Posts Tagged ‘Jimmy Dore’

America Once Again Transfers Trillions To The Rich And Lets The Poor Suffer

December 10, 2020

How come the richest country in the world is the only one not to pay people unable to work due to COVID19?

By Dark Politricks

The USA like the rest of the Western World is turning into a Police State, with curfews and lockdowns in a nonsensical way to “cure” COVID19. This is of course despite the rulers who decree these lockdowns constantly breaking their own rules and the politicians playing politics with people’s lives.

I don’t even need to go into UN Agenda 21, and their “Great Reset“, where you will apparently not own anything, have no privacy but apparently still be happy. How this Chinese style system will work without major protest I have no idea

I have heard many stories about this reset from people being locked down just as they have been this year for Climate Change reasons, not be able to drive where they want without good reason plus of course the Chinese Communist idea of ahealth passport that will prevent people with certain conditions from going on holiday ever again. How much is true and how much will come to pass I don’t know. I just know that the world when we leave this lockdown is not going to be the same one we went in as.

I just hope all those gun owners and 2nd amendment committed citizens in the States are ready to take on the biggest military power every known if it ever comes to fruition. Let’s hope not eh, but what are you going to do when the Army turns up at your door to inject you with a vaccine that you may not want to take due to the lack of testing. 

It may have been rushed out quick with lots of help, but we won’t know any long term effects from taking it for years. This is why vaccines usually take decades to come out so they can see any long term health side effects. The option to say NO to this has been taken away from us in the UK by the COVID law, only one doctor needs to sign a form to force you to take medication against your will. Other countries I am not so sure about but that is not freedom.

Anyway I won’t write a lot about how LA is basically locking people up in their homes as prisons, not allowing them to drive or move about, shutting small businesses but bailing out huge ones instead all for politics as this following video from Jimmy Dore does it very nicely indeed.

I can’t believe that for the sake of politics the Democrats wouldn’t allow everyone in the States to get a cheque for $20k to stay at home and let the virus die down but instead played politics as they didn’t want Trump’s name on it before the election. Who cares, people are suffering, small businesses are dying and as you will see in the video the rich and wealthy donors to Nancy Pelosi got the trillions of bailout money instead of the people who need it.

The rest of the world is paying businesses to keep their staff on by helping out with a percentage of their wages but the US isn’t. Instead people are left to suffer, shut their own companies and watch as the stock prices of Amazon, Microsoft and others climb higher and higher. 

The world really is a sick place if we are going to do this “Great Reset”, and allow these corporations to have monopolies over all goods for sale because every other competitor has been closed due to the virus these globalists have taken advantage of to enrich themselves even more. 

As small businesses shut, mega corps like Amazon just swallow them all up, soon they will be the only player in town for many goods you may want to buy.

Here’s the video, enjoy….

View the original article on the main site at

By Dark Politricks

© 2020 By Dark Politricks

There was NO Russian hacking of the US elections.

September 2, 2017

There was NO Russian hacking of the US elections – PROVEN BY EXPERTS

Proven by experts, there was NO Russian hacking of the US elections.

Redacted Tonight
By Dark Politricks

Computer experts, ex hackers, ex National Security advisers and other people from the intelligence community have all come together to write a document that explains how the Russians DID NOT HACK THE US ELECTIONS!

To hack an election machine requires a USB stick, and has to be done manually, by sticking the USB drive into the machine.

I cannot even imagine tons of Russian sleeper agents on Putin’s orders sitting in polling stations ready to insert these sticks into the provable hackable voting machines.

If you look on a map Russia is quite a long way away from the USA so remote hacking was impossible.

The other tell sign was the download speed that the DNC data was dumped onto a drive. It was too fast for long overseas connections but fast enough for a DNC employee to download it and then leak.

Maybe another look into the unexplained death of DNC worker Seth Rich again.

Maybe he didn’t like what he saw happening at the DNC headquarters and wanted to tell the world how corrupt they were.

Maybe he had nothing to do with it at all, however Julian Assange got pretty upset on the Bill Maher show when talking about him and the risks whistleblowers take giving WikiLeaks information, and offered a reward for details on his death.

There is a reason people call Hillary Clinton, Killary Clinton.

List of bodies associated with the Clintons - Click to read more
Click the image above to read more about Clinton related deaths

Also the CIA’s new secret program, Vault 7 which was just revealed has the power to make any document look like it came from any country in the world i.e Russia.

They could have easily used this system to hack the DNC and make the documents look like they came from Russia.

I would not put it past the CIA to do something like this especially when “they otherthrow governments before breakfast” as Jimmy Dore constantly says.

I will let Lee Camp from Redacted Tonight explain more in the first half of his show.

Do you expect apologies from people like Rachel Maddow who bleated on about Russia for months?

Why were the journalists more concerned with where the data came from and not what it said.

Everyone now knows that the DNC is just another corrupt organisation who rigged the game so that Hillary would get her chance at a run and not Bernie, the most popular politician in the country.

They revealed the fact that the super delegates are there to prevent such an occurrence from happening and that the Democrats are not Democratic at all.

They are just sore losers who wanted someone to blame i.e Russia, rather than look at their lack of policies that didn’t inspire people to vote for the most hated politician in the USA.

Isn’t that funny, the Democrats had both the most popular and unpopular politicians to chose from and they chose the latter. I wonder why they lost……

Well I just hope we can hear some apologies on the US nightly news shows about their coverage of Russia – LOL!

To read the article on the original Dark Politrick site which is constantly under attack (3 blogs from Google, 2 from here, 1 G+ community, 3 Facebook pages and multiple bans) all for speaking out about the empire > Read this.

By Dark Politricks

© 2017 Dark Politricks