Posts Tagged ‘China’

The 4th Generation of Humanity

January 9, 2021

How Life Before COVID19 Will Never Return To Normal…

By Dark Politricks

This is an interesting video from Richard Dolan. Since the pandemic started I have been saying that we won’t be going back to a life anywhere near normal, even the mutated versions of the virus are all squashed somehow.

Not everyone WILL or WILL BE ALLOWED to get the vaccine, so don’t expect that to stop the spread of the virus. I saw a doctor swab a piece of fruit with the COVID19 test the other day and it turn positive so I have little faith in rushed out medical solutions.

I have thought for a long time that when AI became so good that it could create it’s own simulated realities, that virtual reality would be the place that most of us “useless eaters” would survive and live. Only being able to socialise and meet partners of the opposite sex in a VR world because the globalists had turned the real world into China, using super AI computers to control our movements, our cash flow and our ability to meet up and travel anywhere.

You only have to look at China’s social credit system to see how well they have been at creating a system to control over a billion people. It truly is a modern marvel if you think that having your life controlled by computers is a marvel.

However they manage to keep most of their population in line with their social credit system and the rest, well they are working in slave labour camps, being “re-educated”, or having their organs removed for rich elitists to purchase.

This is a video by Richard Dolan, whose own mother has just died due to COVID19 related problems. Therefore he is no “denier” of the disease but he does see how society has changed for the worse because of it and worries about our future life on this planet.

In it he talks about the 4th Industrial Revolution, the Great Reset, and how AI computers are so sophisticated nowadays that with only a few hours of being given the rules to the most complicated game on earth, GO, where there are more positions on the board than the known number of atoms in the observable universe, approximately 2.1 × 10170. The computer can easily beat the best human players of the game in the world, and even the best AI computer built to beat the best human Chess players on the planet.

With AI computers as sophisticated as this, who can learn, and then teach themselves with calculations of millions of processes per second, can you really believe the authorities would not want to use such creations in their control of humanity? 

Just remember if you believe the Government is there to help you then you don’t know history.

Have a watch and think to yourself if you can honestly say that at the end of this year you will all be celebrating Christmas with your families, and drinking down the pubs with your mates as you did in 2019.

Let me know what you think of the video.

Please remember you can use my #altnews search engine at this location

Remember you can read about the 550+ sites and why they are on the search engine from my article on the main site Am I Going Down The Google Plughole?. There you will find that I am designated as too dangerous for you to read LOL.

You can read the original article on my main site here:

By Dark Politricks

© 2021 Dark Politricks

COVID19 – UK Lockdown, Police State, Martial Law and our messed up economy

July 22, 2020

The COVID19 UK Lockdown, Martial Law, Police are tracking you

Well I haven’t written for some time. Not since the UK Lockdown since April due to COVID19. I actually think I got the “fruitbug” as I call it, 12 days after the UK lockdown started. So I will start with that.Apparently this worldwide pandemic takes 14 days to take hold in the body so I probably caught it from any surface, door handle, shop door, or persons hand in the days before our Government implemented the lock down. Some people claim it was far too late, just as in America, but then I am constantly refused the flu jab in winter, due “to the possibility of getting ill”, and we don’t go into meltdown due to the 10,000 to 50,000 people who die a year from that. .

I do know the difference between a cough and a cold. On the Friday it started, slowly over the day my left lung got sore from the top, spreading down to the bottom by night time. Next day, my right lung was ok but my left wasn’t, that isn’t a normal chest infection with just one lung aching. Then my right side started hurting at the top and the pain moved slowly through the day to the bottom. The next day, I was coughing a lot, the next I had the sweats and a temperature.

Freaking out, yes of course I was. But then unlike certain people I don’t watch “Fear Porn” news constantly all day about COVID19 death figures, how many people have died today, how much of a problem it is in Spain and Italy, and how we are all going to be in lockdown all year long.

I know there is a bug out there just like all the others that can kill you. From sexual diseases, to cancer, blood clots to brain damage, there are a thousand and one ways you can die and many more people die a year from smoking than will have from COVID19 this year.

However 3 days after both my lungs were hurting, the pain went and I was okay again. A weird chest infection or cold if ever, but hopefully it was a mild case of the fruitbug, and hopefully I got some sort of immunity from getting it.

Now after months of being told to not go out apart from emergencies, food, and an hours worth of exercise. With millions of people laid off work and put on the most basic benefit there is, Universal Credit. People are broke, scared and told conflicting advice from the Tory Government.

It must be a big shock for all those people on £50k a year who were let go, to live on roughly £400pm, and have to pay all their bills from that. The Treasury “borrowed” billions to allow companies to keep their staff on through furlough, using the money loaned out, at interest of course, from the Bank of England.

Why we have to have this “middle man” who can print money out of thin air, then loan it to the Government, admittedly at low interest rates, but still paid back with interest from our taxes, I don’t know. It’s to stop inflation, you just can’t let a government print money, look at what happened in Zimbabwe or 1930’s Germany comes the reply from many.

So why is it in the US constitution that only Congress can issue money, something that Abraham Lincoln did during the Civil War with his Greenbacks. This is a law has been ignored, and overruled by the creation of the FED. The Central Bank that is in no way “Federal“, that was created in the middle of the night, planned by the big money men, and put into action by a woeful Woodrow Wilson. He said later about the passing of the bill that:.

“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men. – Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence

And from a governor of the Bank of England, created in 1694.

“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing”Josiah Stamp – Governor of The Bank of England 

Well I think it’s plainly in the interests of a few very super rich people and not the masses but then this isn’t about fiat currency. Or the millions of English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish who are surviving on benefits because their fat cat bosses like Richard Branson told them to take 8 weeks unpaid leave as he couldn’t keep them on. They replied that he should sell one of his private islands. Of course he didn’t.

Even the boss of one of biggest pub chains in the UK, Wetherspoons told his staff to go get a job at Tescos until the crisis was over. Bar staff aren’t exactly paid a lot anyway, and the amount of pubs that I see in that are now Tesco or Sainsbury’s local stores is amazing.

I even walked into an old pub I used to drink in when I came back from holiday only to find it was now a Tesco mini store. It is a dwindling industry admittedly, but only because the Chancellor of the Exchequer keeps adding VAT tax to the cost of Beer and Spirits sold in pubs, whilst super markets can get away selling 4 packs of super strong 8% cider (equivalent of 2 bottles of Red wine), at £5. Why pay almost £5 in a pub for a single pint when you can go into a local store and get the equivalent of 8 pints of low alcohol beer for the same price?

Now the lockdown is easing we are being told to go out and get Britain’s economy booming again. Boris has gone back on all his scientific advisers advice about social distancing, not going on the Tube in London (one of the only ways for people to get around that city), and let Businesses decide what is in the best interests of their workers.

Yes Boris, I am sure money grabbing fat cats like Richard Branson and Mike Ashley care more about their staff than the money they make. Yet it is the Tories themselves, many of them large shareholders in big businesses hit hard by the drop in GDP, that want the economy to be weighed equally as the safety of the citizens. I wouldn’t trust any born into money Etonian with shares across all major companies to think of my welfare before his bank balance.

Having to book up in advance and pay a deposit to go to a pub or restaurant is now the status quo. Who does that? Apparently half the people who book haven’t been turning up, so the pubs, cinemas, restaurants and hospitality industry wants to charge non refundable deposits for people wanting to go out. That is not the way people behave here. We don’t go, “lets all go to the pub… Saturday, I’ll book us some seats now”. People go on the spur of the moment, when they feel like drinking or eating, so if this is the case going forward we are going to see lots of business closing.

Hair dressers and Barbers are having a boom right now, making up all that money from long bearded, unshaven men and women needing their roots dyed. However other industries that Britain seems to excel in, such as Gambling, are going to see a lot of on street Bookmakers shut.

Can you imagine with all those months off, all their customers who would have been in the bookies daily, would have all found an online betting service like Betfair by now. They probably have seen it has better prices and offers bonus bets, and then wonder WTF they were doing in an over priced Bookies shop in the first place. There are going to be a lot of businesses closing in the near future and life may not go back to normal. That should be the scary thing we all think about.

I won’t even go deep into the muck up Boris Johnson caused handling this crisis, catching the virus himself, and then using an NHS hospital, where he had 2 nurses sit next to him all the time 24/7, as a form of propaganda, and a way to make us all think about the poorly paid nurses and junior doctors. It was so bad we actually paid a 99 year old WWII survivor £15 million, to walk around his garden each day so that he could donate it towards the NHS.

I bet the other patients loved the special care he received whilst they coughed and choked to death. All so he could use the NHS as a reason for us all to stay home. We all love the NHS here and most of us believe staff are underpaid. However I have seen too many “Save our NHS, Stay home” adverts for a lifetime, and I don’t even watch TV.

The mandatory Thursday night 8PM clap on your doorstep or window for NHS workers started off as a bit of community spirit but for me ended up as a “mandatory show of support”, something the Community Thought Police would come and fine you for in a real Police State for not showing enough love for the NHS. The same NHS that Boris and his friends have been busy privatising on the sly, using COVID19 as their cover.

I don’t want to get into an argument about who created or first had this virus. Was it economical warfare by China, who misled the West about the numbers of dead, letting the virus spread all round the world, but not outside the city of Wuhan.

It is strange that only one city in the 2nd most populous nation on earth got the disease badly and was locked down so quickly it didn’t spread to the rest of China, only the rest of the world.

When the whole 1.3 billion people of India are locked down, most living in shacks with no running water or toilets, yet Beijing and Shanghai citizens are walking around freely as for some reason local towns to Wuhan didn’t seem to get the bug, it does seem to strike a cord of conspiracy.

China has bought up many Western companies as their stock prices fell like a lead block from a skyscraper. However isn’t that just what China does with all it’s money anyway?

They look for businesses in trouble and going on the cheap and snap them up, just like they did with British Steel who once bought by the Chinese had plane loads of protective gear sent to the workers and the town, Scunthorpe, the steel works were located in. They had protective gear so that the workers could carry on working without catching the virus and PPE equipment for people working and monitoring the plant for any sign of the virus.

Was this by plan? A devious Chinese mission to destabilise the worlds economy and then buy up everything that slumped in the stock markets in the west at a 100th of the price. Or was it just their natural business mentality. I mean if you look behind who owns some of the big companies and docks in the USA and find a Chinese company owning it, you can in many instances link it backwards to the Chinese State or their Military, the real owners of once great Western businesses.

Another argument for “first cause” was that a US Army football team on tour from a germ warfare lab in Virginia USA, spread it to Wuhan in the first place.

Many people cite the fact that people in Japan had signs of the same virus before those in China. There are a lot of US bases in Japan and a touring football team infected with COVID19 would have spread it wherever they went.They even think the mass deaths that were linked to vape use last year in the USA were actually signs of COVID19 that were misdiagnosed.

I don’t know. The Netflix series a few years ago in Chinese that talked exactly about COVID19 like symptoms and how it could be used as a bio weapon wasn’t good to see but then the US military virus lab actually asked for COVID samples to be sent to them in the first place to test.

For me it doesn’t really matter. It’s the martial law like state we are now finding ourselves in that concerns me the most. These laws have been put on the UK’s law books for 2.5 years without a murmur of resistance.

Not that you can protest, the law actually makes it illegal to protest against it in the first place.

Why is the law on our books for so long? 

Is it because our government believes the powers need to be on the statute books for so long as COVID19 is going to be about for another 2 years. Or is it more likely that these laws that give the police super powers to break into your place of residence without a warrant, just the “hunch” or an “anonymous tip” that you have people from other houses inside, or people with COVID19, they can just take your door down and raid you.

Did you get a text from Boris Johnson telling you to stay indoors at the beginning of lockdown. Did you give 10 Downing St your mobile no, or was it just GCHQ tracking all phone’s in the country. Yes contract phones are linked to you as you pay a monthly bill, but burners, old phones you can take the battery out with no GPS tracking for police to track your location are different. I may have a burner, but I certainly didn’t give my number to the government for random texts.

Who actually knows what he police have been doing during lockdown. I have read articles in papers about how London police are loving the lockdown as they can monitor “people of interest” and their movements much more easily.

Now you may not care if the police are tracking you. You have nothing to hide have you, why should you be bothered by the police being able to hack into your phone and view sexy texts to your girlfriend or wife. A dick pick shared amongst workers is nothing to worry about of course, nor are any photo’s or texts you may have sent that you wouldn’t dare show your boss, partner or children.

The police have basically been using the COVID lockdown, and the laws they got to fine people to hassle those of us who for whatever reason they don’t like. Gone out more than once a day? Did you get 2 £30 fines for doing so without “reason”. Maybe you have been good and locked yourself indoors for the whole hot steaming spring that the UK seems to always get before a cold wet summer..

The police have admitted in many articles that the lockdown has helped them monitor peoples locations from the “Spy/Smart phones” everyone carries now like an RFID chip in your arm. The new COVID laws have just made it easier for them to do what they did anyway without consequence.

I bet 99% of the UK population won’t even remember in 2 years when it should come off the law books, even once COVID19 is long gone, to remember to ask to have our martial law removed.

Maybe the establishment is banking on it. New World Order proponents must be wondering how fast the whole world was forced into isolation, not allowed to move freely without being fined or jailed, be forced to take medicine against their will and all without a shot being fired. Even protesting against this law is illegal and can end up with you having on the spot fines, or even being taken to “isolation centres” if they believe you to have “an infectious disease“.

As for the Police, they are loving the restrictions of movement at the moment due to the lockdown measures. In the UK alone they have stopped the import of drugs worth millions, and are now sending useless text messages to drug users telling them that all drug routes to their areas have been stopped and to call a phone number to a drug helpline. Yet there are no plans to re-open all the NHS Detox and Rehab centres that have been closed by the Tories since they took power. That is something that would actually help addicts, now without a way to get a fix and definitely without a spare £10,000+ to pay for a private rehab clinic.

As the National Crime Agency site says:

£300,000 cash was seized alongside cocaine worth £2 million in Gravesend by the joint NCA and Met Police Organised Crime Partnership on April 14; £90,000 seized at Dover as part of an NCA investigation on May 11; and £400,000 seized as a result of Border Force activity at Dover the following day. Our assessment is that Covid-19 restrictions have made criminal groups take additional risks in moving cash around. The closure of many cash-based businesses in recent weeks has robbed OCGs of an opportunity to stash or launder their cash making  it harder for criminals to conceal the proceeds of their crimes.

They haven’t stopped there either, with the closure of a supposed encrypted phone called EncroChat, used mainly by big time criminals for a high monthly fee, with no GPS tracking and the ability to send messages that were wiped instantly after being read. European police have arrested many top criminals who were using the phone to set up drug buys, arrange hits and other criminal activities. They have also helped in the international seizure of 25 tonnes of class A including: two tonnes of cocaine seized off the coast of Panama; four tonnes off the coast of Spain and Portugal, and hundreds of kilos of heroin in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

You might be thinking, well done, lockdown has stopped the drugs coming into town. However what do you think an addict who NEEDS a certain drug but can only obtain weak, cut, watered down versions of it due to the lack of a reliable source is going to do. After 5, 10 maybe 20+ years on the drug, do you think they will OR can just stop?

People who were spending £50 a day on drugs, many of them workers are now having to pay up to £250 for something that cost only £100 a month ago. What about all the non workers, the people who beg, rob and shop lift or burgle to pay for their habits?

Are they just going to stop, no because no-one is offering them the detox and rehab they need at no cost. No they are just going to rob more, steal more, burgle more, and your car and house insurance is just going to rise and rise. That is the unintended consequence of cutting off major drug routes. It stops the drugs, but doesn’t stop the people needing them, and needing to pay the inflated prices for them.

Hey ho, that’s just a minor point no-one will probably care about, but I will leave this little post about COVID19 and how it has affected me, my friends, my local pubs and the lack of new films to watch whilst stuck indoors for now.

Instead I will leave you with a list of all the measures contained in the COVID19 law you will most likely forget about when it should come off the statute books in 2 years time.

Just remember that it’s very hard to obtain freedoms and liberties from authority. 

They usually come from illegal acts, strikes and constant protests but it’s very easy for Governments to remove these freedoms at the sign of a pen, especially if the people are willing to let them do it as they are now, scared and frightened and willing to do anything to not catch the killer bug. A bug whose numbers have been inflated by testing people who have died from existing conditions such as strokes and heart attacks and then ticking the box for a “COVID19 death“, rather than the actual cause of death.

The emergency Coronavirus Bill was passed very quickly after 3 readings. It is now on the law books.

Read what the Government can now do to you and your freedom of movement due to the most draconian powers ever proposed in peace-time Britain.

  • Forced detention and isolation can be of anyone, including children, and for any amount of time.
  • Authorities can FORCEABLY take biological samples from your body.
  • There’s no clear access to legal rights from as-yet unidentified isolation facilities.
  • Powers last up to 2.5 years…why so long?
  • Lockdown powers could prevent protests against measures.
  • State surveillance safeguards weakened.
  • Protections from forced detainment and treatment under Mental Health Act lowered.
  • Cremations can be enforced against personal and religious wishes.
  • Changes to the court system. Registration of deaths.
  • No inquests into suspicious deaths! No requirement for any medical certification for burials or cremations!
  • It also indemnifies the health service should they fail for what ever reason to provide care.
  • The most frightening part is only one medical ‘officer’ is required to sign off on a “COMPULSORY TREATMENT ORDER” which means… in the real world you can be forced to accept medication or held down and injected with whatever is seen fit which is the biggest and worst threat to your own freedoms. Schedule 8 Pt1.
  • Local Authorities will now be exempted from compliance with their duties under The Care Act 2014. Schedule 11.
  • So if someone dies in police custody or any type of custody they can simply dispose of the body without any paperwork medical exam or certification or inquest.

To me it sounds like a Bilderberg / NWO dream Alex Jones probably warned us about in the 90’s before being kicked off all social media last year. As for me I am just waiting still for the classification of my site so it can probably be removed as well. 

If no-one else is going to remind you of these laws and the unintended consequences of letting the Police run wild without the support for those MILLIONS affected by their acts being implemented. Then I will until the day I am booted.

Just please pass this on, especially if you live in the UK.

If you don’t you better check what police state powers have been passed in your country due to COVID19 and what are you going to do about them……

View the original article at:

By Dark Politricks

© 2020 Dark Politricks

How The Social Credit System Ruins Lives – Real Case Example

February 27, 2020

The Chinese Social Credit System In Practice

By Dark Politricks

This is a real case example of how the social credit system in China, coming soon to a country you live in, can destroy the life of real people.

In my last article I showed how the Social Credit system in China basically comes down to the point of you choosing your friends or the ability to buy certain goods or travel. Someone with a bad social credit score is considered an outcast, and by just associating with someone with such a score you too could lose points and privileges.

This video below is about fake martial arts and how dangerous and cult like, the belief in them can have on someone. However at the end is a real life case study that you should watch to see how the life of one man has been ruined by his social credit score.

He is not allowed to fly on planes, use high speed rail, his family are abused and he has been fined numerous times. What has he done to earn such behaviour?

Well he is a radio DJ, and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) practitioner and in China where the authorities promote traditional martial arts such as Kung Fu and Tai Chi, to the extent that school children must learn the art to graduate high school, MMA is considered a crude sport.

However the rigid non fighting movements of these traditional martial arts, and grand masters who believe they can beat any MMA fighter using Tai Chi, Kung Fu or even physic abilities where they can apparently knock out an opponent without touching them.

This radio DJ, a forty year old named Xu Xiadong, was a trainer at a martial arts gym for 20 years, even his gym has disowned him, all for accepting the challenges of these Chinese Masters, and basically proving that their psychic powers, Tai Chi and Kung Fu, is not a real fighting tool.

He has had nearly 20 fights with these masters of traditional Chinese martial arts and has an unbeaten record. You can watch him basically destroy all these practitioners but by doing so he has earned himself the disdain of the Chinese government and many Chinese people who believe he is being disrespectful to their traditions.

His family is abused, he has been assaulted in the street and on one occasion he had to travel on an old train system for dozens of hours to get to a fight because just before it the Chinese Authorities had removed his access to high speed rail travel. At the fight he attended the government made him wear Chinese clown makeup and gave him a stupid name which he had to accept to participate.

During this fight with one of China’s most well known masters, he basically knocked him down multiple times in the first round, showing that the “masters” skills were inadequate, and despite the referee diving on top of the master to save him from a pounding, and the numerous times he was knocked to the floor, the fight at the end was considered a draw!

The Chinese master, complained afterwards that his poor performance was due to a lack of rice before the fight. Not unlike some of the no touch masters in the beginning of the video who when sceptics challenge their “no touch knockout” skills and prove they don’t work. They use excuses such as the persons tongue was on one side of their mouth, or one toe was raised, both causing an unbalance where the no touch punch cannot work.

However this is not about fighting, this is about how the authorities can destroy a persons life using the social credit system. This all encompassing system that controls the lives of over a billion people has destroyed this persons life all due to his preferred style of martial arts.

You may think that a system like this will never come to your own country but China has been used as a test-bed for such systems of controlling the population since Mao’s great leap forward.

Despite 60+ million people dying under the rule of Mao, this change was praised by western leaders and they have been using China to test out Internet firewalls, used by Australia, and other western countries, and other methods of control such as the use of digital money replacing cash, something the Scandinavian nations want to achieve very soon.

In Sweden for example, Church goers text donations to their churches and homeless people carry mobile credit-card readers, all due to the lack of physical cash in the country.

Therefore do not believe that these types of systems cannot appear in Western nations.

The US and UK already has enough CCTV cameras and programs such as TRAPWIRE to link the images together to track people’s behaviour, anticipate violent or unsocial actions, and have been using these systems for at least 8 years.

Just imagine the leap forward they could have managed in the last 8 years and when you read articles about how easy it is to pay for goods on your phone or debit card, remember that the authorities would love there to be no cash.

Just imagine all the instant fines they could take money from your accounts for speeding, or anti social behaviour.

If you don’t like Martial Arts, or want to watch the whole video just scroll the timer to 19 minutes 21 seconds, to watch the part about how Xu Xiadong’s life has been ruined by the Chinese Social Credit System.

View the article on the main site and use the new (banned #altnews site search engine at the top of the page), here.

By Dark Politricks

© 2020 Dark Politricks

Are we creating a false fear of war with North Korea?

April 15, 2013

Are we drumming up a false threat of war with North Korea

By Dark Politricks

As this video shows, this is how the “establishment media” sells wars to the populace by fear mongering and leaving out parts of statements by the “enemy” that would provide context to otherwise threatening language.

Tonight the BBC showed a controversial Panorama programme in which the BBC tricked the London School of Economics into allowing their film crew to hop along with a trip of students to the country.

From the BBC website.

Three journalists accompanied 10 London School of Economics students and spent eight days in the country.

The university and its students‘ union have demanded the corporation withdraw the programme

But BBC head of news programmes Ceri Thomas said the North Korean government was the only party the corporation had deceived.

If you can access BBC iPlayer or have the Firefox plugin Modify Headers and can find a UK IP address then you can view the programme (probably tomorrow) here >> Panorama North Korea Undercover

As we know from previous Panorama documentaries, especially the one on the Mavi Marmara after the IDF executed 9 Free Gaza activists, the BBC can be very biased when it comes to picking sides.

To be fair, the North Korean state is a Stalinist, Nationalist dictatorship in which rule passes down a family line and the new young ruler is most likely showing strength and acting out to secure his position internally.

However despite the rhetoric and the fact that his armed forces are a million strong they are armed with antiquated weaponry, old Russian tanks and rifles and their nuclear bombs are most likely stolen or bought from the black market.

It is true that the North Korean regime is a horrible communist nightmare in which hundreds of thousands of people are locked up in gulags and camps. The people have suffered multiple famines in which grass became the main available food for the “workers” whilst the ruling family and generals most likely ate like kings.

As George Orwell said in Animal Farm, some animals are more equal than others and I suspect that is undoubtedly the case in North Korea right now.

However despite all this the two Korea‘s are still technically at war. No peace treaty has ever been signed between the North and South since the war ended in the 50’s and therefore the two countries are still on a war footing.

The USA is committed to backing up the South and China the North, therefore any miscalculation by the Koreans or American’s could easily lead to an outbreak of war. It would be foolish if we allowed this to happen because of propaganda and lies.

We have to realise that North Korea is not stupid.

They saw what happened to Iraq and Libya when they gave up their WMD’s. To them, a nuclear weapon is the ultimate guarantee of safety from attack. This is probably the same thinking that the Iranians have.

They know about the USA bringing stealth bombers over their country and see war games being held across their border. Without a direct hot-line to stop war breaking out from mis-perception of an imminent threat from either side it would only take an incident like last years bombing of a disputed island or the sinking of a ship for a war to start for real.

The North Korean’s WANT PEACE.

They have explicitly said this time after time and if anything their ratcheting up of war talk is aimed at getting peace talks started again.

However it is not North Korea preventing a peace treaty between all sides from occurring but the pre-conditions set by the Americans that the North give up all their nuclear ambitions that is stopping a peace treaty from being signed.

Who is the USA, the only country to have used a nuclear bomb in anger, to decide who is and who isn’t allowed nuclear weapons?

When we have countries like Israel who are stocked to the teeth with nuclear weaponry being allowed to continue their nuclear ambitions whilst talking about attacking Iran for even thinking about having their own. It is no wonder that North Korea is not willing to give up the ultimate deterrent.

When we are not even willing to budge on our own nuclear capability and allow our friends to own nuclear weapons whilst declaring our enemies ambitions off limits it is no wonder that a large part of the world see’s this hypocrisy and then calculates that only by having nuclear bombs will it prevent an attack by the axis of war i.e US/UK/France.

North Korea is not a pleasant place to live and their rulers are despots. However the way to overcome this is by signing a peace treaty, allowing open borders and people from both sides of Korea to cross the border and see that they are not so different after all.

Once North Korea can stop diverting all it’s money from it’s armed forces to actually modernising it’s country then things might change.

However it seems we are once again stuck in the 80’s. Trying to defeat a communist regime by bankrupting and starving them to submission by forcing them to spend money they don’t have on defensive measures because they are rightly paranoid of attack.

It may have worked with the USSR but North Korea has held on much longer and seems willing to let their citizens resort to eating grass or cannibalism so that it’s few resources can be spent maintaining ancient weaponry that would be wiped out immediately if any war started.

Lets just hope people our side of the divide are not fooled into war once again like we were with Iraq and Libya.

The neo-cons are probably flipping coins at the moment deciding whether to attack Iran or North Korea and propaganda like the sort we are constantly being fed at the moment about North Korea threatening to nuke us without giving us the full context is not helping at all.

Remember – find the facts out for yourself and don’t rely on the mainstream media for your nightly statements of fear.

View the original article “Are we drumming up a false threat of war with North Korea” at

Send Dark examples of police brutality or ways to prevent the machine rolling over us this way!

March 5, 2013

Send Dark examples of police brutality or ways to prevent the machine rolling over us this way!

By Dark Politricks

This site is a “power to the people”, free speech, anti war on terror, anti Big Brother site that hates stupid laws and regulations and resents our subservience to supra national entities like the EU, the World Bank, the G20 and the move towards globalisation that means jobs are taken away from middle class people like ourselves and given over  to slave workers in China and India who will work for a pittance.

Our country is full of stupid laws that need repealing. There was a gleam of hope when the Liberal Democrats got into power with their much vaunted Freedom Bill but after Tory interference it was watered down to a charter against rouge car clampers.

There was no removal of the unfair extradition treaty to the US or the return to the right of silence without it being brought up in court. No repeal of anti privacy laws that allow countless agencies to enter your house without a warrant and nothing that let us protest when and how we want. Permit to Protest – you must be joking!

Our stupid drug laws fill prisons with people needing treatment not punishment before re-sending them back out to the community to rob and steal to fund their habit again.

Our NHS is a known beacon for anyone around the world wanting free and often expensive health care which we tax payers have to pay for.

And to top it off all the banksters who broke our country in half are carrying on using our pensions as casion chips for their gambling whilst we suffer with closed libraries, schools and other cuts in public services. Why are the people who had nothing to do with the economic collapse being asked to pay for it? Why are future generations being made to pay for the mistakes of the rich current generation?

Our cops are bent as a nine bob note and get away with crimes every day If it wasn’t for the rise of people carrying video cameras around with them and mobile phones many police abuses would not get noticed or recorded for us to see.

Therefore if anyone has any films of policeman acting against their mandate e.g beating people up unnecessarily or breaching their role to “protect and serve” then please send them this way so I can display them

If anyone has ideas on how we can help roll back the surveillance state being built around us then please let me know so I can share those ideas with my readers.

If people have knowledge on using computer systems without being tracked by the authorities then please let me know. Details such as using open Wi-Fi networks and proxies, removing your battery from your phone to stop being GPS/GPRS tracked, preventing iPhone and Google from storing and uploading your data to any policeman with the right tools and using block lists to bypass ISP’s that sniff P2P torrent packets to see what you are downloading. Plus using special software to super encrypt your messages without Microsofts’s back door accessing them all or just using disposable email addresses and proxy server chains to post your messages on Twitter or Facebook anonymously without being tracked. This is all valuable information.

If you have it then please let me know! I have already listed some ways to beat some tracking and logging by the authorities but much more can be done.


Also if people know of corrupt, inefficient or wasteful local government departments or councils, or members of such institutions, then please let me know who these people are and what they have done. These are people who live off our tax money.

They are there to serve us NOT themselves. I have personally written letters to MP’s and Government officials and got respones – many have been blatant lies or attempts to placate me so I will vote for them at the next election. Our government is full of crooks and career politicians.

Remember if we don’t stick together and pool our knowledge the machine will continue to roll over us until we are nothing but dust!

So send me any dirt you can find!


View the original article “Please send me examples of police brutality or ways to prevent the machine rolling over our liberty!” on

Turkish fighter planes force down Syrian flight bringing the nations closer to war

October 11, 2012

Turkish fighter planes force down Syrian flight bringing the nations closer to war

By Dark Politricks

If you haven’t heard, and you probably haven’t if you are hooked into the mainstream media, tonight a Syrian plane taken Russian passengers to Damascus was intercepted by Turkish F16 planes and diverted to Ankara, Turkey.

Reports from passengers and aircrew have rang up the Russia Today news channel and claimed that they have been beaten by masked men, forced to sign papers they don’t understand and had their luggage checked.

However the BBC News report I have found makes no mention of this and as expected takes the western talking point of a legitimate “stop n search” tactic which may have prevented arms getting to the Assad regime.

Turkey is reportedly trying to stop weapons getting into Syria and the Turkish foreign minister has claimed that the passengers will be allowed to continue but luggage found on the plane will not.

However from non axis of war aligned country reports Turkey has been allowing weapons to flow to the Free Syrian Army for a long time so they are only trying to stop weapons getting to the Assad regime and not in general to lower tensions in general between both sides of the conflict.

“..because of the clear evidence that we received, we negotiated with our prime minister and decided to let the plane fly on to Syria with the passengers, but we are going to hold on to the material because of the ongoing investigation and the next steps.”

“Our investigation is continuing. Since there might be materials that were supposed to be declared but have not been, we are holding this material in our hands to continue to inspect.”

From an article on Russia Today which is telling the story at the moment.

Earlier, Davutoglu said that Ankara had received intelligence that the Syrian plane was carrying “certain equipment in breach of civil aviation rules,” but refused to comment on the presumed content.

The Turkish authorities were interested in some spare parts, which a businessman bought in Russia and was transporting to Syria, passenger Fatima Al-Saman told RT. She said they were clearly not weapons.

“They started unloading some packages. They opened them, took pictures. There were many people. We all saw what was in there. There were no weapons. You could see it with an unaided eye!” she said.

It seems that after last weeks possible false flag attack in which NATO weapons were fired from within Syria back into Turkey killing a number of Turkish citizens, it seems that the western axis of war UK/USA/France is prepared to go down the “one attack on a NATO country is an attack on all” route to get their war.

They are doing this as they have been blocked in the UN at every turn by Russia and China who want to see mediation between both sides in the conflict, and not be tricked into signing up to another UN declaration that could lead to another NATO led war like the one in Libya.

As the news channel reported.

The mortar used to attack the Turkish town of Akcakale is a design specific to NATO and was given to Syrian rebels by Ankara, according to Turkey’s Yurt newspaper. The mortar killed one adult and four children from the same family on Wednesday.

An article by the paper’s Editor-in-Chief, Merdan Yanardag, states that the newspaper received information from a reliable source, which claimed that Turkey itself sent the mortars to rebels in the so-called “Syrian Free Army.”

Turkey is a longtime member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and they’re going to act in conjunction with other NATO powers, so it’s unsurprising that this has happened,” editor of the Pan-African news wire, Abayomi Azikiwe, told RT.

If the UN route has been blocked due to Russian and Chinese vetoes in the same way the USA vetoes all votes on Israeli misconduct, assassinations, attacks on civilian populations and breaches of international law. It seems that the NATO “defense” route is the one that will be used to start the neo-cons next war in the Middle East.

I have already reported on this site how we are basically backing al-Qaeda terrorists, ex Gitmo detainees and religious fanatics that make up the various rebel groups that combine under the banner of the “Free Syrian Army” in the same way as we backed them in Libya.

Either we are so short sighted that we cannot see the mess we created by supporting the same type of people in their overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya.

A country that is currently in a huge mess, with mass executions of ex Gaddafi supporters, the torturing of prisoners, disparate rebel groups controlling different towns including an ex LIFG terrorist, Abdel Belhaj,  ruling the “armed forces” in Tripoli.

This is the same ex al-Qaeda affiliate who was tortured on MI6 orders by the USA at Guantanamo Bay and is trying to sue the British government for doing so.

We either seem to have very short memories OR we are deliberately trying to destabilize whole areas of the Middle East to weaken support for our intended “end” enemy Iran.

A war with Iran that would drive up the price of oil, cause terrorist attacks across the western world and possibly start another World War by drawing in Russia and maybe even China.

Maybe there are even Great Depression economists advising the USA/UK/French axis of war that another World War is needed to bring ourselves out of our current global depression we are suffering in the hope of repeating the economic stimulus that was the build up of the Military Industrial Complex before World War II.

Maybe they see a big war as just what the pragmatic economist doctor would order.

Plus a few million people killed in any future global war can only be a good thing for these Malthusian followers as it will decrease the population in such a way we have not had for over 50 years now.

We have “been lucky” over the centuries that every 50 years or so an economic downturn has been followed by war, death and then a generation of peace makers who try to resolve the problems that led to the last crisis.

We are now two/three generations from those who led us to destruction in World War II and we have just had another boom and bust economic crisis which only leaves the subsequent war to come along and “clean the pipes” so to speak.

We already have the formation of far right groups gaining in political power across Europe in re-action to the imposed austerity policies being implemented on their populations by the bureaucrats in Brussels and their paymasters in Germany.

If anyone hadn’t realised so far the EU has had the direct opposite effect to the one it was created for – to wrap Germany tightly into Europe and stop if from dominating the continent.

Instead Germany is now installing leaders in countries, demanding austerity measures that don’t work, job cuts, tax rises and social security cuts in return for bail out funds despite the proven fact that austerity does not lead to growth.

Plus Angela Merkel is greeted wherever she goes with Hilter salutes and hundreds of police to protect her fr0m barrages of Molotov cocktails.

  • Have a major national debt and huge deficit? Answer: Sack thousands of people and cut pay therefore reducing income tax to the treasury and increasing unemployment benefit pay outs. Reduce education and training, ensure your brightest talent leaves the country for one not undergoing “austerity measures” and hope the nations GDP just grows by magic.
  • Got a severe world food shortage? Answer: Kill the hungry.
  • No jobs for millions bankrupted by the global bankster created depression? Answer:  Send them to die fighting in foreign deserts in another unrequired war.
  • Need a major distraction to the bankster controlled global economy and the mass protest groups growing in strength in Europe and America? Answer: Start World War III to scare everyone witless and keep them distracted from the real enemies of this global Shakespearean play.

Conspiracy theory or plans being seriously considered?

I suppose it all depends on where you get your news from.

Here is an report on the plane hijacking that would definitely start a war if it had been Syria diverting a Turkish plane full of American passengers on it’s way to the USA into their airspace.

The Campaign & comparisons to real US politics

October 7, 2012

The Campaign & comparisons to real US politics

By Dark Politricks

I watched the new Will Ferrel film, “The Campaign” the other day at the cinema.

I would class it as a comedy that wasn’t far off from pure satire and if you took the jokes out you would be left with 90% political reality when it comes to US politics.

Here are just a few examples from the film that can easily be related to actual political events or people in US elections.

1. You have a real dumb stupid candidate running for office that know even less about life and reality than Christine O’Donnel – hard I know but a long debate could be had about it for sure.

2. Politicians that mention the word “Jesus” along with “Support the troops” at any opportunity just because the “crowd loves it” and it makes them look patriotic.

3. Politicians who are in that large majority of people “following” the Christian faith but don’t chose to walk in Jesus’s footsteps. Basically people who believe they can do what they want as long as when they are caught out they repent their sins and ask for forgiveness from the lord and savior  People who drink, take drugs, have sex with prostitutes or affairs and then are forgiven by a public with a very short memory. I can think of more than a few politicians that meet this criteria on both sides of the aisle.

4. The “evil” billionaire brothers (mmm wonder who they could be satirising who believe they can just “buy” a district by supporting a candidate with huge amounts of money through Super PACS and donations. A candidate who is “in their pocket” and will do whatever they want including vote how they are told if elected. I wonder how many US politicians are enslaved by their election funders wishes?

5. The brothers belief that American wages are too high whilst Chinese workers, slaving away for only 50¢’s an hour (it might have even been a day) are just about right. They want to abolish all health and safety regulations, any form of workers rights or unions, age limits and basically turn a whole US district into a Chinese sweatshop colony inside the USA. Funny in the film but when you realise that American’s don’t make anything anymore and the USA’s biggest export is rubbish to China you don’t have to stretch your mind too far to believe it could happen seeing the US is indebted to China by a huge amount of money.

There are plenty of financial commentators who believe the USA is in the process of getting the country ready for Chinese style working and living conditions and they might not be so far fetched. The police state is already implemented and any recovery in the economy is going to be service based just like Thatchers transformation of the UK in the 80’s and we now all live in an economy that can always be bettered by a country willing to work for less. A country dependent on crooks and banksters to pay the bills is in an even worse position i.e City of London & the UK.

6. Sexual shenanigans by the politician that is instantly spun into a “positive” and then forgiven by the public due to the politician being a “real gun weilding man“. There was even a poster of Will Ferrell with his arm around a picture of Jesus on a massive billboard holding a gun.

7. The threats by the billionaire brothers to drop millions of dollars of negative advertising into the distinct labeling the opponent as a Marxist and Commie just because he owned a couple of Chinese dogs! It reminded me of that attack advert on Mitt Romney where he was criticised for speaking French!

8. The smile-less, Karl Rove like character that managed the campaign from the background. Spinning bad news into good and pulling strings in the background. Don’t all political campaigns have shadowy figures or people that “make things happen” and “clean up” after their candidates nowadays?

9. The Dick Cheney like incident in which one politician shot the other after he slept with his wife on a hunt and actually received a bump in the polls for doing so.

10. The electronic voting machines that were owned by the brothers company and insinuated that the vote had been fixed “their way” because of hacking. Computer hacking that has been proven again and again by the hacking of Diebold voting machines used in swing states like Ohio in recent elections.

Oh there were so many satirical comparisons that could be made you could go on forever but I would suggest to anyone that it is a good excuse to watch a funny film and just count those comparisons for yourself.

As they say Satire is often the truest way of seeing the idiocy of politics and politicians.

Why are fighting on the same side as our mortal enemy al-Qaeda?

February 19, 2012

By Dark Politricks

As the war in Libya showed and our recent calls for “tough action” and support of the Syrian rebels proves we in the west have no compunction about fighting our mortal enemy al-Qaeda in one part of the world and joining with it to fight others in the Middle East.

It seems that our moral hypocrisy knows no bounds or maybe it’s because the conspiracy theorists are true for once and al-Qaeda really is al-CIAduh and just a database a of disposable western intelligence assets that are used to stir up trouble in places we wish to “save”. Before plundering the natural resources of course.

Don’t you find it strange that the same people who we started a decade of war for. The people we threw away hundreds of years of hard won liberties and lost the moral authority we so lauded by debasing ourselves through the use of torture, indefinite detention and extraordinary rendition – are our allies in two recent conflicts?

Maybe someone in authority or the mainstream can’t do basic maths and see 2 + 2 as 5, but I can do basic maths and something doesn’t add up when our mortal enemy is our also our ally when it suits us.

Libya like Iraq is suffering a worst fate than it ever faced before our “interventions” with rapes, summary executions, crackdowns on journalists, and militias roaming the streets unwilling to give up their western gifts of guns, RPG’s and other assorted weaponry.

The head of the militia who controls Tripoli is an “ex” LIFG terrorist who is currently in the process of suing MI6 for facilitating his torture at the hands of the Americans for being linked to al-Qaeda. Despite his well known terrorist links he was still helped by the west to other throw Col Gadaffi’s regime.

Now we hear that the head of al-Qaeda Ayman al-Zawahri, has urged Syrians not to rely on the West or Arab governments in their uprising to topple President Bashar Assad.

“Wounded Syria still bleeds day after day, while the butcher, son of the butcher Bashar bin Hafiz (Hafez Assad), is not deterred to stop,” Zawahri, wearing his white turban and seated against a green curtain, said.

“But the resistance of our people in Syria despite all the pain, sacrifice and bloodshed escalates and grows,” he added.

A Muslim should help “his brothers in Syria with all that he can, with his life, money, opinion, as well as information,” Zawahri says.

With reports of Libyan rebels already fighting the Assad forces in Syria it is not too much of a leap to suggest that the same terrorist linked rebels NATO supported in Libya are already being funded and supported on the down low by the West despite last weeks UN vote which Russia and China blocked for good reason.

In fact we already have the UK and French Prime Ministers, who were lauded as heroes in Libya only months ago, meeting to discuss ways they can help the Syrian insurgency. And the USA has met with Syria’s neighbour Turkey to discuss ways of providing humanitarian and other support for the Syrians fighting Assad’s regime.

So whilst Russia and China have been busy meeting President Assad and calling for dialogue and a ceasefire on both sides to resolve the conflict it seems that the West is happy to let the chaos continue until it gets so bad intervention is inevitable.

The Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhai Jun yesterday called for an immediate end to the violence by all sides in the 11-month-old conflict and the Chinese state news authority highlighted that China was “deeply concerned by the escalating crisis and wanted the government and various political factions in the country to end all acts of violence against civilians”.

The Russians who also voted against the UN resolution due to it’s wording that they felt was too one sided and didn’t call for an end to the violence from the Syrian rebels but only the Assad regime also called for a ceasefire from both sides. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the following:

“In order to deploy a peacekeeping mission, you need the agreement of the receiving side,” he said.

“In other words, you need to agree something resembling a ceasefire. But the problem is that the armed groups that are fighting the Syrian regime do not answer to anyone and are not controlled by anyone.”

I guess the west don’t see it that way from the mainstream news reports who paint  the protesters as nothing more than peaceniks who only march, chant and hold placards in the air whilst being mowed down by Assad’s well armed military. Instead they are actually well armed rebels from a number of factions including al-Qaeda and other militant groups who have killed hundreds if not thousands of people on their own including many civilians and soldiers.

We are not witnessing a group of pacifists being massacred in Syria we are watching a civil war from afar in which news reports cannot be verified and truth is intermingled with lies and propaganda from both sides.

However much we may hate the scenes we are watching on TV we must realise that just like Libya we are witnessing a civil war and if the same were occurring in our own countries with major towns and cities taken over and controlled by rebels armed by other countries we would probably be doing the same as Assad if not worse. I can only imagine how the US army would re-act if a rebel group fully took over the city of Los Angeles.

Of course President Assad is a dictator and a tyrant and I have no love for him however he is being painted this way by the west who were only a few years ago calling him a great reformer. When we are on the same side as al-Qaeda we need to sit back and think whether we are doing the right thing by arming rebels linked to them.

We should definitely be following Russia and China’s call for a ceasefire on both sides rather than ratcheting up the pressure in a region that is already at boiling point.

Is our own moral hypocrisy at the UN preventing real action on Syria from taking place?

February 5, 2012

By Dark Politricks

As most people will know waking up today to the morning newspapers and TV shows yesterday saw both a massacre in the Syrian city of Homs and a vote at the UN which was vetoed by both Russia and China which condemned the Assad regime.

The attack on the city of Homs was blamed by many mainstream and pro western news outlets as being an attack by government forces which the Assad regime denies claiming that many of the dead displayed in TV pictures were:

“dead … civilians, including images of satellite broadcast television networks, were people who kidnapped and killed by gunmen,”

and that the aim behind the propaganda was to influence the upcoming vote at the UN through a “hysterical campaign of incitement” by armed gangs – Sana News Agency.

Was it just a co-incidence that the massacre in Homs occurred just before an important Security Council UN vote on the worsening situation in Syria or did the Syrian government know that the Russians and Chinese would veto any vote no matter how villanous it acted in the preceeding days?

Did it really want the worlds condemnation and a billion fingers pointed it’s way at the very same time the whole world was looking at the UN’s vote on it’s behaviour?

Maybe a cynic would claim that the massacre was a way to “persuade” the Russians and Chinese who have been negotiating the wording of the bill for most of the week to vote with the rest of the security council.

If they vetoed the bill it would make them look like the bad guys they are currently being painted as by the western media and if they abstained then the resolution would pass. Maybe the attack in Homs was a helpful reminder to urge them to “do the right thing” so to speak.

The USA and UK who have been pushing for a hard stance to be taken against Syria in the UN certainly didn’t waste any time in attacking the Russian and Chinese decision to veto their resolution with the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice claiming that Washington was “disgusted” with the vetoes and the British ambassador to the U.N. Mark Lyall Grant saying that Russia and China have turned their backs on the Arab world to support tyranny.

Russia said the resolution was biased and would promote “regime change” and the wording of the resolution undoubtedly bears this out as it urged Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to give up power. The Russians have declared all week in pre-vote talks that they want to see an end to the conflict but in a way that does place blame on either the Assad regime or the Saudi/Western backed rebels/terrorists fighting it.

Whatever the truth behind the Homs attack it is clear that the UN is nothing more than a worthless institution that is used by all sides to push forward their own foreign policy objectives.

Not only has the UN been used by Western nations to allow wars such as those in Iraq and Lybia to go ahead with some sense of legitimacy it has long been used by certain powers such as the USA with Israel and seemingly Russia with Syria, to allow countries they are allied with to carry on unimpeded with internal acts that many across the world would like to see stopped.

It cannot be stated enough that we in the West have lost much of any moral superiority we might have liked to believe we carried through our own hypocrisy. This has seen us point the finger at undoubtedly nasty regimes and the acts carried out by them, but at the same time either carrying out those same acts ourselves or allowing allies to do the very same things we condemn in others.

The last ten years have seen our war on terror diminish much of our moral standing in the world by:

  • Allowing the 9.11 attacks, which were cooked up in Germany and the US and carried out by mainly Saudi Arabians to be used a pretext for a decade of war on other, poorer countries.
  • Using the same attacks as justification for extraordinary rendition of suspects, literally kidnapped off the streets of many cities including those in Europe and bundled off to black site jails to be tortured or killed.
  • Buying prisoners off warlords and groups many countries would not hesitate in labeling as “terrorist” in nature, many of which who had no links to al-Qaeda or the Taliban and treating them the same as enemy soldiers caught in combat. Some of these purchases still remain in Gitmo prison today helping fuel any recruitment drive by those that already hate us.
  • Attacking countries such as Iran, Egypt, Libya and Syria for suppressing protesters and critics of  the regime whilst allowing allies such as Saudi Arabia and Bahrain to carry out the same brutal crack downs whilst all the time selling arms to them.
  • Lecturing countries such as China and Iran for their police state nature whilst at the same implementing a similar regime step by step at home. From Internet Censorship to the police forcefully crushing all forms of dissent and free speech we have seen the USA slowly morph from the home of the free to one in which your door can be knocked down at any time and you could join fellow orange jump-suited prisoners at Gitmo.
  • Through acts like the NDAA and the very un-patriotic PATRIOT ACT. Forever a misnomer of Orwellian proportions if ever one existed, the cogs of oppression have slowly turned the screws on the American citizenry rendering their Bill of Rights and Constitution almost worthless.

And many more misdeeds could be listed as well which have tainted the declining sole super-powers image as leader of the “free” world in the eyes of many.

However when it comes to the UN, the USA’s insistence on using it’s veto power to protect it’s ally, friend and often political paymaster Israel from facing any censure or punishment for the many acts it has carried out on the Palestinian people has undermined any, if not all of the sentiment carried in Susan’s Rice disgust at the recent Russians veto on Syria.

From Operation Cast Lead to the war in Lebanon and it’s policy of targeted assassination which at times included US citizens as well as Hamas and Hezbollah members to the recent attempt by Palestine to gain statehood – there have been many UN resolutions tabled and voted on which had the aim of reigning in Israeli excesses and human rights abuses.

Those “excesses” included the Goldstone Report into the Gaza war that left over a 1,400 people dead, many of which were women and children. Operation Cast Lead also saw the illegal use of banned weapons including white phosphorus in densely populated civilian areas as well as summary executions and the international crime of targeting a civilian population who had no-where to hide.

Even though much of the international community were outraged at these attacks the political ties that bind Israel and the USA together insured that no action was taken, and even saw the US Congress almost unite in attacking the report as biased and anti-Israeli slander.

So for the USA to attack to Russia is hypocrisy in the very least and no matter how much we may despise the Assad regime it is clear that Russia is trying to prevent another UN excuse for a “no fly zone” such as the one they were cajouled into supporting in Libya last year.

They already feel let down by their support for that resolution which was supposed to ensure Gaddafi couldn’t use it’s air force to attack his citizens but instead turned into an excuse for regime change and the chaos which we are now seeing. This organised chaos includes extra judicial executions, rape and torture by the rebels and terrorists we have helped to install in power after using NATO air-power to other-throw the previous Gaddafi regime.

There is no doubt Russia has close ties with Syria and with its naval base on the Mediterranean at Tartus it would not like to see a post Assad regime installed that may be less stable than the current one as in post dictatorship Iraq or  Libya. They also don’t want to lose an important ally and arms purchaser.

There is also no question that China and Russia both like to stay out of other countries internal affairs and have always shy’ed away from supporting UN resolutions that have supported wars or regime change and often Western foreign policy objectives at the same time.

However the key point to remember is that we in the west have to realise that we are no longer in any position to take the moral high ground when it comes to lecturing others on their global positions and any UN votes backing those positions.

If we are to lecture others on their failings and their lack of support in respect to human rights or their authoritarian regimes we must be whiter than white ourselves and hold and keep the same respect for human rights we demand so often in others.

Most of all we must not be hypocritical when it comes to UN votes by using the veto so often ourselves to protect allies like Israel. In doing so we have lost all moral legitimacy to attack other nations when they do the same for their own allies.

I hope the people of Syria manage to find a solution to their internal problems that doesn’t remain so bloody and violent in nature but I also wish other nations would stop meddling in the affairs of others. We would do well to take our own advice sometimes.

God damn those Republican candidates are scary!

November 24, 2011

By Dark Politricks

Watching any of the many, many, Republican debates lately has been a very scary thing to behold.

Not only has Ron Paul appeared the most sane, logical and most knowledgeable compared to the rest of the candidates. He appears to be one of the few
who we can be guaranteed as a world not to have more wars if elected.

That is if he isn’t brought into a side room on inauguration day and shown some old compromising pictures or told that certain people have “information” about him likely to hugely embarrass him. This is what I suspect has happened with many recent presidents who have all had drug, drink, womanising and gay sex scandals to hide from the public. However for some reason when I look at Ron Paul I doubt he has the same history as either the incumbent or the last drug and drink addled President.

It seems the other candidates all are just itching to please their paymasters (I wonder who they could be) and just get stuck into Iran, Russia even China.

Can you even imagine what a war with China or Russia would be like? It would be nuclear Armageddon.

And a war with Iran would be no better, possibly drawing in other countries and embedding the US in the Middle East until their empire crumbles into dust and the Chinese rise to centre stage.

The Russians are already saying that if the USA does not give them legally binding commitments about their proposed missile defense system which basically is going
to be set up in positions that are obviously circling their country, that they will have no option but to come up with defense mechanisms to target and destroy any US system that is installed.

Any logical and historically knowledgeable person would know that the Russians have every right to be suspicious of western intention having had their country invaded numerous times in the last couple of centuries from Napoleon to Hitler.

They can only see themselves being encircled again by this US proposal and any Russian would be worried. This is why they have tried so hard to come up with a joint missile defense plan instead. Something which has been rejected time and again which can only add to any Russian suspicion.

If the USA really has no desire to attack Russia then a joint plan would be advisable anyway seeing that Russian missile technology seems to be *cough* quite good – from their super sonic Sunburn anti-aircraft carrier missiles to their modern versions that are apparently able to beat any anti missile system around.

Even their half century old Soyuz rockets are now the only option available to take US astronauts into space after they ended their shuttle operation and even their 70’s designed anti-aircraft missile system the S-300 has a range far superior to that of the much more modern US Patriot system.

Whether any of this technology will be used against the USA is anyone’s guess as the Russian’s have refused to sell their most sophisticated systems to western nations preferring to sell them to China and reportedly Iran.

Therefore to hear GOP candidates sabre rattling against these countries only make those of us who have even the slightest awareness of the possible dangers very scared indeed.

I am only thankful that Sarah Palin hasn’t put her hat in the race as I can only imagine what kind of things she would have said during the GOP foreign policy debates.

The only candidate that makes any sense at all is Ron Paul.

For the media establishment to cut his air time, mask and even hide his multiple winning straw poll numbers and try to discredit him at every opportunity as a “no hoper” only does the world at large a disservice.

I only hope that if he doesn’t get the GOP candidacy he stands as an independent, on a libertarian ticket or even with his friend Dennis Kucinich as a left/right constitutionalist combo ticket.

This combination of left and right would draw the very politically divided USA together by joining both liberals and conservatives who don’t want endless war, attacks on their liberty at home, an end to the FED and restore respect for the constitution together for once. I can only dream….