Posts Tagged ‘death’

The new bend over compliant UK

September 11, 2020

How Compliant Our Population Has Become Due To COVID19

By Dark Politricks

I have to say something about COVID19 that I have noticed over this hot sweltering summer in which I have been baking alive stuck indoors. That is when I’m not out in the car with air-con on. However either way it’s pure stress.

I’m not telling people to break the law – god forbid- moi?

However before COVID in the UK, it was pretty standard for drivers to take the speed limits with a little bit of leeway. A 40mph stretch of road meant people drove at 50mph, 70mph on the motorway meant people pushed just under 100mph if clear.

The randomly given if caught by the police speed tickets were just part of the life of being a driver. You just expected to get one every few years and that was the cost of getting about. If you had a sweet tongue you could maybe blag your way out of a ticket, that is if not snapped by all the road cameras plotted up on all our motorways now.

However since COVID19 every driver on the roads, at least, around my way seem so scared of being stopped by the police that they drive 5mph or more UNDER the speed limit at the moment. Either I am surrounded by gangsters disguised as students, young drivers and people with boots stashed full of illegal contraband, or something has happened to snap people into obeying every single little law that before COVID19 was open to a bit of a stretch.

I was stuck on a clear straight bit of road last weekend on the way to a friends house and there were 2 cyclists at the front of a 7 car queue crawling along behind them at 15mph in a 40mph limit. The thing was there was no oncoming traffic and the car behind the cyclists wasn’t some learner driver scared of overtaking, why they didn’t just overtake them giving a wide berth due to no oncoming traffic I don’t know, but I had to sit behind this queue for a very long time until I got up to them and just went around the pair.

I don’t think I have ever seen so many compliant people jump on queue in my life. Not thinking for themselves and believing everything our Government says as gospel, despite half of their anti-COVID19 policies being half thought out, half baked and extremely expensive.

It looks like a 2nd spike is coming and we may get locked up again but then what did the Government expect would happen when they sent back all the kids to school, college and University?

Trying to tell a teenager to stand 2 metres apart from all his friends is pretty impossible anyway, so how do they expect 5yr+ kids to respect social distancing rules. Their new worry is the spread of the virus among young people and they are right. They are ignoring the rules and congregating in parks and woods late at night to have parties.

Every Sunday night for months now behind my pad in the local park there has been some kind of teenage drunken rave. You can hear the music for miles as well as the shouting and chatter. Where are the cops with their new superpowers to come and force them to disperse? I don’t think I’ve ever seen cops even go into the park and in another local woods where they have been partying all summer I was having a walk the other day as the police just drove past groups and groups of teens all on their way to the “beach” by the lake where they were getting drunk, high and doing what youngsters do.

Did I see any cop get out the car and ask them where they were going – nope. Cops don’t seem interesting in using their new powers to break these disease spreading parties up but they are using them to ruin other peoples lives.

I have a new camera pointed at my pad from a neighbours window across the road at the moment. I thought the police would have got bored after they put one up on me for a year and saw nada, lucky I saw CID going into the neighbours house before the CCTV on me appeared. Now it’s back. They are concentrating their efforts on people they suspect of X Y Z and FCKING NADA, at the moment. Using the COVID19 laws to monitor people of “interest” and the restricted movement of the population just helps them track us all so much easier.

Oh and the masks, how many fights have you got into over wearing or not wearing a mask? I had one the other week on the way to the chemist. It wasn’t even my argument but a bloke in a shop with a mask was shouting and name calling someone I knew who hadn’t put one on – supposedly if you have breathing related health issues you don’t need to wear one but then are we all going to give our local shops our medical histories to prove what illnesses we may or may not have. Fuck no.

Anyway this argument was boiling over on a hot day and as I walked to the chemist with a mask and my glasses on, I got sucker punched by the man in the mask. The fact I was wearing glasses didn’t seem to stop his desire to try and blind me. If he had wanted to square up I’d have been perfectly happy. Just let me take my mask and glasses off before I beat your hide. Instead I ended up chasing him into the shop with my mask still on and having a scrap for CCTV knocking the food over. Pointless fight, and not even my argument and I didn’t even say anything to the other person despite knowing the man he was arguing with. That didn’t stop him from trying to attack me, then I bet he didn’t expect to get his ass whooped in public for attempting to blind me.

I was very surprised the cops didn’t turn up but then they have more important matters to contend with like…. well to be honest I haven’t seen many Panda cars around here lately, only undercover, so I have no actual knowledge what our uniform wearing tax paid workforce is doing to protect our health and safety. They certainly aren’t helping to stop COVID spread by breaking up large groups of kids, I guess they are all working from home like many other companies are still doing.

The new normal. Empty pubs, favourite restaurant chains like Pizza Express closing hundreds of pizza joints, as well as cinemas and a new compliant scared population who are suddenly now sticking to every little law unrelated to the spread of COVID19. We used to have the balls to do what we wanted here now they seem to have castrated a nation.

I don’t want COVID19 to spike again and cause another lockdown, but this isn’t the Black Death which caused a third of all people in Europe to die in the Middle Ages. It’s a horrible disease with all the markers of a man made virus let lose by some 3 letter agency or another that is just causing a higher rate of flu like deaths than normal. Or is it?

We have around 60,000 people die a year from blood clot related illnesses such as strokes, heart attacks and  pulmonary embolisms, 40,000 of these are hospital related. Stuck in a bed not being able to move as blood clots form in your body isn’t a good way to prevent blood clots. Then we have the usual causes of mortality rates such as:

-Cancer – 65,000 cancer deaths in the UK every year

-Heart Disease – 44,000 people under the age of 75 die every year.

Then we have COVID19. So far in the UK there has been 358,138 Cases and 41,608 Deaths.

However many of the COVID19 deaths have been people dying from other causes, usually an existing condition and then if the body tests for COVID19 post mortem, they don’t tick in the “died from heart attack” box but instead the “died from COVID19” box. Critics have said this about the way these stats have been massaged.

A one Dr Loke said the way Public Health England collects data means “no-one with COVID in England is allowed to recover from their illness“.

A patient who has tested positive, but successfully treated and discharged from hospital, will still be counted as a COVID death even if they had a heart attack or were run over by a bus three months later” he has wrote.

So if you get COVID, then get well again, before getting run over whilst blind drunk stumbling into the road. The way that the UK collects death rates means I won’t be a victim of stupid drunkeness as I’m mowed down by a car but I’ll be another death tick in the COVID tally box. That sounds like intentional fear mongering to me.

If we removed all these post COVID deaths, I wonder how low the death rates would actually be, 2/3rds a half, less than 20,000?

I don’t have all the stats to hand but it seems a very stupid way to count a cause of death. I once had DVT in my left leg 20 years ago. If I die tomorrow from jumping out my window, they wouldn’t mark that up as another tick in the DVT death rate.

Just another example of the massaging of our populations levels of fear from this non black death, severe flu. If real causes of death were removed from their figures then it wouldn’t be much higher than the annual death rate from Winter Flu in the UK of between 2,000 and 28,000., with on average 17,000 people dying from the flu annually in England between 2015 and 2019.

This Corona-Virus maybe a much more severe and painful form of the flu but it seems that the figures are being manipulated to keep us all jumping in line with the government.

Don’t kill your Gran by getting the Coronavirus and giving it to her”  – I heard a government minister say on the radio the other day. I am sure many OAP’s are scared of having their teenage, social distance ignoring Covid carrying, asymptomatic, teenage grand kids come and visit them. However they are more likely to die from another cause that is not currently being treated at the moment in our hospitals due to the COVID cases.

Got Cancer, Heart Disease, or had a stroke? Well it seems our NHS has put you to the back of the queue despite those issues having higher death rates than COVID. I heard my local hospital is practically empty on the wards as they are all being used for COVID.

Personally I have had 3 operations cancelled due to COIVD, two were for the chronic pain I suffer now on my own with no help, and the other an operation to reattach muscle and tendons to my bone that were ripped off when I broke my arm and it came out the socket so far it tore the flesh off.. Oh, and I had to pull my own tooth out due to no dentists being able to use drills, then when I finally got a dentist appointment they only put a filling on top of an infection in my jaw. Agony, yes, lots, my neck, throat, ear and tongue were causing so much pain I wanted to go to hospital, however I am on a 2nd lot of strong anti-biotics with the dentist telling me I would have to go to hospital for an emergency extraction.

I wonder how long that referral would take. Would I get COVID from just being in the place. Who knows? If this is some man made plot to thin the herd as some say, then it’s not really doing much of a good job with such low death rates.

However if this was a plot to get a compliant citizenry that won’t even question the government and their Coronavirus policies and laws. It seems to be working.

Driving used to be one of the few pleasures in life. Sitting in the middle lane as every car drives at 50mph on the motorway isn’t a pleasure, it’s a curse.

Welcome to bend over UK. Where people take everything our incompetent government says as gospel despite all their mistakes over the virus. I mean how can we trust a Prime Minister who got the virus, probably from not following his own rules anyway?

View the main article on the main site here.

By Dark Politricks

©2020 Dark Politricks

Should we be sad about Raoul Moat’s death?

July 21, 2010

By Dark Politricks

Today at Prime Ministers question time David Cameron weighed in on the controversy surrouding the death of Raoul Moat by attacking the recent outpouring of grief that has emerged since his death last week.

“‘It is absolutely clear that Raoul Moat was a callous murderer, full stop, end of story.”

”I cannot understand any wave, however small, of public sympathy for this man.”

”There should be sympathy for his victims and the havoc he wreaked in that community.”

”There should be no sympathy for him.”

This response came after a question from a fellow Conservative MP about the recent RIP Raoul Moat You Legend group which has been setup on Facebook and which has been drawing quite an amount of support from people all over the country concerned over the events surrounding his death after a tense armed stand off televised last week.

Now it’s very hard to find much sympathy with someone who went on a murderous rampage across the country especially someone who has turned out to be a high level police informer. I have no love for grasses and they rest near the bottom of my own personal ladder of shameful occupations just above Policemen. Both grasses and cops are groups of people who escape justice for their own misdeeds whilst at the same time hypocritically ruin other peoples lives by sending them down for crimes that they happily commit themselves.

However much I may dislike Raoul Moat for being a grass his death certainly raises many questions about the conduct of the police who helped end his life in painful agony. Whilst it is still unclear over the precise details of his demise we know enough from witnesses and the live news reports from the night to know that some serious questions require answering.

Raoul Moat had a shotgun rested under his chin in the pouring rain throughout the evening and was threatening to kill himself. Unlike a drunk girlfriend after an angry argument desperate for attention someone who really wanted to kill themselves would just get on and do it. Moat could have pulled the trigger at any time during the stand off but didn’t and therefore this seems to be a clear sign of someone crying out for help rather than a madman desperately wanting to die through a suicide by Police shooting.

The Police admit to tricking Moat into believing they were all in front of him through the clever use of lighting and sound whilst a small team of officers tried to creep up behind him. It was supposedly during this pincer movement that the gunshot went off after Moat realised that the Police had been sneaking up behind him.

The Police admit to firing two Tasers at Moat supposedly in an attempt to prevent him from firing his gun. However Moat’s brother, Uncle and many others believe that it was actually the Taser attack that caused Moat to fire his gun involuntarily and this seems to be backed up by the injuries caused from the gunshot.

If you are going to commit suicide by blowing your own head off with a shotgun you ensure that one shot is all you require to kill yourself in the quickest way possible preferably by blowing your brains out. Raoul Moat did not kill himself with the gunshot that was fired instead he only blew the front part of his face off which is not in any way a kill shot. I cannot imagine the pain and suffering he went through in those hours after this shot was fired as the agony of such a massive and severe injury would be immeasurable and unfortunately for him he took a couple of hours to die.

The XREP taser gun the police used to attack Moat was not licenced by the Home Office. The shotgun projectile travels at the same speed as a bullet and is designed to penetrate clothes and flesh, anyone hit by one would assume they had been shot with a shotgun round at first before experiencing the joy of a few thousand volts jumping through their body for 20 seconds.

Anyone who died from such a Taser shock would have trouble getting a Mortician to find cause of death unless they knew about the Tasering as it leaves little sign of it’s use on the body and many deaths which have resulted after a taser attack from Police have been put down to a case of the spurious medical term Excited delirium.

Excited Delirium is a condition which has been created by Taser International as a cover for the many deaths that have resulted after deployment of this supposedly non lethal weapon. People suffering from this condition display signs of mental illness, super human strength, aggressive behaviour and all the other signs commonly found on any UK high street on a Friday night around 11PM.

Therefore if we are waiting for our kind Police Mortician to return an autopsy report combining Taser and Shotgun as the cause of death we will be waiting a long time. The audio recordings from the nights events seem to reveal that someone, probably Moat, was screaming a hell of a loud agonising cry. Police claim Moat screamed out at them before he fired his shot when he realised they had tricked him and it was at this point the tasers were deployed to try to prevent him from firing his gun. Whether or not this is true I don’t know and I don’t even know if it’s possible to let out a scream if you have just blown the front of your face off but maybe it is.

The fact that Raoul Moat fired his gun after the Tasers were deployed means one of two events occurred:

1. The Police deployed two Tasers on Moat and either the high voltage had no effect on him OR he managed to wait out the 20 seconds without the Police team behind him managing to pounce before he fired his gun shot. The fact that the gunshot was so appallingly bad that it only blew part of his face off and didn’t kill him was purely bad luck for Moat.

2. The Police deployed their Tasers on Moat and the high voltage caused him to spasm or jolt involuntarily and it was during this body spasm that he mistakenly fired his shot gun blowing part of his face off.

I personally think the second option is more likely and the simple fact that the shot didn’t kill him is the key point here. We have had many suicides involving shotguns over the years and you would have to be very very unlucky to attempt suicide with a shotgun to miss yet we are supposedly expected to believe that this is what happened with Raoul Moat.

We know that the Police cannot be trusted to tell the truth on their own accord and usually during situations that involve Police brutality, death or assault it’s only third party evidence that helps resolve the actual series of events.

Tasers are nasty, dangerous and over used weapons that have been put in the hands of a section of society who many people including myself would claim are some of the least mentally equipped people to use such a weapon. Whilst I like the idea that our Police force does not routinely carry guns I also dislike how instead they have been armed to the teeth with supposedly non lethal weapons such as Pepper spray, CS Gas, Tasers and those horrible extendable batons.

Instead of being “last resort” weapons the Taser and all the others are becoming weapons of first resort. I have seen Policemen foaming at the mouth as they attacked an 18 year old girl on the way home from a nightclub for daring to have taken her bottle of drink out the club. A simple refusal to hand over the bottle meant the Policemen who were more than capable of detaining and restraining her without force if they required to (and they did not) instead revealed their batons and took out her legs.

When you give supposedly non lethal weapons to a group of people who all have massive chips on their shoulder and a desire to gain revenge on society for bullied childhoods then you are going to end up with lots of cases of abuse of authority and there is no clearer example than the cops from America. No matter how bad the Police are in the UK, and a large percentage are really bad, you can times that by ten for the USA. We have had Police Tasering bed ridden 86 year old Grannies and Cops shooting family pets for daring to bark when they visit. Add to that the recent cases of brutality at G20 protests and it’s no wonder many people have little respect for our Police.

The many videos I have seen and put up on my site of Police brutality, abuse of power, murder of innocents and attacks on protesters is enough to make anyone who thinks the Police are the cream of society think again. Whilst it’s true that not all Police are the same and there are probably some good cops out there it’s also fair to say that a group of people or company of men is branded in the image of their worst behaved members.

When people say to me “Policemen are only human and make mistakes too” OR “they are only doing their job” I say yes that is true but unlike other occupations the role of Police officer is that of someone who can make life changing decisions on behalf of others every single day.

Everyone chooses the job they do therefore the “just doing a job” argument is a poor excuse as the people who choose to take on this role in society also take on the responsibility to maintain a high personal standard that leaves no room for hypocrisy. I personally know of too many policemen who spend their days ruining people’s lives by arresting them for offences such as drug use, drunk & disorderly, copyright infringements, illegal downloads and so on only to carry out the same acts themselves.

I personally could not live with myself if I had to arrest someone for crimes I know that I commit myself. Crimes I may personally not believe should be illegal yet unfortunately are currently deemed so by the state.  Yet many police do just that every single day of the week. Maybe the only way to solve this dilemma is to create a police force of high tech RoboCops who cannot be tempted by moral decisions posed when a personal choice clashes with the law.

Ideally we would have a reformed legal system that would do away with such stupid laws that are based around “moral” behaviour as morals are relative and in a country led by the concept of liberty for all the only laws that affect personal behaviour should be those that conflict with another persons quality of live e.g laws against violence and theft etc but until that unlikely day arrives we require a police force capable of up-keeping the law of the land in a way that doesn’t drive accusations of hypocrisy and corruption.

Seeing the photos of the Policemen at the scene of Raoul Moat’s death, all snaring and angrily looking at the cameramen gun and taser in hand just shows us how much adrenaline is pumping around the bodies of these cops during events such as the armed stand off.

Armed police train their weapons on fugitive gunman Raoul Moat in Rothbury including one with a stun gun

There was literally no need at all to try to taser Moat into submission or try to sneak up behind him and the only weapon the Police required was time. Moat wasn’t going anywhere, he was tired, wet and hungry and he was also very angry and sad. What the police should have done was just sit it out and talked to Moat. He obviously wasn’t that keen on killing himself as he would have pulled the trigger much earlier therefore there was definitley an opportunity to talk him into giving up peacefully.

Whether it was the unnecessary double Tasering with unlicensed weapons or the attempt to sneak up on Moat from behind that caused his death it seems quite clear the Police paid a large part in Raoul Moat’s death. Whilst  I have no sympathy with a police informing murderer I do demand answers over the Police’s action on that night.

Whether those questions will be answered satisfactorily is another question altogether.

Recent Methadrone deaths show UK Laws are out of date

April 4, 2010

By Dark Politricks

You may have heard in the news this week that two teenagers in the UK died after a night out which involved using the legal drug Methadrone (M-CAT or miaw miaw). Even though their deaths have not been conclusively linked to the drug the media has once again gone into hyper-drive raising a moral panic almost on the levels of the Acid House parties in the late 80’s.

The two teenagers had apparently not only taken M-CAT but also had been drinking to the early hours as well as taking the heroin substitute Methadone to come down on. Even though the cause of death is more likely to be down to the mixture of drugs especially the dangerous combination of alcohol and opiates the media is behaving like judge and jury and M-CAT has already been found guilty.

There are already cries to ban this currently legal drug which is being sold quite openly as “plant food” openly in shops and on the Internet. Similar in chemical composition to Khat and in behaviour to ecstasy and amphetamines it is just the latest in a line of synthetic drugs created by clever chemists who keep one step ahead of Britain’s antiquated drug laws by changing the chemical signatures ever so slightly as soon as the last product is banned.

We are living in a hypocritical society that allows the worst drugs in terms of deaths to be sold perfectly legally but others that kill minuscule numbers are prohibited. Cigarettes kill over 100,000 people a year and alcohol kills almost the same amount through disease, assaults, accidents and road deaths.  Drugs such as amphetamines and opiates are used in medicine all the time and even ecstasy was used by psychiatrists in the past but how dare anyone decide to take the same drugs for recreational purposes.

People have been taking mind altering substances for thousands of years and will carry on taking them whether they are illegal or not. Prohibition has never worked and only leads to immense profits for drug dealers and deaths due to impurities in the products. If the media has their way and M-CAT is added to the long list of proscribed narcotics then within a month or two another synthetic drug will be on the market to take its place.

As I have previously said we need a totally new approach to drug use in which users are not criminals to be arrested and locked up at great expense. A regulated drug industry could be just what the country needs at the moment as the tax revenue received by taxing products currently used by millions every day would surely help pay off our national deficit.

Addicts should be prescribed their fix by doctors just as they were before 1973 as we have surely proved that trying to treat drug abuse by locking people up in prison hasn’t worked at all. Not only would crime rates fall and addicts get help more easily, the country would benefit through lower insurance premiums and a large proportion of the police force would be freed up to concentrate on serious crime.

The right wing media wouldn’t like it and there would surely be a moral panic generated by the press but if the problem of drugs is ever going to be tackled once and for all then this is the only logical way.  We are currently being governed by children of the 60’s and 70’s who were the first modern generation to properly rebel against the rules that said drugs were bad. Hopefully with the raver generations from the 80’s and 90’s maturing the time will come when the critical mass of right thinking citizens is such that a brave political move to legalise and regulate would not cause the outcry it once would. Hopefully that time is not too far away for just like the war on terror the war on drugs cannot be won by conventional means.

The horrifying moment lynch mob beats to death a looter and drags his body through the streets as Haiti descends into anarchy

January 17, 2010

UK Daily Mail
Sunday, January 17th, 2010


A mob of men and children watch as the bloodied corpse of a suspected thief is brutally beaten by a man with a stick.

The victim is naked and bound at his hands and feet. It is broad daylight in the devastated capital city of Haiti.

These are the latest in a series of chilling images from the country as anarchy threatens to destabilise the relief effort following Tuesday’s earthquake.

A man is lynched by a mob after he was accused of robbery in Petionville January 16, 2010

TuneUp Utilities 2010

View the original article at UK Daily Mail