Posts Tagged ‘War on terror’

You do NOT have a choice in the US Presidential election!

December 18, 2015

You do NOT have a choice in the US Presidential election!

By Dark Politricks

No Difference between the GOP and Democrat
There is no difference between the Republicans and Democrats

I know that Conservatives in the US call Obama a Marxist and the Democrats attack the GOP as money grabbers for the rich, but in reality there is very little difference between the GOP and the Democrats.

From my perspective across the pond I haven’t seen the US change for the better since all my years of being interested in US politics. This includes both Republican and Democratic Presidencies as well as times where the President was of the same party that controlled both houses of Congress yet still didn’t push through policies you would expect them to.

Both the GOP and Democratic parties are:

  • Pro war, even if it means possible world war with Russia/China.
  • Pro Israel and pro AIPAC / JDL plus anti Palestinian rights.
  • Pro regime change (Iraq, Libya, Ukraine & Syria to name a few).
  • Pro drone strikes even on US citizens without judicial review.
  • Pro Bankster & Wall St and anti Working Class & main street.
  • Pro Police arbitrary killings. It feels as if the streets of some US cities are full of uninformed paramilitary death squads at the moment.
  • Pro NSA/FBI/CIA/Homeland security spying on you through your cars GPS, phones microphone/cameras, websites visited from your ISPs and server log files and even now through your TV!

If you have a new “Smart TV”, have you actually read the privacy statement they make you sign in detail?

If not do so!

I read my new 4k TVs statement the other night and it mentioned built-in microphones and cameras installed into the TV to take photos of you for facial recognition and even to record your height, weight and vocal patterns.

Of course they claim that this is just to help deliver you tailored adverts and help with certain smart apps such as those that use voice commands or hand gestures but all this data goes off to a 3rd party company first to be analysed.

The legalese didn’t mention who got access to this data or how long it was stored just that it could be used by the appropriate authorities and that non compliance was covered by New York Law.

Therefore if you break your new Smart TV’s terms and conditions in any way you can have US policemen coming to arrest you wherever you are in the world. I have to wonder which 3 letter agencies get access to all this data, it really has become that Telescreen from George Orwell’s 1984, if not I don’t know how much closer they can become.

Just like phones which when switched off still have enough power to ping the phone masts and therefore record your whereabouts, I’d have a good bet that there is just enough power when your TV is in standby mode to record you through the microphone and camera.

Therefore don’t rely on turning off your camera/microphone in the settings, if you are that paranoid go back to basics and cover them with masking tape. The simplest methods are best. However when even your TV is a sophisticated computer that can spy on you and record your actions and speech then we really have entered George Orwell’s dystopian world.

Also people forget that our phones are those microchips everybody worried about having implanted in them to keep track of them by the Government in the 90s. It was the big thing, being chipped, a conspiracy theory that was just in the mind of tin foil hat wearing loons. However we happily take our phones with us everywhere we go. We constantly “Sign In”, and “log where we are”, “tag who we are with”, and write down everything we are doing. Leaving a nice long trail of our life on the Internet to be remembered for decades to come.

To the youngsters of today there is no concept of privacy and they seem happy to give that away for the ability to communicate and therefore be logged and recorded.

With our mobile and household tracking devices we can now be located and spied on 24/7 and if you are a terrorist, domestic extremist, protester or even a citizen journalist (under new US combatant rules), you could find yourself being the target of something nasty flying through the air.

Microsoft, Facebook and Google constantly hand over all your private chat data, search requests, emails, and history of websites that we’ve visited to the authorities. Both if asked and sometimes just as standard due to their close relationships with the alphabet agencies of the US surveillance state. Google took seed money from the CIA and helped them design some of the NSA’s searching algorithms for programs similar to those Snowden leaked such as PRISM and XKeyScore. Plus Microsoft was adding chips into their PC’s from the 90’s to help the NSA override any secure cryptography so that they could access your PC at will. Even the BBC reported on it in this 1999 article.

There is no difference between Democrats and Republicans on the issue of national security which means knowing as much as possible about as many people as possible.

ISIS which is a creation of US/UK Middle Eastern foreign policy, just as al-Qaeda was a database of CIA cut out agents/Jihadists, used to destabilise countries as ex UK Foreign Minister, Robin Cook wrote about, are used to scare us into just handing over all our civil liberties that the terrorists supposedly hate us for having. The US were bombing ISIS for a year as their Caliphate grew in size. Therefore they were either very bad at their bombing campaign compared to the Russians or they were allowing them to survive. Using the existence of these terrorists as an excuse to cut our civil liberties is basically doing their job for them.

If they truly “hate us for our freedoms”, as George W Bush famously said, we shouldn’t hand all our freedoms away never for them to return with laws like the Patriot ACT and the NDAA and in the UK the multitude of anti-terrorism bills that have been passed.

So it’s the same with all 3 states in the Axis of War, the UK, France and the USA who have all suspended certain rights and freedoms due to the “threat” of terrorism.

I’d really like to see both Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn be leaders of both the USA and UK at the same time JUST TO SEE if REAL CHANGE is even possible from the top down.

When Obama came into office on a wave of support due to his meaningless chant of “We Can Change”, it seemed to me that the slogan was purely about the colour of the White House occupants. Therefore I don’t even believe real change from the top is actually possible, never been tried, or just stopped by the main string pullers from behind the curtains. Having two characters like Bernie and Corbyn in power would at least show us if it was still possible to change the world for the better whether you like their policies or not.

If both these men did have full control and held true to the principles they currently state then in power we should see:

  • Less prison for drugs and minor offences.
  • Less Banksters running a mock with our tax payers money and no “too big to fail or jail” companies allowed to bank roll terrorists and drug cartels (e.g HSBC).
  • Less spending on the department of war and more on education, job creation, house building and investment in the people and country instead of wasting it on £800,000 missiles that are fired into rubble in pointless overseas wars.
  • Less stupid overtures that suggest our leaders want to start a new cold (or even hot) war with Russia. They seem to forget Russia helped solve the Iran nuclear deal, remove chemical weapons from Syria and are basically crushing DAESH in Syria despite Turkey and Saudi Arabian support for the Jihadists.
  • Less power to corporations who are NOT real people with feelings and emotions yet in the USA under law they are treated as such and so during elections pump millions into campaigns of people who will benefit them if they get into power.
  • Better and cheaper health care free at the point of use in the US, and less middle management and PPI hospitals in the UK that are bankrupting us into the future.
  • Free adult education and the ability to retrain and gain new skills throughout your life to keep you in a job. Having taxpaying workers is much better than people relying on state handouts.
  • Oh and all the stolen civil liberties we have had removed from us due to the “War on Terror” returned in the hundreds.

The Two Faced Janus Coin of American Politics

The two faced Janus coin of US politics
Both Main Parties in the USA Serve The Same Interests

These are all good reasons why we need strong 3rd parties in the USA and UK.

Many Europeans don’t even realise that 3rd parties exist in the USA. Parties such as the Greens, Libertarians, Justice Party and even (shock horror) socialists!

Major political reform is needed so that these parties get a fair shake of the whip during elections, can debate the other parties on the major networks, and get the air time they require to make a dent into the two-faced Janus coin called American Democratic elections. Of course the reason they don’t is that the debates are all staged collusion with the networks who are all filled with COINTELPRO government mouthpieces. They have no urge to see REAL change come to the USA and actually do something to shake up the status quo.

How many Americans know they are still living under “Emergency Laws” enacted after 9 11 giving the President ultimate power. When will this end?

How good would an alliance be between the UK and the USA that would get on with other nations better and stop real evil e.g Israeli illegal occupation of Palestinian lands and Chinese/Saudi treatment of their people instead of selling weapons and outsourcing all our jobs to them.

Money should not matter more than morals but to George Osborne, Obama and the US/UK arms companies who must carry on their trade it seemingly does.

Our allies are not dissimilar to our enemies e.g ISIS and Saudi Arabia, yet we allow the 7th century hypocritical scum that the Saudi’s are to continue with own Janus act of both funding and fighting terrorism.

However will this ever happen or will the establishment prevent the elections of such men as Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn  due to the threat of real change?

The realistic outcome is that some idiot like Donald Trump or a warmonger like Hillary Clinton will get into power in the USA to reign alongside an equally right-wing Tory party in the UK and the Axis of War will roll on…..

One can only wish…..

Remember, as George Orwell famously said:

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength

Oh, and you do have a real choice in your elections.


View the original article at the main site

By Dark Politricks


© 2015 Dark Politricks

Brother Nathanael’s Views on why Turkey shot down a Russian jet and his view on Mossad links to the French terrorist attacks

December 7, 2015

Brother Nathanael’s Views on why Turkey shot down a Russian jet and his view on Mossad links to the French terrorist attacks

Brother Nathanael
By Dark Politricks

I like Brother Nathanael, as a non Zionist, ex Jew converted to Christianity, he calls Israel and Mossad out for all the things that they are doing to stir the wars up around the world.

Therefore when he criticizes Israel and their foreign policy you should listen to him. He isn’t being forced to tell the “official line” or lies about what is going on. He tells it as it is, so believe him or not, you should still listen to him.

Brother Nathanael discusses why Turkey, the supporter of DAESH, shot down the Russian jet

Brother Nathanael discusses the real reasons why Turkey shot down the Russian jet that was bombing the snake of oil trucks sliding its way to Turkey for the Turks to buy, and therefore funding Daesh and other jihadists that they are supposed to be fighting.

Watch the original video on

Brother Nathanael discusses the Paris terrorist attacks and Mossad’s involvement in them

I have been saying for ages now on this site and social media how odd it is that DAESH or ISIL/ISIS has not been concerned with Israel but more with Christians and other Muslims.

Unlike other terrorist groups who blame their hatred on the west for our support of the Zionist and increasingly racist state of Israel, not much has come out of the mouths of DAESH.

This is the most well funded, best armed and manned terrorist army ever known to man and they are right on Israel’s border in Syria.

Yet Israel seems more concerned with kids throwing stones at Israeli tanks before killing them in Gaza and the West Bank than this well armed terrorist monster. Why?

Well watch this video by Brother Nathaniel and you might get some clues to Mossad’s involvement in the creation and existence of DAESH.

He claims Israel have even been taken injured al-Nusra terrorists (the al-Qaeda branch in Syria), into their hospitals to patch them up, before sending them back to the front line. Even Jewish papers have made simuilar claims so this is nothing out of the blue.

What is unsurprising to me but may shock others is that Mossad has apparently infiltrated DAESH at the highest places, even pretending to be Inmans and then ordering terrorist attacks that benefit the Jewish state.

If this is true then this surely another sign that they were probably doing the same with al-Qaeda and I have reported on Mossad creating fake al-Qaeda cells many times before. This also lends even more credence to the Mossad 9.11 false flag attack theory.

This is based around the fact that more Jews than Muslims (probably all known Mossad agents in the country), were arrested in the days after 9.11. They were kept for a long time and then deported. Why? What questions were they asked and why were they arrested in the first place? Who got them released and why were they held so long? All questions I would love to know the answers to.

A truck driven by a Mossad linked company with the same type of bolt cutters that the terrorists apparently used on the hijacked planes was found in New York by Police who thought they were about to carry out another terrorist attack and the Mossad agents who were arrested filming the attacks across the river and admitted on Israeli TV that they were sent to “document the event”.

Watch it here if you have not seen it before.

Oh and that doesn’t even mention half of the other links including the fact that Mossad were apparently following these 9.11 hijackers around the US for months before hand, even living doors away from some of them.

This story even appeared on the rabid pro-Israeli FOX News website until AIPAC managed to get it taken down. Luckily I have a full copy for you to read here.

So to hear that Mossad is once again fighting “By Way of Deception”, is no surprise, and it perfectly explains why ISIS is not even bothered about Israel.

Remember the ex Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky (another self hating Jew – there is quite a lot of them it seems) claimed that Israel’s plan was to get the US and their western allies to do all their dirty work for them.

They successfully tricked the Americans into bombing Libya in the 80’s, then planned to get the US to get rid of Saddam Hussein (then a US ally against Iran), and finally President Assad in Syria.

It seems all their plans have almost come to fruition until the appearance of Russia helping to defend the Assad regime.

You can read part of his book “By way of deception” here. 

Watch Brother Nathanael discuss why Israel is not scared by DAESH and is in fact helping them.

Watch the original video on

You can and definitely should subscribe to all Brother Nathanael’s videos on his YouTube channel here.

By Dark Politricks


View the original article on the main site at

© Dark Politricks 2015

Why Was Russell Brand attacked for linking British Foreign Policy to Terrorism?

July 7, 2015

Why Was Russell Brand attacked for linking British Foreign Policy to Terrorism?

By Dark Politricks

Whilst I have the utmost respect for all the British and other victims of the Terrorist attack in Tunisia last week, I think the attack on Russell Brands podcast on today’s minute of silence as “Total Bullshit”, was a “Total Smokescreen” when you really listen to what he said.

If you forget the maybe crass way he says it and actually listen to what he says later on, he makes many good points about British Foreign Policy and how it has contributed to the rise of ISIS in the first place.

As David Cameron discusses extending his bombing campaign on ISIS from just Iraq to targets over the border in Syria we must remember the simple fact that no war has ever been won by just bombing from the air.

If we want to create more terrorists then yes, the plan will work. Bombs are indiscriminate no matter how much the Government and Armed Forces tell you otherwise.

We didn’t win the war in Libya from our bombing campaign. It was the rebels on the ground that took advantage of our air support to defeat Gaddafi and turn Libya into the civil war mess it now is.

Libya is now  place where the “official government” has to meet on a ship at sea to protect it from attack.

Where thousands of people every day try to escape its shores by paying criminals to take them in dangerous boats to Europe, and where we wash our hands of them.

Risking death in the Mediterranean
Libyan refugees risk death to flee their war-torn country
Libya's people smugglers
People smugglers take advantage of desperate people in the Mediterranean

Doesn’t seem fair does it?

We destroy what once one of the most prosperous countries in Africa because we decided to support one side in a civil war after years of supporting al-Qaeda linked, anti Gaddafi terrorists, before making up with Gaddafi at Blairs famous meeting with the Colonel in the desert.

This was when normal relations resumed e.g arms sales in return for the Lockerbie suspects being handed over to face trial in Scotland and our oil companies being able to milk the countries reserves.

Then we decided to turn about-face, despite Gaddafi helping the CIA/MI6 with their black site torture prisons, and take him out of the picture.

Maybe he was just too much of a threat having talked about an African union, no central bank control and a shared Gold backed currency for the region.

Did you know that when Colonel Gaddafi took over Libya in 1967 it was one of the poorest nations in Africa but by the time he was killed by NATO and it’s goons on the ground, Gaddafi had turned Libya into Africa’s wealthiest nation.

It had the highest life expectancy and GDP per capita on the continent. I bet you didn’t even realise that fewer people lived below the poverty line in Libya than in the Netherlands!

People in pre NATO Libya could count on free education, free health care, a free home upon getting married, oil being shared out amongst the people and no central bank run by the same bankster cartel we all know and love.

Gaddafi even wanted to unite Africa under a single currency, a bit like the Euro, except it would be backed by Gold and therefore worth the paper it was written on.

We all know what happened to the last 3 US Presidents who tried going against the Banksters and their central banks, the same fate fell Gaddafi as did JFK. Was this a coincidence or just bad luck?

Whatever the reason was, Libya fell apart was due to NATO suddenly going from an ally in the fight against the war on terror – even sending Gitmo destined prisoners there to be tortured, to a terrorist backer. They provided the air cover and bombs that destroyed Libyan infrastructure before allowing their NATO armed terrorists on the ground to put a bullet in his head.

The country is now a mess and not a good advert for British intervention. The fact we are now trying to wash our hands of the mess we have caused by preventing refugees from Libya reaching Britain doesn’t exactly say much about our leaders humanitarian nature.

British victims arrive back in Britian
A victim of the Tunisian beach attack is flown home today to RAF Brize Norton

So what about the ISIS terrorist who killed British terrorists?

Seifeddine Rezgui
Seifeddine Rezgui posing with weapons for ISIS

Yes of course it was a horrible disgusting evil act when an ISIS inspired student gunman, Seifeddine Rezgui, took it upon himself to kill 38 people in Tunisia including 30 British tourists.

This was a student who received military training in the war-torn country we helped to destroy, Libya, before taking it upon himself to kill and maim dozens of British and other Europeans on the beach of a holiday resort during the supposedly peaceful Islamic holiday of Ramadan.

ISIS has taken over from al-Qaeda as the big bogey man we should all be looking under our beds each night.

Islamic State are the most well-funded, well-equipped terrorist force on the planet and as their name states, Islamic State, they DO actually have a constantly expanding border that ignores previous Middle Eastern lines that were drawn across the borders of Iraq and Syria.

So while David Cameron puts forward plans to bomb Syria, and the Tories line up legislation to remove more of our civil rights, I bet that a huge proportion of Daily Mail readers will support such “Thought Police” laws and be all too willing to denounce any opponents as domestic extremists.

So with all these new laws and previous military action carried out in the region w e should really ask the question that no Tory/Labour politician seems to want to answer – have we helped create this monster?

Whilst they may claim otherwise the answer is YES. 

Yes Islamic terrorist acts occurred before 9.11 but they were mainly all due to the never-ending issue of Israel / Palestine.

If only the USA could pull its finger out its ass, stop AIPAC owned Congressmen from railroading any attempt at a fair solution and put pressure on Israel to come to a negotiated settlement that doesn’t humiliate the Palestinians and adheres to International Law.

This form of law is supposed to be respected by all countries, and it was mainly created after World War II to punish the Germans for their treatment of the Jews, plus their illegal wars. Remember after Nuremberg it was decreed that the worst crime a state could commit was a war of aggression (a pre-emptive war you could say).

Yet how many pre-emptive wars have the Axis of War started since then?

Just in the last few decades (the Taliban did not commit 9.11 no matter how far you stretch the official story), and not to mention all the other underhand wars by proxy or through the use of false flag attacks to give cover such as Vietnam in earlier years.

Don’t you think it hypocritical that the Jewish People, who through their Nuremberg judges had many Nazis and Germans put to death for “following orders” but are now killing Palestinians en mass whenever they invade Gaza (as even the Zionist Judge Goldstone reported on).

Plus the US seems fine about opting out of the International Criminal Court and allowing its own soldiers to commit acts of torture on command, sometimes as MI5/MI6 officers stand around watching, as British citizens are beaten and tortured by their CIA counterparts for refusing to answer the British Security Forces questions.

To say our foreign policy has no part to play in the radicalization of a large number of disaffected Muslims is to ignore a major component in solving the problem. Does our government really just think these people kill us for no other reason than they “hate our dwindling freedoms” or that they just want to reach paradise?

If it’s our freedoms they hate then that argument will soon no longer exist as we seem to be very busy handing them over on a plate. In the not too distant future even this bogus reason drummed out by FOX and other mainstream media companies won’t be valid.

From our rights to protest, to our right to surf the Internet in peace without being monitored and logged to our right to free speech, our civil liberties are being demolished chunk by chunk.

If the Tories get their way we could all be labelled domestic extremists if you dare speak your mind and it doesn’t fit with the Government line on a subject. Want to talk to your girlfriend in peace without anyone spying in on your saucy chat by using an encrypted chat service, well you must have something to hide under new plans by the Conservative government. Only terrorists use encryption don’t you know?

As Russell Brand says in his podcast the minute silence held on Friday was a way for the Government to act as if it cared about the dead holiday makers whilst it continued to carry on selling arms to some of the most despotic regimes in the world.

Not only are we selling arms to Bahrain and Egypt, two countries who have recently cracked down on its own people, killing many and repealing the rights of millions, but we are selling billions of weapons to one of the cruelest countries on the face of the planet – Saudi Arabia.

This is a country who is engaged in a massive bombing campaign in Yemen, killing innocent civilians, using banned weapons and with hardly a whisper being mentioned about the slaughter in the mainstream news.

Why is it this Islamic State is being helped by the British whilst we are supposedly fighting another Islamic State in Iraq/Syria?

David Cameron was criticised the other day for not calling Islamic State just that, saying it was not truly Islamic and not a state. From where I am looking it seems to fit the bill perfectly. They adhere to strict Islamic law, just like Saudi Arabia and the Islamic courts in Iran and they seem to have their own state, one that issues its own gold based currency, sells oil to Syria and Turkey and is well-funded and armed.

As for fighting it, are really doing all we can or do we like the fact that a huge terrorist organisation is there to scare the masses and keep the military industrial complexes coffers full?

There have been many reports of British and US planes caught dropping Israeli and US/UK weapons to the very army we are supposed to be fighting. This is from a report in an Australian newspaper in February 2015.

Iraq’s army has shot down two British planes carrying weapons for ISIL terrorists in Iraq’s Al Anbar province.

Hakem al-Zameli, head of the Iraqi Parliament’s National Security and Defence Committee revealed that the committee “has access to the photos of both planes that are British and have crashed while they were carrying weapons for the ISIL,” FARS News reported. The senior lawmaker said that the Iraqi parliament has asked London for explanations and added it is receiving daily reports from security forces and people in the province on countless flights led by the U.S.-led coalition’s planes, which airdrop weapons and supplies for the group in terrorist-held areas.

The Iraqi lawmaker explained that the United States prefers the chaotic situation in the province because it reportedly does not want the ISIL crisis to come to an end. The al-Ahed news website quoted Khalaf Tarmouz, head of Al Anbar Provincial Council saying that they have “discovered weapons made in the United States, European countries and Israel from the areas liberated from ISIL’s control in Al-Baqdadi region.” Mr Tarmouz added that the weapons made by European nations and Israel was discovered from the terrorists in the Eastern parts of Ramadi.

Read more at:

Apart from our lacklustre or duplicitous fight against ISIS in one region we are also busy arming some of the most human right abusing nations on the face of the earth. In fact from our own list of 28 potential human rights abusing countries, we are currently selling arms to 23 of them!

How is that for hypocrisy?

Does this list of human rights abuses mean anything as it sure doesn’t look that way.

If we wanted to try to repeal the tide of Islamic extremism in the world and take our holiday makers faces out of the firing line then maybe we should be strictly adhering to lists such as these and banning companies such as BAE from selling weapons to countries who publicly whip and jail women who have been gang raped purely because they left the house by themselves. A medieval country that is no better in my eyes than the Islamic State to the North.

Maybe we should be a voice for reason and legality by not being scared of the USA or Israel and their lobby groups and say loudly that:

a) Israel is a war criminal when it slaughters children and women in the street when it attacks Gaza en mass after it feebly retaliated for the slaughter of its own citizens. It always seems to be the Palestinians fault but you only need look a few days ahead before finding some Israeli crime that was the instigator of any firecracker launched against Israel’s “Iron Dome”.

b) We should say that the USA is not the bastion of freedom and democracy that it pretends to be and that it’s new “laws of war” that have legitimised the killing of journalists as “unprivileged belligerents” is unacceptable along with the killing of retreating troops.

We should also try to revert the tide of war by using some logic for once and realise that our foreign policy IS a major contributor to many people’s radicalization that leads them into the hands of extremist groups.

  1. We need to do all we can to resolve the Israeli / Palestinian conflict. Recognise Palestine as a country in the UN and give it the ability to take Israel to court for crimes it has committed. Force Israel to define its borders, return the illegal settlers to within Israeli borders as defined by the UN decades ago, stop the blockade on Gaza and attack all (recent and previous), hijackings of aid flotillas as Piracy on the high seas. Tony Blair was a Zionist stooge who cared little about peace and more about making money as Official Middle Eastern Peace Envoy. We need to get Israel to play in the same legal framework as other countries that we are expecting to such as Iran who we are expecting to bend over backwards to prove they have no nuclear ambitions without a bomb in sight, whilst Israel is sitting on a stockpile of at least 200 war heads and is not even a member of the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty. Hypocrisy!
  2. We should realise that we have caused more extremism than if we had just left well alone in Iraq. Saddam Hussein may have been a horrible dictator but at least the 3 countries we cobbled together with the French after World War I stuck together without infighting. It seems cruel to say but if the Arab Spring has shown us something it is that if we remove the Western backed dictators that were ruling these countries that seem to fall apart into civil war and ethnic strife pretty quickly. We had no reason to go to war with Iraq our ex ally apart from the fact Tony Blair promised to George W (I speak to God) Bush that he would. What happened, Iran has taken control of the Shia’s in the South, the Kurds have basically created their own country to the north and the Sunnis have created the beast of ISIS in the rest of the country. Splitting the country into three parts on ethnic lines seems the logical way forward if we don’t want ISIS to take all before it.
  3. We should admit that supporting “moderate” groups fighting Assad in Syria, like the Free Syrian Army, was a mistake. These groups are now ISIS controlled and there even been instances of western air drops of supplies falling into ISIS held locations and UK planes being shot down by Iraqi defence forces for seemingly dropping supplies to Islamic State deliberately. The FSA has been found to have sold kidnapped journalists to ISIS who were then beheaded as well as committing despicable acts of its own such as the famous video of a FSA solider ripping the heart and lungs out of a dead Syrian solider and eating them on tape. There are NO moderates to support and if we want to defeat ISIS we should be willing to admit that the only real forces on the ground willing to do the fighting for us are the Syrian Army, The Kurds and the Iranians who have been the only forces along with Shia militias preventing the US trained Iraqi forces from turning tail and running away like they have done on numerous occasions even when outnumbering their enemy. We should forget past and current issues and support Iran and Syria in their fight against ISIS as surely they are the lesser of two evils?
  4. We should ask WHY is it that Israel feels no threat from ISIS on their doorstep. When every other Islamic terrorist group in history has labelled the Israeli conflict as the major point of grievance, ISIS has been very quiet on the matter. You would think Israel who is always going on about how they are fighting for their very existence in the region, would be scared shitless of such a well-funded and armed group on their borders. Instead they are more worried about firecrackers from Gaza than the tens of thousands of well equipped Islamic nutters on their flank. Could it be down to the fact they are arming them in a divide and conquer tactic? Iraq and Syria’s armies are no more and the Greater Israel project could be back on seeing they have no fixed borders. Do they see this as a chance to expand or are they not scared for some other reason. Why is it ISIS are not even considering attacking Israel when any Islamic terrorist group worth its name with as much weaponry and money as they have would have them as their number one target?

Watch Russell Brand talk about’ Foreign Policy Hypocrisy

Whatever you think about Russell Brand he makes some good points about UK foreign policy in this podcast.

View his reaction to the horrific events in Tunisia and the response of David Cameron.

If British foreign policy is truly a force for democracy then why does the UK sell arms to repressive states?

View Russell Brand and “Tunisia Minute Of Silence – Total Bullshit: Russell Brand The Trews (E350)” on

By Dark Politricks


View the original article on my main site at


© 2015 Copyright Dark Politricks

Tory plans to make us all Terrorists!

June 10, 2015

Tory plans to make us all Terrorists!

By Dark Politricks

This is a recent video from Russell Brand about the new UK Tory governments plans for a new anti terror bill that will crack down on free speech and other civil liberties.

It seems that with every new government we get a new “anti terrorism” law passed, Tony Blair passed at least 2 that I can remember. They were mostly used for memorable things such as:

  • Freezing all Icelandic money in UK banks after the Iceland Banking crisis – something which the Icelandic people have never forgiven us for. From my recent trip to Iceland I would not be surprised to see a statue of Gordon Brown put up in Reykjavik just so that people could throw tomatoes at it.
  • Throwing out and then arresting OAP protestors from Labour conferences who dared shout out “liar” as the warmongers on stage defended their illegal war on Iraq.
  • Allowing M16 / MI5 Agents to pass questions to CIA torturers at “black site” prisons and Gitmo, who then proceeded to abuse, humiliate and injure the prisoners many of which were innocent. The ones that are not, including leaders of the now destabilised mess of a country we “liberated” called Libya, are even now trying to sue the government for their complicity in torture e.g Abdul Hakim Belhaj. This included one incident in which one British jihadi’s fingernails were ripped out after MI6 suggested that a notorious Pakistani intelligence agency detain him, and MI5 and Greater Manchester police drew up questions to be put to him.
  • Cracking down on tourists and other photographers within London taking photos of buildings as they could be “planning terrorist” attacks.

We should always be careful when “new” terrorism laws are proposed. Especially as with the current one it is to be “fast tracked” through government.

This means no proper debate over the merits of the bill and no proper time to propose amendments and changes to the bill.

Hopefully enough libertarian/liberal-minded Labour, Lib Dem, SNP and hopefully Tory back benchers will stand up against this act of tyranny.

As I said in my last piece, the UK Tory Government, freed of the shackles of coalition with liberals, are planning on repealing the Human Rights Act. A piece of legislation brought in by Tony Blair in the 90’s but created from the European Convention on Human Rights which was drawn up by the Tory post war government to show to the world how civilised we should all be in future.

It is sad that a future Tory government is now going to remove this legislation due to a minority of cases where they have not been able to deport criminal immigrants due to their “right to a family life”.

It seems that the Tories wish that if you are born in this country and your parents are not, that if they commit a crime they can now be ripped away from you leaving you with the choice to follow them to whatever horrible war-torn country they escaped from (Libya, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Sudan…).

The question is what level of criminality requires this response. I can understand the Government wishing to get rid of terrorists, murderers and rapists but what about non-payment of Council Tax, a crime punishable by prison, which many British born OAPs have found themselves facing? What crimes would exact this level of response, does a list even exist?

It seems we English are sticklers for the rule of law even when we don’t agree with small parts of it.

Instead of just ignoring section 8 of the Human Rights Act like France does whenever it wants to do something the EU prohibits we decide to throw the whole law away.

Instead of just declaring that the house of Commons is the supreme will of the people, and that if it votes to decide to remove someone from these shores because of a REAL terrorist crime then so be it, family or not. The problem comes with all the guff these bills include that label you and me “domestic terrorists” for speaking out against the Government, war, its foreign policy, support of Israel, or other civil rights that are being chipped away bit by bit never to return.

I have no problem if a REAL terrorist who is not a British citizen is deported at the end of his or her sentence. The problem is that the Government is proposing to throw the whole Human Rights Act away to achieve this instead of coming up with another solution.

If the House of Commons IS supposed to be the supreme will of the people because we have voted for it – try to forget the UKIP member who got 0 votes despite voting for himself for a moment, we don’t have voter fraud in Western Democracies, it’s just nasty evil countries like Russia that do things like that. Then a vote in the house should be enough to override any appeal on Human Rights grounds due to section 8. This is as long as the case has been proved beyond doubt, the convict has had his chance at appeal, and the criminal does in fact pose a threat to the country.

I am perfectly happy to see a UK Bill of Rights on TOP of, not INSTEAD of, the Human Rights Act, to achieve such aims if needed. I just don’t want to see families ripped apart over nonsensical crimes or crimes that shouldn’t even exist e.g drugs, protest, freedom of speech that goes against popular view etc.

David Cameron has gone on record to say that the belief that if you as a citizen “just followed the law you would be left alone”, is now going to be turned on its head.

That in itself is worrying Hilter-esque language that could be taken to mean anything.

Wasn’t an Englishman’s home his castle?

Were we not the creators of law as it exists in many countries through the Magna Carta, Due Process, the idea that we are all innocent until proven guilty.

What about the social contract between citizen and state that meant we plebs had our rights and the government protected them and the country as long as we paid our taxes?

As Russell Brand says in the piece below, a similar piece of legislation which the Tories are basing their own law on, was recently brought into Canada and the people were appalled by it.

It meant that:

  • Innocent words can be interpreted as terrorism – make of that what you will.
  • Speaking “recklessly” which could lead to a terrorist act being committed is a crime. So speaking out about the increasing authoritarian nature of our world on this blog could lead to a mentally disturbed reader to go and fly a plane into a skyscraper and I would spend 5 years in jail – fair?
  • Protesting could lead to government surveillance. So any kind of protest by Unions, Students, Occupy, or anybody against the increasing Police State be warned.
  • Meddling with ANY CORPORTATE INTERESTS could be interpreted as terrorism under the new UK act. So protests that prevent Vodafone from opening their doors (UKUncut beware!) or the use of Bitcoin or other electronic currencies that stopped the banks from monitoring your money could now be considered a crime.

Watch the video to see more and spread it.

Our rights are being eroded and we could all soon be considered terrorists for speaking our minds, protesting corruption and the corporate take over of our life.

Is that really terrorism or just the rights we should expect to enjoy as a member of a supposedly free country?

View the original article at Dark Politricks.

© 2015 By Dark Politricks

Western hypocrisy in Ukraine

April 14, 2014

Western hypocrisy in Ukraine

By Dark Politricks

The recent “riots” in Eastern Ukraine by people who want to federalize Ukraine or let their part of the country join Russia like Crimea is just another example of the hypocrisy of the west.

Remember when this was all going on in Kiev.

Peaceful “demonstrators” just exercising their democratic right to protest by pepper spraying and even shooting Ukrainian police officers in the streets?

Ukrainian protester sprays pepper spray at policeman

Protestors defy ban on protesting by the Ukraine government

At that time the western nations, the IMF, EU and the axis of war (US/UK/France) were all de-crying the crackdown on “peaceful” protesters who have now been found out to be shooting from the top of buildings at both protesters AND policemen causing the tension to increase to boiling point.

We now have evidence of this from a leaked phone call between the EU Foreign Minister and the Estonian Foreign Minister which suggests that the western nations KNEW that the snipers killing the innocent people in Kiev were actually from a sub-sect of the Maidan group of protesters.

The Estonian Foreign Minister also recalled a conversation with a doctor who treated those shot by snipers in Kiev. She said that both protesters and police were shot at by the same people. Paet stressed:

“And second, what was quite disturbing, this same Olga [Bogomolets] told as well that all the evidence shows that the people who were killed by snipers from both sides, among policemen and then people from the streets, that they were the same snipers killing people from both sides,

Ashton’s response was  “Well, yeah…that’s, that’s terrible.”, after which Paet continued:

“So that she then also showed me some photos she said that as a medical doctor, she can say that it is the same handwriting, the same type of bullets, and it’s really disturbing that now the new coalition, that they don’t want to investigate what exactly happened”.

At the end she seemed shocked by the claims but not exactly surprised.

“There is now a stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovich, but it was somebody from the new coalition”, said Foreign Minister Urmas Paet to Catherine Ashton, who replied:

“I think we do want to investigate. I mean, I didn’t pick that up, that’s interesting. Gosh”.

She even says “yeah”, when he mentions this, and it seems clear that some knowledge is foreknown about a false flag coup to overthrow out the legitimate President of the country.

You can listen to the two leaders discuss the false flag attacks below.

False Flag Shooting in Kiev

Or read more about it here.

As Michel Chossudovsky says in his article: The leaders of EuroMaidan ordered the shooting of their own supporters.

We are dealing with a diabolical agenda: the deaths of protesters in Maidan square triggered by Neo-Nazi elements (supported by the West) were used to break the legitimacy of a duly elected government.

Underlying US foreign policy and CIA intelligence ops, civilian deaths are often triggered deliberately with a view to accusing the enemy and demonizing a foreign head of State or head of government

The Maidan sniper killings are, in this regard reminiscent of what occurred in Syria in mid-March 2011 at the very outset of the insurgency: civilians were killed by rooftop snipers in the border city of Daraa. The resulting casualties –without further investigation– were blamed on the government of Bashar al Assad. It was subsequently confirmed by Israeli and Lebanese press reports, that the snipers were hired mercenaries.

People like Catherine Ashton and John McCain who stood in the middle of “Freedom Square” hand in hand with fascists and neo-nazis are hypocrites and liars.

John McCain Oleh Tyahnybok
Here is John McCain in the Ukraine meeting (on his right) far right leader Oleh Tyahnybok in Independence Square in Kiev, Ukraine, Sunday, Dec. 15, 2013.

The people they stood with are now in power after an illegal coup that was authorized by the west.

These are the same Senators who take money from AIPAC and other pro-Israeli groups with one hand, and shake the hands of anti-Semites with their other. All the while Jews are leaving Ukraine scared for their safety due to some of the lesser civilized members of the new power structure that was imposed by force.

This new government kicked out a legitimate leader, Viktor Yanukovych, and replaced the whole government with a number of people who are not even supposed to be allowed to work with EU countries, especially Germany under their strict anti-Nazi laws.

An example would be the ex Chechen fighter and nationalist leader Aleksandr Muzychko, who fought against Russian troops in Chechnya and recently branded his Kalashnikov gun in front of regional authorities begging them to “try to take it away from me”.

He is also on record for making openly anti-Semitic statements as are many of the far right of the “Maidan protestors” who have been caught out by leaked phone calls and evidence showing that they were the only people on top of a building one day in any position to fire into a hotel housing reporters as well as shooting policeman down below. What better way to get a populace angry with your government?

However now they have their coup, and thrown out a legitimate leader they seem to be no longer useful to the Wests milking machine e.g the IMF that wants to double gas prices, reduce benefits by half and increase taxes.

Some of these people who helped the ex President have even turned up dead like Olexander Muzychko.

Olexander Muzychko, an ultranationalist wanted for war atrocities, was recently killed by Ukrainian special forces in a sanctioned execution by Government officials.

Muzychko was put on an international wanted list on suspicion of torturing and murdering at least 20 Russian servicemen in Chechnya in the early 2000s. After surfacing in Ukraine, he was arrested in absentia by a court in southern Russia earlier this month.

The Right Sector, along with Muzychko, is a major ally of the neo-Nazi Svoboda party led by Oleh Tyahnybok, a member of the new Ukrainian government and an active promoter of the ideas of Stepan Bandera a Ukrainian who collaborated with Nazi Germany during World War II.

Good credentials! He was involved in mass atrocities in the wartime ethnic cleansing of Poles, Jews and Russians. Just the person you want to help you get into government but not stay inside too long I suspect.

Russia has described last month’s uprising in Kiev as an illegitimate fascist coup, which resulted in Moscow taking steps to protect ethnic Russians in Ukraine.

The people of Crimea held a legal and internationally verified referendum which showed over 96.8% of the people in the Russian Black Sea Port region wanted to become part of Russia.

Crimea’s regional parliament has declared independence and applied to become part of the Russian Federation, a day after people in the Black Sea peninsula voted overwhelmingly to leave Ukraine in a referendum that most of the world has condemned as illegal.

However why is it illegal for Kosovo to vote to leave Serbia, a part of the country for hundreds of years or Scotland to order a referendum to leave the United Kingdom.

Could it be because the result doesn’t fit with the Wests ideas of “who” should be ruling which part of the world?

You only have to look at the first democratic election in Palestine to see the reaction when Hamas won!

A split country, in-fighting between Sunnis and Shiites, and a big distraction as the opposition fight each other instead of their real enemy.

However this “illegal” and “unsanctioned” move by a group of pro-Russians was seen and reported by the west as Russia invading Ukraine!

Forget the fact that since Ukraine gained independence the Russian Black Sea Fleet and the Navy personnel who run it have been allowed to carry arms and wear military uniform in Crimea for years.

These Russian military men were not invaders but sanctioned and legitimate troops who have been based in this new region of Russia under an agreement signed by both countries years ago.

Now the shoe is on the other foot

Pro-Russian demonstrators in the east of Ukraine are demanding their rights and protection of freedom from the new Ukrainian government who has threatened to send in specialist “anti terrorist” squads to oust these domestic extremists!

These people have taken over police stations and other government facilities and Russia has warned Ukraine not to do something stupid like send in the army and kill their own people.

Most of the demonstrators want to stay Ukrainian BUT in a Federal Union where each area could decide their own fate. They do not want to be in sock to the EU and permanent debt to the IMF,

Pro Russian Demonstrators
Pro Russian demonstrators demand their rights be heard

Pro Russian Demonstrators take over a Police Station
Russian demonstrators take over a Ukrainian Police Station

If the pro-Russian protesters and armed militants do not leave the occupied buildings in some cities of Ukraine, the illegal government other-thrown by a pro EU mob has threatened a full-scale anti-terrorist operation.

So far the deadlines have passed and no Ukrainan forces have been deployed – thank God!

But what would happen if Ukraine DID send in their troops?

Well I guess the following:

  • Lots of unarmed pro-Russian demonstrators will be killed. They will be labelled by the Western media as terrorists and domestic extremists trying to remove any sympathy from them.
  • The western mouthpieces would spew out their propaganda about this being a fight for freedom and liberty and the rule of law – totally forgetting they supported an illegal coup just months ago,
  • Stories like the one from the New York Times describing how bad life in South Ossetia and Abkhazia in 2008 has been since Russia took control will fill the papers, true or not.
  • Russia would invade the Ukraine like they did in South Ossetia and Abkhazia in Georgia in 2008 to “protect” their “Russian speaking” people who consider themselves by all means “Russian”.
  • NATO would do Fuck All but make loud noises and try to pass resolutions in the UN which will be blocked by Russia and China (at least) in the Security Council.
  • If a sensible resolution was put down that let the people of the Ukraine decide for themselves whether they wanted to be run by an illegal government, a newly elected Federal government with a new constitution or split the country in two then that would make sense and let the people of the country decide their fate.
  • In the event that the latter option is taken the western part of Ukraine will  suffer the austerity policies the IMF and EU has already imposed on Greece, they would see unemployment soar, taxes rise and most importantly have their gas turned off due to unpaid bills to Russia.
  • What does Ukraine offer the west? Nothing really but land near the Russian border. Land that was called the “bread basket of the west” and if managed properly it could feed the world ten times over. Russia would have to invade the Eastern part of Ukraine to prevent a NATO county on its doorstep, something which was promised by Reagan to never happen if the Soviet Union fell.
  • We in Europe would probably impose sanctions on Russia which would in the end back fire on us. We would have our own gas pipelines that bypass Ukraine cut off and Russia would just sell it on to China, India and other countries with high demand and lots of cash.
  • If we did actually go to a “hot” war we would probably end up nuclear and say goodbye to the world. No one wants that but a war can start over any little misjudgment.  If you don’t know the story UK pop singe James Blunt, whilst a soldier in Kosovo, was ordered to “destroy” and “attack” the Russian forces that had entered the country and taken  over an airfield by General Wesley Clark. Thankfully British soldiers have some brains and think nuclear war is a bad idea and James Blunt refused the order. Luckily he was backed up British Gen Sir Mike Jackson, who said: “I’m not going to have my soldiers be responsible for starting World War III.”
  • After a hot war starts who knows what would happen but by guess is we would back down like pussies and rightly so, letting Russia take control over areas of Ukraine who have always wanted to be Russian and not Nazi collaborators.

So can you see the hypocrisy here?

We allow an elected President to be forced out of power by an armed fascist and nationalist filled group of people. Some of whom have already been knocked off as they are no longer useful to the cause.

We then declare this victory as some kind of sign that people power works. Yet when the Eastern Ukrainians do exactly the same thing in support of Russia we call them terrorists, domestic extremists and Russian soldiers in disguise trying to stir up trouble. As of yet I haven’t seen any photos of Putin or his deputies in Eastern Ukraine standing on boxes with arms in the air urging the people on like John McCain did in Kievb.

However none of that matters. Putin is the great baddie of this play and he will always be portrayed as such if you get your news from the BBC, FOX, MSNBC or CNN. I am not for one minute saying is unbiased in its reporting but it is worth getting an alternative view on events before making your mind up.

Just don’t believe talking twats like Bill O’Reilly or Sean Hannity for your own view-point. Have a read of and get some opposing views.

It might just stop a war.

View the original article at

New Video Compilation Of 9/11 Witness Testimony To Explosives Being Used At WTC-7

February 13, 2014

New Video Compilation Of 9/11 Witness Testimony To Explosives Being Used At WTC-7
By Dark Politricks

These are some very good videos which sceptics and believers of the official conspiracy story on 9/11 and what brought down the Twin Towers should watch.

Why? Well the videos contain numerous clips of TV footage from the day of the attacks which are hard to find nowadays.

This TV footage from mainstream channels shows numerous witnesses and TV commentators speaking of how they heard bombs and explosives go off. What is very illuminating is how on the day of the event even the mainstream media were willing to ask questions about explosives, controlled demolitions and drones / military planes being flown into the buildings. It’s such a shame that they are all now towing the party line and keeping quiet about what they know happened that day.

From Fireman to Policeman, reporters and office workers there are numerous witnesses who on the day claim to have been in all parts of the WTC when they either saw, heard or were injured by explosions that happened BEFORE the Towers fell.

This includes the smashed up lobby which is seen on camera in which people died which the official story explains by claiming fire from the planes shot down the elevator from the impact site.

This is despite the fact that the elevators were hermetically sealed which would have prevented this from occurring. Also whilst people are seen on camera in the holes near the plane impact zones perfectly unharmed people were being killed, burned and thrown all over the place hundreds of floors away at the bottom of the towers.

There is also enough live video footage to rubbish claims that no loud bangs, explosions or cutter charge like sounds were heard on the day. Numerous clips will show you how loud the explosions were and how similar they were to demolition explosives as well as dozens of witnesses who talk about leaving the scene as “bombs are still in the building”.

The videos also explain how easy it would be for a small team of people to plant enough explosives near the cores of the Twin Towers without:

  1. Being spotted by witnesses.
  2. Taking a long time as skeptics claim.
  3. And using only a dozen or so small inconspicuous boxes containing high-grade military explosives.

By planting these high explosives on every second floor and using programmed timers it would be easy to demolish the central core of the WTC and stage what looked like a pancake collapse.

The Maths is pretty simple and the power outs in the days leading up to 9/11 would have provided these conspirators with enough time and cover to carry out their job without being spotted.

Not only were the bomb sniffing dogs pulled out of the towers before the attacks but CIA 9.11 whistleblower Susan Lindaur, who was one of the first people arrested under the PATRIOT Attack for trying to tell her story, explains how in the run up to the attacks vans and men carrying tools and equipment would visit the towers every night for days in a row between 3-5 am in the morning when no other staff were present.

The blackouts gave the cover that engineers needed to do work as well as enabling CCTV to be off at the time needed to plant the explosives. A small team could plant enough bombs to demolish both towers within 24 hours.

How they could have easily rigged the WTC Towers for demolition

The videos also show some clips I personally haven’t seen until now including a shot of WTC-7 before it fell and what looks like cutter charges going off all across the building.

You can actually see small flashes of light dot from window to window from the right to left of the building and this would have been required for WTC-7 to fall into its own footprint the way it did.

No sporadic fires could have caused such an evenly and well-timed collapse including the 2+ seconds of freefall. Even the company NIST asked to carry out experiments to try and prove how the buildings fell could not replicate a collapse scenario which means NIST had to rely on computer models and unrealistic parameters to explain how a single point of failure caused what looks like a demolition sequence in WTC-7.

Just like the video of the collapse of WTC-7 which shows the Penthouse of the building dipping before the rest of the structure the same goes for the Twin Towers. You can see the highest points of the towers, the aerials and other equipment on top of the tower’s core dip before the rest of the building starts to collapse. This all indicates that the central columns had been removed first.

For people who haven’t seen the structure of WTC and think a plane and office fires could have demolished it’s huge central core think again.

The way the building was built meant that even if the trusses and other supporting columns and beams were weakened by fire or a plane the central core would remain intact. The sides of the building may have toppled or slowly fallen off bit by bit but there is no way a fire could have caused the huge central core to be crushed and pulverized into dust as it was.

The explosive nature of the collapse was so intense that steel and other materials were melded together and fires burnt underground for ages during the clean up process.

Pictures of the WTC Twin Towers Design and Central Core

The central core of the Twin Towers
The design of the Twin Towers WTC-2
Twin Towers Central CoreThe Reinforced core of the World Trade Center

The videos also show clips of other buildings that were hit by debris from WTC, including buildings where huge steel girders were embedded into their walls after being shot out sideways from the collapse.

How a fire could have caused enough pressure to do this I don’t know but these other buildings didn’t catch fire and then have a free fall like collapse as WTC-7 did. Therefore it is very odd how WTC-7 acted in the way it did when many other buildings were hit by the falling debris from WTC.

What explosives were used to destroy the Twin Towers

The numerous interviews with witnesses and bystanders from the day also talk about the military looking planes that hit the buildings.

There are multiple witnesses who saw the planes and detail how they were grey or very dark, and didn’t look anything like the red and blue American Airlines aircraft that supposedly hit the Twin Towers.

Remember that even back in the 60’s certain people in the Military and US government (Operation Northwoods) thought it was a good idea to stage a false flag attack and blame it on Cuba by automatically flying planes, sending out fake distress calls saying they had been hijacked by Cubans and then crash the planes. All this so that the US public would believe Cuba was at fault therefore legitimizing a war of aggression against the island. If the US could plan a false flag attack like that back in the 60’s then imagine what automated chaos they could instigate with modern technology.

Military Planes Used To Hit The Twin Towers

In the following video CIA whistle-blower, Susan Lindaur, gives a speech where she explains the war with Iraq wasn’t necessary and that before 9.11 Iraq was actually bending over backwards to help the USA. They even offered to provide the US Government with everything they wanted which negated any need for an armed conflict. She claims her back channel mission between the US and Iraq had provided a lucrative and unexpected bounty of gifts which has been kept secret from the US population.

This included:

  • Allowing the weapons inspectors into the country.
  • An FBI presence in the country to hunt down terrorists.
  • Llucrative oil and commercial contracts.
  • Even Saddam Hussein offering to stand down and hold free elections.

She also talks about her reasons for believing that both hijacked planes AND explosives were used to bring down the Twin Towers, the planes being a cover story for the demolition job. It is well worth listening to the story of a 9.11 whistleblower who tried to tell her story to the US government and the people but was instead jailed for a year under the nefariously named PATRIOT ACT.

As I say in my article 9.11 Sceptics versus logic and reasoning, what we need is a full criminal investigation with subpoena power into the events of 9.11.

Although much of the physical evidence has been destroyed a lot hasn’t and many witnesses and conspirators are still walking around freely.

Obama never brought the change the USA required after the criminal Bush administration therefore only a real concerted push by the people can bring around REAL change.

It’s either that or you continue to stick your heads in the sand.

Know your place. Do NOT ask questions. Keep quiet and suffer in silence as the war on terror is used to justify a massive crack down on civil liberties and the building of a new high-tech police state. Be monitored 24/7 and treated like criminals at airports. Be sheep on a slow walk to the slaughter house.

Or you can stand up for what you know is wrong. Fight the lies we are constantly being fed by our Government and their bought off media whores. Ask questions and don’t accept the official line. Do something worthwhile with your life whilst you still can.

Further reading on 9.11 from Dark Politricks:

9.11 Sceptics versus logic and reasoning

9.11 Remaining Questions and no answers

The 9/11 Passenger Paradox: What happened to Flight 93

The Pentagon Attack

Video shows a missile hitting the Pentagon

Is The Pentagon Attack Finally Solved

View the original article A Video Compilation Of 9/11 Witness Testimony To Explosives Being Used At WTC-7 at

Private Bradley Manning, gave up his life to expose war crimes

July 30, 2013

Private Bradley Manning, gave up his life to expose war crimes

By Dark Politricks

With the news today that Bradley Manning has been convicted of 19 out of 21 offenses, the only good news is that he had not been charged with the more serious charge of “aiding the enemy” plus he wasn’t found guilty of espionage for showing the war crimes revealed in the infamous “Collateral Murder” video.

However even without the most serious charges unless the Judge is very lenient with his sentencing Bradley Manning is looking at a very long stretch for daring to speak to truth to the most powerful military force on the planet. For that he must be admired. Anyone willing to give up their life, which is what Manning has basically done by pleading guilty to crimes that could see him spend the best years of his life in prison, should be praised for that sacrifice.

Yes we all knew that the US forces in Iraq were slaughtering innocent civilians, that Xe/Blackwater employees had engaged in massacres on multiple occasions that were covered up, that British forces were prepared to raid Iraqi prisons to release soldiers suspected of staging false flag terror attacks and that torture was a daily occurrence by all allied forces from UK bases to the Abu Ghraib prison.

However when WikiLeaks released the Collateral Murder video it revealed the extent of the callousness that US soldiers showed towards the Iraqi population.

The US neo-con talking heads, COINTELPRO and Agent Mockingbird placed government mouths shouted “treason” and demanded WikiLeaks be shut down. They even managed to get Amazon, PayPal and hosting companies to block services that WikiLeaks were legally entitled to. They saw this act of whistleblowing not for what it was, an attempt to reveal US war crimes but high treason.

Remember that President Obama had promised on the campaign trail, before being elected, to provide more protection for people willing to blow the whistle on government crimes. However, as expected, he did a full 360 and instead has gone down in history as the POTUS who has gone after more whistleblowers than any other President in history.

This is a President who promised the world, hope and change. The world was so drunk on his promises and so willing to believe that he would be so much different from the neo-con, pro-war, Bush administration that they even gave him a Nobel Peace prize days into his administration.

I wonder how foolish those people feel now?

I wonder if President Obama can even stomach to look at the prize or does he actually believe that he has brought the hope and change he bribed the public with into office?

In reality the only change was the colour of the skin of the President and Obama took Bush policies and rammed them full of steroids.

He has kept the Constitution killing PATRIOT ACT and added another Bill of Right destroying piece of legislation to it, the NDAA, that authorises him to lock up and even kill American citizens on his say so alone.

The sad thing is that so many people still voted for him for a second term. Did they really believe he would change his spots because he didn’t have to run for office again?

Maybe he is scared of ending up like MLK or JFK, or maybe he is being bribed by more powerful string pullers who know the truth of his sex and drugs past. Maybe he is just too weak to stand up to the real power brokers or maybe he was just a bare-faced liar who didn’t realise that people would actually expect him to do as he promised once elected.

Nothing shows how illiberal the Democratic President of the United States is than his treatment of the US public over recent privacy invasions by the NSA and Prism and nothing shows how much he want’s these state crimes to remain secret than his lust for punishment to those who dare reveal the nature of the Governments lurch towards a police state, people such as Snowden and Assange, Sibel Edmonds and Thomas Drake to name a few.

The ACLU has accused the US government of “seeking to intimidate” anyone who might consider becoming a whistleblower in the future by prosecuting Bradley Manning under the Espionage Act.

Here’s the ACLU’s full statement commenting on the Manning verdict:

While we’re relieved that Mr. Manning was acquitted of the most dangerous charge, the ACLU has long-held the view that leaks to the press in the public interest should not be prosecuted under the Espionage Act,” said Ben Wizner, director of the ACLU’s Speech, Privacy and Technology Project. “Since he already pleaded guilty to charges of leaking information – which carry significant punishment – it seems clear that the government was seeking to intimidate anyone who might consider revealing valuable information in the future.

It is clear from the President’s words, his NSA heads words and all the talking heads that parrot the National Security point of view that they believe that they are doing nothing wrong by illegally wiretapping millions of people without warrants. They apparently don’t see anything wrong with the mass searching and storing of emails, instant messages, photos, videos, phone calls and other telecommunications for later analysis.

Not only does this breach the supposed law of the land, the US constitution, but it is immoral and devious behaviour that treats every US and NON US citizen as a potential terrorist to be monitored and watched. Then again I have been saying for years that the war on terror was not designed to catch terrorists.

How could it be when our supposed enemy al-Qaeda was created by the CIA to fight the Soviets and has been used by both the CIA and MI6 to destabilise countries and fight proxy wars in Kosovo, Libya and now Syria. With such close ties to our supposed enemy it was always clear that the real role of the war on terror was to roll back civil liberties and increase the possibility of implementing a high-tech surveillance state by using the threat of terrorism as an excuse.

People are more likely to be killed by lightning or in a plane crash than to be killed by a terrorist attack. Therefore we are fooling ourselves if we think this massive billion dollar spy industry is for own benefit. We have allowed ourselves to walk into a surveillance society by just doing nothing.

Just by allowing Facebook, Google, Microsoft and other Internet companies to store, sell and milk our private information for fun it makes it so much harder to draw the line when those companies then link up with the Government and do it “for our security”. However if recent Manning, Snowden, Assange and NSA stories are anything they are warning signs that our Government cares little for our thoughts and wishes.

It is far too late to blow the whistle on this new surveillance state, the train left the platform years ago and we all stood and waved goodbye.

View the original article Bradley Manning, whistleblowers, Obama and the NSA on the main website

What happened to America?

July 4, 2013

What happened to America?

By Dark Politricks

On the 4th of July, 2013 there is only one question that needs to be asked to all Americans who are actually celebrating 4th of July, Independence Day.

“What are you actually celebrating?”

It cannot be the freedom of speech you used to cherish. No you have to have permits and free speech zones for protests now. Plus your constant chatter on the phones, Internet and in public is constantly monitored by technological mammoth like NSA’s PRISM and the much older ECHELON.

It cannot be the free movement around the country without fear of harassment, secure in your papers from unreasonable searches. Not when the Police, TSA, Transport Cops, Border Guards and other agencies can now forcibly take blood and DNA samples from you, scan your naked body and grope your genitals if you refuse to be scanned, stored and studied as you go about your way.

It cannot be freedom from a tyrant, a King George like figure who thinks he has a God given right to take your life. No the President now has the authority to take your life without even bothering with the charade that passes for a trial if he thinks you are a danger to your country.

Freedom from drone strikes? Nope.

Freedom from assassination squads? Nope.

Freedom to blow the whistle when you find that your government has broken the law, spied on people without warrants or committed massacres in war zones?

Nope, you will be hunted down like a dog and tried for being a spy. The papers and journalists who dare print your stories of government abuse will also be attacked, spied upon and harassed. Even people who should know better will call for your execution on live TV. Who knows who is even a real TV presenter anymore and who is really a COINTELPRO agent stirring up hate against “enemies of the state” who dare speak truth to power?

Is it the freedom to work long hours for little pay? Forced to hand over large amounts of your earnings for goods that your Government mandates you “must” purchase and then watch as the endless cycle of your Government buying it’s own printed money through the convoluted and corrupt Federal Reserve system means that the value of your wage decreases in real terms every month?Well you don’t have any choice in that now do you?

It has now come to the stage that you are monitored so much in real life through linked up CCTV systems such as TRAPWIRE, massive city sized computer systems that can log every purchase you make, every movement you make through your cars GPS tracking systems or even that useful bug you so happily carry around with you for others to track you with, your phone, that you cannot even escape into cyberspace anymore. A virtual world is just as monitored as the real one. Are even the virtual homes you visit in virtual worlds like Second Life bugged and monitored by virtual agents of the state? Probably.

Facebook, Google, Skype, Apple and all the other big techno giants we are being shepherded into using 24/7 are all just front ends to those 3 letter acronyms that litter the American landscape. Acronyms like NSA, CIA, FBI and the  TSA are all hankering after those data packets that log every URL, website, file, instant message and email you have ever written.

These are the modern day “papers” of the 21st century, and secure is not something you can expect to be, especially when you willingly hand over your data to the “cloud” for safe storage.

So if you are celebrating “Independence Day” today then I would be interested to know what is so special about your independence when compared to a dictatorship?

You have been living under emergency laws since 9.11.

Laws that give the President dictatorial like powers through Orwellian pieces of legalese like the PATRIOT ACT which was written years before the date and then eagerly dusted off when the events of 9.11 unfolded.

All to be enacted under a climate of fear and patriotism, where politicians didn’t even bother reading what they voted for and detractors were attacked with Anthrax or declared “unpatriotic”. All because they were not willing to hand over their basic rights such as habeas corpus, a fair trial, freedom from torture or the right to know what you have been accused of in an open court of law.

This was back when we had a far right government running the USA. Now we are supposedly living under a liberal, left wing, Democrat!

How I laugh when I hear Americans call Obama left wing or socialist! Society is not something he is promoting with Homeland Security asking neighbours to become de-facto spies and inform on each other or where over a million Americans have top secret security clearance.

There is nothing democratic or liberal about the NDAA, drone strikes at will or the President declaring that he can spy on anyone in the world without due process.

I have to wonder on this day what President Obama see’s when he looks in the mirror.

Does he see the leader of a once great free nation that has succumb to fear, militarism, war mongering and the all pervasive surveillance state.

If not, does he honestly believe he’s a liberal in charge of a “free nation”?

If so does he not feel the slightest bit of guilt when he looks at that Nobel Peace prize he was so, so prematurely given in the hope that pre-election rhetoric would be converted into real “hope and change” from the Bush/Cheney years?

Instead he has taken the ball from the GOP and kicked it out the stadium, far surpassing anything the Republicans did to kill liberty and freedom in America.

Wars have increased, with covert action and drone strikes occurring in more places across the world than ever before. All under the never ending “war on terror” banner.

Liberty at home has decreased and a true liberal POTUS would have at least stood up for the freedoms he attacked Bush for removing when he was only a Senator. Does he honestly not believe he is the hypocrite is blatantly is.

It is funny how power corrupts.

It is not so funny to look at the state of Amerika on this once special day.


View the original article What happened America? at the main site


The 9/11 Pentagon Attack

June 29, 2013

The Pentagon Attack – 9.11

By Dark Politricks

If you know my thoughts on 9.11 then you know I have gone back and forth on the events many times.

Initially when the 9.11 attacks happened, like many people I started off believing the official conspiracy theory.

Then after a lot of reading up on the subject, discovering the questions over WTC-7, the Israeli spy rings following the terrorists around the USA, the repeated warnings about the attacks, The ABLE Danger Program and evidence of the stand down order provided by Norman Mineta I went the other way.

Recently I have been reading a lot more about building 7 and have been swaying back again due to the multiple computer program simulations they used to “prove” the collapse (by fire). However I am still not convinced and it still leaves a massive co-incidence theory instead of a conspiracy theory stuck right in my throat. One I am still not prepared to fully give up.

What I have always wanted is a proper, subpoena powered, proper investigation into the events of the day. Also proper logical answers to all the questions that remain, or haven’t been asked. Until that happens I am going to be raising questions and asking for answers.

When people put reputations on the line to raise questions then they should be listened to and numerous ex Government officials, intelligence officers, military men, first responders and families of the victims all have raised these questions.

Remember, this is not to say that these questions don’t have perfectly reasonable and logical answers to them, it’s just that many people including myself haven’t heard the answers, or that the provided answers don’t fit together to explain the events.

So until the point a new investigation is held I will always have a lingering doubt about the events of 9/11. This is especially due to the fact that you only have to look at the state of America now to see how the war on terror has been used to attack all our liberties and freedoms.

Whether the attack was a false flag attack or not, it certainly was taken advantage of, and used to implement what looks like a high tech police state in the once free America.

The PATRIOT ACT, NDAA, Prism, TRAPWIRE, Assassination Squads, Drones, Constant War, should I go on….

Some Questions

Just some of the “coincidences” and unanswered questions I still have are below – and God knows this is only a small subset of them!

  • 3 Steel framed buildings, the first to collapse from fire alone, all owned by the same person collapse in the same day, just after being taken over by a new owner and having massive insurance for terrorism put on them.
  • This is along with the hijackers all successfully taking over 4 planes with only rudimentary weapons. Not one of their planes being challenged in the sky, even after the first attack on New York was known about.
  • The Israeli spy rings that were following some of the hijackers about the USA. Did they tell anyone? We know Mossad has controlled al-Qaeda rings before (even setting up fake rings) – was this a controlled ring or a co-opted ring “allowed” to commit the attack. Both FOX News and German newspapers reported on this.
  • Why did so many Israeli agents get arrested in the aftermath of the attacks, held for months, then let go?
  • What did the Israeli’s caught filming the attacks across the river know about the attacks and why did they say they were sent to “document the event”? What foreknowledge did they have and why were they so happy to see the WTC burning?
  • Even if the attack was “allowed to happen” this is still a state crime as it means someone in the US Government had to order a stand down to NORAD.
  • We know the CIA / Mossad have had close links to al-Qaeda and bin-Laden, even the CIA visited him in hospital soon before the attacks. What was his real role apart from patsy in the attacks?
  • We also know the US consulate in Yemen was providing passports for jihadists to come to the US to be trained and then sent off to fight elsewhere. Why were the CIA engaged in such behaviour and what were the links to the Miami airports that were CIA “green zones”, areas that CIA planes were allowed to bring in drugs and arms. The links between the US intelligence community and our supposed enemy al-Qaeda are always murky and unclear. Who knows whether certain factions in the Government or the intelligence community knew the attacks were about to happen.
  • We know false flag attacks are a reality. We also know the PNAC document was written by the same people who were in government at the time. People who co-incidentally were involved in a massive financial scam involving the ex-USSR (see video below).
  • Dick Cheney is not exactly an angel, having talked about using false flag attacks in the Staits of Hormuz to go to war with Iran, plus his own assassination squads. If a stand down order was put out to NORAD then it was probably him who ordered it. The testimony of Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta seems to corroborate this and it is strange that this was left out of the 9.11 commission report.
  • What about the ABLE Danger program that had identified the 9.11 hijackers months before the attack occurred and the many other warnings given by foreign intelligence as well as domestic agencies about the attacks. What about the warnings given to key politicians not to fly that day?

  • What about the ISI chief who wired money to the lead hijacker who was coincidentally meeting with top US military figures on the day of the attacks.
  • What about the planes which looked unlike commercial airliners, who were expertly piloted into the WTC by non-expert pilots. Were these planes remote controlled?
  • What about the white planes who were seen in the air over the White House when all planes were supposed to be grounded, who was flying these planes?

The Israeli Connection

We know that dozens if not hundreds of people arrested after the 9.11 attacks were from Israeli origin. After many weeks in detention they were all let go without charge.

Why were they held in the first place?

Who forced their release?

As for the Israeli’s caught across the river filming the attacks, caught hi-fiving each other, before being arrested. Why were they so happy to see the carnage unfold?

This is a clip from an interview they did on Israeli TV.

How did these Israeli’s, with links to Mossad, know to “document the event”? If they didn’t have pre-knowledge of the attacks then what event were they sent to document?

The 9.11 Commission

The 9.11 commission was a farce. Not only did they leave out the reasons that the terrorists themselves claimed that they attacked the USA, which is the USA’s foreign policy and their support for Israel, but they ignored evidence and questions such as the one posed above about the Israeli connection.

They also ignored key evidence which suggested a stand down order by Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta and instead used the commission to push for war with Iraq.

Even 6 of the 10 commissioners have made statements that seem to suggest they were not happy with the outcome. Some even going as far as to suggest the White House lied, the CIA covered up evidence and even blocked access to key witnesses.

Some of these statements included:

9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey said that “There are ample reasons to suspect that there may be some alternative to what we outlined in our version . . . We didn’t have access . . . .”

9/11 Commissioner Timothy Roemer said “We were extremely frustrated with the false statements we were getting”

Former 9/11 Commissioner Max Cleland resigned from the Commission, stating: “It is a national scandal”“This investigation is now compromised”; and “One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up”.

9/11 Commissioner John Lehman said that “We purposely put together a staff that had – in a way – conflicts of interest”.

The Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission (John Farmer) who led the 9/11 staff’s inquiry, said “I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described …. The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years.. This is not spin. This is not true.”

When no-one was even sacked or demoted due to the failings of intelligence which were supposedly the cause of the attacks and instead promoted then you must ask whether these people were doing their jobs correctly or not.

If doing your job badly, leading to the worst terrorist attack on mainland USA, leads to your promotion, then logically you have to consider that their job was to allow the event to occur.

Promoted people such as:

  • Richard Myers, in charge of the Pentagon on 9/11.
  • Ralph Eberhart, in charge of NORAD on 9/11.
  • Captain Charles J. Leidig, acting NMCC Director.
  • Brigadier General Montague Winfield.
  • Ben Sliney, in charge of FAA on 9/11.
  • Steven Abbot, coordinator of Dick Cheney’s task force on problems of national preparedness.
  • Michael Maltbie, the supervisor handling the case at the FBI’s Radical Fundamentalist Unit.
  • Pasquale D’Amuro, in charge of counter-terrorism in New York.

So yes I still have massive amounts of reservation before I can conclude that the official story is correct and until a proper investigation is held we will never know.

Project Hammer

This video is one I watched the other day and it gives some new context to the events of 9.11 as it infers that the attacks were co-ordinated to cover up a massive financial fraud involving the fire-sale of post USSR Russia in the 90’s.

Whether this is true or not only detailed investigation would prove but it is does a worthwhile job putting the pieces together and includes detailed links to names, aircraft bases and companies all possibly involved in the attacks.

Project Hammerview on

The Pentagon Attack

When it comes to the attack on the Pentagon I also still have doubts about that attack even though at first I thought it was one of the least suspicous parts of the story.

Even though I know many witnesses claim to have seen the plane hit the re-inforced walls of the Pentagon there are many questions that remain unanswered. This is mainly due to there not being any photographic or video evidence of a plane actually hitting the Pentagon and the refusal of the Government to release all the CCTV and other camera footage that would have caught the planes impact and lay these questions to rest.

Whilst I used to be on the side of those who believed the Pentagon “missile” attack was a diversion from the real conspiracy in New York I still want to know what exactly happened and how.

How did a plane that big, flying so low and fast by an inexperienced pilot, making expertly executed turns at speeds far above the planes supposed fastest speed manage to punch through 3 rings of the most secure building in the world – without being caught on a single camera?

I used to believe that witness statements should be given their due. If witnesses claimed to hear bombs go off in the WTC, or hear a countdown at WTC-7, or see cutter charges go off then they shouldn’t be dismissed at the Pentagon for claiming to see Flight 77 hit the building. It was just unfair to admit some witness testimony because it backed your argument then dismiss others that went against it.

However we all know that after big events, especially traumatic ones, witness statements often don’t match and even conflict with each other.

Therefore a plane could have easily flown low across the Pentagon giving the impression that it was about to hit it before a missile or bomb went off. The plane then could have rose up through the explosions and fire. It probably wouldn’t be seen or even if it was it would soon be forgotten about due to everyone concentrating on the flames and smoke rising from the Pentagon.

The only CCTV camera evidence from one of the most photographed and surveyed areas in the world has only revealed 5 frames of nothing but a flash from one camera. It doesn’t prove that Flight 77 hit the building at all.

If the Government wanted to kill conspiracy theories around the Pentagon once and for all they would release all confiscated camera and CCTV footage that was collected by investigators in the aftermath of the attack.

By not doing so they only lend credibility to conspiracy theories. This then assumes that they either want these theories to go on or don’t care about them as they offer some form of cover.

Evidence That A Plane Didn’t Hit The Pentagon

Not only do many pilots claim that the manoeuvre that was carried out by Flight 77 was impossible. Both being too fast for the type of plane to accomplish without falling apart but also too hard for even seasoned pilots to manage, let alone an amateur, but evidence exists that suggests the plane did in fact fly over the building.

Analysis of the flight data recorder from Flight 77 which supposedly hit the Pentagon shows a so far unexplained discrepancy between the altitude of the plane and what supposedly happened. Basically it means that the lamp posts which the plane supposedly hit would have had to have been 440 feet high for the plane to have brought them down – an impossibility!

It also suggests that the plane flew over the Pentagon NOT into it.

This is data which has been released by the National Transportation Safety Board and it means that the planes altitude is in direct conflict with the only CCTV footage that has been released of the impact.

Either the data from the black box is wrong somehow (e.g it was edited before being released) or the plane didn’t actually hit the lamp posts and then crash into the Pentagon. Which data-set is correct? I don’t know but it is a question that needs answering.

Then there is the size of the impact hole which was very small. To the sides of the hole there were no signs of wing marks or the huge engines that should have hit it. Even if the wings had folded back and crumpled into the body the huge engines should have been visible on the unscratched grass of the Pentagon.

The dimensions of the hole do not seem to fit those of a Boeing 757 and there is no sign of plane parts either in the hole, as attested to by witnesses at the scene, or on the grass outside which is evident from the first film footage shot of the aftermath. This footage was not requested by the 9.11 commission as the Jesse Ventura video at the bottom attests.

What Happens When A Plane Hits Concrete?

Here is a video which shows a test to prove whether a Japanese nuclear power station could withstand an airplane hitting it.

In the test they used a rocket-propelled, 27-ton F-4 Phantom jet, attached to a sled, aimed to hit a 3.7 meter thick slab of concrete at a speed of about 475 miles per hour which is the same speed that Flight 77 reportedly hit the Pentagon.

Notice how the plane does NOT go through the wall but disintegrates into chunks on the outside of the wall.

This is unlike the Pentagon attack where we are asked to believe that not only were the huge engines of a Boeing 757 not found imprinted on the wall of the Pentagon, they were seemingly not found at all.

In fact only small parts of a plane (or missile) were found and even Boeing employees when asked claimed that these parts did not belong to the suggested plane.

Also there is the question of how a plane made out of very lightweight materials could have a nose so strong that it punched through three rings of concrete as it supposedly did at the Pentagon.

Whereas the plane in the video above crumples up on impact with the concrete wall we are asked to believe that Flight 77 managed to punch it’s way through 3 rings of concrete at the Pentagon. Something a missile would do very well but a Boeing 757 isn’t capable of due to the weakness of the planes nose.

To go with this we are expected to believe that no passenger bodies were found at the scene. Instead only bodies of people from the Pentagon were recovered. It was only later at another location that the passengers were supposedly identified. These could have easily been faked.

We also have witnesses from within the building who claim not to have seen any signs of a plane at all, even being threatened (or “corrected”) in their assertion that a bomb had gone off (as the later video shows).

At other plane crash sites, bodies are found still in their plane chairs, however none were at the Pentagon. Multiple witnesses and journalists made statements that no evidence of a plane hitting the Pentagon could be seen on the grass or even within the hole that many witnesses walked through on their way to safety.

Then there is the question of how a plane of that size reportedly flew 400 mph at only 30ft above the ground to hit the first floor of the building without hitting the ground first.

If experienced pilots claim this feat would have been impossible for them to accomplish, then how could an inexperienced pilot such as Hani Hanjour, someone who had been denied the usage of a small Cessna 172 because he was such a bad pilot, make such a manoeuvre.

Others believe that the the immense down-force from the plane would have prevented it from flying so close to the ground at such speeds and that it would have crashed into the ground leaving marks on the untouched Pentagon lawn way before the walls that it reportedly hit.

I have personal contact with someone who worked with aircraft all their professional life, working with Rolls Royce aircraft engines.

When asked how a plane that size could fly so fast and so low to the ground without toppling over due to the huge down-force he replied – “with difficulty and a great deal of skill”. Something which we know the pilot reportedly had none of.

Whether you think it’s a distraction or not lots of questions remain about the Pentagon.  In fact lots of questions remain around 9.11 as a whole. With the recent Prism scandal we should always remember that it was the events of 9.11 that has led to our current high tech surveillance state.

This is Jesse Ventura’s look into the Pentagon attacks.

View the original article “The Pentagon Attack – 9.11” at the main site

A British soldier is beheaded on the streets of London by the same kind of Islamic fundamentalists we want to arm in Syria

May 23, 2013

A British soldier is beheaded on the streets of London by the same kind of Islamic fundamentalists we want to arm in Syria

By Dark Politricks

Whilst we are busing arming and funding Syrian rebels who behead and eat the hearts of Syrian soliders It seems that the same Islamic fundemenalists who we are supposedly helping have no qualms about killing the soldiers who have helped them on many occassion. It seems clear to me which side they are really on – NOT OURS! 

Therefore it makes it all the more stranger that we are constantly talking about intervening in countries like Syria. Are we forgetting there is a large Christian and non Islamic community who will undoubtably suffer if we let Islamic nutters take over the country with weapons supplied by us?

This is all made much more clearer with the horrific machete attack on a UK solidier in South London last night. If the killers were people who wanted us to help Syrian Muslims then they have a funny way of showing it.

However if they are sick to death, like many westerners, of this constant war of terror then they have clearly brought it back to our streets so we can feel the effects of it.

Our actions have consequences and by supporting governments who bomb, kill and maim civilians from drones is only going to cause more incidences like this one. Votes count – make sure yours does and remember that a strong army to “defend” the country is not the same as a strong army to “attack” other countries.

Our main problem is we have no actual point of reference when it comes to who we fight and who we support. It is like our leaders toss a coin to decide whether the Islamic fighters in country A are worth supporting whilst those in country B deserve a few bombs dropped on them.

We fight al-Qaeda linked Muslims in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Iraq and back al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria.

Israel is even bandaging up the wounded “enemies” of Syria (who we are also supposed to believe are the enemies of Israel) up and send them back to fight from special front line hospitals.

All the while we shoot, bomb and fire £400,000 missiles into mud huts in other Islamic countries.

How many weddings and funerals is it now that we’ve accidentally blown up because we mistook the crowd for terrorists? Did we even check the bodies to see if we got the target right? I doubt it.

It makes me think we are trying to extend this never ending war on terror for as long as possible. It would certainly make companies like Halliburton, Xe and the military industrial complex happy as they would have a perfect replacement for the Cold War enemies of years gone by to milk our government and tax payers for weapons, re-construction and security.

This clash of civilisations was predicted way back in the 80’s to justify western liberal cohesion by creating an enemy that we would all get together to fight just as we saw the Soviets as that evil empire in the 20th century Islam is their replacement in the 21st.

It just so happens that we helped this enemy rise to prominence by arming them to fight left wing forces in moderate Muslim countries and used them to fight proxy wars against the Soviets as in Afghanistan.

I have to wonder how long this war on terror is supposed to go on for?

Just enough so that we lose all our liberties at home? You know the ones that those terrorists hate us for (as we were told by George W Bush many years back) just so we can throw them away and save our enemies the trouble of taking them from us.

Or is it just long enough until we are really ready to fight China for the few remaining natural resources that there will be in a decade or so?

Maybe it is both but whatever the reason there are plenty of reasons for many Muslim people around the world to be angry at the axis of war and our hypocritical foreign policy of both fighting and arming the same kind of Islamic fundamentalists that chopped this UK soldier up in front of a school.

Our double standards when it comes to who we arm and support is blatantly stupid and anyone who studies history can see that we have no “ethical foreign policy” as Robin Cook, the ex UK Foreign Secretary once espoused.

Whether it is a right wing nationalist dictator or groups of people who are enemies and on banned organisation lists one minute and then taken off to become our armed terrorist friends the next.

And lets not forget that dozens of inmates in Gitmo who were set for release multiple years ago are still on hunger strike because of the refusal of the US government to set them free.

If they have no control over their own lives at least they can control their own death – or so they thought until the US military started force feeding them.

Some would call that torture? Does it matter what we call it, we have already crossed the Rubicon on that one a long time ago.

So whilst this attack is abhorrent and disgusting in every way. It is no different from the videos and pictures we saw the other week of a Syrian rebel cutting open the body of a Syrian soldier and eating his lungs and heart on tape.

(Warning – graphic pictures)

It seems yet again that the blow-back I talked about in my last piece on the Syrian war: “Here we go again more propaganda and lies” is already coming home to bite us squarely in the arse.

No-one in my country wants Sharia law apart from a few Muslim hardliners and to them I say very loudly “Sod off back to Saudi Arabia where you can enjoy getting your hands cut off for thieving a loaf of bread instead of a slap on the wrist by our liberal western courts”.

I don’t want any English women to wear Burkas. Not only is it misogynist and a blatant sign of cultural ideas trumping scripture because men want to rule the roost, but I want to enjoy the sun, the short skirts and the nightclubs if I can thank you very much! If I didn’t I would move to an Islamic country.

However due to Labours policy of letting anyone and everyone into our country over their years in power including so many terrorists that the USA and Russia labelled LONDON, Londonistan. We are now full of terrorists we cannot deport because they would be tortured in their home country for their crimes.

We are also full to the brim of people who don’t want to assimilate, feel like we all hate them when they pick up the daily papers, and now there are more than a few thousand young unemployed Muslim men who hate our way our life and “western decadence” and don’t feel English in anyway.

Therefore when they see people from their own countries, people they feel connected to through religious and cultural ties, bombed and murdered by western made munitions and western troops they are going to re-act.

Wouldn’t you if you lived in Pakistan and saw Pakistanis bombing and killing Americans or Britains? 

Of course there is no rational explanation for what these dogs did to one of our soldiers but there is an easy fix.

Get the fuck out of business that shouldn’t involve us and let people who want to otherthrow their government do it by themselves. Leave the geo-political chess games alone and do the main function of government and defend our borders NOT attack other countries.

We had no right to go to war in Iraq and now up to a million civilians have died because of it.

We had no right to side with the Benghazi rebels in what was a blatant tribal war and now we have turned a relativley prosperous and healthy and educated populus into one ruled by rebel gangs and western armed ex terrorists.

The same has to be said of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen as we drop bombs on villages from drones controlled from thouands of miles away. We use a generation of soldiers grown up on Playstations to fly drones with controllers modelled on the same computers and we don’t even bother to count the bodies as we fly off to our next target.

I wonder how many relatives of the dead innocent victims of these attacks have promised vengeance on US or UK soldiers at their funerals?

If there are terrorists who have actually committed crimes (not just spouted off on the Internet) then we should send in special forces, extract them and try them in a court of law. We should be showing the world we are better than them NOT the same as them. What ever happened to “leading by example” and having a belief in “moral superiority”.

By dropping bombs from drones on poor peoples homes from a far and not even knowing if we killed a true terrorist of just a whole innocent family trying to survive on less than $1 a day we are letting the world see our callousness.

There is a reason I call the west “the axis the war” e.g. USA/UK/France, and it was no surprise that at the time of the attack in Woolwich our heroic PM, “Call me Dave” Cameron, was with French President François Hollande discussing arming the same sorts of people who just cut our own soldiers hearts out in but in Syria.

Are we fucking stupid? It would seem so to me.

These Islamic rebels who want to impose Sharia law wherever they go haven’t thanked us for Libya and they surely won’t thank us for Syria if we end up supporting and arming them.

History is full of our hypocrisy over al-Qaeda and long ago we even helped the al-Qaeda linked KLA in their battle with Serbia. What does that tell you apart from the fact that we have no ethical line in the sand when it comes to war and selling arms to whoever we can is more important than an ethical foreign policy.

If “call me Dave” had any sense he would have said in his COBRA meeting today that we should pull out of the Stan ASAP and start a peace process in Syria NOT throw more coal into the fire.

However I doubt that thought was even mentioned by anyone sitting round the table. What I can presume is that more liberty destroying measures were discussed such as real time monitoring of social media, ID cards, profiling Muslims and throwing other liberties away. All things that we should be more scared of losing than the rare occurrence of a terrorist attack on our streets.

If you read my last article from the Corbett Report about Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Conspiracy Theorist then you will know that he was the architect of al-Qaeda and the Taliban we are now fighting in the Stan.

He is also the reason the Stan produces the most smack in the world at the moment.

Why? All because the USA wanted to draw the Soviets into their own Vietnam. He succeeded and the hero of the war, a certain Mr bin-Laden soon became the biggest bogey man in the world.

Morals, ethics, don’t make me laugh.


View the original article “An eye for an eye” As British soldier is beheaded on the streets of London on the main website