Posts Tagged ‘Revolt’

We need a political revolution

December 15, 2013

We need a political revolution

By Dark Politricks

It has been a good 5 years since the financial meltdown and what have we got done apart from a widening awakening in the people who “something just aint right”?

  • We have had both the Tea Party and Occupy protest movements.
  • Protests across Europe from Spain to Greece and the UK over “austerity” measures forced on them by the rich.
  • Huge tax breaks for the rich and welfare cuts for the poor.
  • Bailouts from tax payer money for the banks that were too big too fail and too big to jail. In fact the six of the largest institutions that we said were too big to fail are now actually 37%bigger than they were in 2008!
  • Small fines or “Get out of jail free cards” by our bankster owned governments for any bank engaged in criminal activities such as HSBC with their special banking facilities for drug dealers and terrorists. Or Goldman Sachs who were fined for selling dodgy mortgage investments.
  • A world leader, President Obama, who was elected by liberals wanting the Police State being formed and lamented by them at the time in the aftermath of 9.11 who went back on all his promises. In fact he went on and continued the Bush policies making the USA a defacto Police State. When a leader of a country (and one who is supposed to be a constitutional lawyer) can declare himself above the Constitution and order the assassination of anyone at anytime, American or not, without judicial oversight, then we have a major problem and the US is no longer a constitutional republic.

So the question is: what are we doing about all this apart from bitching and moaning and just putting up with all the cuts in our public services as money is siphoned off from the lower classes and sucked up to the top few percent of the nation?

Not a lot it seems otherwise we would have a few rich people’s heads on sticks by now outside the Tower of London and along the bridge like we used to do. If only.

It seem’s the only nation who has the balls to actually jail some of  the banksters who caused some of this mess are the people of Iceland. A nation of less than half a million people have jailed more bankers than the UK and the USA together it seems. They have jailed:

  • Baldur Guðlaugsson, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, who was sentenced to two years probation by the District Court of Reykjavík for insider trading.
  • Aron Karlsson was sentenced to 2 years in prison by the District Court of Reykjavík for defrauding Arion Bank in real estate dealings.
  • Lárus Welding, CEO of Glitnir, and Guðmundur Hjaltason, Managing Director of Corporate Banking of Glitnir, were sentenced to 9 months in prison by the District Courtof Reykjavík for a major breach of trust.
  • Friðfinnur Ragnar Sigurðsson, Glitnir employee, was sentenced to 1 year in prison by the District Court of Reykjanes for insider trading.
  • Styrmi Þór Bragason, President of MP Bank, was sentenced to 1 year in prison by the Supreme Court for breach of trust.

So what is it going to take for the people, who are admittedly awaken and pissed, to actually remove the existing leading elites that are right of center (despite their names).

These are people who see nothing wrong with loading up future generations with so much debt that it won’t be long until we see real Brazilian or South African shanty towns on the edge of cities like London and New York because it is just too expensive to rent let alone buy a house.

It looks like only people who already have money will survive in this new brave world and it’s a lot easier to make money from money than the 50+ hour weeks of manual labour most of us have to put up with.

It certainly helps that when you are rich you can walk into a bank and get a huge loan to invest in shares or a new business staffed by zero hour contracted workers at a few percent.

The rest of  the masses are left with loan sharks such as Wonga who charge anything up to 5853% APR for a loan of £150 for 18 days (taken from the front page of their website).

Not only are we being priced out of getting money from the “normal banking system” (if normal is a word that can be applied to it then that’s debatable) – but we are being denied any sense of equal distribution of wealth to help balance out the luck of the few who are born into money and the hardships of the many who only succeed through hard work and a huge dose of luck being applied to their lives.

One of the ways the elite are trying to keep their wealth and systems of control to themselves is by loading people up with debt at such an early age that it is considered normal to be in tens or hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of debt throughout your life with little hope of ever being debt free.

In the olden days – by that I mean the 50’s – people didn’t buy something unless they had the money to afford it. They saved up the relevant money and only when they could walk into the shop and buy it outright would they even consider making a purchase such as a TV or Car.

Nowadays credit cards and student loans are normalizing debt and making young people believe it to be standard to live with multiple Credit Companies octopus tentacles all over their backs.

Not only are they normalizing debt enslavement from an early age they are making it so expensive to go to University that only rich people will be properly educated in the future. If you are expected to leave University with a £50k debt and little chance of a job apart from a menial non skilled job in the local pound store then why would you even bother to go to College?

It is only the wealthy and connected who know that “father knows someone in the City” that will be able to leave Oxbridge and walk into high paid jobs in the city that enable them to pay off any debt in no time at all.

Oh and don’t forget the new plans by the Tories to make the unemployed work for their benefits. £70 a week a pitiful and humiliating amount of money to live on per week if you have just been made redundant from a £60,000 a year job because your boss realised it was much cheaper to outsource your position to India or China. Yet to make it even worse, if you can’t get a job sharpish you are now going to be expected to work a full week for your £70.

Oh thank you Government for taking care of me in these hard times. Times you have made worse by letting banksters ruin our economy and strip, privatise and literally burgle the family jewels for themselves while you sat back and did nothing because you were promised a job in their company once you left Government.

How the Lib Dem’s can let this happen I have no idea. Fuck the Lib Dem’s you are never getting my vote again for what you have let the Tories do to this country. I doubt I will vote again until a party is formed that is actually FOR THE PEOPLE and RUN FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE MANY NOT THE FEW.

The young are the most Internet savvy and this is why the elite are so busy trying to crack down on Internet sites that disseminate knowledge that used to be only known by the elites and occult groups (occult = hidden knowledge).

Therefore the last 20 years of websites spreading information about fiat currency and how our money is debt based, or how wars are used to further geo-political purposes and even corporations balance sheets whilst being mis-sold to the public on “human rights” and “ethical grounds”, are all reasons why the elite want to limit this knowledge to their own kind only.

Without the Internet many of us, including myself would never have found out how certain groups of people have always held power and the ways they use to keep it in their hands.

We would all still be little patriotic soldiers from the first World War thinking we were going to fight for freedom and justice if it weren’t for the web spreading the ways the establishment do all they can to paint people who oppose their plans as “unpatriotic” or “domestic extremists”.

So those are our problems but what do we do.

Well we know the NSA is monitoring anything we type and send to each other so a proper full-armed revolution will probably be cracked down on within a few days just by taking out the leaders and making certain agitators go “missing” as they used to do so well in South America.

Our phones we carry around everywhere are permanent monitoring devices that can be used to track our movements and if they wanted to even remotely turn on the camera and microphone and take photos or listen to us. Paranoid? Only if they aren’t watching you and by the looks of things it seems the NSA and GCHQ are watching EVERYBODY.

Therefore if we are to overthrow this corrupt elite we need a de-centralised and compartmentalized movement – a bit like how terrorist organisations work. Basic technology, pencils n paper and low tech with whispers in the park and baseball caps pulled down low whenever a CCTV camera is approached.

However this would rely on people having the balls to risk jail for acts of civil disobedience as well as being able to afford to take time off from their jobs at McDonalds and Starbucks to protest. And if they can’t afford the time off work to form a revolution it will be left to the millions of unemployed to actually get cold and hungry enough to storm the barricades not giving a fuck about the consequences because their current existence is already worse than anything the POWER can do to them.

So a logical option would be to actually form a new political party and use social media, existing protest groups, trade unions and other community groups to spread the word of it’s existance. We already have 3rd parties like the Green’s, the Justice Party, Libertarians or UKIP but for a younger and more tech savvy populace we need a Pirate Party that is concerned with more than just digital rights management and P2P downloading.

The Trade Unions are already pissed off with Labours abandonment of them, a political party they created. In reality Labour have moved so far to the right that they are no longer relevant or even related in any conceptual way with the unions that created them.

Ed is trying to split the link even further by making each union member chose whether their fees are used for party donations and now would be the perfect time to get them to break the link completley and use their funds to help a new party that REALLY is for the benefit of the people.

We need a party that isn’t formed of political apparatchiks who have only worked in the depths of party HQ since leaving University with a degree in politics. People such as Ed Milliband, David “call me Dave” Cameron and many of the others.

We need real people who have real knowledge of what it’s like to live in modern UK or the USA. We elect, jail and then re-elect crack smoking mayors for God’s sake so let’s have no hypocrisy over past deeds and criminal histories.

We need people who have lived REAL lives, and in this day and age that means you have probably used drugs and maybe have a criminal record. As long as you don’t claim to be a saint who preaches moralistic bullshit about God and Family only to be caught in an Airport bathroom stall trying to get some “strange” off the occupant in the next cubicle then I have no care about your sexual bias or history.

We need laws that prevent corruption of our politicians and stop lobbyists from highly funded arms companies, AIPAC and banks from getting their claws into the law makers. In fact it should be illegal and punishable by a stretch in prison for any potential politician to sign letters promising to “always put country X first” in every vote they take. The people of OUR countries should come first and these lobby groups should never forget that fact.

Any politician should be prevented from ever working for a company he or she has voted in favour for. Seeing politicians walk out of Congress and straight into the offices of JP Morgan after serving on certain finance committees should be seen as a sign of duplicitous self-interest and not whatever BS excuse that said politician comes out with. Breaking the link between the power of powerful interests and the politicians that SHOULD BE controlling them should be key on any agenda of a new political consensus.

Health Care, Education and Jobs should be seen as necessities and not rights for the preserve of those with enough money to afford them. We can do without the huge war machines we have funded for centuries and the half million pound missiles that we waste by firing them into Somalian and Yemen mud huts for no gain but massive backlash by the local population.

A non militaristic foreign policy would not only bring benefits in terms of the world reversing their view of us as imperialists out to grab natural resources and geo-political control, but it would also save money that could be used to ensure we can all get quality health care and education throughout our lives.

Only constant education to keep our skill sets up to date and our ability to be employable is the answer to the growing skill gap between East and West. When education becomes too expensive and only available to the rich it divides society and causes social unrest. We don’t want to end up living in South African style cities where the rich whites live in high walled mini towns with private armed security guards and the poor blacks spend their time robbing and burgling them due to lack of opportunity and fair life chances.

Yes life isn’t fair and no-one said it was.

However as a civilised race we should be in the position to do our best to equal out random life opportunities as much as possible.

Just because I was lucky enough to be born in a rich western nation shouldn’t mean that those people born in Bangladesh should have to go to work before the age of 8 pulling apart dangerous batteries or breaking up huge ships covered in dangerous chemicals. We should have enough moral fibre to realise that sending our shit to poor countries to sift through isn’t ethical or humane.

Bangladesh Ship Yards

So yes the web is monitoring everything we do but we can still use it to our own means. Maybe we need an open source website where we can all get together and help formulate policies and ideas for a new party. If we cannot beat them from the outside then the only other way will be from within their own walls.

The only problem will be the agent provocateurs and plants the establishment will install in any new movement such as Tony Blair whose role was to move Labour away from the people and into establishment hands. 4 wars Tony was and never was a socialist. If he claimed to be then he was lying through his teeth. We should be on the watch for smiling liars like Blair and a healthy stock of truth serum and lie detector machines might be a good first purchase.

To conclude, the problem is that however much we sit and moan about our plight nothing is really getting done and our supposed political parties that should represent us don’t. Therefore we need a new political party that really does represent the people. The People’s Party would be a good name.

It is only my own idea but I hope someone with more power than little ole me can get a few balls moving.


View the original article What is the plan people? at

Reasons to be Cheerful

December 23, 2009

As the year comes to an end I thought I would write a little bit about some of the reasons to look on the bright side of life rather than always concentrating on the gloom and doom that seems to surround us at all times. Believe it or not 2009 has been a good year for free thinking liberty minded people especially when it comes to the Internet.

1. Rage Against the Machine at number one in the UK

For the last few years ever since Simon Cowell decided to release the winner of X Factors debut single at Christmas it has always reached number one and taken the most coveted top spot of the year. For fans of droll slushy ballads that have no meaning this is great, but for real music lover this has been a constant reminder of everything that’s wrong with the pop industry.

However this year much to the dismay of Simon Cowell who called it a “a cynical campaign geared at me”, a Facebook group was successful in preventing X Factor from taking the top spot and instead managed to get Rage Against the Machines, Killing In the Name of to the top spot beating Joe McElderry’s debut single The Climb in the process.

The song is a tirade against the forces of big brother and the BBC describe it as railing against:

“the military-industrial complex, justifying killing for the benefit of, as the song puts it, the chosen whites”.

So on multiple levels the fact that a very anti-establishment song has beaten the usual shoe in contender is brilliant in itself. The fact that it was organised by a movement started on the Internet just goes to show how powerful a tool this system can be and instead of using it for inconsequential matters such as the pop charts we should be utilising it a lot more in the fight against big brother and the new world order being implemented all around us.

A few more Internet organised strikes on commercial or government sites or organised mass visits to certain sites in the hope that the large amount of traffic may take the server down could all be utilised to show the powers that be that Internet users have the ability to affect change when they want to.

2. The Climategate scandal

The hacked emails from the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University was the Internet sensation of the latter part of the year. The fact that the news broke in the lead up to the Copenhagen summit made it all the more newsworthy and the blogosphere, alternative news sites and even the mainstream media were all over the story like a rash.

Whether you agree with Anthropogenic Global Warming or not the Climategate story enabled an actual discussion about the core facts behind the pro man made global warming theory to be discussed in open in a manner that hasn’t been seen before. Even news channels such as the BBC showed numerous balanced segments on the topic and the story revealed that the majority of the public are not actually convinced that global warming is man made much to the dismay of the true believers of this new age green religion.

Whether the data was actually released through computer hacking or just leaked by an insider, without the Internet the emails, files and reports wouldn’t have spread around the world in the speed it did. In fact without the Internet it would be pretty safe to say that none of us would have actually heard anything about the CRU scandal at all.

3. The Twitter Enabled Iranian Revolution

The “Stolen” Iranian elections were hotly disputed by the losing candidate and the resulting upheaval was another major talking point that the Internet helped turn into major news. Whether you believe the unrest in Iran was stirred up with outside help like many people do you cannot deny that without the daily videos, Twitter feeds, Blog postings and other social media sites that enabled the Iranian people to report on the harsh crackdown on demonstrators the news would have been a minor talking point at most.

In fact without the tech savvy Iranian youth who had the knowledge to bypass the forms of Internet censorship that the Iranian authorities imposed, the videos of protesters being shot and beaten wouldn’t have been broadcast instantly around the world. Without this constant minute by minute update from Twitter and Facebook the Mullahs and Basij police would have managed to surpress the revolt in a much quieter manner. In fact on numerous occasions I watched BBC news reporters refer to Twitter updates due to the fact that their reporters had been banned from reporting within the country and the only source of information they could get was from the net.

4. The Death of the Mainstream Media

The huge rise in alternative news sources online has been a major concern to the MSM. The blogosphere has turned citizen journalism into a real force to be reckoned with and the major newspapers are worried. With bailouts being given out left right and center in the US a bailout for the main stream media is actually being discussed as a possibility with the argument that its required to “protect real journalism in the Internet age”.

Its not uncommon nowadays to hear politicians and newspapers complain about inaccurate blog opinions being reported as fact and how political commentary blogs like this one are stealing readers from the old media. This means that sales are down and reporters are being laid off and therefore talk about the death of journalism is common amongst those with jobs that depend on towing the government line and repeating bland meaningless talking points.

Actually the real reason that the MSM is failing so badly is that day by day with the help of the Internet and sites likes these more and more people are waking up to the real mechanics that lie behind the world of politics and they do not see this world view being represented in the main stream media. This only re-establishes in the minds of the reader that the MSM cannot be trusted to tell the truth and therefore the only reason to read newspapers nowadays is to find out what the official story that the powers that be are trying to sell the public.

The very few MSM TV shows that dare look at “alternative” points of view are those that are shown in countries that the USA wouldn’t consider the most friendly or on minor channels. Russia Today and the Iranian Press TV has some very good programs that regularly discuss topics the US or UK MSM wouldn’t touch with a barge pole.  When looking for alternative news on the mainstream channels in the UK and the US you are limited to a very few channels and shows and those documentaries that do question official stories such as the JFK Assassination or 9/11 are advertised as “Conspiracy Theories” and are usually designed to backup the official establishment explanation of an event through the use of straw man arguments or omissions of facts in an attempt to skew the evidence in favour of a preconceived outcome.

You only need to take a look at a few of these graphs that show the fall in sales of some of the major US news corporations to see why the MSM is begging for either a bailout or tighter Internet laws that will make linking to News Corporation articles a copyright infringement.


So there you go, 4 reasons to be cheerful about how the Internet has helped in one way or another in the fight against the establishment. I am sure there are probably lots more examples of how the net has helped wake up millions of people from their blissful dream that the state was some sort of benign and benevolent force for good that had their best interests at heart.

Please feel free to add your own reasons why the Internet has been a force for good this year and remember that unless we all stand up together now to protect the freedom that the web gives us then this modern technological tool will soon turn into nothing more than a huge market that is only populated by commercial sites with something to sell and nothing good to drive those potential customers toward the advertisers.

If you are interested in the net and want to read some more articles of mine about Internet privacy and how to evade censorship and the various logging tools that enable big brother to keep tabs on you then check out the following links: