Watch the Obama Deception

This video by Alex Jones looks at how the Presidency of Obama is nothing more than the flipping of a one sided coin changing leaders between the Democrats and the Republicans, two parties with the same master. It looks at who actually controls and funds him and how he has been groomed for this position for nefarious reasons. He is the polished article just like how Tony Blair was to the British. A smooth talker who comes across as a nice guy but actually carries out the same policies as the previous occupant of the White House if not actually expanding them.

This video has been an Internet success story being downloaded and watched by millions across the world. Whatever your views on Alex Jones and his beliefs this video is worth watching for the interviews and the back history on the most powerful man on the planet. Get to know who really controls him and therefore you.

One Response to “Watch the Obama Deception”

  1. The Good Guys list « Dark Politricks Retweeted Says:

    […] has released numerous films including “The Obama Deception” and his latest release the “Fall of the Republic” which looks at how the US is […]

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