“Do Evil” – Google’s new motto

“Do Evil” – Google’s new motto

By Dark Politricks

If you watch Redacted Tonight or many other shows or read ant-war or progressive websites you will know that many sites are being de-monetised by Google, YouTube and labelled “Fake News” by Facebook.

You can see a graph of sites that have lost money due to Google’s pro war anti progressive new algorithm here.

Progressive anti war sites knocked down by Google

I am probably on a list of sites being demoted as we speak, Redacted Tonight showed a graph showing some top sites that were anti-war, anti-Empire, anti training terrorists abroad to scare us at home were being demoted by Google and de-monetized by YouTube (also owned by Google).

I have already had 3 blogs shut down with no reasontwo Facebook pages, a YouTube channel I spent ages making for my business and threats from the US (Navy, Army, USAF and a myriad of others) sent to my hosting company which kicked me off as the bloke was scared about black helicopters coming to get us.

I’ve also had a Google+ community taken out of my hands already and yesterday I got a 30 day ban from Facebook for some ancient 2 year post about horse racing, when there are thousands of similar posts up.

So I guess I am on some kind of list designed to fuck people over and take any money they can away from them.

Therefore any help or donations to keep this site running while I type with a broken arm would be much appreciated.

Anyway what I wanted to speak about was how comedy and satire usually is the best way of getting over political messages to the masses easily and sometimes without the audience even knowing about it.

Jimmy Dore, and Lee Camp who are other progressive comedians, are both under attack from the Washington Post and other “news outlets”.

They dare to speak what MSNBC, NBC, CNN and FOX don’t dare to, and everyone who has spoken out against the Iraq war or the bail outs have been sacked and most of them including Larry King now work on Russia Today.

You cannot call Larry King a stooge for Putin.

Lee has a show and speaks about the Democrats being just another shade of the Republican party. They don’t implement health care because their donors are big pharma and health insurance companies, they didn’t crack down on he banks after the 2008 crisis due to Wall St being their biggest donors and the White House full of Goldman Sachs people telling Obama not to.

So he was left like Trump looking like a liar who had tricked all these voters into voting for him and then ignoring his promises.

I can tell you over in Europe we may play up to Trump but everyone thinks the USA has made a big mistake and he is an embarrassment to all Americans, and the free world in general with his mad tweets and policy turns that must have his supporters fuming.

What has he actually done for his supporters that he promised on the campaign trail?

Well like Obama he did a 180 as soon as he hit the White House.

I swear as soon as the new President enters the White House, he is taken into a room full of men in dark suits he doesn’t recognise and they show the new POTUS kill shots of JFK from multiple angles just to remind them to keep towing the constant war policy and who really is in charge.

Do you remember when he was going on about getting the 28/29 redacted pages released from the 9.11 commission?

Well they have been released and what did Trump do, go and sell Saudi Arabia, the country who paid to be taken out of the report a multi billion arms deal instead. I bet half of that military the US just sold is on it’s way to ISIS right now.

Here is a Telegraph article all about the Wahhabism they export around the world to terrorist groups. That is as the Royal family of 20,000+ spend their time in Dubai with hookers, drugs and drink. Not exactly very good Muslims are they.

They are not on the list of countries banned from entering the USA despite the supposed hijackers all being from that country. The Petrodollar at work…

Mexico won’t pay for any wall, and there won’t be one built. If there is the Mexicans will just dig tunnels under it like in the Gaza Strip where they can get cars through. Or use hooked rope ladders to climb over it.

Trump didn’t even realise that the Republican health care bill was including tax cuts for the rich.

He said that was going to be done later. He has no idea how politics work with pork added for dissenting Senators to get bills passed.

Also it seems he has sacked a different person each week. It’s so comical.

What has he done for all those Trump voters who believed in him that he would bring back jobs from China and stop immigrants coming in?

If he was going to stop any countries immigrants it should have been from Saudi Arabia, the country in the 28/29 pages, not bowing down to be waved with a sword over his head, something he attacked Obama for doing.

And what about the golfing holiday?

Didn’t he say he would be too busy in the White House to have holiday’s. I distinctly remember him saying that in a speech or 10 seeing he attacked Obama for his holidays so much.

Google’s motto used to be “Don’t do evil” now it seems that their close links with US security agencies has switched that on its head.

“Do Evil” seems to be Google’s motto nowadays the way they are shutting down blogs, taking away their money, and demonetizing YouTube video’s. So any help would be much appreciated even a monthly donation of a few quid each month through PayPal. The button is on the main sites home page www.darkpolitricks.com.

As Jimmy Dore says “No wonder people are getting their news from YouTube

Anyway support me if you can before I get shut down totally and here is the Redacted Tonight show that might put some ideas in your head about how Google and Facebook are censoring progressive or anti government websites.


By Dark Politricks

© 2017 Dark Politricks

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