How Is Watching England Beat Columbia Racist!

July 5, 2018

How Is Watching England Beat Columbia Racist!

Paul Joseph Watson

According to some social justice warriors and imbeciles on the web, England winning against Columbia was “Racist“.

Paul explains and laughs at their arguments here.W

Watch on

“Do Evil” – Google’s new motto

September 2, 2017

“Do Evil” – Google’s new motto

By Dark Politricks

If you watch Redacted Tonight or many other shows or read ant-war or progressive websites you will know that many sites are being de-monetised by Google, YouTube and labelled “Fake News” by Facebook.

You can see a graph of sites that have lost money due to Google’s pro war anti progressive new algorithm here.

Progressive anti war sites knocked down by Google

I am probably on a list of sites being demoted as we speak, Redacted Tonight showed a graph showing some top sites that were anti-war, anti-Empire, anti training terrorists abroad to scare us at home were being demoted by Google and de-monetized by YouTube (also owned by Google).

I have already had 3 blogs shut down with no reasontwo Facebook pages, a YouTube channel I spent ages making for my business and threats from the US (Navy, Army, USAF and a myriad of others) sent to my hosting company which kicked me off as the bloke was scared about black helicopters coming to get us.

I’ve also had a Google+ community taken out of my hands already and yesterday I got a 30 day ban from Facebook for some ancient 2 year post about horse racing, when there are thousands of similar posts up.

So I guess I am on some kind of list designed to fuck people over and take any money they can away from them.

Therefore any help or donations to keep this site running while I type with a broken arm would be much appreciated.

Anyway what I wanted to speak about was how comedy and satire usually is the best way of getting over political messages to the masses easily and sometimes without the audience even knowing about it.

Jimmy Dore, and Lee Camp who are other progressive comedians, are both under attack from the Washington Post and other “news outlets”.

They dare to speak what MSNBC, NBC, CNN and FOX don’t dare to, and everyone who has spoken out against the Iraq war or the bail outs have been sacked and most of them including Larry King now work on Russia Today.

You cannot call Larry King a stooge for Putin.

Lee has a show and speaks about the Democrats being just another shade of the Republican party. They don’t implement health care because their donors are big pharma and health insurance companies, they didn’t crack down on he banks after the 2008 crisis due to Wall St being their biggest donors and the White House full of Goldman Sachs people telling Obama not to.

So he was left like Trump looking like a liar who had tricked all these voters into voting for him and then ignoring his promises.

I can tell you over in Europe we may play up to Trump but everyone thinks the USA has made a big mistake and he is an embarrassment to all Americans, and the free world in general with his mad tweets and policy turns that must have his supporters fuming.

What has he actually done for his supporters that he promised on the campaign trail?

Well like Obama he did a 180 as soon as he hit the White House.

I swear as soon as the new President enters the White House, he is taken into a room full of men in dark suits he doesn’t recognise and they show the new POTUS kill shots of JFK from multiple angles just to remind them to keep towing the constant war policy and who really is in charge.

Do you remember when he was going on about getting the 28/29 redacted pages released from the 9.11 commission?

Well they have been released and what did Trump do, go and sell Saudi Arabia, the country who paid to be taken out of the report a multi billion arms deal instead. I bet half of that military the US just sold is on it’s way to ISIS right now.

Here is a Telegraph article all about the Wahhabism they export around the world to terrorist groups. That is as the Royal family of 20,000+ spend their time in Dubai with hookers, drugs and drink. Not exactly very good Muslims are they.

They are not on the list of countries banned from entering the USA despite the supposed hijackers all being from that country. The Petrodollar at work…

Mexico won’t pay for any wall, and there won’t be one built. If there is the Mexicans will just dig tunnels under it like in the Gaza Strip where they can get cars through. Or use hooked rope ladders to climb over it.

Trump didn’t even realise that the Republican health care bill was including tax cuts for the rich.

He said that was going to be done later. He has no idea how politics work with pork added for dissenting Senators to get bills passed.

Also it seems he has sacked a different person each week. It’s so comical.

What has he done for all those Trump voters who believed in him that he would bring back jobs from China and stop immigrants coming in?

If he was going to stop any countries immigrants it should have been from Saudi Arabia, the country in the 28/29 pages, not bowing down to be waved with a sword over his head, something he attacked Obama for doing.

And what about the golfing holiday?

Didn’t he say he would be too busy in the White House to have holiday’s. I distinctly remember him saying that in a speech or 10 seeing he attacked Obama for his holidays so much.

Google’s motto used to be “Don’t do evil” now it seems that their close links with US security agencies has switched that on its head.

“Do Evil” seems to be Google’s motto nowadays the way they are shutting down blogs, taking away their money, and demonetizing YouTube video’s. So any help would be much appreciated even a monthly donation of a few quid each month through PayPal. The button is on the main sites home page

As Jimmy Dore says “No wonder people are getting their news from YouTube

Anyway support me if you can before I get shut down totally and here is the Redacted Tonight show that might put some ideas in your head about how Google and Facebook are censoring progressive or anti government websites.


By Dark Politricks

© 2017 Dark Politricks

There was NO Russian hacking of the US elections.

September 2, 2017

There was NO Russian hacking of the US elections – PROVEN BY EXPERTS

Proven by experts, there was NO Russian hacking of the US elections.

Redacted Tonight
By Dark Politricks

Computer experts, ex hackers, ex National Security advisers and other people from the intelligence community have all come together to write a document that explains how the Russians DID NOT HACK THE US ELECTIONS!

To hack an election machine requires a USB stick, and has to be done manually, by sticking the USB drive into the machine.

I cannot even imagine tons of Russian sleeper agents on Putin’s orders sitting in polling stations ready to insert these sticks into the provable hackable voting machines.

If you look on a map Russia is quite a long way away from the USA so remote hacking was impossible.

The other tell sign was the download speed that the DNC data was dumped onto a drive. It was too fast for long overseas connections but fast enough for a DNC employee to download it and then leak.

Maybe another look into the unexplained death of DNC worker Seth Rich again.

Maybe he didn’t like what he saw happening at the DNC headquarters and wanted to tell the world how corrupt they were.

Maybe he had nothing to do with it at all, however Julian Assange got pretty upset on the Bill Maher show when talking about him and the risks whistleblowers take giving WikiLeaks information, and offered a reward for details on his death.

There is a reason people call Hillary Clinton, Killary Clinton.

List of bodies associated with the Clintons - Click to read more
Click the image above to read more about Clinton related deaths

Also the CIA’s new secret program, Vault 7 which was just revealed has the power to make any document look like it came from any country in the world i.e Russia.

They could have easily used this system to hack the DNC and make the documents look like they came from Russia.

I would not put it past the CIA to do something like this especially when “they otherthrow governments before breakfast” as Jimmy Dore constantly says.

I will let Lee Camp from Redacted Tonight explain more in the first half of his show.

Do you expect apologies from people like Rachel Maddow who bleated on about Russia for months?

Why were the journalists more concerned with where the data came from and not what it said.

Everyone now knows that the DNC is just another corrupt organisation who rigged the game so that Hillary would get her chance at a run and not Bernie, the most popular politician in the country.

They revealed the fact that the super delegates are there to prevent such an occurrence from happening and that the Democrats are not Democratic at all.

They are just sore losers who wanted someone to blame i.e Russia, rather than look at their lack of policies that didn’t inspire people to vote for the most hated politician in the USA.

Isn’t that funny, the Democrats had both the most popular and unpopular politicians to chose from and they chose the latter. I wonder why they lost……

Well I just hope we can hear some apologies on the US nightly news shows about their coverage of Russia – LOL!

To read the article on the original Dark Politrick site which is constantly under attack (3 blogs from Google, 2 from here, 1 G+ community, 3 Facebook pages and multiple bans) all for speaking out about the empire > Read this.

By Dark Politricks

© 2017 Dark Politricks

The “EVIL” terrorists called the Taliban, tried to surrender to the Americans 3 times but were denied each time!

September 2, 2017

The “EVIL” terrorists called the Taliban, tried to surrender to the Americans 3 times but on each occasion told no!

Jimmy Dore Show
By Dark Politricks

I didn’t even know this but a new book has come out from an Afghani point of view about the endless war in Afghanistan.

I will let the video from the Jimmy Dore show explain in more detail but basically as soon as the USA had entered Afghanistan the Taliban tried to surrender to them. The USA said NO!

In fact this happened on multiple occasions when the Taliban tried to surrender. All the while there were about a dozen Al-Qaeda in the country and the USA let their CIA asset bin-Laden escape on more than one occasion.

Then when the Americans started offering money for information on the Taliban, local scores were settled and innocent people were carted off to Bagram or Gitmo to be tortured into confessing they were Taliban.

Here is Jimmy Dore with his video clip about the story.

Sad isn’t it when the enemy tries to surrender and the other side says no.

The USA always needs a boogeyman to scare the people at home with and keep the military industrial complex in business.

If it isn’t Iran or North Korea who have both tried to come to the table to make peace with America, then the USA will just make up stories of bad guys and terrorists to keep the MIC dollars rolling in.

The USA economy really has become a war economy.

An enemy is required at all times to scare the homeland, take away the freedoms that the “terrorists are trying to”, and keep a reason for the huge military budget.

Surely people can see that the freedoms the terrorists were going to remove have already gone, long ago.

They went through acts like the PATRIOT ACT, the NDAA and the emergency laws still in effect after 9.11 that gave the President certain special powers without Congress approval and much more.

This happened all because the US people were scared and wanted protection from ghosts rather than civil rights and the constitution.

The founding fathers said all this, but I guess the Americans just didn’t want to listen.

By Dark Politricks


© 2017 Dark Politricks

Why the Grenfell Tower Blaze stands as a monument to Tory austerity measures

June 30, 2017

Why the Grenfell Tower Blaze stands as a monument to Tory austerity measures

By Dark Politricks

I am writing this one handed as I currently have a broken right arm which really makes it hard to blog at the moment, however after another sleepless night of watching YouTube I thought it necessary to at least post some of my views on the austerity measures that have been inflicted on the poor people of the UK.

Whilst our Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn gets attacked daily in the mainstream news like Bernie Sanders has been in the US, at least with his progressive agenda that many people thought would wipe the party out, he actually increased Labour’s vote in the recent unnecessary general election. The Democrats seem happy to have a Republican in power than a progressive politician at any cost.

Our Prime Minister Theresa May has fought her last election and will probably be gone soon. However the performance of Labour showed us how many people are crying out out for more progressive policies and have had enough of the Tories austerity measures which have cut disability benefits to people who need them, increased rent on social housing if  you had a spare room and cut funding for many local authorities which has seen the closure of police stations (two in two towns near me), plus much much more.

Instead of boosting her power before BREXIT negotiations it has weakened them as she has gone from a majority government to a minority government propped up by the terrorist linked UDP. This is a party who are linked to the UDA terrorists in Northern Ireland.

As the Independent headline puts it in a recent article.

The UDA is a violent loyalist paramilitary group, which is still active today. Just weeks ago, it murdered a man in broad daylight in Northern Ireland – he was shot dead in a Sainsbury’s car park in front of horrified shoppers and his three-year-old son.

People in the UK are slowly realising that a Corbyn Labour government would not be as bad as the Blairite’s and MSM would have you think and when he explains his policies they are not so crazy after all.

You van see this at any Corbyn rally which sees huge crowds of people turn out, just like Sanders in the USA, and his compassion after the recent Grenfell Tower Block fire which killed 79 people.

Grenfell Tower Block after fire
The aftermath of the Grenfell Tower Block fire

Whilst Jeremy Corbyn was walking with the victims and bereaved people from the local community. The Prime Minister Theresa May was being booed and shouted at by a held back police line as she refused to meet residents and victims and had to be protected by police from the local community who shouted “coward” at her.

Jeremy Corbyn with victims of the Grenfell Tower Block blaze
Jeremy Corbyn comfits the victims of the Grenfell Tower Block blaze


Theresa May refuses to meet victimd and residents of Grenfell
Police protect PM Theresa May from residents shouting coward at her for refusing to speak to them

Personally I think this stands as a monument to the Tory austerity measures which had including “Cutting Red Tape”. In this instance it meant that no sprinklers were on each floor and no fire extinguishers. Instead the local government decided to plaster the building in flammable cladding around the tower block to make it look “nicer” to the more affluent residents of the borough who can afford the extortionate prices of housing in the area.

Whilst rich Chinese and Russians buy up huge swathes of London housing pushing up prices and closing local communities whose local shops now have no customers due to the purchasing of these properties as a way of tax avoidance rather than being used as actual homes. The people of London have no choice but to move out of the areas their families have lived in for years to more cheaper areas, making it more costly to travel in to work each morning.

People such as nurses, carers, police, firemen, and many other important jobs that are needed for running London should not have to travel miles into the city due to foreigners buying up extremely expensive apartments and houses that kill local communities. Instead they should be given a government discount on any home they wish to buy to keep them in the city.

If I had my way there would be a law that if you did not live in your property for at least half of the year then it becomes a “usable government asset“, one in which homeless people from Grenfell could go and stay in whilst waiting to be re-housed.

Why should we let London become a home purely for the rich and overseas businessmen to “stash their cash” by buying up housing.

There is not enough new houses being built in the UK and especially in London.

We used to have council estates but Thatcher sold many of the homes off which was good in some situations but not in others, as the people who couldn’t afford private ownership or rent had a dwindling supply of homes to live in as they were not being replaced.

We now have housing associations which mean many areas are filled with a mixture of private and council owned owned housing. This means that the rich live next door to the poor and we have a more integrated living arrangement. The problem is the people building new flats and homes want to sell them for high prices which the council cannot afford.

In some boroughs there is no housing available, even if you are homeless. You are given a list of private landlords who will take Housing Benefit cheques from the government. Guaranteed money and usually guaranteed dumps to live in.

Many of their homes are run down and need fixing, yet they let people who they know won’t complain too much due to being scared of eviction, with guaranteed housing benefit cheques from the government. Many of these landlords will take out a mortgage, buy a block of flats or a house, turn it all into bedsits with shared bathrooms and kitchens and then rent it purely to people on state benefits. The mortgage is paid off in a year or less due to it being guaranteed rent money and few complaints about leaky taps and the landlord gets to live in a nice big mansion.

So housing is big problem in one of the most over crowded countries on the planet and the Tories only seem interested in allowing foreign investors to ruin communities by buying property as assets and not using them as homes, plus building private housing where a one bedroom flat could be as much as £300k+.

I’m not kidding some private flats and houses just went up near me and in the space where there used to be a few houses with big gardens they have managed to squash in dozens of houses and flats with walls so thin you could probably hear rows three flats away. I was given a brochure for this new housing area which stated I too could own a new two bedroom house for as little as £350,000!

Personally I think the burned out shell of Grenfell Tower should stand as a reminder to what austerity does to normal people due to the burden of the banking crisis being placed on the backs of the poor  instead of the Banksters who caused it.


By Dark Politricks

View the original article at

© 2017 Dark Politricks

Make sure you vote tomorrow in the UK Elections

June 7, 2017

The UK Election 2017

By Dark Politricks

It’s the UK’s snap general election tomorrow.

No-one really expected our great leader and Donny Trump fan Theresa May, called it after pulling out of the EU by implementing article 21 (The Lisbon Treaty).

Many are predicting a landslide victory for the Tories who have not jailed a single bankster from the 2008 crisis and trebled the national debt. The deficit may have shrunk a little but that is of no importance when the debt we owe in total has trebled clearly showing that austerity measures don’t work.

Putting the “payback” on the poor instead of the rich has been decried by many as unethical and even evil.

Why should a disabled granny lose a chunk of her benefits to pay for gambling by coke snorting banksters who took grannies pension and played roulette with it.

I don’t know and neither do the millions of poor and kids hoping to go to go to university only to realise they cannot afford it without incurring thousands in debts.

Following the USA around the world in the Axis of War has cost us trillions of pounds over the last decade, and even more since 9.11.

Wars in Libya, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan and undeclared wars or incursions following the USA who is using drones or planes in 7 countries at the moment that we know of. This just wasting money we desperately need at home and stirring up the UK Muslim community who have attacked us successfully 3 times in the last 3 months.

More war!

More drone strikes!

More death is what you vote for when you vote for the Tories, and when you are next on the Tube nervously looking at a man with a back pack on then don’t cry when more of your civil rights and liberties are removed from you.

Currently I am probably being watched by a very bored GCHQ member of staff through my web cam at the moment and if you vote Tory you vote for more terror and more spying on the citizens of this country through your TV, Computer, Phone, Tablet and now even cars they could hack into and control.

Wasn’t it George W Bush that said after 9.11 that they attacked us because “they hate us for our freedoms”. It seems the terrorists are winning if we just hand our freedoms over. I guess that’s what false flag attacks and drumming up fear of whole communities of people is about.

Then we have opposing the hot favourites to carry on ruining the country, a real “Feel the Bern” revolution for Jeremy Corbyn. Hundreds of thousands of new Labour supporters have joined since Corbyn took over. Even more joined when their failed coup went ahead. It seems every time the Blairites try to get rid of Corbyn he gains another 100,000 Labour members at least.

At least if Tony Blair does succeed in creating his own get out of jail party in the aftermath of a Labour slaughtering at the polls he can be shouted down and abused in the house  as the war criminal he should be treated as.

Can we really blame Blair for his 4 wars, bringing the party into the centre from the left leaving progressives with no alternative, considering the Lib Dems were wiped out last time.

The Lib Dems lied about abolishing University fees in their last manifesto and got a lot of young people’s votes only to renege on the promise for a chance to spend 5 years in the back of ministerial cars.

Nick Clegg got his chance to sit at the top table and then to hell with the Lib Dems. He got 5 years of the high life, that’s what type of politicians we are voting in.

The Lib Dems may have some good ideas but they have lost the people’s’ trust and it’s not as is if we can exactly trust any other party anyway. At least with Jeremy Corbyn you get the feeling he will try and implement his policies. Whether his party back him or not is another matter. He and Bernie Sanders would get on well over a pint I think.

So the young have looked at the fixes in US politics and how the candidates were chosen before hand in the Democratic party. Anything to get Hillary as their candidate and Bernie blanked out.

Just think of all those wasted hours standing in line to vote for Bernie when the fix was already in.

BREXIT is going ahead due to a referendum, true peoples democracy.

You may not like it but I doubt voting for a progressive alliance between Labour and the SNP will reverse the process. Once article 21 is implemented I doubt the rest of Europe will allow us to change our minds, we may try, and Germany may want us to stay,  but France is French and to an Englishman that says it all.

So compared to Bernie Sanders, Jeremy Corbyn is far more to the left showing you just how centrist US politics really is. They fix their primaries so Bernie cannot run despite having the votes and the support and if he dare mentions the word socialist they think he is Mao Zedong.

At least Corbyn can mention socialism and not get bananas and other vegetables thrown at him from FOX News, and as they say any news is good news.

Bernie was hardly mentioned in the US news media, a 6 company monopoly that all spew COINTELPRO propaganda whether supposedly left-wing like MSBC or right-wing like FOX. Here we have multiple political programmes where people ask a range of politicians and public people what they think about political decisions and issues of the day.

Bernie got about 10 minutes coverage in all the primary campaigning whilst Clinton and Trump owned the airwaves for free. They shouldn’t have really spent all those billions on election adverts when they had the news channels to let them spew their hatred instead.

That’s one good thing about UK elections we don’t have to suck off lobbyists to get the money to campaign only to pay them back once in power.

In the US they usually have to have multi millions of dollars to even consider running for Congress or the President. Then they leave the House to go and work for a lobbyist firm or a company they had a hand in helping by voting for  in government.

So whether you like Corbyn’s charity shop suits or not, or you are hoping to see Labour wiped out so that you can rush to join Tony Blair’s threat of a new neo-con, neo-liberal, war mongering, Banksters fun time party, you have to vote tomorrow and vote with your conscience.

If you don’t want more war, to see Blair in cuffs, more money spent on schools and hospitals and less US ass licking then Labour are the only real choice for progressives. If you want the opposite, more war, bigger bombs dropped on schools and hospitals and blowback that turns UK born kids into murdering Jihadists then vote Tory.

If you want your vote to count for nothing then there is always the Green party and UKIP despite whether their ideas are good or not but as they say you should vote with your conscience whether it makes a difference or not.

Just make sure you vote.

By Dark Politricks

© 2017 Dark Politricks

February 6, 2017

The Deep Secret Truth About Donalds first weeks. Goldman Saachs, The Muslim Ban, and the Dems Impotent to do anything about it

Redacted Tonight

In this episode of Redacted Tonight, host Lee Camp uncovers the truth about why Trump banned travelers in those specific seven Muslim countries. Then he goes into the latest news on Trump’s cabinet picks and how they all have very curious overlaps on their resumes related to Goldman Sachs.

He covers breaking news about how one of the biggest flaws in our elections could be fixed: gerrymandering.

In the second half of the show correspondent John F. O’Donnell reveals the psychological effects on the American populace when they absorb a constant stream of lies.

Finally, correspondent Natalie McGill covers the questionable improvements of Flint, Michigan’s water system. This and more on Redacted Tonight.

GET FREE TICKETS to be in our LIVE AUDIENCE in Washington DC! Email

OTHER CITIES – We tour regularly with live stand-up comedy. For a list of where we’ll be performing our stand-up comedy shows, go here –

Join the ‘Redactivist’ movement online…

Subscribe to the Redacted Tonight YouTube channel for more comedy news with saber tooth tiger teeth:

Find Redacted Tonight on Facebook for source material about our stories and daily updates:

Follow us on Twitter for funny, informative info and to participate in our weekly ‘Redactivist’ hashtag: #Redactivist

Visit Lee Camp’s official site to listen to the ‘Moment of Clarity: The Backstage of Redacted Tonight’ podcast w/ Lee and John F.O’Donnell:

Comedy Shows

GET FREE TICKETS to be in our LIVE AUDIENCE in Washington DC! Email

OTHER CITIES – We tour regularly with live stand-up comedy. For a list of where we’ll be performing our stand-up comedy shows, go here –

Source Material:

No terrorist attacks post 9/11 by people from countries in Trump’s travel ban?

Trump’s Surprising Embrace of ‘Government Sachs’:

Democracy Wins One as a Federal Court Strikes a Big Blow Against Gerrymandering:

Trump’s Lies Versus Your Brain

Lead levels for water in Flint, Michigan have fallen below federal limit:


View the original episode either each weekend on YouTube or catch it up the channel at Redacted Tonight.

Is George Orwell the 20th century Nostradamus

January 18, 2017

Is George Orwell the 20th century Nostradamus

Do young kids even care about Privacy anymore?
By Dark Politricks

The Snoopers Charter is now the most draconian Internet law in the world.

I bet at least half if not 70% of people today in the UK, don’t even realise what this draconian law is and that is now on the books. If you don’t you better start reading my friend before you are forced into intricate flag waving ceremonies and hand salutes for Theresa May.

Do you care or are you too busy playing candy crush and taking selfies of you on the toilet to worry about antiquated ideas like privacy.

Privacy was once something to be protected. Now it’s a commodity to be sold or to be used to track you down by private investigators, ex partners, the police, MI6/6 a

In the UK we are now living in George Orwell’s prophetic 1984.

This was the futuristic tale written by the author in 1949 by George Orwell  after the 2nd world war.

In the book, he imagined a world constantly at war, enemies to the North, South, East and West, millions of people working for the state apparatus, and a million people dying daily fighting on the front line.

The “Ministry of Truth” where old news stories were carefully amended to show an altered vision of history as alliances change and battles won. Oh and of course the thousands of spies and traitors who had to be weeded out by Big Brother and his double agents.

The book does remind me strongly of the present day.

Alliances swap and change so often, people you were told were eating babies yesterday and fighting tooth and nail against you are now your allies, standing shoulder to shoulder fighting alongside you on the front line against what are probably tomorrow’s allies.

Propaganda is news to be believed as it comes straight from the word of the Great Leader or the State in our case.

Of course any dissidents who try and provide actual facts or a non biased point of view on any conflict are labelled traitors, conspiracy theorists and jailed for long sentences if not silently killed.

A more subtle way in this age of information technology where a GPS chip in your arm, or more precisely your phone, tracks all your movements for the state our #altnews internet sites are taken down or dropped in the Google rankings after sitting at the top for years. Bureaucrats decide what is “fake news” and “real news” and then warn potential readers they may be entering a free thinking zone.

One day an ally in a war is to be against all forms of torture, killing of innocents and despises religious fundamentalism, child killers and suicide bombs. Just like the Syrian Free Army, who were a non jihadist, anti Assad force. The next thing you know they sold all the arms and equipment we had given them to ISIS , ransomed off American journalists to ISIS to be beheaded for cash and prayed to allah as they machine gunned down captors in the street or cut open their victims chests before eating their hearts and lungs.

Alliances change like snowflakes in the wind it seems and the globalist don’t give a shit who they are working with as long as it meets their objective.

We have even got to the stage where al-Qaeda our “mortal enemy” (2 men in a cave), are sometimes on our side. Using pseudo names like al-Nusra Front they are labelled as anti Assad fighters and not jihadists. I’d like to see the command and control structure in that office.

Of course who dies, which states crumble and how many millions of migrants enter Europe to carry out ISIS attacks on Paris night clubs doesn’t matter to the powers that be.

They get their kicks off on a Friday night lying naked in some open coffin wanking off to the names of their ex lovers (I wonder if that includes little boys and girls….) and have all their mates watch and cheer. Then they finish the night off with a nice “pizza” as they discuss the next destabilisation plan on the table.

Then as politics and the war changes, the idea to be at perpetual war to keep the citizens at home and frightened (sound familiar), the alliances change so that in the hall of records this previous alliance is airbrushed out of history and the strength of unity and purpose that our new alliance brings is fully documented.

George Orwell had an uncanny knack of seeing into the future or his tale was picked on as some sort of template to base our war economy on.

We already have the Telescreens in our rooms and the Snoopers Charter (and US Terms and Conditions) make it exactly that.

If you have a built in Web Cam for Skype or games just beware it’s two way. If you can use it, so can the police and MI5/6 use it to watch you, and with the new Snooper Charter Law they don’t even need a warrant. So when you send that next sex text to you baby mama just be on notice the local drug squad could all be having a giggle.

“They” are watching and listening to you through your digital accessories on TV’s, Phones, PC’s, laptops, tablets anything that can be hacked (most things) and profiling you just as in the book 1984.

You can get all techie about it as I write here about some of the ways to mitigate such surveillance or a quick list on journalists who were followed and harassed, some killed, but a quick list would be.

Encrypt your phone in the settings with a long upper and lower case passwords only you know.

Use patterns to access all your favourite apps. 4 digit pins are easily breakable in 5 mins but a pattern you have got wrong a hundred times before is a lot harder.

Turn your location off. Why do you need to see where you drove around for the last week or so or what time you stopped at the local McDonalds. Not very interesting but it just might be for people watching you.

Use Anti Virus tools on your phone. MalwareBytes is free and good for both PC and phone. Clean Master is also good and CM Security allows you to add patterns/pin codes/finger prints to open apps and files if you phone doesn’t have it built in.

Don’t use the default Text or Phone app you get on your phone. All these calls and messages will be saved at Vodafone HQ for a year or more in case the cops come calling. Just deleting them off your phone does nothing as they are still on your phone providers servers.

Install Telegram , Viber or if you must Wickr . A BT Sim only plan will get you on the internet in most place so you can video call Japan – encrypted – all without using up your minutes. Same goes for texts. Telegram / Wickr allow you to delete your texts after X days/weeks/months with a self destruct option that if you don’t use your app within X days or so it will delete the whole account.

So if your phone goes “missing” you can be safe knowing as they are dictionary cracking your passwordsock them out after 3 failed goes and attempting patterns that will l your texts will get deleted.

Also BT uses DCHP which means everytime I go on the web I get a new IP address this pisses me off no end as I need to add it into my firewall to SFTP or stop myself being blocked out my own site.

However it also means it makes it a lot harder over historical period to see what you were up to when they cannot trace the IP address to you especially when you went through a number of proxies.

That is of course unless you have already been hacked and all your history lies at GCHQ – the great hall of records, history, fake history and “we are all doing this for your own protection”.

So just use masking tape over your phones camera or webcam if you are not planning on using it and the same goes for your microphone.

Sometimes the best ways are the oldest. And if your really paranoid, which you should be as no-one, no matter what gibberish they spout has “nothing to hide, nothing to fear” – it’s about liberty and not living in a police state where anyone in a uniform can “demand your papers”. If you are really going off the grid then you should learn how to use pigeons to send messages up and down the country like the olden times of yore.

So what is it with all these shifting alliances, especially with the most barbaric country in the world, and biggest fund raiser of terrorism, Saudi Arabia.

Well we are doing it to keep one of the few UK industries that is actually not running offshore after BREXIT, the arms industry, booming.

By selling weapons to Saudi Arabia and Qatar who then use them to kill kids in Yemen and then allow them to pass on the equipment and supply them to ISIS to fight themselves – convoluted I know but apparently despite funding and arming ISIS like Turkey they are also in an alliance to destroy them.

This anti ISIS alliance means nothing of course and history like Orwell predicted will be rewritten, but the amount of US/UK arms being found in overrun ISIS positions just shows our duplicity and complicity in the whole nefarious debacle.

George Orwell’s 1984, a tale of fiction not a road map to future militarism and a police state

We are living in a surveillance state.
We are being watched.

George Orwells oath to Big Brother


Read the original article Was George Orwell the 20th century Internet Nostradamus on the main site


By Dark Politricks

© 2017 By Dark Politricks

Russia could overrun the Eastern NATO forces within an hour

October 15, 2016

Russia could overrun the Eastern NATO forces within an hour

By Dark Politricks

Hey everybody, don’t be scared but Russia could overrun the eastern European NATO forces within an hour and then be heading to Paris like Hitler on a tank within a day.

Even the US admit this.

So lets not start a nuclear war with them over Syria please?

View the original article on
By Dark Politricks

© 2016 Dark Politricks

Jeremy Corbyn wins two Labour leadership election victories but will be enough for the Blairites?<

September 26, 2016

Jeremy Corbyn wins two Labour leadership election victories but will be enough for the Blairites?

By Dark Politricks
Dark Politricks

 Jeremy Corbyn wins yet another Labour election victory
Jeremy Corbyn wins yet another Labour election victory but will it stop the Blairites attempting another coup?

Guess what…

Jeremy Corbyn has won his Labour Leadership election battle against the unknown (to me at least until this content), Owen Smith.

I don’t find it a surprise, I don’t find it a shock I find it a waste of time and a stupid exercise by Blairites and their followers who they co-erced into joining their coup as a massive custard pie in the face. They have really wasted some important months when they should have been attacking the Tories on

  • BREXIT and what’s happening with it (I have no clue).
  • Our new PM Theresa May and how she has gone back on many of David Cameron’s policies – which should really trigger a general election but as the Labour party were in no fit state to fight one they got away with it/
    The re-introduction of Grammar Schools.
  • The possibility of Scotland holding another referendum to leave the UK.
  • China building our nuclear power station and security issues around this.
  • So many other items to mention.

This is what satirist Jonathan Pie thinks about the re-election of Jermey Corbyn.

This year he won with 61.8% of the vote to Smith’s 38.2%.
Last year he won with 59.5% of the vote against the other 3 candidates.

This must tell you something. Maybe that the people and the Labour members want him as their leader no matter how much the press attack him all the time and try and portray him as unelectable?

Are the Blairites mad, do they not realise that the Labour party and the part of the country who are left wing actually WANT Jeremy Corbyn as the leader. Not some air brushed, PR managed, speaker phone in a suit, controlled by HQ who says what he is told to, and has no real opinions or beliefs of his own?

We don’t want constant US led war, like a puppy on a lead.

“Lets go bomb this country now UK our Special Friend”, and then afterwards whilst the people are all still fighting in a civil war, or forming new terrorist groups we can later control for our own ends, we can let all the US corporations get the oil rights such as Halliburton.

Plus all the contracts to rebuild the roads and hospitals that we bombed for no reason in the first place can go to US companies formed for exactly this reason.

Special Friend? The only thing special about our relationship with the USA is that we get to sleep in the wet patch afterwards and have little say when the “special” part is about to start.

We don’t want to to give banks money at 0% interest rates whilst we all have to suffer with 10%+ or if your stuck then WONGA or 1 of the hundreds of pay day loans that have sprung up much more.

Is that not a sign something is wrong?

When the public have to pay 1000s of % APR for their money? Do you know the pay day loans interest rates at the moment.

  • WONGA – 1,177% APR
  • Satsuma Loans – 1575% APR
  • Sunny – 1,299% APR
  • Square Today Short Term Loan – 1265% APR

I could go on, but that seems wrong to me, especially when all these payday banks are owned by the same main banks at the top anyway. It seems to be one of our only growth industries in the UK at the moment along with online Bingo, Poker and Gambling sites. That doesn’t say much for our economy does it?

If your a normal person, I consider myself normal believe it or not, then we don’t want our economy to built on services that milk the common person so that big banks get even richer and the poor poorer. No, we want to re-focus it so that we have a skilled manufacturing base, a decent job for university and apprentices to enter into after work not fill the shelves at Lidl.

We want high tech, high skilled people and a way for those who have fallen off the track due to ill health or long term joblessness to get back into those jobs through free training. Not punishment by taking away benefits because they have an extra room in their flat, or they don’t have a computer so that have to spend their meager benefits on bus fares into town to use the library to search for jobs as they currently have to do.

Call me stupid but we don’t want to privatize everything from education to the NHS. Privatising the National Railways when you think about it can’t be competitive anyway due to not having the ability to have 2 trains running on the same line at the same time to the same place. Isn’t that what competitiveness should all be about?

Unless you are going to allow each railyway company to build their own tracks through the country (which would take decades due to planning permission and all the rest) then you should make our railways a decent public transport option for the nation by making them fast, on time, reliable and cheap. If you did all that more people would leave their cars at home, help the environment and use the trains like they do in Spain and France.

Why is it in Spain I could travel overnight and back to a place the same distance as London for a couple of pounds on a clean railway when here it costs me the best part of twenty pounds, and more if it’s overnight?

No it has to be all about money and putting it into the pockets of companies after we have sold the rights for a few billion. It’s a stupid mentality only dreamt up by the Tories and Blairites.

The same goes for education. Education should be for life. People should be able to re-skill throughout their lives without forking out thousands in loan repayments. You should be able to go to University for free, another Blairite scheme that has just expanded the cost of education to those that can afford it again and again.

Cut the amount of money we spend on a useless Trident scheme that relies on US GPS (so they could turn it off if we went rogue), and the trillions we have spent on wars over the last decade and we could easily afford free education for all for life.

If you are unemployed you should be able to get onto any workplace training scheme or educational course you want for free.

It costs a lot more to have a jobless person claiming benefits for their home, pocket and council tax for years on end than it would for a year or two at a college.

We also have to admit that some of the things Blair and his cronies and followers did that were very bad for the country and it’s future as well as the world’s e.g Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and voting in the Tories time again won’t sort that out.

PFI was a nightmare for a start, one that will cost over £200 billion in the next 35 years. This will lead to hospitals and schools going broke if not already due to these huge debts they are with debts for the next 20+ years. Yes we may have build a lot of new schools and hospitals due to PFI, but the one thing we didn’t build was houses – why not?

Was that because we couldn’t find a way to allow the private sector to milk the taxpayer as they do with the others. Currently schools and hospitals have to pay contractors up to £100 or more to change a single light bulb if it breaks in a classroom instead of just calling out their handy man to do the job for them.

I remember being at school with a handy man who did all the odd jobs around the place and we all loved him more than the teachers.

He did everything that needed to be done and he cost a hell of a lot less than what schools are currently paying for fixing anything broken at the moment.

Just think of the waiting time for the private contractors to arrive for one, and then the inflated costs all to fill their pockets. What is the point apart from a one off payment from the private company to fill whatever gaping hole the treasury currently has and then face decades of debt?

Of course it doesn’t worry the MP’s who put it into action as they will be long gone by then. They are probably working for the same companies who are running the PFI schemes they helped push through parliament with their votes no doubt.

Also I don’t want to bail out the banks without jailing the directors as Iceland did. The people who led us into the 2008 crisis in the first place should be punished like any other criminal. I want some justice for all this mess and austerity everyone is facing.

Why are we giving banks money at 0% when we could be making National Bonds for investments in house building that will return a nice profit for investors, much needed jobs flooding in and most of all provide the housing people need?

These are all things Jeremy Corbyn wants to do. I can’t find a fault in it so please leave your comments to what is so stupid about these policies please.

From the Guardian

Jeremy Corbyn has pledged to “wipe the slate clean” after winning a convincing victory in Labour’s bitter leadership battle, securing 62% of the vote.

Speaking after the result was declared in Liverpool, Corbyn thanked his rival, Owen Smith, and urged the “Labour family” to unite after the summer-long contest.

“We have much more in common than that which divides us,” he said. “Let’s wipe that slate clean from today and get on with the work we’ve got to do as a party together.”

Corbyn secured 61.8% of the vote to Smith’s 38.2%. The victory strengthens his hold on a party that has expanded dramatically since the 2015 general election and now has more than 500,000 members. In last year’s contest, he won 59.5% of the vote.

Corbyn won a majority over Smith in every category – members (59%), registered supporters (70%) and trades union affiliates (60%).


View the original article at the main Dark Poltricks web site at Dark Politricks where you can get even more #altnews and daily politics away from the lamestream media

By Dark Poltircks

© 2016 By Dark Poltircks