Posts Tagged ‘altnews’

You must not read articles! You are too weak to decide for yourself what to think!

February 27, 2020

Facebook Plugin Might Stop You Reading My Articles

BS Detector List: Facebook Fake News Filters
Tonight I did what I used to do when my own server was up and running quite a lot, and that was search on Google for sites that were linking to me.
You can just put site: [sitename] into Google or many other search engines search box and it will return a list of sites that mention the site you have listed.
So I did a search for site: and had a peruse at my leisure to see what BS had been written about me.
Of course I am a Russian Agent that pushes evil ex-commie propaganda on you all, that seems like a given from some of the sites I looked at. It must be due to me not pushing the “lets have a war with Russia” neo-con/neo-liberal line that seems to wash over much of the US governing elite at the moment.
Hey I admit it. I don’t want to burn to a crisp in a nuclear holocaust. I do apologise to any blogger out there that thinks I have a pro-Russian bias. I just don’t believe Russia wants a nuclear war, and think your very stupid if you do want one.

Then I came across this site that talks about a Facebook Plugin designed to warn users if they click on a link taking them to one of 559 websites. It is a 3 year old article but then again my Facebook page for this site has been removed and I have had social media sites and communities removed in the blink of an eye without any consultation before so who knows what the kind Samaritan who apparently complied the list thinks of me.It seems that this good egg who compiled the list is one, Melissa Zimdars, an assistant professor of Communication and Media at Merrimack College. It is none other than she, that and I quote “compiled a list of the most egregious offenders”.

Well I feel honoured to be considered Melissa. It seems I am worthy enough to be upon this list along with such evil doers as the Drudge Report, Russia Today, and of course the rabid, evil views from

It does say my site has a “(classification pending)” next to it, so maybe in the eyes of this author I am still to be labelled and put in a nice box for the authorities. However I also found this list of raw site URLs which had me labelled down for “bias” and “conspiracy”. Well I don’t know what my bias is, but if it’s that I am against a 3rd nuclear war, hate fake current and historical narratives and I’m not a “co-incidence theorist” then yes those labels are correct.

It seems this core list has been copied, and amended in some cases across numerous blogs claiming to have a list of “fake news sites”, or “sites to be careful reading”, whatever that means. If it’s that you might find an alternative and possibly more correct view of an event than those spouted by the mainstream media outlets then yes.

I did find it amusing on the site to find under the category “State Run” just the two sites from the countries the US is currently pushing its propaganda for war with, Russia Today and Iran’s Press TV.What I want to know is where was the BBC?
You cannot get a more state run organisation than the BBC, a news broadcaster that has the backing of the government in forcing all live TV viewers to fork out over £150 per year to pay for a licence fee that funds the BBC’s reporting.
Therefore it is something I expect, to be labelled a conspiracy theorist just because I don’t believe in physics that says an aluminium plane cannot fly at 550mph just inches above the ground and punch it’s way through 3 rings of re-enforced concrete as supposedly happened at the Pentagon on 9.11.
Oh and you must call me anti-Semitic for daring report what many US news stations did on the day of 9.11 about the “dancing Israelis”, flicking lighters and positioned where no-one else would know to be, filming the first plane hit the Twin Towers. Known Mossad agents who were released by the FBI without charge and went onto an Israeli TV show to claim that they were, “just documenting the event”.
And I must be a “hate speech” site for daring to talk about how Israel is assassinating hundreds of Palestinians at the fence that divides them from their old stolen homes.Or how the Mossad stole British passports to use in their assassination of a Hamas leader in Dubai, or show the YouTube video recording of two IDF soldiers shooting 9 bullets into the back of an injured US citizen, Furkan Dogan, on their high seas attack on the Mavi Marmara.
Then of course I must fall into the most evil category at all as well. No-one can point out that Auschwitz itself has decreased the number of people that died within it’s rebuilt walls from 6 million down to under a million without being a blatant liar and holocaust denier. I guess the people running the camp, and the historians who have lowered the number from a round perfect 6 million, a number that is stated in the Torah as the number of Jews who must die before they can return to Israel, must fall into the same category as me?
So what do to if these blogs and sites are correct, and my site is on these lists to be considered so dangerous as to warn anyone visiting that it’s not a reliable source? 

Well what we need is a real “Alternative News” search engine. I did attempt creating one on my old site, I basically just returned Google’s results as does through a proxy server to remove all the trackers, and then I had a list of sites such as the BBC, MSBC, CNN and other “authoritative news sources” that I removed from the results.However that server is not running anymore and I doubt anyone out there is going to create a real #altnews search engine. Therefore I am going to do the next best thing.

You might have noticed at the top of the site a new search box. It’s not finished yet as I haven’t had enough time to add all the sites I want. However seeing that these people are so desperate to not allow others to see content from this and other sites, and they have been so considerate to compile a list of sites so dangerous to visit. I think I will try to add this list, or as much of it as I can, to this search box and create a way for people to search purely alternative news sites.

They made me a nice list so it would be very rude not to make use of it. I just need some time to play around with the various search engine filters out there and hopefully you can bypass the BBC, CNN and all the pro-war establishment and conformative historical sites the compilers of this list don’t want you to view. It might just help people get to the points of view that big brother and the establishment don’t want you to hear.

I can only try, seeing that I might soon wash down Google and Facebook’s, dirty sink plug, to the dark web not accessible by most search engines. Have a go, search for some of your favourite topics and see what the results are like.

Also if you have an ideas of sites or blogs not on this “blacklist” please let me know in the comments section and I will have a look and maybe add them to the search engine.

Check the search engine out on the main site.

By Dark Politricks
© 2020 Dark Politricks

The Too Big To Prosecute Banks

January 20, 2013

The Too Big To Prosecute Banks

By Dark Politricks

Whether you are from the right or the left. A libertarian or Socialist. A person of religion or atheist. It should be clear from all the reports on this site and the many other #altnews (alternative news) sites that a globalist attack on the common person is occurring and probably already here and flourishing.

Guns are only a small part of it and whether you are against gun control in the USA or for it there is no stopping the two tier system that is being constructed around us with every terrorist attack, new domestic spy agency, the war on our liberty and now the two levels of law that plainly exist between us and the too big to prosecute banks.

This was proven the other day when it was basically admitted that HSBC was too big to be prosectued or have people go to jail for their behaviour when  they were caught out breaking numerous embargos, banking with Iran, using Mexican Drug Cartel money and basically being the “bank for terrorists” even going so far as to tell Iranian banks how to format digital transfers so that the USA would not spot and block them.

Just so you don’t think I would make something like this up. Here is an extract from the New York Times:

LAST month, HSBC admitted in court pleadings that it had allowed big Mexican and Colombian drug cartels to launder at least $881 million. The bank also admitted to using various schemes to move hundreds of millions of dollars to nations subject to trade sanctions, including Iran, Cuba and Sudan, in violation of the Trading With the Enemy Act. “On at least one occasion,” according to a statement by Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer, “HSBC instructed a bank in Iran on how to format payment messages so that the transactions would not be blocked or rejected by the United States.”

Those were some of the transgressions uncovered during a two-year investigation led by the Justice and Treasury Departments and acknowledged by HSBC in a settlement, known as a deferred prosecution agreement, that was filed in a federal court in December. Not a single executive was charged with a crime. Instead, the bank paid $1.9 billion in fines and forfeitures — or roughly 10 percent of the pretax profits it earned in just 2010, one of the more than five years during which it admitted to criminal conduct.

There are now banks that are too big to fail and now with HSBC banks that are too big to prosecute!

Whereas we mere mortals can be hauled up to the local courts for non payment of our loans and mortgages and are charged high fees by our banks when we miss a direct debit or go over drawn we are playing on a very uneven playing field.

We are playing against banks who know that they can take our savings and pensions and gamble them on the worlds biggest casinos e.g Wall St and the London Stock Exchange. Knowing that if they land on black whilst betting red the tax payers of the countries they bet in will be forced to bail them out.

Now with the “Too Big To Prosecute” Banks like HSBC, we have banks that know that they can circumvent laws a normal business cannot, take and launder drug money or even give the local terrorists loyalty cards for being such good customers.

They won’t end up in court like you or me.

They have reached the pinnacle of globalist entities where national laws no longer apply and being an international entity is protection enough from countries wishing to stop their illegal behaviour.

These global monsters are eating up our economies and whilst the poor are being over taxed, worked to death and losing their side of the social contract left, right and centre the swinging doors between business and government allows these beasts to do as they want.

We often heard during the banking crisis that the only real liquidity in the system at the time was drug money and I suspect that the reason HSBC isn’t going to be punished is down to the knowledge by politicians that it was this drug money that was keeping the house of cards that we call our global economic system from toppling over.

As that recent article by Washington said:

  • There are two systems of justice in America … one for the big banks and other fatcats, and one for everyone else. See thisthisthis and this.
  • The system is rigged to allow the big banks to commit continuous and massive fraud, and then to pay small fines as the “cost of doing business”. As Nobel prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz noted years ago:

The HSBC scandal is just another nail in the coffin of capitalism and the myth that we all live under the same rule of law and can expect to be treated evenly and fairly by  the courts if ever convicted of a crime.

We are living under a globalist Corporatocracy in which global entities can ignore local tax codes by placing their headquarters in tax havens and threaten whole governments that they will just up sticks and move if threatened with over bearing rules and regulations.

Dastardly threats that should they have to play by the same rules as all of us or even have to pay an extra tiny tax on their high frequency trading, trading that means computers trade against others causing huge dips in markets, they will just move to a more “lax” climate. As if there were any more lax places left for them to go.

If you are foolish enough to think that your money is safely invested in one of these bankster operations then you are indeed an idiot.

All we are to these monstrosities is extra spending cash for the casino and if your rich enough to trade properly at big enough amounts then you are just a series of trades to be jumped in front of by the super computers wired up to the trading floor. All so that the Morgan Stanleys and Goldman Sachs of the world can front run you and make money of their knowledge of your own business dealings.

They are no longer companies who’s aim is to make money for their customers. No their aim is now to make money for themselves by using their customers as tools to aid them with their illicit and immoral money making schemes.

This is not capitalism.

This is not even socialism, apart from when the banks fail and get disproportionate hand outs by us tax payers.

This is a mix of gangsterism and fraud all signed off and under written by your very own government.

The more of us who understand this new business model we are now living within the better.

Whether you are from Occupy Wall St or a Tea Party follower you should be just as disgusted as the rest of us who see what is happening in front of us on the daily news channels.

In this new world we are all just worker ants getting ready to serve the Queen for low wages, low benefits and no equality under the law when it all goes tits up.

We are living in a new feudal system in which the hope of King John signing a new Magna Carta or a real Bill of Rights that applies to all of us equally being formed and kept to, is as far fetched as Piers Morgan actually being deported from the United States of America.

Welcome to the new century of too big to fail, too big to prosecute and too big to care a tiny shit about you and your inconsequential problems.


View the original article about “too big to prosecute banks” at

Please read my blog posts on my main site at

July 28, 2012


This is just a quick note to let you know that if at all possible I would prefer you to read the articles I write on my main site

The simple reason is that on that site I can show Google AdSense adverts whereas won’t let you and in fact I have been kicked off this site before when I imported all my old articles into the system.

Citizen journalism is hard enough without the salary so any help would be much appreciated and you can read my own articles on the main site under the “my articles” menu option.

As well as my own blog posts there are many other articles about privacy, the police state, the war on terror and the crack down on free speech we are witnessing all around us from various other sources.

If you don’t already please check out my main site at:

or if that is down AND this site is down for whatever reason I have another backup site of my own blog postings only at:

Please help me keep blogging and spreading the #altnews the mainstream chooses to ignore! a new #Altnews Search Engine

October 3, 2011

By Dark Politricks

I have been busy working on a new part of the site which I hope you will like.

It can be found at and is an alternative news search engine that allows you to view the best #ALTNews sites around without the mainstream guff, bull shit and noise that Google, BING and all the others try to force down your throat.

Although not perfect yet it should give you the best alternative news sites and articles from the blogosphere and non mainstream web and like my other search engine it keeps your anonymity by never logging your searches and using proxy servers to run the searches.

For this reason it might be a bit slower than other search engines but if you like alternative news you will hopefully put up with the delay because I will sift out the lame-stream to provide proper alternative perspectives on the events we all feel are important.

I am still working on it so if you have any suggestions or problems then just comment on this article but whilst I am testing it you can view it by clicking the main menu link, the sidebar link or bookmarking

Also please remember that I am basically having to pay out my own pocket each month to keep this and my other sites running.

No-one pays me to do this work and the only money I get is from Google adverts and donations.

Therefore if you want to help me build a faster, better search engine then please do the obvious otherwise please donate me some money. Even if it’s only a few pounds or dollars it will all go towards server costs.

Hopefully you will like the search engine and remember you can still use the old search system by using the box in the header.

Dark Politics End of Year Review: 2010

December 31, 2010

By Dark Politricks

As another depressing year comes to a close and I sit here wondering what the point of it all is I thought I would write a little review of what I think have been the major talking points and politrickery from 2010.

2010 has been the year that:

Israel went too far and a lot more of the world for the first time sat up and realised that just maybe it isn’t the pluralistic democratic free society that it keeps claiming to be. The pirate like attack on the high seas of the Mavi Marmara that saw 9 flotilla activists murdered showed the world a number of things:

  • It showed how little regard Israel has for international law in that it believes it can invade Turkish boats in international waters, kill a load of people and pay no consequences what so ever. It has gotten away with so much for so long that it feels that it can basically stick two fingers up to the world. Hypocrisy is too subtle a word for Israeli conduct that includes being able to assassinate a 19 year old photographer, Furkan Dogan, with five bullet wounds, to the face, head, back,thorax, left leg and foot. All of the entry wounds were on the back of his body which means he was basically murdered and it was not an act of self defence by the IDF.
  • This murder of an American, which was caught on camera, showed yet again how the tail wags the dog in terms of America and Israel relationship. If this act of piracy in international waters had been committed by any other country apart from Israel the US would have been outraged. If the act had been committed by Iran or Syria we would probably be at war right now. Yet all we heard from US politicians of all colours and the nightly TV talk shows that are usually so quick to jump to attack mode was silence and excuses for Israel’s behaviour.
  • This apologetic stance by the world media showed yet another clear example of why in the 21st century the bought and paid for TV stations, broadsheets and tabloid press is an outdated mechanism when it comes to getting fair and balanced reporting on topics of international importance. Whilst the blogosphere was up in arms providing reporting, analysis and opposing points of view the main stream media was busy repeating Israeli Hasbara and IDF propoganda including the now debunked “go back to Aushwitz” and “remember 9.11” video which had been doctored and offered as “proof” of the anti-semitic terrorist nature of the Flotilla.

The Flotilla incident wasn’t the only one that brought Israel to the forefront of international news. We had the Mossad hit in Dubai in which stolen British passports were used by a hit team sent to assassinate a Hamas leader. The failed attempt at peace talks initiated by Obama in which we had the demeaning sight of the USA basically begging Israel to give peace one more try only to be rebutted at every turn. Even the bribe of billions of dollars worth of high tech armoury and stealth bombers for a piddly 90 day freeze on settlement building wasn’t enough to bring Israel back to the talking table.

Behind the scenes the Israelis and their paid for shills in Congress were demanding the release of the traitor and spy Johnathan Pollard who had sold American nuclear secrets to Israel who then passed them to the USSR as well as revealing the identities of a number of agents who were then executed. Israel treats this criminal as some kind of uber hero and demands his release at every possible opportunity. At least there is some kind of line the Americans are not prepared to cross when it comes to showing their subservience to Israel.

Alongside all this with had the usual trickery and pro war propaganda from the pro Israeli lobby which is intent on using its powers to start another war with Iran and remove Hezbollah from south Lebonon. Not only have we had preposterous stories of Bin Laden hiding out in Irans mountains (why not combine two bogeymen together) we have had the Stuxnet virus attack on Irans nuclear facilities and the assassination of Iranian scientists in broad daylight by bomb wielding motorbike riders.

Talking of intelligence agency shenanigans and conspiracies or their proper title of State Crimes against the people, 2010 was I feel the year that 9.11 Truth went mainstream in a big way. It was also the year in which a lot of the claims people in the 9.11 movement have been making for years and called tin foil hat wearing loons for doing so were proved right.

Not only has the excellent Architects and Engineers for 9.11 Truth taken their in depth analysis of the collapse of the Twin Towers on the road and appeared on TV stations across the USA they held a brilliant light show on this years anniversary of the event in which they shone a huge light into the New York City skyline to remind people about the 3rd Tower that fell that day WTC-7.

This is the 47 storey tower that wasn’t hit by any plane and still collapsed into its own footprint on the afternoon of 9.11. The NIST report into this buildings collapse took a number of years and when published put the blame down to a progressive fire induced collapse caused by thermal expansion which caused a single column to weaken and buckle which in turn collapsed the building.

This theory has been extensively debunked and unfortunately for NIST is not backed up by the events witnessed on the day. It has been over 9 years since the collapse of WTC-7 and the investigators put in charge of explaining this unique event to the world has still not managed to produce a convincing explanation for why building seven fell at speeds indistinguishable from freefall for 2.4 seconds. This just does not happen in natural fire induced building collapses and even though NIST have admitted that freefall did occur they have decided the only way to explain it is to just ignore it and hope it goes away. 2010 is the year that WTC-7 refused to go away.

2010 is also the year that freedom of information requests led to the release of previously unseen videos and audio recordings from New York on 9.11 that prove that secondary explosions did occur throughout the day in the World Trade Centre and that many reliable witnesses including first responders, fire men and journalists all experienced them.

2010 is also the year that 911 Truth broke through into the lame stream media. FOX News, the last refuge of the Bush government can do no wrong crowd even started discussing the possibility that 9.11 could have been an inside job with both Judge Napolitano and Geraldo Rivera both doing segments discussing this possibility. More and more celebrities, ex military, politicians and people of influence around the world spoke out about 9.11 and who can forget the sight of the US delegation and its allies at the UN walking out when Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gave his speech outlining quite legitimately and correctly the various possible explanations behind those tragic events.

Whilst much of the mainstream media still tries to promote the official story by doing documentaries based on straw man arguments and proof by omission yet again the alternative media has led the charge. The increasing strength of the web to distribute and promote #altnews has led to an increased crackdown on the net and free speech in general. 2010 was the year we saw the idea of an internet kill switch being proposed supposedly to combat the threat of cyber terrorism but in reality a legislative sledge hammer designed to crack a potentially troublesome nut.

It is in this context of online security threats that we can see the WikiLeaks episode being used as the perfect excuse to introduce far reaching and potentially life changing internet regulation by those who would rather we only read official government approved news sources. Whether WikiLeaks is as some claim a clever game of double bluff to promote certain foreign policy objectives or not it is clear that the most recent leaks are being used by the right wing fear lobby to increase pressure towards some form of crackdown on the web.

Whether this comes in the form of a “licence” to blog as proposed earlier this year at Davos or a journalistic permit as some would like it seems that there is a push towards more regulation of the internet. The Federal Trade Commissions working paper on reinventing journalism made it very clear that they see alternative news sites as a threat and rather than trying to modernise and open up the old media they would rather limit the new by constraining it in red tape, laws and “proprietary facts”. That’s right we are heading down the road where a “fact” can be owned and you maybe charged for reporting on said fact without permission.

It seems that the alternative media is having far too much influence for those in powers liking and this has been the year in which it finally shook off images of nerds in basements tweeting about wizards and warlocks and started punching above its weight.

Closer to home 2010 was the year that the UK saw it’s first post war coalition government between the Tories and the Lib Dem’s and for the first time in a very long time no-one can say they got the government they actually voted for. In a marriage between Liberals and Neo Cons we have ended up with a shaky consensus in which the primary shared goal is to reduce the deficit by reducing spending and increasing taxes.

In the great financial debarcle in which the banksters sold all our futures down the river for a fat Christmas bonus the debate centers around who’s fault was it and who has to pay for it. At the moment most people in the UK agree it wasn’t the fault of school teachers, nurses, policemen, students and most workers in the public or private sector. We all know who caused the banks to over leverage themselves, gamble on the biggest bookies in town like drunk sailors and then spunk the pensions and investments of grannies all round the country on worthless securitized mortgage investments and their tenth Ferrari however we are expected to pay for their mistakes.

Whilst government advisers like Phillip Green manage to avoid paying tax on over a billion quid the poorest people in society are being squeesed like never before. Benefits are being cut, jobs in the public sector lost like never before and at the same time taxes on everything are going up. No longer do people protest about fuel being 90p a litre as we did a few years back with go slows and fuel blockades. No we have forgotten all that as we pay over £1.20 at the pump, and as VAT is about to rise to 20% in a couple of days and as inflation remains above it’s desired level we can all expect a huge increase in the cost of living in a potential re-run of Thatchers nightmare from the 80’s.

The people of Europe are starting to get angry and rightly so. It remains to be seen whether the people of the USA match the anger already being seen in streets from Athens to London but 2011 is set to be a year filled with demonstrations, riots and dissent.

All the righteous anger felt by many across the world will undoubtedly be used as another excuse by our corrupt governments to ramp up their police state apparatus and engage in well practised acts of brutality against their citizens. When the money runs out and people are looking for someone to blame the government will resort to them against us tactics and we will see a rise in the “enemy within” meme as domestic terrorist cells, patsies and unknowing dupes are uncovered one by one in an attempt to foster some kind of them against us solidarity.

The war on terror has already been used as the perfect pretext to fight wars across the globe and increase draconian measures at home and this is only going to continue to get worse in the current economic climate. It seems that the USA is already a de-facto police state in all but name and George Bush seems to have been right when he famously claimed that the constitution was nothing more than a piece of paper. It is pretty clear from the Patriot Act, Warrantless Wiretaps, Torture and indefinite detention what kind of paper he was referring to and it’s a great shame that one of the greatest experiments in freedom and liberty has come to such an end so quickly.

It makes me wonder whether our own rationalists and philosophical leaders of the Age of Reason were thinking ahead when they chose not to append our own constitution to paper. It’s a lot harder to get upset about something being decimated and destroyed when you can’t picture it in the first place. However Americans have no such excuse and it can surely not be too much longer before push comes to shove and the average Joe gets fed up with all the naked body scanning, forced blood letting, illegal spying and all the rest.

Whilst 2010 has been a great year for the online alternative media it has been a poor one for personal freedom and civil liberties. It is clear from the events I have mentioned that the power elites are still firmly in control of the puppet strings and the one upside is that with the internet becoming more and more the primary source of information and news for many fed up citizens, more and more people are becoming aware of just how rigged this game of life is against them. Hopefully 2011 will be the year that worm finally turns.


View the original article at