Posts Tagged ‘Afghanistan’

The “EVIL” terrorists called the Taliban, tried to surrender to the Americans 3 times but were denied each time!

September 2, 2017

The “EVIL” terrorists called the Taliban, tried to surrender to the Americans 3 times but on each occasion told no!

Jimmy Dore Show
By Dark Politricks

I didn’t even know this but a new book has come out from an Afghani point of view about the endless war in Afghanistan.

I will let the video from the Jimmy Dore show explain in more detail but basically as soon as the USA had entered Afghanistan the Taliban tried to surrender to them. The USA said NO!

In fact this happened on multiple occasions when the Taliban tried to surrender. All the while there were about a dozen Al-Qaeda in the country and the USA let their CIA asset bin-Laden escape on more than one occasion.

Then when the Americans started offering money for information on the Taliban, local scores were settled and innocent people were carted off to Bagram or Gitmo to be tortured into confessing they were Taliban.

Here is Jimmy Dore with his video clip about the story.

Sad isn’t it when the enemy tries to surrender and the other side says no.

The USA always needs a boogeyman to scare the people at home with and keep the military industrial complex in business.

If it isn’t Iran or North Korea who have both tried to come to the table to make peace with America, then the USA will just make up stories of bad guys and terrorists to keep the MIC dollars rolling in.

The USA economy really has become a war economy.

An enemy is required at all times to scare the homeland, take away the freedoms that the “terrorists are trying to”, and keep a reason for the huge military budget.

Surely people can see that the freedoms the terrorists were going to remove have already gone, long ago.

They went through acts like the PATRIOT ACT, the NDAA and the emergency laws still in effect after 9.11 that gave the President certain special powers without Congress approval and much more.

This happened all because the US people were scared and wanted protection from ghosts rather than civil rights and the constitution.

The founding fathers said all this, but I guess the Americans just didn’t want to listen.

By Dark Politricks


© 2017 Dark Politricks

How The Cocaine Importing Agency – Just Say’s Yes to Drugs

February 8, 2016

How The Cocaine Importing Agency – Just Say’s Yes to Drugs
By Dark Politricks

Apparently this video is an attempt to warn kids off drugs. It’s a Romanian anti-drugs campaign that makes out that when you’re high, everyone, and everything, is a fit babe wanting to get it on with you. Only if you are not stoned do you get the brush off. In that case I reckon a lot of kids will be toking after watching this video.

Now whenever your government tries to warn you from taking drugs you have to realise how totally hypocritical this is.

Historical fact, real reporting, basic statistics and admissions from people involved in the drug game has shown that Western Governments from the US to UK and many others, have been deeply involved in drug dealing for many years. From the Opium wars between the British Empire and China, when China wanted to put an end to the epidemic of addicts related to Britain’s importation of the drug hundreds of years ago, something Chinese students are still taught about, to the history of the CIA and their drug dealing activities to fund covert operations. It still goes on to this day.

If you want to read a detailed 4 part report on how the CIA (Cocaine Importation Agency) have been dealing in coke, and Heroin for years now, this is part 1 of the article. It even has an interview with a Burmese man who used to be the biggest heroin dealer in the world. A reporter managed to get an interview with him and he apparently claimed that the CIA were his best customers!

The series covers everything from World War II and the creation of the agency to Air America, Barry Seal, Mena Airport, The Contra’s, Pablo Escobar and the CIA dumping LA into the midst of a crack epidemic.

The Los Angeles black community attempted to sue the US government once a journalist (now dead of course), broke the story about the CIA protecting Freeway Rick Ross from the LA cops so that he could sell their crack, only for it to be thrown out of court on the grounds of National Security. Yes CIA drug dealing is National Security it seems. You can watch an interview with him below.

The journalist who broke the story, Gary Webb, was found shot dead with 2 gun shots to his head. Guess what it was ruled a suicide. It seems a lot of people involved in uncovering devious exploits by the powers that be are found to commit suicide this way.

They have to get their money for their black ops from somewhere and we don’t want Congress or anyone sticking their nose into their dodgy dealings do we? Therefore the CIA seem to have found the perfect way to fund their “off book activities” with drug dealing it seems. Plus they seem to be very keen to protect their sources and bump them off when they become a risk to exposure.

If you think Barry Seal was shot for ratting out the head of the Medellin Cartel, Pablo Escobar, then think again. This is a video about the famous CIA pilot who used to bring guns down to the Nicaraguan rebels for Ronald Reagan and Col. Oliver North, and drugs back up to the states for the CIA to sell.

Not only was he shot on the same night as Pablo’s second in command but other cartel members were also killed on the same night. It doesn’t exactly seem like a revenge killing by the cartel when members are being killed all over the place. It seems more like some CIA “house cleaning”. I’ll let MadCowProd’s Daniel Hopsicker explain it to you along with the new cover up “Mena” movie, starring Tom Cruise, all about Barry Seal’s life.

The four part series on CIA drug smuggling should probably be updated to include the recent explosion of Mexican cartels.

Mexico used to be just a transit point from South America but is now a top level narco state where the Government, Police and Army are indistinguishable from the head chopping cartel members.

When the top bosses of certain cartels manage to escape from maximum security prisons like El Chapo, head of the Sinaloa Cartel, who has managed to break out of two maximum security prisons twice now. You have to ask how come he wasn’t extradited to the USA like so many drug importers of the past?

It does seem odd how some Mexican and Columbian cartel heads get extradited to the US to spend the rest of their lives in shackles in maximum security prisons whereas others get a chance to spend their time in their homeland where even maximum security jails can be broken out of easily. I am reminded of the Netflix series Narcos where even Pablo Escobar got to design and build his own prison until he got tired of the parties and prostitutes and went on the run.

So either El Chapo is protected by the CIA/DEA for informing on other cartels or he has far too much information to spill that would embarrass the USA and Mexican authorities. I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up in a Sicario film ending sometime soon.

We all know about the Fast and Furious debacle that the DEA allow certain cartels to keep control of areas in Mexico as long as they didn’t start a drugs war with other gangs.

A top Mexican newspaper, El Universal, concluded that the DEA entered into agreements going back to 2000 and continuing through to 2012 with Mexico’s largest drug trafficking gang, the Sinaloa Cartel. Yes the one that expert prison breaker El Chapo is head of. I wonder if the DEA helped him escape or just intervened to prevent his extradition to the US where escape would have been impossible?

According to Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla, a highly placed member of the Sinaloa cartel and the son of top Sinaloa leader Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, the deal involved the cartel providing information about rival Mexican drug gangs to the DEA in exchange for the U.S. government agreeing not to interfere with Sinaloa shipments into the United States and the dismissal of criminal charges against cartel participants. This seems to fit the hypothesis about letting El Chapo remain in Mexico where he could escape from any prison he wanted to. It seems very likely therefore that he is indeed involved with the DEA and other US agencies in some way or another.

So when your government tells you to “Just Say No”, just remember that they “Just Say Yes”, to all the money they can make from bringing in Heroin from Afghanistan on NATO planes and Cocaine from South America. When “ex” CIA planes are found in the jungle with tons of of coke on board then you have to wonder whether they were really decommissioned and sold to drug dealers or just kept on as black op planes all along.

CIA plane found crashed with 3.7 tons of Cocaine in Mexican jungle
CIA plane found crashed with millions of dollars of Cocaine on board within the Mexican jungle

This plane was a Florida based Gulfstream II jet aircraft that crash landed on September 24, 2007 after it ran out of fuel over Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. It had 3.7 tons of Cocaine on board and documents have revealed links between this Cocaine Smuggling Gulfstream II jet aircraft # N987SA and the CIA, who used it on at least 3 rendition flights from Europe and the USA, to bring inmates to Guantanamo’s torture chambers in the early 2000’s.

Strangely the planes drug cargo shrunk from a first reported 6 Tons of Cocaine as well as one ton of pure Heroin to a later reduced figure of only 3.3 tons of Cocaine. I wonder where all this missing Coke and Smack went?

Here is a video that goes into some detail about the plane crash and it’s links to the DEA and CIA.

And then there is the more recent narco state and war in Afghanistan. Don’t be fooled by claims from our ex PM, Tony Blair, that we went to war in Afghanistan to stop the opium production spiralling out of control.

If anything we went to war to keep it going as the Taliban had managed to reduce it to almost zero. Then we went into the country and BOOM, the harvest size increased year by year.

Not only do 92% of the countries population not even know what 9.11 was – surprising seeing it was the event that caused the devastation of their country – but since the CIA took the Taliban out of power the Opium crop has just grown and grown.

Opium production from 1994 to 2014

As you can see from the graph in 2001 when the Taliban ruled the country they actually banned the production of Opium as un-Islamic and its harvest dropped to hardly anything. Also after 9.11 and the invasion of the country the opium production spiked once again and has increased year after year thereon.

Remember this was the drug that the CIA had increased production of, during the 80’s, when Russian had invaded the country. The aim was to both demoralise the Soviet troops as well as pay for the training and arming of what was to become al-Qaeda, the then called Mujahideen.

Because the US wanted to supply the Mujahideen rebels in Afghanistan with stinger missiles and other military hardware it needed the full cooperation of Pakistan. By the mid-1980s, the CIA operation in Islamabad was one of the largest US intelligence stations in the World. `If BCCI is such an embarrassment to the US that forthright investigations are not being pursued it has a lot to do with the blind eye the US turned to the heroin trafficking in Pakistan’, said a US intelligence officer. (“The Dirtiest Bank of All,” Time, July 29, 1991, p. 22.)

The Pakistan-Afghanistan borderlands became the world’s top heroin producer, supplying 60 per cent of U.S. demand. In Pakistan, the heroin-addict population went from near zero in 1979 to 1.2 million by 1985, a much steeper rise than in any other nation.

CIA assets again controlled this heroin trade. As the Mujahideen guerrillas seized territory inside Afghanistan, they ordered peasants to plant opium as a revolutionary tax. Across the border in Pakistan, Afghan leaders and local syndicates under the protection of Pakistan Intelligence operated hundreds of heroin laboratories. During this decade of wide-open drug-dealing, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency in Islamabad failed to instigate major seizures or arrests.

Source – The Spoils of War

Another side effect of the CIA’s support of the Islamic Mujahideen to fight the USSR was that they created al-Qaeda. Here is ex UK foreign minister Robin Cook admitting that the USA and the CIA created al-Qaeda (or “the Database”) of jihadists that the Americans used to fight the Russians during that war, and then afterwards as many claim, were used to de-stabilise areas that the US wanted to control (e.g Gladio 2). Also lest anyone forget, the most gagged woman in US history, FBI agent, Sibel Edmonds, claimed after 9-11 that bin-Laden had maintained very close links with the CIA right up until the attacks in the US.

So not only does Afghanistan now produce over 92% of all opium in the world, but they no longer just export it to be turned into heroin in other countries, they now make the heroin inside their borders. It is then transported north to Russia, south to Pakistan and west to Iran, where it makes its way to Turkey and then Europe. That is if it isn’t fast tracked on a NATO plane for special delivery.

So kids when your government tells you to “Just Say No” to drugs, just be aware that they are in fact controlling multiple countries production of the very drugs you consume.

On top of that they are pulling the strings of the major cartels and king pins who bring these drugs into your country.

Hypocritical – yes, surprising not at all.

View the original article at

By Dark Politricks

© 2015 By Dark Politricks

9.11 – Remaining Questions

July 22, 2013

9.11 – Remaining Questions

By Dark Politricks

I looked at some remaining questions in an article on the Pentagon attack the other day and after watching the final cut of Loose Change I have complied a fuller list.

These questions include, but are not limited to:

  • We know that the CIA basically created “the database” which is the translation of al-Qaeda. As ex Foreign Secretary Robin Cook attested to this database was a list of CIA assets used in by the USA during their covert fight with the USSR in Afghanistan. Were the CIA still using al-Qaeda assets at the time of 9.11?
  • We also know that Mossad has controlled al-Qaeda rings before (even setting up fake rings) – was this a controlled ring or a co-opted ring “allowed” to commit the attack. Both FOX News and German newspapers reported on the Israeli spy rings that were following some of the hijackers about the USA. Did they tell anyone?
  • What about the Mossad agents who claimed to have been sent to “document the event”? What event and how did they know to set up camera’s across the river to film the attack?
  • If the war in Afghanistan is a direct result of the 9/11 attacks then why did the USA have detailed plans for an invasion planned for October of 2001 before the attacks had even happened.
  • Why did the Pakistani ISI general order the wiring of $100,000 to lead hijacker Mohammed Atta in the months preceding the attacks?
  • The CIA apparently knew about Atta and the other hijackers and that they posed a threat to the country through their secret Able Danger operation. Why was this important pre-attack evidence not used to stop it OR was it just ignored?
  • Why won’t any mainstream US media station interview the most gagged woman in history, Sibel Edmonds, an FBI translator who has promised to blow the lid of 9.11 with facts and revelations which she believes would lead to high level indictments.
  • What about Norman Mineta’s testimony to the 9.11 commission that Dick Cheney ordered a stand down by not ordering the shoot down of the fast approaching blip that was entering supposedly the most highly restricted air space in the world?
  • Why did the Bush administration refuse to hold an enquiry until the families of the 9.11 victims demanded one and then why did they only give the commission minimal funds, far less than the non-consequential event that was the Monica Lewinsky scandal?
  • Why have so many 9.11 commissioners come out and publicly said that the full truth has not been given to the public. Also that the White House deliberately blocked access to witnesses and hid evidence. They also claimed that the CIA and FBI basically lied about certain events and that indictments should be handed out, something which didn’t happen.
  • Why did the CIA allow 15 of 19 suspected hijackers into the country on the fast track VISA scheme out of Jeddah.
  • Why doesn’t the US government release all the CCTV and other camera footage from the Pentagon to show us what hit the building?
  • Who chose 9.11 to run the Vigilant Guardian NORAD training exercises involving hijacked planes. When was this date chosen and why?
  •  Why did the US secret service not interview the bin-Laden family before being spirited out of the USA straight after 9.11, especially when their family member was the prime culprit?
  • Why was the 9.11 commission used to push for a war with Iraq?
  • Why were the victims and families of the worst terrorist attack in recent years afforded minimal funds to investigate, poorly, the biggest attack on the USA since Pearl Harbour.

  • Were any of the hijackers involved in drug smuggling out of the infamous Venice airport and who knew about this? The airport is a known smuggling route that has apparently been given the “green light” by the CIA and has some very dodgy links with mobsters, cocaine cartels, intelligence agencies and terrorists all of which Daniel Hopsicker has documented in his videos and on his site Madcow Morning News.
  •  Multiple intelligence agencies from around the world knew an attack was planned and told the US. There is also evidence that suggests multiple US agencies knew of plans to attack the states from Al Qaeda infiltrators and intercepted communications. How far up the US government did this knowledge go and what action was taken or deliberately NOT taken?
  • Many of the victims families, survivors and first responders want a new enquiry. In fact over 80,000 people from New York signed a petition demanding a new enquiry which the city prevented from occurring. Why did New York block the people from having their own inquiry into the events of that day?

Those are just a fraction of the many questions that can be asked but the final cut of Loose Change is well worth watching even if you have seen the first two.

Remember that whether you believe the official conspiracy theory or an alternative theory there still remains questions and when even the commissioners from the single, poorly funded 9.11 commission are making statements such as:

“I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described …. The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years.. This is not spin. This is not true.” – John Farmer

“One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up”. – Max Cleland

“We were extremely frustrated with the false statements we were getting” – Timothy Roemer

And we have ex FBI whistleblowers such as Sibel Edmonds willing to tell their story with no-one in the US mainstream media willing to tell it. The question is why?

Lets have an independent 9.11 commission with subpoena powers and lets put to bed all remaining questions about that day once and for all.

The following link is to a 2 hour radio show from James Whale on Talk Sport ( a UK talk radio station ).

It is a detailed show which includes a debate between David Ray Griffin and George Monbiot. George is a believer of the official conspiracy theory however he himself admits there was probably a conspiracy to cover up the Bush administrations incompetence after the event.

The talk then moves on to a debate with the co-director of the final cut, Tim Sparke as well as Jason Bermas. It is well worth the listen if you have the time.

Listen to the Talk Sport 9.11 talk show


View the original article 9.11 remaining questions and no answers at my main site

How long after Bibi’s speech at the UN do we wait for a war with Iran?

September 29, 2012

How long after Bibi’s speech at the UN do we wait for a war with Iran?

By Dark Politricks

After Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s “performance” in the UN assembly the other day it is clear he is itching for a war with Iran.

Despite the facts of the matter e.g NO PROOF that Iran is building a bomb which comes from people such as top American and Israeli military and intelligence officials who have gone public to state that:

  • Iran has not decided to build a nuclear bomb.
  • Even if they did – they would be stupid to use it as America and Israel has thousands of nuclear bombs and they would be wiped out in seconds.
  • Plus even American intelligence operatives such as Director of National Intelligence James Clapper,  General Ron Burgess, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff agree that Iran is a “rational” state actor who wouldn’t suicidally kill their whole country for the sake of one (probably shot down) attempt at a nuclear strike on Israel.
If we want to see all of the following:
  • The Middle East in more flames as Syria and Iran go down fighting, with proxies such as Hezbollah and Hamas lobbing rockets into neighbouring countries, terrorists blowing themselves up on New York and London trains and more havoc than could be imagined at this point.
  • More US embassies being overrun and more US ambassadors being killed.
  • Yet more US and UK troops dying on foreign lands fighting wars for other countries.
  • The price of your petrol rise to stupendously high levels (they are already crazy in the UK £1.4+ for a litre of unleaded).
  • Another hypocritical breach of international law in which we let a member of the Nuclear non proliferation treaty (Iran) who has not been proved breaking it whilst a non signatory (Israel with their 200+ nukes) start another pre-emptive illegal war “just in case” they might have been right.
  • Then a war in Iran is just want we need.

We seem to forget that Iran has one of the largest populations of Jews outside Israel in the Middle East and they are not living in ghettos, forced into concentration camps, being exterminated or any of the other deeds carried out by the Nazi’s that led to Israels creation after World War 2. In fact they live quite comfortably.

Israel was a country created in the misguided belief that Palestine was a place with no inhabitants.

Just sat there waiting for thousands of Jews, many with no links to the land whatsoever, to come and kill British soldiers by the hundreds through terrorist organisations like Irgun and Stern gang. Then afterwards start a civil war – in which the seeds of a new “international law”, created by the USA and the Nuremberg trials to punish the Germans for their crimes against the Jews, were totally ignored by the same people who first benefited from them.

Laws that have still not been fulfilled. Such as the return of Palestinian refugees to their homes. Plus laws that are still breached to this day; such as the attacking of whole civilian populations as Israel did in Operation Cast Lead, targeted assassinations and illegal blockades of whole territories such as Gaza.

In fact it is no wonder that Israel along with the USA finds itself in a nice group of countries who haven’t signed up to the International Criminal Court alongside China, Iraq, Libya, Qatar, Yemen, India, Iran, Japan, North Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, and Turkey.

I suppose it’s because they would find their soldiers and leaders in the dock so often that they might as well set-up a camp alongside it.

I doubt acts such as these would be welcomed by bosses of the US Army as they would find themselves consuming whole years worth of dockets at the International Criminal Court.

Crimes such as:

I suppose it makes you understand why Israel and America were so keen NOT to join the International Criminal Court, even though Bill Clinton signed up to it before George W Bush withdrew the signature in 2002.

Maybe we just have to wait for Romney to steal the election with the help of the Koch brothers before we get this disastrous war with Iran which will undoubtedly worsen our global recession.

Or maybe Obama is just putting it all off until after the election so that he can use AIPAC dollars for his re-election campaign and then he will surprise us all by doing what US Presidents’s haven’t done previously in their last term – act like an honest broker between Israel and Palestine.

If he really, really tries to sort out that problem, the one all US Presidents weakly attempt to in their second term, then the anti-Zionist rage (not anti-semitic) will hopefully subside.

Maybe even Iran won’t consider the racist Israeli government a threat, which it is at the moment, with their hundreds of illegal nuclear weapons and their support for terrorist groups like the MEK who have just been removed from the US terrorist watchlist. A group who bombs, assassinates and terrorises Iranians all the time. But then they are “freedom  fighters” when they are fighting OUR enemies aren’t they!

Maybe once President Obama doesn’t have to think about another re-election then all that “change” he promised us he will actually try to deliver.

Maybe starting with actually letting Palestine become a real state in the eyes of the UN and remove the promise that the USA will always block votes aimed at curbing Israeli war crimes and breaches of international law in the UN Security Council.

Maybe when their crimes are re-examined in an international court (not that they subscribe to the concept of International law) such as the illegal blockade of Gaza, the occupation of Palestinian territory and their ethnic cleansing of East Jerusalem. He might actually grow a pair and try to prevent the submission and humiliation of the Palestinian people by the Zionist state.

Maybe if he doesn’t have to worry about AIPAC spies and blackmail (and just the possibility of assassination) he will actually stand up to Israel’s constant threats of external annihilation. A successful tactic they have used since their inception to excuse their wars and abuses and keep their population scared of all those “evil Muslims” that want to exterminate them.

Maybe he will even have enough of a pair to stand over Bibi and rip up his cartoon drawing of bomb telling him “no more”.

Maybe one day even Jews and Non Jews can live in a secular Israel/Palestine together as equals.

We can only dream.

Whatever is happening another war in the Middle East is not what we need right now!

So how long do after that comical performance by Bibi at the UN do you expect to see US and UK troops fighting for Israel against Iran once Bibi’s “red line” is crossed on his Road Runner like cartoon bomb?

Just a few of the things we have done wrong in the last ten years

September 22, 2012

By Dark Politicks

Things we have done wrong in the last ten years – a very short list but one I thought was important.

As I am from the UK I am going to criss cross between both countries as ours basically has it’s head halfway up the USA’s arse anyway.

1. Elected George Bush a 2nd time.

2. Elected Obama a first time.

3. Let both Presidents bankrupt the country through tax cuts for the rich, never ending wars, bailouts to the banks instead of prison sentences. Imagine all the money you would save by not having hundreds of military bases all around the world, the largest defence budget in history (one that has tripled in recent years), thousands of nuclear missiles that will probably never be used when a few would be enough for deterrent purposes (if you believe in that) and a massive army, navy and air force.

4. Letting billionaires con you into thinking that they have “your best interests at heart” by giving them MORE tax cuts and bailouts and giving you less working rights including less pay and more working hours, worse living conditions, worse health and safety, less benefits, more pollution and so on etc.

5. Letting the same people trick you into believing you are standing up to government by funding astro turf groups to promote Ayn Rand ideas – as Paul Ryan admitted at the GOP conference. Ideas that many economists say are linked to a laissez faire capitalism that has been blameed for derivatives, credit default swaps, banks lending too much and the global financial collapse of 2008 and the lack of punishment afterwards. Also Ideas that many say go against Christian beliefs. Are you really a Christian or do you just like those “I love Jesus” bumper stickers.

6. Letting the powers that be divide and conquer you through their own groups and infiltration of real grass root movements like the original Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street. If you could only see that many of the same ideas cross over between the protest groups and start electing intelligent people to congress instead of dumbo’s like Michele Bachmann. People who will actually stick up for your constituency rather than do the usual walk through the steps of Congress for the first time and become a Lobbyist target, donation collecting, champagne drinking, party goer who follows their colour of the political line and not champions of the consciences of the people who elected them.

7. Going to war with Iraq. What a pointless waste of time, life and money. It was a distraction from Afghanistan, led to Abu Ghraib and tortureWikiLeaks releasing massacres caught on tape, Blackwater/Xe killing people in public streets, daily car bombs, religious infighting and the breakup of a government structure just to rebuild it from scratch BADLY. George Bush said before becoming President he would go to war with Iraq to get enough political capital to introduce all the reforms he wanted, cuts to social security, tax cuts etc – instead he ended his Presidency with a bankrupt country on the edge of financial meltdown – not something an incomer like Obama would have wanted to come into power with.

8. Labour turning the UK into the most surveilled nation in the world and destroying civil liberties, removing the right of silence without prejudice, trying to introduce national ID cards, curtailing the rights of protesters, allowing 30+ agencies and councils to enter a person home through the RIPA act and introducing the most unfair and unbalanced UK/US extradition treaty – one which we are still fighting to repeal for people like Gary McKinnon.

9. Believing both the Tories and the Liberal Democrats who said they would repeal all these disgraceful acts, especially the Liberal Democrats with their “Freedom Bill” which I supported them in the recent election for but once they brought it to parliament as the Protection of Freedoms Bill it was watered down so much it was mostly irrelevant and pointless.

10. Labour leaving the new government with so much debt and such a big deficit the coalition had to introduce plans that many Tories probably secretly wished to have a chance to do for many years such as roll back public services, destroy our social safety net, try to privatise the NHS, and again give tax cuts to the rich. All in the failed idea that trickle down economics works rather than give money directly to consumers who would spend it and let it trickle up for once! Plus they could blame it on the Lib Dems! In fact they left us in such a mess the outgoing treasury minister Liam Byrne left a message on his successors desk saying “Dear chief secretary, I’m afraid to tell you there’s no money left”

11. Gordon Brown selling off 12.7 million ounces of gold at rock bottom prices and at the worst time possible. Guido Fawkes has worked out that this would have made 63.5 million gold medals for the recent London Olympics. At least we clawed a few ounces back with #TeamGB doing so well.

12. Labour introducing the Private Finance Initiatives scheme which meant private companies entered into contracts with the government over long time periods and built much needed schools and hospitals but then charged the government masses of money over time. We got our spanking new buildings quickly but pay through our noses for long periods of time in return. Maybe some of Gordon’s gold could have helped pay for these.

13. Governments across the globe thinking that huge computer systems are the solution to every problem. From the NSA’s TRAPWIRE that will track everyone everywhere to the massive waste of money that was Labour’s massive waste of money and quickly scraped £12 billion pound failure in the NHS that would have paid for 60,000 nurses for a decade.

14. Not punishing the people who got us into the financial mess of 2008. A recent report showed banks all across the world who received bail outs from their respective governments have continued to make more riskier loans when compared to those that were not bailed out. Is this because they expect (or know) that the government will step in again if they get into another mess, which many economists are expecting to happen soon? As Max Keiser often says we should have put the people who broke the law, then lobbied the government to have laws changed retrospectively or pay measly fines as recompense in jail as a lesson to others that our economic system is not a bookies shop.

15. Expecting that we can parachute democracy into the Middle East and not learning from history. History shows us that no-one from Alexander the Great to the British Empire and the USSR has ever won a war in Afghanistan. What makes the USA think they are any different. The Afghan army and police are full of Taliban infiltrators waiting for their chance to come out and cause havoc. We have basically been training them in our tactics for years and this year has seen the highest number of “Green on Blue deaths” so far at 51, it will only continue to rise.

16. Not being an honest broker in the Middle East. Especially Israel and supporting what seems like a blatantly apartheid nation with their US veto that allows it to get away with piracy on the high seas, assassinations of US citizens, illegal embargoes and the breaking of international law whenever they feel like it. This includes the building of illegal settlements on on Palestinian land, targeted assassinations or the ethnic cleansing of East Jerusalem through forced purchases of Arab houses.

17. Arming, funding and supporting ex-terrorists such as LIFG rebels in Libyathe Free Syrian Army who are filled with al-Qaeda terrorists and the Kosovan Liberation Army in Serbia who also had al-Qaeda links. Either we are trying to de-stabilise the region for a geo-political reason such as to cause an Islamic in-fight between the Shi’ites and the Sunnis so that we can take advantage or we are really really stupid.

18. Not holding a full and proper criminal inquiry into the events of 9.11 which included proper subpoena powers, independent witnesses statements that were not removed from the final report, allowing the White House to block it all the way and then using it to build a case for war in Iraq.

Always remember a third tower WTC-7 fell that day that wasn’t hit by any plane and had all the signs of a controlled demolition including:

  • No plane hitting it.
  • Small fires that had been almost extinguished by the time it fell in the afternoon.
  • Witnesses who heard bombs go off in the building, and admitted walking over dead bodies before the building was hit by falling debris who died before the NIST report was released.
  • Flash cutters seen by witnesses.
  • The owner of the building “admitting” it was pulled – a “misspoken” sentence that really meant “pulling out the fire-fighters” as Larry Silverstien later claimed.
  • A ten second countdown heard by people.
  • Sounds of explosives heard by people and taped.
  • All the signs of a controlled demolition, e.g free-fall for 2.4 seconds, a dip in the centre column before collapse, a symmetrical collapse meaning all corners of the building must have weakened at the same time.
  • A number of experts in demolition all publicly saying that it looked like one.
  • Pre-knowledge – later denied and covered up as an accident by the BBC.
  • A flawed NIST report that differed from it’s intermediary report by having missing building parts and relying on a computer model with loaded parameters such as only heating certain parts of the building to make it collapse. Anyone can make anything happen with a computer model if they set the parameters correctly and play with them until they get the desired result.


This list will be continued…..

The Real Culture War is just starting

September 16, 2012

By Dark Politricks

From a European perspective the culture wars in the USA seem to be over such insignificant matters that the two parties seem indistinguishable from each other.

The GOP call Obama a Marxist and the Democrats call the Republicans red neck creationists.

In reality their is little in difference between both high deficit, war mongering, police state, big government parties that incur huge government debts for their own purposes.

Do American’s not realise that over here in Europe we actually have countries who still have Communist and Facsist parties holding seats in parliament and a range of parties from Green, Liberal, Conservative, Trade Union supporting and everything else in-between going for seats in parliament at every election.

The Americans seem to be fighting over the same things not realising that the major points that matter – war, the future of our planet, energy, workers rights, paying off our debts without killing growth (and our old people at the same time) are the things that really matter. To many Europeans there seems little difference between the Democratics and Republicans.

The real culture wars, which I believe have been planned for a very long time, probably since before the end of the Cold War as the military industrial complex looked for a new enemy to bring in their billions of dollars are going to be religious based. Christian & Judaism verus Islam or Liberalism verus Middle Age thinking.

This is the same military industrial complex Dwight Eisenhower spoke about in his farewell speech.

These are the descendants of the peace time standing armies Thomas Jefferson warned us about hundreds of years ago.

“Standing armies [are] inconsistent with [a people’s] freedom and subversive of their quiet.” ~Reply to Lord North’s Proposition (1775)

Both these warnings have been ignored and the next war is on the brink of being played out RIGHT now.

Our multi culturlisam has let the enemies within our gates and now whole swathes of European cities from London to Amsterdam and Paris are full of Islamic extremists who have no concept of free speech, the right to offend or the rights of women.

Many of these people still live in a world formed by 7th century views.

As Western Judaeo Christian beliefs have lightened over the years and science has replaced mysitcism and magic as the way to find answers to questions we don’t yet know we are being surrounded by people who won’t change their dogmatic beliefs because the Koran says so.

Gods word is fixed and unchangeable to many of these people.

A point in time back in the 7th century was the end of all progress for many Muslims including the Taliban who before the Americans invaded Afghanistan had banned music, dancing and all forms of sexual “deviance” as it broke the faith and led you to being executed in the middle of the Kabul football stadium.

The culture wars are being fought out everytime a radical Christian decides to burn a Koran or a video or cartoon mocking the phrophet Mohammed is played out and chaos insues around the world.

From the war zones where attacks on NATO bases have just been carried out to the riots in Middle Eastern cities and now to protests in European city centres.

Then there comes the backlash.

We have had the Nowegian mass murderer Behring Breivik killing not Muslims but 77 white children for their part in letting the enemy in the gates of Europe.

We have the English Defence League a replacment for the National Front which used to go round bashing up blacks and gay’s  fighting the Burka clad women who don’t even acknowledge a white male or say thank you if you let them across the road or open a door for them due to their religion/culture.

Plus the culturally abusive men who force their child daughters into servitude at an early age through forced marriages and then implement “honour killings” when they refuse to obey.

Much of this is culture NOT religion but it is being mixed up so much people can not longer tell the difference and the men in these families will use religion as an excuse to carry out these barbaric acts.

Now this is not to say I am a Muslim basher as nothing can be further from the truth.

I know people who call themselves Muslim just like those who call themselves Jewish or Christian who still smoke, drink, take drugs or have affairs.

Heck I know a white bloke who converted to Islam just so that he could marry his Muslm neighbour because if he wanted to divorce her he only had to tell her 3 times.

I know Muslims who parents must think they are good Islamic followers of the faith as they are outside all night partying after leaving the Mosque on a Friday. Everything a non fundermentalist liberal culturised Brit would do on a normal Friday night out on the town.

The enemy is not every Muslim.

Just like the fact that every American Christian isn’t an abortionist killing, death penalty loving, creationist believing contradiction wrapped up in a riddle.

The enemy is a strict belief in a religion that was written by undeducated people hundreds of years ago to explain the world around them and then spread with the threat of hell if you stray from the path and the reward of heaven or 72 virgins if you die a matyr to your faith.

The enemy is a strict belief in any religion that tells you what to eat, when to eat, how to have sex, who to have sex with, who to hate and so on.

This applies to all religions not just Islam.

However everytime some anti-Islamic film is made or Koran burnt many of the people rioting and killing NATO troops have not even seen said film, cartoon or book and they are acting on the orders of others who are stoking up their rage.

Afghanistan is a mess.

We should have never gone in there in the first place and once we leave the hundreds if not thousands of sleeper cells inside the NATO trained Afghan army and police will come out and fight and it will all turn to shit again. We will have accomplished nothing.

We are already at the peak of Green on Blue deaths with 51 NATO troops killed so far this year.

A senior Afghan official in Kabul is quoted as saying that “the issue of rogue soldiers and Taliban infiltration is an even bigger threat than suicide attacks.”

Once we leave “the Stan” and return home will the real culture war end or will it just be starting?

Have we left it too late to have any hope of assimiliating the millions of Muslims now living in Europe into Western Liberal culture that allows free speech and does not protect the right to be offended?

Many have been assimilated but many others led by radical clerics and Imans are all too keen to express the same rage over silly  produced films as their Middle Eastern counterparts are doing such as the one below.

These fundamentalist Muslims want to implement Sharia law across the world and see our western liberal freedoms as a weakness not a strength. We can watch a film like the one above and say “that’s rubbish and a crock of shit” without going on murderous rampages around the world.

It makes it all more surprising that we have been spending the last few years removing dictators and strong men that were western friendly and kept a lid on all the Islamic infighting and religious mania.

People like Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein and Mubarak who may have been nasty dictators but who were leaders that let Christians and Muslims live side by side. Heck, even Iran has one of the largest number of Jews living inside it outside Jerusalem and New York.

However we decided to arm al-Qaeda linked rebels and other religious fanatics and let them other-throw these dictators and now the Middle East is a mess.

These NATO armed religious rebels who are walking around their towns with guns and rockets paid for by our taxes will be all too keen to turn them on us once their missions are accomplished. Just like the Mujahideen turned in al-Qaeda after we created them in the 80’s to fight the USSR. We can only wait for the blowback.

Obviously this all plays into the hands of those who want to ramp up the war against Islam and extend the high tech surveillence state at home.

Even the odd false flag attack now and then to be blamed on Muslims wouldn’t hurt to stoke up the feelings that a real war is needed to stop these fanatics wouldn’t be past the people I’m talking about.

This could just be the reason our “leaders” were looking for to finalise the all invasive, all seeing, police state that is being created brick by brick around us as you read this article.

When the enemy has been let in willingingly and then stoked up by being placed in ghettos like the outskirts of Paris, given little or no jobs and treated like 2nd class citizens by the people they came to live with, it becomes easy to take a youngster and radicalise him against his neighbours.

Mix in the one thing they hold dear – their religion – constantly mocked and attacked through stupid movies and laws banning head scarfs and Burkas and it only becomes clear the real culture war is going to be between western liberalism and Islam.

Once riots becoming an almost monthly occurrence across Europe because of this culture war, then it only becomes “sensible” to keep track off everybody for “their own good”.

With the all pervasive high tech surveillance state and city sized super computers watching your every move on and offline in case dissent forms and the real culture war turns hot and bloody.

Whether we can roll back from the brink however is a totally different matter and one I don’t know the answer to. I just hope we can find one soon.

9.11, WTC-7 and the Pentagon attacks that have led to 11 years of war

September 11, 2012

By Dark Politricks

With another anniversary of the 9.11 attacks about to pass there are plenty of questions that remain unanswered and a growing number of people who are realising that the official conspiracy theory as preached by the US government is still just that, a theory which hasn’t been proved in the eyes of millions of enquiring minds.

The number of people who are happy to accept conspiracy as a legitimate explanation for an event is growing day by day and when articles are posted online designed to attack believers in alternative views (such as the recent Demos article) the comments quickly fill up with messages attacking the articles premise. This shows that the public are perfectly aware conspiracies do occur, that false flag attacks are a tool used by intelligence agencies of all shape and form and to dismiss this reality as nothing more than crazy talk is the favoured mechanism of those who benefit from stifling such discourse.

This is not to say that all conspiracy theories are equal and whilst history proves that the rich and powerful often collude to the detriment of the public the number of ill thought out or illogical theories that litter the web have had the effect of tarnishing debate of a legitimate subject matter that is most definitely based in reality.

There have been many conspiracy theories regarding 9.11 ranging from the complex to the ridiculous however just because some theories are easily debunked does not mean that all if them can be ignored. I for one have been back and forth over this subject many times and whilst I currently believe that sections within the US intelligence agencies at some level had pre-knowledge of the attacks I do not claim to hold all the answers.

Not only has the secrecy surrounding the attacks helped breed a myriad of competing theories it has helped cast aspersions on the governments own possible collusion whatever level that may have been. When the government refuses to hold a full public enquiry into events of such magnitude, when they collude with the one investigation actually held to withhold evidence, when they refuse to release videos and other evidence which could dispel many conspiracy theories for “national security” reasons it does nothing more than increase skeptisism in an already suspicious public about their motives.

For example the US government could easily release the numerous tapes confiscated from around the Pentagon in the aftermath of that attack to dispel rumours that a missile and not a large ariliner hit the building. Numerous cameras from surrounding hotels and garages had their footage confiscated shortly after the attack and even if these tapes do not show anything regarding the approach and impact then they should be released anyway otherwise people will always claim that the government is hiding footage of whatever really hit the building.

Without publicly accessible evidence of the impact there will always be questions over the Pentagon attack which left a small hole in the building wall before it’s collapse. The dimensions of the hole do not seem to fit those of a Boeing 757 and there is the question of how a plane of that size reportedly flew 400 mph at only 30ft above the ground to hit the first floor of the building without hitting the ground first.

Experienced pilots claim this feat would have been impossible for an inexperienced pilot such as Hani Hanjour who had been denied the usage of a small Cessna 172 which he had tried to rent because he was such a bad pilot.

Others believe that the the immense down-force from the plane would have prevented it from flying so close to the ground at such speeds and that it would have crashed into the ground leaving marks on the untouched Pentagon lawn way before the walls that it reportedly hit.

An analysis of the flight data recorder from Flight 77 which hit the Pentagon shows a so far unexplained discrepancy between the altitude of the plane and what supposedly happened which meant that the lamp posts which the plane supposedly hit would have had to have been 440 feet high for the plane to have brought them down.

This data which has been released by the National Transportation Safety Board also means that the planes altitude is in direct conflict with the only CCTV footage that has been released of the impact. Either the data from the black box is wrong somehow (e.g it was edited before being released) or the plane didn’t actually hit the lamp posts and then crash into the Pentagon.

The following video is a good 3D reconstruction of what supposedly happened during the Pentagon attack. Notice that the plane flies parallel to the ground for some considerable time, knocking over the lamp posts and then hitting the Pentagon.

Another issue proponents of the missile theory claim “proves” their argument is the lack of physical evidence after the crash. There are many witnesses on record saying that there was little or no plane debris which has been picked up on as supporting the idea that no plane actually the building however the following video shows how a plane can literally disappear leaving little or no discernible body parts when it’s flown at high speed into a wall.

This test was carried out in the 80’s to see whether a Japanese nuclear power station could withstand an airplane hitting it. They used a rocket-propelled, 27-ton F-4 Phantom jet, attached to a sled, aimed to hit a 3.7 meter thick slab of concrete at a speed of about 475 miles per hour which is the same speed that Flight 77 reportedly hit the Pentagon.

As you can see from that video the plane is totally pulverised and not much remains to be identified afterwards.

So what do I make of it all? There is a clear case of contradictory evidence in that the flight data that was released to the public is either wrong somehow or it is correct and the plane didn’t hit the Pentagon meaning that something else did.

Lots of witnesses claim to have seen the plane hit the building which means that either they are all lying or a plane did hit the building. I am going with the latter as I believe that personal witness statements should be treated as the key pieces of evidence they are. Many people in the 911Truth community will claim that there were a multitude of witnesses who heard and saw explosives go off at the World Trade Center and then claim that all the witnesses who saw the Pentagon crash were plants and in on the conspiracy. They cannot have it both ways.

This does not resolve the issue of the hard to make aerial manoeuvres that inexperienced pilot Hani Hanjour had to have made to fly the plane so close to the ground and hit the building as he did. I don’t know the answer to this but one explanation would be that he wasn’t flying the plane at all and someone or something else was controlling it which might explain how it managed to fly such a complicated dive and then manage it’s fast parallel entry towards it target without crashing before hand.

Whatever actually happened it would be nice if the US government could release all the other video footage taken from cameras around the Pentagon even if they don’t show anything regarding the impact. I don’t know why they would want to keep confiscated footage if it didn’t show anything related to the event but the release of this footage would help clear up a lot of questions.

Whilst the Pentagon is an interesting and some what puzzling topic on it’s own I think the question of World Trade Center 7 is most troubling for the following reasons:

  • We have a large building that was not hit by a plane, only falling debris, that fell into it’s own footprint in a few seconds looking exactly like a controlled demolition.
  • The only investigation into this buildings collapse is a fundamentally flawed NIST report that relied purely on a computer model to explain the collapse.
  • This model, which they won’t release the data for, put the cause down to thermal expansion a totally new explanation for a buildings collapse.
  • This expansion was generated within the computer model by only heating the steel beams and not the concrete floor slabs which is totally unrealistic and a clear case of fixing the outcome by loading the parameters to create the desired outcome.
  • The NIST admits that there is a 2.4 second period during the collapse in which the building falls at freefall speed which defies the laws of physics and which meant that they had to remove their previous claim that the report was consistent with scientific principles.

This last one is a killer point that so far has not been tackled by any debunking site I have come across. In fact I have personally emailed a number of sites asking them to look at this particular point as I would love to hear a rational explanation that explains how this freefall could occur.

Believe it or not I don’t want to be labelled a conspiracy theorist and I don’t choose to believe a theory without it having some merit. On the topic of 9.11 I have a number of questions that I would like answering that at the moment are only explained by some sort of collusion.

As far as I am aware the 2.4 freefall of WTC7 is only explained by a controlled demolition of some kind and for that to have occurred there must have been foreknowledge and the pre-planting of explosives. If this question is answered some other way however I for one am perfectly willing to change my views on the matter and I would urge debunkers to please provide me with such an alternative explaination for this event.

The following video is a talk on the collapse of the Twin Towers which primarily looks at why the Pancake theory was flawed and why if the buildings had fallen naturally and not from a controlled demolition the huge central core columns that the towers were built around should have still been standing even if the surrounding building had collapsed.

And on this 11th anniversary of the events that have led to all of the following:

    • 11 Years of war.
    • Wars with Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and covert wars with Pakistan and Syria.
    • The implementation of the NDAA and the PATRIOT Act.
    • Powers that allow the Preident to declare war on a whim as he did with Libya ignoring Congress and the War Powers Act.
    • The spectacle of torture, water boarding, CIA Black Sites, Extraordinary Rendition, Gitmo and Abu Ghraib.
    • An enemy that cannot be beaten because we created it in the 80’s. An enemy we have found ourselves fighting on the same side with in Kosovo, Libya and Syria.
    • An endless war on a tactic that can never end because there is no-one to sign a cessation of hostilities or declaration of victory agreement with.
    • A police state that has grown up to an all invasive wet dream of George Orwell fans in which systems like TRAPWIRE and ECHELON watch and listen to your every move.
    • A push to move the war of terror into the homeland and declare protesters as domestic extremists and the new “terrorists”.
    • Free speech zones and constant films of police brutality against anyone daring to stand up to this wall of power.

I would ask you to kindly pay your respects to the victims of the attacks, including the huge number of Fire-fighters and first responders who are now dying from extreme forms of cancer.

I would also like you to just ask yourself with all the regime changing going along in the world at the moment, whether leaders of the moral fibre such as Dick Cheney, George Bush, Tony Blair and Karl Rove etc. Whether they would never, ever, consider putting the lives of innocent people ahead of a war that could push globalist policy objectives that could benefit the west (and themselves) long term – ideas such as those laid out in the Project for a New American Century.

At the very least it 9.11 was a major screw up in which the major players were all rewarded for their screw ups. At the worst it was a covert operation planned by elements across the board using al-Qaeda patsies (as we have been doing recently in Libya and Syria to do our dirty work for us) to carry out the crime.

A crime in which certain people had fore-knowledge and pulled the strings of others letting the blame fall across the Muslim world which we are now at war with.

If you have not read this article already I suggest reading it as well as the comment debate below as it shows the sort of people we are up against when trying to get a proper criminal investigation held into the events of 9.11.

A crime that 9.11 commissioners admitted was carried out or helped out by a foreign country but won’t tell us which one.

I ask you – why should the people who are fighting these never ending wars not know the name of the country involved, it sure wasn’t Iraq and it sure wasn’t mud hut dwelling Taliban Afghans which 92% of have never even heard of 9.11 or even the Twin Towers?

Is a proper criminal investigation with subpoena power too much to ask after 11 years of war that has changed America into the beacon of the free world into a place where the President can lock you up or even have you killed on his decision alone?

A place where mega computer systems watch your every move, listen to your every call and read your every text and then store it in city sized computers for analysis.

A place where the police are indistinguishable from the military and drones fly the US skies and tanks roam the streets.

And most importantly a place in which you are all ruled still by “Emergency laws” enacted after the events of 9.11 which give the President almost dictatorial powers.

Forget the US Presidential election question of “Is your life better than 4 years ago”.

It should be “Is you life better than it was 11 years ago in terms of civil rights, freedom, privacy and security from your own government?”

Compare our Western hypocrisy with the Syrian Massacres being reported on in Tremseh

July 15, 2012

By Dark Politricks

Compare and contrast the coverage given by the Western media to the conflicts in Syria and Afghanistan.

This morning on the BBC News channel they are reporting again that the Syrian Army – loyal to President Assad has been bombarding the homes of rebel fighters including those of the free Syrian Army and other insurgents in Tremseh.

Whilst their internet coverage is a little more even handed it still leans towards the US position of a massacre and the US government is parroting Syrian rebel reports that around 220 people were massacred labeling Syria‘s leaders murderers even though other western media is even reporting the attack as a “lopsided” attack by the army against the home of insurgents and what would we would call terrorists if they lived in Gaza, Iran or Afghanistan.

A statement by the U.N. mission who have returned to Tremseh today said:

“The attack on Tremseh appeared targeted at specific groups and houses, mainly of army defectors and activists,” the spokesman for the U.N. observer mission to Syria said in an emailed statement.

“A wide range of weapons were used, including artillery, mortars and small arms.”

Opposition activists say government forces killed about 220 people in the village. U.N. observers said they had found a burned school and fire-damaged houses.

The state media in the UK (and I haven’t seen US coverage but I guess it’s the same) are reporting this attack in Tremseh as if the word of opposition fighters was God and as if the Assad regime was bombing the homes of innocent people and killing them for fun.

Lest no-one think I support President Assad I don’t.

I don’t support any dictator unlike the USA/UK/French axis of war that seem to pick and chose their fights not on “human rights” as they like to sell it to the dumbed down public but whether or not the dictator is “their man” or “helpful” to their foreign policy objectives.

If the Axis of war had a fair and balanced foreign policy they would be attacking Israel, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia for their human rights abuses and attacks on protesters in the same manner as they have attacked Libya, forced an army coup in Egypt and are carefully planning for war with Iran by funding, aiding and training the rebels that are fighting the Assad regime. All roads lead to Iran as awakened people say at the moment.

The hypocrisy of our mainstream news coverage is that if Assad were “our man” like Saddam Hussein was in the 80’s before we turned on him and bin Laden was in the Soviet war in Afghanistan then there wouldn’t be so much news coverage of these attacks in Syria.

However unlike Afghanistan in which another insurgency is going on – one in which we are fighting not supporting. Where segments of the population in Afghanistan e.g the Taliban have decided to fight against the US/UK occupation, the corrupt puppet leader they installed to rule over them e.g the major of Kabul Hamid Karzai.

This is the US installed leader who has helped increase the amount of opium produced from almost zero in 2000 when the Taliban last ruled the country to the massive amounts produced now.

The Taliban admittedly ruled the country brutally in Western eyes, but in the eyes of a lot of Afghans they brought law and order after a time of unruliness. They actually punished corruption and other criminal acts (admittedly brutally in our standards) that are carrying on unabated under the US/Karzai rule.

Plus they almost wiped out the lucrative drug production calling it Un-Islamic as you can see by the chart above where the amount of opium dropped when they were in power. For reasons why drug production seems to increase whenever there is war and instability please read the four part series on my site titled “CIA Involvement in Drug Smuggling Parts 1 to 4”.

The main contradiction between our coverage of the Syrian civil war and other news channels that don’t have a western bias like Russia Today or Press TV is that when the US attack the homes of insurgents with drones and missile attacks in Afghanistan and innocent children, women and non combatants are killed they are considered legitimate and just casualties of war – or “collateral damage” as we like to call it. Often this massacre of innocents  is somehow covered up or ignored by our media.

However in Syria where Assad is fighting an influx of Western and Saudi backed terrorists, insurgents, the Free Syrian Army and of course al-Qaeda (why are again fighting on the same side as our mortal enemy again?) these collateral damages are called massacres and the western TV media laps up the stories of unverifiable bloggers and citizens as if they were truth itself.

So lets compare the two wars we are involved in the link being al-Qaeda e.g in Afghanistan we are supposedly fighting them whilst in Syria we are fighting alongside them – or arming, training and supporting them as we did in Libya.

  • We have two countries Syria and Afghanistan both fighting an insurgency against the ruling power.
  • Both insurgencies contain members of the general population as well as foreign terrorists and members of al-Qaeda.
  • One insurgency the West supports, the other it is fighting.
  • One government fighting the insurgency is considered a corrupt puppet with links to drug dealing brothers and other corrupt behaviour, the other is a dictator who is on the path to reform (admittedly slowly – who was praised in Western media not too long ago)
  • When innocent people are killed in one country they are called collateral damage or not reported on at all in the other it is called a massacre and the mainstream media goes crazy over it.
  • When terrorists and insurgents are killed by drones or night raids by special forces in one country their deaths are acclaimed as a success for the anti-government forces, whereas the deaths of insurgents in the other are reported as assassinations and targeted killings in the UN.

I am sure you can work out which is which.

Therefore the question is how far does our hypocrisy go and will you get your news from the tools of Western imperialism or try and get a balanced view on the subject first.

What are we still doing in Afghanistan – making enemies is not good for anyone

March 16, 2012

By Dark Politricks

Murder Spree Victims

Afghan Police and local residents stand around a mini van carrying the bodies of the victims who were killed by a US soldier

The question needs to be asked again and again and almost on a weekly if not daily basis – “why are we still fighting in Afghanistan?”

As the recent burning of the Korans and now the murderous rampage by a US solider shows, we are doing more harm than good by being there and the people of Afghanistan sure don’t want us “helping them” or whatever poor excuse we are using to justify our existence there propping up the corrupt Mayor of Kabul – someone most of the Stan sees as a US puppet up to his eyes in drug dealing and corruption.

The solider who went on the latest killing spreemurdering 16 women and children in the middle of the night, was obviously suffering some form of mental illness, probably from the multiple tours of duty expected by US soldiers nowadays.

Maybe it was PTSD that comes from witnessing your friends being blown to bits by IED’s. Or maybe he had become so desensitized from all the death, blood and guts that he’d have witnessed over his multiple tours that he just couldn’t function as a compassionate human being anymore.

It could happen to anyone. Physiological studies have proved it time and again.

As the Independent said recently:

The soldier had a traumatic brain injury at one point and had problems at home after his last deployment, officials told ABC News.

After returning from his last deployment in Iraq, he had difficulty reintegrating, according to the reports, but officials said he “worked through” those issues before deploying to Afghanistan.

He is accused of walking out of the Zangabad base in Kandahar’s Panjwai district early Sunday morning before going on his murderous spree. Nine children were among the dead.

What does it say about the state of mind of our troops in the Stan and all the other covert wars we are not supposed to be but are most definitely fighting around the world when they break down and go on murder sprees for fun, or kill kids and women because they have just witnessed a friend being injured?

When boys are brought up on computer games such as Call of Duty and Medal of Honour and trained from an early age to treat death and war as a game then it must come as quiet a shock to their senses when they actually enter a real war zone.

It must be a life changing experience when you have to hold your dying friend in your arms as he coughs up blood and brain matter and you know there is nothing you can do but look into his dying eyes and hold his hand wishing you hadn’t joined the army in the first place.

What does it feel like to see your best mates head or limbs ripped from their bodies as they step onto a hidden mine or shot from a snipers rifle through the eye exploding brain matter all over your face. How does that affect you as a human being?

How would you feel if you saw your friends, your brothers in arms, routinely killed and blown to smithereens whilst patrolling the Afghani villages all the while believing that you are “helping” the locals by weeding out Taliban and Terrorists.

Now reverse that.

How would you feel if you saw your best friend, mother, father or son brutally slaughtered in front of you for doing nothing more than being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Killed for just sleeping in their beds and hoping for a better day. One in which a bomb doesn’t fall from the sky because some American drone controller things you and your donkey carrying food to your family looks like a Taliban “Terrorist” smuggling arms into Helmand Province.

Would you want revenge? Of course you would!

Would you feel the kind of rage and emotion that can turn the veil of civility that we all like to assume into a more base instinct still within us after million years of evolution. An instinct that can take a person from a well-mannered civil human being into a vicious animal intent on death within seconds?

I bet you would. I know I would. I have been there before.

I have seen friends about to be hospitalised for life and gone from a still silent person into a fighting machine prepared to suffer injury to protect my mate.

When you are in that state of mind you don’t feel the punches and kicks raining down on you. In fact you don’t feel anything. People have said that they have been shot multiple times and not even realised it until after the combat has finished. Adrenaline does that to you.

Is that how the solider in Afghanistan felt as he moved from room to room hunting for people to kill.

“I heard a gunshot. When I came out of my room, somebody entered our house,” a 26-year-old villager named Mohammad Zahir said.

“After that, I saw him moving to different areas of the house – like he was searching.” Mr Nazir’s father, unarmed, then took a few steps out of his bedroom. Then the soldier fired.

How do you imagine the Afghanistan citizens feel who have just suffered this outrage?

Are they not well within their rights to demand justice and vengeance for the act of barbarity inflicted on their wives and children?

Would you not expect the same if you were in their shoes?

The longer we stay in Afghanistan, the more of these incidents will occur.

We have already had torture of innocents at Bagram, the “kill squad” who killed civilians for jollies, the multiple instances of Korans being burned insulting millions of people’s religions by our callousness and carelessness.

We have had soldiers kill livestock for fun and now we have soldiers killing people for fun – is that just a logical progression or is it what our “leaders” want us to do. To dehumanize us and turn us into killing machines that can murder whole families of children and women without even a second thought?

The reason we went to war in Afghanistan is now over and has been for many years.

We killed bin-Laden – in fact he most certainly died a natural death in 2001 but whether you believe that or not is beside the point.

We are not fighting al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, they can be counted on one hand and even then they are probably all linked to black ops from various intelligence agencies. Used like Sibel Edmonds claims as a perfect excuse to cause instability in a region so that we can come in and restore “order”.

How much “order” exists in Afghanistan at the moment? Not much by the looks of things.

We are killing more civilians, less al-Qaeda (due to their not being there anymore) and creating more resentment, anger and people willing to fight for the Taliban with every drone attack and murder spree we go on.

From the Guardian’s report on Afghanistan Civillian Casualties.

“Anti-Government Elements increased their use of IEDs and suicide attacks against obvious civilian targets. In incidents where intended targets appeared to be military, those responsible for placing or detonating IEDs showed no regard for the presence of civilians and no evidence of distinguishing between civilian and military targets in violation of the international humanitarian law principles of distinction, precaution and proportionality. Anti-Government Elements also deliberately targeted and killed civilians not taking a direct part in hostilities, mainly individuals who supported, or were perceived as supporting the Government of Afghanistan or international military forces”

This table shows some statistics.

Anti-gov forces
Pro-gov forces
% change
% killings by Taliban
2006 699 230 929 75.24
2007 700 629 194 1,523 63.94 45.96
2008 1,160 828 130 2,118 39.07 54.77
2009 1,630 596 186 2,412 13.88 67.58
2010 2,037 427 326 2,790 15.67 73.01
2011 2,332 410 279 3,021 8.28 77.19
TOTAL, 2007-2011 8,558 3,120 1,115 12,793 66.90

We are not fighting a “just war”. We went to war in the Stan after 9.11 because the Taliban were allowing al-Qaeda to train there.

The Taliban were willing to hand over bin-Laden and the other terrorists if only the US would provide some modicum of proof that bin-Laden and co were responsible for the attacks.

Did we? Of course not – we don’t need proof, not when the culprit has already been proved guilty in the court of public opinion and an expensive oil pipeline requires building.

Even without real proof and only doctored and false evidence including fake videos of bin-Laden and ones of him talking about 9.11 with his words mistranslated and taken out of context (something we have become experts at – see Iran wanting to wipe Israel off the map) we still waged war on a 7th century country.

Even with an interview with bin-Laden where he absolutely denies all involvement in the attacks of 9 .11 and actually according to Sibel Edmonds still was working closely with the CIA (I wonder what he was doing for them), we still went to war against a country that had not put one hijacker on the 9.11 planes.

They were mostly Saudi Arabian, still one of our best friends despite their awful human rights abuses, feudal system, mistreatment of women. But then they have oil and let us use their country as a base for our wars of aggression.

The war with al-Qaeda was won quite quickly and the Taliban sunk back into the shadows becoming the civilians they always were, biding their time waiting for the US to take their eye off the ball. They didn’t have to wait long.

As soon as another phony war in Iraq was set in motion the Taliban began the most successful tactic when fighting large powerful armies – guerilla combat and insurgency.

Civilians that are also your enemy are hard to fight as Vietnam proved.

With every civilian the US/UK axis of war killed another two or three Taliban supporters were formed.

We have basically killed so many civilians in that country that we are no longer fighting terrorists or even the Taliban but Afghani citizens.

We will never win this battle.

Therefore it comes down to a simple thought experiment and a question that I pose to you.

If China invaded the USA or UK and bombed the hell out of us before installing a corrupt heroin dealing regime in Washington or London what would we think – would we great them with open arms, as saviours coming to remove our existing corrupt leaders only to replace them with others that served different masters.

Would we be happy with a duplicitous regime that pretended to be pliant puppets of their foreign masters but at the same time supported the insurgency fighting them. Would you see the thousands of bombs dropping from planes and drones on your families weddings and funerals as the Chinese “helping to restore democracy” or as a great recruitment tool that made you want to fight the foreign invaders even more.

What if the Chinese kept burning bibles and going on killing sprees for fun. Throwing grenades into houses for a laugh and shooting up whole villages because they were drunk and suffering from PTSD. Would we forgive them with open arms?

What would you do if a Chinese soldier broke down your family home’s door in the middle of the night and killed your wife, kids and parents in front of you?

What if you escaped with your life from such a killing spree. Would you hand yourself over to Chinese troops or pick up a gun and fight the people who had ruined your life.

Would you still accept your new Chines overlords with open arms or would you find the nearest militia or band of rebels prepared to fight the invaders to regain their country and put your life on the line to gain revenge?

I know what I would do. What would you do?

My Dark Politricks End of Year Review 2011

January 2, 2012

By Dark Politricks

If you believe in all the ancient prophecies then next year 2012 is the year the Mayan Prophecy predicts some kind of major disaster or change for our planet.

Even if you don’t believe in that prophecy 2012 looks like it’s going to be another year full of war, protest and austerity measures as inflation rises, jobs are lost and taxes raised.

Elections are going to occur, how real they will be is another matter. Or if you live in Europe they might be abandoned completely so that “Eurocrat yes men” are given jobs as leaders of once democratic EU nations. Just so that they can do the bidding of the banks and globalists and ignore the wishes of their population which they are supposed to have their best interests at heart.

This is as Time magazine correctly put it the year of the protester.

From Tahrir Square, to Occupy Wall St, Occupy London and all the other various Occupy Camps around the world. From riots in London and Athens to resignations of Prime Ministers in Greece and Italy. From Spain to Yemen and farmers setting themselves on fire in India due there have been protests, staged revolts and enough western humanitarian assistance to kill a few hundred thousand innocent people.

The Republicans under George Bush were pretty blaze about their desire for control of Middle Eastern oil supplies, regime change, the implementation of democracy through war and destruction and then lucrative contracts to their friends to rebuilt afterwards.

However the democrats under a supposed teacher of constitutional law Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro  have been a lot more underhand in their methods.

Not only have they carried on the worst of the Bush excesses by keeping Guantanamo Bay open and continuing their special 4th class and totally free special rendition flights for suspected “terrorists” to hell holes around the world.

His administration has also broken all the promises Obama made during election about restoring America’s standing in the world, stopping the destruction of freedoms that the terrorists supposedly hated us so much for and his desire to make a positive changes for the American people.

They have kept the terror threat at a maximum level allowing them to pass some of their own draconian legislation, the NDAA that puts even the PATRIOT ACT to shame in it’s constitution destroying powers.

The National Defense Appropriation Act (NDAA) basically gives the President dictatorial powers which he has already used to kill American citizens overseas without arrest or trial and this law pushes the USA further away from the founding fathers dream of liberty to a place that many find too scary to think about.

Under the NDAA the POTUS can arrest and imprison any American indefinitely, either at home or overseas in one of their “special prisons”, without access to an attorney or trial or and even allows for their torture.Whilst the Bush administration just kidnapped and tortured suspects the Obama administration just sends drones or hit squads in to kill them.

In this regards he has taken actions that liberals would have been outraged about if Republicans were in charge and pushed policy further to the right than even they could have dreamt of. Liberals and Conservatives should be outraged at both the Obama and Bush administrations disregard for the Bill of Rights and the rule of law.

Ron Paul calls it martial law. Many Americans agree. When the President can choose whether you live or die by a stroke of a pen with no legal recourse you are basically living in a dictatorship.

As the USA slips further towards it’s own special blend of corporatism, fascism, nationalism and imperialistic dreams that are already bankrupting them they still cannot help meddling in the affairs of others.

Some claim the troubles in Syria and the ratcheting up of tough talk with Iran is just Israel once again pulling Americas strings in an election year to get what they want. Someone has to pay for all those expensive  election campaigns you know. Wouldn’t it be great if anyone could stand for President without needing a few hundred million dollars backing them up and a lot of favours to repay if they win?

Others see the rise in war mongering with Iran as more of an excuse to not have to remove their forces from their multi million dollar bases in Iraq and Kuwait and instead build them up in preparedness for the rise of China and a resurgent Russia.The grand chessboard has been re-opened for a new game between a declining power and a rising one.

Whilst the USA secures it’s oil supplies and business contracts with bullets, bombs and death China is too busy making friends and investing in any country with resources that it requires. Together with Brazil, Russia and India the BRIC countries are definitely on the rise and their economic growth will outstrip the USA and Europe before many had predicted.

Compare and contrast if you will and try and remember those days you were back at school.

Would you be friends with the school bully purely out of fear or make friends with the rich kid who helps you with your homework, buys your sweets off you at lunch time and doesn’t throw a punch at anyone all term?

So we are getting geared up for another Iraqi style false propaganda onslaught by US media slaves who repeat whatever they are told by the White House and probably haven’t got an honest journalist amongst them.

When a comedian like Jon Stewart offers more insight and logic into the world around us than any US congressman or Senator then something is seriously wrong with US politicians.

The Occupy Wall St protesters started out small and were ignored for time until those nice well meaning robocops in blue started getting filmed spraying pensioners and students in the face with pepper spray and battering aggressive students who had the audacity to link arms with each other.And I thought the motto was to protect and serve. Serve who exactly?

Nothing gets publicity like a good police brutality story or two and we have had more than a few this year.

Claims of meaningless demands and the usual piss taking from talking heads at FOX only made the Occupy protesters simple message stronger.

Since the crash of 2008 the 1% of people who own the majority of the wealth, money, land and stock have been doing very well indeed whilst the 99% are facing rising prices, job losses, benefit cuts, and future without hope.

The riots in London proved that when the kids think there is nothing worth working towards they will kick off. If only their aspirations went a bit higher than a new pair of trainers and included demands to see some of the banksters who ripped us all off be sent to prison.

Shouts of “we are the 99%” may make sense to the protesters in Wall St and St Pauls as they glare at those tall churches to capitalism that surround them, but for a lot of people they still don’t get it.

In fact there are still a few delusional people who think that the current system of government and phony corporatist capitalism we’re living under is still “the best” we can hope to achieve. They see the Occupy groups as socialists, communists and hippies looking for somewhere free to live and state handouts forever.

However it is sad when you actually realise that the cops battering the protesters from Oakland to New York, the dismissive news readers and even some of those city brokers who thought they were special as they wrote “we are the 1%” on the windows of their offices are themselves within that group that they dismiss so much.

They won’t be saved when the shit goes down. When will that get through to them?

So the protests around the world was the main event but key figures such as Gaddfi, bin Laden (supposedly) and Kim Jong-il all died during the year of 2011.

Gaddafi died after a UN backed NATO air campaign that wan’t even declared a war by the main player the USA. No need for Congress to vote on the matter, just shut up and look the other way please.Another case of US law being ignored and no-one doing anything about it on Capital Hill.

So after an air raid on a convey and a bedraggled Gaddafi was pulled from a drain by rebels. He was shot in the head by someone who disagreed with the commanders idea of actually obeying Geneva conventions, treating his injuries and then trying him in a court for all his crimes.And who said the rebels were just a rabble army of ex Gaddafi supporters, terrorists and people eager to shoot a gun for the first time.

So the war in Libya ended like it started with lies, war crimes and death and still the people haven’t seen any real change in their lives and protests still occur daily around the country.

Then we had the mysterious case of the killing of bin Laden who had supposedly been hiding out in Abbottabad, right next to a Military College, in plain sight shall we say.The Pakistanis deny this but the USA relationship with their supposed ally is falling apart as fast as the number of Pakistani civilians and soldiers murdered “accidentally” by US drones.

The US obviously not wanting to let their Pakistani “allies” know about their plans carried out a night raid in which apparently the President and his chiefs of staff watched live – albeit with a 20 minute blackout that cut out all the good bits – or so we are told.

No photos were released to the public (too gruesome said Obama), even though all the SEAL team members had video cameras on their helmets so a photo before the kill shot could have been taken and shown as proof to the disbelievers.

Whilst Saddam Hussein was paraded in front of the cameras, tried and then hung on camera and even Gaddafi’s final moments were allowed to be broadcast it seems the USA’s number one enemy was allowed a more decent death. A death not seen by anyone in the public.

Then there is the sudden wish to obey Americas evil agent gone astray’s religious rights by burying him in the middle of the sea like a Pirate being made to walk the plank.

So no-one has actually seen any actual evidence of this event occurring and the story is so full of anomalies it could make you believe those that say bin Laden died years ago from a natural death by kidney failure.

Some people even think this was just a show put on for the US public so Obama could finally say “we got him” and have an excuse for ending the war in Afghanistan.

Except we are still at war in the Stan.Why is that? Our reason for going there has now disappeared apparently and if we are there to fight drug production we are certainly not doing a very good job at it.

In fact most of the people we are at war with in Afghanistan have never even heard of bin Laden, 9.11 or the Twin Tower attacks.

They see us as just another foreign invader which they have been at war with (and winning) for the last few hundred years.They have defeated the British Empire multiple times, the Soviet Empire, many other ancient armies and by the looks of things the USA as well.

Then there are the anomalies surrounding bin Laden’s death such as the crashed SEAL helicopter, the neighbours who said it wasn’t bin Laden but some other well known local figure and then the later occurrence of a 20 members of the same SEAL team responsible for the Abbottabad attack being killed in action when a helicopter was downed in Afghanistan not too much later.

A clean up and shut up job maybe? Or just a freaky co-incidence.

Maybe a few of the SEAL team were feeling a bit guilty about their first “acting performance” having such a profound effect and knowing that in reality they did little more than shoot up a building in the middle of the night and kill some innocent people.

So now that the reason we went back into the dark ages, threw away all our freedoms and liberties, enacted draconian laws like the PATRIOT Act and NDAA, started a decade of war and pissed off half the people on the planet has gone then what exactly are we still doing?

On the one hand al-Qaeda are the cold war replacement enemy that will never die but on the other we help their allies out as we did in Libya and are supposedly doing now in Syria.They seem to be our enemy when it suits us but our ally as well as in Bosnia (the KLA), and Libya.

The head of the rebel army in Tripoli was actually an ex Gitmo detainee who we have provided arms to. What does that tell you?

Maybe that al-Qaeda are just useful brainwashed idiots that are used by their handlers to cause havoc in places we need to de-stabilise before we can come in on our white horses to reap the rewards of reconstruction contracts and oil supplies?

Or maybe that is just too much conspiracy theory and I have been listening to Sibel Edmonds, the most gagged woman in history,too much again. Someone who many influential people have called a very credible witness which is probably why she has been gagged so much.

It is clear certain people know the truth but 2011 has also been the year that the authorities have shown how they treat whistle blowers and assets who don’t play ball.

Claims of sexual assault seem to be the best way of delegitimizing anyone who might want to speak up.Who knows if the ex IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn was going to speak out about the phony ponzi scheme our debt based currency system is built upon.

Then there is Julian Assange who hasn’t been charged with any offence but who is stuck in an extradition battle with Sweden over sex allegations that involve two women who apparently willingly had sex with him. All they want to do is talk to him, and maybe send him to the USA for the secret grand jury that has been conveyed to see if he is a danger to the country. Expect a drone flying your way soon Julian!

So if you speak up you can expect to be shut up. That is if you’re not already under a national security letter or sitting naked in a military cell somewhere being gently cajoled by having a free wash of their face as the GOP like to call water boarding.

So what will happen next year then?

Well if we don’t all die from more nuclear power plant explosions, massive sun flares, and what looks like a planned war with Iran to drive the price of oil up even more then who knows.

I certainly wouldn’t have predicted the “killing” of bin Laden or the war in Libya last year although the protests were clearly visible over the horizon as the economy got progressively worse.In 2012 they will definitely get worse and I expect to see at least a few more European cities afflicted by severe violence and maybe even leave the doomed Euro.

Maybe we will find out that Hitler is actually still alive hiding out in Argentina and an Israeli Mossad hit team will finally take him out – no photos of course.

Or maybe we will finally see how much Sweden is in the USA‘s pocket when Julian Assange finally gets extradited for a crime he hasn’t even be charged for.

For god’s sake if all they want to do is talk to him then why can’t they just pick up the phone? Or is extradition the only way one country can interview a suspect residing in another country now? What happened to passing questions from one police service to another?

Then there is the financial doom we are all heading towards due to hubris and a desire for an ancient plan of European Statehood not to be derailed.

Even when whole European countries are literally living on handouts from the IMF, Merkozy will be holding regular meetings in Brussels to kick the ball further down the road so that the only obvious two answers to the problem don’t have to be decided upon.

Either kill the Euro and go back to a common trading block or create a European Super State and give up all national sovereignty – something the people of Europe definitely don’t want to do. Kicking the ball down the road is obviously the easy option.

So maybe we should be hoping that the Mayan prophecy is true as if things go to certain peoples plans we might all die anyway in a nuclear explosion, a rouge Iranian missile or a terrorist act in retaliation for the US / Israel starting their next desired war.

Who knows what will happen if the Mayans were right, maybe in comparison with what’s happening at the moment it might seem like a change for the good anyway.