Rehabilitation of Offenders Act and could throw any chance of rehabilitation away for ex-offenders.

For example if you had a fight with a man 20 years ago this should supposedly be “spent” and no longer on your record. You should be able to apply to jobs and not even mention the event.

However under Clare’s Law the police could give this information out if they felt it was “relevant”. This in itself is leaving a very important matter up to a low-level Police officer rather than a Judge or Magistrate.

Here is what is “supposed” to happen when you have committed a crime and then “spend” it by passing a specified length of time which is dependant on the seriousness and nature of the offence.

I quote directly from the Home Offices own page on the law:

Subject to subsection (2) below, where an individual has been convicted, whether before or after the commencement of this Act, of any offence or offences, and the following conditions are satisfied, that is to say—

(a)he did not have imposed on him in respect of that conviction a sentence which is excluded from rehabilitation under this Act; and

(b)he has not had imposed on him in respect of a subsequent conviction during the rehabilitation period applicable to the first-mentioned conviction in accordance with section 6 below a sentence which is excluded from rehabilitation under this Act;

then, after the end of the rehabilitation period so applicable (including, where appropriate, any extension under section 6(4) below of the period originally applicable to the first-mentioned conviction) or, where that rehabilitation period ended before the commencement of this Act, after the commencement of this Act, that individual shall for the purposes of this Act be treated as a rehabilitated person in respect of the first-mentioned conviction and that conviction shall for those purposes be treated as spent.

Read the full law here: The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.

Therefore after my earlier rant I wrote to my local MP about this matter and I got a response back telling me that he will raise the matter with the Home Secretary.

Here is the letter I received:

Dear Mr ….

Thank you for your email in which you pose some interesting questions which I shall submit to the Home secretary.  I shall let you know when I have a reply.

Best wishes

Sir Gerald Howarth MP
Member of Parliament for Aldershot
House of Commons
London SW1A 0AA

Therefore I suggest anyone else, male or female, who is concerned about our whole criminal justice system being split into two – one for men and another for women, complain to their MP, or directly to the Home Secretary ASAP.

You can find your local MP and contact them directly online here >

Here is the letter I sent to my own MP. If you cannot think of your own version feel free to copy it and change wording as you see fit.

Dear [YOUR MP’s NAME],

Can I enquire about the introduction of the new “Clare’s law” which is apparently going to be rolled out across the country.

From the news reports it seems that this law is only going to apply to women even though a reported 40% of victims of domestic violence are now men.

I quote directly from a report made from Home Office statistics which was reported in the Observer >

“About two in five of all victims of domestic violence are men, contradicting the widespread impression that it is almost always women who are left battered and bruised, a new report claims.

Men assaulted by their partners are often ignored by police, see their attacker go free and have far fewer refuges to flee to than women, says a study by the men’s rights campaign group Parity.

The charity’s analysis of statistics on domestic violence shows the number of men attacked by wives or girlfriends is much higher than thought. Its report, Domestic Violence: The Male Perspective, states:

“Domestic violence is often seen as a female victim/male perpetrator problem, but the evidence demonstrates that this is a false picture.”

Data from Home Office statistical bulletins and the British Crime Survey show that men made up about 40% of domestic violence victims each year between 2004-05 and 2008-09, the last year for which figures are available. In 2006-07 men made up 43.4% of all those who had suffered partner abuse in the previous year, which rose to 45.5% in
2007-08 but fell to 37.7% in 2008-09.”

Therefore can I ask you the following questions:

-Will men be able to find out if potential new female partners are violent and in this age of supposed equality surely any law should be equally applicable to men and women?

-What actual information will be given out to women enquiring about their partner?

-How does this new law effect the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 in which convictions are supposedly “spent” after a number of years. For example if I was arrested and convicted for a street fight against another man when I was 18 will that information be given out?

-What about if a women had made a false claim of rape against me which led to no charge or conviction? From the reporting it seems that even “accusations” true or not can be given out. How would that effect men who have been falsely accused of rape or other violent crimes.

-How are you going to handle “deliberate” misleading reports of domestic abuse by former partners who are upset that their relationships have broken up. I can see no better way for an annoyed ex to get back at me than claim to the Police that I hit or abused her and therefore ensure any future partner I might have could be told about it. It could potentially ruin relationships and allow manipulative women to purposefully ruin lives.

Also I would like to state that in a country where we are all supposedly innocent until found guilty the only way guilt is proven is by a conviction in a court of law.

Therefore giving out “accusations” and “rumours” goes against a supposed long standing maxim of our country that all are equal under the law until proven guilty.

Can you please ask the Home Secretary how she can claim we live under the rule of law when it is not applied equally to all?

Surely in this day and age of female equality when websites exist that let women brag about beating men up > we should all be equal under the law, rather than having two sets of laws dependant on the sex you are born as.

Yours sincerely,


Hopefully if enough of us can get questions raised in Parliament or MP’s actually thinking about the consequences of their new laws they may think again.

I have no problem with sensible measures to protect women from horrible domestic abuse.

However any law in a democratically country should be equally applied and it should not negate previous laws in doing so.

Please help our politicians understand this.


View the original article on Clare’s Law an unfair law to be rolled out across the country here on the main site

Read the The response from my MP to Clare’s Law on my main site:

England and Wales Stop and Search Consultation – Let the Government know what you think!

September 16, 2013

England and Wales Stop and Search Consultation – Let the Government know what you think!

By Dark Politricks

The UK government is holding an open consultation with the public over their thoughts on the controversial stop and search powers that are used (and abused) by the Police.

As anyone who knows stop and search can be a humiliating experience. You are prevented from going along your way, frisked and even strip searched (as I have in a pub toilet) and basically treated like a criminal even if you haven’t done anything wrong.

Anyone who knows the statistics of stop and search realises that the most likely people to be stopped are black young males, or people of colour and youths.

“But they commit the crime” you might say, and you might be right in that some statistical studies show that in poorer neighbourhoods the majority of criminals fit those profiles.

However it is more likely that wealth and social factors are to play when it comes down to whether or not someone is a criminal and as the recent banking crisis shows, if you are a super rich, high flying, banker who robs billions from the country then you are not even likely to be convicted let alone stopped or searched!

Therefore if you are an uneducated poor working class male, coloured or not, you are more likely to live in areas of high crime, be drawn into gang culture or just stopped by the police due to your postcode.

A recent article in the Guardian has this to say when the current Home Secretary spoke at the Police Superintendents’ Association of England and Wales.

Theresa May has warned the police that improper use of their stop-and-search powers can cause immense resentment and undermine public co-operation.

The home secretary said: “I do not have to tell you how important it is that public confidence in the police is maintained. And it simply cannot be maintained if people think that senior police officers are lacking in integrity or behaving in a self-serving way – or if, on the street, your constables are being rude and disrespectful to the public.”

Her speech, to the Police Superintendents’ Association of England and Wales conference, marks May’s strongest language yet in her campaign to scale back the “waste of time” involved in the 1.2m searches carried out by the police on the street every year. She has said that the resulting arrest rate, which can be as little as 3% in some areas, is “far too low for comfort”.

But, significantly, the home secretary also praised the police for their capacity to deliver despite having suffered a 20% cut in their Whitehall funding. She even called them “the model public service”, in sharp contrast to her previous description of them as “the last unreformed public service”.

“You have cut crime with fewer officers and lower budgets,” May said. “You are doing more with less. That makes you the model public service in the era of budget cuts.”

The home secretary told the superintendents that stop and search could be an invaluable tool for reducing crime, particularly knife crime; if used properly and fairly, the tactic worked very effectively.

She added, however: “But the caveat is vital: it works if it is used properly and fairly. Stop and search has the potential to cause immense resentment and honesty to the police, with all the implications that has for generating distrust and ending co-operation from the public, if it is not used fairly.”

You can let the Government know what you think about the stop and search powers the police currently have and how they could be changed in a public consultation they are having at Currently the Police must have reasonable suspicion that you have or are about to commit a crime before stopping you or that you are carrying weapons or drugs. As the government consultation page says.

This consultation seeks views on the police powers of stop and search, specifically under the following legislation:

  • section 1 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE)
  • section 23 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
  • section 60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994

It concerns those powers used in relation to street crime, burglary, antisocial behaviour, and public order offences such as riots and violent protests.

The aim of the consultation is to understand how the public and those involved in policing view the use of these powers. Stop and search powers under counter-terrorism legislation have been the subject of recent changes and are not within the scope of this consultation.

You can read the full documentation by downloading the following relevant link.

Consultation on police powers of stop and search

Consultation on police powers of stop and search: Welsh version
The consultation period has been extended and now runs until 24 September 2013. So we have more time to let the police and the UK government know that we want the Labour police state rolled back as much as possible and that anti-terrorism laws shouldn’t be abused by stopping tourists taking photos or other spurious reasons for detaining people.
How to respond
You can send your comments using the governments online form.Or you can email your response to:

Or if you’re still stuck in the paper and stamp era, write to:

Stop and search consultation
Home Office
Police Transparency Unit
6th Floor Fry Building
2 Marsham Street
London, SW1P 4DF

View the UK Governments consultation page at


View the original article on my main site

What happened to America?

July 4, 2013

What happened to America?

By Dark Politricks

On the 4th of July, 2013 there is only one question that needs to be asked to all Americans who are actually celebrating 4th of July, Independence Day.

“What are you actually celebrating?”

It cannot be the freedom of speech you used to cherish. No you have to have permits and free speech zones for protests now. Plus your constant chatter on the phones, Internet and in public is constantly monitored by technological mammoth like NSA’s PRISM and the much older ECHELON.

It cannot be the free movement around the country without fear of harassment, secure in your papers from unreasonable searches. Not when the Police, TSA, Transport Cops, Border Guards and other agencies can now forcibly take blood and DNA samples from you, scan your naked body and grope your genitals if you refuse to be scanned, stored and studied as you go about your way.

It cannot be freedom from a tyrant, a King George like figure who thinks he has a God given right to take your life. No the President now has the authority to take your life without even bothering with the charade that passes for a trial if he thinks you are a danger to your country.

Freedom from drone strikes? Nope.

Freedom from assassination squads? Nope.

Freedom to blow the whistle when you find that your government has broken the law, spied on people without warrants or committed massacres in war zones?

Nope, you will be hunted down like a dog and tried for being a spy. The papers and journalists who dare print your stories of government abuse will also be attacked, spied upon and harassed. Even people who should know better will call for your execution on live TV. Who knows who is even a real TV presenter anymore and who is really a COINTELPRO agent stirring up hate against “enemies of the state” who dare speak truth to power?

Is it the freedom to work long hours for little pay? Forced to hand over large amounts of your earnings for goods that your Government mandates you “must” purchase and then watch as the endless cycle of your Government buying it’s own printed money through the convoluted and corrupt Federal Reserve system means that the value of your wage decreases in real terms every month?Well you don’t have any choice in that now do you?

It has now come to the stage that you are monitored so much in real life through linked up CCTV systems such as TRAPWIRE, massive city sized computer systems that can log every purchase you make, every movement you make through your cars GPS tracking systems or even that useful bug you so happily carry around with you for others to track you with, your phone, that you cannot even escape into cyberspace anymore. A virtual world is just as monitored as the real one. Are even the virtual homes you visit in virtual worlds like Second Life bugged and monitored by virtual agents of the state? Probably.

Facebook, Google, Skype, Apple and all the other big techno giants we are being shepherded into using 24/7 are all just front ends to those 3 letter acronyms that litter the American landscape. Acronyms like NSA, CIA, FBI and the  TSA are all hankering after those data packets that log every URL, website, file, instant message and email you have ever written.

These are the modern day “papers” of the 21st century, and secure is not something you can expect to be, especially when you willingly hand over your data to the “cloud” for safe storage.

So if you are celebrating “Independence Day” today then I would be interested to know what is so special about your independence when compared to a dictatorship?

You have been living under emergency laws since 9.11.

Laws that give the President dictatorial like powers through Orwellian pieces of legalese like the PATRIOT ACT which was written years before the date and then eagerly dusted off when the events of 9.11 unfolded.

All to be enacted under a climate of fear and patriotism, where politicians didn’t even bother reading what they voted for and detractors were attacked with Anthrax or declared “unpatriotic”. All because they were not willing to hand over their basic rights such as habeas corpus, a fair trial, freedom from torture or the right to know what you have been accused of in an open court of law.

This was back when we had a far right government running the USA. Now we are supposedly living under a liberal, left wing, Democrat!

How I laugh when I hear Americans call Obama left wing or socialist! Society is not something he is promoting with Homeland Security asking neighbours to become de-facto spies and inform on each other or where over a million Americans have top secret security clearance.

There is nothing democratic or liberal about the NDAA, drone strikes at will or the President declaring that he can spy on anyone in the world without due process.

I have to wonder on this day what President Obama see’s when he looks in the mirror.

Does he see the leader of a once great free nation that has succumb to fear, militarism, war mongering and the all pervasive surveillance state.

If not, does he honestly believe he’s a liberal in charge of a “free nation”?

If so does he not feel the slightest bit of guilt when he looks at that Nobel Peace prize he was so, so prematurely given in the hope that pre-election rhetoric would be converted into real “hope and change” from the Bush/Cheney years?

Instead he has taken the ball from the GOP and kicked it out the stadium, far surpassing anything the Republicans did to kill liberty and freedom in America.

Wars have increased, with covert action and drone strikes occurring in more places across the world than ever before. All under the never ending “war on terror” banner.

Liberty at home has decreased and a true liberal POTUS would have at least stood up for the freedoms he attacked Bush for removing when he was only a Senator. Does he honestly not believe he is the hypocrite is blatantly is.

It is funny how power corrupts.

It is not so funny to look at the state of Amerika on this once special day.


View the original article What happened America? at the main site


Are the UK Government using PPI and Banks as a way to put money back into peoples pockets?

March 17, 2013

Are the UK Government using PPI and Banks as a way to put money back into peoples pockets?

By Dark Politricks

I just saw an advert on Channel 5 USA (a UK channel) in which a PPI Claims company said that if you had taken a loan out within 15 years and had added Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) then you could attempt to claim it back.

Now I had taken a load of loans out in my youth, with PPI, and when the first adverts started appearing the adverts were only saying that you could claim the money back if you had taken a loan out within the past 3 years. I didn’t do anything because my loans were 10 years old.

However it seemed that the time length that you could claim for was extending and extending every few months. It seemed to coincide with the UK finances getting worse and our GDP going down and inflation going up.

First I started seeing adverts for 5 then 7 years and then when I first saw an advert earlier this year for 10 years I was straight on the phone. I shouldn’t have gone through one of the “specialist PPI companies” however it was money I wouldn’t have got back if I hadn’t of attempted it in the first place – so in reality it was literally free cash in my pocket.

From an initial 3 years to 15 years is a long time and I have a feeling that the government is hoping that PPI payouts will help stimulate the economy by putting money back into people’s pockets in a stealthy Keynesian method without any government minister having to  admit to it of course! Austerity, Austerity – that is the only way says our supposed economic wizard George Osborne.

It is Georgey boy who’s claim that our deficit and debt would be reduced through his spending cuts and VAT tax rises would have started working by now. Anyone with half an eye can see they blatantly haven’t done the job.

Their are no private jobs rushing in to fill all the public ones he is gutting. He is forcing people off disability allowance onto job-seekers (a much lower benefit) and making them look for jobs that don’t exist.

He is introducing “bedroom” taxes  for the poor so that people with extra rooms have to give up more of their money or move across  the country to places where one bedroom flats exist. All the while he is cutting public services and yet at the same time he has reduced the top rate of tax for the richest people in the country. What happened to “We are all in this together”?

The politicians know the banks were mainly to blame for our current crisis and the UK is one of the most indebted nations on the planet.

This doesn’t only include Government debt but personal debt as well. All through the later 90’s, and the years of the Labour government, people were re-mortgaging their houses and spending the money or having loans literally thrown at them by the banks. I know for a fact I and many other people I know were.

After the first law suit over PPI was won by someone years ago the banks have had to set aside billions in case they had to pay out more to future customers who were mis sold PPI.

From The International Business Times

PPI has become the biggest mis-selling scandal to hit UK banks and they have repeatedly underestimated the scale of the problem.

Britain’s biggest retail bank, Lloyds Banking Group Plc , has set aside 6.8 billion pounds for PPI compensation. Barclays Plc has set aside 2.6 billion and RBS has provisioned 2.2 billion.

So far the banks have set aside around £20 billion and the payouts so far amount to £8.9 billion.

Payment Protection Insurance was meant to protect borrowers against redundancy and sickness , but it was often sold to customers who didn’t want or need it or who couldn’t claim it even if they took it out. People such as those with certain medical conditions or people who were self employed. Often, like myself, I had PPI added to my loans or credit cards without my knowledge!

The worst thing, in my mind anyway, was that if you had to claim (as I did once) the money from the insurance only lasted for a year. Plus the amount the insurance cost you worked out exactly the same as if you had added an extra years worth of  loan to your original debt. It was a total con!

Because the UK finances are in such a state and recent news reports show customers are holding back from buying goods. I have a sneaky feeling that the government is secretly hoping that the PPI payouts will be a way of putting cash into potential shoppers pockets to stimulate the economy. The added benefit of course is that it’s all at the cost of the banks who caused the mess in the first place.

To me it sounds like a good plan. The banksters are the ones who caused the mess and I am not joking when I said they used tot literally  throw loans at people.

For instance I was given a £5,000 loan when I left college with no job or way of paying it back. Then every year the same bank would give me an extra £5,000 – £7,000 loan and overdrafts up to £3,500 to pay back the outstanding amount and give me some more spending cash! It was truly a time when “debt was good” and people didn’t think about the future.

As a young man who didn’t really think he would have to pay back the money anyway (I had a bit of death wish back then, plus the money management skills of a frog) it seemed like free money and I grabbed whatever the banks would offer me. One of the things I often feel our schools let the population down with is real world lessons in living. How to manage money, how to look after yourself, how money works, how to use logic and reason and think for yourself.

Young men are worse than woman who are often taught these skills from their mothers so if the schools are not teaching the boys and they are not getting taught at home they are left to the mercy of the loan sharks and banksters. Shuffling money from one account to another to pay off monthly repayments and sticking to the minimum payment to keep them off your back is not exactly “good” money management!

Unlike other people I know who “went missing” for 5+ years and now have mortgages and are debt free. I honestly OR  stupidly (pick your own word) decided to pay off my debts. Even thought this took over 6 years I managed to do it. Therefore when I saw the opportunity to reclaim all the PPI which amounted to around £5,000 I took it.

Some credit cards I didn’t even realise I had PPI on at the time and on other banks I had no details apart from the name of the bank but their customer service department returned a list of 6 loan accounts taken out within 7 years. I used one of these companies on TV but didn’t realise they took a THIRD of the money as recompense for doing the job you could easily do yourself.

Luckily for me they forgot about one loan and I got £2,000 all to myself without deductions but I would recommend anyone who has ever taken a loan out in the last 15 years to check if they can reclaim the PPI on it.

The Government is not helping us and the banksters who caused the mess are still making billions therefore we should not feel sorry for them in the slightest.

Just remember if the EU can order the Cypriot government to just take 10% of any bank savings without your say then who is to say the UK government won’t do the same?

I would expect the time you can claim for any PPI to continue to go up and up until either the banks have dolled out all the money they said they set aside years ago but haven’t given out yet. Or until the UK GDP rises above a single percentage point for more than 3 months in a row!

To anyone thinking of claiming their PPI back I would definitely recommend everyone to do the work themselves. It is not hard.

You can just write t o the banks customer complaints department and ask for all your loan details that had PPI on them, then write a letter back saying you want your PPI money for any of the following reasons:

  1. You were not informed that the PPI protection would only last a year.
  2. The PPI was added without your consent.
  3. You were self employed which meant the PPI wouldn’t cover you.
  4. You were depressed or had another medical complaint that would have meant the insurance would not be paid out.
  5. You were not informed you wouldn’t get the insurance if you were sacked.
  6. The PPI insurance was not fully explained to you at the time. Most of the employees who sold the PPI will be long gone and those that remain won’t remember what  they said when they sold it to you. Therefore this is probably the best one to use as they will not be able to re-call what they said when they sold the loan to you.

A good thing to do is to write off to one of these PPI companies, get a payment pack sent to you and see what sort of questions they ask you to answer. All they do is use the answers and send the paper work off to the same places you could easily do. Therefore use these packs as a guide and write to the same Financial Ombusdman yourself if  the Bank doesn’t pay out after your first letter of complaint.

Remember – this could be your chance of getting out of any recent debt. If they are going back 15 years then I would guess that the majority of adults in this country would have had a credit card or loan within than time. Even if you don’t think you took PPI out it is worth checking in-case the bank added it on without your knowledge.

View the original article “Are the UK Government using PPI and Banks as a way to put money back into peoples pockets?” at

Send Dark examples of police brutality or ways to prevent the machine rolling over us this way!

March 5, 2013

Send Dark examples of police brutality or ways to prevent the machine rolling over us this way!

By Dark Politricks

This site is a “power to the people”, free speech, anti war on terror, anti Big Brother site that hates stupid laws and regulations and resents our subservience to supra national entities like the EU, the World Bank, the G20 and the move towards globalisation that means jobs are taken away from middle class people like ourselves and given over  to slave workers in China and India who will work for a pittance.

Our country is full of stupid laws that need repealing. There was a gleam of hope when the Liberal Democrats got into power with their much vaunted Freedom Bill but after Tory interference it was watered down to a charter against rouge car clampers.

There was no removal of the unfair extradition treaty to the US or the return to the right of silence without it being brought up in court. No repeal of anti privacy laws that allow countless agencies to enter your house without a warrant and nothing that let us protest when and how we want. Permit to Protest – you must be joking!

Our stupid drug laws fill prisons with people needing treatment not punishment before re-sending them back out to the community to rob and steal to fund their habit again.

Our NHS is a known beacon for anyone around the world wanting free and often expensive health care which we tax payers have to pay for.

And to top it off all the banksters who broke our country in half are carrying on using our pensions as casion chips for their gambling whilst we suffer with closed libraries, schools and other cuts in public services. Why are the people who had nothing to do with the economic collapse being asked to pay for it? Why are future generations being made to pay for the mistakes of the rich current generation?

Our cops are bent as a nine bob note and get away with crimes every day If it wasn’t for the rise of people carrying video cameras around with them and mobile phones many police abuses would not get noticed or recorded for us to see.

Therefore if anyone has any films of policeman acting against their mandate e.g beating people up unnecessarily or breaching their role to “protect and serve” then please send them this way so I can display them

If anyone has ideas on how we can help roll back the surveillance state being built around us then please let me know so I can share those ideas with my readers.

If people have knowledge on using computer systems without being tracked by the authorities then please let me know. Details such as using open Wi-Fi networks and proxies, removing your battery from your phone to stop being GPS/GPRS tracked, preventing iPhone and Google from storing and uploading your data to any policeman with the right tools and using block lists to bypass ISP’s that sniff P2P torrent packets to see what you are downloading. Plus using special software to super encrypt your messages without Microsofts’s back door accessing them all or just using disposable email addresses and proxy server chains to post your messages on Twitter or Facebook anonymously without being tracked. This is all valuable information.

If you have it then please let me know! I have already listed some ways to beat some tracking and logging by the authorities but much more can be done.


Also if people know of corrupt, inefficient or wasteful local government departments or councils, or members of such institutions, then please let me know who these people are and what they have done. These are people who live off our tax money.

They are there to serve us NOT themselves. I have personally written letters to MP’s and Government officials and got respones – many have been blatant lies or attempts to placate me so I will vote for them at the next election. Our government is full of crooks and career politicians.

Remember if we don’t stick together and pool our knowledge the machine will continue to roll over us until we are nothing but dust!

So send me any dirt you can find!


View the original article “Please send me examples of police brutality or ways to prevent the machine rolling over our liberty!” on