Posts Tagged ‘tax’

Which way will you vote in the EU Referendum?

March 28, 2016

Which way will you vote in the EU Referendum?

As the debate rages around the UK on whether we should leave or stay in the EU. The question is are people really thinking for themselves or are they just believing all the crap that the daily rags tell them to?

We have owners of multiple papers who live offshore most of the year just to get out of paying their fair share of UK tax, telling us tax payers what to do. Is this really fair? It’s just the rich elite who are always going to go from strength to strength as long as no-one stands up to them enforcing their will on the people as they always do.

Will people who vote actually make a real decision or will they be swayed like the US electorate always is to vote for the person with the biggest smile, angriest most bullish comments and plans to “restore America to greatness” as if it had suddenly become a third world country without the biggest economy and military in the world?

So the BREXIT referendum all rests on whether people believe the “deal” Cameron brought back was worth the paper it was written on or not.

To me Cameron’s “Deal”, is just a tinkering around the edges that prevents migrants from claiming benefits for years, and allows Britain to cap the number of people entering the country. It really doesn’t make much of a difference at all.

We will still will be bound by the European Court of Human Rights, pay our monthly millions to be part of the EU, and whilst the Euro zone members make important financial decisions we will now be left out of them and probably still be asked to pay towards any bailouts such as those for Greece and Ireland etc.

I never got to vote to join the EC in the 70’s.

That was the Economic Community, a joining together of countries for free trade without tariffs between members and a supposed opening up of the many countries nationalised utilities and businesses.

It was not a vote on whether we should join a European Super State, with its own Defence Force, a 3 tier decision-making system where the most democratic body, the European Parliament, has the least power.

People complain about the number of EU migrants that enter Southern Europe and are then just waved through multiple  counties until they reach Germany or Calais hoping to get to England. However we must remember that about 1.8m Britons live in Europe, with Spain boasting an expat population of just over 1m UK citizens.

Of the Britons living in Europe, 400,000 are claiming a state pension from the UK.

The question is, if free movement is good for us, what will happen when it is shut down. We may be able to control the number of migrants from the EU entering the country but what will happen to the retired wrinkled leather tanned grannies of the Costa Del Sol?

leather tanned grannies
An ex Pat, enjoying the Sun and beach

Will these ex pats all have to go through some sort of immigration test as if they were trying to get green cards in the US?

I cannot even imagine many Brits passing any part of a test that expected them to know the hosts language and culture.

It could be that we manage to make arrangements that doesn’t affect Brits with jobs OR money from going out to live in the EU however I am guessing a lot of EU members are really pissed off with us at the moment for getting a “special membership deal”.

Whilst Germany and France wanted to keep us in the EU for the risk that it might fall apart, I can well imagine many newer members are thinking, why does the UK always try to get it’s own way?

From my perspective it would have been good if Cameron had reached a consensus with other members that would have reformed the EU properly.

You know basic things like make it truly democratic, removed any moves to keep pushing for a super state, restored it back to a trading block that was good for business without all the imported laws and of course stopped all the massive fraud which has prevented a real audit for many years now.

There are lots of things wrong with the EU and the constant push towards a superstate is one of them. One of the original ideas was to try and make a block of states that was an equal balance to the power of the US but instead we have just turned into the USA’s cross pond bitch.

So I believe Cameron’s almost Chamberlain like “Peace in our time”, excitement at having got his deal, is going to bite him in the butt just as Chamberlain found out when the NAZI’s ignored his magic bit of paper and rolled across Europe.

This is small fry being pumped with steroids to make it seem like a massive change in our relationship with the EU. In reality it is some small changes around the edges.

If ever someone had made a worthless deal and wanted to sell it to the public as if it was a magic exemption from all the EU’s meddling in our lives, like the EU Human Rights Law that protects us from this Police State country over reaching in its step, then this is it.

When I was younger I liked being able to hop on a plane and just go to Spain to live. I had no job but that didn’t matter, free movement of people and workers meant we could all go where we wanted when we wanted without border checks, citizenship tests and green cards.

For those who have never lived abroad and have only gone to Ibiza on your holiday or maybe a trip to Paris on Valentines day then you won’t really think about the difference between a holiday and actually being able to pick up your bags and literally run off to any part of Europe with no questions asked.

However whilst Spain has always been the old stereotyped destination for our UK retirees it seems over recent year the US, Australia and the rest of the world have overtaken Europe for the primary destination for those with one foot in the grave.

The top 10 destinations for Britons to retire to are now:

  • Channel Islands: 73,030
  • Germany: 96,938
  • France: 172,806
  • Ireland: 253,605
  • South Africa: 305,660
  • New Zealand: 313,850
  • Spain: 381,025
  • Canada: 674,371
  • United States of America: 758,919
  • Australia: 1,277,474

So maybe the modern “cultured” Brit is changing their retirement plans and thinking a bit more further than the Costa Del Crime nowadays.

Spain has always been our number one destination for holidays and retirees. A place where you can enjoy the 40° heat and drink British beer in pubs frequented by famous English gangsters on the run.

So many famous British gangsters have been out to the Costa Del Sol no wonder we call it the Costa Del Crime.

However it seems we are looking wider than Med for our retirement plans – that’s if we get any pension money. I doubt I will ever see any from the thousands I have put into the system over my working career. It seems the Tories want us to work until our 80’s and the age is constantly being pushed upwards.

There have been rumblings from Tory think tanks for years now from people already on hundreds of thousands of pounds a month pensions who believe we should do voluntary work in our retirement to collect our hard earned pension.

Leaving the EU won’t stop any evil Tory plans from coming to fruition and if we want a REAL CHANGE in our democracy and the way we act in the world we should be thinking about NATO. What would we do if Turkey start a war with Russia over Syria, we would be forced to fight on their side whether they started the war by deception or not. I am more worried about World War III happening due to duplicitous NATO allies at the moment than the amount of money we pay in and get back in rebates from the EU.

We should also be thinking about how the Tories have tripled our national debt in the years they were supposedly “fixing the roof whilst the sun was shining”, and supposedly cutting the ever so important deficit. The deficit may have dropped but the total amount of debt has increased hugely due to the Tories thinking that the poorer we all are, the more money we will spend.

They have failed us. In Europe, on the world stage and most importantly at home.

Austerity hasn’t worked at all and the national debt has ballooned because of the Tories core voters (the grey brigade), will vote against anyone who dares to cut their pensions.

These take up a vast proportion of the social security budget and will undoubtedly be ignored whist the disabled and poor are forced to suffer through the bedroom tax, universal credit, and the severe lack of social housing we have in this country.

Europe has no control over these areas of our lives and if we want to sort out our country we really need to get rid of the failed Tories and try their method of printing money, not at 0% interest rates so the Banksters can lend it to us through companies like WONGA at 5,853% APR, but to invest in infrastructure, building new homes and putting people through education. If we can do it for the banks why can’t we do it for the people?

Remember we were in a much worse off state in the years after WWII. We only just finished off paying our debt to the US a few years ago under Gordon Brown. Despite that we still created the NHS, cleared the slums of London and built thousands of new houses and multiple new towns for the people moved out of London. Plus we ushered in an age of economic prosperity that latest decades.

It is only short-sighted Tory thinking that keeps us in the current trap we are in. One where bankers must be bailed out even though they should be in jail, and the poor are paying off the national debt, despite having no money.

If only we would just wipe any national debt on citizens like Iceland did to many mortgage holders that were linked to inflation. It sounds crazy but would put money in the pockets of those most likely to spend it, plus create a huge demand for goods and a rise in GDP. Having a “National Bank” that can print money as long as it’s for investment in houses and jobs could give us full employment, cheaper rent and accommodation costs and more money in the pocket to spend to increase GDP.

At the moment our whole economy, just like it was during Labours time in office, is built on the house of cards made from debt. People remortgaging houses or taking out loans to spend on goods. An unsustainable recovery. Screw the bankers who say it cannot be done. We did it for you, why can’t we do it to actually help rebuild our country?

So the question is, are people going to think with their heads or their hearts about this exit from the EU.

A lot has changed with the European project to stop a further European war after WWII, with France and Germany the two main actors in this union coming together to ensure that the rest of Europe sticks together and shows “solidarity”.

From stopping a war to free trade agreements and a central bank. Then a EU flag, courts and parliament. Then laws enforced on us which we don’t want. All whilst we pay billions to be part of a club that’s money could be better spent on hospitals and schools. That is one argument for leaving.

The problem is that war fades in people’s minds, especially those who never fought in WWII or who had family who did.

“What does the EU have to do with WWII” many people will ask.

Now that the EU project is more about creating a super state, it spies on us and hands over all bank transactions to the US as well as traces of our Internet history and anything else the NSA overlords demand. However even if we leave the EU I guess due to our “special relationship”, with the US, we would still carry on letting our GCHQ be the NSA’s bitch, so nothing would change on the police state front.

Also whilst we may collaborate as a big trading block to face China, the BRICS and North American trading blocks, can the BREXIT crew really convince us that on an economic scale we would really be better outside this trading block.

Selling tea to India, ornaments to Russia and other small manufactured products across the world is the BREXIT plan. We don’t build big things anymore. Our ship building industry is almost gone and we have offshored so many jobs that actually make things, you know jobs good for all those skilled manual workers we are trying to find jobs for, that we are just a service economy. Selling ideas, concepts and of course bank trickery.

If we leave the EU will we survive without the cheap gas and electricity we import from the EU, or will we get extra tariffs put on them putting us even further into debt. The French/Chinese nuclear power stations that were supposed to be on their way have only just been signed off.

It will take another 20 years at least until we see these new power stations so we will be relying on our dwindling North Sea Oil stocks and imports seeing that we never really bothered investing in green energy. This is despite being an island surrounded by multiple ways of making energy from natural sources such as the sea, wind and sun. We have loads of places to put under sea turbines that use wave power and windmills off shore to take in their blustery winds. We really never tried as we suffered from a  “not in my back garden” mentality, whenever a wind farm was proposed to be build anyway near a house.

So will people even consider the financial terms of leaving or will they think what the Sun, Daily Mail and other trash papers tell them to think?

The EU is a debt ridden collection of states that turned the thumb screws on Greece, Italy and Spain all so that they could enforce austerity, increase taxes and pay back Goldman Sachs and that other evil trio, the European Bank, IMF and World Bank.

Do we want to live in a place that see’s solidarity between nations as one that involves throwing the poor to the dogs so that their rich Banksters who caused the mess can be fully compensated. Plus solidarity is not where Germany gets to bend the rules but smaller states can’t lest they risk German austerity plans as the cost of remaining in the Euro.

This financial crisis that has still not been solved since 2008 is just waiting for another explosion. When it comes it will make 2008 look like a picnic.

Will the UK, the hub of banksters from the terrorist supporting, Mexican drug dealing, al-Qaeda funding HSBC to the corrupt Barclay’s brothers, really be better inside or out when the next economic explosion occurs.

As the City of London is basically it’s own country within a country, where the leaders of the companies and banks get to sit on their special council and can “command” the Chancellor to appear before them, they will probably see no difference in their money making schemes whether we leave or stay.

To me it all depends on who is in charge.

The Tories seem to want to put the strain of any recovery on the backs of the working class whilst rewarding their rich friends. Their recent budget removed £30 from the disabled people of our country that gave them support to get dressed and move about and instead they have given the richest more tax breaks. It is clear where their priorities lie. Voting Tory is like voting for a gang rape on yourself. Why people do it I have no idea.

On the other hand Labour, SNP, the Greens and Lib Dems feel that a more even policy that involves banksters going to jail and splitting up the banks between Casinos and Savings is called for. On top of that more measures that don’t punish the poor but instead help them climb up the ladder whilst the rich who have become more wealthy in the last 5+ years are made to contribute their fair share.

Whether they will actually stick to their words is a totally different matter. We just have to look at the Lib Dems when they got their taste of power to see how power corrupts and good promises become faded memories.

So what will make you vote yes or no when the time comes?

EU Democracy or the lack of it?

The prospect of war?

Finance and austerity?


Not being held to account to the European Convention of Human Rights (an act the Tories wrote after WWII to show how civilised we are)

Or something else?

Let me know.

View the original article at

By Dark Politricks



© 2016 By Dark Politricks

Send Dark examples of police brutality or ways to prevent the machine rolling over us this way!

March 5, 2013

Send Dark examples of police brutality or ways to prevent the machine rolling over us this way!

By Dark Politricks

This site is a “power to the people”, free speech, anti war on terror, anti Big Brother site that hates stupid laws and regulations and resents our subservience to supra national entities like the EU, the World Bank, the G20 and the move towards globalisation that means jobs are taken away from middle class people like ourselves and given over  to slave workers in China and India who will work for a pittance.

Our country is full of stupid laws that need repealing. There was a gleam of hope when the Liberal Democrats got into power with their much vaunted Freedom Bill but after Tory interference it was watered down to a charter against rouge car clampers.

There was no removal of the unfair extradition treaty to the US or the return to the right of silence without it being brought up in court. No repeal of anti privacy laws that allow countless agencies to enter your house without a warrant and nothing that let us protest when and how we want. Permit to Protest – you must be joking!

Our stupid drug laws fill prisons with people needing treatment not punishment before re-sending them back out to the community to rob and steal to fund their habit again.

Our NHS is a known beacon for anyone around the world wanting free and often expensive health care which we tax payers have to pay for.

And to top it off all the banksters who broke our country in half are carrying on using our pensions as casion chips for their gambling whilst we suffer with closed libraries, schools and other cuts in public services. Why are the people who had nothing to do with the economic collapse being asked to pay for it? Why are future generations being made to pay for the mistakes of the rich current generation?

Our cops are bent as a nine bob note and get away with crimes every day If it wasn’t for the rise of people carrying video cameras around with them and mobile phones many police abuses would not get noticed or recorded for us to see.

Therefore if anyone has any films of policeman acting against their mandate e.g beating people up unnecessarily or breaching their role to “protect and serve” then please send them this way so I can display them

If anyone has ideas on how we can help roll back the surveillance state being built around us then please let me know so I can share those ideas with my readers.

If people have knowledge on using computer systems without being tracked by the authorities then please let me know. Details such as using open Wi-Fi networks and proxies, removing your battery from your phone to stop being GPS/GPRS tracked, preventing iPhone and Google from storing and uploading your data to any policeman with the right tools and using block lists to bypass ISP’s that sniff P2P torrent packets to see what you are downloading. Plus using special software to super encrypt your messages without Microsofts’s back door accessing them all or just using disposable email addresses and proxy server chains to post your messages on Twitter or Facebook anonymously without being tracked. This is all valuable information.

If you have it then please let me know! I have already listed some ways to beat some tracking and logging by the authorities but much more can be done.


Also if people know of corrupt, inefficient or wasteful local government departments or councils, or members of such institutions, then please let me know who these people are and what they have done. These are people who live off our tax money.

They are there to serve us NOT themselves. I have personally written letters to MP’s and Government officials and got respones – many have been blatant lies or attempts to placate me so I will vote for them at the next election. Our government is full of crooks and career politicians.

Remember if we don’t stick together and pool our knowledge the machine will continue to roll over us until we are nothing but dust!

So send me any dirt you can find!


View the original article “Please send me examples of police brutality or ways to prevent the machine rolling over our liberty!” on

The 2012 End of Year Review by Dark Politricks

January 2, 2013

The 2012 End of Year Review by Dark Politricks

By Dark Politricks

Well the crazies who didn’t bother to read the Mayan prophecy before declaring 2012 the end of the world were proved wrong.

However 2012 was certainly no reprieve from looming disasters that we seem to lurch drunkenly from like a Glaswegian drunk on Hogmanay. It has been an unmitigated disaster from all corners of perspective and from my own view point it doesn’t seem to be getting better any time soon.

So if last year was Time magazines year of the protester what was 2012?

It was firstly the year that the Arab Spring turned into an Islamic winter.

From the dictator swap in Egypt from Mubarak to Mohamed Morsi to the Syrian civil war that see’s the western backed Islamic rebels murder and massacre Christians and Muslims alike it seems that “the Western axis of war” hasn’t learnt from their mistakes in Libya and are still trying to impose democracy (whatever that is) by the gun and the bomb.

It was not enough that Libya was an unmitigated failure with the country still caught up in under reported rebel gangs, armed with NATO weapons, fighting it out among each other, desecrating World War 2 British graveyards and murdering US ambassadors.

It seems that we have learnt nothing and are still backing the enemy of our enemy, even if that means supporting Islamic extremists linked to terrorists and our supposed mortal enemy al-Qaeda.

Syria is being torn apart by Western and Saudi backed rebel groups as extreme as any dictator we might be justified in other-throwing.

Even though Saddam Hussein, Col Qaddafi, Mubarak and Assad were or in the case of President Assad, still nasty dictators  The people of their countries were not worrying daily about car bombs or NATO planes blowing their houses to bits. Christians lived alongide Muslims and Sunnis lived alongside Shiites in peace.

They may have had to keep their mouth shut when it came to politics but in the case of Libya they had high standards of living and life expectancy in comparison to their neighbours plus they were doing well economically even if they were not “free” as they now supposedly are.

How free are the thousands of protesters in Tahrir square who are still hoping that their earlier revolution against the western backed Hosni Mubarak is not lost as they fight on against the new democratically elected “pharaoh” Mohamed Morsi.

The head of the Muslim Brotherhood, a Western intelligence linked group, that took power in an election before granting himself dictatorial like powers that liberal minded Egyptians are outraged about.

There has been no slowing down of the torture, imprisonment without trial and police brutality that occurs almost nightly as Tahrir square once again becomes the focus of change versus the establishment. The only difference is that this is now an Islamic establishment and one that I suspect the West has been wanting to be implanted for years.


Well the long predicted Culture War between Western Judo/Christianity and Islam has been on the cards for a long time. It is in these eyes that we can see that the West is not too bothered about the Middle East becoming an Islamic Caliphate as it will give them the perfect excuse to continue feeding the Military Industrial Complexes pockets before preparing for the next big war with Iran.

From Afghanistan to the United States we have seen tensions between the two religions of “the book”. Both offshoots of the first books of the Bible and both linked by history and commonly shared religious beliefs.

As western backed Syrian rebels ransack Christian Churches and Christian ministers burn Korans, the fires that are slowly burning away underneath a groundswell of anti-immigration furor in Europe are gently being stoked until the general population are ready for all out war. The next big war is coming – how bad it will be is up to us.

Apart from the upcoming battles that will thin the herd we have spent the year watching people hand over their privacy as if it was an antiquated concept in return for gadgets, applications and the latest phone or computer tablet.

Google, Amazon, Twitter and the rest of the big Internet companies have already been caught out avoiding paying their fair share of tax by using 1 man offices in tax havens. However the bigger news is their links to the new American Security State Apparatus and how the upcoming generation are being conditioned to accept a world of total surveillance.

We have people selling their private information to these corporations just so that they can watch their own house or car on Google maps or tell the world of Twitter users what they had for breakfast that morning.

In 50 years George Orwell’s 1984 nightmare of a state camera in every room of your house will be an old fashioned concept.

We already have surveillance states in the UK and USA where city walls are adorned with CCTV cameras linked to huge city sized databases and the TRAPWIRE system that uses facial recognition technology to link up with other super computers and store, analyse and log every “person of interests” move for the new 1 million strong – super spies that already have top level security clearance in the USA.

Amerika is no longer a fear but a reality.

The NDAA allows the President to lock up Americans for eternity without trial on his say so alone. If he wanted to he could even have you killed as he has already shown with the assassination of American born Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen by a done strike.

You know onne of those deadly accurate drone strikes that treat every male over the age of 8 as enemy combatants (unless proven otherwise) and kill 49 innocent civilians for every “terrorist”.

This is only an extension of the emergency act implemented after 9.11 and still exist to this day – something most American’s know nothing about and literally give the President the power to do what he wants to defend the country.

Whether that means grope or virtual strip machines at airports, bombing Afghan and Pakistani weddings or just starting wars without the consent of Congress as he did in Libya. He has more powers than previous Presidents and all because of the events of 9.11 and the endless war on terror we are still feeling the effects of 11 years on.

A case can be made that the right wing in America have it totally wrong when they call Obama a communist but in reality he is more of a dictator who has continued the George W Bush’s policy of  stripping American citizens of their liberties with laws like the PATRIOT ACT and he has taken them a whole mile further down the road to dictatorship with laws like the NDAA.

The only socialism on show at the moment is the one in which banksters take hard earned tax dollars from the public as state handouts to be used to make even more money in the rigged game that is Wall St through front running and high frequency trading.

As Europe teeters on the brink of self-collapse and America countries printing it’s way to self destruction the BRIC countries are growing in strength.

China is collecting gold bars at the same rate their slave workers throw themselves off the US corporation balconies that were offshored. Workers working for companies that make their goods overseas, pay hardly any tax and care not a jot for the quality of life that the makers of their products have to endure.

So when you next open your iPhone to send a Tweet about how your Facebook profile has been updated just remember that some poor soul in China has worked 18 hour days for a pittance just so that you can throw your privacy away to companies that are in cahoots with America’s new global surveillance society and that your email, contact info and other personal information is just another commodity to be sold and re-sold by these companies.

Just don’t scratch your head when your inbox fills up with spam or every web page you seem to visit seems to show adverts targeted especially for you.

What can we hope for 2013 then?

Well the end of the world isn’t being booked for this year as the Mayans don’t have anything planned so far.

Therefore if the world does end it will be of our own making. We are already being cajoled into believing Iran is on the brink of nuking us all despite any evidence from the IAEA and it is only Israeli pressure on the US congressmen they own and the blackmail they have probably collated on the President that will force any pointless war.

It might be all the assassinations and military base attacks by US/Israeli backed terrorist groups (or freedom fighters in this case) that has changed Iran’s mind.

Or it might be the first cyber warfare weapon STUXNET that changed it by almost destroying their nuclear program through multiple zero day exploits only a nation state would have the manpower and knowledge to use.

Or it might just be the fact that Iran wasn’t making a bomb in the first place – it is un-Islamic after all.

On the one hand Iran is called a fanatical Islamic state but when it comes to the part of Islam that says nuclear weaponry is against God’s will then that seems to get overlooked.

However what cannot be overlooked is the total hypocrisy of an apartheid state like Israela country that unlike Iran isn’t a member of the Nuclear Non Proliferation Agency but still has 200+ nuclear bombs calling Iran a threat for “maybe” thinking about building one without proof.

This is after all a country that only recently assassinated the Hamas military commander who had brokered a cease fire that stopped Hamas firing rockets into Israel and then sat back as Hamas fell into their trap firing hundreds of firecracker rockets into Israel.

Some of these were long range ones that got lucky almost reaching Tel Aviv, others were not so lucky and almost hit their fellow Palestinians in the West Bank.

However this battle was once again one sided and whilst the world waited for Israel to once again enter Gaza and massacre over  a thousand innocent people as they did in Operation Cast Lead they instead blew up children playing football and attacked journalists from the air in a short but powerful onslaught that stopped short before any Israeli troops entered Gaza city.

Therefore if we are to see the next year out without another middle eastern war it is only going to be if someone reigns in the Likud war party and brokers some kind of peace deal in the Middle East.

This bleeding sore on the face of the world has been leaking for too long and the longer it goes on the more chance there is of a catastrophe occurring.

The more Middle Eastern states that turn from their ex Western backed dictators  to new Islamic governments the more chance we have of the perfect trigger to start the culture war that ne-cons and ex cold war warriors have been planning for decades.

9.11 did the job of getting America fighting Muslims on Israels terms, and with their dumbed down public they don’t even realise that 92% of Afghans have never even heard of this event they are supposed to be fighting America for. Instead it’s sold to American’s that it’s all because they “hate our freedoms” of course!

Nothing to do with the army bases in their holy lands or their biased one sided support for Israel – no it was American freedom they hated.

The sad thing is a mud hut dwelling Afghan probably has more freedom than any American ever had.

They certainly don’t have to worry about CCTV or TSA gropers it’s only drones blowing up their weddings and soldiers going on killing sprees for fun that they have to deal with on a daily basis.

Add to that pertinent point that America has thrown away most of their freedoms anyway and the people the US are fighting in the Stan are just Taliban/civilians who see the US/UK soldiers as just another group of invaders they have been putting up with for centuries. It  seems that they don’t actually have much left to do to “win the war” by defeating all that American freedom they hate so much.

Plus seeing that there is hardly any “real” al-Qaeda in Afghanistan anymore.

The rest of them are being funded and backed by the US/UK axis of war in Syria doing their next de-stabilisation job after we already supported them in Libya. It looks like the world is on it’s head and needs a dose of reality shoved down it’s throat.

That doesn’t look like it’s going to happen anytime soon.

Therefore if we end 2013 without another war we will have done well indeed and I reckon that is the best we can hope for!


View the original 2012 End of Year Review by Dark Politricks at the main site

f President Obama is a bad President then what will Mitt Romney be like?

September 6, 2012

If President Obama is bad then what is Mitt Romney?

By Dark Politricks

Last week was the GOP conference in which they inaugurated Mitt Romney as their choice for Republican presidential candidate. This was the man that during primaries no Republican commentator really wanted and in the end he was the least bad choice out of a very bad lot. As soon as he was anointed though they all changed their tune pretty fast as all they care about is getting President Obama out of office and handing over the country to corporations and banksters.

Despite Ron Paul sticking it out to the end of the GOP debates he has been overlooked and out of the nominees he was the only one who offered some real choice for the public if nominated.

I’m not saying that I agree with everything Ron Paul stands for but personally I think America needs some form of “America United” ticket that would bring the massively obvious culture war to an end and hopefully restore civil liberties, end the wars, end the FED, end the unauthorised spying and now authorised detention without charge or even execution on Presidential demand.

A ticket of Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich would have brought Libertarians, Republicans, Democrats, Liberals and independents together to vote for a return to an America which wasn’t constantly at war and didn’t go around the world invading countries because it thought it was “exceptional”.

Hopefully he will stand as an independent or if possible on the libertarian ticket although I think it’s too late for that. Apart from that you have Roseanne Barr and Cindy Sheehan on the Peace and Freedom Party ballot which won’t be on enough ballot papers to even make a dent in the billions of dollars thrown behind Mitt Romney and his attempt to hand the USA over to the Corporations. It looks like the American public are going to get more of the same – just under a different name.

Therefore apart from little differences there is not much choice between Romney and Obama as both are globalists, beholden to the banksters, warmongers and debt drivers and voting Republican really won’t make much difference to your life apart from if your poor as you will probably find yourself in a Middle Eastern desert somewhere fighting another war the country doesn’t want or even need.

From the seemingly non-educated, racist, totally dumb and sometimes loony ideas or comments mentioned by some of the other delegates during the debates and interviews it was clear that Romney was going to be the least worst option from the selection of Republican nominees.

It is also clear to me as an atheist that American Christians will forgive even the most despicable actions as long as the person involved “repents” or pretends to. I know Christians are supposed to forgive so how about forgiving some of the thousands of locked up victims of the war on drugs and ending capital punishment? That would be true forgiveness.

Now I am no Obama fan, I was glad he was voted in purely for the fact that it showed that America could and would now vote for a black President but on the policy side of things I think he has let the country down badly by breaking all the promises he made on the campaign trail.

Some of these promises he could have just enacted when he had control of the Congress and Senate but he chose instead to form bi-partisan support and was rebuffed on many of them. Then after the landslide victory that saw his control of the house fall away to dimwits like Michele Bachmann and co he has had to fight twice as hard to get any policy through. Maybe that was the plan.

It was clear from day one that many Republicans didn’t want to even give Obama a chance despite their passing over to him the worst economy since the great depression and a huge amount of debt as well as two wars, a rendition and torture program that has blackened the USA’s name around the world and a massive TARP balout scheme that enraged many from Tea Partiers to Occupy Wall Street protesters.

Seemingly Clint Eastwood and many other Americans forget that it wasn’t Obama but George Bush that started the longest war in America‘s history in Afghanistan, a war that is now plagued by constant attacks by Afghan troops on NATO soldiers.

They also seem to forget that it was George W Bush that turned Clinton’s legacy into a huge mountain of debt due to his tax cuts to the rich, TARP and his war on terror. It’s truly amazing that only 34% of Americans realise that it was Bush not Obama that passed TARP!

US Debt over the years

If you read up on the history of US national debt you will find that it is Republicans that usually ramp up the debt to fight wars.

World War II saw the US entering new debt territory never seen before starting at 4% of GDP in 1941 it increased to as much as 122% of GDP in 1946 at the end of the war. The next 35 years saw successive governments try to bring down the debt, but then came the Republican God President Reagan. He increased the federal debt by over 50%of GDP to win the Cold War – a money war of attrition the USSR just couldn’t win.

President George W Bush was the next Republican to increase the debt to fight his war on terror, give tax cuts to the rich and bail out the banks.

President Obama was then handed a bad hand that no incumbent would chose to take on willingly and his increasing of the the debt has mainly to be fund economy revival plans after the crash of 2008 – plus the funding and expansion of Bush’s wars.

Whilst it is true Obama has increased the debt ceiling to amounts not seen since the World War he was passed a huge burden from the previous administration and with low growth, a credit crunch and a stalled economy he attempted Keynesian economic policies of borrowing to grow GDP to get out of the hole he was in. Some say Keynes is wrong, others like Paul Krugman say that President Obama just didn’t spend enough on the stimulus in the first place. Whatever the answer the debt mountain may have increased under him but it was definitely not created by Obama.

However President Obama has failed on a number of promises he gave when he was campaigning for his first election and the “change” we expected didn’t turn out as we hoped it would.

He has failed to bring Wall St into line after they recked the economy and instead passed ineffective and bloated laws like the Dodd-Frank act. Many believe he should have re-enacted the Glass Steagall Act and split the banks back up into gambling banks and banks for us “little people” who want to save, borrow and be safe in the knowledge our money won’t be gambled away by an automated front running high frequency trading bots using our money as bets on that biggest of gambling dens known as the US Stock Exchange.

He has failed to repeal the Emergency laws Americans are still living under since 9.11, dictatorial powers that allow him to assassinate Americans abroad without a trial and seemingly label protesters as terrorists just so they that cannot protest against him as we just saw with the arrest of James Tyson 0n his way to protest outside the Democratic National Convention.

Drones now fly the skies of America and the TRAPWIRE system has every American under surveillance at all times.

America is not the place it was before Obama OR George Bush took over the Presidency.

So I don’t think Obama is a good President and I have wrote such in many articles including (but not limited to) who is worse Obama or BushThe very non liberal Democratic partyAmerika a modern day East Germany, Does the American public want more of the same, or more of the same under a different name, and Is President Obama really a Communist or is he more of a dictator?

So please don’t call me an Obama fan because I’m not!

However when it comes to a choice (a non choice really) between Obama and Mitt Romney you should ask yourself the following when casting your vote in the US Presidential Election 2012.

1. Who is more likely to get your country into a war with Iran in the next 4 years Obama or Romney? The British Royal family send their sons into war zones to fight, Prince Harry into Afghanistan and Prince Andrew in the Falklands. However I cannot seem to recall an active US President who  ever had their children in the military and active war zones during their Presidency. If you can think of one please let me know.

2. If the market was let free to run as it (and the Koch brothers) want it to, and a company like Bain capital came along to the place you worked and sacked you because they were going to offshore your job to India or China – who would you trust more to look after your jobs and keep them in America. Would you just put your hands in the air and go “well that’s the free market for you” or would you protest the off-shoring of US jobs that Bain Capital has been so good at during the years and is still doing.

3. Are you worse or better off now than 4 years ago? Are you worse off or better off than you were before Ronald Reagen took office? Before he started his supply side economic experiment and his economic war of attrition with the USSR which saw the countries debt rise, the country turn from an exporting nation to an importer, a country in debt to China and now one mired in constant war.

4. What is more important? Letting already very rich people (billionaires and millionaires) have more money through tax cuts or asking them to pay a little more to help get the country out of the mess it is in. The tax rates during Republican Presidencies in the past were in the 70-90%. Why should they be so low now. Just look at the following graph to see how low the top rate of tax is compared to historical rates during both Republican and Democratic presidencies.

The top bracket of income tax (35%) sits is very low compared to historical rates
A history of the top rate of US income tax over the years.

5 Should the boss of a company be able to pay less tax than his secretary? Only the rich can afford fancy lawyers and accountants to ensure they can use offshore accounts and only pay capital gains tax instead of the normal rates of income tax everyone else has to pay.

6. If you were born a poor child to a single mother in a poor part of town with no money logic dictates that you wouldn’t have the same life chances as a rich child born into privilege. Life just isn’t fair as people say. The poorer child is more likely to end up in prison, die young from poor health, get a worse education and have less opportunity to meet the “right people” and succeed in life.

If you believe in a meritocracy where everyone has the same chance to succeed in life with hard work and a fair even playing field where law breakers (e.g banksters) go to jail and companies don’t get the law retrospectively changed once it’s been found out they have broken it then how does this happen without some kind of intervention by government. Do you think that the governments job is just to let these people live in squalor and probably commit crimes against you just to survive? Or should they try and even out the playing field a little and give everyone the opportunity to succeed in life whether they were born rich or poor?

7. If you think Obama has told lies – what about Romney. He basically invented Obamacare which his state is happily using but rails against it on a national platform. He has flip flopped on more issues than people can count. Could you trust a man,  a “multiple choice” President, who’s answer on a question changes depending on the time of day, his age and the questioner?

8. Do you think a super rich business man who has paid hardly any tax to the country he hopes to run. A man who aims to be the front man for the Koch brothers and give even more money to the top 1% is a man who can be trusted to keep your job safe? Do you think you are more or less likely to have your job off-shored to China or India under Obama or an expert in off-shoring jobs – Romney?

9. Were you born into money or had to earn every penny you own? Have you ever had nothing, I mean zilch. Slept on park benches and friends floors because you had no-one to help you.

What if you lost your job, then your house and family due to your job being off-shored or your company going under. Who do you think is more likely to help you out a Democratic or Republican government. Or do you think the government should not give a flying fxxk about you and just leave you to rot away until you commit a crime that hurts another American citizen and puts you in prison at the expense of the tax paying population?

10. Do you really think life will change a lot if Romney is elected. What things will actually change in your day to day life. Do you trust him to keep any of the few promises he has made so far on policy such as abolishing Obamacare whilst keeping it in his own state?

Let me know the answers in the comment section to the question: If President Obama is bad then what is Mitt Romney?

Why doesn’t David Cameron stop attacking comedians and close down the tax loopholes they use?

June 24, 2012

By Dark Politricks

This week David Cameron ripped shreds out of one of the UK’s premier comedians, Jimmy Carr.

He did so for his use of a tax avoidance scheme in which in a convoluted and obviously offshore manner, Jimmy Carr’s wages were given back to him as a “loan” that supposedly could be called in for repayment at anytime and therefore he ended up paying 1% tax on his multi million pound salary.

Now I don’t like tax avoidance schemes but they are currently legal and Jimmy took it on the chin when he appeared on 8 out of 10 cats and he admitted being in the wrong, took the heckling on the chin, closed the scheme down instantly and apologised like a man.

If only some of our politicians could act so swiftly and graciously when caught with their trousers down or in an expenses scandal.

I like Jimmy Carr, I have seen him live at the Hammersmith Apollo as well as owning some of his DVD’s. This means that my money spent on tickets and films has gone through this offshore scheme without tax being paid to the UK exchequer. It is wrong.

However what is even worse is the fact that David Cameron could close these tax avoidance schemes down in a minute if he really wanted to and the only reason he doesn’t it that it would affect many of his rich Tory donors and fund raisers.

For a millionaire PM, sitting on a millionaires front bench, many of which who are linked to companies who engage in legal tax avoidance schemes is a bit rich.

When companies like Vodafone can get away without paying any UK tax at all and the reduction in corporation tax has seen a huge transfer of wealth as those with means choose to take their wages in other means that are taxed far less than income tax.

We still haven’t dug ourselves out the hole that we were left in by Labour and the global downfall started in the US, spread to Europe and now hitting average earners in the pocket right now.

I have lost count recently of the number of petrol stations that have been shut for no apparent reason (just saw a big one a minute ago) and cash machines that don’t have money in them (saw two this weekend) and for some reason I feel like something bad is just around the corner – maybe an unscheduled bank holiday?

Whilst tax avoidance schemes are currently legal they don’t have to be and in these times of austerity we should be doing all of the following:

  • Simplifying the tax code so lawyers have less room for manoeuvre in bypassing loopholes.
  • Making sure any large company who wants to sell their good in one of the largest markets in the world has to set up a UK company in which all goods sold are taxed and given to the UK exchequer.
  • Closing loopholes with a general law that states that any scheme designed to minimise the amount of tax paid by a company over a certain percentage is deemed as illegal tax evasion.

There is no difference in my mind between benefit cheats and tax avoiding millionaire Tory funders and big corporations. It’s just that our mainly right wing UK press like to target the poor for some reason.

Jimmy took it on the chin and I will continue to find him funny but what I don’t find funny is the hypocritical nature of people who attack greedy tax avoiders and then engage in the same acts themselves.

Getting Ready for Tax Day: IRS Puts Out Bid to Buy Sixty Police Shotguns

February 3, 2010

Kurt Nimmo


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

If we are to believe senator Harry Reid (see video below), the taxation system in the United States is voluntary. Reid admits that if you don’t pay your cut to the government you will be fined or arrested and imprisoned, but the system is voluntary in the sense that you are allowed to file tax forms. Other countries, says Reid, just take your money without this formality.

Prior to the Sixteenth Amendment (supposedly ratified on February 3, 1913) there was no justification for the government to steal your hard-warned money. The Constitution, in Article I, Section 8, gives Congress the power “to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States.” It says nothing about income taxes.

“The Internal Revenue Service is the enforcement arm of the Federal government’s present unjust tax system,” notes the Constitution Party. “Citizens, both in groups and as individuals, have repeatedly sought responses from the IRS bureaucracy as to the basis for the agency’s tax policies and procedures. No answers have been forthcoming although a responsible government must be answerable to the people and has a duty to those it is supposed to serve.”

Obama has rolled out his class warfare tax increase rhetoric. He says he will increase taxes on the “rich” (defined as anybody who makes over $200,000 per year) in order to pay down the debt owed to a gaggle of international bankers. He also plans to float increased taxes on corporations.

“While we extend middle-class tax cuts in this budget, we will not continue costly tax cuts for oil companies, investment fund managers and those making over $250,000 a year,” Obama said. “We just can’t afford it.”

Of course, the real rich — the Warren Buffetts and Rockefellers of the world — and large transnational corporations do not pay taxes. Taxes are for the little people (including those making around $200,000), as billionaire Leona Helmsley once said. Obama is merely attempting to sell the idea of tax increases by engaging in class warfare and pandering to public contempt for oil companies and “investment fund managers” on Wall Street.

New taxes will be taken out of the hide of the average American, as always. In order to enforce this looting, the IRS and its Criminal Investigation Division will need more muscle in the coming months. That’s why they are arming themselves to the teeth. The role of the Criminal Investigation Division is to “generate the maximum deterrent effect, enhance voluntary compliance, and promote public confidence in the tax system,” according to Treasury Department, a branch office of the Federal Reserve (currently run by the criminal Timothy Geithner, the man with Goldman Sachs on his speed dialer).

According to the FedBixOpps website, the IRS is in the market for sixty police shotguns:

Quotes are solicited under Request For Quotation (RFQ) number TIRWR-10-Q-00023. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; a written RFQ will not be issued. If your company can provide the product listed in the RFQ and comply with all of the RFQ instructions, please respond to this notice.

This requirement is a Small Business Set-Aside and only qualified sellers may submit quotes. NACIS code for this requirement is 332994. The RFQ opens on the date this announcement is posted and closes Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 2:00:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. Response should be emailed or mailed by the closing date to or IRS, 1301 Clay Street, Oakland, CA 94612. FOB Destination shall be Washington DC.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) intends to purchase sixty Remington Model 870 Police RAMAC #24587 12 gauge pump-action shotguns for the Criminal Investigation Division. The Remington parkerized shotguns, with fourteen inch barrel, modified choke, Wilson Combat Ghost Ring rear sight and XS4 Contour Bead front sight, Knoxx Reduced Recoil Adjustable Stock, and Speedfeed ribbed black forend, are designated as the only shotguns authorized for IRS duty based on compatibility with IRS existing shotgun inventory, certified armorer and combat training and protocol, maintenance, and parts.

featured stories   Getting Ready for Tax Day: IRS Puts Out Bid to Buy Sixty Police Shotguns

In order to make sure you pay your ransom to the government, the IRS needs to add sixty of these to its arsenal.

Submit quotes including 11% Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax (FAET) and shipping to Washington DC.

The following provisions and clauses in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) apply to this acquisition and include any addenda to the provisions. This solicitation incorporates one or more provisions and clauses by reference with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text: Provisions FAR 52.212-1 Instructions to Offerors—Commercial Items (June 2008); 52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications—Commercial Items (August 2009); Clauses 52.212-4; Contract Terms and Conditions—Commercial Items (March 2009); and 52.212-5 Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders—Commercial Items (December 2009). The full text of a FAR clause may be accessed electronically at

New equipment only; no remanufactured products. No partial shipments

Offer must be good for 30 calendar days after submission

Offerors must have current Central Contractor Registration (CCR) at the time offer is submitted. Information can be found at

This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 12, Acquisition of Commercial Items. The government will award a commercial item purchase order to the offeror with the most advantageous offer to the government. All offerors must submit their best price and delivery capabilities.

Contracting Office Address:

Internal Revenue Service OS:A:P:B:W

Office of Business Operations

1301 Clay Street, Suite 810S

Oakland, CA 94612 -5217

Place of Delivery:


SE:CI:OPS:STO, attn. S/A Staggs, Room 2003

1111 Constitution Avenue NW

Washington DC 20224


Primary Point of Contact:

Marc A Feinberg

Phone: 510/637-2152

Fax: 519/637-2110

Secondary Point of Contact:

Kyong H Watson

Phone: 510/637-2142

Fax: 510/637-2110

Back-Door Taxes Hikes to Hit the Middle Class

February 2, 2010

By Jesse Benton

A central plank to Obama’s camapign was a pledge not to raise taxes on the middle class. Here’s a video on how that is going. (Thanks to my friend Adam Radman at ATR)

Now, Reuters and Drudge are reporting on the back-door, sneaky way to the Administration is planning to cut the deficit – not by cutting spending, or trimming back our overseas empire. No, it’s to squeeze more money out of your pocket.

In the 2010 budget tabled by President Barack Obama on Monday, the White House wants to let billions of dollars in tax breaks expire by the end of the year — effectively a tax hike by stealth.

Read the rest here.

View the original article at Campaign for Liberty

Backdoor taxes to hit middle class

February 2, 2010

Terri Cullen

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010

The Obama administration’s plan to cut more than $1 trillion from the deficit over the next decade relies heavily on so-called backdoor tax increases that will result in a bigger tax bill for middle-class families.

In the 2010 budget tabled by President Barack Obama on Monday, the White House wants to let billions of dollars in tax breaks expire by the end of the year — effectively a tax hike by stealth.

While the administration is focusing its proposal on eliminating tax breaks for individuals who earn $250,000 a year or more, middle-class families will face a slew of these backdoor increases.

The targeted tax provisions were enacted under the Bush administration’s Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001. Among other things, the law lowered individual tax rates, slashed taxes on capital gains and dividends, and steadily scaled back the estate tax to zero in 2010.

Full article here

Marc Morano on Alex Jones TV: NASA Scientist Demands End to Industrial Society

February 2, 2010

The Alex Jones Channel

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010

Alex welcomes back to the show Marc Morano, the man behind the climate website for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. Morano is a former journalist with Cybercast News Service. He has written articles critical of NASA global warming scientist James E. Hansen. Morano was also a producer and correspondent for the nationally syndicated television newsmagazine American Investigator.

View the original video at The Alex Jones Channel

Bankers in favour of paying global tax

January 30, 2010

Patrick Jenkins and Tom Braithwaite
Financial Times
Saturday, January 30th, 2010

Some of the world’s most prominent bankers have come out in favour of a global bank wind-down fund, a concession from the industry after weeks of fighting proposals for new taxes in the US and Europe.

Josef Ackermann, chief executive of Deutsche Bank, told the Financial Times on Friday : “To help solve the too-big-to-fail problem I’m advocating a European rescue and resolution fund for banks. Of course, the capital for this fund would have to come from banks to a large degree.”

Bob Diamond, president of Barclays , also supported the idea of a global levy, which could see banks contribute tens or even hundreds of billions of dollars over a period of years.

“I think every G20 country would like to have an insurance scheme that would help cover the cost of any future bank failure,” he told the FT at the World Economic Forum in Davos. “A co-ordinated global system is preferable to an unlevel playing field.”

Full article here